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Harris im never going to complain because when its snowing im sad girl. I will take the snow over 99 degrees and humidity in new york city and smells. The smell, yeah. Frost. Harris perfect opportunities to move on. [laughter] last nights results showing the trump effect is in full effect for republicans. Particularly in the midwest. In the minnesota g. O. P. Governors primary, trump supporter jeff johnson beat former governor tim pawlenty. You may remember pawlenty was once a g. O. P. Star and former president ial candidate. He was also fiercely critical of President Trump. In wisconsin right next door republican candidate leah vuknir won her primary she will be facing off against Tammy Baldwin in november. Once critical of the president but last night she made it very clear whom she supports. Watch it. Were going to take that to washington where they need the help of a strong conservative to join the ranks. [applause] to help President Trump make america great, keep america great. [cheers] harris and the president tweeted this, congratulations to leah vuknir of wisconsin on your great win. You beat a very tough and good competitor and make a fantastic senator against someone who has done very little. Have you my complete and total endorsement. Explanation point. Democrats making his have any connect cut electing a School Teacher who could become the first africanamerican democrat to represent the state congress and in vermont electing the first transgender gubernatorial candidate for a major party senior Political Correspondent mike emanuel is live in minneapolis, my old city and things are very interesting in that state right now. Harris no, question about it. Good afternoon to you. Yeah, the big upset here, the big surprise in minnesota on primary night was in the governors race on the republican side with jeff johnson upsetting a former governor. It feels great. Obviously, you know, this was a huge hill to climb and nobody thought this was going to happen. But i will tell you what, as we travel around the state, we saw this coming because people, not political not wealthy donors, not the political class, but just people on the ground said you know what . We want Something Different and it feels good. Mike most expected former twoterm governor tim pawlenty a former president ial candidate to be the favorite but he was gracious in defeat. To our primary opponent jeff johnson and to his team, they did a great job. They obviously won tonight and they are going to be where we place our hopes now for the future vision of the Republican Party and for where the state of minnesota is going to head. There was lastminute drama in the Minnesota Attorney general race on the democrat side. Congressman Keith Ellison who is also deputy chairman of the Democratic National committee was accused of physical and Emotional Abuse by a former girlfriend over the weekend. She also claims to have Video Evidence but has not released it el ellison defeated four our democrats and didnt want to talk about the abuse allegations. Theyre not true. Tonight we are focused on other stuff in the next few weeks. Also tonight a week after the kansas primary the republican nomination for governor was finally sorted out. Governor jeff colyer conceded the race to kris kobach. Trying to rally g. O. P. Support behind him. Im issuing a call for unity to all republicans as we now gear up and start marching in the general election campaign. Its absolutely essential that we march together. Mike after bruising primaries, it will be critical for all these new nominees to rally support of their party behind them as they get ready to take on the other party in november. Harris . Harris all right, mike, great to see you. Thank you very much. Mike thank you. Harris you know its interesting in minnesota because it has been purple at times. Walter mondale lives there near a buoy lake. I remember the days of jesse ventura. Anything can happen including a former governor going up against a guy named jeff johnson and losing. No. And, of course, its that sort of anything goes that you are talking about that was very appealing for the state for donald trump. Obviously he didnt win. Harris exactly. He lost it by a very small margin. And i think that he would be very much in play there in four years. Harris or less than four. Whats happening in four years . Harris its interesting the effect. I dont know, katie, did we see it with obama . Remind me if we did, the kind of rubber stamp that the president can give a candidate or am i overblowing it . Katie well, president obama, the Democratic Partys detriment and maria can speak to this as well didnt do much for the party which is why they are they lost 1,000 seats in the local and federal level. President obama was actually blamed for a throoft and putting his infrastructure first important for getting reelected but forgetting all the candidates below him that needed help and endorsement. His endorsement of Hillary Clinton didnt mean much. Because he had not worked on other campaigns and promoted all of these up and coming candidates. The Democratic Party now has a hard time figuring out who what they stand for and who their leadership is. Harris is it fair to put that much on obama. He was president 8 years. If anybody would that be person it would be that president. Maria its a little bit of different dynamic. We didnt have the kind of primaries that you see in the Republican Party right now where there is a big split in the party and insurgent candidates and donald trump is weighing in very heavily