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Trey good evening, andin thank you for joining us. Dy. I am trey gowdy and it is sunday night in america. Missiles and drones feel the Israelis Guys as iran launched hundreds of attacks against the jewish state. Most of the incoming weapons were intercepted by israeli, u. S. Or other friendly Defense Systems in the region. It is The Beginning of irans response or will iran simply goo back to fighting through proxies like hamas, and the booth ease. , speaking of the proxies, russia cited with iran again for thoseh wondering who the u. S. Should be. 4 and russias war against ukraine. After this unprecedented iranian attack in israel, the Biden Administration still want israel to hold Ground Defendants of dash and Benjamin Netanyahu is making a mistake and then biden, in fact, discourages israel from immediately responding to the text over the lastcks 24 hourst to make of israeli opponents who champion this. I love america. I love america. Ey trey that is death to a america for thosmee wondering about the translation. Joining us to react, the senator tom cotton, army veteran who serves on this and the intel of Armed Services committee, welcome to you, senator. What do you make of irans response or was that beginning or the end of direct engagement with israel and especially the reporting that biden advised Benjamin Netanyahu not to respond . Pond well, thank you, trey. Rey. Unfortunately The Beginning towards the end of the war in israel and waiting for more than 40 years just like waging proxy wars against the United States. First i want to commend the bravery and skill of american Israeli Pilots Andnt t otherrael troops and troops from friendly frinations like saudi arabia ad jordan, Great Britain who Help Intercept almost every singlehep one of more than 300 drones and missile shot at israel. But of course, President Biden is wrong telling israel they i shouldnt respond. Imagine america gettinsr g 300 drones and missiles shot Aica Tr Homeland and telling a country not to respond. It is up to Benjamin Netanyahu and war cabinet and ultimately i the elected government of the in tbull how and when they resp. It is hard to imagine this does not still resolve against hamas and gaza or refuse to tolerate hezbollah or proxies to the north of lebanon possessing 100,000 rockets and missiles and drones on its own. Ultimately to tolerate iran with the nuclear weapon. Imagine if iran shooting missiles. But the question is not so muchh what israel would doat. Ry it is what President Biden willi do pure theres a few things yod can do right away and they dont he said he wants diplomatic solutions. I have a few recommendations. One, he keeps giving 10 billion in waived sanctions to iran periodically and he should resend those immediately. Two, he should work witho European Partners to immediately reimpose the sanctions under flawed nuclear deal with iran e has refused to do now for three and a half years. Three, he should immediately and fullfuy eaten for sanctions against irans shipment of oil t which goes to china. Most of these would immediately put iran onto the foot diplomatically and financially without President Biden to have tot take step. What he doesnt want to do anywhere which is use the American Military to defend american actress. Trey you know, senator while President Biden should listen to you, i am not u sure that he has been. He has had tougher word for Benjamin Netanyahu lately, even tougher than what he says to the religious fanatics running irany here and how do you, under this administration, how do you view our relationship with israel, given what he says to Benjamin Netanyahu and what he doesnt say to iran . Well, trey, it doesnt seem to me the relationship present buying them and Benjamin Netanyahu and we know that the Prime Minister is very good. It doesnt sound like thelati Democratic Party and israel is good right and now when you havo hamas proxies running around like Rashida Tlaib in the house Chris Van Hollen and the senate Condition Aid to israel as if is is third or tyranny. But americas relationship with israel is very strong and will remain strong because normal americans both parties recognize that israel is a great ally frot a Strong Military that enhances our own strengths and protects our own interest in the middle east, and also sharesst a deep, cultural, religious, historical, and political ties with our nation. The exact kind of ally we shoulv want to have. Whatever the relationship between the president and thbete Prime Minister, Th E Relationshipnd between america and israel is outstanding and rocksolid appearance be once before i will let you go, russia seems to be siding with iran, pfizer is up for reauthorization. The Mostst Progressive Member of the house, who called israel a racist state isr offered an amendment but what do you think of this requirement with fisa and shouldnt be offered