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Economic club where trump will be outlining a wide ranging economic speech, policies he sees fit should he be elected next president of the United States. According to a Senior Campaign aide there will be a handful of issues that trump will get in today today, among them the need for tax reform, trade reform and Energy Reform as well to name a few. Some bullet points from each of those. Trump will call for on the tax side of 15 percent business tax, drafted down from the current 35 percent rate along with three tax brackets for individuals. Regulatory reform, he says it elected president he would order a moratorium on new agency regulation. His trade talk will be much of the same, calling for a need to withdraw from the Transpacific Partnership along with his idea to renegotiate nafta. Perhaps his toughest language will come in the form of Energy Reform, he will say that he would want to end the paris climate agreement along with encouraging transcanada to renew its permit for the keystone xl pipeline. Through it all donald trump will try to make the argument that Hillary Clinton would lead to just two percent economic growth. Economists often try to see that number much higher than that. The obama economy has been at or around that level for many years. The Clinton Campaign meantime is putting out a rebuttal already this morning, they say trump and his policies will lead to nothing more than tax breaks for the wealthy as they put it. They say it will cost billions of jobs and they say it would lead to a recession. John, jenna . Jenna thank you very much for keeping it soft. In the meantime Hillary Clinton in florida today as the democratic president ial night nominee target the swing section of this battleground state. Mike manuel is live in st. Petersburg with more. Reporter i jenna. Hillary clinton heading back to florida with expected to be critical in this years election. The Suffolk University poll has Hillary Clinton up six percent over donald trump, 48 percent to 42 percent. The four way race is tighter with clinton up for, 43 percent to 39 percent when you consider the thirdparty candidates. Clinton had watch rally with tim kane in miami last one month which reflect the importance or campaign places on winning florida. The last time clinton was in tampa she talked about the swing area of this critical battleground state. Who was the most energetic, enthusiastic people because our success in the eye for corey door is essential to our winning. Reporter we expect Hillary Clinton to spend plenty of time here between now and election day, spending two days in florida this week. And when you consider paths to the white house, most expect donald trump needs to win florida to have a shot. You have the Clinton Campaign trying to shut it down, jenna . Jenna i hope you have an umbrella, did you bring one . Reporter absolutely. Jenna the story is important but im looking at the rain behind you as well. Mike manuel in a rainy florida, thank you very much. Jon and american and australian of ducted at gunpoint in kabul afghanistan. A security official says five men wearing military uniforms kidnapped the pair from their suv sunday night. Senior Foreign Correspondent greg powell,with the latest from london, what happened . Reporter kabul by any definition a dangerous place, the latest news underscoring that. The two were taken in southeastern kabul near the American University of afghanistan. That is where they were professors. They were traveling from the school back to their home residence. The dressed in security uniform shattered the side window and sees the american and his australian colleague area they let the bodyguard and a driver behind. No id for either of the kidnapped targets, no claim of responsibility or demand for ransom. Kidnapping has become more common across afghanistan but even especially in kabul, an indian woman was taken in june and released, there was a reported attempt on an american earlier this year. Crime adding to the insecurity. The taliban remains strong as well as isis which brings us to the second story out of afghanistan today. Photos now allegedly showing us military gear and even the identity of a us soldier on the isis website. Again, no confirmation as to the validity of this but analysts are treating it seriously. Theres rocket launchers shown, a grenade, ammunition, radio gear and an American Flag and most disturbing another image of the identity documents of the us soldier, the us denied this individual had been captured. As for all this not in the hands of isis, analysts say it could have been left behind or could have been a position overrun because there have been reports in the last couple of weeks of Afghan Military dueling it out with isis fighters in the eastern part of that country and us soldiers have been alongside them at least in a ring but apparently in a fighting position. Apparently there were casualties reported just last week. John, in afghanistan, Something Like 1500 estimated isis fighters, this might be a little bit of booty they got from the United States. Jon but these identity documents, soldier the army says has not been kidnapped. Reporter thats important too. Thats exactly what they said john. He has not been kidnapped, he has notbeen , he is not missing. The analysts think either his position was overrun and bases his equipment plus his identity papers or it was left behind while he was fleeing area they call