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Thank you, panel. As always, thanks for inviting us into your home tonight from concord, new hampshire, thats it for this special report, fair, balanced, and unafraid. No online show tonight. Greta goes on the record right now. Developing now, ukraine out of control. More missiles shooting down planes, this time fighter jets. So were they fired by the same attacker whos took down flight 17 . At this hour president obama is on the west coast busy on his fundraising trip. Meanwhile, back at home in washington, d. C. , senator john mccain is calling the Obama Administration cowardly. He will go on the record in just moments. Fox news Steve Harrigan live in ukraine with the very latest. Steve . Greta, two more planes shot down in Eastern Ukraine today. This time both military planes. They were f2 fighters. Soviet era made by the Ukrainian Government flying low within the crash site. Near the border with russia. Likely flying low in support of infantry. Ukraine is mapping an offensive now against the rebels. They were probably hit with shoulder mounted rockets. Not the sophisticated antiaircraft missiles that were used to bring down that civilian malaysian liner but really a sign of just how dangerous the skies in ukraine are. And just how dangerous that site remains with this hot war going on. A number of International Experts still havent been able to reach the scene and begin the work. Different turn it of events for some the victims after days in body bags and on broken down trains, a real turn for the better as far as respect and dignity goes for 40 victims who have made it to the netherlands. They were put on private hearses and given a sign of respect from the dutch nation. The identification project will begin now. The rest of the bodies will arrive in nethers lie the end of the week. Days to week to make identification using d. N. A. Analysis of teeth and hair before those bodies are repatrioted. Greta, back to you. Steve, as it calmed down at all or i mean obviously if they shot down two fighter planes not shot down on the air but what about on the ground. On the ground, the rebels are actually losing territory. They retreated from the outskirts of this city where i am now, moving into the city center and kicking out University Students and taking over their dorm story Tropical Storm dormitories. Keep in i understand moo, both sides have heavy armor and rockets. This is a city of a million people. So donesk could be in a real fight. Thank you. John mccain with razor sharp words for the administration calling it cowardly in the handling of the ukraine crisis. Nice to see you sir. Thank you, greta. Cowardly why. Cowardly not to give these people weapons for which to defend themselves. Im not positive that this wouldnt have happened but i think if the ukrainians had been giving what they were begging for rather than mres, im not making this up. They finally decided to give them mres but they didnt want to fly them this. Leased german trucks to truck them in. Im not making that up. We see these weapons pouring across the border from russia into Eastern Ukraine. We wont give them any defensive weapons. They may have been able to succeed in moving those, quote rebels as they are called out of ukraine and maybe this wouldnt have happened. Whats the backup of president obama . Why wouldnt he want to do that . What i was told, they didnt want to provoke Vladimir Putin. The misreading of Vladimir Putin is the most amazing thing to me that it is just boggles the mind. And when i say its cowardly. I think its cowardly not to help people who are begging to for our help to eject people who are ininvestigating their invading their country. Taking crimea. Literally invading their country. These people that are in the country are, some of them are, quote russianspeaking ukrainians but a hell of a lot of them are just russians who have come in at the behest of Vladimir Putin to create unrest. If you continue to have that part of ukraine in turmoil, their economy cannot recover. Thats where the major industry is. How do you stop putin at this point . Oh, i think slap sanctions, sector sanctions on. Send the weapons to these people, move reinvigorate our missile systems. And check republic and poland. Move nato troops into at least temporarily into areas that are more surrounding this area of the world where there is such unrest. And condemn our socalled european friends. Do you really think that the french are going to revoke the sale of those two helicopter carriers hot russians who have openly said they could have gotten the georgia operation done in 45 minutes with those carriers. The europeans are not going to do anything until they are energy independent, senator hole green, barrasso and i put together a proposal that within three years we could get natural gas from fargo, north that coat to europe and that will change the whole scenario. Until they are energy independent, the europeans arent going to do a damn thing. Well, even with his own party, he has people objecting, senator feinstein objecting to him and his fundraiser. At least thats the way i read this. This is senator feinstein. Im not going to tell the president what to do. But i think the world would very much respect his increased attention on this matter. And i think there ought to be increased attention. Well, he was out in california, she ought to be glad of that. But, look. Out in california, you know what he said at a fundraiser today. He was talking, he said i would love nothing more than a loyal and rationale opposition. Basically saying the g. O. P. Is not loyal and rationale. The selfpity that he continues