The president is facing yet another Election Year investigation. The Manhattan District Attorney digging into the Trump Organization reportedly racing to the finish line, senator Lindsey Graham is racing to weigh in, just minutes away. One of the nations most wellknown megachurch pastors Holding Indoor services against the orders of the democratic governor of california facing possible fines and arrests. He says he will obey the law of god and not man. He is here in moments to explain why hes doing this amidst a pandemic. Major cities coast to coast, so our releases of prisoners due to covid. The founder of the d. C. Guardian angels whose grandson was allegedly killed by one of the covid Early Release inmates. Hello, welcome to fox news night, im Shannon Bream in washington. We are getting reports of damage in North Carolina as the hurricane makes landfall. Lets take you straight to correspondent Rick Leventhal with the very latest. Shannon, the weather has been changing by the minute here, its calms down just now for the moment but weve been seeing lightning and hearing the thunder and the rain coming down in sheets, internet blanchette c beach North Carolina, a categor5 mileperhour winds, 70 miles to our south but there are also flash flood warnings and now tornado warnings with multiple reports of tornadoes touching down in Brunswick County just to ourselves, a huge section down there where they are warning people to stay indoors and trying to check out the reports of damages as a result of those tornado touchdowns. This storm is expected to move all the way up the coast and impact as many as 100 Million People before its done and that will include much of the carolinas where right now though storm is continuing to whip in off of the ocean, there is a bit of a wind tunnel effect here, shannon, when you come around here, the atlantic is right there and as you can see the street itself is completely empty, not a lot of people on the roads right now, for good reason. We saw the beaches were closed but there were people out there earlier, shannon, just to check things out but nobody is on the streets anymore because this thing has gotten pretty wicked. Right now we are in a bit of a law but we are expecting it to pick up again as it continues to come ashore and make its way to the north and northeast. We do have at least 16,000 Power Outages reported across the carolinas and that is expected to go up as the potential for trees coming down and lines coming down increases with the intensity of the storm so right now, of course, its not that bad but it was wicked just about 3 minutes ago, shannon and we fully expect it to get worse as this night goes on. Laura all right, rick, we want you to stay safe. I think about this area just as in florida, they are dealing with all kinds of things but then a storm moves in and that doesnt wait for anyone, whats the status of evacuations there . In florida they had to get very creative because they couldnt do what they normally do which is group people together in high school gyms. Anywhere in the carolinas tonight . When we were down in florida they had about 150 people in shelters there, they required everyone to wear masks and they couldnt put as many people in the shelters as they wanted to. Here in North Carolina in this section of atlantic beach, not there wasnt a lot of demand for shelters. They open a couple but we didnt hear a lot of people using them because the storm was downgraded to a Tropical Store and then i cap 1. We know there were coronavirus restrictions on the shelters, they were going to check peoples temperatures if and when they got there and keep them separate and less they were a group or a family but for the most part people were not evacuating, they were just following the governors advice to hunker down at home and wait for this thing to pass through but we do know there are Power Outages and we fully expect this thing to get worse before it gets better. Laura shannon we will cone to track it along with you, rick, thank you very much. Weve got breaking news on the election front tonight with the president threatening to sue nevada after state lawmakers approved a bill to send mail in ballots to voters within new allegations of travel to how that situation is playing out elsewhere. Mike emanuel is tracking the very latest for us tonight. President trump is sounding the alarm and planning to file suit about a key swing state, nevadas plan for mailin voting. You love somebody like the governor of nevada come out with this massive plan out of nowhere to take millions i millions of d send them all over the place, youll never know who won that state. Battle lines are being drawn now that nevadas democratic governor has allowed mailin voting come november. Its extremely important to me that our citizens do not have to decide between their health and their right to vote. I understand there is an attempt to suppress voting. The president is also answering a challenge from former Vice President biden on the speed of vaccine development. We want to make people better, send them to the areas that most needed and i think we are going to have something very soon. A race against the calendar for coronavirus prevention. We are balancing speed and safety and on pace to have a vaccine available this year may be far in advance of the end of the year. The president is alread alsor attack, fighting to obtain years of his tax returns and business records, making efforts to possibly extended protracted criminal conduct. Is a continuation of the witch hunt, didnt work out for congress, didnt work out for anybody so what theyre doing is they send them around all over the country. Lawyers for the president are