Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20141028 23:00:00

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promises to be an interesting election night no matter your ideology. join us here. greta goes "on the record" right now. this is a fox news alert. a nasa rocket exploding as it launched. unmanned rocket was taking off in virginia. but just six seconds after liftoff, the rocket exploding. nasa says there was no loss of life, only property damage. mission control is right now trying to determine what in the world went wrong. the rocket was supposed to be taking cargo to the ernesto national space station. we're going to bring you more information on this breaking news as we get it. and where in the world is the ebola czar? isn't he supposed to lead our nation's fight against ebola? the governors of new york, new jersey, he will know
imposing mandatory quarantine policies. and the pentagon is charting its own course but u.s. troops returning from u.s. africa we have not seen or heard from the man hired to take center stage in america's ebola response. instead the white house claiming the ebola czar is working behind the scenes. the former congressman allen west joins us. good evening, sir. >> good evening, greta. how are you doing? >> i'm doing very well. i suppose he could beworking behind the scenes. it would be nice to see him if he is the man in charge or the liaison to the president on. this you are right. we were told that ron klein was going to come in to be the invisible face of the ebola crisis and synchronize all of these activities the cdc director dr. frieden had not done a good job of it. we find over the last 48 to 72 hours we have even more confusion. the president said we were not going to have ebola reach our shores, that happened. of course when they tried to implement certain policies and procedures, you know, you still had people that
were, you know, contracting the ebola virus. we find out now that governors are trying to take this situation under control and institute policies and procedures. now the white house disagrees with that. and we find that even in the pentagon, you have the department of the army instituting policies but the other services have not. and you can't get an answer from the secretary of defense. so where is this person that's supposed to be coordinating and synchronizing all of these efforts? >> i'm already ready to send out the search and rescue squad. we don't know where he is. and even the josh earnst press secretary was asked today that very question. he gave the most incredible nonanswer. here is the question and the answer. >> i recognize that all of you have not had a chance to see him and talk to him every day but the president certainly has. and the president is appreciative of his commitment to this very difficult task. and i think the american people are, you know, are in a position where they can be confident. >> american people can be confident because nobody has seen him.
we see the governors tripping all over each other and the pentagon tripping over the white house. i would like to at least see him. >> well, you are absolutely right. again, it seems that this was more of a political move to it once again enhance the optics of doing something when actually you are not doing anything. so ron klein should be the one that is out there discussing this issue with the governors, meeting with the governors. he should be the one coordinating and sin synchronizing the efforts and the pentagon and services. he is not. the president came out and gave a press conference today that was once again more incoherent rambling. >> interesting in that clip we just played that he says he seas the president every day. not that ron. i don't know what to believe. i don't know if he he is meeting with the president. if josh just threw that one out or what. >> yeah. you are absolutely right. he supposedly responding directly to the national security advisor, susan rice
as well. so, again, we have this convoluted command and control line of communication that no one really understands. and so why did we bring ron klein on board in the first place? we get told one thing, we don't see him. we don't hear from him. and we continue to have this confused state of operations. and when the president kind of dismissed our military today, saying that, you know, i'm in command and control of them and their situation is different, we should have standardized procedures for anyone coming back from west africa. >> you know, it's hard to have that sense of i'm in control and command especially in light of the fact that the world health organization notified the world last march 23rd that ebola was coming and very little was done. since then trying to play catch up and no one knows what the policies are. everyone is stepping over each other hard to feel anyone is in control. >> you are absolutely right. that's the difference between proactive leadership and reactive management. this administration were paying attention, maybe
going to these intelligence briefings and understanding the updates and preparing the plan to have in police and anesthetic speaking that plan to the market research so you are aed of the game. thank you, sir. >> thank you, greta, pleasure. just just what we do not n.i.e. secretary of defense chuck hagel said hes a big decision to make. jennifer griffindowns us. what's going on at the pentagon about ebola? >> almost the entire pentagon briefing today was centered around and consumed by the ebola issue, pentagon press secretary rear admiral said defense secretary hagel received recommendation from the joint chiefs today calling for all service members be quarantined for 21 days upon returning from west africa. the secretary has not yet decided to implement those recommendations forth right to the marines, the navy air
