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Where is the adjective. Like going from filet mignon to pork and beans. Pork and beans will save your life. Beefcake to beef jerky. How about loveable mcguirk. That is great. Magic mike. Magic mike . Far from it. Michael moore is far from magic mike. Saw donald trump throw his hat too into the president ialal ring. What may be one of the biggest moments for a benghazi probe as it dogged Hillary Clinton as she runs for president. Investigators behind closed doors grilling Sidney Blumenthal a longtime confidante and problem fixer for the clintons over frequent emails he sent about libya when hillary served as secretary of state. Were told theyre pressing blumenthal why emailed clinton unsubstantiated intelligence for libya and whether he was paid for the work or used his clinton connections to help his business partners. Were also learning blumenthal just handed over nearly 180 pages worth of new libya and benghazirelated emails, suggesting that either the state department or the clinton camp withheld documents the Benghazi Select Committee had requested. Lets get to those emails first andrea. Are we supposed to assume that these emails are going to reveal that these were w head and not turned over when they were asked for . This is the latest development as deposition continues. Unfortunately sandra im not that surprised. We know they have been trying to hide emails from us the clinton camp. What is more troubling that the obama administration, originally told mrs. Clinton she was not allowed to have Sidney Blumenthal anywhere near the state department. But what did she do . She defied her boss, the commanderinchief defieded his orders. Sandra we already know from the emails we have been able to see that she hasnt deleted, she was listening to him on intelligence on the ground in libya instead of top intelligence officials like david petraeus, who at the time was running the cia. If i were the administration specifically the president i would be pretty ticked off about this. If he is not it makes me wonder, sandra if they knew that he was defying the president s orders and she was communicating with one of her old political hacks anyway. Theyre yawning and only way to nail blumenthal on this to have the doj get involved and i just dont see that happening. Bernie, as this deposition continues, as we know it is happening right now, we can speculate and certainly some politicians are speculating pretty heavily right now including mike pompeo, republican from kansas saying he clearly corresponded with one of the key decisionmakers with respect to security levels in libya. The risk in libya, libya policy and provided information on threats and potential responses to those threats. Right. It stinks to high heaven needless to say and i mean the wall street journal did a piece about a month ago entitled, who is Sidney Blumenthal . When they do that you know this guy is, this guy is sleazy. A clinton henchman from way back. Slandered women who accused bill clinton from doing inappropriate things. As andrea pointed out barred by the obama administration. More disliked in washington almost more than albaghdadi or putin. Nobody likes this guy. Working for the Clinton Organization and taking paycheck from media matters. Youre judged by the company you keep. This stinks to high heaven. I hope they get to the bottom of it. Her intelligence advisor dont forget that job title which is pretty disturbing. They still want answers to Unanswered Questions quite frankly. According to the latest fox news poll, should congress continue to investigate benghazi until someone is held accountable . 56 of those responded still say yes. When you drill down, you look at the number of democrats 29 of democrats who were asked this poll feel strongly about that as well. That this is something that we need to get to the bottom of. But you know it is not just the fact that he handed over some extra emails. It is the texture of the information within those emails. Because it is a little bit different perhaps than some weve seen. Did she break the law but not giving over the emails in the first place which shy was supposed to do. Let me give you a little tidbit. We can munch on this. One email says about weapons possessed by government of muammar qaddafi at the time. Why does she need to be trading relationship weaponwise with blumenthal about the list of weapons that qadaffi has . Give me a reason. Rand paul says libya was hillarys war. These emails sort of speak to that conclusion. And also she is the one who has greater responsibility when he is sending her his conspiracy theories not vetted by authentic u. S. Intelligence reports. She has a responsibility to say hey, im secretary of state. You know, i cant be playing this great many. She didnt do that obviously at least according to that is true. Even bigger than all that. It is about his business interests, their business interests, this georgia billionaire. Thats right. There is a lot of sleeze going on. Hopelessly paranoid and controlling she