And prices spun out of control. A former aid tellses us President Trump can learn. A behind the scenes look at a break through in safety. Lighter and more bulletproof vests, aimed at keeping our military and officers safer while on duty. It is all happening now. But we begin with the reaction to the president s news to leave the paris climate accord. Republicans give high praise. Those on the left are speaking out against it. I am Heather Childers in for jenna lee. Leland happy friday to you. I am in for jon scott. We are moments away from the white house briefing. Epa head scott pruitt set to join saun spicer at the podium and they will field questions over the president ys withdrawal of the Paris Agreement. Sean spicer will address the rulings that block the president s temporary ban on travel from six muslim countries. All right peter, the white house lost twice in the lower courts, why dough do they think they will have a better chance at Supreme Court. Reporter they are frustrated that the low are courts tell them that the travel ban is unconstitutional. The American People are heartened by that but equally frustrated by decisions in courts that call in to question whether the president of the United States has the ability to control who comes into this country. The ability to come into the United States is a privilege and not a right. Reporter the Legal Standard that the Justice Department used to make the request in the Supreme Court to look at the travel ban is this. The president is not required to admit people that come from countries that pose terrorism until they are properly vetted. We dont know if the court will hear the white house appeal. Opponents are saying they are ready. Aclu helped to defeat the travel ban the first time and they think they can do it again. Leland . Leland a lot of blow back from the president s decision to pull back from the white house accord. How is the white house fighting back . They may not be out and the white house may soon try to renegotiate a different deal, but it would have to be on better terms for the United States. I said the president draw the withdrawal. But we will renegotiating and consider reentering. Reporter one of the voices who saw benefits to staying in was secretary of state Rex Tillerson and he was not at the rose garden announcement yesterday. But this morning secretary tillerson said america is not abandoning anti globaling efforts just because they are not part of this international accord. But the democrats dont buy it. Trump is grandfather of nievenlt how will he explain to his grandchildren what he did to the air they breathe assuming they breathe air. And i have to assume that that is the case. We all do. Leland it is big that epa administrator scott pruitt will be here. We hope to hear about what the United States will and will not do in the fight against Climate Change. Leland peter doocey, thank you. Heather . Heather President Trump with a memorable line elected to represent the citizens of pittsburg and not paris. That didnt sit well with some of those leaders. Brian is there. What are they saying . Reporter hi, heather, the democrat elected mayor signed an executive order promising that pittsburg will be one of 83y citieses that will follow the paris climate agreement. The mayor was personally offended by the president s speech by perpetiatinging pittsburg as an old dirty city that relieses on coal and steel. He completely ignore the sacrifice to get on our feet and create a new economy and in order to make the sacrifices to clean our air and water and he used us as an example of a stereotype in order to make a point. Reporter the city has come a long way since the steel mill days. This is pittsburg at noon time covereded in soot and smog. After the fall of the Steel Industry, the city reinvented itself. Manufacturing jobs are down and education and Health Care Jobs are up. It is a tech hub and apple, sgeelg ubefrme on and the pennsylvania coal lines a frauded. And the gas industry is optimistic. If you look at what the president said in his speech. He commented that there may be a better deal and well turn the American Energy as our advantage and International Advantage and we have that opportunity today. Trump lost pittsburg to hillary clinton. But he won pennsylvania and he has the support of every community surrounding pittsburg. The president could visit the Opening Ceremony of a new coal mine that is set 50 mileses away from pittsburg. Thank you, brian. Leland . Leland President Trump yesterday, claiming victory for a resurgence for the pennsylvania coal industry, citing new growth in the once dead energy sector. For many, many years that hasnt happened. I will try to go. Leland the person welcoming him would be george dufflson. Ceo of the Company Opening the mine in pennsylvania. Thanks for having me. Leland george, i know you took the measures to reopen the mine in august. It is a Good Business decision but a brilliant one . Yes, we are thrilled we decided to open up a new mine to serve the Steel Industry and along the way, we have several milestones to be checked off. And we are thrilled that President Trump may be attending the grand opening and we are thrilled for the employees and community. And well be adding direct jobs to our company. Leland in the terms of the the boot is off your neck. But the infrastructure plans from President Trump are all contributing to this . Yeah, we are excited about the tone of things. The tone from the government is communitiy relations and investors relaugzs and Capital Raising and the administration that opened all forms of energy, 80 