force, casey is caught in the middle of the illustration and white house does not believe civilian healthcare workers should be quarantined or stigma tied. general ray or deniro took the decision to quarantine 11 soldiers just handed over command in liberia to members of the 101st from fort campbell, kentucky. williams spoke to reporters by skype today from quarantine at their base in italy. he said they are exercising a lot, watching a lot of movies. kirby said it was not the pentagon's intention to, quote: challenge government policy as he is aware of the spillover effect, a decision by secretary hagel to expand the quarantine could have on the broader public debate. president obama looked like he may be giving hagel cover to listen to his chiefs arguing the military was ordered to go to africa. it wasn't there choice, so
their commanders have the right to make their own decision. even if the science doesn't become their decision. greta? >> thank you. >> joint chiefs recommending civilian quarantine. 70s secretary hagel seems to be caught in the middle. who is in charge here. adam kinzingerins us. good evening, sir. >> hey, greta. thanks for having me. >> if it weren't so serious it does a touch of who is on first. who is making these decisions and when is someone going to make a decision. that would help as well. >> yeah. i'm sorry, greta. i got spoken over. you have to ask that again. >> i'm asking you like who is on first? who is mailing these decisions and when is the decision going to be made? >> this is the problem. you have seen it with isis and this issue. the american people feel very unsafe right now. they file like they don't have a commander and chief who is in charge. they feel like they don't have a commander and chief who understands their very
real fears. one thing for president obama to come out and say look here is the issue with liberia a month before the outbreak here is why they have bigger challenges that we don't and explain that to the american people. this cavalier attitude that he would sensing just trust us, it's not an issue is why people feel so concealed and. >> then the problem is playing isis. nothing was done until august. what in the the world is going on on? the row president mace infamous remark about them being jv. now you have got ebola, which started in march. the world health organization warned again in august, in late jiewg we knew about dr. brantly. we still don't have any policies or secretary
general. burwell should have been the job and instead he appoints an ebola dispar we should not understand. >> the ebola czar is a little person and noftd a health official. >>. >> if he can get the job done, i'm fine on that. whoever gets the job done, someone. >> e.y. and this is, again, this is the, i think, the bigger issue is, yeah, ebola is an issue, but i think people are are so upset about this not necessarily because of the disease itself, which has been around for a long time but because they feel like the administration isn't in charge. and you saw it with what happened with the irs, benghazi, all those issues where the administration says well, i learned about it on the news. like you mentioned with isis, i mean, we knew this was coming for a year now. it was like the reaction happenings when the american people start talking about it and start getting upset. that's when the president comes in. because there is a political implication to it. so, you know, look, he may be taking so. right steps. he may not. i'm going to leave that to a lot of the professionals. we need to be very careful
to ebb sure it's not brought here. there is a whole reason people are unsure right now. they feel they have a president who is detached. >> congressman, thank you, sir. >> you bet. thank you, greta. >> this is a fox news alert. there are new documents obtained by fox news adam house proving the obama administration is planning continue pishts had are not considered uts of the he joins us. what do these documents show. >> they show a lot first of all, greta. the documents we first started hearing about early last week as you know you and i started working on this together towards the middle to the end of the week and we wanted to get these in our hands. there is a lot of information in here. highlights first. what we can telling is i got off the phone very be gettinged individual at the state department. this state department memo has seen by nancy powell, the ambassador to india. she is leading thewell recognition for the department of state.
also seen by pat kennedy from some of the gaze decisions. imaskly been highest. them may not be telling the truth or may not be communicating with each other. this apparently has been seen at some of the highest levels. what it would whask buy do and is admitted here, brought here really. we had to pay for them to come here to the u.s. for treatment. now, these non-u.s. citizens would be be basically given a fast pass. they would be put often parole, really. whosm new systems it monitor the patients. >> find hospitals for them to go to. i'm told by a very senior member of the state department each patient according to this government would cost $500,000 for each patient. i'm told that's a low estimate. the examples they gave me one ebola patient 13 liters
of diarrhea a day. you have to dispose all of that you have to deal with that 12 hour shift per nurses. 6 to 7 nurses per patient. those nurse have to dawn and take off gear 8 times. 112 sets of gear poo tylenolly in a 24 hour beard. that's not counting doctors and technicians. it's eleventh at a talk about as you go through these. talk about aviation. so far germany is the only country that has accepted a noncitizen for treatment. it talks about everything from the evacuation, the capacity to the united states and who we would bring in noncitizens from ngros have american medicine calling conks from allies potential partners in the reason. this is all according to this eternal memo. helping to fight ebola.