expected to be busy fighting mailin voting and attempts to dig through his financial paperwork pay those issues and the search for a vaccine could all have a major impact on election night. Shannon . Shannon yes, they could. Mike emanuel, thank you so much. As male in and absentee ballot voting comes under increased scrutiny, it is worth noting that six weeks after new york citys primary election ballots are still being counted as the New York Times reports why the botched nyc primary became the november nightmare, the Postal Service apparently had difficulty processing them correctly, perhaps thousands of votes may have been wrongfully disqualified because they lacked the postmark a late tonight, a federal judge in new york ordered that ballots received by june 24th must be counted whether or not there was a postmark and also says ballots postmarked by june 23rd and received by the 20 fit have to be counted as wellpaid we will keep you updated. The president s mustsee hearing on capitol hill comes up on wednesday as a republican led Senate Judiciary committee digs deeper into the origins of the russia investigation. David offers us a preview. Good evening, david. Shannon, the election is three months today from tonight but tonight allies are focused on another election that took place four years ago. Former acting attorney general sally yates will testify before the Senate Judiciary committee on wednesday. Expect democrats and republicans to tell a different tale. She is the latest official to answer questions relating to the fbi investigation into President Trumps campaign. She attended a january 20 an 207 Oval Office Meeting where officials discussed contact between Michael Flynn and russians. Lindsey graham promised to review a crossfire hurricane, the formal name for the fbi investigation. I want it explained to us, how is it possible that the president of the United States knows above that the surveillance of the Incoming National security advisor and you didnt . Speak of the hearing comes after newly declassified notes by fbi agent peter strzok indicate questioned if a relationship existed. Russian Intelligence Officers according to newly declassified documents released on july 17th. The declassification comes as u. S. Attorney john durand continues his probe into the origins of the russia investigation. I think the American People expect indictments, i expect indictments based on the evidence ive seen. Michael flynn expected to be a free man tonight after a threejudge panel ruled his case should be dropped but his fate remains unknown is a full Circuit Court will hear arguments in the case next week. Shannon . Shannon david, thank you. Sally yates is likely just one of many officials from the Obama Administration republicans would like to see testify before the november election. Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Lindsey Graham says he is looking at september to hear from james comey, former if you bfbi Deputy Director Andrew Mccabe and possibly others. What is the chairman hope to accomplish . Lindsey graham joins us, good to have you back, senator. Sally yates comes before your committee on wednesday, my understanding is the key area you want to talk to her about is knowing what we all discovered now months and years passed, would she still sign off on any of those carter page fisa documents, is that the answer youre looking looking for on wednesday . She signed the warrant application in january of 2017, now we know there was no there there and the dossier was a bunch of garbage in the russian sub source reported a bunch of hearsay so i want to ask her if she knew then what she knows now, would she signed the warrant . I also want to ask her about the january fifth meeting in the oval office with president tru President Trump, i think susan rice was there, james comey, clapper and herself, they were talking about the surveillance of general flynn. What do you think happens to that case, now its one step below the supreme court, the full hearing by the d. C. Circuit, do you think general flynn gets cleared, do you think is the doj requested, these documents or charges get dropped or does this go to another day and round for the general . Ive never known a case in my life where the judge refuses to drop the case once a prosecution comes forward and asked should drop it because of newly discovered evidence of misconduct, this happened to a liberal, every newspaper and outlet in america would be claiming foul but general flynn, the media hates him. What they are doing to general flynn in District Court is unconscionable, this is a situation where the government is asking the judge to withdraw charges based on newly discovered evidence that was withheld from the defense in the court and the judge is refusing to honor that request, this is an outrage and eventually will get fixed. Shannon okay, lets talk about where you are right now in phase four, this next round of coronavirus funding on the hill, democrats say basically, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said this. We dont have shared values. We recognize the gravity of the situation and they dont. Where do we go . Heres the difference, they hate trump more than they care about you and your family, we have a lot of shared values. Id like to help people who are still unemployed, cant get a job because weve shut parts of the country down, i just dont want to pay people more not to work than they were working. Id like to help give money to schools so they can go back safely, id like to give money to doctors and nurses and hospitals who have had to hover suffer through this spike, id like to help people who are going to be evicted from their homes. Id like to do all