in primaries. He is having success in primaries. We will see if that success extends to the general election in november. I think thats a huge open question if he will endorse candidates that actually beat democrats. So its a little bit dynamic. Katie is right that president obama and our team did not invest in the state parties in building a bench thats part of the reason we are in this problem we are in now. There are other reasons, too. But, i dont know if donald trump is building a bench or if he is just endorsing candidates in primaries that will outlast his presidency. I actually dont know the answer to that. Harris is he doing something, charlie he promised to do post campaign trail thats lets put republicans. In he saw this after the tax cuts and accomplishments that took but also the fight that it took. Charlie charli definitely worg harder than being team captain. Harris he wants his kind of republican. Thats what he said char he is having success and had success in a number of races. Another thing going on going to prove to be very problematic for democrats is that the whole thing that we witnessed with the tea party, with the Republican Party, it was so incredibly disruptive. We had more progressive candidates win in several races last night. More success last night than we have had in the previous primaries. Its going to youre going to you are pressing the envelope to the left of what the rank and file democratic voters will support. And it will be very interesting to see whether or not those democrats succeed in those races where they have picked a far more left ward candidate than even the mainstream part of the Democratic Party would like. Harris you kind of are bringing up similar points about whether the people who those on the far left have chosen can win in november and whether those people who the president is backing can win. Because, i mean, neither one of these are establishment categories. Katie one of the most important races to watch is scott walker. You cant kill him. They keep trying to get him out of office. And they cant get rid of him u its interesting to see 8 democrats line up and want to kind of be the one to challenge him and take him down. Maria, im wondering, you know, was it frustrating with president obama or did democrats want him to focus on himself and his agenda or was it frustrating to see him not sort of build and support other candidates around the country . Because it certainly takes a lot of energy to go out and takes the president , whoever that president is, away from washington. Maria right. Well, i dont think its fair to say we didnt support any other candidates. Look, we had two terms as president and that was incredibly important. We put a lot into the reelection i worked on on 2012. That was very important. Other reasons that the dnc had huge problems. We talked about some of them here. I think it was a mistake for the obama team and i put that a lot on the team, not to focus as much on building the dnc and the state parties and the bench. The bench across the country. I think that was a problem for the party. We are digging our way out of that now. One thing i will say to charlie though is yes, we have some left leaning candidates in many places. In a lot of these places, the midwest, a lot of these places we have very moderate candidates running. Caught indicate one thing i will sty your earlier question is President Trump is very different in that he gets directly involved in primaries. Used to be the rnc and dnc did not get involved in primaries until someone won the primary onto the general election. Melissa meanwhile closing arguments underway in Paul Manaforts tax evasion trial. The prosecution just wrapping up on their side. Defense is up next. And the jury could begin deliberating as early as today. But, right now, the court is in recess before the defense gets one last chance to argue its case. This, after manaforts team rested its case yesterday without calling any witnesses. Including Paul Manafort himself to the stand. They say they are confident the prosecution failed to meet the necessary burden of proof. Ellison barber is outside of the courthouse in alexandria, virginia with the very latest. Ellison . Good morning to awful you, the court we are all out of court for recess. We will head back in about 1 30 p. M. As you said, the prosecution just rested their closing remarks. They spoke for about two hours. The judge told both sides he did not want them to speak for more than two hours. The prosecution felt they had enough evidence to go beyond that priewrstd began his remarks by telling the jury six men and six women quote mr. Manafort lied to keep more money when he it and lied get more money when he didnt. This is a case about mr. Manaforts lies. The prosecution ended by asking the jury to find mr. Manafort guilty on all counts. The prosecution called over 25 witnesses throughout this trial. The defense rested their case yesterday without calling a single one. They say the prosecution failed to meet their burden of proof, and that is why they rested. We li in the United States of america. And you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. And we believe the government cannot meet that burden. Is there a problem with the jury in this case . [inaudible] we are very confident. Before the jury deliberate braghts, which of course, that could be today or tomorrow, the judge will give the jury instructions. He set aside about 90 minutes for that. A big issue is how the judge will instruct the jury when it comes to his own comments. Judge t. S. Eliot interjected during the