Hacked emails show Hillary Clinton was telling something bankers something very different than what she was telling voters. Well ask john pedesta about the stark contradictions. Well ask our sunday panel about the leak after the reporting, will the gop dump trump. And a conversation with bill oreilly about the election and media biassed. The prevailing wisdom in washington, as you know, and in new york city is that we journalists know better than everybody. All right now on fox news sunday. Hello again from fox news in washington. We begin with the latest on Hurricane Matthew. The deadly storm is now a post Tropical Cyclone with sustained winds of 75 miles an hour. The storms track shows over eastern North Carolina heading into the atlantic. Matthew dumped more than a foot of rain on the coastal carolinas. More than a Million People have been left without power. The storm is blamed for ten deaths in the u. S. Well have more on matthew later in the hour. Now to the latest political storms with both campaigns in full damage control. Donald trumps lewd talk about women is sending shock waves through the Republican Party. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is dealing with the revelation of what she told bankers in those big money speeches and were just hours from the second president ial debate tonight in st. Louis. In a moment, well speak with john pedesta, Clintons Campaign chairman. First, Rudy Guiliani, a top advisor to the campaign. Mayor, lets start with the tape of trump talking to access hollywoods billy bush in 2005. He blags about hitting on a married woman and then he says this. You know, im automatically attracted to beautiful, it is like a magnet. And when youre a star, they let you do that. Grab them by the [ bleep ]. You can do anything. Mayor guiliani, we had Kellyanne Conway, the Campaign Manager for this morning but late last night, the campaign told her you would be our guest. I have to ask you, was Kellyanne Conway unwilling to defend trumps remarks about women . I dont think anyone is going to defend his remarks. Is kellyanne still a very strong supporter of donald trump and does she believe he will make a better president than Hillary Clinton . Absolutely, yes. So i think this is a question of scheduling and not being willing to explain. Im not here to defend his comments. If he were here, he wouldnt be defending his comments. His comments were wrong, they were very wrong and he has said that and apologized for it and i think what youre looking at is a man who has gone through 14 months of running for president , understands the weight on his shoulders of all of these people who voted for him, who believe in him, who believe he is really, has a movement to try to change this country. They have outsiders taking back from the insiders who have been running it and cases ruining it for quite some time. So i think the point that we make is he has apologized for this and we believe, if he gets to the issues, he is the candidate that is much better suited to run the country than Hillary Clinton who has her own set of flaws. Who has her own set of flaws. Well get to those in a minute. I know you are. Well stay with donald trump. Around midnight on friday, trump put out a statement apologizing for his comments. Here is a clip of that. Ive said and done things i regret and the words released today on this more than a decade old video are one of them. Anyone who knows me knows these words dont reflect who i am. I said it, i was wrong, and i apologize. Trump says the words dont reflect who i am but mayor, there is a long history of trump making aggressive moves on women. He has been sued for Sexual Harassment and there are decades of insults of women. Dont these words reflect exactly who he is . No, they dont. I know donald trump for almost 30 years. It doesnt reflect the man i know. Ive had many conversations with him. I may have had a conversation like that with him. I know a man who has been a wonderful father, brought up remarkable children including two wonderful daughters and three granddaughters and he has always dealt, in my time with him, he has always dealt with women with Great Respect and has been a gentleman. Are there things he has done wrong during that period of time or things he said wrong that he wishes he didnt . Im sure there are, the reality is, he also has gone through something that is a transformation in a persons life. President ial campaign. He has gone through 14 months of being out there, hearing what people are worried about and afraid about. Afraid of losing job aerkz having lost their jobs, jobs being moved from ohio to mexico or from michigan to mexico or from pennsylvania to china. People who were worried that they will be completely out of work, like the coal miners that Hillary Clinton says will be fired and gone. These things weigh on you as a person. I went through it and they make you a lot more serious and literally make you into a different kind of person. September 11th and running for president made me a different i want to get to a couple of other issues. I know you want to talk about the hacked emails. One more question about trump, though. There has been a storm