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Interviews with newsmakers and roundtable discussions cover the top news stories of the day. Committee chairman ed rois says its not just russia thats being sent a warning. Watch. Heres the point, to the extent that we send the message Around The World that you cannot use nerve agents, this is a very important and consistent message we have to send. Its important that we maintain this kind of pressure in order to deter any other nation that might use a nerve agent, that might use a chemical and biological weapon on u. S. Soil or on our allies soil. Harris doug mcelway live in washington as we learn more about this. Russia is promising retaliatory action of some kind in response to the new sanctions set to take effect later this month. Connecting new sanctions to these events is unacceptable for us. These restrictions as well as Interviews with newsmakers and roundtable discussions cover the top news stories of the day. Interviews with newsmakers and roundtable discussions cover the top news stories of the day. Russia, part of a pattern that in many ways this president and his administration have been tougher on russia than any president since president reagan. Is it enough, its all part of the bigger package. Let me state at the beginning on monday, President Trump will sign, i believe, the most significant peels of legislation that he has signed since he became president in the fiscal year 2019 National Defense authorization act. Hes going to fort drum in new york. In that ndaa will be a number of provisions that added with these sanctions all together will increase very tough posture on russia in the most appropriate way. Harris the most significant piece of legislation so far and hell do that in new york. Why do you say, i mean because hes done a lot already, in terms of the economy. But why do you say this is so significant . What he will do coming up this monday . Interviews with newsmakers and roundtable discussions cover the top news stories of the day. This ndaa is significant, it rebuilds and restores the American Military where it needs to be, gets us on track, and i contend is the most important piece of legislation President Trump has signed to date and he deserves an enormous amount of credit. Harris i just want to drill down on one point, i want to make sure i understand this, low yield Nuclear Weapons and bumpup in funding for that. Why is that necessary, how does that fit in to our whole Foreign Policy and battle, if you will, battle plan . Well, this ndaa, which was negotiated between the house and the senate, i was a confer reon the house side, serve on the committee. Including the low yield Nuclear Weapons, part of the deterence to confront russia, is one piece of the puzzle. The rebuilding of the American Military, regrowing our troops Interviews with newsmakers and roundtable discussions cover the top news stories of the day. Interviews with newsmakers and roundtable discussions cover the top news stories of the day. Posturing by the administration. A lot of that is a part of the diplomatic efforts which have been very effective by President Trump and his administration. You listen and read between the lines what we hear from secretary pompeo, from the National Security advisor john bolton and others in the administration, theyre well aware and very skeptical for good reason of where kim jongun is heading and whether or not he will keep his end of the deal. North korea has a pattern of not holding up their end of the bargain. What i said before, is absolutely true, i would not want to break my word with President Trump if i were kim jongun, i believe well get back on track and see the positions forward. Harris congressman banks from the great state of indiana, appreciate your time. All of the details on the legislation that the president is getting ready to sign, we appreciate that, thank you. Great to be with you. Harris all right, lets start there, democrat congressman John Garamendi of the House Armed Services committee. I love to get members opposite sides of the political aisle in the same committee. You know details as well about this ndaa thats coming up, fort drum, new york, the president will sign. It seems like theres a lot of toughness on russia. What do you as a democrat say about what the president is getting ready to do . Well, theres absolutely no doubt that the congress, both the senate and the house, did a good piece of work on the ndaa, the National Defense authorization act. Jim did a good job laying out many of the important details in it. That bill was strongly supported by the democrats, including myself, both in committee as well as on the floor of the house. In its initial passage as well as the final Conference Report of which i was also would be of the conferees and supported the report. Its a good piece of legislation. It seriously strengthens the American Military, particularly the presence in europe. And provides a very good Counter Point to the helsinki conference in which the issue of russia, the United States was in question. Going forward, were going to be well positioned. The president signs it that,s a good thing. Fort drum, nice place to sign it. Now the implementation of the sanctions, critically important. Harris it is important to hear you as a democrat say this. Because as we head in to the midterm elections, theres so much of that, that partisanship