sis. Which is perfect segue to the other big story were following today. The media rallying around a print reporter barred from Hillary Clintons Campaign Events three times in just one day. David martosko, Political Editor for britains daily mail. Showed up to board the Clinton Campaign van yesterday and was told no. He drove to the event and was told again to leave. The same thing happened to him at an evening event. He spoke to megyn kelly about this last night. The Clinton Campaign does not get to choose who covers them. That is really the controversy today. This is the kind of thing we see in other countries that we dont want to emulate. I think real reason is between dinnertime yesterday when they emailed me a confirmation youre the Pool Reporter here is where to go and midnight they changed their minds they looked at our reporting. The daily mail is very sort of dogged thorough reporting organization. We dont tend to show up to do what were told. We dig deep for stories. We find interesting stories our readers, massive audience like to read and those stories clintons dont like. The clintons denied barring him due to negative coverage, offering several explanations sometimes contradictory including that the daily mail is not part of the official white house print pool. Meantime more than a dozen news organizations part of the pool covering the Clinton Campaign teamed up in defense of martosko. Saying in a statement quote we havent yet had a clear explanation why the Pool Reporter for todays events was denied access. But any attempt by the campaign to dictate who is in the pool is unacceptable. The pool is open to any print organization willing to take part. Harris, im going to go to you on this one. Pretty incredible. I looked at that list. Weve got the New York Times on there, a number of publications teaming together to say, you can not do this. Weve seen this before. Fox news back in 2009 was denied access through the white house at the time to interview someone. So you saw other media really coming alongside of us saying no it is a pool situation. This is agreed upon how were going to cover things. You will not keep anybody out because you dont like them or whatever. I think we do have to get to the bottom why he was given first of all, different answers to the question of why im not allowed n you know what martosko did so smart and great reporter always does this, he is so strong at this if you look back he gave pool reports based on the experience he was having, documenting in detail with whom he spoke. He corrected titles if those were not exactly right. He went back and got such and such with the campaign. Nick more row, what is his title. Kept copious notes so he can give the ticktock. I gave a pool report on their denial of letting him in the pool. Another thing sandra, he did make public and told megyn kelly this last night, he said i was shocked to learn how many news outlets just print whatever the Clinton Campaign wants and they almost like a mob mentality, are seemingly going after him for this sandra, it is not first time. There is other reports. This been on the phone with a msnbc host, New York Times reporter amy chosik was followed into the bathroom once by clinton aide and confronted on her reporting. By asking tough they questions to show what will happen from Hillary Clintons campaign if you do, that you will be barred from the event. I guess you cant help but think were getting window into what a Hillary Clinton presidency would look like and lack of transparency we get from Hillary Clinton administration. If it is starting here, imagine what it looks like once she is in office. Look reporter has responsibility as to ask tough questions. If she cant answer those or at least avoid them in a questionanswer format she is not doing her job. She is also ignoring that adorable ed henry. I for one will not stand for that. He was very upset. Youre spoton about that. This is what she is doing when she is trying to seem likeable. When she is trying to be inviting to the press. Imagine what she is going to do when paranoia and power set in when she is president of the United States . It should be terrifying for members of the press who already have been terrorized by this current administration, trust me, it can get much worse. Bernie, what is she so afraid of . I think about when she gets in debate she will not be able to control the questions that are asked and who is asking the questions. I mean she is acting like a dictator. Think of what martosko said. The Clinton Campaign does not get to decide who covers them. It is such a true statement about the free press this country. Exactly. Everybody in the pool, acting very nix sownian what she is acting like. What was she afraid on particular day. They are an aggressive outlet the daily mail. Who the hell cares. What are you doing wrong that youre hiding . Ed pocket, hanky henry almost had to use pocket hank kim. He might have to pill it out to wipe tears from his eyes if cruella clinton tries to prevent the guys from doing their job. Can you get