those things. Many shared values with the value i dont share is the hatred of donald trump. These people, the democrats, have gone nuts when it comes to trump. They believe the stimulus package would help the president , therefore they are not going to negotiate, thats my view and that really is sad. Shannon well, some on the left also think its a bad idea for the president and the former Vice President joe biden to debate, they are warning the former Vice President against that. Former White House Press secretary under president clinton said this in an opinion piece, he works over at cnn. Whatever you do, dont debate trump because biden will undoubtedly take heat from republicans and the media from the debates as trying to debate someone incapable of telling the truth is an impossible contest to win. The Trump Campaign hasnt signed on, they are pointing the finger at the Trump Campaign but biden continues to get this advice, this isnt the only one, the New York Times said in a headline, lets scrap president ial debates. The author is identified as a journalist who works in washington. A lot of folks are telling biden not to do it. If joe biden refuses to debate donald trump he will lose because the American People will not accept that outcome, the American People are about to hire a new president. Should they keep the one theyve got or should they fire him and replace him with joe biden . Joe biden has been around for 40 something years, you know, he should be able to handle a debate but the idea of joe biden refusing to debate would cost him the election because the American People wouldnt tolerate that. There will be an election on november 3rd and i predict there will be three debates between trump and biden. We will be covering them all. I want to ask you about the manhattan prosecutor cy vance who has been working to get his hands on the president s tax returns. There is some lower court staff to be litigated but it looks like in a filing that he is also looking into allegations of fraud within the Trump Organization and it seems like hes got a lot of irons in the fire when it comes to looking into the president. When it comes to reading the New York Times i take it with a grain of salt when it comes to covering President Trump, this is the same newspaper that reported on february the 14th 2017 that Trump Campaign officials had regular contact with the russians during the campaign, so if i were anybody out there listening to what the New York Times is saying i would take it with a grain of salt because their coverage when it comes to President Trump has been woefully inadequate and very biased so i just dont trust anything they print when it comes to trump. Shannon all right, senator, weve got to go. Are we going to have College Football rivalries this fall . 111 years theyve played, they need to play, floridaflorida state needs to play, georgiageorgia tech needs to play, they need to get their act together and allow these rivalries to go forward. Shannon all right. We will watch and see, senator, good to see you. Thank you. A group of prolife students arrested for chalk messages on a d. C. Sidewalk weeks after d. C. Police appeared to stand down as protesters toppled statues, left graffiti all over the public and private buildings and set landmarks on fire. Double standard . Our Panel Debates after the break. All of us are raising funds for one goal a World Without alzheimers and all other dementia. Because this disease isnt waiting, neither are you. Take the first step on your walk right now. Go to alz dot org slash walk. A lotta folks are asking me lately how to get their dishes as clean as possible. I tell them, you should try cascade Platinum Plus the power of oxi. 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Democratic strategist Kevin Walling and Fox News Contributor marc thiessen, welcome to you both. How are you . Hey, shannon. Shannon i am good. I want to play a little bit about how this played out saturday with the prolife students trying to talk on the sidewalk, let folks watch for themselves. It is our constitutional right, we do this every saturd saturday. Let me just tell you now that if you continue talking you are going to be placed under arrest for defacing property. Im giving you your warning. You understand that, right . If you continue you are going to be placed under arrest. You know they do this every saturday, right . Every saturday, this is completely public property. I majored in political science, this is public property. Shannon okay, mark, they were apparently charged with defacing public or private property and i want to go ahead and put up the images from what weve been covering from the last few weeks here in d. C. Have people doing things without police intervention. Mark . No doubt, but put aside burning statues and burning flags and tearing things down, in front of lafayette park, they renamed it black lives matter plaza and the city painted the words black lives matter and a bunch of activists came in with yellow paint of their own and painted the words defund the police on the street, they were interested. Apparently the d. C. Police department is fine with activists painting defund the police in paid to on a street but these college kids draw with chalk which is washable, weve got a hurricane coming, its going to be washed away in a matter of minutes, they are writing with chalk on a street to express their views and theyre not allowed to do that, what the heck is wrong with the d. C. Police . Shannon kevin, some of the kids and the people who are involved with the students for life think that they received a d. C. Police permit to hold an event and were told by an officer that he would not prevent