that happens. But when you say this is a very good counterpart to helsinki, the president took criticism from both sides of the political aisle. From what you say, we have now moved beyond that point with strength, and a whole lot of areas with the ndaa, particularly with regard to russia. That entire period of time when the nato conference in helsinki raised questions about exactly where america was with regard to nato, protecting europe, and the rest. This ndaa really puts a very clear sign out there, that were standing strong with nato, were going to be on the eastern perimeter of nato, and were going to have the resources there. And the sanctions add to that. This is very, very important. Its absolutely clear that putin will push wherever he sees weakness. And we dont want any weakness, period, in the nato issue, in the european alliance. So, yes, this is important. Jim banks laid it out very well, i wont go back over all of the ground he covered. Except to say this is a bipartisan very strong support from both sides of the aisle. There were a happenedful of democrats, handful of republicans that did not vote for it, for specific reasons, fine. But, hey, america stands strong, with our european allies as well as in the pacific. So we can go into all of those things if youd like to. Bottom line of it is, america is pushing back against putin. Harris im glad youre on the record, the nation watches and wonders if congress can come together even against some one, a country that meddled in our election and has been so aggressive, Nerve Agent Use in great britain. I want to move on to this point, because politically as we head in the next 89 days, if you can believe it, from the midterm elections, we head into that, the politics that some democrats are using now against the president have to do with where the president is not as tough as the Previous Administration under barack obama. But with what you describe, that is no longer a talking point. Would you say that this president is on par, if not exceeding what we have seen in the past . Well, you can debate that back and forth. I dont think theres any doubt that barack obama, given the period of time in which he was president , keep in mind there was a sequestration that went through most of his administration. That was a compromise between the democrats and the republicans, almost six years ago. The result of that, there was a very, very limited amount of money available for all programs, both the military as well as other domestic programs. That carried on throughout his administration. He constantly called for an end of sequestration as did both democrats and republicans. It actually didnt happen until just this last six months ago with the omnibus. That was another very short, in this case a twoyear reprieve from the see Christration Limb sequestration limitations. The question for us going into this election is what are we going to do about that. Do keep in mind the american treasury has a significant deficit. It will be tough issues going ahead. They will be part of the campaign. Harris congressman garamendi, President Obama was in office as we saw the russians attack our democracy in the election. And so i understand what youre saying about sequestration but there was a lot happening under his presidency. And were trying to right that ship now with a new administration. As you say with this ndaa, make a strong force ahead and move past helsinki. Great to see you, well bring you back. You got it, thank you. Harris democrats taking what many see as unprecedented steps in their quest for thousands of documents on President Trumps Supreme Court choice. Are they going too far . Plus, what President Trumps attorneys say should be off the table in any possible trumpmueller sitdown as they use some of their harshest language yet. Will we see an interview between the two men . Stay close. Allergies with sinus congestion and pressure . He said the special counsel doesnt need to ask a single question on obstruction, he knows all the answers. Theyre not going to allow the president to fall into a perjury trap. Watch it. We offered him an opportunity to do a form of questioning. He can say glo yes or no. We can do it. If he doesnt want to do it he knows the answers to every question that he wants to ask. Hes going to ask him, did you tell comey to go easy on flynn. The president will say no i didnt. Hey, bob, you know it. Why do you want to get him underneath . You think were fools . Harris kevin cork has more from the north lawn. Kevin . Harris, good afternoon. We have heard before the mayor accuse the mueller team of attempting to trap the president. Only now were getting more specifics about where he thinks the mueller team would hike to go and why the president s attorneys will not allow him to speak with mueller unless there are more conditions met in the meantime. Rudy says it comes down to conversations with jim comey and to be sure, if the president remembers a conversation with the former fbi director one way, and the former fbi director remembers that same conversation another way, well, the president could then walk into a perjury trap. Heres what the president said on twitter, this is an illegally brought, rigged witch hunt run by people who are totally corrupt and or conflicted, started and paid for by Crooked Hillary and the democrats. Phony dossier, fisa disgrace, lying and dishonest people