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Plan tomorrow. The senate adds a twist to theirs ahead of that. They have now taken out the obamacare individual mandate. In the past hour the Senate Democratic leader chuck shumer went on the offensive against that proposal, putting forth by his republican colleagues at a rally on capitol steps. Watch this. A done now with the tax bill what they did with healthcare. In both cases, now its the same bill. Taking money away from the middle class and working peoples healthcare so they can do tax cuts for the rich. Shame on them. Shame on them. Harris my first guest is a member of the gop leadership team. Senator, welcome. If you want to get democrats attention you did it with wiping away the mandate of obamacare. Tell me why you did this. Well, there are things that we wanted to accomplish through the tax reform bill harris, that getting rid of an unpopular, tax even the architect of obamacare said the individual mandate has failed. It just doesnt work. It does tax lower income americans the most. 80 of the tax falls on those who make 50,000 a year or less. So you get rid of that and it enables you then to put money into tax relief for middle income families. Thats been our objective. Repealing an unworkable, failed and unpopular tax and then being able to deliver to 6. 5 million americans who pay that tax and giving them additional tax relief by doubling the standard deduction is something we wanted to accomplish all along. Harris i caught a little of your Senate Finance committee. I watch a lot of cspan apparently. You do . Harris i do, actually. I like it. One of the things that came up is this push back by democrats on the idea of wiping away the obamacare mandate. I want to press in. Some democrats are saying that it would take Healthcare Access away for 13 million americans. Its already crumbling under the weight of removing subsidies that the president did. What do you think about that . Well, heres the thing about that. I mean, what theyre suggesting, obviously, is that people who are now required to buy Health Insurance that they dont want and cant afford arent gonna buy it any more. And thats true. Lot of people who are subject to the individual mandate who are forced to buy something. If they dont buy it, they pay a fine. They pay a penalty. It is a punishing tax. So there are probably going to be people who choose not to purchase insurance. But there isnt anything else under obamacare affected by this. Democrats are making arguments this morning that somehow this is going to hurt medicade or medicare or people who get subsidies. None of that is mentioned in this bill. All thats mentioned is the part that pertains to the individual mandate tax. It is a tax enforced by the irs. The Supreme Court said its a tax. Harris well, look, lot of people didnt like the fact that you were handling the mandate of obamacare through the irs. So youre probably not gonna get a lot of balk with the fact that they are not involved, the least Popular Agency in the land. What about the millions of people . Do you think the number could be that big . People who would say we can afford it any more . What do you do for them . If you have 6. 5 Million People who are having the fine, or having to pay this tax, or if theyre forced to get insurance that they dont like or cant afford, there may be people who choose not to do it. Thats a decision they make. We dont think they ought to be forced to buy something they dont want and cant afford. Thats what we had with obamacare. More importantly, you have a lot of people, including the architect of obamacare, who said it has failed. Its not working. Were taking a failed policy that punishes people with taxes, low income people with taxes, taking a tax away, giving them tax relief there, and then plowing that back into the tax relief for families. Those are benefits that will accrue for middle income tax payers. Thats where we think the relief ought to go. Harris what i heard you saying today, too, with the no medical expense deduction, thats being wiped away from this, too. You said by bumping up certain areas like the 2,000 for that child tax credit, youll see some of the benefits there in your pocketbook. Thats what i understood that you said. We dont take away the medical expense deduction in the senate bill either. Harris okay. All right. So its still in there the way that it always was. Right. Harris i want to go back to the mandate for just a second. I caught a tweet from the president. Now how about ending the unfair and highly unpopular individual mandate in o care an reducing taxes even further. Did the president play a role in any of this . Is it helpful to have him step in and say thats something thats important to him . cause hes got to sign it. The president has to sign the bill into law. Hes been involved in discussions for some time. This idea has been out there. Democrats are acting like it all of a sudden came up. The individual mandate is a potential off set to help expand the number of people that can benefit, middle income families, that can benefit from tax relief. I think having the president on board is helpful. Its something both house and senate have considered. Its now in the senate mark that were going to mark