testimony of manaforts former Business Partner rick gates. Gates said, quote mr. Manafort was very good at knowing where the money was and where it was going. Judge ellis then remarked he didnt know about the money you were stealing so he didnt do it that closely. The prosecution saw that as damaging to their testimony of to the testimony of their key witness, so they were concerned how the judge will instruct the jury to deal with remarks like that. The three big points in this case really center around knowledge, willfulness, was manafort deliberately omitting information on tax forms. Was it his responsibility to report it or was it someone elses and direct evidence. Did the judge present direct evidence that manafort knew or are they asking the jury to infer that he knew about some of this illicit activity. So, again, next up, we will have the defense speaking. We will have the judge give the jury those instructions. Sources close to the defense team has told fox news, melissa that they dont actually expect to use the full two hours unlike the prosecution this morning. Melissa here we go. Ellison barber thank you so much for that charlie, as i listen to this case and as they lay it out and she talked about a lot of details right there, my mind jumps ahead to the russia probe. Its not hard for me to to take that leap to think that he might have accepted money in order to lobby on behalf of russians within the campaign. Doesnt seem like a huge leap. Thats not what we have seen here. The way its all laid out. How much money he tried to bring back into the u. S. Allegedly and not pay taxes on amend the dryer states he was in not having spent a lot of money. From there it a huge leap to say well, would the president have known in that case . Like the rest of the case from there. Certainly all of it looks bad. You know, all of the testimony that came out looks bad. But, again, at the end of the day, thats not you know, prosecuting Paul Manafort pasts financial dealings has nothing to do with the reason why we got the special prosecutor in the first place. And clearly the judge himself has wrapped the prosecution a number of times saying, you know, you only dont even want Paul Manafort. What you isnt to put pressure on him to find out something from the president. Right. And whether or not anything like that happened or not, that still doesnt implicate the president. The president is the one investigated for this alleged collusion. And there is still, to date, no evidence that any of that collusion occurred. Katie, i mean, its about collusion. Its not necessarily about the president colluding it could be about others colluding. Campaign. And within the campaign and doesnt that seem like the road they are going down with Paul Manafort . I mean, it seems that way. Again, collusion is not a federal crime, so its difficult in a court of through, you know, nail someone on the campaign for, quote colluding with the russians, whatever that would mean. We havent seen evidence of that. We havent seen emails about, you know, working on the campaign, all of that kind of stuff. Thought special counsel isnt over yet. There is so much that we do not know about who they are talking to. What their real goals are what theyre looking at. So, i think we have to wait and see. But in terms of Paul Manafort, i have said all along in order for someone to flip on the president because we have heard a lot about this narrative of Paul Manafort is going to flip. Michael cohen is going to flip. Well, Paul Manafort didnt take a pleal defor a reason. They thought they could fight it first of all. Second thing is, if you are going to flip on somebody, have to actually have information valuable to the counselor and prosecution to actually bring forth the table that is worth something. In the cases of Michael Cohen so far and Paul Manafort, we havent actually seen any of that come to fruition which tells me there isnt a whole lot there there yet anyway with the collusion narrative and the evidence. Maria . Im so shocked that they didnt call any witnesses on the defense side. No, im just so surprised by. This im not. Government calls two dozen witnesses and manaforts side is like we are okay. And the idea is that you take down each person as they come up to the stand. I know, its just an interesting strategy and we will see how it plays out after closing arguments. But, to your point, melissa, i think there are certain little tidbits or bread crumbs in this case that relate to his work with ukraine and with prorussian politicians in ukraine. I think if there were to be three steps down the road where through those relationships he had relationships with russian oligarchs we know that did some of that spin off and lead to work during the campaign, we dont know any of that yet. That is the way it could come out. Katie is right though. There is so much we dont know. And manafort didnt flip but discipline did. And rick gates did. And some other folks probably have. So, this is a long game. Were thought going to get a lot about the Russian Investigation from today. She said is not collusion. What is collusion it could be lobbying on behalf of a Foreign Government without declaring yourself. Yes. And conspiracy to collude is a crime. Harris and, obstruction of justice, which also, you know, we know muellers team is digging deep with a shovel trying to get to the center of the earth on that one. I just want to point out the timing though between this case and that september 1st date that Rudy Giuliani and the president s team are really pushing for. We are tight in that zone right now. And