percent of the u. S. energy comes from fossil fuel andy we are excited to do great things and we have high hopes for tax reform and increased fair trade policieses. Leland steel would benefit from infrastructure spending. And put up the photoagain. This is what certain members of the left that noon in p 1934 looked like midnight because of smog. Is this a fair representation of coal industry . In my opinion it is not. So much is invested to clean up the air and water over the past 50 years and i think Coal Companies and Power Companies are doing a great job of doing that where we sell our product. It is not a fair description. Co2 is a colorless gas. Pollution and cow is a cob flation of global war. Leland and the issue of jobs. 70 or hundred new jobs. 50 to hundred thousand. And quad ruple that times 6 or 7 for for the indirect jobs. That is an issue for the administration. This is what secretary kerry said about the paris Climate Change decision. This is an extraordinary moment of fake news. The economy he described is not the economy of america. America has been be gaining jobses in solab. Solar gained 2. 6 million in clean energy and half of had nem states that donald trump won. Leland the decision to leave the former secretary says to eliminate all of the green jobs in place of coal jobs, is that ringing true to you and if so, why or why not . It does not ring true to me. We want a level playing field. Weather renowables fossils or gas. Thats all we ask for is a fairplaying field. If we get that coal can compote. Coal is a bed rock of a strong well functioning economy. And the consumers have more money in their pockets that is a great thing f. We are good at our jobs, we are lowering the price of steel and energy all over the world. Leland george, you for western pennsylvania and this is where you decided to stake your personal fortune to revitalize the country. What did it mean. Guess what, you are coming back to work. We are opening a new mine. Our employees are elated and term was of a personal story. I get calls on my voice mail from out of work miners that want to come back to work. Those impact me and i am thrilled to open up a new mine and put 70 people back to work in our company and multiply that with the indirect jobs whether transporting the coal or constructing the equipment or hotel or restaurants and deeply gratifying to add to the economic base in a area that was deeply affected by government policy in the last eight years. Leland you will open up the mine on thursday. Any more mines that you are looking to reopen . Yes. The price for coal is the highest that its been for five years. The Steel Industry and strong globally. And we would like to open up one mine a year for two years and fill up our preparation plans with additional coal. Leland there is a couple hundred well paying jobs in the industry. Get ready for more voice mails, george. I look forward to it. Leland appreciate it, heather . Heather we are 20 minutes away from the white house briefing. Well is have Scott Pruitts reaction on the exodus of the u. S. Exiting the climate accord. And james comey testifying next week and the legal and political impact. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. Heather think again. This is the new new york. We are building new airports all across the state. New roads and bridges. New mass transit. New business friendly environment. New lower taxes. And new University Partnerships to grow the businesses of tomorrow today. Learn more at esd. Ny. Gov heather welcome back. Former fbi director james comey playplanning to give tom the senate intel committee. And before that they are speaking about p surveillance. Speaking with andrew mccaa and acting director of the nsa mike rogers and deputy general mike rosenstein. And the white house has a dedicated group to handle the russian investigation. Catherine harris joins us with more on that. Reporter thank you, heather. A new team we are told will focus on the russian probe and questions do not derail the administrations policy objectives. The Team Includes lawyer and Communications Specialist to handle questions from the investigator and media as the investigators take over the investigation. Kelly an n explains the reason. It would help since there is a special counsel that is the appropriate chain of command here. Reporter Lindsay Graham said the unmasking of americans encoded intelligence reports went beyond members of the trump team. I have reason to believe that a conversation that i had had was picked up with some foreign leader or person and somebody requested that my conversation be unmasked. I was told that by people in the intelligence committee. Reporter Vladimar Putin dismissed allegations that his government hacked the dnc and Clinton Campaign email and allegations that they were behind the disinformation campaign. Democrats are looking for a scapegoat. They made the mistake and they dont recognize the mistake right now. But they will not wise enough. It is easy to say that it is the russians. They intervened and interfered. Reporter the csi and nra said russian was behind the hacking review and intercepted communications. Leland we are just momentses away from the white house dailiy briefing and the president s decision to withdraw from the paris accord will likely be the topic. What does it mean for all of us . Back to the white house as it happens. America is now making history. Mmmm. Mmmm. Mmmm. Ugh. Nothing spoils a moment like heartburn. Try new alkaseltzer ultra strength heartburn relief chews. Its fast, powerful relief with no chalky taste. [ sings high note ] ultra