of criticism inside the gop against trump and some people are now calling for him to drop out. Lets put up some of of the reaction. Dozens of people have abandoned him. House speaker ryan says im sickened by him. These comments are repugnant and unacceptable in any circumstance. Jason chavez, im out, im pulling my endorsement. And the best thing for our party is for trump to step aside. That is the elite or the establishment. There are a lot of people who say they were Trump Supporters and have had enough. I guess my question is if the gop, if leaders were to come to him this week and say for the good of the party to save the gop majorities in the house and the senate, youve got to step down, what will he do . . Donald trump is running for president. He was selected, many of those people are good friends of mine. I think they all are. And their opinion is given a great deal of weight and consideration but he was selected by, you know, millions and millions of republicans who still very much believe in him who i think are more willing to forgive maybe than others and more willing to realize that this is a different man today than the man that was reflected in the comments. A man who has a very heavy weight on his shoulders of having to determine the future of the supreme court, having to deal with the rise in crime last year was the largest number of murders that increased in the last 40, 41 years. That is what i would say. I would say he would listen to them but i think he is going to remain in the race. I know he. Lets turn to the hacked emails of john podesta that indicate Hillary Clinton was saying something very different from what she said on the campaign trail when she was talking about the big money closed doors her dream is open trade and open borders across the hemisphere. T she is far removed from the struggles of the middle class because of the for tunes my husband and i now enjoy. She pointed out in one of them that she is a different person to them than she was that she has to be different politically. We have two Hillary Clintons which says we have a person who is a liar that is what she is. Martha stewart was prosecuted for one lie. Hillary clinton said she didnt know c meant confidential. You can put that over on somebody but not me. We have two candidates that have flaws. Now, lets get to the issues. Who will be better on the issues . I think one of the really horrible things is had those come out, Bernie Sanders would be the candidate now that we would be running against, not her. She fought so hard to keep those secret. We now know why. If she had run the way that she ran on those tapes for all of the bankers, she got paid millions of dollars for saying that stuff. She got paid for it. She would not be the candidate. Mayor guiliani, well have to cut it short. We thank you. Thank you for your time today, sir. Thank you. Hillary clinton goes in to tonights debate hauling her own baggage. Hacked emails reveal what clinton was telling wall street bankers and big money speeches behind closed doors. Transcripts she refused to make public. Joining me now only on fox news sunday, Clinton Campaign chairman john podesta. John, i promise well get to the trump tape in a moment. First we need to talk about these hacked emails from your private account to go back in time, lets hear what Hillary Clinton was telling voters in New Hampshire last february. Anybody who knows me, who thinks that head can influence me, name anything theyve influenced me on. Name one thing. Im out here every day saying im going to shut them down, im going after them. Im going to jail them if they should be jailed. Im going to break them up. Here is what clinton told bankers about regulation at one of the Goldman Sachs speeches. How do you get to the golden key . How do we figure out what works and the people who know the industry better than anybody are the people who work in the industry. John, what is her real view . Crackdown on big money or kiss up to them . Well, chris, i think we should take a step back and say how we got here which is that the russians and the u. S. Senior members of the government have been hacking into democratic accounts and now theyve hacked into my account, put out a documents purported to be from my account but i think if you look at what she said in this campaign to get to your question, i would just add, you know, this should be of concern to everyone that the russians are trying to influence our election. Ill answer your question directly which is that she said all throughout this campaign she will crackdown on wall street. There is nothing that she hasnt said in private that she doesnt say in public. She has put forward the most aggressive wall street plan of any candidate, really. She stands behind frank. Donald trump wants to rip it away. She wont let wall street john, what are we to make of the fact that she says in private that the people who know the industry best in terms of regulation are the people who work on wall street . That is hardly a revelation. I mean, i think people on wall street know how to game the system. What she wants to do is crackdown on the system, make sure there is no institution too big