if bob mueller does not get a win with Paul Manafort, i think its more about that than what you were talking about the little crumbs or nugget. Did i just quote nancy pelosi on a crumb . I think you did. The details i should say that could come out for manafort and ukraine and former president of ukraine that was so prorussian. But the tightness really matters. Because, if the mueller team suffer as loss here and manafort is acquitted, which is why probably they didnt put up any witnesses because they felt like they didnt need to, if that happens this tight to that september 1st deadline and you have an offer from the president s team, back and forth to sit down, does that weaken bob muellers case in any way if he doesnt say okay, i will sit down with the president , well come to terms. You just suffered a loss. What do you think . I think absolutely. But, the single worst thing bob mueller could do to further hurt the reputation of the fbi and doj would be to make any sort of decision right now in the runup to an election that would seem to affect the outcome of the election. And if they do that again, or even perceived to have done that, it will be a disaster for the fbi. Harris win or lose here, what does he do with that september 1st offer, i wonder. We will see. Harris not really an offer, a deadline. Melissa tensions rising even hire between the u. S. And turkey after Court Rejects the appeal for release of american pastor andrew brunson. How both nations are responding. Plus more vulnerable red state democrats meeting with Supreme Court nominee judge Brett Kavanaugh today whether other democrats will follow suit and the impact this could have on a tough confirmation battle ahead. Ok everyone our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition. 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Senator joe donnelly of indiana sitting down with President Trumps Supreme Court nominee a short time ago and senator Heidi Heitkamp of north dakota is set to meet with kavanaugh this afternoon. Manchin was the first to sit down with him a few weeks ago. Manchin is facing a tough reelection battle in a state that donald trump won by a whopping 42 points. Many other democrats are balking at Holding Meetings and they want more documents from his service in the george w. Bush white house. Senator Elizabeth Warren says the battle is far from over. Look, it is not a done deal. Donald trump has made his nomination and he picks somebody off a list that has been prescreened. Prescreened by not one but two right wing extremist groups. Katie charlie, this is basically a done deal, isnt it, despite Elizabeth Warrens grandstanding is he going to get confirmed. Her precise political analysis. Yeah. It definitely is this is what i dont really get all the scandals and the omarosa stuff thats going on in the white house right now. Why democrats are participating in all of this because all theyre doing is just changing the page away from Brett Kavanaugh. This is supposed to be this huge fight and its just not materializing. Obviously we have hearings. Harris they werent winning the fight anyway. Most of them outside of the two or three in red states and in jeopardy and, you know, arguably doing this for political reasons, we dont know exactly, most of them dont want to sit down. They dont want to have a candidate. They dont want to be held accountable or responsible for what they didnt learn. They just want to demand documents that we know theyre not going to read en masse. They didnt read the healthcare legislation. They were going to pass it so we could all find out what was in it. Katie is this really the right fight for the democrats to be picking about confirmation hearings starting the september 4th the day after labor day when midterm elections start to get hot. Maria there are serious questions democrats have about his philosophy. Those are fair questions. I dont think its unfair to ask for as much information as possible for lifetime appointment. Harris why didnt they ask. Maria why didnt republicans sit down with Merrick Garland when he was nominated. Joe biden made a rule, thats why. Maria im just saying not one republican would sit down with our nominee. Lets not talk about who will sit down. I have also said, katie, i do think he will be confirmed. I dont think this is a politically advantageous fight for democrats to draw out through the mid terms because i think at the end of the day he will get confirmed and we, democrats, want to focus on other things because republicans vote on judicial nominees. I think as voters they care about that more than democratic voters. I think its a fair question to ask about his philosophy and i think democrats are fair to oppose him. I also dont think this helps us politically the closer it gets to the midterm. Katie i think judges are the sleeper issue that move mountains. Its not the thing that people talk about. Not exciting to watch on television or debate or all those kind of things. Its definitely one of those things for people hard core about politics its what they vote on. I myself am always focused on taxes and the economy. Thats my main issue. No matter what is going on and everything you hear going on in the background, i know what i believe about what makes the economy grow. And what helps the most people and how do you that. Thats what i really care about and vote on. I think for a lot of people out there in the audience, judges are their big, big issue. Maria especially on the right. Conservatives like principled jurisprudence which is not. Maria so do we we like different principles. Democrats