strength, new from alkaseltzer. Enjoy the relief. Hit could be the next big thing i should totally get that domain name. Get your great idea online too. Gocentral from godaddy get your domain today, and get. L of leland a fox news alert. Sean spicer and epa administrator will walk out in a couple of minutes in the white house. This will be Scott Pruitts opportunity to face the White House Press corps. Back to the white house when it happens. Heather the state of ohio is taking a stand geys against big ph arma. Claping that the companies misled doctors about doctors and adding to the opiod epidemic. This dates back to the 1990ss when these Companies Sold their products to primary care doctors and then on fox news. Historially. Opioid pain pills is used for end of life. Cancer to a leviate their pain or 1 or 2 after something has happen with an operation or accident. They were never used really for this long period of time. And so the Drug Companies looked at this and they started to try to change the culture. Heather joins us is a president ial historian and former press secretary of health and Human Services under president bush. In 2015, over 30000 americans were killed byes because of a opiod crisis. Is the lawsuit a way to go . I am not sure it is the right approach. It creates an adversarial relationship. We are looking for a cooperative approach. Not only the government and Drug Companies. You have to have different groups working on this together. I am not sure it is the right approach. I looked at how different president s looked at health crisis. Leadership has to come from the top. Heather the three president s. Fdr and how he handled polio. Polio was a huge problem in the 40 and 50s. 35000 americans got it. And fdr got it and he took a bully pulpit. Fdr spoke about the problem from the white house. And he gave a fire side chat. He was kind of a precious arrow in his quiver. And he i heighted the need for the National Foundation for infantile pareral sis. And that grant helped to lead to the oral vaccine. Heather it is common to see the antismoke campaigns but not then . It was not known that smoking was harmful to people. Jfk, kennedy, had legislator terry look into the Health Effects of smoking. It was so controversial they issued their findings on a saturday not to impact the stock market and they found smokes was harmful to ones health. It started a cross governmental approach and they will highlight the dangers of smoking and that led to a dangerous of 52 percent of the men smoke and now 18 percent. We have knocked it down because of the multiadministration approach. It is a more complicated one in 1980s. And how did reagan handle the aids . It was a terrible thing. Ronald reagan got criticism as not to be seen to be quick to address it. He did initiate government funding for hiv aids and his Surgeon General talked out about aids. And so, i wouldnt say reagan it a perfect job. There were a lot of problemses. But we learned that the increase in expectations on government. He did more in many ways than fdr or jfk. But the expectations from government were not as high and the other thing is how politicized that is. And you have to take that in mind. Heather lets hope upon we come up with an approach quickly. Thank you for having me. Leland just a few minutes away from the White House Press briefing. Well take you there when sean spicer and scott pruitt take the podium. And plus, with our panel, the Justice Department Supreme Court petition concerning the president s ban. Will the executive order be reinstated. The arguments next. Olax. Use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. Suppositories for relief in minutes. And dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. Dulcolax. Designed for dependable relief. New roundup for lawns has arrived to put unwelcome lawn weeds to rest. So draw the line. Roundup for lawns is formulated to kill lawn weeds to the root without harming a single blade of grass. Draw the line with roundup for lawns. Heather we are Just Moments Away from the White House Press briefing where we expect sean spacer and scott pruitt will be. They will take questions concerning President Trump and his withdrawal from the paris climate accord. In the meantime leland, you will talk about the medias response. Leland it has been a fire storm. After yesterdays announcement by the president that hes ushering the u. S. Out of the climate accord and some outlets are calling fellow members out. The news you didnt hear. Americans know that much of the Mainstream Media is biassed and the dirty little secret. What they choose to or not to report. She went on to list a number be of stories undercovered. And fox news contractor tammy bruce here and ellen ratener. Ladies, not to see you both. Tammy, every time theres bad news if you will about the president , folks on twitter say why are you not talking about the good jobs and the new jobs and do dacotta pipeline that is pumping oil. Do they have a point the good stories are under cover. It is. And kim is right in her piece. What is more interesting and tell my audience and readers to do, notice what is miss ping and that tells you the agenda. This goes to the responsibility of the White House Communications office. And Ronald Reagan found himself in the same position. They must realize that the media will not give the news to the people themselves. The president will have to go over their heads. He did that with the paris climate treatiy and hes done upon it in other treaties. His comments on that became the narrative. They had to covers in quotes and thats how he will have