up in the Senate Finance committee. Hopefully, we will be able to move across the floor the week after thanksgiving. In the end the president has to sign it. Having his support for this is important. Harris i want to talk about state and local Tax Deductions and how the senate bill, at least last i read it, eliminated those. On the house side chairman of the house ways and means kevin brady says, no way. Were not going to pass anything that doesnt have it. Where are you in that . I think what the house did, harris, they exempted property taxes up to 10,000 so they capped it. Thats a solution they came up with. I think they believe will get the necessary votes to pass it in the house. In the senate bill, we eliminate the entire deduction for that. We think its a provision that subsidizes high tax states. But obviously its a negotiation once you get in. Were listening to the arguments being made by people who think we ought to move closer to the house position. Well get our bill through the finance committee. Hopefully well have a very spirited debate we can see on the senate floor with lots of amendment, many of which im guessing will address this subject. Then hopefully well get a bill with the house. Well see where that ends up. In the senate bill, its a deduction that we do away with. It is going to be claimed, obviously, all the deductions will be claimed by a lot of people. We minimize the number of people that are going to itemize. Harris i ask all of this because its our money and they want to know how its going down. Everybody is watching this saying, theyre talking, theyre negotiating. You talk about conference. That is a good thing for people outside the glass saying are they going to do whats best for the rest of everybody else. Senator thune, thank you. We want people to keep more of what they earn. Harris absolutely. President trump will meet with House Republicans ahead of their crucial vote on taxes tomorrow. Hes going to the hill. As key differences remain. As you just heard senator thune talking about. The senates plan would delay the big tax cut for corporations by a year, eliminate all deductions for state and local taxes. I just asked him about that. Including property taxes or salt for short. The senate plan would repeal the unpopular obamacare care mandate. Democrats are going after that plan. This from House Democratic leader nancy pelosi. We cannot let them do this. And, by the way, say this is a tax cut for the middle class. Not true. Not true. Not true. Not true. They throw a scrap to the middle class, provide a banquet for the wealthy and corporate america. Transform america in doing so. We will not let that happen. Kill the bill. Kill the bill. Harris lets bring in the house chief tax writer kevin brady of texas who chairs the house ways and Means Committee. I am also going to add this because i watch it on two facebook, between two chamber, how youll get the two sides to come together. You hear nancy pelosi going after, first of all the tax brackets and who pays the most and least. I want to first get your response. This is the same talking. Point weve heard for a decade. No ones pay checks have gone up. Everyone is saddled with this horrible tax code. We want a new era of american prosperity. That comes with a new tax code. Harris talk to me about what senator thune just said about salt, eliminating those in high tax area, 14 or so state, those who pay more into the government than they get back in terms of resources. You say no way. If you take away salt completely, you cant get this through the house. What does a compromise look like . So what i am committed to, to the house, our priority is to retain the mortgage deduction, the charitable deduction and the property Tax Deduction up to 10,000. Thats twice the national average. We know, with the lower rates and the new family tax credit that even in high tax state, were providing tax relief regardless of where you live. So im committed to keeping that in the final bill. Harris so i caught that. Mortgage property, but all charitable deduction rolled in there. Yep. All of them. Theyre really important to families no matter where you live. Harris you guys will go into conference and something will come out on the other end. Do you have a situation though thats different than the senate . Youve hard seen republicans in your own party say no. They did it very recently with the budget reconciliation. You were only two votes shy of that dying on those nos over this one issue. Talk to me about where you think you are about turning them into yeses. Not all of them are upset about salt. They all have some different issues. Thats right. Ill tell you what. The momentum in the house. I cant begin to describe it. We are committed to delivering this tax reform tomorrow for first time in three decades. Do we have some members who arent there yet . Yes. But also, we have those members who are saying were hopeful for that final vote when we work out the differences with the senate. Because i already know good ways we can continue to improve tax relief in every step. So im patient with members who may not be there yet, but want to be because they know no one can defend the current code. Harris i know the bills prepped for the committee. How did a whip vote