the fact that the identity papers are being made public unfortunate. That is from the United States military. Jon greg palkot in london, thank you. Jenna Delta Airlines passengers experiencing widespread delays and hundreds of cancellations today. Delta says a power outage in atlanta, one of the airlines majorhubs, shut down all the airlines computers. Delta grounding all flights early this morning, turning thousands of travelers around the world. Planes are taking off now but travelers could still face major delays. A live report from Jonathan Sperry was at heart filled airport in atlanta. Jon the Obama Administration on the defensive after the us made a 400 million payment to a ran at the same time, the same day that four americans were released in january. The white house says the payment was not a ransom. Our next guest says while the move may belegal, it is still not right. And we want to hear from you. You approve of Donald Trumps new focus on attacking Hillary Clinton . Our live chat is up and running, though to foxnews. Com happeningnow to join the conversation. Its been a wild ride to jordan chelseas wedding. But thanks to booking. Com everything turned out perfect. [crying] weird, but perfect. [flute] jon polls show Hillary Clinton with as much as a 10 point lead over donald trump but some Republican Leaders now say the nominee is taking steps to sharpen the focus of his campaign after a lot of unforced errors area quite i know you think that clinton would make a lousy president but has trump, how close easy to disqualifying himself . I dont think close at all. Look at the last few days. I think hes gotten the messages. He came out and endorsed paul ryan which he should have done in the first place. He endorsed john mccain, kelly ayotte and these are steps to being back. Its tricky if you never run for Public Office to jump from being a businessman to being one of the two leaders fighting forthe presidency and hes made some mistakes. Jon joining us now, bear, host of special report. Newt gingrich says donald trump has gotten the message. Has he . I think theres evidence john to suggest that hes changed a little bit but theres not this big pit, a lot of people for months have been talking about when is the becoming president ial. I think hes still prolific on twitter. And saying and typing away, much like he did but these speeches have taken a different tone and to Newt Gingrichs point, the endorsement of paul ryan, of john mccain, of kelly ayotte, that is a ship and we will see a different tone and tenor in this speech today on the economy, trying to give people who have doubts about donald trump another look at him. The question is whether the damage of the last two weeks has really affected his role and standing with independents who would make the difference in this race. Jon heres a piece or part thereof in what todays Washington Post , it says trump is in a precarious position. His inability to command greater support among republicans if it continues until fall will give clinton a significant advantage in the overall popular vote and probably in the key battleground states. Rather than taking steps to unify the party, trump has done the opposite in recent days by declining to endorse House Speaker paul ryan, senator kelly ayotte and mccain in their contests. On friday trump reversed course and endorsed all three but you cant unring a bell and i wonder if because some of the trump soundbites will live on in Campaign Commercials for Hillary Clinton , whether a lot of damage has been done to mark. Clearly damage has been done but if you look at the polls on average and these are the polls that are respected. They have allthe different scientific elements that we look for in polls, there hasnt been that big of a change. Hillary clinton did have a bump after her convention, donald trump did have a bump after his butt the shift has not been really tremendous so on, he could come back and there could be elements of closing the gap here but he is still pushing uphill against what seems to be an advantage for Hillary Clinton, not only unifying her base but independence who have concerns about donald trump and his temperament. Jon so this announcement of his economic plan thats coming today out of detroit, that is part of an effort to get away from the controversies that have gone him since the convention . Definitely and to layout a vision of what america could look like under a republican president , whether hes named donald trump or not. The fact that they will be different than a Hillary Clinton president. Youre going to hear more about the Supreme Court nominees and the difference between the two parties. Youre going to hear a lot more about taxes, corporate taxes and today will be allaying out of that vision. We will see how specific he gets, thats going to be the interesting part. Jon one of the assessments by the pollsters is that Hillary Clinton and the democrats did a betterjob of unifying the party coming out of their convention , that the bernie backers are more behind hillary then those republicans who maybe had questions about trump are behind him, in other words the party has been more consolidated on the democratic side. Thats probably true. I do think after cleveland that Donald Trumps chances were exponentially better than they are right now and that is that two weeks that has just not been good for unifying republicans or reaching out to independents for donald trump. Can he turn that around . Yes. Does