like the outcome based decisions. But conservatives like exactly. But i would say there is no issue, no single issue that was more important in trump winning in 2016 than that. I agree. Any republican throughout who didnt really like trump or didnt think he was conservative, and you can make a very good case he was not conservative. But, he made those promises on those judges and that gave them all the reason they needed. Melissa the closer it happens to the mid terms the better it is for republicans and those who supported President Trump. Harris absolutely. Melissa they paid the price and now they get the pay back. Harris you and i can go round and around and around with Merrick Garland. Republicans did sit down with kagan. It was a different situation as you move into Merrick Garland. I dont disagree with you. I think people should sit down regardless so they are held responsible for having asked that person the question so when things come up they can answer back to their constituents. Katie hearing for Brett Kavanaugh in front of the Judiciary Committee starts tuesday, september 4th. Why will certainly be covering it here. Meantime the rhetoric is heating up between President Trump and his former advisor omarosa newman. The white house taking shots at omarosas credibility after she claimed the president used a racial slur in a recording. So, will the president emerge unscathed by the controversy or is some damage already done . Well discuss next. I think, like most people that worked with her, are very disappointed that she would go to such a selfserving and somebody who blatantly cares more about herself than our country to make up some of these outrageous claims and accusations. Until i held her. I found my tresiba® reason. Now im doing more to lower my a1c. I take tresiba® once a day. 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I can also tell you that if myself or the people that are in this building serving this country every single day doing our very best to help people all across this country and make it better, if at any point we felt that the president was who some of his critics claim him to be we certainly wouldnt be here. Harris counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway also coming to the president s defense. I have been with him over two years i have never heard him use a racial slur against anyone. We all heard about the tapes in 2016. We all heard about the dossier in 2000 all of your outlets im pretty sure looking about those. Knew about them, tried to verify them, tried to find them and failed to do. So so, i feel comfortable telling you what i know, which is that i have never heard him speak about anybody like that whatsoever. Harris so interesting what she said a lot of people tried to verify it but couldnt. Meanwhile, Sarah Huckabee sanders is slamming the media for dividing the nation by propping up omarosa story with coverage. Frankly if we want to look who is coverage i think the media has done more to divide this country far more than this president ever has by elevating people like the author of this book by focusing on sparsely attended rally instead of all of the policies that this administration and that this president are enacting that are helping people. Okay. So, we need answers to healthcare and a lot of other things. Immigration. Harris is it just because its summer that we are left focusing on the shiny object or something you think is worthy of the american time. Summer dragon story comes out in august. Reporters are Walking Around trying to trying to come up with something to write about she is selling a book and doing a good job of selling the book, i assume. Harris the president is helping her. Maria yes, he is. She turned this thing into some moral question she says this guy is racist. A bigot and a misogynist yet she continued to work for him and would still be working for him today if she hadnt been fired. I watched the original apprentice she was on. If you would have told me we would be talking about her in this contest. Staggering to me. Who knew it was going to end this way . Everyone who was watching anywhere along the way and i swear you when i saw her in the green room i would be like you know this is how every story she in goes. Harris yes. She has been on this network and fox business. Yeah. Harris she has given many interviews as a pundit. Whatever. She has been around a long time she a smart woman. I interviewed Kellyanne Conway after she left the white house. The white house was saying maybe not glowing things about her entire tenure there. They were sad to see her go thats what Kellyanne Conway said. Katie, again, i ask the bigger question is it because its summer and its a shiny october or something we need to know from omarosa at this point . She did say she sat down with investigators with the bob mueller investigation. Is. Katie i agree with melissa we could have seen this coming a mile away. Draining the swamp, cutting out some of the bureaucracy, changing things up and ripping them apart and rebuilding them. There is something to be said about hiring professionals who know what they are doing that have the integrity the honesty and commitment not just the white house the country. Not to record anybody in a situation room there is a reason why they brought general kelly into the white house. He was there to get rid of people like omarosa. Harris and he did. Katie there is a reason for it i would just say moving forward, the president is interested in hiring all the best people not all the best people are career professionals. Some of them are. And choosing