Book, the Democrat Party hates america. Sounds provocative. But once you hear what i have to say, and you read the book, you will realize im not provoketive, they are. We have a lot of problems in this country. And for the most part, they can rest at the feet of the Democrat Party. Why do i say that . What is the Democrat Party . Is it a Political Party . It is more. The Republican Party is a Political Party. It is in many ways. When people go to vote, they vote republican most of the time they dont know why they are voting republican, the Republican Party doesnt tell them why they should vote for them, i call these people who run Republican Party, republican establishment or rinos or what have you, they reject familiar rally constitutional fundamental Co Constitutional principles, Democrat Party seeks to put donald trump in prison for the rest of his life. And republicans are debating whether they should have an Impeachment Inquiry into one of the most corrupt president s in american history, that is not the important of the booker on the show, breaking down a comprehensive detailing of why Democrat Party is actually a very eve evil entity that caused mayhem from its founding. It is difficult if not complicated to convey accurately what is in the book, i will do my best. I will do my best. But case is overwhelming. To talk about what is going on in the abstract here is not good enough any more. Who is responsible for what is taking place in this country today . It is the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party has never accepted americanism, we think of civil war we think of war between north and south. The war against slavery. Versus those who were defending slavery, a war 2 between new Republican Party and Democrat Party, lincoln representing Republican Party, and Democrat Party, was the party of the confederacy. That is a fact. And since then. It has been party of antiamericanism. In so many ways. The Democrat Party is the party of antiamericanism. Ruled dressed up as democracy. Sound familiar . The state party. That is there is no deficiedifference between massive bureaucracy and Democrat Party, it is owned and paid for by Democrat Party. Every time there is a threat of government shut down, it is how powerful. We writing history, for political purposes. This is what totalitarian parties do and fascist regimes and marxist regimes, who is pushing it . Democrat parties and their teachers unions, they trash the declaration of independences, they trash the constitution, they trash the american founding, they trash our Economic System under the umbrella of the Democrat Party. How many leaders of Democrat Party have rejected crt . None. How many rejected the attack on the Founding Fathers . None. And rejected 1619 project, none, they all promote it, there sa reason, changing Election Procedure to advantage the party but give i impression of a free and fair election. We saw through the whole pandemic, fle blue and purple states changed their Election Procedures, why . To allow more people to vote, that is not the issue, this is whether you allow the people who have the right to vote to vote, you need Security Measures in place, voter i. D. , and signed absentee ballots, they were eliminated in many states, you needed voter harvesting. They push hr 1 to nationalize Election Procedures to destroy the ability of Republican Party to win elections they took Election Procedures in california throughout the nation, they opposed electoral college, they want democrat strong hold, more pope lated areas to control the nation. Eliminating representative government, that i want to control the they want to control language and thought process, what is came, i donwoman, i dont know, what is a man, i cant say, pronouns, okay. You know we could change that we could fix that. In business of censorship of attacking free speech in first amendment, why . Language manipulation and authority control. That is what totalitarian autocratic parties demand. That is what Democrat Party demands, they need what . A State Run Media. Staterun matter, needs staterun media. Why do they call the them staterun party. The bureaucracy exists not for the American People, but to advance the cause and agenda and ideology of the Democrat Party. And they need their State Run Media to do the same thing, dont have a free press weaker aes from tha displo we have a press that is free to lie to us. And legalization of oppression, we can see that with parents and Catholic Church and pro lifers and donald trump, idea to indict a former president 91 times, up to a thousand years in prison, this is unheard of. It is not because of trump but because of the regime in the Executive Branch and the Democrat Party, there are no longer any red lines, it wont cross. Create intimidation. The january 6 protesters, who were not violent or rioters, many hundreds, the book has been thrown as them. Create enemies of the people. Enemies of the people, who are they . Maga. Maga is enemies of the people, but not just them, the justices on Supreme Court who are not radical leftists, they are the enemy of the people, the founders, the and it is Vehicl Disvehic Destruction of the nuclear family, parents have no rights, when it comes to children, if you listen to Democrat Party and union thugs, which is, you even