to do that from now on. Leland to your point the epa will come out. And glenn hall, the more on message they are, more surrogates they bring out. And now the coverage of the paris climate exchange. One of the headlines. Trump to world, drop dead. Here is how it was covered by television journalist. On a sunny day in the rose garden, what could be defined and construed as a dark speech. And if it proves to be what it is, it will be the day the United States resigned as leader of the free world. It is nothing short of that. Y we havent had a president this psycheicology troubled. I am trying to use my words. Since at least richard nixon. And ellen, i know that you disy agree with the president and folks and things. We look at the headlines about the president s decision and is this fair coverage . Well, not. I do agree with tammy, one of the things we tell our interns. You want to slant a story it is what you leave out and not in. The press is not covering how ua e went from a oil to a Green Economy and making money on a Green Economy. And there is also issues about the fact that the paris climate agreement cant be gotten out of for three years. The press is not covering the important stories around this. Leland is that a resource issue . Or a cheap way to make fun of the president. What is the heart of the matter . You can see by the reaction that you showed leading into this. There is a genuine personal bias and loathing. And you should recuse yourself from doing a job where you are supposed to inform people. What is interesting about the paris accord are and no one is telling in the media, it is all voluntarily. Obama didnt take it seriously enough to push it through as a treaty f. It takes three years to get out, get out of what . There is actually no mechanism that forces people to do what the treaty requires and it really is not about Climate Change. Those who are worried about that issue should want it to end because it gives a false impression about the issue. It is an economic issue. I will bring the train back to the coverage issue. More on the politics of the climate issue coming up. Back to ellen. Coming off what tammiy said. Looking at the White House Press briefing and scott pruitt comes out has been a hostile press corps and there is the reporters sitting and waiting. The First Amendment codifies a free press. The framers felt it was important to the foundation of the democracy and continuation. How does the white house respond more effectively to the group. I think the white house should respond with facts. And this is a voluntary arrange sxment the white house needs to talk about the voluntariness of the arrange sxment they have to take what we signeded and explain it to the press in a clear, kind of way which i dont think they are doing as well as they should. Leland the roll out could have been better done . Or are we too early to decide. No what President Trump did was was great. But president obama misled everyone. Ben rose noted that the media was easy to manipulate regarding obamacare or anything else. And ellen is right. The white house will have to explain things to the media. They are not looking at the paris climate agreement and havent probably read it. Everything is going to happen except dogs sleep with cats. But there is no impact to the goals in this thing and not so serious to be a binding agreement. It seems political. But if the media was really curious. They would notice themselves and be willing and capable of conveying to the viewers. But the white house can tell the media and i dont know if the media in this case will care. But as long as they have the average person here and explanation as president explained the financial issues, the nation will understand and not need the legacy media to tell them. Leland not everyone at 1 40 eastern can watch the White House Press briefing. We are less than two minutes away from scott pruitt coming out. He is a long time defender are of taking a go it alone stance. Not a defender of more regulation as hes taken over the epa. One coal ceo saying the boot is off of our neck. We are seeing the assistants walking out and sean spicer in the podium. Good afternoon. Epa administrator pruitt is here to make a statement and answer on the paris climate accord. I ask that you keep your questions for administrator pruitt on topic. I would note he has a flight to head to and well try to keep it short on his end. It is good to be with you and i want to first by saying the president made a courageous decision on behalf of america. And put americas interest first with respect to environmental agreements and international discussions. I appreciate his fortitude. And i appreciate his leadership in this matter. And the discussion of the last week has been be thoughtful. And he heard many voices across a wide spectrum of haventedage point and he made an informed and thoughtful decision. What we have to remember. When it comes to environmental agreements with Paris Agreement. We have nothing to be apologietic about as a country. Our co2 foot print is reduced. In 2000 to 2014 we reduced carbon foot print through up to 18 percent. That is through technology and not government man date. We are leading with action and not words. I also want to say that exiting paris does not mean disengagement. The president said paris represents a bad deal for the country, but it doesnt mean well not export our innovation and technology and how we do it better here is Important Message to send. He will reenter paris or a new deal to but put america first. That is in trade policy, national security, and in border security. And