with three forms . We need reforms of the fisa process to give the americaned r people confidence. And it will not be abused like a President Trump in 2016. I think the bill that the house passed will be the bill that passes i in the senate. It is a twoyear authorization so we will have a chance toseco revisit it in President Trump second year in office. But the kind of trade of horribles you mention, trey, is happening because joe biden with weakness all around the world. Ew russia did not invade ukraine on Donald Trumps watch but he did on barack obama and biden watcha and never thought to shoot 300 missiles at speedy mike israel when donald trump was present. Russia, unprovoked aggression the way they were whensupp donald trump was president. Unp that is why the war was safertht and more stable in america, therefore, safer in our interest re pmore protected when donald p was present. Which is one of the reasons that people will reelect donald trump later this year. R to still in senator tom cotton from the great State Of Arkansas who served our country in uniform. Th thank you for joining us On A Sunday Night. Thank you, trey. Trey israel Still Planningto to enter the city of roth as a part to eliminate hamas and still expressing opposition. It is President Biden running the War Withamas Hamas oars Alejandro Mayorkas Mike Netanyahu An D the war cabinet . Biden has been famously wrong with Foreign Policy matters, but he was not the commanderinchief so his mistakes couldhief be overcome l now, into afghanistan, ukraine and now israel and florida congressman served our country in uniform and the House Foreign Affairs committee and joins us now. Joe congressman emma welcome, you were part of the War On Terror and the war under aftermath of 9 11 and we pursued it for decades. Why does israel only get about six months to eventually what happened last october . Double standard and weoc predicted this in the immediate days following october 7. Hey, there is Global Supportsu right now weapon against octobes going to wait in a couple ofek weeks or a couple of months. We have to be ready to stand by our ally appeared as she spoke in your intro, that goes most importantly right up until this moment of israel potentially entering the far south of gaza, this is part of the operation. Trey you understand war, congressman, the psychology of war, iran warned everyone what was coming. Most of their missiles and drones were ineffective and intercepted. So what did you make as a Military Veteran but what did you make of their retaliation. Do you think it is really over . I think you can never trust that they say, hey, we count this as square, and if you dont do anything we wont dot anything. S no we know that is not true. Israel has not been against ira but iran has been through proxies whether yemen, all of the regions, syria, egypt to gaza to the west bank and everywhere they have proxies,t a they have been the aggressor against israel. No reason to think that wouldoud and as a most important way to put iran on their heels is byir destroying their proxies Appeart Thatha goes right up to hamas th is on their heels into sought of gaza here the last of the hamas leadership likely remainingere there and last of Tunnel Systems like whereemai many, many in the south of Gaza Impurity Anyan Hostages that they have allowed to stay alive likely still in te area if they have not moved them into other countries. Though, this is the attack you have thao take if you will beis credible, which, unfortunately, this administration and i think this is the most important poinv wee can make doesnt have credible deterrence. General mckinsey sent commander under biden very specifically spoke about this no w that he is out of uniform that the Biden Administration has taken iran off the table as a target. What he said directly for all of the Intelligence Agencies across the world to hear him say was,ay that means there is nost deterrence against iran if we deem we take them off of the table. That is really the direction you see biden pushing with every statement he is making. Trey you mentioned taking iran off at the table. I hate to ask or speculate but u your words would be educatedd speculation. Do you believe israel wanted tot strike back last night in the i heart of iran and were discouraged from doing so by biden . If so, why . I think absolutely they have been discouraged. It goes back to that point i made and the Biden Administration has been clear ii the hour that we will not standi with them and participate in an attack. That is taking iran off of the table. There should be no moral equivalency to the attack israel made against iranian generals against the indiscriminate attack iran made against israel. Weack are talking 10030136 drs and other rockets meant to indiscriminately target any is relieved they could hit. It was not a Military Operationp and to adjust for Israeli Military targets. That is a