them from writing on the asphalt and we are showing on the other side of the screen, we were live on the air when the statute was taken down of this confederate general, the police basically looks like they were standing off to the side, we dont know what they were told to do or not get involved, here they are letting the statue on fire or attempting to so its hard for people to look at those images and see no arrests there but these kids who go out there and do this chalk thing every saturday in front of the clinic get arrested and taken away in handcuffs. Kevin . All right. We may have lost kevin so i will come back to you, mark. They say they have the permission from the police here. They have permission and also they are peaceful protesters, you know . All this outrage weve had from the left saying that trump is arresting peaceful protesters, cracking down on peaceful protesters. No, hes been complaining about violent protesters throwing rocks and setting off fireworks and burning things down. Here, everybody is supposed to agree that we have a right to peaceful protest in this count country, these people are do my protesting peacefully, my kids right with chalk on the sidewalk, the idea that that is defacing property they allowed the protesters to write defund the police so Judicial Watch is actually suing the district of columbia because they filed for a permit to write up for up to my political slogan in front of their headquarters and their argument is, if you open up the door you dont have to allow people to write on the street but if you allow one group of people to write on the street, my First Amendment right is that i can write on the street, there is politically favored speech and politically unfavored speech and apparently prolife speech is unfavored. Shannon i think kevin can hear us, i want to make sure we get him into this debate. Kevin, your response . Kevin, can you hear me . Okay. One other thing we want to hi hit want me to argue the other side . Its just like moot court when you are in law school, you have to be prepared to argue both sides. Congressman lewis, who would sit down in georgia, the church, listen, the rule in georgia is its limited to 50 people including four funerals, it was clearly beyond that, people can debate about whether, you know, hes a civil rights icon, that was a moment in history, its like debating about the protest as well but the one thing is that mayor bowser in d. C. Has said, people under quarantine when you come back but when asked about whether people who went to that funeral had to quarantine, she said no. When asked to people who went to nongovernmental funerals would have to selfquarantine, the press secretary for the mayor said yes. Quickly what you your thoughts on what is a double standard. John lewis is an icon of the civil rights movement, im glad they allowed people to come and celebrate his life and president bush gave a wonderful speech, president clinton gave a lovely speech. It wasnt a governmental function, it was a political rally once president obama got up there and started speaking. If i lived in the district of columbia, my grandma died in georgia and i went down or they wouldnt let me have more than 50 people at my grandmothers funeral and theyd make me quarantine when i came home. Somebodys grandmother isnt any more or less important than john lewis, this is a problem with these double standards and these rules, all these people who because of the restrictions put in, they cant go to their funerals. Shannon they have to have space in it, based on time. Thank you very much. Up next, the high cost of releasing inmates back onto the street as prime spikes across the country. Your mission stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. And take. It. On. 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It is only august and already there has been more shootings this year in new york city than in all of 2019. The nypd says it is trying to address the surge in by shifting officers to some problem areas as well as beginning a grassrootslevel of effort to talk to various communities. Nevertheless, year to date shootings are up 81 , shootings increased 177 when comparing last month with the previous july. There were at least two dozen shootings just over the weekend. Mayor bill de blasio claims the team of planes o blames the coronavirus pandemic. We have people without jobs, buwithout school, without anything. Massive pentup frustrations. Murders are also on the rise, rise, yeartoyear the murder rate is up, 30 pay last month alone 54 people were murdered in new york city compared to 34 for the same. Back in 2019 and that is a 59 monthly increase. Crime stats are worse for chicago which has the dubious distinction of being the most violent city in the country. The yearly murder rate is up 52 , skyrocketing from 28 284. In july alone, 573 people were shot in chicago, nearly 10 of whom were juveniles. Over the weekend as you just mentioned, 33 people were shot including nine fatalities, the dead includes a 9yearold boy. The killing of infant children and women and elders has got to stop and the community can no longer hide them or cover them. In portland, oregon, where there has been recent clashes between federal officers and protesters, Violent Crime has spiked. 