Are on the table, possible military action even on the table. We did get our first hint after the News Conference though when top u. S. Official told us privately that, look, one of the options under consideration is putting north korea back on the state departments list of state sponsors of terror. Many critics say that was a mistake to have been done many years ago to have even taken them off in the first place. Also theyre suggesting to us that they may be doing things we wont see, that wont be obvious such as waging their own cyber war in retaliation. U. S. Cyber attacks directed at north korea behind the scenes though it was also interesting that the president seemed to be blaming the Company Involved here, sony, which made the movie the interview, saying they made a mistake by cowing to north korea and suggesting if theyd only reached out to him directly he would have given them advice. Listen. I wish theyd spoken to me first. I would have told them, do not get into a pattern in which youre intimidated by these kinds of criminal attacks. Now, while the president stopped short of calling this an act of war, republicans are calling it just that. And some analysts like former ambassador john bolton are saying that unless the president really steps up the pressure against north korea, given some of the signals the president s been sending recently, were going to face a lot more of these attacks. Listen. If you treat this simply as an inconvenience, other countries will conclude that they can attack and get away with it. And particularly with this administration what theyve just done with cuba among other things, its a weak presidency. And i think those that have the cyber capability will use it. Also interesting the sony ceo Michael Lytton pushed back today after the president s News Conference and said he doesnt believe the company caved. He said, simply, we had no other alternative to pull back on the mu vae because so many theaters across the United States were saying we cant run this film because of the potential of a terror attack against the actual movie theater. Lytton also suggested that they had been in touch with some Administration Officials about the film. The state departments been pushing back saying while they were consulted a little bit on the film, they didnt exactly give it approval. Makes you wonder if those in the white house if the president himself if hes not a busy guy reach out to sony and say you make a decision as a private company, but weve got your back once you make that decision. We had the president famously ask questions only of female reporters. He went right past the he got some puffy questions. Was that striking to you . Well, i thought it was interesting. Look, it appears history was made in that it was only female reporters. It was a decision im told made by the press secretary josh earnest who thought it would be a cool thing to have only female reporters ask questions. I think thats great. You know, i dont think theres a war on men or anything like that, tucker, i want to be clear. So thats fine. Theres a lot of great female reporters in the White House Press corps. But by not calling on male or female regardless of sex tv reporters, you maybe get some softer questions. Im not saying this because it was women, im saying the tv reporters, john carl, abc, asked a lot of tough questions. He didnt get called on. The president has a list from his press secretary. He calls on who he wants. I know youll make up for it. Ed henry for the white house, good to see you. Thank you. Merry christmas. Merry christmas. The white house has gathered enough information to conclude that north korea was indeed responsible for the hacking of sony. Joining us from washington to explain the latest, fox newss own catherine herridge. Catherine, what do you know . Thank you, tucker. The language in this fbi statement is carefully crafted. And while stating theres enough evidence to blame north korea, it stopped short of saying they actually executed the attacks. The Technical Analysis of the deleted data does show links to malware north korea has used in the past. Theres also significant overlap between several i. P. Or internet protocol addresses and north korean entities. The sony hack bears striking similarities to an attack last year against south korean banks that left many customers unable to withdraw money from their atms. In a statement the bureau said north koreas actions were intended to inflict significant harm on a u. S. Business and suppress the right of american citizens to express themselves. And the president went further today stating publicly, when intelligence officials had maintained privately that the u. S. Must make it a priority to develop rules and standards for cyber warfare because being on the defensive is a losing strategy. More broadly though this points to the need for us to work with the International Community to start setting up some very clear rules of the road in terms of how the internet and cyber operates. Right now its sort of the wild west. Outside analysts who specialize in north korea say they believe pyongyang had help because of the scope and destruction leveled on sony. China wasnt involved in these attacks, theyve been working with the north koreans. An intelligence source questions why north korea would spend so much of its Political Capital on a movie and insisted china had some kind of enabling role. The president denied today any outside involvement, tucker. Catherine herridge live for us in washington. Thanks, catherine. Youre