huge differenceoint. Another point into this as well, last week we saw 40 house o democrats, one nancy pelosi, mainstream democrats, they also signed a letter that said no more arms transfer to israel. No more arms equals Dont Resupply the errant dome systemr knocking these drones out of the sky. Dont resupply the system midrange Syste Davyingm and Dont Resupply the aero system long range of Missile System to knoch them out of the sky. That is is simply what they were saying. A continuation we received iran right now. Trey we continue to salute your Previous Service to our country, country and your continued serviche he and the hf you representatives. Thank you for joining us On A Sunday Night. Ig ht thank you, trey. Trey Up Next Xo Crown O prince of iran gives hisf viewn tehran, telling america to stay away. Only on sunday night in america. Business. Its not a ninetofive proposition. Its all day and into the night. Its all the things that keep this world turning. The gotos that keep us going. The places we cheer. And check in. They all choose the advanced Network Solutions and round the Clock Partnership from Comcast Business. See why Comcast Business powers more Small Businesses than anyone else. Get started for 49. 99 a month plus ask how to get up to an 800 prepaid card. Dont wait call today. Trey welcome back to sunday night in america. Stilla irnd drones were in midair last night. Iran made a point to say that attack was revenge for the idffo strike in syria that killedheir their top generals appear that the matter was concluded in their minds. About iran has been in the region forgion decades. So it did not start and will nod likely end with the events of last night. But what is iran trying towhat signal, and what should we maket of iran warning the u. S. To stay away . The xo iranian crown prince Royal Highness joins us now. Yourwelcome, your highness. What did you make of the iranian response last night . What do you think was met by the matter has been concluded . Trey, these are signs of the regime becoming more weak and desperate. O as a matter of fact, at the very same time it launched itss ag missiles and drones against israel, it has cracked down yet again on the iranian women on the streets of iran. The intelligence part of the rgr has warned people in iran the slightest Demonstration Oftest sentiments and sympathy to the israelis will be harshly treated. They were extremely afraid of what iranian will think and as a result, as we have always said, the regime is trying to hang onto power by intimidation atg hometo and exercising proxies ts time directly by itself. It is a conflict. Trey circum if my memoryy e serves me correctly, you visitee israel and you believe theiran iranian people and israeli people can coexist in peace. What will it take to make that happen customer well, from tehran to tel aviv to iranian and Israel Iow Ts no this is thr dictator of a brutal regime war. As we speak, trey, there were demonstrations in paris, london, berlin, iranians with israeliss and handinhand togetherin supporting each other and demonstrating to the whole world that we as a nation and israel as a nation have our test in the intertwined. Y in we cannot hope for any chance for peace an d stability in the region until this regime is finally gone. I think it is important for the world to realize the only obstacle to peace and stability and a Better Future lies on putting an end to this regime. It is time for the world to finally to decide to endorse iranianbacked people to put an end to all this matter. Tr trey you mentioned Regime Change, many of us found stunning Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer called for Regime Change in israel. Sc but they have been pretty silent on Regime Change in iran. What can or should the u. S. Do to support the iranian people to have a different government . A government that doesnt do the things you described, especially to women . Look, when you releas e money to a regime and give it moree me means to finance its proxies any use brutality at home, basically it has proven it emboldens the o regime. We said thatnl a long time ago. In fact, as you indicated last year when i visited israel my part of th, pae discussions with israeli leaders and for that matter other leaders around thee world has been precisely this. If you let the regime be emboldened by the fact they can count on paying ransom for the release of hostages or not imposing old sanctions, which gave the regimhiche almost 100 billion, the fact that the current demonstration is trying to release even yet more money to mor the regime about 10 biln of iranian revenue from iraqis, what do you think will happen next . There is a direct correlation between doing these kind of things and the regime coming emboldened. Bo again, use every opportunity to put pressure on the regimeld eve this time, the United States allies in europe decides to put the eye rgc on the