150 rounds were fired near an apartment complex, shootings and delight them out july doubled and there were 15 murders in portland, a higher murder rate than in any single month for more than three decades in that city. And back here in new york city, police are hosting a series of stop the violence antigun town hall meetings. The next one is scheduled for thursday in the bronx and thats where early this morning a 59yearold man was shot in the back. Fortunately he survived and was able to describe the shooter to police. Shannon . Shannon david lee miller, thank you very much. Amid the crime surge, there are questions about the decision to release criminals from jail due to covid concerns. Our next guest have connections to that story. Founder of the d. C. Guardian angels, grandson was killed allegedly by a suspect recently released from prison on an emergency request tied to the pandemic. The chief deputy District Attorney where the release of a convicted murderer has many in that community outreach. Thanks for being with us. Thank you for having me. I want to start with you because you and your family have committed to this issue of nonviolence to getting crime and things under control, in fact your 11yearold grandson was just coming from one of those events when he was gunned down, allegedly caught in the cross fire, a number of suspects who have been brought in, i want to read something that local media reports. Police say that one of the suspects was under pretrial high intensity super vigilant curfew and gps monitoring at the time, he cut off his gps unit at some point, he had been released on an emergency petition related to the pandemic, your thoughts as youre watching this all play out . Okay, this is not just happening in d. C. , as we know, its happening all over the country. New york, chicago, l. A. , florida, and of course d. C. When this pandemic happened, they decided, we are going to let all these criminals out of prison to stop them from getting covid19. If you are involved in Violent Crime, you committed Violent Crime, youre destroying peoples lives and you are placed under arrest, you dont get a pass, you cannot come back out because of covid19. I can understand people that have, that have been and therefore something that is not dangerous or violent. But these violent criminals are being released back on the streets and with them being released on the streets we have more crime and more violence occurring in our cities throughout america. Shannon yeah. And for you, so personal and i cant imagine what its like to lose a young man like this, your grandson. And another family who lost someone in california, where you are a prosecutor. The woman who had been convicted in this murder was sentenced to 84 years to life in prison, she has now been released, were victims families consulted, is there transparency about how this is happening . What can you tell us . There is a complete lack of transparency right now within the California Department of corrections regarding the releases of these violent lifetime, life criminals. And these releases are being done with very little notice to the victim and very little opportunity for them to respond at least prepare for the horrific news that their loved ones murderer is being released from prison. Shannon so john, when you hear that a family has gone through something now that youve gone through with your grandson, what would it mean to you to get no notice if somebody connected to the murder of your loved one is being released because of covid . We definitely should have some kind of notice, the family is also inferior because of what happened to their loved one, now the loved ones are protesting, they are going out and demanding that these criminals be placed back into prison and knowing that, the first thing some of these family members are going to think, now that they know that im out here trying to get them to go back to prison, are these violent criminals going to come back after me, some of these family members are very upset and very afraid. Go ahead. Shannon yeah, and melinda, very quickly, are the families fearful, is that a legitimate worry . Absolutely. Two releases of violent criminals and these victims are fearful and they feel like theyre just as has been completely thwarted by this process and they feel revictimized by it. Shannon well, it is a very difficult situation for everybody involved. Melinda and john, thank you for sharing your side of the story, good to have you both. Thank you for speaking up on behalf of victims. Shannon well, they should at least know what is happening in these cases. Thank you guys. Threatened with a hefty fine and possible arrest when it comes to Holding Indoor church services, this california pastor says hes going to obey god and not man. Hes alive, next. announcer now more than ever, its important to lose weight, improve your health, and strengthen your immunity. Starvation dieting, processed foods, shakes, and diet gimmicks have made us heavier and sicker. 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I understand, lets get started. Thats what you get when you talk to a Dell Technologies advisor. Shannon in california, the battle is over church services. Pastor John Macarthur is defying restrictions, hosting indoor services. The pastor says hes apparently been warned he could face fines or even arrest if he carries on and yet he does. He joins us live to talk about that. Good to have you with us. Thank you, shannon, my pleasure. Shannon okay, let me start with this headline, a piece written by a doctor. Churches can be the deadliest places in the covid19 pandemic. The combination is nothing short of a petri dish for viral growth. What worries do you have it or not have regarding, you know, the reality of this particular virus which seems to be very contagious. There are two ways to answer that. As far as our church goes, we have no one in our church, of six or 7,000 people that we know of that has at any affect of covid, we dont even know of only a handful of people who had v8 and they were without symptoms so weve had no issues there. In the state of california the statistics are about 85009000 people have died out a 40 million. That means in california you have a 99. 