welcome. Joining us now to react to all of todays developments, the author of the number one New York Times best seller, sold more than a million copies, every one welldeserved, the book called things that matter, the man of course the incomparable charles krauthammer. Thank you, tucker. After an intro like that it can only be downhill from here. Its totally heartfelt. So the president made a pretty clear statement against censorship saying that sony probably shouldnt have caved to pressure from north korean hackers. He wasnt always against censors movies. Am i misremembering or was he one of the people in effect calling for censorship of the movie on which they blamed the benghazi attacks a couple of years ago . Went beyond the verbal. Remember the only guy who ended up in jail for the first year after that incident was the guy who made the video. This is in the home of the brave and land of the free arrested on a pretense of some sort. He ended up in the slammer for a while. Look, i think we are so intimidated by ever since the fatwa issued against an author what was it 15, 20 years ago, about mohammad, that we make an exception for attacislam. We dont do that for attacks on christianity, for example. You can do all the satire you want. In fact, youll get feted in the higher echelons of our society if you do. But i think the larger point is heres the president attacking a private company, and what kicked them over into withdrawing the film was not the cyber attack. It was the threat of a physical attack. Not inside the world in the real world. And isnt that why we have a department of Homeland Security . A bloated expensive Homeland Security . Isnt its job to protect us against physical terrorist attacks . Why did the president say he never got a call . The minute that threat was issued he should have mobilized Homeland Security, he should have called sony. He should have said and to the owners of the theater were going to have security, triple quadruple security all over the country. Were not going to let you be intimidated. If you didnt want to do that, theres one thing that the government can do as was suggested today in a the wall street journal editorial, this movie ought to be disseminated around the world to the extent that none in the history of the world ever has. That would be the correct punishment for north korea. Kim jongun didnt want it out because hes embarrassed by it. And the idea to get him back is to make sure everybody sees it. By releasing it on the internet. Now, sonys a private company will be scared to do that. Why not as the journal had suggested take over the film, ownership would go to the u. S. Government, basically representing us as a nation saying that was a company you attacked, but youve attacked america. And the first amendment. And have the u. S. Government put it out on the internet, put it out in all of the voice of america, everything that we controlled and make sure its the most widely seen film in the history of mankind. Probably not deserving so, but as a way to get back at pyongyang. First they came for seth rogen. Show in every embassy around the world. Thats a compelling idea. What did you think of the president s defense of the economy . He came out and said, look, things are demonstratively better than they were. Were on a roll. This was not a sense you were looking at a guy whose party had just been creamed, policies just repudiated last month. Do you think he means that . Or do you think this is a pose . No, i think he means it. I think he was genuinely upbeat. He feels unshackled. He never has to worry about his democrats being slaughtered in an election and blaming him. He can be himself. He can normalize relations with cuba. He can legalize 5 million illegals. And doing it legally. He is now the beneficiary of the collapse of oil prices, which is essentially a huge tax cut which has stimulated the economy and helped to revive xd1okrfsmx th s tells you. So dont be worried of that. As of now i dont see signsh4if he wants to do. I think in general this is sort of a new technology in the same way that when Old Technology well, the ones that are now old but new came online after world war ii we had to develop agencies and ways of controlling and regulating. I know no one wants big government, but at some point were going to have to have a Cyber Security apparatus because this is like Nuclear Weapons that doesnt kill people but it kills infrastructure. And that could really hurt the country. So i think in time were going to have to get that. And thats a place where congress ought to work and sort of reflect the views of ordinary americans. It should not be done unilaterally. Thats what i worry about. Charles krauthammer, smartest guy i know. Thanks a lot for coming on today. Youre welcome. Coming up next right here on hannity. We have agreed to having a working group deal with the racial bias and lack of diversity in hollywood thats al sharpton. He now runs sony. Howd that happen . We will tell you. Up next, former new york city mayor Rudy Giuliani sheds some light on that. Now that president obamas announced hes normalizing relations with cuba, will this cop killer, currently hiding in cuba, will she be extradited back to the United States to face the penalty for her crimes . That and more as hannity continues. My name is karen and i have diabetic nerve pain. Its progressive pain. First that feeling of numbness. Then hot pins. Almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. So my doctor prescribed lyrica. The pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before. [ male announcer ] its known that diabetes damages nerves. Lyrica is fdaapproved to treat diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is not for everyone. 