to exhibit is really kind of sad, really. You know, i cant work with them and all. When is the last time he really called leaders of both parties together over at the white house, say, for a dinner, a social event, you know, that reagan was best at, clinton did, bush did. Why isnt he . I cannot explain it except to say that he does not have this desire to have social interface with people and sit down and try to work things out. Right now, we he have got ukraine. We have got the border. Israel . We have got israel. We have got iraq. We have got more problems, more crises than i have ever seen both foreign and domestic. I said i have never seen more turmoil. Everybody says im talking about turmoil in the world. I have never seen more. You might want to hear my offtherecord at the end of the show tonight. I know you have got a busy schedule. You might want to hear what i have to say about that nice to he so you, sir. Thank you. News tonight that a month ago ukraine had asked the u. S. And nato jamming to block very painful question could that radar jamming equipment had we delivered it, could it have prevented the downing of flight 17, the daily beast eli lake broke that story. Nice to see you, eli. What did ukraine ask from us and nato and when. Specifically asked for Electronic Warfare technology. The idea would be Radar Technology and jamming out date and russians can defeat it. If you can somehow jam the radar then you deny the admissibility of adversary to aim. At the time they asked nato for radar jamming, would it have been possible or likely or probable to be able to get that equipment to ukraine so in time it might have prevented this crash . No. This wasnt asked for some kind of Technology Given the time frame nobody says it would have been able to get there to prevent that crash. They were asking for it we have to understand is last month when the United States publicly disclosed that they did see these systems from russia coming into ukraine. And that was a point at which this was absolute. Is this just simply a back off of the Obama Administration to want to get their hands into the ukraine separatist movement problem . There has always been an intelligence issue because the Ukrainian Military in particular was extremely close to the russians until february. There is a concern very sensitive equipment given to the ukrainians could be reverse engineered by the russians. Fascinating article by the daily beast that you broke. Thank you, eli. Thank you. Not just ukraine. Try our borders. Disturbing new information about immigration crisis. New Research Showing that children under 12 years old are are the Fastest Growing group of minors crossing our border compared to pew research compared to last year, 117 increase in the number of children 12 and younger caught at the border. 117 increase. And the l. A. Times molly hen see joins us. Nice to he so you, molly. Hi, greta. Thanks for having me. Molly, why the huge jump, the 117 . Why do people think thats jumping so high . Well, and that 117 represents children who are being caught crossing the border unaccompanied. Without their parents. This is a variety of reasons i talk to some of the children as well as parents who came with children. We have seen a tripling in the number of those kids who have been caught with their parents crossing. You hear people say that they heard about these permissos that he they would be given permission to statement you hear about people talking about economic conditions, poverty, violence, threats from gangs, extortion also coming for medical help. Well what sort of provoked the permissos all of a sudden becoming so prevalent that you hear so much about it. Why . Its give to say. The people i talked to i pressed them. I was down in the border a couple of weeks ago, i went out with Border Patrol and out with them apprehending people. I would ask them did you hear about these per missos i heard on the news or my friends wasnt exactly clear how they were finding out. Continue to come into the country. In terms of what is their condition when he they arrive, the ones you saw . Well, i was able to go in with Border Patrol to one of the stations in brownsville, texas, where the children are housed and we saw the children. We werent able to speak it them or interview them but they have added a lot to accommodate the children. They have added showers. They have volunteers and fema staff who come and take them out for recreation outside. The Border Patrol agents who i spoke with said look, we are not trained to work with children. These facilities were not designed to be housing them. So then they do turn them over within 17 hours to run longer term shelters. The facilities here on the border have been overwhelmed. In recent weeks they have seen a little bit of a drop of the number of children who have been apprehended. Not clear whether that is going to continue, whether its sustainable. Molly, thank you. Thank you. Its not just the border states. Thousands of immigrant children moving on right through the border states to states across america and many governors dont know how they will pay for them. Now, several governors demanding president obama take action. Gary herbert joins us. Good evening, sir. Good evening to you, greta, great to be with you. Governor, you and several other governors have written a letter to the president of the United States. What did you write the president and what do you want . Well, i think were exhibiting frustration about the immigration problem. Particularly with 57,000 undocumented children being at our southern border. As we have asked about that, we are finding out that not only are they there, but they