on the scooby van . Caleb park, contributes to fox nation website. Here is how he puts it. If hillary wont give power to the press how can we trust her to give power to the people. Well give him the last word. That is interesting question. Its deep. Very good point. Naacp leader who stepped down amid a firestorm over her race breaks her silence this morning as do the parents who outed her. The latest developments in this very very, bizarre story. Plus on the heels of what may be the biggest cyber hack of government workers ever, the new concerns over the safety of the data for millions of americans on obamacare. Right after the show, catch more from the couch. You know youre hungry at this time of day. Were goe food. It is called ot, baby. Outnumbered overtime. Foxnews. Com outnumbered. Cling on the overtime tab. Give us comments and questions, what youre thinking about today and well comment after the show. Day. When my back pain flared up we both felt it i took tylenol at first but i had to take 6 pills to get through the day. Then my friend said try aleve. Just two pills, all day. And now, im back for my best bud aleve. All day strong and try aleve pm now with an easy open cap. Listen up team i brought in some protein to help rearrange the fridge and get us energized im new ensure active high protein. I help you recharge with Nutritious Energy and strength to keep you active. Come on pear its only a half gallon. Ill take that. Yeeeeeah new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. All in 160 calories. Ensure. Take life in. Youre watching outnumbered and we are glad that you are. Boy, there is a lot happening on this story. The former leader of the naacp chapter in spokane washington who stepped down amid the controversy over her racial identity, making her first Public Comments since she quit her post yesterday. Rachel dolezal, appearing on nbcs today show, refused to say that she ever lied about her race. Watch. Are you an africanamerican woman . Identify as black. When did i had start . I would say about five years old. You began identifying yourself as africanamerican . I was drawing selfportraits with the brown crayon instead of the peach crayon and the back, you know, black curly hair you know that was how i was portraying myself. When did you start deceiving people . Well, i do take exception to that because it is a little more complex than, than me identifying as black or answering a question, are you black or white . Meanwhile, earlier on fox dolezals parents called her statements about her child a total fabrication. She has never done that, anything like that as a child, although she was always attracted to, the black people. We had friends from nigeria and differ places and africanamerican friends that we had in our circle and she you know, was used to relating to people of diversity but she did not ever portray herself as a black. Throw another color at you green. Im in the green room earlier and i had a really interesting conversation with kennedy. Indeed. He who said you can actually transracial that you were trying to teach me about . Yes. You can feel certain way. Please educate us. I think you can. If matt lauers questions, took exact questions matt lauer posed to this woman if he posed those to Caitlyn Jenner there would be national outrage, there really would. If he said to Caitlyn Jenner when did you start deceiving people granted i give you this, Rachel Dolezal seems like a nut, seems like a fraud. I dont think that is has anything to do how she feels about herself and where she feels most comfortable. If the person identifies as something other than what she was born as i dont have a problem with that if someone changes their religion, if someone changes something so intrinsic to their identity and that is really how they feel, if this is how she feels if this did what makes her feel like she is at home, i dont have a problem with that at all. The one thing i would say is different with Caitlyn Jenner what youre saying we were lied to by caitlyn. I dont think that is the case. I dont ever read bruce jenner said anything about his gender. To get a job to go to Howard University take advantage of things that would not come to her. How did she lie . Transformation becoming a woman. She feels at home as woman. That person is a woman on the inside. Sure. Now gets to express that on the outside. People have been incredibly charitable as they should be about that transformation. I think slightly hypocritical people are so youd raged that someone might feel at home in a different race. Do you have a problem with her making money off that though . She sued Howard University because she was discriminated against. Sued Howard University she was discriminated against as a white woman, as a white woman. After that she made this transition to this being a black woman or whatever. And of course she committed fraud. Unlike Caitlyn Jenner, she committed fraud on applications. You cant do that. So shes, first of all maybe a crook. And couple of screws loose in the head for sure i think. You know, i