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But the commander in chief is not the man hollywood is looking to for direction after that embarrassing cyber hack. No, that man is none other than the reverend al sharpton, the key white house adviser. Yesterday embattled sony executive amy pascal met privately with the reverend in a bid to fix the fallout from the leak of racially charged emails between herself and a producer. After meeting sharpton, sharpton went out on the street and discussed the next steps with the film industry. Hollywood is an environment that still resembles 1950s america. We have agreed to having a working group deal with the racial bias and lack of diversity in hollywood and in the film industry. So the jury is still out on where we go with amy. We clearly are willing to deal with an immediate formula to see where we deal with breaking down the walls of inflexible and so far immovable racial exclusion in hollywood. Uhhuh. Thats one of the revs signature sidewalk press conferences. Joining me now with reaction, the new decider in chief in hollywood former new york city mayor Rudy Giuliani. Mr. Mayor, thanks for joining us. Nice to be with you. How much do you think hes asking sony for . First of all, i dont know how he became the jury. Yeah, how did that happen . S 3cjrjnv kfm1es, wz hey what are you doing . I was thinking about taking this speed test from comcast business. Oh yeah . If they cant give us faster internet or save us money, theyll give us 150 bucks. Sounds like a win win. Guys faster internet . I have never been on the internet and i am doing pretty well. Does he even work here . Dont listen to the naysayer. Take the comcast business speed test. Get faster speeds or more savings, or well give you 150. Comcast business. Built for business. Are you . How is your dad . Hes doing pretty good. 96. Doesnt have a whole a lot of energy but mind is clear. Every couple months there comes a comment from him that makes news does he know about that . I dont think he thinks about it. But hes still concerned about the world in which we live, and he sees, especially as we come test test test. Test test test. Ot going to be republicans or democrats or tea party, but its going to be god himself, and his son, jesus christ. Hes going to find a mess. He believes with his heart that jesus is the way the truth, and the life. And no man comes to the father except through him. I have the pleasure of traveling with you to the dominican republic. And we did stop by haiti. I went with you to numerous places and helped get these boxes you did. Its life changing my wife and kids were with me. Its a life changing thing. You do this every year. How many boxes this year . 10 million. You ask people to pack a box for a boy or girl. Because, i watched these kids off the box, you got a doll. A jump rope is here. I dont know what this is. Someone knitted a scarf. A purse. Inside of the purse there is stuff. I can feel it. There is candy and a cross. Nice. And a hair brush, toothpaste. And i was with you as you gave them. Were in orphanages and poor neighborhoods kids go nuts. This, to them is like getting a bicycle, an xbox and a play station, and an iphone. Im not overstated the case. We want children of the world to know god hasnt forgotten us. And most of kids are overwhelmed by it, sean. How did you do this . God has done it, sean, im not that smart. We started off with just a few thousand and its grown we ask everybody to pray. Putting a box like that together the people that put this box together they prayed for the child that i dont know, god knows but when we pray, and i know god hears the prayer of the righteous person, but you have 10 Million People praying for children. We have had the first this year, sean, a boy from idaho. 14 years ago he sent a box. A little girl got it in the philippines. She wanted to track him down because it changed her life, her fathers life. She wrote a letter and never heard from him. And she started to search for his name. Came up. They talked on facebook for years. Dont tell me they got married. He had to see what she looked like. Its now 14 years later. They got married in october. Did you do the wed something no. They asked everybody who packed a box, everybody that came to the reception packed a box. So that was the wedding gift . Yes. How do people know, where do they go . They go . Samaritititititit [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking. Feet. Tiptoeing. Better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz tofacitinib is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Thanks for joining us have a great weekend good morning, it saturday. Happy weekend to you. Im ainsley. North korea is firing back at the United States with a very bizarre request this morning in the investigation into those sony hacks. Their message to president obama straight ahead. And its about time. Five years after the fort hood massacre that the government called workplace violence, finally some recognition for the heroes who have tried to save the day. And how would you like to get a shiny new vacuum cleaner for christmas. No there is an expensive one a dyson. Or a scale to see just how fat have you gotten. Worst gifts for guys and

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