are being placed with relatives and sponsors who are also undocumented. Further just exacerbating the problem. Is this, i mean, do you have any real problem now or are you predict that you are going to have a problem later you . Are not a border state but you are a big state. I mean, are these just sort of like you are worried about whats to come . That is certainly part of it and its not just about utah. Its about america. We are not a border state but a lot of undocumented immigrants filter up to utah. We have about 100,000 we estimate now in the state of utah. There has been kind of a diminishment of that because of the recession. Enough to that the economy is starting to turn around, you see this surge is taking place. Why we are sending parents and young people on the bordered in the hope of getting inside america really is puzzling in many ways and certainly not a very good healthy immigration policy for america. You have had any sort of interaction or response. I realize you just sent the letter to the president. Any response from the Obama Administration so at least you are considering or willing to work with you or do they ignore you . Well, i dont think they have ignored us. Secretary burwells with sensitive to questions being asked on both sids of the aisle but particularly sponsors that they dont ask the question whether they are documented or not. The estimates are that nearly half of them arent. So we have a problem there that she at least is aware of. The question is really what do we do . I think for governors, we are frustrated that nothing is really happening in washington, d. C. There is a dearth of leadership. The president wont even go down to the border to look and see firsthand whats taking place. He needs to come up with a plan of first securing the border. I think thats something everybody agrees with why can we not at least take that first step of securing the border and deincentivizing people from coming across the border. You talk about the young people, and thats a significant rise of what 117 of these young people that are coming to our borders, most of them unaccompanied with adults. But, adults are still coming, also. They are the largest numbers still. If there is no plan, why do you not feel ignored you . Said a minute ago you dont feel ignored. I would think i would feel ignored if i thought this was a big problem coming down the road and i alerted of them to it and got basically no plan. Well, when i say ignored, we had the meeting thatment proked the letter just a week ago. Im going to give them at least some grace period to respond to the letter. Again, i think the secretary of health and her response, she is happy to do something thats very difficult. She accident create policy on the border. Thats the congress and thats the president. So, from the standpoint of nothing is being done, we are kicking the can down the road, i guess you are right, we are being ignored. Frankly the governors are tired of it we have tried to do some things in our states. We have been told very directly by the courts this is a federal issue. Okay. Well back off. But we expect the federal government to do something. And, again, the president has got to lead. He has a 3. 7 billiondollar program out there. Senator reid and the Senate Democrats have a 2. 7 billiondollar proposal. There they are only a billion apart. I know in washington, d. C. Thats a rounding error. Thats real money to the city of utah and taxpayers. They have got to show leadership and bring people together, particularly we all to secure the border. I dont understand why that cant be d governor, thank yo. Thank you. And this week, the president s of guatemala, el salvador and honduras will meet with president obama here in washington at the white house. Joining us, guatemalaen foreign minister fernando, nice to he see you sir. Nice to see you as well. Welcome to the United States. Thank you very much. Why are children leaving your country for the u. S. A. . Well, i think what happened the last three years is that the criminal found a way of fooling families. Central america that they could get some kind of legal establishment and they provide a service and because of the number of cases you have your judicial system now, migration, some of them have stayed longer, and so, started to say to the families, you see, we told you, you know, they are staying in the u. S. Legally and they were fooled because of that and thats why so many children have come now. Whats sort of unusual though is guatemala, mexico, to the United States. And just this month, the president of guatemala and the president of mexico signed an agreement to make it sort of an easier transit through mexico, right . No, no. Thats not correct. Okay. The agreement is the agreement has two parts, right . One is that along the border that we share, 80kilometers within mexico and also within guatemala, there would be some kind of a there is a lot of trade and we activity. Beyond that point, 80kilometers within mexico, control starts to get stricter and stricter. Until they reach more or less 3300 south of mexico convocation city. Mexico city. Mexico has said very clearly they dont want migrants from Central America to move to northern mexico and they will collaborate. Are they actually stopping them at the southern Mexican Border . The idea is that with this system created, everybody in guatemala will be having a card. There will be issued free by the government. Which allows them to go into mexico . Within those 80kilometers. Thats why it looks like its easier to get into mexico. Let me ask you another question. The children being deported back to guatemala. Are you able to absorb