have bureaucrats that is what they are in the government facilities, Government Schools saying they will decide without parent input if they childs genitalia should be changed. Think about that. The destruction of traditions and customs in civil society. The capture of our institutions. The and capitalism, capitalism equals freedom. It is equal individualality and success, and under scores prosperity a free nation can achieve. They are always attacks capitalism, one of their leaders, a marxist, you have a score and more democrats, marxists, who attack capitalism, Hakeem Jeffries spent most of his life attacking capitalism and joe biden talking about class warfare, economic warfare. Racism and antisemitism and groupism, Democrat Party i supports them all. They support them now and years ago. The attack on status quo of the existing society. There is a barrage. Day in day out, trashing individuals, trashing organizations trashing our history and future, they keep talking about fundamental transformation of american. Not just obama, or his wife michelle. Not just bernie sanders. Not just joe biden. It is constant. What does that mean too fundamentally transform america . Into what . I wrote a prior book, american marxism. To american marxist paradise society. Which can never exist. So, this book makes the case that Democrat Party today is the monopoly party. That is seeks and getting Monopoly Control over the lethe elect rally system, and they want Monopoly Control over bureaucracy, and replace the country with the party. Or to make them i the party comes first. In communist, you are the chairman of the party, fascism, you are the party. In america, you need to be the president or the speaker or the majority leader, of the Democrat Party, if you noticed they control the agenda all of the time, virtually alltime republicans on defense. And on defense in part because they are weak, they are disorganized but they are also on defense in par in part there is an element went Republican Party that would never supported Lyn Lincoln Oratio Reagan for president. You can substitute doom don Donald Trumps name for virtually every conservative. Reagan was not supported by republican establishment, he was undermined every step of the way by the bush family. Lincoln would not have been president but for the electoral college. In part, Republican Party is as i said, the Default Party for most voters, at least they are not the democrats, you cannot win a majority on a regular basis, not cannot combat which revolution and tyrannical party if that is how you view things. If you dont put your best foot forward and explain the Democrat Party hates america, not ambiguous concepts, but this institution, hates america, then i hate to tell you, america, were in for a very difficult time. When we come back, i want to give you specific examples of fact, and i will go right at what the democrats believe is the greatest period in american history. The greatest president in american history. Franklin roosevelt and the new deal, stick with me, it gets interesting, ill be righ we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. But then he got us tmobile home internet. I was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. I mightve taken it a step too far. Chainsaw Revs tree crashes chainsaw continues daughter screams lets pretend for a second that you didnt let down your entire family. What would that reality look like . Well i guess i wouldve gotten us xfinity. And wed have a better view. Do you need mulch . What, we have a ton of mulch. Every day, businesses everywhere are asking is it possible . Eral ton. With comcast business. It is. Is it possible to use predictive monitoring to address Operations Issues . We can help with that. Can we provide health care virtually anywhere . We can help with that, too. Is it possible to survey foot traffic across all of our locations . Yeah absolutely. With the advanced connectivity and intelligence of global secure networking from comcast business. Its not just possible. Its happening. Mark welcome back america. You know even the title of this book. The Democrat Party hates america has caused should some conservatives, almost every News Platform some socalled Cente Whic Conservative think tanks to try to censor this book, by pretending it does not exist, it exists. I predict you want will too read it, without Understanding The Role Democrat Party plays in disillusion much this republic we will not be able to fix it. If we can fix it. If their book gets into history of the Democrat Party, history of america, philosophy and on and on, i say, it is probably the most brutal and comprehensive take down of Democrat Party. Why it took my 1 16 months to do research and write the book. Lets jump in dem cr Democrat Party greatest hero roosevelt. Radios. Human improvement and progress would be measured not by outcomes of success but, tent to which government could be expanded. And altering relationship between the individual and the government. By for this reason, roosevelt representation as been spared criticism more than virtually any other public figure dead or alive. For the racist, bigoted, lawless, and unconstitutional act pes aspects of his true legacy, the books celebrating roosevelt. Lets add truth. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, 120 thousand japaneseamericans, were rol relocated, they lost homes, property and liberty, before japan attack on pearl harbor, resulting in u. S. Entering world war ii, med oin a series of articles, fdr railed against non immigrants from the far east, japanese immigrants are not capable of assimilation to the population he wrote. Produces, in 9 cases out of 10 most unfortunate results. That is roosevelt. In 1944. The Supreme Court majority members appointed by Roosevelt Upheld Internment order in in a 63 decision, justice black writing for the majority said in part. But when under conditions of modern warfare, the power to protect must commence rate with a threatened danger. He was force appointed to court by roosevelt and he was the lawyer for the klan in alabama for years, he became a u. S. Senator, he was 100 new deal democrat, fdr and rewarded with a position on the Supreme Court, but he was a racists, a bigot. That was roosevelts first appoint to the Supreme Court. But true japaneseamericans fought bravely during world war ii, much decorated for their valor, and part of most deckcratt decorated unit. Japaneseamerican served in u. S. Armed forces. Despite Havingf Loyalties questioned. Was a republican president , Ronald Reagan who signed Into Law Civil Liberty Act providing Restitution Payment of 20 thousand to 60 thousand surviving japanese americans, notice. Not reparations to fourth or fifth generations. Of individuals, who have slavery. These are direct payments to people who had suffered, what Roosevelt Civil Rights record toward blacks of sui zut newsed it is troubling if roosevelt established federal Housing Add Machine Strat administration. Purpose was to ensure mortgages, providing homeownership, i heard liberals say this is a perfect example of what roosevelt was trying to do to help blacks buy homes, that is a lie. It denies insurance and around dpla black neighborhoods, they were mass producing subdivisions for whites with requirement that none of the homes be sold to africanamerican, you heard term rid lining red lining it came from roosevelt and the new deal, they would take red markers and circle the communities, they were forbidden from receiving Tax Subsidies under the new deal, because they were considered a bad investment, red lining is a creation of the Dem Create Parties and the new deal. Slight the great black olympian jesse owens, the star of the olympics was not invited to white house, asked if he was snubbed by hurtler at the olympics he said it was not hitler it was fdr. Roosevelt refused to support federal antilynching legislation in 1940. Joe lewis, endorsed Roosevelt Republican opponent wilke. Roosevelt has been in office for 8 years, and done nothing about it. The people in north dont know how long is 8 years. Roosevelt didnt sign it, he feared he was running for a third term and might lose. And he never used his Political Capital to do anything meaningful to help the blacks. Banned black reporters from house press conferences. More of the Democrat Party hates america in a moment. Its something about having that piece of paper. Some people think thats worth more than my skills. Ive run this place for 20 years, but i still need to prove that im more than what you see on paper. You gotta be so good they cant ignore you. Its the way my mind works. I have a very mechanical brain. Analytics and empathy. Thats how i gain clients. I am more. Im more than who i am on paper. Mark welcome back. I can touch a tiny percentage of the book during the course of the program. Im trying to give you enough of an idea what is in it so you read the entire thing. I could go on about fdr. His stale department was most antisemitic. The height of nazism and third reich. And the De Deaths Camps that Roosevelt Administration prevented. Yous frjews from escaping short death. They had not met the cap on how many could come to u. S. , but one of his close friends, refused to allow the jews into the United States resulting in many of them dying and pointed out, in the book, that despite the fact that we were doing Bombing Raids within 5 miles of auschwitz, roosevelt refused to hit the railroad tracks, he history of antisemitic comments and history of racism not just with blacks but other minorities there was a study, paid for by tax dollar to look at what was mixed races. Maybe you want to hear about Woodrow Wil Wilson who resegregated military, and resegregated federal bureaucracy, after republicans desegregated it and wilson required people to include photographs with resumes to prevent blacks from being hired. And as president of university, bragged that not one black student was admitted to princeton while he was president. Wilson who embraced ku klux klan, and Hakeem Jeffreys uncle, big time bigot, focused on jews, when jeffries was a Opportunity Leader in cheng college, he defended his uncle to the hilt in language you will see in the book that you never see in media, what kennedies, Joseph Kennedy sr. Was such an anti semite. He was communicating through backchannels with government in germany to suggest to them his sympathies were with them. What about him . Folks the list is so long, margaret sanger, a racist, who is the founder of Planned Parenthood handing out prizes, the likes of Hillary Clinton and so forth, what about joe biden . In his early career, he didnt make any mistake, he made a call collisi cal calculation. He was not just a follow along he was a participant in what they were doing. That is the Democrat Party and a hell of a lot more when you read about antiblack racism and antisemitism in one of the chapters, then a following chapter, antiwhite racism and antisemitism. What you will see in antiwhite racism is a move. Of course, a civil right marxist movement. But more than that, a movement that tries to turn american against american and uses race because the democrat peter always party always uses race, a movement that Trashing Notion of Martin Luther king and others called before him, a color blind society, they argue that it means a society based on white domination. Because as were told, it is a white dominant society that created constitution up to today, but you will learn the facts, it was not a white dominant society that creates these, that many black people actually voted if support of candidates, and voted in support of the constitution of the United States you will learn all of these things. That i uncovered from not Conspiracy Theorists or kooks, from scholars and historians and in think at the time, article of which you can see all of which you can see in end notes in 60something pages of end notes in the back of the book, resources you can find. This is why i write my own books, there is a chapter on language and thought control, were in the middle of it, wokism is a passive term, it is about language control, thought control, you either do but what the Democrat Party say throughs bureaucracy and bidens Executive Orders through their buddies and corporatist world or you suffer. You you given a Scarlet Letter or lose or job or you are 450u7 humiliated or called a racist, this is how Tote Ttotalitarian regime takes over a culture. This is in the book. And the disvehic destruction of the nuclear family, the war on the constitution, that is another chapter in the book, and stalin would be proud, the last chapter about what they have done to Law Enforcement are our legal system, our constitutional system and how we the citizenry pay the price for this in our safety, and in whether or not well retain a republic. In my view, as author. But i believe this, my most important book, it is a very thorough book. We need to begin to make the case to our fellow citizens that the Democrat Party hates america. It hates america. Our culture, our governing system, border and sovereignty, our Economic System, it hates the country, ill be right ah, these bills are crazy. She has no idea shes sitting on a goldmine. Well she doesnt know that if she owns a Life Insurance policy of 100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. Even a term policy. Even a term policy . Even a term policy find out if youre sitting on a goldmine. Call Coventry Direct today at the number on your screen, or visit coventrydirect. Com. Mark welcome back america, we have our friend, Stephen Miller with. Outstanding legal organization. Stephen miller, impeachment of president of United States, constitution says treason, bribery, high environment crimes and misdemeanors, i fear that republicans are taking a narrow view of this. The does not mean that bribery has not occurred. A very narrow view. We had 4 impeachments of the past. We know from madisons notes from the debates not just in Constitutional Convention but tate conventions, they intended that phrase to mean something more. That is a president committing political actions against the body politic that are unacceptable in terms of what a president should be doing, your take . You are right. And i think it is a terrible shame that so many in the house have taken such a narrow view. Imposed restraints on themselves to what impeachment means, if you as president of United States, betray your nation and you are complicit in grievance acts against that country, that in and of itself is basis for impeachment. What joe biden has done with the dissolution of our southern border, the eradication of our National Sovereignty and suspension of hundreds of pages of duly enacted immigration law, satisfies every condition of an impeachment, you cannot have a president who is hat war with who is at war with his own country, sabotaging daily the safety, security of his nation, Human Trafficking ask a felony, a high criminal. If you Human Traffic a single individual, you could go to jail for many years. How many people has joe biden trafficked . Millions, how many children has he smuggled in millions. And how many people have died as result of drugs he let in with his willful and deliberate policy choices, hundreds of thousands, high crime, high crime. Lets send it to senate on top of bribery and on top of Influence Peddling and tax crimes, his tote ral total detail of american republic. Mark beautifully said, Stephen Miller, you have a biden regime trying to put donald trump in prison for his life on almost 100 charges. In every imaginable way, then you have Senate Republicans who say, where is the evidence for even an primImpeachment Inquiry, you are distracting us, we have to sieve our political butts, you people in house with your prim Impeachment Inquiry you will ruin it. It is always the same story with Senate Republicans. This body, and our republican