to fail and no person too big to jail. I think she put forward very comprehensive ideas about that, how to reduce the size of big banks and that is why breaking news yesterday, after looking at the transcripts said he stands behind her, what they worked together to produce in the democratic platform and that is what she will do as president of the United States. Well, the question, it is sort of like what donald trump says. He is the one to handle the tax system because he knows how to game it. Let me ask you about another one. During the campaign, clinton has taken a tough line on both trade and on immigration, but here is what she said in a big money speech to a brazilian bank. My dream is a hemispheric Common Market with open trade and open borders, think about what doubling the trade between the United States and latin america would mean for everybody in this room. John . Open trade . Open borders . You can pluck a few words, if that is what she did say out of context but i think, again, she put forward and has been for and is constantly, you know, champions and voted for comprehensive Immigration Reform that modernized our border security. She, when she was secretary of state, she talked about creating a hemispheric effort to Bring Clean Energy across the continents from the tip of south america to canada to invest in clean and renewable energy, to invest in the transmission that would clean up our Energy System and you know, i think that she constantly talked about that. She had an initiative when she was secretary of state to do that. You have to look at the context of some of the remarks. John when you look at what she said about immigration. She is for comprehensive Immigration Reform that takes people out of the shadows, emphasizes family unity but also has modernizes on the border security. John, this gets to the heart, this gets to the heart of peoples concerns about Hillary Clinton. I want to take an excerpt from another one of the speeches, you need a public and private position. The question is when you see the speeches, and then you see what she is saying on the campaign. Theyre opposed. What is her real position. Theyre not opposed, chris, i think she talked about income and equality, to wall street, she said we need to close the carried interest loopholes. She said even as early as 2008 that what they were doing with credit default swaps and the Housing Market was going to wreck the economy, which it did. She has been tough with them when she was a senator from new york. That is what she has done. Theyre not opposed. What she said on this campaign trail was she will be tough on wall street and that is exactly what she will do. All right. Weve gotten a little bit of time remaining. Youve been very patient. Your reaction to the trump tape. Well, my reaction is it is disgusting and i think people saw in real life what weve been saying for a long time when hillary said as far back in june was he is unfit to be president of the United States. You see republicans leaving them in droves. There are republicans who said he should either withdraw, they wont vote for him, just since friday, so i think he will have explaining himself to do tonight. You know, this is an exception. He said the same horrible things about latinos. About africanamericans, about muslims, he has made fun of a reporter with a disability. This is who this guy is and i think that the American People just heard and saw from themselves in graphic detail which, i hope voter actually takes the time to see what is really on that tape and i hope all of their children dont get to see what is on that tape. John podesta, thank you, thanks for joining us today and of course, well all be watching what happens in tonights debate. Well bring in our sunday group to discuss the explosive reaction of trumps crude remarks with republicans calling on him to get out of the race. What is the impact of the trump ca tape. We may use your credit on the air. Your question on the air. My insurance rates are probably gonna double. But dad, youve got. Allstate. With accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Smart kid. Indeed. Its good to be in, good hands. Man i accept im not the deep sea fisherman i was. I accept im not out on the ocean wrestling marlin. 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I may not be going for the big one, but im still going for my best. And for eliquis. Reduced risk of stroke, plus less major bleeding. Ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. I moved on her and i failed. Lets be honest, were living in the real world. This is nothing more than a distraction from the important issues were facing today. Donald trump apologizing and trying to turn the page after that leaked tape from 2005 showed up in a crude conversation about women and it is time now for our sunday brew. Gop strategist carl rowe. Maureen doud, author of the new book, the year of voting dangerously and boy, is it. And jason riley of the wall street journal. Carl, let me start with you and the rules of of the Republican Party. Trump says he is not dropping out and apparently it is almost impossible. Maybe you tell me im wrong for them to force him out. I know that the house gop is going to have a Conference Call tomorrow morning to discuss all of this. How seriously is the idea of trying to find some way either by force or persuasion to get donald trump to drop out. There are two steps to this. They cant force him out, but they could declare him some how ineligible. Realistically, the Republican National committee cant replace him unless he withdraws then the members of the National Committee can replace him. The second problem is the states. Were voting in more than a dozen states. The absentee ballots in several locations and several dozen more. There are ballots prepared in virtually every state and it will be impossible, virtually impossible toreplace donald trump if he were to decide to resign on most state ballots. Is this thing talked about seriously in republican circles . Dozens of gop leaders, members of congress, members of the senate, talking about him stepping down. I wrote about this in may when we were contemplating may. Im not a lawyer. After talking to a lot of lawyers it is virtually impossible to replace somebody in august, let alone in october and if he were to decide to do it it would take a week to get the National Committee together. Were talking about literally two or three weeks before the election and at that point, virtually every state is sending out absentee ballots or having early voting or both. Maureen, im sitting here, reading my New York Times on saturday morning, lead story, the f bomb, explicit descriptions of womens anatomy, these are from donald trump. I see the people says all of the news that is fit to print. I have two questions. What has happened to the gray lady and is this all just a promotion for your new book . Yes, chris, i think trumps Lasting Legacy aside from destroying the Republican Party will be changing the New York Times in these profound ways. For the first time, weve changed our policy and called politicians liars and president ial candidates liars which we never did. I was always having to look up synonyms when i was writing about dick chaney. Now we changed the policy again so thank you, donald trump. And a contribution to the legacy of the times and our culture. We ask you for questions and we got a bunch and sharply divided opinions about the trump tape. All men say things to each other they wouldnt want anyone else to hear. Get on with the real problems of the country. But monelinda stein house think ive been a fan of trump but unfortunately, i think he should step down. The gop needs to nominee pence for president. There is too much at stake with the supreme court. Trumps crude comments about women are nothing new. I guess the question i have is why is this the Tipping Point . Why is this the point in which a lot of people, particularly republican officials are saying thats it. I think partly this is self preservation. I think there is a lot of messi pessimism about trumps winning. Maybe distancing ourselves from trump will help us do that. There is exhaustion settling in on trying to defend the stuff. Some stop stopped but never did it in the first place. Some are waiting for him to grow up. It hasnt happened in the first 70 years in his life. I dont think it is going to happen in the next 30 days and theyre done with him. What about this idea of him dropping out, not that the are e placement would necessarily be able to beat clinton, but it might save the house, the Republican House and the republican senate. There is, that is one scenario. But another scenario, and a scary one if youre one of these republican officials is donald trump not going quietly and saying to his supporters, i told you the system was rigged. Now take it out on the gop up and down the ballot. That is a risk. You know, all of this is playing out as we should point out, almost like a movie, like a maureen dowd book, hours before the second president ial debate. The question is is there anything you can see with Rudy Guiliani not combative, very regretful of what he had said, remorseful and saying, but lets get to the issues. Is there anything trump can do to take some of the sting out of this . I think the first thing he has to do, well, actually, three risky strategies. One, ignore it. I think Rudy Guiliani was trying to say. It is a nonissue. The man apologize. Second is saying it is over played by my opponent leaking this material. The Mainstream Press is out to get me and there is more to come and all of that. And get back to the idea that he is the great disrupter. He is here to disrupt american politics. But the third possibility is to go after bill clinton. We saw this in one of his apologies. I heard worse on the golf course from bill clinton. What if he goes directly at clinton and the idea that mrs. Clinton has been part of the team that disparages women involved with her husband. What happens then . How does Hillary Clinton respond . How does the audience. It is a town hall. How do the individuals there respond . I think that is a very risky strategy given that we know not only about the tape but miss universe, the things that he said about megyn kelly and the rest. I think it will be an explosive. Youve advised politicians, youve