them . By all means, no problem with that. You want your children back . No problem with that. What do you want when the president meets with your president meets with our president at the white house this week, what is it that will help your country so that we dont k. At least try to put a lid on this problem for both countries. Two major issues. One is the issue of coordinated Action International criminal networks. I think that is important so we can have all of this International Networks under control in the u. S. And mexico and in Central America. They work along the three territories and the second thing that is very important is longterm investment in social and Economic Opportunities most children are left because there is not enough secondary education. Guatemala. If we send them back to you or deport them back which is what is happening you cant even put them in schools . No. So you have got an absorption problem if they come back to you . Not really. Because, just give you a figure. Okay. More or less 25,000 children coming in the last three years from guatemala. Okay . We have every year 400,000 newborn children in guatemala. 400,000. Children below the age of 18, 6. 5 million. So 25,000 is not an enormous number that he we cannot absorb. Mr. Foreign minister thank you for joining us, i hope we can work this out because its serious for both countries, thank you. Thank you. Horror writer steven king blasting the party and christians. What did he just write thats sparking so much qulowt rage. Michael moore of hollywooda . 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King tweeted revised gospel suffer the little children come unto me unless they are undocumented kids from Central America. Thats not all. King also tweeting much easier to be the children when the little children arent in your backyard, isnt it . Joining us our Political Panel u. S. A. Today kirsten power and washington, d. C. Political correspondent byron york. Rick . He is tearing up the twitter account . Yeah. Using religion and typically you use religion when you use it as weep. You dont use it proactively. Use it against someone else to say, you look at their beliefs and say this is something that runs contra. That is always problematic, because for a long time and for most of american history, the presumption has been that someones individual religious beliefs thats their own beliefs, thats their own business to. Ascribe politics to it is asking for trouble. I suspect suspect, kirsten, i dont know about allot about steven king he would do a lot about this argument if he were down at the border handing out sandwiches or something. I have done a the love reporting on this story i can tell you pretty much everybody i have talked to who has been handling these children are from christian organizations. I mean, you it is the christian organizations that are taking them in. Its the u. S. The council of catholic bishops. Its catholic charities. Its evangelical organizations. Almost these are christians taking care of these kids. Horror writers. What they write on twitter is horror. They are unaware of how integral these christian organizations really are to our social services to this country and how much they really do pick up the slack in a crisis. I actually think Michael Moore later another segment. But, boy, byron, like is he trying to compete with Michael Moore for hypocrite of the night. Unless he is down on the border contributing a lot of money i dont know about for these kids. Its not a religious issue. The government has a right to set its immigration policy to enforce immigration policy. I will say though in this particular debate about the unaccompanied minors coming over the border. We have seen at love religious references. If you listen to nancy pelosi, the House Minority leader she has said on a number of times she has cited the conference of catholic bishops to suggest that most of the children should be given homes in the United States and should not be returned to their home country. There has been a lot of religious references. Shouldnt steven king then be pointing his keyboard more at nancy pelosi and not at the christians who might be down at the border or even like the tea party which is not a religious issue . I mean, wouldnt he be better suited to do that . Well, certainly not anybody. Handing out sandwiches. Certainly not anybody who is actually taking action to help had the people coming over. Is she doing anything . Take leader pelosi, is she doing anything . A lot of people are talking about it in washington. There are so many talkers, everybody has an opinion. You got steven king who has an opinion who are the good guys, the bad, anybody doing anything, rick . She is pushing Immigration Reform. How . Fundraiser. Clearly she would like to seat Immigration Reform bill, thats the democratic prescription for a the lotted of this. I dont think its fair to expect every lawmaker to be handing out sandwiches. I used that as a reference. The people who have the power to do something, have the authority to do something they are not doing it they are not up on capitol hill pounding out some bill. She is out at a fundraiser in california. Im not expecting her to hand out sandwiches, but. It is remarkable 8 days before this congressional recess everybody agrees this is a big pressing national issue. No sense of urgency around it everyone is throwing up their hands too far apart have to come back after labor day. Real possibility. Nothing will get done before the recess. They should be engaged and maybe every single one of them doesnt need to be down on the border. Its such a huge issue. I think president obama should have gone to the border when he was down there. I think if they are going to talk about it, they should go down and see it firsthand and everybody see whats going on. I dont think they have to go to the border. At least back home in their offices writing legislation and talking to each other. Anyway, panel, thank you. The irs scandal just got weirder, it has to do with lois lerners emails. Hear what the irs commissioner just said. Thats next. We fill our freshly baked flatbread, with bold, unflat flavors. 