he have time . Yes. Is it an uphill battle . Yes. Jon bret baier, we will look forward to more on special report. Jenna new questions on the payment of formula hundred Million Dollars to around as the same time is four americans were released from tehran in january. Some critics of the Obama Administration are calling it a ransom payment but the white house is the payment heads off a longstanding dispute with ron and had nothing to do with their release and the United States does not pay ransom. My next guest says while the shipment of cash may be legal it doesnt necessarily make it right. Michael mckay he was attorney general under president george w. Bush and joined me now. You wrote about this in the wall street journal. Talk to us about this because you see the state engaged in conduct that would expose a private citizen to the risk of jail but not necessarily put him or her behind bars. Money arguably belongs to the iranians in the sense this was the proceeds of a deposit that had been given by the show on weapons and the government in iran currently has the same rights as the shahs government has and so we werent really contributing anything. Jenna it wasnt necessarily cash, i made that mistake when the news first broke calling taxpayer dollars and it was it was a different situation but because its not technically taxpayer money that gives the white house more leeway on how they made the payment. The issue for me really is the way they transferred it. In cash, there was no need to transfer it in cash and the president s account of why he did it doesnt make any sense. He says we dont have a banking relationship with iran, of course not but we did have a banking relationship with people who do have a banking relationship with iran though it would have been i think childs play to send it to somebody who does have a banking relationship with around and then send it to her and and that way we can at least monitor to some extent the Bank Transfers but there was one entity in the iranian government that has a use for cash , untraceable cash and thats the people who handle terrorism worldwide for the iranians. Jenna you say this wasnt necessarily illegal. Correct, because the transfer occurred overseas, didnt occur from the United States overseas or through the United States so technically it wasnt unlawful but even if it had been, there might have been out for the government because this is the kind of find that in a way it doesnt hurt any particular person so theoretically the government could argue that we were pursuing a foreignpolicy interest but i want to see what foreignpolicy interest they were pursuing, so far they havent accounted for that. Jenna is there anything that would force a greater explanation in the white house has provided . The congressional hearing in which somebody got nailed down and asked specifically why did you do in cash . Where do you think this money is going and why you think it serves the Foreign Policy of the United States . Jenna that Something Congress could do. Absolutely. Jenna im curious your thoughts on the department of Justice Justice was uncomfortable with this. After that report came out in the wall street journal it seemed you had other sources that came forward and said everythings okay. Eventually our questions were answered read your position in the bush administration, you know the workings of the department of justice, what did you think of that . I dont know what the source of this discomfort was and there were various accounts of why they were uncomfortable, one had to do with the account, what we are getting for it or not getting for it. Jenna but a permanent justice couldnt have intervened at this point the way the whitehouse divided this money the department of justice didnt have the money to stop the white house. It does not. This is one of those instances where everybodys got to spend their own money. Jenna theres still remaining payments based on how the white house makes this payment, we have 1. 7 billion that is supposed to be given to them, we given 400 million. Theres a lot left over so at this point what does the latest payment and how it was made set a precedent for that remaining payments and is there any further oversight that other branches of government couldhave over it. Congress could have oversight into the way the money gets paid back if it gets paid back. Jenna even if if its not taxpayer money . The argument is the remaining money may well be a settlement of the remainder of the line, 400 million that was the deposit, it had interest, could have been a whole lot more and the administration argues that we were settling for somewhat less. Okay but lets see the settlement papers. Theres a lawsuit in international courts, lets see the settlement papers. Jenna is there anything precluding us from seeing them . Absolutely not. Jenna great to see you, thank you. Jon what a story that is a wildfire on the move, growing quickly in just a few hours and sparking evacuation. The race to try to attain these flames plus the oldest prosecution of a suspected serial killer in us history now getting underway. Why it took more than half a century for this case to go to trial. Our legal panel weighs in. She spent summer bingewatching. Soon, shell be bingestudying. Get back to great. This week sharpie singles now twentyfive cents. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Therthat can be serious,ere. Even fatal to infants. Its whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. Understand the danger your new grandchild faces. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today. Jon crews in california battling a wildfire in the San Bernardino national forest. It broke out over the weekend but quickly grew to more than two square miles, sparking the evacuation of homes your reservoir. Parts of highways also close, 20 mileperhour winds pushing a huge plume of smoke toward the mohave desert area that smoke may affect air quality in some areas. Jenna a murder trial beginning today for a mississippi man accused of murdering his first wife nearly 54 years ago. While his second and third wives remain missing. Felix vail married mary horton in 1951, years later he claimed mary fell overboard into a river and drowned. In 1969 he meets Sharon Helmsley who became his commonlaw wife. March 20, 1973 vail tells his mother hes not married anymore. Nobody has heard from sharon cents. August 16, 1983 at and that cramer marries vail two years after they meet. She disappears on october 22, 1984 after telling others she was going to divorce vail and enroll in college. In 2013, felix vail arrested for murder in the death of his first wife mary horton vail. His trial scheduled to start today. Details about his two other missing wives will be allowed in court and what could be the coldest case ever solved in us history. Thats a big if. Joining me now, Trial Attorney Heather Hansen and former criminal defense attorney jonathan snowboard. This trial happening 50 years after mary dies, heather. How did this even come to court . It actually came to a grand jury some years ago and the grand jury decided not to indict and pathologists and some Law Enforcement officials look at it and they decided to bring it forward again. I think what they are depending on is the pathology, the body and when they look at the body its going to be enough evidence to prove that yes, she was murdered versus it being an accident which is what everyone else has claimed. Jenna how big a challenge is that . We have cold cases then we have ice cold cases. This is an ice cold case for starters and when it comes to prosecuting, less is definitely not more. When it comes to the evidence, they have less today than they did 54 years ago and 54 years ago they said we cant prosecute because we dont have enough and thats what the defense is saying. This grand jury, their decision is still something were going to present to the now chorizo how does that impact the case . Its a huge impact. The defendants story has changed with which the prosecutors will use but the witnesses race have changed. One of the thing thats important is the prosecution is going to use as evidence the fact that the other two wives have disappeared. Thats a little bitunusual. Normally under the rules of evidence youre not allowed to bring in whats called prior bad acts. The fact they will be able to show the jury these other two wives disappeared is going to be compelling evidence that this guy may have something going on. Jenna nobodys ever heard from them so theres that as well. What is the doctrine of chances because that keeps being mentioned in this case. What does that mean . Going on record in 23 years of practice, never heard of the doctrine of chances but heres what it is. Its an exception to the character evidence rule and as heather mentioned youre not allowed to bring in backs to prove that somebody acted in conformity there with unless you have an exception like you are trying to prove a common scheme or plan, a lack of mistakes so in this case they are calling that exception the doctrine of chances meaning the defendant was involved in so many unusual circumstances that the chance of it being anybody else committing the crime is nonexistent. Jenna is that strong . What are the chances . What is the chances guy is going to have three wives disappear . If you have a real strong pathology evidence, jenna hes a highly respected attorney. And a great witness so the defense will have to bring their own pathology to say no, this is coincidence. Some of these investigators have died, the ones that first it looked in the case, the evidence thats there, thats the only evidence that is there and only because its been years. Its been over 50 years so the jury is going to have apology report which was the same as was, the only change the manner of death. Number two, theyre going to have this doctrine of chances which really is an exception that shouldnt apply because we are not looking at three when who died in similar circumstances, were looking at on dead women and to get women who disappear, we had no idea how they died so the jury is going to have to hang their hat on this next to nothing. Jenna it sounds like you are both saying the coldest case in us history may remaincold. Thats what it looks like and we will continue to follow this p7 thank you very much, john mark. Jon shades of drew peterson. Delta flights slowly getting back to normal after the airline had to ground all the partners this morning. What was behind the equipment failure that left travelers all around the world stranded . And donald trump slams news outlets saying they have a bias against him and some other gop leaders say hes right. We willbring up the issue with our media panel coming up next. Im only in my 60s. Ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. So when i found out medicare doesnt pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. Then i got a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if youre eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. Call now and find out about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesnt pay. And could save you in outofpocket medical costs. To me, relationships matter. Ive been with my doctor for 12 years. Now i know ill be able to stick with him. 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I have a lifetime of experience. So i know how important that is. Jenna of fox news alert, widespread waves and cancellations for debt delta passengers today, the airline force ground all departing flights early this morning after an outage in atlanta shut down its computers around the world. More on that in a moment. Planes now taking off, operations slowly getting back to normal but many travelers feeling the effects of that. Live from parkfield Jackson Airport in atlanta with more on what happened there. Jonathan . Jon jenna, they say it was a power outage. Theyve already had to cancel 3000 flights and even though systems are coming back online they say passengers can expect more cancellations and delays. This long line you see here in front of this man kiosk is because of the automatic kiosks are not fully operational yet and so a lot of passengers were trying to get their e tickets and were able to do it on the automated kiosk are instead having to wait in this line pick up their boarding passes but at least now a limited number of departures are taking off from this and other airports around the world. Early this morning the lives here in atlanta were much longer, deltas latest problem on the power outage that occurred around 2 30 in the morning, flights already in the area were never in any danger of outbound flight rounded for several hours, the problem was not here in deltas hometown of atlanta but worldwide. This is the scene this morning at Bostons Logan International Airport and because it was a computer problem delays and cancellations were always reflected on the tv monitors, website work delta acts read by midmorning delta announced a limited amount of departures and resume however the airline tweeted deltas customers and airports should the expect delays, cancellations, Customer Service agents doing everything they can to help. The airline is offering waivers to travelers whose flights have been canceled or significantly delayed by this computer outage. Waiting any penalties for changingtheir flights over the next four days and also offering full refunds for those who want to cancel altogether, jenna, back to you. Jenna thank you. Jon donald trump going after Media Outlets for what he calls bias againsthis campaign and republicans in general. Other gop leaders agree, claiming the media too often give democrats a free pass. Hillary clinton made repeated false statements to the media. Honestly, i dont think shes all there because when i watched that interview , when i watch the interview that she did on fox i said, boy, this is going to be a massive scandal. And nothinghappened. Three days later it was like a delay. If i ever did that interview , they would have me terminated, my run. And thats how bad this thing was. Jon donald trump is reflecting, and i know the media always discounts this because you dont like to get criticized but you dont treat us the same way you treat democrats did hillary, bill, obama, they get the benefit of the doubt. And if trump had said Something Like im going to raise taxes on the middle class it would be all over the news. Youd be questioning his sanity. Jon lets bring in tammy bruce, a radio talkshow host in the fox contributor and alan combs, host of the alan combs show syndicated byfox news radio. Talent, what you think about what Rudy Giuliani had to say. Its comical its so obvious. You could look at the news today, you have maybe 100 stories on trump, go to the google news page and you wouldnt even know Hillary Clinton exists its as though shes in a cage somewhere hiding that theres nothing to report. Its not just what they do report which is constantly hectoring donald trump but its what they dont report its difficult to prove a negative but all you need do is look at the negative of the dearth of coverage of Hillary Clinton and i would add that the socalled press conference she had with the National Latino and black journalists association, they call that a press conference. It was two questions by preselected journalists area that was so they could answer this complaint that she had a press conference in almost 2 years. It wasnton, the Associated Press said it wasnt on, thats how they cover for her and it is becoming a conflict at this point. Rudy giuliani was wrong when he said. He said we are going to raise taxes on the middle class, the media needs to report that. She also said i shortcircuited the answer, not that she was shortcircuited in the brain and donald trump made it seem like she was a mental case which is not what was going on so there misrepresenting what Hillary Clinton actually said and when you have a candidate committing political malpractice like donald trump is and saying things so far off the range like hes goingto shakedown our allies for money, over the weekend, japan, they will never support us. Theyre sitting around watching their sony television. When you have generals and i cant even vote for this guy because of the horrible things hes saying, that is the story. Thats a media story and that is whats being covered. This is great, alan is a radio