fired, 17 angry dems, stay tuned. Now, the mueller team and the president s counsel continue to go back and forth over the parameters of a sitdown. But while white house folks consider the Pros And Cons of the decision by the president to do that, some observers are convinced itll never happen. I dont think it will happen. I think in the end there will be no sitdown, President Trump will get on television and say i wanted a sitdown but mueller wouldnt come up with terms acceptable to the legal team. Then were in court and were battling probably for years. The case ultimately gets to the Supreme Court where it will be a draw. I had a chance to speak with a former federal prosecutor this morning and they said the same thing, its not as if the white house wouldnt perhaps like to see how far they can go in the way of getting some parameters to maybe have a conversation between the president and mueller. But based on everything we know right now, harris, the chances of that happening are slim to none. Harris interesting what dershowitz said, the president gets to tell his base that they might be looking for a sitdown, okay, its come to an end now, why he would or would not do. That fascinating. Thank you, kevin. Well bring in jamil afterer, former Justice Department attorney and former clerk for justice gorsuch. Great to have you. Lets start with that idea that the president answers to the politics of this, the attorneys are looking at whether you should sit down, and what is reasonable as conditions to do that. What would be reasonable . Well, harris, this is a fight weve seen before. Bill clinton under the ken starr investigation went back and forth with the Special Prosecutor when and how he would sit down. He did a video interview, it ended up in a bad place for him. These negotiations are very standard in the process because the president has a lot of reasons to do this in a way that makes sense for him. Harris its also worth noting that the president will talk with some people outside Legal Counsel circle, too, some who are maybe not even attorneys. Senator graham told me last night that he was asked buy the president as they played golf earlier this week about this very thing. Lets watch that. I said mr. President , ive seen no evidence of collusion between you and the russians, i dont think you colluded with your own government, why do we think youd collude with the russians. Ive been looking at it for two years, you have to be patient and let it run its course, well make sure hes treated fairly. Harris Hes Koups Ling Him as many others have, just let this play out so it doesnt become a political talking point. There are legal reasons for not stepping in and trying to thwart an investigation. Your thoughts . Well, thats exactly right. Look, the president is getting a lot of legal advice from his team. Likely telling him not to sit down with Special Prosecutor, that its a potential perjury trap. Talking about this publicly, the Mueller Investigation is going to run its course, thats the reality. The president is not going to be able to change that fact. By going sort of out there on twitter, and laying out sort of what he thinks is his story, at times is changed, is not helpful to him and his lawyers. The best thing the president can do is really stay on his agenda, his topics, not get involved in the back and forth about this investigation. Harris its interesting that you bring up twitter, because thats where Robert Mueller has said hed like to focus next. What you indicate isnt what has happened in the past, youre saying from this point on. Why do you say that . Look, i think the challenge here is that the president obviously wants them to tell a story. He wants to sit down with the prosecutors and talk about what his view is. He thinks he can actually win this conversation with bob mueller. The reality is bob mueller is a serious prosecutor, Serious Group of people on the team. This is not the mace you want to be and have this debate. At the end of the day the eggs very is going to do what its going to do. The president ought to, you know, get off the topic, focus on his agenda, a lot of things he wants to do that are positive for the country, focus on that before going back to bob mueller and continue to make russia the primary story in the news. Harris i find it fascinating, can you respond or not, but why does everybody talk about entrapment when they talk about Robert Mueller, is that his special difficult . Special gift . Should that be the goal . No, its to find out the facts. Harris, this often happens with Special Prosecutors. They do a long investigation and they end up charging folks about things that have literally nothing to do with the investigation but what happened during the investigation. Lying to the investigation. We saw that with mike flynn. Thats a challenge for anybody whos being interviewed or talking about these issues. The president has a lot of things that have happened during time and he has different views how the events went. So thats going to cause him challenge going forward. Hes got to be cautious that, is a thing, lying to a federal prosecutor is a crime, thats a problem. Harris former d. O. J. Attorney and bush 43 white house Legal Counsel jamil jaffers, thank you. Prosecutors trying to make their case for banknd fraud charges against Paul Manafort before they finish up tomorrow. A live report on that case. Stay close. Sometimes, bipolar i disorder but mania, such as unusual changes in your mood, activity or energy levels, can leave you on shaky ground. Help take control by talking to your doctor. Ask about vraylar. Vraylar is approved for the acute treatment of manic or mixed episodes of bipolar i disorder in adults. Clinical studies showed that vraylar reduced overall manic symptoms. Vraylar should not be used in elderly patients with dementia due to increased risk of death or stroke. 