had a question about this because i was doing some research on this story and you only had to go as far as the spokane chapters twitter page to find a picture of her in baltimore. Because i thought she looked so familiar to me i couldnt figure out where i had seen her. You know where i saw her . Protests in baltimore in may. On the ground, whooping up the crowd with no justice, no peace. Telling stories of how as a black woman she felt discriminated against. And then this picture popped up. She is with the prosecutor marilyn mosby. She went to her office. There they are together. That is why she looked so familiar to me. So here is my question. Does she just want to be famous . Is she picking a color to be famous . She sued the university as white woman. Now she turns around amid one of the highest profile protests weve covered, there have been a lot in the last year or so on the ground in front of the cameras . I think kennedys point changed entire dynamic of the conversation because i would agree with you if she has been certainly identifying a different race since the age of five years old she has been living it and believing it. At what point is becomes wrong harris when she is benefiting off the system by lying about her race, that is obviously an issue to take with. Suing Howard University being discriminated against as a white woman. I think i was going to say as you like to say, harris, toggling, toggling between races when it is beneficial for her. I think that is the issue. If she was honest, up front, i was born a white woman. I was not born in a tee pe. I was not using a ox bow or telling these, craze did i delusional stories and lies i think people would be a lot more sensitive. However it does open up the question because of Caitlyn Jenner if i selfidentify as cat, feline, do i have to pay income taxes . Im wondering. Harris youre giving me side eye. Im asking a question. This opens the door animals dont pay taxes though. I just think were opening the door to a very crazy crazy debate where people who might not be mentally stable, some who may be, will come and say i selfidentify as a insert animal insert race, insert, whatever you really shortened of the stick might be, we heard senator scott brown say yesterday the naacp had an opportunity here, had she not lied hire a white woman to have diversity within its own ranks. You could make the argument she lived two races, what better person to be representing all of us. But she is a liar. Does naacp really want phony liar. I think that is two different issues. The fact she is liar and fact that she identifies as transracial are two completely different things. Michael jackson didnt lie about anything. Well move on. Then there were 12. Yeah 12. The latest candidate to throw his hat in the race for the white house a new poll finds there is no clear frontrunner or top tier in the republican race. What could it all mean for the party . 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He made the announcement a short time ago just one day after former Florida Governor jeb bush made his run official. That brings the total number of declared gop candidates to 12. And that number is still expected to grow. All this coming on the heels of a new poll that finds not only is there no clear frontrunner, but there isnt even a top tier yet in the republican race. Nearly half the field was within three points of one another and that has some gop strategists concerned about what that could mean for the party. And i believe the word that they used kennedy was circus. Circus, circus. A lovely casino in vegas, maybe not so much for political primary. Well see how many people can fit in the tent. We see what Donald Trumps role will be in the ongoing president ial do you like trump . What do you think about the announcement . I saw from the cheering nutjobs in the audience deeply touched by some of his messages. Longwinded performance. Talk about a lot of things in ways candidates dont normally address. Number one, didnt seem to use a teleprompter. Took shots at iran, china chinese cars. Was defending ford. Talked about the president should golf at his golf course on the potomac. Maybe. There were so many things, he is officially the bomb thrower. He is there to lob bombs at all other candidates in ways theyre not going to do to each earth. Bernie, i dont know i found myself saying a lot of things, found myself going yeah. Cheering. Yeah. Angry indignation were a nation of suckers. We could be so much better. We can build a stinging wall. Do something in the middle east to help the nations surrounding isis. We seize the oil fields and use the money to pay for what we expend of blood and treshsure. Take care of dead soldiers families and wounded soldiers. I love donald trump he threw his hair in the ring. Im all for it. His watches points go up. His talk is Straight Talk about infrastructure. Penn station, laguardia, theyre like third world facilities. It is disgusting. He is out there he can make the nation great. I love the way he talks and he will be in the ring and