talkshow host, so i lied, we are critics and yet what alan just did is exactly what the legacy media is doing. Excusing hillary, making excuses in general, dismissing it and going on for 75 percent more time about how donald trump is a threat to society. He is. That might be your judgment, alan but is not what the regular report is read. Look at Patricia Smith and khizr kahn. You had donald trump protecting his rally, attacking them and he did say hes viciously attacking, saying the wife was not allowed to. [overlapping conversation] you dont have Hillary Clinton attacking the smith family so its not the same thing. When you have a candidate attacking goldstar family thats new this is another good example. You have what hillary said about being shortcircuited on videotape. Allen is trying to insert words there and yet what the media did and does all the time with donald trump, out of context with certain individual statements. It becomes a game of telephone where it changes as the media reports this and they can continue on each day. The American People now fortunately are pretty to it in their own view of whats transpiring and its important for mister trump to call it out. His proxies like mayor giuliani to call it out and People Like Us orcritics. Mayor giuliani misrepresented what Hillary Clinton said. Why are his whole numbers sliding . You cant insert words alan she said it and she also said foreign. [overlapping conversation] his poll numbers are rapidly declining. Jon you think if khizr kahn, if trump had not responded to khizr kahn that those two speeches would have been equally received the mark. Yes, thats my honest opinion. He only called, hero after he was pressured to do so. Until then he was attacking his family, thats why it became a major news tory. You have advisors saying stop doing this. Now hes on a teleprompter speech about the economy. We get to what he said at the beginning of that sinful obelisk interview which is where he praised mister con, he gave condolences for the loss. There was an entire context that stephanopoulos pushed on the issue but weve had that conversation and the media wants to relitigate itbecause they didnt get enough out of it. He went through all the list of things that he messed up in a rally last week, [overlapping conversation] allen wants this to be the conversation as opposed to the fact that a woman who wants to be president after a deliberate answer to Chris Wallace about her emails decides that well, it was, i shortcircuited. It doesnt matter, alan. Theconversation is the fact that she knew that question would be asked. She had a prepared answer and she decided that well, since people didnt like it so what . The media gives her a pass. Judy could have answered the question better but no matter what donald trump would have you believe, she searched shortcircuited the answer and they keep misrepresenting. Jon what about the fact that we now know that iran has executed this Nuclear Scientist whose name came up in Hillary Clintonsemails . sname came up. Theres no reason to talk about this. You have the president questioning Donald Trumps abilities to handle secrets. There was a press conference the president had about isis and there were two questions by the press that asked abouthis concern about donald trump, that he could be trusted with secure information. The fascinating thing is we already know the other candidate would put National Security at risk , already cant be trusted and we know this now because of his arrest, the uranian scientists arrest after hes been referred to in her emails as a friend to this government. Jon we are going to have to leave it there. Alan colmes, tammy bruce, thank you both. Jenna new fears aboutzika today with Health Officials saying theres more risk here than at the olympics in rio. 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Jon the doctor is in on the zika crisis as Health Officials say the threat from the infection that could cause severe birth defects is actually greater in the us then at the olympics under way in rio. This now technically winter in brazil and because zika has been around long enough there for folks to develop some sort of immunity, still athletes taking precautions amid fears that zika cases will ramp up over the next two months in florida as well as the gulf states. Joining us now, doctor image out all gone, spokesman for the Infectious Disease society for america. So much attention focused on the olympics but you write the olympics are not the worry right now. I dont think this outbreak is going to really been magnified by the olympics, its already magnified. Based on our normal travel that people do two areas that have zika, thats why we have this outbreak in miami, not because of the olympics but our normal friday habits. Jon i remember a few years back when west nile virus appeared near Kennedy Airport in new york and there was this effort undertaken try to stop it in his tracks before it got out. There were aerial spraying and everything else, ultimately it wasunsuccessful. Essentially the same thing seems to be happening in and around miami. Can they stop that mosquito from spreading there . Theres an important difference with west nile, west nile did take this country by storm and has spread to the entire nation. The west nile also infects birds and birds move and migrate so thats why west nile is never going to be stopped and lets focus on the mosquitoes because it has a bird host. This has a chance in