Terrorist Group List that means more pressure on the regime. Th by also parallel with that it is time to use maximum support tor the iranian people in their struggle against this regime. It is the iranian people that has to change but it doesnt have to be u. S. Senator saying. But if loud and clear, saying we are done with this regime anddos help us liberate ourselves, tha is the message iranian people have for the Ira Entire World ye going hope the u. S. Governmenteh and other governments will heeds this call and finall cy help us save our world from this disaster in more conflict and have an Opportunity Post regime to help regional with cooperation. Not just israel but also a target of the regime. yo the one your Royal Highness, thank you for joining us On A Sunday Night and lonely us your truly unique perspective on iran. Thank you. Thank you, trey. Trey still had the first criminal trial ever of a former u. S. President begins with Jury Selection tomorrow in new york. Allegations hush money was passed off as a business expense. El l katie cherkasky, elliott the first of what could be an active docket for the president next on sunday night in america. Ah, these bills are crazy. She has no idea shes sitting on a goldmine. 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Both officers and the suspect taken to the hospital where all later pronounced dead. It is not clear if anybody else got hurt. I am Ashley Strohmier and back to sunday night in america. Trey trey welcome. Back to sunday night in america. Trials are lost before Opening Statements are even allowed her to be a difficult Jury Selection. Trump pleaded not guilty to falsifying Business Records in connection to payments to stormy daniels. Remains presumed innocent no matter howlost frequently you hear that on other networks. On the Jury Selection system worksn people are asked questions by the judge, lawyers, or both toer determine fitness and fairness. This amazing process if you liks small government, what could be smaller than 12 people deciding the fate and freedom of the cynicism . Can anyone get a fair trail these days . Are people willing to say i dont like the defendant, buet w the government did notil meet te burden of persuasion. New york ion. S The Beginning, special counsel jack smith then one Supreme Court to reject trumps president ial immunity claim. The court will weigh arguments april 22nd but the d. C. Court of appeals was unanimous inap rejecting an earlier claimwere youre joined by two former prosecutors who switched over to e more lucrative side of life, katie cherkasky, elliott, welcome to you both. Katie, what kind of jury are you looking for in new york . The jury is a misnomer or unselecting or Deselecting A jury but ideally, who would be ury . Our new york jury . Will, the judge in this case said anybody who Self Identifieo Cannot be fairread, partial upft will not be questioned further. So that will weed outni significant amount of peoplefino openly partisan, as it were. Ere. We want people who are going to be the evidence in this case underestimates a high burden of proof for the prosecution has here because it is not an easy case for the prosecution. People notosec openly politicala significant factor as well. I believe Jury Selection will in this case. Me we will see if they can get a fair jury. Trey yell, finding people that have not made up their mind is always a challenge inh highprofile cases. Elliot, lets listen to the former president togethethe r ai will ask a question on the other side. We will see in new york, every legal scholar. It is a horrible thing. Ut but it doe is election interference. It is all run by the white house. Everyone in the case, as you the mention, is an example. Every single case, civil, criminal, it is electioncivi interference. Joe biden isce, using this to y to get elected, and it is a shame. Trey elliotts, im a little rusty, but that sounds to me jury nullification argument. Is the jury even going to hear,e allegations of being politically targeted, never done before, they are out to get me . It is really relevantev politically, but Will Ana Jury hear any of that . Almost certainly not be of the judge will limit simplynot whether or not the four corners of the indictment, Thets Actuale Elements of each and everya charge are proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Going back to the jury thing, there is a real risk, generallya speaking Thell Likelihood Ofo De Conviction is supposed to depend on the strength of the evidence. In this case, because of , political bias the jurors may bring to it it will be driven not by the evidence but simply the popularity or in thisty o case unpopularity of te accused. Trey katie, president ial immunity. Give me a quick line of demarcation between private acto versus president ial act. That case is going to be decidee by the Supreme Court. I guess that is the line of demarcation community for