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For the first time this trial, first time this morning, judge manafort judge ellis apologetic to the mumer team hes been giving group to. They filed a Court Document complain hook e was prejudicing being prejudicial against them in front of the jury. This all really got in the government came to a head in the governments opinion yesterday, when the judge really dressed down the mueller team because he found out that a government witness had been sitting in the courtroom watching the proceedings before taking the stand. The judge was very unhappy. He apparently realized later he never prohibited with its from watching. He told the mueller team in front of the the jury this Robe Doesnt Make Me anything other than human, any criticism of counsel should be put aside. But the judge who has been very concerned with keeping the trial moving along changed his tune this afternoon when the mumer team tried to introduce mueller team tried to introduce a long exhibit, the judge said there might be some kind soul on the jury who feels they need to leave through this and it isnt leaf. The mueller team admitted 11 pages of the exhibit. Right now a government with it representing airbnb is testifying, former navy seal who runs Customer Service for the site named darren evenson, testifying that one of the properties Paul Manafort certified as not being a second home so he could get a mortgage was a Rental Property listed to be airbnbed ee. The employee said theres no user named Paul Manafort in their system. Most of the morning was taken up with testimony from a Mortgage Processor who works at Citizens Bank. The jury watched as dozens of slides showing Paul Manaforts signature were presented. The mueller team alleges that he signed knowing that information was false even though there are warnings on the paperwork that says if you sign and you know the stuff is wrong there could be a criminal penalty. Harris . Harris i know just in the last few minutes as you have been reporting that theyre really trying to pin a lot on rick gates. So that will be an interesting component of all of this. Peter doocy, thank you. Lets bring in fred teecy, Criminal Defense Attorney and former federal prosecutor. What stands out todays testimony . Well, its interesting that this judge apologized to the prosecution and in front of the jury. Ill tell you, that cuts two ways for the government. It makes the judge human and it creates tremendous credibility for him in front of the jury. Harris, over the years, analytical studies show that jurors look to see who they think the judge favors. If the government has a really strong case then who the judge favors is irrelevant. But if the case is not as strong as the government would like to think and the jury thinks the judge doesnt particularly care for it, it could hurt the prosecution. Harris interesting. It also speaks to the issue, too, from the very interesting the judge Set Parameters to make sure that this stayed about Paul Manafort and the things we have seen with Paul Manafort long before he even touched the trump campaign, thats significant as well. It is significant. But thats what hes supposed to do. This indictment is about things that happened long before Paul Manafort went to work for trump. This notion that the government was going to beat him over the head with his open wealth is improper. In some cases the defendants net worth is relevant, you go to show that he didnt have had a lot more income than he declared n this case they knew how much money the guy had, that he didnt declare. There was no reason to look at all of his assets to determine how much money he made. Harris well but theres always a reason, you squeeze him. Of course they squeeze him, i mean thats what this is all about. This is about the government trying to take manafort, convict him, put him in prison for a long time. I was a prosecutor, we said when we had cooperating with its we wanted to help wed give them a little Prison Therapy and let them stay there and wait to see how long it was before the Defense Lawyer called and said we want to make a deal. Im note sure its going to work in this case. Harris the judge also said lets keep it rolling along. What is the importance of that . You know, a couple of things. Everybody remembers the o. J. Simpson case, judge ito lost control of the courtroom, a crime that took about eight minutes took over a year to try. Judge ellis is well aware he needs to control his courtroom and move it along. Now, some people would say that that puts the government in position of not being able to present all of the evidence they want. I can tell you, harris, having tried a lot of cases in my lifetime, we as trial lawyers, everybody thats trying it, 1,000 things you want to put, in ultimately you need 400 or 500 of them. Ellis knows this, it is not his first rodeo. Harris Robert Mueller, his fbi team, or his special Investigation