right sizing washington d. C. And he did that with respect to his decision on paris. And with that well answer your questions. And i dont know your name and if i point to you. Mary bruce from abc. Hello mariy. I hope you clear it up once and for all. Does the president believe Climate Change is real. It is interesting through all of the discussions is focused on one single issue. Is paris good or not for this country. Thats the focus. And the focus remained on whether paris put us at an disadvantage and it put us an economic disadvantage. You may not know this. Paris is targeted 28 percent. And entire agenda of the Previous Administration we fell 40 percent short of the target. It was a failed deal to begin with and even if all targets are met by the nations in the globe it was reducing temperature 2 10ths of one degrees. Thats what the president focused on. And whether there are Good Environmental objectives achieved as a result of paris, his decision was no. S yes, or no. S yes, maam . [inaudible] the mitt scientist say that trump badly misunderstood the findings of that report and that in fact [inaudible] so specifically what are the science. There are other studies that are published at the time and the mitt study was something that as you you indicated 2 10ths of one degrees and they didnt have the corner of the study. Well provide the studies to you. What is clear about paris f. You go back and look at the criticism that was levelled at the Paris Agreement. Not only folks wanting to be ratified. The environmental left was critical of paris. James hanson is an individual who said it was a fake and a fraud. The general counsel said the same thing. There was much criticism because it did not hold china and india accountable. As you know, china did not take steps of complac to 2030. India did not have any obligation until 2 trillion in aid was provided and russia set is the baseline to commit more co2. We had to have a 28 percent reductions in greenhouse gases. Yes, sir . I would like to go back to the first question that was asked. Did the president believe that climate is a hoax. That is what he said. And he refuseed to answer. Can you speak for him. I did answer the question. The discussions that we have had are focused on one question issue. Is paris good or bad for the country . He determined it was bad for the country and hurt us economically and didnt achieve environmental outcome. And yes, sir . Thank you. Given the fact that you and other Administration Officials havent been able to outline the use of Climate Change, why should the other countries believe that the president will negotiate in good faith. As i indicated and the president emphasized in his speech. This administration and the country as a whole, we have taken significant steps to reduce our co2 foot print. How did we achieve that largely technology and horizontal drilling and natural gas and electricity. You will not hear from that left. We need to export Clean Coal Technology and to those and help them learn from us on what we did. We have led with action and not words. Paris at its core was a bunch of words committed to minimal environmental benefit and cost the country a substantial amount of money and put us at an economic disadvantage. Does the Administration Believe that an additional deal whether paris or subkwent. Can you say again. Does the Administration Believe any deal whether a Paris Agreement or another agreement meet congressional approval. I think it is clear with Paris Agreement that there are concerns. The president expressed concern. And i have similar concerns that it should have been submited to the senate for ratification. What you actually agreement. We are talking about exporting innovation and technology to the rest of the globe, i would not say it needs to be submitted. But if you are setting targets and emission targets that are enforceable domestically through regulation and statute very much so. The voice of the american citizens need to be heard in the process. Yes, sir. Thank you, obviously a lot of people in the white house are not willing to answer the question on Climate Change. In march you said there is tremendous disagreement and you would not agree the global warmer. Would you agree that human account aircraft contributes. My confirmation process is intense. I indicated that in fact, Global Warming is occurring. That human activity contributes in some manner and measuring with precision the degree of human contribution is challenging. But still begs the question. What do we do about it . Does it pose a threat as some say. People have called me a climate skeptic or denier. I dont know what it meanses to deny. They are climate exaggerators and many of you if you saw the article the climate of certainty in the new york times. It is an important quote from thearticle. Anyone who read the 2014 report of ippc knows while modduous celsium warming of the earth occurred since 1880. It is really a matter of probabilities and especially true of the sophisticated and falautomobile models in which the scientist appear in the climate. To say they deny science is to deny it much. What the American People deserve is a debate of objective transparent discussion about this issue. And what paris represents is an International Agreement to put the country at a disadvantage with very little benefit environmentally across the globe. May i ask a followup question. Why is the arctic ice shelve melting and hottest temperatures in the last decade and we have seen on record. We has been hasnt been on hyatt us. When nasa said that 95 percent of the experts in this