people who are dedicate to the country, who believe in norms and rules regardless of whether they work. Melissa he rewarded her with access to the white house because she supported him and rewarding loyalty. She wasnt actually doing anything. Nobody could figure out what she was doing. Harris let me interject this for one second in terms of the role. Melissa what role. Harris covered it many times when news would break. Just the role of someone who was a liaison with the africanamerican community. Katie i think she damaged that. Harris she didnt take advantage of this opportunity. Thats what some in the black community are saying today Robin Roberts said bye felicia. Its disappointing to people of color she was in there maybe she could have done something good. Katie she hired bringing other africanamericans into the white house as was suggested by Michael Steele former rnc. She was back stabbing all of them, cutting them down. Making sure that she was the only one who got in there her role was not helping the american people. It was to keep everybody out so she was the only one who was there and now she is trying to profit off of it. Harris what does it take to survive 15 years in Reality Television . Im terrified. Harris democratic candidate running an ad to become Nancy Pelosis bid to become House Speaker if democrats are to take the house is it a smart strategy for democrats to distance themselves from Party Leaders in the mid terms or could it come back to haunt them . Well break it all down next. I will vote against nancy pelosi as speaker. Support term limits for Party Leaders. I will vote against nancy pelosi for speaker, support term limits for Party Leaders. I will work with anyone who do whats best for North Carolina. Melissa another House Democratic candidate this one in North Carolina running an ad says she will not support nancy pelosi for speaker if democrats win back the house in november. There are reports of at least 50 Democratic Candidates and incumbents saying as much. Only a handful have run ads so far. Maria, thats to run an ad where you say you will not support the person currently the leader of in congress thats hard core. Maria yes, like you just said 50 candidates or incumbents in the party say they wont support her. Its good politics in a lot of places. More importantly i think its good policy for our party my party. I think its time for new leadership. Republicans are going to get it paul ryan is leaving. Nancy pelosi has been historic figure in our party. She has done very good things with fundraising and counting votes and keeping the caucus together. But its time for new leadership. We have a bunch of people who would be leaders or speakers if they take the house. Some candidates and incumbents are willing to step up and say this. You didnt see this two years ago. Tim ryan and if he view people supported him. The fact that more people are willing to stand up and say it, it will be very interesting what happens. Melissa what retribution though . Whats the risk . Maria i dont think there will be. Honestly i dont think there will be. Katie thats what thing actions speak louder than words when it comes to actually doing things. I think nancy pelosi understands that she is will to let these candidates just railroad her and say these terrible things about her on the campaign trail and say that she is not going to ask for their vote now. She will ask for it later. She knows she is too powerful for them to take down. She has the infrastructure. She has the money. She is going to put new members into a corner where they dont have a choice but to vote for her. Harris what does she do with those comments though that have been so incendiary for her . It has emboldened people like owe caseiocortez to step up, the Democratic Party missed in 2016. Thats to your point, maria. Harris or at least try to talk about it. She is out of touch. I dont think shy realizes how bad some of those statements are and how disjointed and how out of touch they sound. Donald trump an hour ago sending out a twitter message. A tweet. A twitter message. Harris trying to help charlie out. Im beyond help. Offering birthday wishes to Maxine Waters, comma, the real leader of the Democratic Party. Its not just nancy pelosi as bad as she is. There are other people as well that donald trump and other republicans want to smear Democratic Candidates. Very effective. Harris quick question about where the ideas are in your party. You see Maxine Waters, you know, call for not just verbal attacks but kind of thing out there in the public spear that she cant control. We dont know what her words of insight. When you see that, is that a lack of ideas . Nancy pelosi getting bum rushed at the lecturn out of ideas for Daca Recipients and the dreamers. Maria i have talked to candidates who are running throughout the country who have ideas. Harris im asking specifically about these two the president called one the secret weapon is what he called nancy pelosi. Maria thats not where the ideas of the Democratic Party are today, harris. Harris is it fulltime timer both women to go. I dont think nancy pelosi should be leader in the house. I dont think its time for them to leave congress. What im saying is there are ideas in this party, in my party that are happening that arent like Maxine Waters or alexandria ocasiocortez. Keep some of these swing districts they are going to be mistaken come november. Katie i see nancy pelosi trash talk the economy. That doesnt work. People like money. So trash talking that doesnt work. What are some ideas that are out there. Maria i think on