been in this spot hours before the debate. Obviously never quite this situation, but if youre setting the air, the Senior Advisor to donald trump, what would we say . We saw it in Rudy Guiliani, only sincere words of contrition will allow him to begin to salvage this. To say that it is this issue is bigger than him, that had i experience of running for president has taught him the enormous responsibilities he bears as the spokesman for this movement and try to refocus it on the big issues. It is going to have to be sincere and honest and everybody is going to judge that. The tape at 12 00 a. M. , saturday morning apology tape, that didnt come across as sincere, that came across as defiant and combative and it needs to be sincere contrition and even then it is going to be hard. He had a narrow window to win. I think that is closing because it is very difficult to attract swing voters. Real quickly, if he were to do option three of brother williams over here and go after the clintons. Mistake. What it simply says im just as bad as he is and he is as bad as me but his name is not on the ballot. It is Hillary Clinton and she can simply say, not on the ballot. Lets remember this. This is probably not the last or the worst dump that the Clinton Campaign has to go. He needs to setup for what is coming down the road. Im a changed man but i changed in the last decade but ive been changed by the events of the last 14 months. Youre asking me to change america. Keep america from being transformed in front of your eyes, ill do that and ill take it seriously. Coming up, Hillary Clinton faces her own problems, hacked emails that show her taking very different positions on trade, borders, and wall street in big money speeches to bankers than what she is telling voters. That is next. You can run an errand. music playing push it real good. announcer vo or you can take a joyride. Bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. Siriusxm. Road happy. announcer vo you can commute. man on radio . 40 no flags on the play cheering announcer vo or you can chest bump. Yo commute, we got serious game. Siriusxm. Road happy. Trump was taken from america with both hands and leaving the rest of with us with the bill. Her money is selling government favors and granting access to special interests. Those are the issues we thought trump and clintone would be talking about in tonights debate before the exclusive leaks of his tape about women and her speeches to wall street. Were back with the panel. Well, maureen, we finally got to see what Hillary Clinton was hiding in the transcripts of those big money closed door speeches to wall street talking about open borders, open trade, that the people who know best how to regulate wall street are the people who work on wall street. How damaging to clinton with just four weeks to go in this campaign. I think it would have been lethal during the primaries but now, not so much. You know, in many ways, she is the gop candidate. She cuddles up to hedge funds and it is what we already knew. What about this argument, whether you like the policy or dont like the policy that she is not honest and she is not trust worthy . Well, wow, so Hillary Clinton will do and say anything to win. That is not a surprise. And as usual, donald trump drags all of his acme dynamite to the center of the stage and blows it up so nobody can Pay Attention to anything bad about hillary. A good reference to the road runner cartoon. There was also a pass yj in one of her big money speeches in which clinton invokes linton fighting for the 15th amendment to abolish slavery and say you need a public and private position. This goes to the core, as i was talking to maureen, about what people dont trust about this woman. It does. She talks out of both sides of her mouth depending on the audience in front of her. Again, in the primary i think maureen is right. In the primary this would have been much more damaging, it may do damage to the millennial voters that she lost because they dont trust the establishment candidates because they talk out of both sides of their mouth. Now that we moved to the general election and particularly since there are so many disaffected republican moderates who cant stomach donald trump, listening to her talk about trade, immigration, deannouncing edward snowden, this might work to her advantage, actually. What strikes me, really, is what she charges for these speeches, more than what she says. The way that the clintons have traded on their Public Service to enrich themselves. More than 20 million on the speeches over a couple of years. That bobbles the mind. Juan, your thoughts about Hillary Clintons speeches and what we learned about them in the hacked emails. I dont think it changes anybodys view. Im reiterating what we heard from jason and maureen here, i think people hearing this say she is the one who said that tpp, the current trade deal is the Gold Standard before she changed but she changed in the middle of the primary campaign and to that extent has adjusted to the Bernie Sanders followers and the Democratic Party base in terms of being more restrictive in terms of trade deals. But what im asking is this, we