is being destroyed now. They are trying to put donald trump in prison for political descent, free speech violations, thought crimes for using Legal Process to challenge an election. They are not just as you mentioned not for two years or 5, but a thousand years. They have more indictments against him than anyone would think to do in north korea, or russia or any Banana Republic in this world this is feue pure fascism. Were saying lets keep it calm and wait for the election, i dont remember when donald trump run in 2017, all democrats say, lets be calm and work with the guy and go along and deal with it in 4 years, they spent every waking moment trying to stop donald trump, now you have a lawless president , a rogue regime, trampling our liberties every day, throwing political dissidents in prison and people can barely be bothered to get out of bed in morning and say a damn thing about it. Mark 100 right. Well be right back. Meet the portable blender we can barely keep in stock. Blendjet 2 gives you icecrushing, big blender power onthego. So you can blend up a mouthwatering smoothie, protein shake, or latte wherever you are recharge quickly with any usb port. Best of all, it even cleans itself just blend water with a drop of soap. What are you waiting for . Order yours now from blendjet. Com before they sell out again mark welcome back america. Stephen miller, doesnt seem that anything democrats are doing from their perspective is working politically, they keep advising on republicans what they should and shouldnt do, to not lease elections weirdest damn thing, same with media. Why are you advising us . Looks like. They want to jetson joe biden at some point and his sidekick, they are not sure how do it or when. What is interesting is this, are they not saying whe what weve been saying for years, joe biden is incapacitated and harris is despised. In reminds me of when they talk about the economy, democrats go out there telling us how great the economy is, the American People say it is not. Other than hating us, and wanting to destroy the country in my view, doing a hell of a good job. What is it that the Democrat Party wants biden do . What would they replies him with . Replace him with . That is the Million Dollar question, they want to be unshackled from biden, not pause they d they dont like his policies but they realize his ses se sensand unlikebility. And crass, now a scandal with hunter biden. They would love to get rid of him there is noe no arts full or else befull or elegant way, they are sure of their best chance in their mindings of Keeping Control in washington is to use power of the Justice Department to disable the conservative movement, beginning with donald trump but going after has many conservative activists and organizations and Funding Sources to creates an atmosphere of intimidation, they believe that is their most effective way, and sends a message t to americans if you cross us. You will be on the list too there is a long track record of people supporting that to say out of the cross fire. They figure i will be on side of the authoritarians less they come after me. Mark and they are coming after us, they are monitoring us. And they are censuring us and coming after parents and catholics and after pro lifers and after whatever it is they think it challenging them. And were facing that today, it is amazing we have a 25 amendment for purpose like this, to remove someone like that but the democrats will not go for that, my theory, Stephen Miller, if they cant remove him, they will reelect him and remove him and remove her, we will have a Government Led by two individuals who were never elected. Thank you for everything that do you, can god bless you my friend and your new baby. Thank you, appreciate that very much, god bless you and to learn more visit aflegal. Org. Well be right back. Welcome back america i will leave you with this. Inevitably the Democrat Party infinite cultural economic and political interventions In The Name Of the people some virtuous and worthy cause. Leave it to the steady decline of liberty. Thper the steady riseof totalit. The expectation of the people the bureaucrats and enforcers what is and is not good for them. As are the justifications. Slowly get used to it even in vote for. Then its too late. The loathing of americas boundless. The Democrat Party ladies and gentlemen, once the fundamentally transform america from what to what . Want to destroy the Economic System. What is a want to take us . It wants to take us where all want to take us. A centralized government. Just listen to what they say. And watch what they are doing. The messaging is clear. I want to thank you for watching tonights program. I hope youll grab your copy of the Democrat Party hates america. It will be available tuesday everywhere in amazon. Com right now. The nexsee you next time on lif, liberty, and livein good evening thank you for joining us i am a trey gowdy it is sunday night in america. Our political system is almost exclusively reserved for two parties. There have been some notable exceptions candidate and Third Party Candidates siphon off enough votes to impact the outcome which by the way always seems strange to me. Ross perot took votes from george h. W. Bush which meant

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