at least that is what it is so far. >> thank you. bringing non-u.s. citizens in for ebola treatment good idea or not? >> we should start off from adam's reporting it is against the through grant a visa to someone who has infectious disease. non-american would need the visa. predecision would simply waive that so that you could bring someone in to this country not an american that has ebola for treatment. >> the president has very broad parole authority under the immigration statutes to bring in people that don't comport with the laws whether it's on health or any other issue. i think the president should have broad discretion on that point for his knew of what's in the u.s. interest. now, having said that i don't think this is a question of legality. i think this is a question of judgment. this is about the worst idea in dealing with ebola that i can think of. >> it seems so profounding stupid. the numbers we heard before is that we have 13 beds. we take care of 13. that's not very many. secondly, it's cost a
fortune to fly everybody over here. if truly want to help the people of west africa, why don't we do it there instead of bringing in noncitizens here. let's do it over there. >> yeah. the united states is doing more than any other country at the world in the moment to deal with this disease. that's why seerldz are over thereof. we don't need to prove that we are take something that is creaking already in dealing with ebola and protest zone is absolutely backwards. >> this is a document that went from the state department enover to dhv ever s. where do we find anybody who this this is a if thed in, somebody drafted this document. it's not indicated it has any approvals yet, but, again. >> in your wildest dreams,
would you bring someone who is not an american who has infectious disease here when we could treat the person there and save a lot of money and not put the person th horrible, you know, 8-hour flight? >> well, of course, i don't think this is a process issue. i don't think it's a legal issue. i think it's a judgment entry. the judgment of anybody who is considering this is terrible. that's what it is about. it's a very very bad idea, period. >> well, what it says in document essentially they are trying to send the rest of world. >> that's why i'm convinced it's a will he jdimytai damour mat being. wooncht earth. >> why are sending a signal. thousands of soldiers on the way to west africa to help contain the disease in west africa. we don't have to signal anything else especially by bringing more ebola patients to this country. >> you can you think of any good reason to do this? >> absolutely not. we should have a travel pan
australia has put one in place. they think it's a good idea if we e.p.a. for us to take it? >> absolutely, you first. >> look, i think we should help, but i can't in my wildist dreams why not help the people there. you know, even putting him on a plane is rebesm if any paye, weighs, rg? >> exactly. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> this is a fox news alert. the department of homeland security announcing it is stepping up security at government buildings in washington, d.c. and other u.s. cities. dhs secretary jay johnson says enhanced security is a precaution to safeguard government personnel and visitors to government buildings. he says the reasons for the increased security include continued terrorist threats against law enforcement and government officials especially in wake of the terror attack in canada. >> straight ahead, a washington journalist calling the obama white house more dangerous to the press than any administration in history. that means dangerous to you
to. i will tell you why off-the-record next. >> a 911 call you have to hear to believe bungling burglars report their own crime. a rocket responding on lunch new developments just moments away. uhhh. no, that can't happen. that's the thing, you don't know how long it has to last. everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive.. confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor can get the real answers you need. well, knowing gives you confidence. start building your confident retirement today.