knew that donald trump said lewd things about women and yet somehow this tape seems to be a game changer, we knew that Hillary Clinton played double games on a lot of the issues but somehow you dont think these transcripts are a game changer. Why not . I dont think it has the same impact. In the case of trump, youre right. Clearly he had a long history of saying offensive things about women and i could go on and offensive things about blacks, mexicans, disables and on. In this case, youre seeing at this moment in the campaign is a specific group of undecided voters who will decide this thing and i think in large part it is suburban white women who lean to the right and where are those women at this moment . I dont think theyll be impacted from what came out from the clinton tapes but they are impacted when they hear Donald Trumps language because it is highly offensive. I mean, look, i grew up playing sports, ive been in a lot of locker rooms. I hear a lot of men saying i would like that woman or she is a hot woman. Ive never heard a man Say Something as graphic and hostile. And that is why making the debate referendum on the clinton marriage could hurt them. I dont think in any way that trump can make these hacked emails and the question of her honestly and trust worthiness as big of a tape, a memorable issue in this case. He cant make them as big. Sex trumps money. Her quotes are about money. His are about sex. Trump cant trump that. But another thing is this is obscuring a second set of scandals worth coming up. It came out that two of her aides were given immunity in the investigation of her email server and laptops were destroyed as part of the immunity agreement after the government took a look at them. It also turns out that mills has an official complaint with the lawyers, with the group that regulates lawyers for violating the quote, absolute disqualification if she participates in the investigation. She was representing Hillary Clinton at the same tie she was a subject of the fbi investigation. So this all gets obscured. Hes got to do, if he is going to salvage anything, even his own dignity out of this. It needs to be an honest, sincere, contrition and pivot to the big issues. Im not certain that these wikileaked tapes are as important, theyre important only to the degree that they helped him raise the biggest issue, youre status quo, youre more of the same. Im changed. I want to take this to the 30,000 foot view, maureen. Will this campaign, and i suppose at this point it is a rhetorical question. Will this campaign be about issues or about the out sized personalities . No, chris. It is not. Were having to the end of this which is the mad german king locked in his castle on 5th avenue. Wow. I disagree. At the end of the day, voters will make up their minds on the basis of do they think she is reasonable change or is he change and she status quo. They knew all of the bad things about him and all of the bad things about her. At some point, they say ill set the things aside and make a critical decision about whos vision is better for me at the end. But untruthworthy and paranoid beats unstable and piggish. Could be. I think a lot of people, and i think well see that tonight at the debate, chris. People are interested in, what are you going to do for me. How do you help me . In a sense, the audience will be asking less about scandal and more about, well, what is it in your policy would allow me to prosper and my children to get a good education in america. I think because of that, and because of her experience nr doing town halls, clinton has a big advantage in showing empathy and understanding. Trump is still on his heels in boxing terms, still against the ropes. The one advantage trump has, people want change, they think were on the wrong track. They do want change but 30 days before an election, were still talking about the republican nominees fitness for office. Not about the changes he would bring to the job or policy. In ten seconds, could he change the conversation tonight . It will be very difficult for him to do that tonight. Thank you, panel. See you next sunday. Well watch the debate tonight. Bill oreilly on tonights debate, media bias and how long he will keep doing the factor. You dont want to miss that. Picking up for kyle. Here you go. You wouldnt put up with part of a pizza. Um. Something wrong . So when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day . You want the whole thing . Yes, yes live whole. Not part. Aleve. Im jamie foxx for verizon. In the nations largest independent study by rootmetrics, again, verizon is the number one network. Hi, im jamie foxx for sprint. And im jamie foxx for tmobile. both and were just as good. Really . 