will be in the debates too because he is nice now. Will stir things up in the debate. Stirred things up on wall street. Wanted to point it the Dow Jones Industrial average started out negative and turned positive and shot to the highest level of day moments after he announced trump was announcing his run for presidency. Just something to note, okay . But, this gives you an idea of the hunger and thirst that is out there for a businessfriendly administration in this country right . So the second he he said he is going to be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. Was it just jobs or president . He focused on the economy. People want to hear this right now. Im going to put you back to work. The economy is a mess. Im the guy to fix it. Even if he is not the guy to fix it, if you dont think he is the guy to nice to hear somebody say that. To acknowledge the problem. I have a plan. He was very effective at that and got people energized. The question, harris, can he actually translate that into a Real Campaign and meaningful votes . You know what . I think donald trump can do whatever he wants. The question is what does donald trump want . Because he is a winner. He said the greatest social program you have is a job. He knows how to sell it. So what is his endgame . Times before when he has run and gotten into, put his hair in the ring that is hilarious. And i answer you . Please. Be president of the United States. Really . Then he will have to work on stuff. They criticize him because he is egomaniac narcissistic but arent they all . He wears it on his sleeves. He is doer. Get things done. Based on everyone in the race would you vote for him . I cant say right now. Up there with the governors not senator. Have to get a team he feels comfortable. Has his kids up there. Ivanka. He needs somebody who has gone through the ranks. He has i dont think to build it. He has got to build it. Sandra, to your point, if you live in new york, if you look around all the buildings with trump on them, thefy knows what he is doing. Didnt live in new york anymore. There is big ol building in chicago that made i think he should continue doing the apprentice. In order to be fair i think every single viable candidate should do reality show. That was platform for his running for president , right . Megalomania. Jeb, we really didnt get into jeb yesterday. He announced about 3 00 p. M. Eastern time. What did we think of jebs announcement, bernie . Did you like his speech and would you vote for jeb . I like, he is a governor who got things done as opposed to the senators in the race who im not enamored of. I like the fact he didnt wear a tie when he made the speech. Contrast his speech and Donald Trumps speech to Hillary Clintons speech, where she literally read the whole speech from paper on the podium. When these guys spoke extemporaneously, great orators, got the crowd riled up. Jeb bush, he had problem with the iraq war thing. Im not very happy with that. But i think maybe he learned something from it. Have to hear more about his Foreign Policy he is a guy that managed a state and he is a guy he is likeable. Im with him on immigration as opposed to ann coulters and laura ingrahams. Should republicans give him a listen, kennedy . I feel want to give everyone a listen, fact he is governor from a big state,. Important state. That gives people pause. What i would say is, you know, the concern is, someone with the last name bush totally negates the problems that Hillary Clinton has with her die hastic last name. if i want to watch dynasty, i watch alexis and blake. I dont want to watch jeb and hillary. I think it would be most incredibly boring campaign. As a parent with children in Public School i can not forgive him on position on common core the fact he is tripling down means he is not viable candidate. That is such a good point. He does have an economic record in florida but the problem is, he has gone back and forth between a moderate and conservative wish shoes like common core and immigration. Then he has very conservative record in florida. How does he sort of straddle that fence. He gave specific actionable targets, talking about growing the economy at a rate of 4 . Where did he come up with that number . Not like that is extreme growth but if you look back, that is where he got the economy down in florida. So he could campaign on the message, i did it there. I can do it everywhere. Real quickly i would say what weve seen the last couple days proves when you wait and let everybody else jump in i think theyre benefiting from it. When you think how Hillary Clinton rolled hers out on videotape, no wonder she want ad part. She is watching everybody else jump in. Even Bernie Sanders is getting bigger crowds. Jindal and christie, if they get in the race at this point i think it is too late. You mean senator spit till. Need a threetier stage. Tune in tonight on hannity with a oneonone exclusive with jeb bush who will sit down with sean. 10 00 eastern right here exclusively on the fox news channel. Two weeks after we learned