98 chance of getting through this without any final illness. So the lockdown and draconian things that have been going on to stifle this culture, stifle education, stable the businesses, the Lockdown People and then to shut down churches is just not warranted by the reality of the virus. So we feel like we are the most essential reality in the world. Look, is lord, that is the christian confession, its always been our confession since he wrote fro rose from the dead. Jesus is lord, which he redeemed from his own church. Governor newsom is now the head of the church, we respect them for their temporal leadership in our government, that when they move into the life of the church and tell the church what it can do, they are usurping a role that they dont have. The constitution doesnt give them the power to do that and they certainly dont have the spiritual power to do that, to usurp the place that only jesus christ has over his church. Shannon i want to read something. He says, what concerns me about defying the state order right now is that it seems to prioritize, number one, the importance of worship is at the expense of two through four, loving your neighbor, being a witness and obedience to the government. What you think about those concerns . First of all we are a church that has a reputation of obeying the government. We are a friend to this society, to every level of the society, we have been given awards and accolades and plaques from the city government, the Police Department all in authority because they recognize what an honorable congregation this church has been. But never before has the government invaded the territory that belongs only to the lord jesus christ. We cant meet, cant worship, cant sing. There is no call t to the government to make those calls against us. We love our neighbors, we are not spreading anything but the gospel. Shannon im sorry to stop you there. We are going to get caught up if i dont go but pastor John Macarthur, thank you very muc much. S great for us but not for your clients. Thats why were a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. So, what do you provide . Cookie cutter portfolios . Nope. We tailor portfolios to our clients needs. But you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right . We dont have those. So, whats in it for you . Our fees are structured so we do better when you do better. At Fisher Investments were clearly different. Our fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Webut you cant lose sight of your own wellbeing especially if you have a serious chronic medical condition. At aetna, were always here to help you focus on your health. Because its always time for care. Want restand schools . Pen . Want the economy to get back on track . Youre not alone. And you can help make it happen. Stay 6 feet apart. Wash your hands. Wear a mask every time you leave your home. Choose to join the fight against covid19. Do your part. Slow the spread. Sean Officials Say they are making a more strategic approach. They wait for joe biden to make in a decision about his running mate. The democracy 2020 gate for us tonight. Hey brian. The Trump Campaign revealed Television Campaigns nationwide after they unexpectedly went dark last week as the new Campaign Manager conducted a Strategic Review of where and when the ads were plain. This, as former Vice President joe biden searches for running mate. Running for the underdog. New chapter 2020 Campaign Manager rebooted the president s Campaign Strategy today airing new National Tv Ads in arizona. Florida, georgia, North Carolina. The ads are part of what Campaign Officials call the smarter more strategic approach to focus on early voting. It will be in the hands of North Carolina voters. We want to make sure voters have ballots on their kitchen tables as the images seen in that ad are ingrained in peoples minds as they make a decision for this upcoming election. 29 states will have the mailing absentee ballots before President Trump and former Vice President joe biden debate for the first time on september 29th. A fact they called concerning. We want more debates, we want debates starting sooner. This is after a former spokesperson for president bill clinton wrote an oped suggesting biden should skip the president s debates altogether. A notion shut down by the biting campaign. We are very much looking forward to debating donald trump meanwhile, pressure is mounting on biden to choose a running mate with exactly two weeks ago until the Democratic National convention. With more than a dozen vp candidates, ed rendell thinks one woman stands out. Kamala harris would be abutting favorite. She puts off a lot of people. When i was in politics, i put off a lot of people. Biden said he would make his decision this week, but a source tells fox news that an announcement is not likely this week. Shannon . Shannon we will stand by for that. Thank you for your report. Mostwatched, most trusted you spent the evening with us. Good night from washington, im Shannon Bream. Allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident. 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We have taken a closer look at three potential candidates, all are said to be on joe biden shortlist. Stacey abrams, karen bass, kamala harris. In a normal year, no mainstream candidate would consider any of these people. All of them would be disqualified without debate. Karen bass is a lunatic fidel castro acolyte who praised scientology and once belonged to an Armed Revolutionary group. She is out

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