president ial acts, but not private or personal ask. Ial how do you see this matter . S this soon to be argued before the high court . Welcome i personally think it is a very strong case for donald trump. I think the Supreme Court needs to make it clear where the line. Is drawn in the sand. St and the executive who is one person into an entire branch of government. Heyo how do you draw that line . Ere where will we stop Questioning Executive Decisions because youl can get into hypotheticals regarding Military Operations and decisions made in death or negligent at the time. So you really have to have a court way in and be clear where they will draw that line because it totally will Debilitate Theew executive if there is notot significant immunity given to the president. Trey elliott, the president is presumed innocent, no matter how infrequently that is mentioned on other networks. But lets assume arguendo, heo e were to be convicted of. Was this the kind of case that results in active Prison Sentence . It doesnt seem that way to me. B if you are not sentenced to prison, are you not better off j leaving the judge alone ratheret than picking a public fight with the senate judge . In new york we rank a the most serious to e the least serious. These are all e felonies Thefile Lease and do not carry minimum jail time. If alvin bragg holds twois previous Philosophy Committee said in his famous day one memo he would only seek Prison Sentence in the most violent of cases. So, i cant conceive of him holding to those principles and then asking for jail if there is a conviction in this case. Trey it is going to be a fascinating year. I know when we were sitting in On Law Classes as firstyear students, we did not think we would be discussing for copending cases against a president ial candidate. But here we are, and im glad you did well in law school and can help us understand theseou c issues. Thank you for joining us On A Sunday Night. Thank you. Trey the border on the economy to topline voters, those are not the only issues driving the upcoming election. Ssue could apportion dictate the outcome . Kevin walling next on on sunday night in america. 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Republicans underperformed innd 2022 because democrats Cobbled 20together a constellation of ls dominant issues, which in the aggregate proved powerful. Among these issues was abortion. Back to the states, but republicans consistently lost on State Initiatives while being seen as out of touch with manyba voters, especially femaleou voters. T ny in addition, republicans cant seem to agree what their position is. I again, life at conception or six weeks or 12 weeks or 15 weeks or when a heartbeat is detected or when pain can be felt or viability or birth . There is little consensus on the g. O. P. Side. That doesnt even address the issue of conceptions for or oror the life or health of the mother. Most americans seem to settle on something of consensus, grudgingly after decades ofns idecisions and divisions and debate. Rs wit seems voters were followg the line of a former president was at said abortion should be,e safe, legal, and rare. But that still leaves the question of why something should be rare unless there remains moral uncertainty. And so, we entered the second half ofl the century l debating the fundamental issue of life. Joining us associate Researchtep Scholar and politics of Public C Affairs At Princeton Universityt dr. Laura wright. And strategic democratic strategist kevin walling. Welcome to you both your doctor right, they were a constitutional legal, moral, religious views that factor into this decision here it is there a consensus on when Life Begins Og should be handled among voters . No, and actually there is noo consensus among democrats or republicans. It is a very thorny, moral, and political issue. But i would say, trey, the top issues democrats have surrounding Abortion Heading into 2024 is that when we hold voters only 10 to 12 say abortion is my number one most important concern. And when you lower that to what we call low propensity voters, voters who maybe didnt turn out midterms but sure to turn out in a generaelecl election, it is et lower. The task democrats have because absolutely if they have the advantage on the Abortion Issue and republicans are losing on iy is making it salient and making the case this is just as important as the economy,impo immigration, or Crime Measurements are much more importanmet issues to a much bigger swath of voters. Of trey Kevin Come Abortion is not mentioned in the constitution, but neither our marriage, children, education,so or the air force for thatai matterr. Life, however, is mentioned twice. So is this an issue for congress, for the Supreme Court or the states, and can youe 50 really have 50 different definitions on wheerenn life be . Yeah, trey, it is a goodeein question. And it weighs out not and the Ds Decision Bacon