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Real people. Yeah. So it is a different kind of dynamic than when youre talking to a camera, than when youre talking to a human being. He has to show charm and personality but he has to be tough. And clinton . You know, she will be the same that she always is. You dont see a lot of looks from Hillary Clinton. She has her wrap down. She will come as the concerned person that will fix your life. That is what she does. You have known 30 years. When you see him in the debate, when you read about him tweeting in the middle of the night, does he know enough to be president . Does he have the right temperament to be president . Does he know enough . That is a purely subjective point of view. I dont think any human being knows enough to be president. It is who you surround yourself with. How much studying youre willing to do. How Much Research youre willing to do. Temperament, he is an impulsive man, donald trump. Heal reacts emotionally. When youre president , it is different than when youre campaigning. You would feel that he would be walled off a little bit in the white house. You know how that goes. Youre not alone with anybody. They will take his machines away from him in the middle of the night. Secret service is always there. But on the campaign, he has been a little too impulsive, too emotional. I want to talk to you about media biassed which i know is a subject that youre interested in. Rudy guiliani went on the sunday shows this last week and he was asked about trump attacking the clintons marriage. This is how he was treated. Take a look. Are you the right person to level this charge . Yeah. Im the right person to level this charge. Ive prosecuted people who committed rape. With your past. You have your own infidelities. I confess those things to my priest. I think the accusations about Hillary Clinton taking money from countries the accusations, wait a minute. Hillary clinton was cheating on bill. That is what the accusation was. An unhinged and wild accusation. I can understand why you cant defend it because it is indefensible. Now you said that chuck todd should apologize to guiliani. I thought tapper was even worse. What is going on here . I dont like the personal stuff. I think todd sand bagged guiliani, the mayor because he knew he would going to ask him that question and that is not right. Prevailing wisdom in washington as you know and in new york city is that we journalists know better than everybody. We know better than everybody, all right . Were smarter, all right . Than the president , the senators, the mayors, and particularly a barbarian like trump. That is really, the fangs are really out. They dont think, they, being journalists, that trump is worthy enough to even run. He is not worthy. So that is what youre seeing and that is absolute bias. Speaking of bias, you and your show is getting hammered right now for jessie waters and the peaiece he did on chinatown. Am i supposed to bow to say hello . I like these watches, are they hot . Now, you know this piece is being widely criticized as, quote, racist. To want me to give you the accurate report on it . Well, do you think it was over the line . Do you regret it . I would have edited it differently than it was edited but no it was not over the line. We ran that piece on monday of last week, okay . 5 Million People plus saw it live time. You know how many negative letters we got in less than ten. It was 36 hours later that this outrage appeared and where did it appear . Far left websites. Far left precincts. I read every single one, all the same. This is an attack on fox news, that is what it is. It has happened before. I thought it was a gentle piece, a few things in there, the line with the old lady, i would have taken it out. Im so busy with the election that i didnt see it before. Waters is a gentle satirist. Were proud of him. This is an organized campaign. This is what theyve done. Theyve done it before. All right. Lets turn to this. Yes. Your latest best seller killing the rising sun. Now, i have a confession to make. I have never read any of the killing books. Youre fired. You have to get out of the building right now. Until this one. I have to tell you. Im being honest and serious here. I thought it was gripping. I learned a lot. I was thoroughly entertained. I read somewhere where you said history is fascinating but history books are too often boring. This is anything but boring. Now you have to go back and read the others. Now i want to. You have to read the other five. Look. What we have crafted is a franchise for people who want to know about history know about hy dont have time to read the 900 pagees. So we give you 300 actionpacked page possess. It has a lot of details i never heard before. Adam is a great researcher. Youre right there on the ground. We put you on iwo jima with the marines. You explore the controversy which has lasted ever since hiroshima about whether it was right to drop the adam bomb and you come down firmly on the side and it was absolutely the right decision. And for selfish reasons, i wouldnt be here. Wait, wait, wait. I want to interrupt you. Lets put this picture up on the screen thp p this is the surprise that comes out on the book that this guy unnamed in the middle of the pacific during world war ii named william j. Oreilly. Right. I have an emotional attachment. But i decided to write the book because of reverend wright. When he said god dam america, the chickens are coming back and the head snapped back. Here is some day right here, killing the rising sun. And we asked the five living president s if they would have done what