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They were not destroyed as a conscious effort by the irs. If the folks like lois lerner and others would have spent more time working on the backlog and less time targeting groups, maybe morale would be better and maybe their backlog would be lesser. Not one piece of data could be covered. Doesnt surprise you the American People just have a hard time believing that does it. There was no secret that we were hiding. Right after the oversight hearing the irs commissioner talking directly to us on the record. My commitment is i want people to be comfortable that the irs is simply the tax administrator. We are not a political organization. We are not politically motivated when they hear from us, it has only to do with tax matters it has nothing to do with their background, their organization, their political beliefs. At this point, beginning it run out of documents to produce but we will continue to produce them as quickly as we can in response to the committees request. All the information i have is that the tapes from backup tapes from three years ago were recycled and dont exist. I do know the Inspector General came out in this hearing and earlier materials released by this committee has looked at some tapes and is reviewing them. To the extent that there . I information on them, that would be terrific. If they need outside help, i would never oppose that again, as i say, its our interest, my sense is, we produce 67,000 lois lerner emails, the vast majority of them arent very interesting. We have got 24,000 that she sent during this period to other people. And so my sense is that it would be very good to know how many other emails there were. At this point there is no indication that they would be really exciting, but it would be much better for everybody to know that. Representative jim jordan joins us. Good evening, sir. Good to be with you. If this werent so serious i would be flippant and say who is on first. Now the commissioner says he doesnt know he didnt know the backup tapes existed and now he doesnt know if there is anything on them. What does he know and where is this information . Yeah. Great question. Because every time we interview someone else, we find out some new fact that contradicts what mr. Koskinen has said under sworn testimony, under oath sworn testimony in front of the can i. Let me ask you this, is he lying or uninformed or confused or what . Today he indicated that he didnt even talk to his chief counsel. His chief counsel knew in mid february that lois lerners computer hard drive was unrecoverable. They didnt tell us untilsser i dont. Four months. Uninformed, incompetent in thinks job or deceitful. Its hard to say. What are you leaning towards. I think he isnt being square with us. Thats a plight polite way of being deceitful. I asked him. Why didnt you tell us in april when you said you did know. Why did you wait all the way to june 13th . My theory is. This Judicial Watch does a foia request, they get email from the Justice Department. They forward the Justice Department. They get email that shows he was talking with lois lerner in 2013. Woe bring in mr. Pill gear in. Right before the Inspector Generals report went published, this is may of 2013 before. Right before . Actually days before. The email was two days before she went public. So we bring him, in we find out he not only talked to her then but in 2010. About what in 2010 . About targeting . Yes. About the whole Citizens United case about the whole subject matter. We subpoenaed justice and we want all correspondence between justice and lois lerner. We get those emails. We then ask the irs why do we have to get this from justice . Why didnt you provide them . Here is the key fact. Look at the time line. As a prosecutor did you that as well. That was june 9th when we sent that letter to the irs. June 13th is when they disclosed to the world, hey, we lost lois lerners emails and they have been destroyed and they are unrecoverable. So you knew in february june 13th. Why june 1st . Because we sent a letter on june 9th saying we got email from the Justice Department that we didnt get from you. The Justice Department in 2010 before the Inspector Generals report if they are talking to lois lerner about targeting, the plot thickens very much. I mean, were they actually talking about targeting them . Its worse than that, greta. The irs sent 1. 1 million pages about c4 organizations. 21 disks of information. A small portion of that contained taxpayer protected information. 6103. Stuff you cant about donors. They sent out the fbi. That was in the fbis possession for four years. This coordination and collaboration went clear back to 2010. Once we had those emails and confronted the irs on it, suddenly four days later they tell the world oh, you know what . We lost lois lerners emails. What is commissioner koskinens goal though . He if you think he he is deceitful. He has every motive to do the opposite. Tom cain one of the lawyers responsible for document in. Up to 20. 80 people involved in the irs targeted. 