last night. How did it look . It looks very good. Were continuing to grow. Harris did you have the votes last night . Yes, maam. Harris you did . Okay. Moving forward, youve got the president coming to the hill tomorrow. What do you want to hear the president say about both tax plan, specifically the one that youre writing . What i want him to say is what hes been saying across the country. It is time. America has fallen too far behind. Our jobs have been streaming overseas. It is time to give people bigger pay check, a fair tax code and, frankly, more money in their pockets. I think the president , whos been engaged. I can tell you personally, by phone and in person, throughout this process in a really positive way. So im excited to come to the hill. Harris i know hes been out of the country the last almost two weeks. Kelly anne conway told me chef meeting with chiefs of staffs of other leaders on the hill. You have some presence there. This will be different. A high stakes game when the president shows up. Lets talk about obamacare and wiping away the mandate, the tax that goes through if you choose not to take obamacare, the money you pay the irs. The senate says were gonna do away from that. You said no way. What is that going to look like Going Forward . What we said was, look, the house wants to repeal this mandate. It is a tax that lands on the modest and midle income americans who cant afford the healthcare theyre being forced into. Its encouraging the Senate Finance committee is putting in the bill. Were hopeful they can move it through the full senate. Well work out the differences in that conference committee. I think these are good steps forward. Harris before i let you go, fox news learned the house has no plans to add that wiping away of mandate to your bill. Are you saying now that there is an opportunity that you might look at adding that obamacare mandate, wiping away to the current house bill . So, no. Weve already been its already been reported out of rules committee as the ways and Means Committee develops a product, were going to move forward. Were very supportive of getting rid of that tax. Were encouraged by the senates action. Were hopeful they pass it. I think youll see in conference committee, youll see strong support. Harris i see some energy on the hill today as you head towards talking taxes in both chambers and pushing something through furthering it toward the president s desk. Well be watching every second of thaoe these votes as they come up. Thank you, congressman brady. Both sit on the same committee which questions attorney general Jeff Sessions during his marathon 5 1 2 hours yesterday. Next representatives eric slalwell and franks together for their take on the nations top Law Enforcement officers comments. Did sessions clear up any doubts about his previous testimony for democrats . Are republicans pressing for a Second Special counsel, satisfied with his response . Stay close. Let me be clear. I have at all times conducted myself hopb honorably in the office of attorney general which i reveer. Alright, i brought in high protein to help get us moving. And help you feel more strength and energy in just two weeks ill take that. Yeeeeeah ensure high protein. With 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. Ensure. Always be you. Metastatic and it spread to my bones. Time is very important when time is running out. I was looking for answers. A friend of mine suggested Cancer Treatment centers of america. I serve in the General Assembly for the state of arkansas. We Work Together across the aisle to get things done. And thats the way it is at ctca. What fred needed was a management team. Not just to have a longterm strategy for quantity of life, but also an active strategy for quality of life. 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After the meeting did you take any further steps to prevent Trump Campaign officials from further outreach to the russians . After you pushed back at that meeting . What i want to say to you is you alleged there was some further contacts later. I dont believe i had any knowledge of any further contacts. I was not in regular contact. Thats what it looks like. Doesen that warrant, in addition to all the things we know about james comey in 2016, doesnt that warrant naming a Second Special counsel . Members of this council wrote you asking you to do. Mr. Comey is no longer the director of the fbi. Thank goodness. We have an excellent man of integrity. I think hes going to do an outstanding job. Hes not here today, attorney general. Im asking for a special counsel. I would say looks like is not enough basis to not enough to appoint a special counsel. Harris joining me now is those who questioned Jeff Sessions yesterday. Eric slawwell, congressman trent franks republican from arizona. Gentlemen, thank you for joining us side by side today. A great opportunity to ask what it was like inside that room and how Jeff Sessions did. Ill go with you congressman slawell first. Thank you for having me on. You saw democracy play its role there. You saw the attorney general answer questions by members of congress. I had a lot of concerns that we have not heard the final edition about his contacts with russians. We heard the third revised edition