area believe that the earth is warming and you are up there throwing out information that said it is exaggerated and talking about climate exageerator it seems that you and the president are just denying the reality and the reality of the situation that Climate Change is happening and it is a significant threat to the planet. Let me say this and in the confirmationing process. There is we have done a tremendous amount as a country to achieve redmukz co2. We have done that and continue to do that. And continue to stay engaged. We are part of un triple c. And that process encourages by subnational group and countries across the globe and well stay engaged and try to work an agreement and achieve outcomes to put americas interest first. This is not a message to anyone in the world that america is apology jeticking of co2. We are making tremendous advabs. But not going to hurt citizens in this country and advantage. There is no evidence of that. Thank you, mr. Administrator. Your fellow senator inhoft. He is nervous lower level career Government Employees in the epa and state department in actually executing what it means to exit the paris climate accord. What do you say . What is important to know that the president said the target set in paris. 26 or 28 percent are not enforceable. And the Green Climate fund where 3 billion of initial funding and that is immediate. Now there is discussionson going with the Justice Department on the stepses to execute the withdrawal and exit. That will happen over several weeks. But the targets and the Green Climate fund. That is important and clear. Im sorry . European leaders made it clear the deal cant be renegotiated. How does the president plan to negotiate a party. Whether it is a new deal or paris framework. It is either approach. They are not going to sit down to the table. Thats up to them, right . What america and the United States has a seat at the table. We are the United States and we are leading with respect to co2 production and made progress. And if nations want to see and learn from us on on what we are doing to reduce the co2 foot print well share that with them and will occur in the future and are reach out and recip crate. You are the epa administrator. Can you tell us if the president believes that Climate Change is a hoax. As i indicated there is enough to deal with the Paris Agreement and making an informed agreement about the focus and i have answered the question a couple of times. This gentlemen right here. Yes . Is it a concern that the United States has broken a promise to 190 countries and the President Trump did not address that particular point. And several times raised the lowering of co2 levels. Isnt the reason because of blocking the smoke stack and the regulation that the administration opposes . We reduced it through innovation and technology. Not the horizontal drilling. Is it a concern that we broke a promise to 190 countries. If it was a promise that is enforceable and obligate the country it should have been be ratified as a treaty. But the exposure to us here domestically was targets that are part of the International Agreement and provisions in the Clean Air Act that allows lawsuits filed to compel regulation. This is constitutional and legal concerns and the president dealt decisively with that. But the important thing here it was putting us at an international disvavenlth the world applauded because they knew it would put us back to a economic disadvantage. The europeans know it would shackle our economy though we are leading in our xhechlt thats all i have got. I have got to go. [inaudible] thank you mr. Pruitt. Earlier this morning americans seeking jobs are having more success finding them at any point in the last 16 year and a lot of the positive signs coming out of the job market. And the key uiks Unemployment Rate and gives a broader look at unemployment fell a full percentage point since the president took office. Longterm unemployment is down. And miners are getting back to work. The president is not going to stop until who wants to work can find meaningful employment and we are working on policieses to give tax plans and making easier for business bes to drive and a initiative agenda that puts investment and put americans back to work and repealing and replacing obamacare with a system that encourages competition and driveses prices down and regingulatory reform to reduce burdens on manufacturing and aiming for the far world reach. And the president will hold events in washington and outside washing pro growth and projob agenda later this afternoon. The president will sign two bill and both pass with bipartisan support to help protect those who protect us. The veteran and Public Safety approvement act that was sponsored by Chuck Grassly of iowa with and Kristin Gillibrand of new york. It will reduce the unacceptable back log, of families waiting for benefits for the officers killed in the line of duty. And the heros act corsponsored guy corman will readd veterans to their force and prioritizing the department of justice funding. It is critical to support the veteran and loved ones that paid the ultimate price while protecting our communities. The president is glad to sign those bills today. Also also in washington today, betsy de vos visited the Eagle Charter School to celebrate the launch of the department of educations new individual with disabilities act effort. At the state department, secretary tillerson met with foreign minister of brazil and is departing for australia this afternoon where he will join defense secet

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