82 identified. Up to 20 may in fact have had computer crashes. Whats the odds of one fourth of the beam who are under part of the investigation having a computer crash . But thats what tom cain, the lawyer, the professional lawyer in charge of document production said to our staff last thursday. Plot thickens, thank you, sir. Thank you. And is the world just going to look the other way while christians get slaughtered by isis . Just because they are christians . And they just wouldnt convert to islam. Ambassador john bolton is here next. Plus, Michael Moore wants more and more and more. Yes, the same film maker who calls capitalism evil. Is moore a hypocrite. 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Secretary kerry pushing for a ceasefire during a whirlwind of meetings he met with benjamin netanyahu. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and ban kimoon. But, in southern gaza, no end in sight for the fighting. Fierce battles still raging between israeli troops and hamas. And now to the terror in iraq. Isis forcing thousands of christians to convert to islam, leave the country, pay a fine, or die by the sword. Today on capitol hill, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle slamming the Obama Administration for failing to act quickly to stop isis. And former u. N. Ambassador john bolton joins us. Genk, sir. You know, its just unthinkable. Isnt it . I mean, its like how do we get to the point where we have christians being threatened with essentially genocide . Well, i think the Obama White House simply was not paying attention to what was going on. I mean, we dont know exactly what they were being briefed on, but there was little doubt that for months and months, radicals were infiltrating the Syrian Opposition and, indeed, dominating large parts of it and a the notion that at some point they would link up with the disaffected sunnis in iraq against the al maliki regime, whether they had hard intelligence on it or not was a perfectly obvious possibility. And, yet, because of the disinterest in what was going on in iraq, they simply turned their eyes away. Is this going to put a spotlight, this horrible crisis put a spotlight on the Bigger Picture . This persecution of christians is not just in iraq. You have got it in sudan. You have got it in nigeria and a lot of african countries. In paris now we have jewish shop owners being terrorized as a result of the conflict in israel. I mean, this is this is a terrible situation thats going on around the world. Well, this is really a clash of civilizations when you have radical islam, in effect, going after christianity and judaism where the clash occurs. And i dont think we should blink at it. I think this is a reality. And something we have to deal with its not to say that thats what all muslims think or all christians think. But its very clear that those who profess the radical islamist ideology intend to suppress the other religion. There is a part of me that never wants to be alarmist but part of me that studied history. We he have seen what happens when religious groups get persecuted. What are we going to it do . Is there anything to do to try to protect these people, to try to stop this . Well, let me just say, i think there is a fundamental problem at the front end, and that is in europe and in parts of the United States, including the current occupant of the white house, i dont think there is an understanding of what happens with religious if a that if a that theism, everything is seen as economic problem. If only these people werent poor people would be okay. Religion cuts across that and thats what we are seeing. Specifically in syria, and iraq, i think its clear the United States has got to be able to go after the isis threat without doing one of two other things. One, strengthening irans hand in whats left of iraq, or, two, attacking sunnies who are actually not part of the isis problem. Its hard to separate them. But i think we need a will the more targeted response going after isis leaders. That would be the steps i would take right now. All right. And, of course, thrown into the mix you have got the american in prison in iran who is a christian. I mean, i could go on and on and on the list it is a big list. Anyway, thank you ambassador. Thank you. Michael moore calling capitalism evil. Is he referring to his lake front mansion or giant new york city condo. Hollywood hypocrisy next. Theres a gap out there. Thats keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. At humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if frustration and paperwork decrease. The gap begins to close. So lets simplify things. Lets close the gap between people and care. vo you know that dream. Where youre the hero . Hey. You guys mind warming this fella up for me . Im gonna go back down, i saw some recyclables. Make it happen with verizon xlte. Find a car service. Weve doubled our 4g lte bandwidth in cities coast to coast. Thanks sure. Weve got a spike in temperature. So save the day. Dont worry, i got this. Oh yeah, i see your spaceships broken. With xlte on largest, most reliable network. Get 50 off all new smartphones like the lg g3. It can help your business save money. False. The truth is when you compare our Fastest Internet to the fastest dsl from the phone company, comcast business gives you more for your money. Why pay more for less . Call today for a low price on speeds up to 150mbps. And find out more about our twoyear price guarantee. Comcast business. Built for business. Why is it always the poor have to suffer the misery . Why isnt it ever Bernie Madoff up on the roof screaming for help or the head of city bank or the Hedge Fund Guys at goldman sachs. I need you is t. Sit here and say im in the 1 . Because its important. I cant because im not. You are there. No, im not. Im not. You you are not in the 1 . Of course im not. How can i be in the 1 . Pause you make billions. 