yesterday. I also wanted to understand if he agreed with President Trump, who said throughout the campaign, that he loves wiki leaks. Now we have evidence in our investigation that donald trump jr. Was communicating with wiki leaks very close to the election. And that the president was retweeting or following the guyance that wikileaks was giving don jr. Harris congressman franks, how did attorney general Jeff Sessions do . Well, i have to admit, harris first, thank you for letting us come on with you. Im a little biassed here. I served a long time with the attorney general in congress. I hold him to be such a decent, noble human being. He was getting hit from both the left and the right. I thought sometimes maybe he becomes a victim of his own decency. My questions centered on the uranium one deal because i think theres evidence that would require a special council. That was during the time when the fbi director was mr. Mueller himself. Fbi knew that the russians were trying to insinuate themselves into america. During the time the bill got signed, bill clinton got 500,000 for one speech, the chairman of the uranium foundation gave them 1. 3 million and the Share Holders gave the clintons 145 million. Thats evidence. We should follow the money an see why that took place that way. That was my primary focus. I think the attorney general at least left the door open to considering it. Harris you had calls for a special counsel with regard to what you were talking about. All the trump dossier which the dnc and members of the Hillary Clinton campaign are being looked at for having funded that. All of that coming under the umbrella of congressman slawell. Are you in agreement that it needs to be looked into at least . Leon panetta said yeah, you got to take a look at this. I believe that its an effort to distract from a legitimate investigation into a foreign adversary undermining our elections. I cant stand the cleveland cavaliers, but just not liking them season enough evidence to have them investigated. I think here secretary clinton, wasnt even the representative for the state department on the nine member board that approved this deal. I think this is what aboutism to distract from i think lawful inquiry into what do we do to protect the future elections in our country. Harris so interesting to see you stand next to each other and not make contact. Feel free to make that contact and look at each other. You can talking off different pages. I understand politically how that works. But the American People are watching. They just want to know what happened in the different instances. And why Jeff Sessions has to keep coming to the hill and in some way, congressman frank, keep answering the same questions over and over. How do we move forward . What benefits the American People at this point . Ultimately, i just believe truth is not a matter of weapon an we just have to look at the facts. I think the attorney general is committed to that. I think hes not moving in the direction always that i want him to, but i am convinced hes doing it on his own commitment to principle. I also believe truth and time travel on the same road. Over time, this will shake out the right way. I think someone like Jeff Sessions being the head of the Justice Department is a positive and good thing for america. Harris representative slawell, were there moments where you felt like you did move forward yesterday during that hearing . Jeff sessions got on the record ab many different things. Representative franks put it, he was hit by every flank on every side. Was there some point where youve said, i have taken note, weve mored forward . I asked him if he could once and for all give us and disclose the contacts he had with russia. But also i was hoping to have assurance assurances that the department of justice is doing all they can to prevent a future attack. I dont want to relitigate the past election. Donald trump won. Hes the president. Russians are still trying to attack us. Regardless of how we feel ab the uranium one or secretary clinton, they are going to attack us again. I wish he would have given us assurances that politics aside, theyre doing all they can to make sure were not in a mess like this in the next election. Harris but congressman frank, are they going to try to bring sessions back to the hill . What is the future in all of thi this . I think, harris, if there is information that begins to develop that would justify bringing the attorney general back, i think the chairman of the judiciary would do that. I do think over time that were going to see this happen. I say this with great deference to the gentle man on my right. I say this. Before this whole trump election that my friends on the left couldnt find russia on a map. Now all of a sudden they discovered the dangers of russia. It looks like to me, over time, they will almost be sorry they did. It appears to me that theres far greater evidence of criminal wrongdoing with russia on the democrat side than there is any indication on the side of mr. Trump. I dont see i have tried, but i just dont see the evidence there based on some sort of illegal collusion with russia. Ill say i found it on the map because i was there in october 2015. I had my own concerns there on an intelligence