Team i should say, special counsel, taking a look at this to see, what would they see they want to go forth with, anything . Well, a bunch of things. Obviously, they want to get a conviction f they dont get a conviction its going to raise a lot of questions. Im not so sure how much of a difference that will make. The public is like jurors, they felt their information, which ever way they want. If manafort gets akwated people who think the mueller thing is a witch hunt and political hoax will feel vinld kated, People Who Hate the president will think its an anonely and on to the next victim or the next defendant. Harris great to have you, thanks. Thanks for having me. Harris developing as well a massachusetts man channelled with offering 500 on twitter to any one who would kill a federal immigration officer. Federal prosecutors in boston are saying he tweeted repeatedly that he wanted to slit the throat of a u. S. Senator. The suspect was snabd in new york where hes expected to make an initial appearance. Leah gray breel from the fox news gabriel, its unbelievable. Authorities say in 2009 the suspect created a twitter account and then over time began tweeting violent and threat nipping statements. 33yearold brandon zabrowski was arrested in queens, new york, scheduled to appear in brooklyn the afternoon. According to Court Documents it was senator john mccains throat he repeatedly tweeted his desire to slit. It was just this year he started threatening Law Enforcement agents that work for u. S. Immigration and customs enforcement. One tweet he said he hoped i. C. E. Agents would die so there would be less of them o july 2nd when he offered to pay some one to kill them. Saying, quote, i am broke but will scrounge and literally give 500 to anyone who kills an i. C. E. Agent. Take me seriously. Who else can pledge, get in on this, lets make this work. Today at a Press Conference in boston the boston fbi Special Agent in charge gave a stern warning to those who think they can operate anonymously on the internet, saying every threat is taken seriously. Also the u. S. Attorney described what it means to cross that line on social media. Take a listen. Now, there is on a parallel track people who voice strong views about immigration debate, thats all fine, im sure the vast month jrt of them dont want to see anyone come to harm. There is a point at which rhetoric veers into irresponsible and sometimes criminal acts. Authorities say he crossed that line, charged with one count of use of interstate and foreign commerce to transmit a threat to injure another person. He will be transferred to boston to appear in court at a later date, he could face up to five years in prison for crossing that line. Harris thank you. Vice president mike pence revealing new details about President Trumps newly proposed space force, why the white house says it is essential to our National Security. I love space. So you just walk around telling people geico could help them save money on Car Insurance . Yea,that and homeowners, renters, motorcycle and boat insurance. Huh. Thats nice. What happens when you catch a fish . Gecko whoa. Geico. More than just Car Insurance. See how much you could save at geico. Com. Im ok . To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. Ill take that. [cheers] 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. New ensure max protein. In two great flavors. 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Common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. I discovered the potential with ozempic®. Oh oh oh ozempic® vo ask your Healthcare Provider if ozempic® is right for you. Harris Vice President pence made the case for a space force to become the sixth branch of the military. You know i love military stories. The Trump Administration set the goal of 2020 for the creation of this but it will need support from congress to make it happen. Lets get more information about space. Tristan fisher in washington. Good to see you. Good to see you, harris. The Vice President is proposing a major reorganization of the u. S. Military. Hes talking about creating an entirely new branch of the military for the first time in more than 70 years. He told top brass at the pentagon the time has come to write the next chapter in the history of the u. S. Armed forces and prepare for the next battlefield. He believes that battlefield is space. To that end, he outlined four steps that the Trump Administration is directing the pentagon to take immediately. Create a Space Operations force and a new Unified Combatant Command for space, the United States space command. The administration wants to create a Space Development agency to acquire the latest cutting edge war fighting technologies. Those three things can be done right away without congressional approval. They want to create a new political appointee, Assistant Secretary Of Defense for space. Now that would require senate approval. The Vice President is saying that all of this is necessary because of recent aggressive actions by russia and china, targeting some of the nations most sensitive spy satellites. Their actions make clear our adversaries have transformed space into a warfighting domain already. The United States will not shrink from this challenge. Under President Trumps leadership we will meet it headon. To defend our nation. And build a peaceful future here on earth and in space. And the big