90 of the income i want to give you away. 9 5 of your wealth and then you will do that. I will work for any legislation that doubles my taxes and yours. We have a system that enriches the few at the expense of the many. , capitalism is an evil and you cannot regulate evil. Capitalism is evil . Really . Film maker Michael Moore seeming to enjoy the capitalism allowed him to get very rich and allowing him to buy nine holmes. Moores divorce settlement exposing hypocrisy. Cohost of the five and host of the red eye and host of the network. He is always on the air. Thats true. Greg, nice to he so you. Michael moore, oh o, brother. What do you think . I hate to kick a man when he is down or round but is he 50 million, 9 homes. One of the homes is 10,000 square feet. He is richer than the chocolate pound cake that he eats on his toilet. And it exists. All this shows is the hypocrisy of a leftist. Aist doesnt believe in being poor. He just doesnt want his opponents to be rich are. So its okay if you are leftist and rich. But if you are a republican, if you are a conservative, thats evil. So, the its about you cant have a proper share of the pie. He wants all of the pie. You know the thing that disturbs me is i did poverty work for so long. And, you know, i have never been poor. I never want to be poor. And my heart bleeds for the poor, for people who are poor and struggle. But the problem is that what Michael Moore does is he makes people wrong for being successful. Exactly. He makes it like he demonizes it. We wouldnt be talking about it tonight if he wasnt such a hypocrite. I dont begrudge his wealth at all. He goes around telling everybody else who has been successful and b puts his throat foot on the throat of people who are successful. Is he trying to hold them back with his talk. I want him to be rich. I want everybody to be rich. Thats a capitalist. Is he against capitalism unless he is the capitalist. You know when he said he wasnt part of the 1 . Dana perino pointed out he is not lying. Is he part of the. 001 at 50 million. Is he really good oat making documentaries about corruption and hypocrisy and fraud why doesnt he do a documented tri on himself . You know. I think its profoundly disappointing and, you know, i wish that, you know, i wish that he i wish he liked success. I wish he appreciated his own success. I wish he encouraged everybody else who bothered to be successful. Its because he ascribes good and evil to value. If that money came from somewhere else, its bad money. But if he makes his money exposing, you know, conservative hypocrisy or the evil of guns, then thats good money. His wealth is good but your wealth if you work at fox news, for example. Your wealth must be evil. He says its different. The money is different. All right. Well you dont have to quote dana perino on this show, by the way. I heard her say that tonight. I watch the five all the time, too. I didnt want to steal her joke or great point. I actually was going to steal it of course when you gave her credit for it, i couldnt very well do it. I would look pretty petty. Greg, thank you. Thank you. Coming up, im going to take you offtherecord. Things are really a mess and something very important is missing big time. Im going to tell you what im going to tell you what it is and then you can decide. Od flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use od flow. Helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You can be more confident in your ability to be ready. And the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph like needing to go frequently or urgently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. Do not take alis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may causan unsafe drop in Blood Pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. 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Or if light could seek out the dark . What would happen if that happens . Anything. Lets all go offtherecord for just a minute. Sometimes putting things in very simple terms makes the point. Remember grade school or Even High School when the teacher would leave the room for about three seconds there would be calm to make sure the teacher wasnt coming right back and then all hell would break loose. Food fight kids would yell, throw stuff, food, spit balls, you name it of course, the bullies would take over and there would be total chaos. Thats what happens when the teacher, the leader vanishes. All hell breaks loose. Well, we got that now. Only the classroom is the world stage and this is dead serious. The teacher, president obama, has left the proverbial classroom. Think about it. President of the United States, when they are doing their job are the leaders of the free world. Their influence, stabilizing, effective, powerful and calming. Its called leadership. And now chaos. Every place you look. Ukraine, israel, vawk, and even our own border and even our allies are now rolling their eyes at us. Leadership matters. Mr. President , where are you . And thats my offtherecord comment tonight. Thank you for being with us. We will see you again tomorrow night right here at 7 p. M. Eastern. Paul ryan will join us and he will unveil his new plan right here. Plus, we will talk with the president of honduras about the border crisis. All tomorrow night at 7 00 p. M. do you think Michael Moore is a a hypocrite or just misunderstood . Vote in our gretawire poll. If you are tuning in before bill oreilly pick up remote

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