miami to stop if they are aggressive, not just aerial spraying but removing standing water, thats what we need to do with this mosquito is thriving standing water and thats hard to remove because people havebirdbaths, toys, even of is enough for this mosquito to read. Jon given the ability of people to move around the globe today, your article seems to suggest its going to be very hard to prevent zika from spreading in the United States. We should expect to see more small outbreaks like on the state scale of miami. I dont believe zika will take over the United States like west nile because its a different mosquito and a different disease but we have to prepare for outbreaks in florida and texas, hawaii, places where the mosquito thrives and thats why we have to be vigilant about making sure Vector Control activities, going after those mosquitoes is high end area that we have important guidance going out to pregnant women so they are not infected by this virus. Jon as a doctor what do you advise people who might want to attend the olympics . I think as long as you are not a pregnant woman, its fine to go to the olympics and attend and enjoy yourself. Its pregnant women we have to focus on because thats where the dangerous. For the vast majority of people, zika is a benign disease. There are transmissions that men should follow but if you want to go to rio i say go there area as long as youre not a pregnant woman, the risk is low as you said earlier because of this reason, youre going to likely be endorsed for a lot of the time and rio isnt one of the big hotspots of transmission. Jon doctor amesh adalja, spokesman for the Infectious Disease society in america, thank you. Jenna thunderstorms causing massive Power Outages and road closures out west. More storms on the way, where you can see flooding the rest of the week. New car replacementâ„¢, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. And if you have more than one Liberty Mutual policy, you qualify for a multipolicy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Jon lets check out whats ahead on outnumbered, what do you have . Donald trump speaks at the top of the hour on his economic plan for america. We have that for you live. Can he turn the page from a challenging week and take back the issue he was all about to begin with . Thats a big day for him. Plus some republicans call 400 million payment to a random ransom for americans freedom right around the same time. Hillary clintons running mate tim kaine says its appropriate but it is definite . And Rudy Giuliani says the Mainstream Media is against the democrats but not the same for republicans. Is he right . All that plus ourhashtag one lucky guy, outnumbered coming to you. The perfect one lucky guy. A gift from heaven at the top of the hour. Jon we will be watching. Jenna parts of phoenix in the low after flooding there. At one point on 17,000 households were without power. Thunderstorms now making their way along the eastern gulf coast and more reason to pay attention,maria molina joining us from the fox weather center. We are tracking messy weather, especially across parts of florida where this area of low pressure has been bringing in very disturbed weather to the region through the entire weekend and its forecast to continue and even get worse out here so taking a look at radar you can see over the last 24 hours heavy rain impacting portions of northern florida and also along parts of the west coast. The forecast is for rain to continue and potentially produce more than a foot of rain out here along many coastal areas so we are looking at the potential for flash flooding , a number of watches in effect out here along the west coast and along parts of interstate 10. I want to switch gears and take you to the eastern Pacific Ocean because we rehab a Tropical Storm and its going to be bringing impact across parts of mexico, maximum sustained winds at 50 Miles Per Hour and its going to be tracking off the coast of the reason why this is a bigger story or the us is because a lot of that moisture thats going to be bringing heavy rain across parts of mexico will be going north and eventually produce heavier rain across parts of the southwest us so you just mentioned we had seen already those flash flooding out here across this region, the possibility for more of that coming up in thenext few days. Jenna thank you. Jon new next hour of happening now, an Amusement Park ride old as the tallest waterslide in the world is closed now after the death of a little boy. How did this accident happen . When his family is saying plus donald trump takes heat for remarks he made about a baby crying at one of his rallies. Now that babys mother will join us live with her side of the story and what she says about mister trump might surprise you. See you back here in an hour. Outnumbered starts right now. Sandra fox news alert. Youre looking live at the Detroit Economic Club where donald trump is set to lay out the plan he claims will get america back on track. Has the republican nominee seeks to turn the page and focus on a subject considered his strong suit, the economy. This isout numbered. Im sandra smith. Here today, host of kennedy on fox business, kennedy. Cohost of after the bell, melissa francis, democratic strategist Julie Roginsky is here. Todays oneluckyguy, the perfect guy, the host of lou dobbs tonight, veteran anchor, lou dobbs is here and he is outnumbered

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