wildcard here, is congress. Will they approve this hefty price tag to create an entirely new branch of the military . We have to wait and see. But many of the things that the president the Vice President laid out, those can be done or begin to be implemented without congressional approval. Harris fascinating, they have so much more information that they probably cant tell us in terms of what is coming down the pike with regard to the technology in this end. So important and interesting. Appreciate your time today, kristin, thank you. My pleasure. Harris Lindsay Graham demanding to know why the fbi warned Dianne Feinstein about a chinese spy on her staff, but did not do the same with a warning for thencandidate donald j. Trump in 2016 as they zeroed in on some former campaign officials. Is this a double standard . Stay close. California phones offers free specialized phones. Like cordless phones, Top Republican senator demanding answers now after learning the fbi informed democrat senator Dianne Feinstein she shad a suspected chinese spy working for her, failed to warn then candidate donald trump about concerns regarding some former campaign officials. Senator Lindsay Graham says he wants an explanation. Watch it. Im going to send a letter to director ray next week and ask him what is the policy, Why Didnt You Tell President Trump you had concerns about carter page . Is there a double standard here . If this was a Counter Intelligence investigation, not a criminal investigation, the fbi should have told President Trump they had concerns about papadopoulos and page. Why didnt they do what they did for feinstein . Harris the power panel katie pavlich, basel smikel, former dreck to have the new york state democratic party. Bet youre busy leading up to the mid terms. When i interviewed the senator i said can we add the name Paul Manafort and rick gates to this, too. Is this a double standard . Help out senator feinstein but dont help out the republican candidate for president . I dont know if it is a double standard but i dont know if there is a standard. Harris thats not good. No, its not. What happened in the feinstein case is slightly different with respect to the president of the United States. Because there was an individual who had clear contact with some one who was trying to get information out of him. In the case of the president , what we believe, or we have seen thus far, there are a lot of people around him that had previous ties to russia. We dont know what those ties were. Thats the substance of it. Harris are you defending the president s case against Robert Mueller im not defending the president , dont get me in trouble. [laughing] harris they are the facts. This Mueller Investigation trying to get to the heart of these relationships. It should be played out. Thats my point. Katie you ask whether theres a double standard. Paul sperry has an incredible piece in the New York Post about the way Dianne Feinstein has handled the chinese over the course of her career. 189 of the first 199 of the first time the fbi warned her the communist regime would try to predict her. That same year her his band did 100 million worth of deals for the chinese of the reason shes worth 52 million is because of her husbands Business Ties to china. So she took the warning, didnt do much about it. Harris but she fired the person. Then refused to press charges against him. She was asked whether she wanted to press charges. She may not have known her driver, who allegedly didnt have access to sensitive information, i hope she was watching her phone calls in the car, may not have known what his ties to the communist government were, thee may have not transmitted classified information. But the point is Dianne Feinstein benefitted from her contact with china, helped them come into the world trade organization, the fbi is trelg me they might influence me but were going to take money with my connections to china, they have over the past 20, 30 years. They kept the connection open and Dianne Feinstein is a rich woman as a result of it. Harris separate from that employee who she fired, but thats some interesting information especially for a person who couldnt pick up an endorsement from your party. There are other reasons for that. Harris i dont know, katie may have more information about that than we know. I dont draw the line between this action and the making money. I understand your point. I disagree. But i would say her decision not to file charges here, mainly comes from the fact that the fbi said there wasnt really any information exchanged that was at all sensitive. They were asking this guy about local elections. There wasnt anything but she got rid of him. Harris when you settle on, excuse me katie, when you settle on the word spy thats specific . Kwp pretty specific. I would say Dianne Feinstein reacted to warnings from the fbi about chinese infiltration doing more business with xhien a. The Trump Administration has reacted to russian meddling putting in more sanctions against russia. Who different reactions. Harris watch monday when the ndaa gets signed. Well be back. No matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. Call one today. Are you in good hands . You could start your search at the allnew carfax. Com that might help. Show me the carfax . Now the car you want and the history you need are easy to find. 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