about what may be the biggest cyber being ha of government workers in history there is new concern how safe the data of millions of on the obama care website. Dozens of Illegal Immigrants with criminal records have been released on to u. S. Streets and they have been charged in some murder cases. So how in the world does thisrl happen . Aarp and Aarp Foundation are taking on hunger with 31 million meals donated. Drive to end hunger teams with local agencies to reach the hungriest among us. If you dont think ending hunger when you think aarp, then you dont know aarp. Find more surprising possibilities and get to know us at aarp. Org possibilities. Its so shiny. I know, mommy, but its time to let the new kitchen get some sleep. If you want beautiful results, you know where to go angies list. Now everyone can get highly rated service even without a membership. You can shop special offers or just tell us what you need and well help you find a local company to take care of it. Angies list is there for all your projects, big and small. Pretty. Come see what the new angies list can do for you. Less than two weeks after we learned chinese hackers. There are new concerns about a Government Data warehouse, that reportedly stores personal information forever on millions of americans just like you under obamacare, including those who opened an account but didnt actually sign up for coverage. That data includes Social Security numbers birth dates info on financial accounts . All this despite the administration assuring lawmakers before healthcare. Gov werent live in 2013 that the program would have limited impact on privacy. Harris, isnt one of the greatest things about privacy perhaps a term minute news how long someone can store that kind of personal information . So important to know the details how long they will store it how long it will live, who is watching information, who destroys it. We have seen servers get destroyed we wont joke to much about it. But there are traces no matter what. This is House Oversight committee hearing, when you hear letters opm with regard to this that is fancy for the Human Resources department for our government, that is what was hacked that director catherine a chew let tax had quite back and forth with the Oversight Committee chairman, jason chaffetz. What that looked like is the cia, the military are those people exposed in all of this . She says she wants to talk about that in a classified session. He says well look, you given us 4. 2 million people. Is that the number . She cant give a definitive number. It got a little chippy back and forth. Pretty emotional not too long ago because he was pressing for answers. He asked a tough question. How would you give yourself a grade on protect the information . Our producer on scene says she ducked. Cybersecurity problems take decades she says. No, that is not acceptable answer. And certainly if youve got at least 4. 2 million federal employees whos, you know, most private information has been hacked by chinese hackers, now theyre finding out that privacy extends ad infinitum. Literally infinitely for people who signed up for obamacare and opened up an account but didnt sign up yet. They wont tell us, the number has two commas. Thats all we know. More than a million but could be as many as 10 million. No question. We talked about the story last week first on the couch. Remember the obamacare website . Theyre harvesting so much about us. Not just our name and Social Security number. Theyre getting information really personal, thorough information. You think theyre storing it on one website . Theyre not. There was investigative report done on this last year. Hhs actually has been going to each department to confirm that information. So think about it. If youre giving information about your immigration status, for example, theyre actually going to confirm that with immigration. So immigration then has that information as well. They have your application. So you think that it could be just limited to one website, kennedy, or just the department of hhs. No. It is at almost every single Government Agency that has something to did with one of those prying, personal questions. Can we conclude from all of this as weve seen all the ails of healthcare. Gov, is the governments judgment on technology is so bad. Yeah. And so bad not just judgment on technology but technological firms they employed to carry out their vision and their tasks it has just been poor. Like watching them pick winners and losers as far as sectors in green energy. They arent capable. They shouldnt do it and theyre not capable. I think theyre not capable youre absolutely right. Because theyre not accountable. I think about whether or not a private company, if they have this sort after data breach, what did target have to do . How does it affect their bottom line . It doesnt affect the bottom line of the government. No, it does not. Im not one of these paranoid ed snowden supporter types. Im not worried about the government. Im worried about as james comey alerted us too, chinese hackers