trip. I was there in moscow. I am still concerned. I think this is something not about looking backward. Lets just agree that we have to do all we can to secure the ballot box. Harris well, we got a little taste of what it was like inside that hearing. It is overtime, right. I appreciate that. Gentlemen, thank you very much for your time. Well have you back. Thank you. Harris a group of House Democrats have introduced articles of impeachment against President Trump. The move represents the broadest effort yet to kick him out of office. So Democratic Leaders though have already suggested no, that is not a Campaign Strategy they want to pursue ahead of the midterm elections. So what exactly are their charges . Could it backfire . Stay close. I cant imagine what theyre thinking. If they were actually interested in impeaching trump, they would not probably not wear the senate so the impeachment doesnt reach. That would be the stupidest thing they could do. Nothing would rally trumps base quite like an peachment. 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Ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. Harris a group of House Democrats today introduced articles of impeachment against President Trump. Representing the broadest effort yet to oust the commander in chief. Democrat steve cohen of tennessee led the movement. Here it is. We believe that President Trump has violated the constitution an weve introduced five articles of impeachment. The first is obstruction of justice which deals with mr. Comeys fire. Second is a violation of the foreign clause which deals with money hes taken from foreign powers without the consent of congress. Third is a violation of the Domestic Violence clause which deals with monies hes made from the United States in his personal businesses beyond that of his salary which is all forbidden by our constitution. The fourth is under mining our federal jew dishry. Fifth is under mining freedom of the press. Harris Democratic Leaders in recent weeks said they are not looking to pursue impeachment amid concerns it could put the party in an awkward position. The fact is that youve got to really be saying what this election means to people an their lives. Somebody has some facts that come forth about President Trump, let the chips fall where they may. Its not someplace that i think we should go. Harris judge napolatano is here. This subject the interesting. Party leaders are saying, no, they know this is toxic. You know, some republicans will actually welcome this but an its so absurd, its so out there. It shows what a fringe these six democrats are. You have a very serious federal investigation. Lets face it. Of the president s behavior in the time period leading up to the campaign and since he was elected president. They want to big foot that on the basis of what they think they know from the newspapers. No one is going to take that seriously when you compare it with whatever bob mueller is gathering. They have misread the constitution with respect to the First Amendment. If you want to get into it. Harris i do just a little bit so people understand how it works. Sure. Harris an how far apart the reality is from what theyre talking about. Thats what youre mentioning. Yes. The clause prohibits the president of the United States from being paid directly for some Side Business hes in or some favor he does while hes the president of the United States. Thats an understandable prohibition. You dont want the president having another job. You dont want the president being paid by somebody for doing something hes supposed to do as president. Donald trump is a share holder in the Trump Organization which owns a portion of and manages a hotel in washington, d. C. They do a good job managing. The shares are worth more. Theres a dividend paid. If they do a poor job managing, the value of the shares go down and the value of the dividend goes down. There is no prohibition whatsoever on that. Harris just to get the facts out there i think its wor setting the stage for where democrats think they can go. Clearly some of them are attorney, among them. All of congress is. Steve cohen just ran, is a well respected tennessee attorney. I would think he would know this is a nonstarter. But i will tell you how this does disturb me. Donald trump is a lawful constitutional president of the United States of america. These members of congress are trying to do, short of declaring war, the most radical thing that congress can do, which is dislodge a lawfully elected president. They have caused the i word, impeachment, to be bantered about in such a cavalier matter. Harris is there punishment . No. Harris i was caught off guard. Representative Maxine Waters got the glamour woman of the year award. She called for the peachment of the president. I know thats a lot of pomp and circumstance. She has First Amendment rights like the rest of us. The speech clause does not protect her for what she says at awards ceremonies. It protects her to being in congress an going from congress when he engages in words that would otherwise be actionable. Harris this goes nowhere in terms of you laid out. It also goes nowhere according to Democratic Leaders who are embarrassed by it. Harris judge, always good to have you. Thank