Bk in june 2022. Every state that has had an issue on the ballot since that decision and Deep Red Statese like montana, ohio, states like kansas, kentucky have voted for and Training Abortiove an protections into their constitutions Orrote State Law E and so clearly, this is an animated issue. It might not be the number one issues american when asked whether immigration or the economy, but it is still in the mindset of a lot of voters. You are looking at nearly a a dozen states that will have this on the ballot, states likeli florida, arizona, the was Vice President was just in arizona this past friday talking about abortion access. S, hopping back to 1864 law that is now potentially the Law Of The Land in arizona in the wake ofs the dobbs decision. Clearly, this will be a problem for the republicans pure the former president doesnt know how to talk about this issue. He released that video and a lot of uncertainty where his position is. Clearly, the republicans have to grapple with this in the next 67 months. Gy s trey , Technology Movesn People on this issue much more than sermons or speeches farm politicians. Where do you think the american youpeople are headed . Because i would think the idea of a woman who was raped in prison as obnoxious to people as lateterm abortion. Wh so where are the voters on this issue because they dont seem to be where the politicians are . I think that is a very good assessment. Are veryy oters momoderate on the abortion issu. One of the most interesting findings in social science. The last couple of decades has been, as you said, trey come as technology advances, young people, for instance, getting more conservative on abortion. That doesnt mean forer a eliminating abortion under all circumstances, but most people, most groups of voters want Abortion Ttiono be legal and thy want some exceptions. So, politicians, the issue is a lot of them are pandering to these very, very specific constituencies. Maybe they are very conservative. Conservative. But state wide of to come a lot of politicians are out of step on of f the issue because most pee are middleoftheroad. And they might not be personallr for abortion but they want some form of it early on innanc pregnancy to be widely accessible. Trey kevin, you may attend the democratic nationalnue convention. I ma y be forced to go against my will. But if there were a question at the convention, when does life begin . What do you think the consensus will be on the democrat side . How will they answer that question . It is a good question. Ques hopefully i will see you in sho chicago, trey, it should be a great convention. But i think democrats just like republicans grapple with this issue. Lot you have a lot of prolife issues. The present is a consistentt catholic. He is a moderate whewhenn it cos to this issue. He has been forced to come Ition Think Change his position over time where the party is, for example as practicing catholics. He fully supports the right to abortion. Obviously campaigning on that i with ca the Vice President. But the democrats in any kind oa conversation about our platform in chicago are going to focus ol the legal right to access abortion appeared probably stay away from the morality questions, the religious questions with regards to abortion. Trey dr. Lauren wright, kevin walling, it is a very big issue but thank you for the stability with which you areand able to discuss it with us andan with one another. Othe we look forward to see you both soon. Thank you for joining us On A Sunday Night. Thanks, trey. Thank you both. Trey up next, if, were a drug, congress would be a cartel. It would be a new norco series, Patrick Mchenry after the break with more on the threats against Speaker Mike Johnson. What is cirkul . Cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. Cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. Cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. Cirkul, available at walmart and drinkcirkul. Com. Trey welcome back to sunday night in america. Hbo with the House Of Lancaster and the house of stork. Cspancsp has the house ofpres representatives. And winter is not coming but motion to vacate might be. Marjorie Taylor Greene is the latest speaker antagonisestt but she wasnt at first. Mark meadows did it and then her friend matt gaetz did it. Use to tour the country together raising money but then decided to separate but for the sameth purpose, raising more money. Marjorie Taylor Greene watched how much green math skates withc Kevin Mccarthy with ancillary but trying to kill an investigation into alleged misconduct. Now marjorie Taylor Greenenow s followin g suit of holding over Mike Johnsons head. You majoy be wondering, what wod happen if the same energy was put into, i dont know, may be winning the white house were winning two Democrat Senate seats in georgia here there is a lot of money to be made in fame when Family Members fight. There is