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this a fox news alert. nasa contracted rocket exploding seconds after liftoff. the unmanned rocket was taking off from a facility in virginia. six seconds after launching a rocket exploding. nasa says no loss of life, only property damage. mission control is is trying to determine what went
wrong. signs the rocket was supposed to be taking cargo to the international space station. it was loaded with 5,000 pounds of experiments and equipment. okay. let's all go off-the-record for a second. president obama has been in the oval office for nearly six years and only now are some journalists calling him out for stomping all over the first amendment and freedom of the press. not just the obama administration snooping on colleague james rosen or "new york times" reporter james refinery it's secrecy. what the obama administration doesn't want you to know what you should know. just ask jill abramson, she had the courage to speak out early when it was unpopular to call it like it is. now susan page saying this about the obama administration. >> my big fear is that this administration has been more restrictive and more challenging to the press, more dangerous to the press really than any administration in american his in terms of legal investigations and so on. and i think access to the white house has just gotten
worse and worse. >> more danger to the press? yeah, i know, no boo who for the press. you don't feel sorry for us in the press and i don't blame you. you might want to stop and think if the obama administration is dangerous to the press. that means it's dangerous to you. the press is the only way you learn about what the administration is doing or not doing. whether it be the irs scandal or dropped balls when it comes to ebola. if this administration to use susan page's word is the most dangerous to the press, what is the press going to do about it? just complain or pound and keep promise. remember transparency? yeah, right. that's my off-the-record comment tonight. joining our political panel national journalist and karen item multi-y and brian york. byron, susan page, whacking the obama administration? >> i think she is right there. are two issues here. she said dangerous in terms of the legal investigations. i think certainly in terms of spying on reporters and snooping on their communications what they have done to james rosen fox
news is off the scale and chilling. >> it to do their work. >> what a lot of white house reporters are complaining about is a lack of access. they don't know what's going on in the white house. people won't tell them basic things. remember the first ebola patient to be brought to the united states, dr. brantly, met with the president, i mean, ebola is kind of a big story, met with the president and the press didn't know about it until after it happened and they were offered a white house photo of the meeting. >> which is what the white house photographers are really angry about they have been handed the photos after the white house cherry pick them. >> there are three levels of this. one is just basic access. and it is harder and the white house has decided that, you know, they don't need to necessarily go to sit down with the traditional media, the newspaper reporters. the president will often have off-the-record sessions with columnists. but, again, i mean they have decided there are other ways they would much rather do an interview on "the view" than the "new york times" or the "the washington post." so that's just sort of
inconvenient. it's the, you know, offensive parts are them, you know, not allow photographers in so that they can put out their own photographer's images. as susan page says that's the dangerous part are the harassment and the, you know, just the kinds of measures that have been taken against james rosen and james refinery. >> they don't always pick the good photos. pretty stupid of one golfing after james folly statement and border shooting pool with the governor of colorado. >> there is a lot of political paranoia. they care about the image and day-to-day politics than they care about the big strategy. when you see this administration get in trouble with controversies whether it's fast and furious or benghazi. their mo has been to blame others and to hope they can wait it out in the press and won't get challenged as aggressively as they would because the story doesn't have legs day to day and for long period of time. this is a white house that they say they don't follow the cable news, they don't
follow the day to day. they are obsessed with it watch what he they are talking about and effects their strategy and mo. >> that always amuses me. president one of the favorite targets is fox news. they raise funds. they attack fox news. every time they do that gives us free promo. >> i don't want to disparage any of the white house reporters here at all. the administration has had a belief and i think a reasonable belief going back to 2006 when the president first started running that a lot of the press was on their side and that they didn't really have to deal with them as oppositional, you know, reporters. so, i think that builds a certain contempt for the president has. it's not new. not the first person to have it. he has a bad case of it. i don't know. campaign. i actually found them fairly accessible as a candidate. >> that's because he wanted votes. he wanted free publicity then. >> the fact is the media is a much universe than it used to be. in a few magazines.
both the left and the right have their amen choruses in the media i think politicians now sort of play to those parts and, again, they have doing their best to make. >> you can't blame them for that really. >> essentially they are trying to make people who aren't one side or the other irrelevant. >> it's not good. challenge when the environment hasn't been as good. very tough environment for this white house. gotten very sensitive. they blame fox news. echo chamber mentality where they think fox news and conservative media is responsible for a lot of the criticism when their numbers are down in the overall public. it's it not just with republicans and conservatives. i think that's driven a lot of their pr strategy and mediaia strategy and hasn't helped them out in the big picture. >> panel, nice to see you. >> straight ahead. a body found near denver's football stadium. is the colorado father who disappeared during halftime. you will hear from someone who knows the missing manuel. that's next. monday developing news.