or foreign hackers. Maybe that is because of government ineptitude. We dont want them to know that we take vie alice and money in the bank. We know you have a bag in your coat pocket. Chaffetz is pressing in. If they have that kind of detail on the military members think about the danger that presents to those protects us. Yes. Think about all the information military gathers on its own employees. Think of stuff you put on website poking around to see if youre Getting Better rate on obamacare. My real weight. No. Youre bringing sexy back every day. No doubt. No doubt. Amen. Harris faulkner for president the 3d man eating dinosaurs, one of the most buzzed about thing in the new blockbuster world jury sass rick world the main actor heels she never takes off despite running through the jungle. What message does that send our young children. Oh, stop it . Horrible. What up wheels mr. Automodeal hey, its the wheel deal hey, hey, the duke of deals i know a few guys in the rental car biz. Lets go, wheels. Rental car deals up to 40 off. When eating healthy and Drinking Water just isnt enough to ease my constipation i trust dulcolax tablets. I take dulcolax for dependable overnight relief and in the morning i am back to myself dulcolax, designed for dependable relief bennys the oldest dog in the shelter. He needed help all day so i adopted him. When my back pain flared up, we both felt it. I tried tylenol but it was 6 pills a day. With aleve its just two pills, all day. Now im back aleve. All day strong. That is the happiest music in the world. Forget the rampaging dinosaurs new Box Office Record holder jurassic world. May be harder to belief or the buzz bryce dallas howards character starchy corporate exec wears through the the flick as she battles maneating reptiles. Not once does she take them off as she dashes through the swamps of dino Amusement Park or slick marble floors. Never. In fact the movies director howard insisted keeping heels on no matter how serious the stunts got. Howard entrained as if i was in the olympics to get her ankles ready for that abuse. That is hilarious. Harris, a lot of people say this sends a horrible message to the young women of the world. You know why . Because i wear sixinch heels. An inch for each day of the week i work. I love the fact she is in her heels the whole movie. Is that her choice to do that, handle it like a boss do it and she does. I saw it on opening on friday. Just a little, i dont want to give too much away but that chemistry between her and chris pratt, it is delicious. Theyre great. Heels did not distract from wait. This is a movie about dinosaurs. What is more believable, that she can run across the floor, like twoinch heels . Isnt that the point . People outraged no woman can run around in high heels. They ought to see me. That is reality the with the Jurassic Park movie, not the giant trex the fact she is running in sixinch heels by the way women can do. Chanel sample sale. Like a herd of them. Ready to jog in heels. Challenge me. I will sprint around this block. Do it right now. I run in heels. See me around the studio from my 5 00 a. M. Show until 12 noon im sprinting on the couch in four 1 2 ive heels. Some feet, and perhaps her are made for high heels. Better for them. Very flat feet. To be better in them some doctors tell you. Im taking this a little too far. If were seriously asking the question if this is harmful to young girls that is ridiculous. If you suspend belief about the dinosaurs but not about the stupid high heels, her choice, makes her feel good, makes her look good, who the hell cares . Trained for it, but the stunt woman having to do tough things, really . Heels . Son after gunderson. This is 2 1 2 inches. Come on. Theyre kitten heels. I love kitten heels. I dont like kitten heels. There yuu go. Fighting dinosaur with a heel put a sixinch hole in the gut, right . Effective as a weapon also, no . You have seen my im afraid you girls will dropkick me. This is not spoiler alert or anything. I think you could have figured that out. That would be really unrealistic. And lord knows, we dont talk about unrealistic topics here on outnumbered. Not at all. Mentioned the little cap on the heel probably wasnt on it by end of the day. Thats true. I know what im talking about. I wonder if reinforced with nasa jell in the heels . Probably had like five different pairs. Maybe she is actually moved womens Heel Technology forward. For that lets hope so. She was killing those dinosaurs with her fashion. Moving on. Girls, all right. Sean connery wore toupee for years as james bond. Nobody complained. We should talk about that next on outnumbered. Covering up baldheaded guys. Deception. Bald shaming. That is what that was. We have another kind of shaming to turn to, bernie, we brought that up. Are you a rose or poppy or a daisy . Not talking about your favorite flower. Talking about your clothing size. Well tell you why one Clothing Company is doing away with those pesky numbers and labeling sizes by yes flowers. 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