you very much. Im supposed to say how much i love aunt mona. Harris thats our executive producers aunt visiting us. She is wonderful. I will all profess much affection. Judge, thank you. You ear welcome. Harris john podesta raising eyebrow, this time after it was reported he kept trying, trying, to tie dontal trump to the russians even after the election was over. Does this have the markings of a coordinated smear job against the Trump Administration . An does it show Hillary Clintons campaign does not accept the election results. What happened is the name of the book. The power panel, well ask the name of what we do when we come back. Stay close. Honey . Can we do this tomorrow . grunts of effort can we do this tomorrow . If you have Heart Failure symptoms, your risk of hospitalization could increase, making tomorrow uncertain. But entresto is a medicine that was proven, in the largest Heart Failure study ever, to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, tomorrow. When can we do this again, grandpa . Well, how about tomorrow . Ask your doctor about entresto and help make tomorrow possible. Harris we are now learning Clinton Campaign chair john podesta did not stop working the tie President Trump to the russians once the election was over. The New York Times is reporting he met with fusion to compare notes after Hillary Clinton lost. Podesta helped raise millions of dollars for nonprofits fighting the Trump Administration. All this, spent seven hours testifying yesterday. His attorney said he denied writing that unverified trump dossier. Lets bring in our power panel. Former director of Rapid Response for Clinton Campaign. Very rapt. Patrick griffin former Media Consultant to four republican president ial campaign. What is the significance of what were learning about john podesta now . This is what slum creatures do to each other. Po tkes to making cain and abel look like poster children for good behavior. Democrats want to get invited back to relevancy to georgetown cocktail parties. They need to have an excuse for a tone deaf terribly run campaign and terrible candidate. They need to find an excuse besides incompetentsy and lack of understanding of the country to make themselves have someone else they can blame for Hillary Clintons snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Harris you think john podesta is being thrown under all 18 wheels . I do. He ran the campaign. Saying he didnt know about this dirty dossier stuff . I dont buy it. The United States of america was attacked by a hostile foreign power, an enemy of the United States. There is currently a federal investigation trying to determine whether the president of the United States and his campaign worked with that foreign power, that enemy of the United States, to attack his own country. So the questions about what happened in 2016 is not only something that everybody should do, it is something and try to figure out. Harris are you on board with podesta being looked at so clearly. On the first program, breaking news, podesta had to walk away from the firm that bears the podesta name as hes being looked at. Robert mueller investigation. Im not trying to get it twisted. Im asking you, do you want all of the truth or just the part that you like . We certainly need all of the truth. Tony podesta when he worked for paul manafort, if there was any wrongdoing, absolutely there should be up and coming there. However, what were talking about in terms of podesta and anybody else, were trying to find the truth about what happened. This is why i dont understand this attack on the dossier about who funded it which is really an irrelevant question. Thats why Robert Mueller is conducting this investigation. Well get to the bottom line. Clearly there is some indication, harris, that something was going on here. Theres too many things coming up now. I would suggest that the big problem for the clinton people is they are in denial. They dont believe that trump won. They are still trying to deny the facts. We are trying to figure out the extent to which the russians attacked our democracy and swung the election. Yes. There was an attack. There was an attack. Harris you think theres a denial in your party that you need to move forward . There is a federal harris the man in the white house is who he is. No, there is a federal investigation trying to determine what happened and whether the president of the United States worked with an enemy of the United States to attack his own country and install himself in the white house. This is why, harris, the democrats will lose again if they learn nothing from the fact that they lost track of their own people. Turned a tin ear to the base of their party. Blue collar people who made that party. Donald trump is the president. Learn from it, move on. We got crushed in virginia last week. Dont count your chicken, zak. Its too early for that. Harris Donna Brazile didnt help. Wow. The book. I find the idea that democrats are in disarray pretty interesting given we currently have a fight within the Republican Party about whether or not they should endorse a pedophile running for senate in alabama. I dont believe theres a fight over that. Harris when we come back you get first word on that. Rnc is removing funding support for Alabama Senate roy moore. Does he even need washingtons money, let alone their support. Im going to show you some fundraising numbers. Ultimately what role might President Trump play in all of this. Well be right back. At planters we know how to throw a remarkable holiday party. Just serve classy snacks and be a gracious host, no matter who shows up. Do you like nuts . Why did you take Credit Card Debt on . Second kid. Private school. Medical bills. Moving costs. Solid ground. A personal loan from sofi is a smart way to consolidate Credit Card Debt. 