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this a fox news alert. a bode's has been found near mile high stadium is it the fan that disappeared during the game. mark meredith is live with the very latest. mark, any information on the identity of that body? >> greta, we have heard new
information. a body found near sports authority field. today the denver coroner's office they found was about 15 years older than the missing man. he also had identification on him. so they do not believe this to be paul kiterman. however, they are still going to to do forensic testing just to be sure. the right now the search continues. where is paul kiterman, everybody has been asking that since last thursday's game. he vanished during halftime. he was at the game with his son and two family friends. his son went to use the restroom answered came back to find his father, wasn't there. denver police have been searching through all of the surveillance video inside the stadium. you can imagine how much tape they have to go through on a game night. there is tens of thousands of people. and it's not easy to spot just one particular person. so police are still looking through that surveillance video tonight. now, all along they have said that they don't suspect foul play. but i spoke with one investigator today who says he really can't rule anything out because they simply don't know what happened to paul kiterman. his family, they have been reaching out to all of the
media here in denver. reaching out to some of the national media trying to get the word out. he did not have his cell phone at the game. he rode down with people. he didn't have his own car. so it really didn't make sense where he would have gone from there. the family, their still trying to have people look inside sports authority field. they want everybody to check the closets, the concession stands, the emergency exits, anywhere where this guy may have gone. but at this point they have not gone back inside the stadium since last thursday's game. denver is not playing at home this weekend so they won't be playing here so we don't expect to see a lot more people in this stadium for a few more weeks. a lot more questions. this case is a getting a lot of attention here in the mile high. greta. >> one quick question. the son went to the restroom leaving the two friends with the father. did he say anything to the from friends like i'll be right back? >> that's a great question and one we should clarify. the two friends were sitting in a different section of the stadium so the son and dad they were in one section. the two friends were in another. they all drove down together. they did take a issue '. the pictures we have been
showing that was taken before the game started. we know that they were all inside the stadium. and he was to spotted by security at some point during the third quarter this is the missing man. but where he went from there, that's just a big question at this point. >> mark, thank you. friends and family are desperate to find him. brian case. nice to see you, brian. >> nice to he see you. brian, what in the world do you think happened? what's your theory you? you hear best friend of 3 a years. >> yes. i believe that he is somewhere in that stadium, that any never left. it needs to be searched. and, if not, there is foul play involved. because, he would never do -- never do this to anybody. he was a very responsible guy, i'm sorry. >> anything unusual going on in his life? >> no. i just talked to him two days before thursday. he was out hunting.
he was happy. he called me and was joking with me. no. his life was fine. he was happy. >> so you think he is actually still inside that stadium? >> that's my theory and that was my theory friday and i would have thought they would have searched that because there has been several people that have emailed us about stuff similar to that happening to them. and they need to get in there and they need to search every corridor. the cops are lagging behind. the sports authority don't want to work with us. and they need to get it done. because that's my theory. >> i mean, okay, so there is nothing unusual going on in his live. he didn't have any people who are after him. is he not the type to sort of wander away from his family? >> he was a guy that nobody disliked. everybody liked paul. no. he had no, no enemies of any kind. >> what did he do for a living or what does he doing for a living? >> he was -- didden do destruction and worked on
the ranch. up in kremlin. >> have you spoken to his son who he went to the game with? >> yes. he was down at my house all weekend. we were trying to find him. everybody was -- stayed at my house. and we did everything we could. the hospitals, the police. there is just no clues. we he don't know what happened he assume the son has been picking his brain to see if anything was unusual during the ride to the game. any odd conversations or anything leading up to the game? >> no. he is so upset that he is just -- he doesn't know what to do. paul loved him so much he would never leave him. i asked him, we talked. he has no clue either. it's either there is foul play involved, like i said, he went in the wrong spot in
that stadium, which another girl said it happened to her and stuck in their for four hours because the door locked behind her. they need to search that stadium at least eliminate this. i told police i would have 100 volunteers down there tonight to help search if they would let us do that. >> they won't let do you that. that seems pretty reasonable to let you search the place. >> that's what i said. i would have 100 people down there. we need keys to every place down there. and let's search the place thoroughly. because at least we can eliminate that. >> indeed. brian, thank you, and, you know, it's i'm hoping that one of these stories that have a phenomenally great ending. i hope you come back and i hope they find your friend soon. >> me too. >> thank you, brian. >> and what possessed three american teenage girls to try to join isis? for the first time we are hearing from the father of one of the denver teens. that's next. plus, you will hear the
incredible 911 call that helped nab three burglary suspects but guess who made the calls? the burglars. so unbelievably stupid you can't believe it. but it's coming up. and breaking tonight, a fire explosion rocket bursting into flames upon liftoff. the latest from nasa next. feet...tiptoeing. better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor.