just not much in it for you. The joining us his former actingma speaker congressman Patrick Mchenry, welcome, Congressmanar Cureed some folks arent built t for the majority. Being in the minority is easier, show up, vote no and post videos on social media. Leading is hard. We saw one who threats to defraud another. What iockes going on . But is just that. We are divided government. Democrats run washington, the senate, Run Executive branch. Rac and the only thing that is stopping them is House Republicans. But we are not winning. Ans. We are stopping bad things from happening. Nthat is not realot exciting s. So with just like marines onf. Leave, focused on they were duties and sometimes can get in trouble. That is what House Republicans are doing right now youre the a infighting is driving a lot of the attention rather thahtinn te harm joe biden he is doing to america and America Economy national security. We are spending time fighting amongst ourselves amongst trivialities and stupid things. It is not serving the americanng people with winning the next election. Trey i want to play a clipge from the general lady from georgia, and i will ask you a question on the other side. Trey he is the republican leader. He is the leader of the Opposition Party against the Biden Administration and we expect him to lead that way not to pass the bidendn administrations agenda. Trey you know, congressman, she represents Ruby Red District in georgia. There are scores of members that you serve with that represent reless secure seats. Some seats where biden actually won. So what are realistic expectations when your conference is full of differentf people from different districts . Well, first, listen to her comments. She is saying the speaker needs to leave. I say th e same thing. He is leading through turbulentg times. We have given him a tough job. He sought the tough job and gotten on with the tough dealmaking that you need to dob to get through the waters that we are in. That is a good encouragement for the speaker. But the Expectation Setting for an election year, Expectation Setting for republican house, look im a Wee Cut Spending yearoveryear. That is the biggest gain for House Republicans and the American People and the biggest policy win of the congress. Cong after that, it is not going toao be a good outcome because we still have joe biden and the white house. We still hav e way too much spending in washington Appearedt To Be have a president that doet Security Objective with his ac. So we have to do the besns. T wen in the confined space that we are in and get through this yea so we can geret reinforcements n november. That is what im trying to encourage my colleagues tong her and voters to hear we will do the best we can be read until we have reinforcements, we cant do the good work demanded and needed. Trey congressman, we have speaker johnson on our show recently. W he remains, in my judgmentle m decent, honorable man with almost impossible job that he voted to keep Kevin Mccarthy. He was not one of the aide whofa held hands Witilh Democrats and replace Kevin Mccarthy. In hindsight, what exactly was accomplished when they got ridcp of one speaker and inserted Speaker Mike Johnson . Nothing. There was no policy win and affect worst case with fisa, federal spending, and with majot initiatives on national security. We are not in a better position to extract conservative reformse than we were with speaker mccarthy. And so, we traded and a tray die not result in more conservative policy. Po it actually put us in a worse position politically and organizationally. I dont think making another trade on the speakership will give us a different outcome aren better outcome as republicans. We need to focus on november to get the best results we can there. Trey view announced you are leaving congress to returnur to your beloved state of north carolina. Ca have you reconsidered that . It seems lik e a lot of fun. Ou ware you sure you want to le . Look, trey, you know i love this place and i love the the battles and the Policy Initiatives and i love the people. But it was time for me to beit w done. We had many Turbulen Witt Momenn Term Limits and having term limits is real there really a good thing and im respectinge term limits and out of respect for the term limits i recognizel having served in the house for 20 years, it is time to call it quits and allow new generationl leaders to come in. So, i have had my opportunity and i leave this institution im a really loving it and respecting it, even in its most chaotic form that we are currently in. Trey one of my former favorite colleagues, Patrick Mchenrey y from the great state of north carolina. Join thank you for joining us on aigt sunday night. You are the best, trey. Bes trey thank you for spending part of your sunday with us. Than i hope you have a great weekend and i hope you can fin

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