the economic question its more complicated than that because of inflation and wage staggs nation. Many people across the midwest are not feeling that they are feeling very anxious about the future. They look at the tax cut. Katie trash talking tax cuts. Maria if we put our party in power we are not going to Corporation Permanent tax cuts and focus in more on the middle class. The middle class because of inflation truly is not feeling the tax increase like they should be. Katie charlie, whats your twitter message. Socialism is taking a large amount of oxygen in the Democratic Party. Maria no. Katie we have to go they are yelling at us. Melissa major set back pastor caught in growing international dispute. The reaction the president is taking and whether it will work. Ive been making blades here at gillette for 20 years. Theres a lot of innovation that goes into making americas 1 shave. Precision machinery and highquality materials from around the world. Nobody else even comes close. Now starting at 7. 99. Gillette. The best a man can get. Tap one little bumper and up go your rates. 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We will have to be very patient to see this thing run its course. Maria so the u. S. And turkey relationship has for a long time, decades now, really, because of the war in iraq and some of the issues with the kurds has been very difficult. Even though they are nato ally. Melissa, i want to come to you on this because the tariffs and back and forth is starting to take a toll on the market it looks like today. Melissa huge toll on the markets and it has to do with the currency and you heard him say how much the lira is down. This with one of those fights worth fighting. Whether you have an american being held somewhere that is step one. The president has made that the issue when he begins with a country that he is negotiating with and struggling with is number one, give us our people back. And as i watched the market today or you watch whats happening to the currency, you say you know what . Sometimes have you got to pay the price in order to get americans back. Maria katie, how long do you think this price could go on for a while now. Talk about the fact that turkey is a nato ally. They are working against our interest. All the time. Its amazing to me that turkey has not been seriously considered to be taken out of nato because they are closer to the iranians and the russians than they are to europe. They certainly, their value system is not westernized anymore. They are becoming islamic republic. The fact that erdogan is Holding American hostage under false allegations as a nato ally and is it willing to have a negotiation about maybe giving him back is absurd. And im glad to see the administration taking these actions because we dont need a lot from turkey we can handle it and fo erdogan to say please dont buy iphones and turn your dollars into our currency. Its embarrassing for him and its about time. Harris 125 tariff. Is he willing to crush his people or the court system is willing to reject and then the government takes over and is willing to crush their people over this issue. The president has been very clear on getting bringing americans home. He has been very clear. I dont think there is anybody in the world who doesnt know he is super serious about that. Every president has wanted it. But he starts with day one on that issue. And, for turkey, not to kind of see whats coming down the pike their people are going to suffer. I think toe do. Erdogan doesnt care as much. Is he interested in strong man long haul. Maria charlie you didnt get the last word, im sorry. Melissa more outnumbered in just a moment. Allergies with sinus congestion and pressure . You wont find relief here. Go to the pharmacy counter for powerful claritind. While the leading allergy spray relieves 6 symptoms. Claritind relieves 8, including sinus congestion and pressure. Claritind relieves more. Heres something you should know. Theres a serious virus out there that 1 in 30 boomers has, yet most dont even know it. A virus thats been almost forgotten. Its hepatitis c. Hep c can hide in the body for years without symptoms. Left untreated it can lead to liver damage, even liver cancer. The only way to know if you have hep c is to ask your Healthcare Provider for the simple blood test. If you have hep c, it can be cured. For us, its time to get tested. Its the only way to know for sure. Thank you to charlie hurt. Final thought the pressure is on. The pressure is on. This, too omarosa too will pass. Katie she will get a reality show, what are you talking about . Its happening. I predict it now. Its going to happen. Melissa oh, wow on that note we are back here at noon eastern tomorrow. Thank you and heres harris. Harris brand new reaction to the primaries from last night and what results could tell us about the high stakes midterm elections. Lets go outnumbered overtime now im harris faulkner. A big night for President Trumps choices as voters headed to the polls for primaries in four states. The trump effect is what they are calling it, still proving to be in effect and be a major force on the republican side. President trump today, again touting a red wave tweeting great republican Election Results last night so far we have the team we want. And on the democrat side, progressives came out on top in several races against their establishment after falling short last week. Senior Political Correspondent mike emanuel is live in minneapolis where one of the more interesting races happened, great to

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