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rocket exploding just six seconds after liftoff. unmanned rocket bound for the space station. debris raining over the launch site. nasa says no one was hurt on the ground only property damage. mission control is trying to figure out exactly what went wrong. rocket was loaded with a thousand pounds of equipment and experiments for the space station. nasa and virginia based orbital science has 8
mission, 1.9 billion-dollar contract to keep the space station stocked. now to colorado. in a stunning father admitting his teenage daughter did unthinkable things. daughter one of the three teenage girls caught in germany in route to syria. first time hearing from the teen's father. he spoke to denver post reporter jesse paul and he joins us. good evening, jesse, i take it that the father doesn't want to be named first of all, right? >> yeah, we haven't any of the girls in the situation. we haven't talked about where they go to high school and we extended that to the father out of the safety concerns for the the family. >> all right. what did the father tell you? >> he kind of broke down the whole situation for us. he talked about, you know, first realizing that his daughter was missing from school. realization she was probably headed abroad. the realization where she was headed abroad. working with federal agents in order to bring her back and the aftermath and what he says is her kind of realizing that she made a huge mistake that she stepped into something that
she really didn't understand. >> did he have any idead that this was even remotely possible? did i have any idea she was on these web sites? any idea at all. >> he says he didn't. he says the first he realized where he was going and doing contacted son and asked him to look at her web history. the son saw a tweet that he found very concerning, referencing, you know, some islamic prayer. and from there he said he realized there was something seriously wrong. >> now, this girl that you are talking about. is it american with sudanese dissent. other teenage girls who are of somalian dissent. did the father even know the other two girls? >> he says he knew the family and he did talk to them. he was the one who kind of brought it up to them at first. he said they were a built reluctant when he he brought this up to them and suggested they might be headed overseas. they were reluctant to accept it he says he hasn't had much contact with them since. >> what has daughter said brought back from germany after she got nabbed by the
german authorities and got sent back it denver. >> like i said before, he told us that she said it was a mistake, that something she didn't quite understand. again he reiterated those points in the interview with the associated press today. he feels his daughter didn't know what she was doing. twitter was a bad influence something that's dangerous and he is trying to warn other people now of the dangers of this. >> it is pretty big leap though to go from a denver teenager to get on a plane to go join isis. >> absolutely. and i think, you know, we are starting to learn a little bit more about that background. you know, buzz feed did find a bunch of tweets from a few months ago kind of suggesting that there was some radicalization. and there has been signs, you know, there were signs apparently that these girls were kind of changing in some ways. >> jesse, thank you. >> thank you. >> and danger in hawaii. people are running for their lives as 2,000-degree lava is coming towards their
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call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. this is a fox news alert. right now, 2,000-degree lava streaming towards homes on hawaii's big island. many residents already fleeing their houses a short time ago the dangerous lava reaching residential property. fox honolulu reporter sarah is live with the latest. sarah? >> >> hi, greta. that'sthat's right. i'm here in the town of have not issued a formal evacuation just yet. many residents have taken it upon themselves to pack up their belongings and leave the area. here is what we know. the lava at about 4:30 this morning hawaii time managed to make its way on to the first residential property as the front flow of the lava continued on, it managed to overtake a
structure believed to be a garden shed. as that lava continued to move forward, there was a breakout in the flow, that breakout is now heading towards the a home on that same property. the good news is that the couple who lives there evacuated just a couple of days ago. they have been back and for the to the home, just trying to get some last minute items out of there. but the good news is that nobody was hurt. as the lava continues to move forward, there is concern because there is a second home on another property right behind it. it's about 200 yards away. now, one thing that officials here do want to to the public is to stay away from the lava. it is extremely dangerous. in addition to the safety concerns, they want to make sure that everybody is respectful to the residents in this community. many of them have grown up there their entire lives and the homes have been passed down from generation to generation. now, civil defense officials will continue to do flyovers of the area throughout the afternoon. and goggle geologist also