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The name being most often discussed may not be available, but alabaman who would fit that standard would be the attorney general. He is totally well known and extremely popular in alabama. That obviously would be a big move for him and for the president. Harris back to the power panel. Patrick, i want to pop up on the screen something that judge roy moore is doing. And that is raising a lot of money in a short period of time. He has a victory fund. The original goal was 300,000. I can tell you in just the last while it has now changed to 500,000 because hes just gotten close with 295. Hes making money. Something the democrats cant do as quickly. Whats happening with roy moore . This is all about the cause. Roy moore, judge moore has been thoughtful about this. What hes done is the on thing you can do when your back is against the wall. Deny, say nothing about it. Its an attempt by washington establishment republican, including Mitch Mcconnell to push him away. It works. It raises money. Trump Coalition Stands up and says we dont like this. Harris judge roy moore called those republicans against him vicious thugs. It has gotten nasty. It really does come down to alabama. I think thats exactly right. What is really concerning to me, i all comes down to donald trump. Harris we havent heard directly from him on this. Thats my point. When his candidate lost he went full throat for roy moore. He has been silent. Hes been weighing in on things like ucla basketball player. Harris hes been out of the country. If it hadnt been for this president those young men of color might still be over there, okay. So if you want to bring it into that, well move on. I am thrilled for that. He also asked for their gratitude. Harris they ought to give it. The house official line said if these charges against roy moore are accurate and true that he should step aside. Nothing helps the president by saying i didnt support him in a primary. I do think well hear from the president this is a tough thing. If sessions, as the leader predicted might be the person to take that place, we would see the sessions shuffle. It would be the first time we have ever seen anything like this. It would be very interesting. Harris would it solve some issues . Youre not calling him back to talk ab russia. Its a two fer for president. Harris a three fer. He can put a special council in charge to look into allegations about the dnc and the dossier and all of that on the way out the door. I want to put this tweet by roy moore. Mitch mcconnell is attempting to subvert the will of the alabama, this time looking to elect a far left democrat. Very smart. Im not in any way defending roy moore. I think its a real problem. The best thing he could do is go away. Bottom line is, this is not about national parties. If you look at whats happened here, both candidates said i dont want any help from the democrats. What theyve said is send money. You just talked about the fact that the judge is raising a ton of money by people who dont like what they see is washington trying to force it. Harris that is the achilles heel of the gentle man at the end of the table. I know you want to brag about last tuesday, but the fundraising numbers have been anemic. The democrats, the ones working toward working in the senate and the Democratic Governor Association are voting for governors. Theres a lot of energy. Certainly among grass roots donors which is one of the reasons we not only saw the win yesterday. We saw the win last week. Last night in oklahoma. State legislature won, a democrat won, in a district that trump won by 39 points. Too soon. Harris patrick, zac, thank you. Well be right back. What i want, youve got and it might be hard to handle but like the flame that burns the candle the candle feeds the flame topped steak twisted potatoes at applebees. Eatin good in the neighborhood. 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Outnumbered overtime wraps up. Heres dana perino. Dana fox news alert. A major announcement from the white house. President trump is about to make his first public remarks since returning from asia. Hello, everyone. Im dana perino and this is the daily briefing. President trump will make a statement on trade and north korea. He could take question, so lets go to the white house. What do you know . This is breaking just in the past couple minutes. We hadnt expected to see the president or hear much from the white house today. There were no public events. There was no briefing. Now learning of this statement at 3 00 p. M. We know the president while in asia promised major announcement as it relates

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