truman did. You have the five letters. I asked them to write to me personally. Obama didnt answer. I dont believe would he have dropped the bomb. Clinton didnt answer, his wife is running for president. Carter and bush said they would have and they give their reasons why. Youve been talking recently about the possibility, actually, you say that the real chance that you might leave the factor because you say youre tired of working this hard. I work hard. Okay. Let me just say, and were roughly the same age, youre not going anywhere. You look so much older than me, that that comment just startled me. You are not going anywhere. Why do you even pretend that . Heres the deal. I have a kplished everything i wanted to accomplish in my whole life. Its a miracle. Im sitting here across from the legendary chris wallace. I understand. But look at my father. Do you it and you get up the next day and do it again. You know i loved him. I know you did. But i have to evaluate how much of the acrimony that i want to absorb. Because i am the target. I am the target. Every single day of my life. I have to have bodyguard, all right . I have to have security. Do i really want to do this . Now i think that factor is still a very worthy enterprise and we help a lot of people. We employ a lot of people. So my decisions are very, very difficult and they would be taken very methodically. But im not in it like andy rooney until im 90. Im not. So well see what happens. Chances you will be working on the factor i could be fired. What you will be doing in five years from now. I cant handicap it. A lot of it has to do with your help too. Wallace and i are old guys. We could wake up tomorrow wheezing. Bill oreilly everyone. Thank you for reading a book wallace. About time. And there are so many more books to read. And readinging the book, killing the rising sun. Con kbrat lagss on the book. Latest and damage from Hurricane Matthew plus power player of the week. Trying to stand up to Hurricane Force winds. Oh, taking some time off. No, im scheduling time to go to the bank to get a mortgage. Ugh, youre using a vacation day to go to the bank . I know, right . Just go to lendingtree. 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More than 1 Million People along the eastern seaboard are without power. At least 14 deaths are blamed on matthew in the u. S. And hundreds more in haiti. We heard a lot this week about the damage different categories of different hurricanes can do based on their wind speeds. As we told you last year, theres a place outside washington that studies this kind of thing. Heres our power player of the week. In the 21st century, why do we need wind tunnels . Cant you do this on computer models . Short answer is no. Director of the glen l. Martin wind tunnel. They have tested everything from plane models to cars to roofing performing in high wind. That will tell you how efficient or inefficient it is. The week we were are there, they watched how safety signs for offshore oil rigs would stand up for one hour to 100 Miles Per Hour winds. What can you find out is whether that particular product will survive in any given wind speed. Bar low took us inside the wind tunnels, starting with a fan. There is an electric motor here that drives this guy. About 20 feet in diameter. We can generate wind up to 230 Miles Per Hour in the test section. We wanted to get a feel for a wind test and student Isaac Roberts agreed to participate. All right. Give us 50 miles an hour. Tropical storm conditions. And pretty pretty usually, yeah. It got tougher at 80 Miles Per Hour. Category 1 hurricane. At 80 Miles Per Hour, nobody can stand straight up like this without the tethers. Okay, 100, guyes. This is category 2 hurricane. Wow. I have to say, hes bolder than most people. They cranked up the fans even higher. 115 Miles Per Hour. Category 3. Were talking about a serious hurricane. Serious hour tan. Direct of the tunnel since 1977, but he reminded me wind experiments are still more precise than any computer model. The discovery new ways to understand air flow is still very fascinating to me. Maybe were slow learners but were still learning. Thats the challenge of it . Thats the challenge. Hurricane matthew was category 4 with winds of up to 145 Miles Per Hour. Now this program notes, stay tuned to Fox News Channel for coverage the second president ial debate. Thats it for today. Have a great week and well see you next fox news sunday. Its 3 00 on the east coast. 2 00 p. M. Here in st. Louis where we are counting down to the second president ial debate and were nervous. If you thought the first debate got heat, tonight we could see, i dont know, armageddon. Faceoff for the history books. Could be the first time we hear from Hillary Clinton since it caused hundreds of republicans to disavow donald trump. How will he respond on a night that could make or break his campaign . As for secretary clinton, she is facing a controversial leak of her own. What she allegedly told wall street big wigs that goes against what she said in public. And pit falls for candidates in town hall style debate and exactly who are the

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