continue to monitor the flow on the ground. >> sarah, thank you very much. >> election day one week away. with time running out new signs that democrats are distancing themselves from president obama. >> i'm not on the ballot this fall. but make no mistake these policies are on the ballot. >> the president is not on the ballot. >> i don't think it makes sense for the president to come to new hampshire right now. >> i probably spent 4 a minutes of my life with president obama. >> why are you reluctant to give an answer on whether or not you voted for president obama? >> bill,o reluck assistance, this is a matter of principle. i do not agree with the president as some sort of a rubber stamp. democratic strategist joe trippi joins us. do we have some sort of a short memory. president obama's approval rating is at 39%. so naturally the democrats 40. republicans are running for him. >> look, whoever the
president is, in the second term in the midterm, his party is running away from him. >> unless is he doing a great job i assume. >> no one has been really able to escape that problem. there have been a few in modern history. this is pretty standard stuff. even now you have a lot of the republican candidates not talking when they are asked upfront who are you going to vote for for majority leader of the senate. there are a couple that have been dodging the question, dodging mitch mcconnell. everybody hates washington right now. they don't like the president. they don't like the leadership in either party right now. and so, you know, depending on where you sit in this thing, you are running away from obama or running away from mitch mcconnell. more people running away from obama for sure. he they are going to do that. >> out of the races, which one is your top, most fascinating race to watch? >> i think kentucky is the one that i would keep my eye
on because, look, all these incumbents, all the democratic incumbents are sitting in the mid 40s are in trouble. why? if you are under 50 this late in the game it's really rare for you to get to 50. and there is one guy on the republican side sitting in that same. robertson mcconnell. everybody thinks for some reason mcconnell is going to escape force of gravity and somehow get back up to 50. i'm not sure that's going to happen. and so i keep an eye on that. when i think that's the one that fascinates me to see whether he can hold on or not. >> president obama's policies on the ballot? >> well, look, his policies are a drag on any democrat who is on the ballot right now. i mean, so, yeah. in that respect, but the other side of this is the democrats who ron the ballot who are being dragged down by the president's lack of approval, low approval rating are doing a decent enough job of going after locally going after their
opponents, the republican opponents that they are still in the race. i mean, when you are sitting there at 39%, approval rating for the president, all these candidates are much higher than that, and are only a point or two from winning or losing. so, it means they are making some progress. >> joe, thank you. and coming up, a 911 call leads to a burglary bust. get, this the burglars who called 9 1. you will hear this tal unbelievably stupid call for yourself next. this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira giving me new perspective. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,
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this is a fox news alert. unmanned rocket exloading just six seconds after liftoff from a virginia launch site. [explosion] explosion sending flames into the sky and debris raining down. no one was hurt. trying to determine what went wrong. the core rocket was supposed to take experiments and equipment to the international space station. this one is straight from the stupid criminal file. a bunch of robbery suspects
in new mexico discussing a crime they think they just pulled off. get this, one of the suspects had accidently dialed 911. getting their confession accidently recorded. >> hello. a pocket dial putting gadd guys in jail. bragging about the crime. >> the voice on that 911 call shockingly belongs to a burglar. >> on the other side. >> gone. >> sure enough, we have lost that mother [bleep] >> 911 operators recording the 45 minute call includes the what they stole. >> should have gotten a lot more. >> singing bon jovi ♪ >> and even confessing to the crime. >> we free and clean. >> charges against the third were dropped. thanks for being with us. see you tomorrow night right

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