John. Fico good afternoon to you. One of the favorite emojis out there is the one that goes like this. Thats where we are now with our whole funding battle after the president called over leaders of congress on the republican side to a meeting at the white house, which he basically told them that they needed to do something about Border Security and the bill or he certainly wasnt going to sign it. In a statement from Sarah Sanders thanks President Trump just met with republican members of the house. Not surprisingly, they all feel strongly about Border Security, stopping drugs and Human Trafficking and terrorism. We per technicians all over the world, but democrats are unwilling to protect our nation. That includes wall. His last day is supposed to be today. It was clear that the president dug in his heels and said i want something more than what the senate gave me last night. Listen here. So what we are going to do is go back to the house and work with our members. We want to keep the government open, but we also want to see an agreement that protects the border. We have very serious concerns about securing the border. He will not sign this. We are going to go back and add more security to this. We do want to see an agreement. Just for the record, here are the 12 members of christmas, kevin mccarthy, the incoming minority leader, Steve Scalise, mo brooks of alabama, jim jordan, additionally chris gibson, mark weber, anna wegner all there as well. The real question now is i am not sure what to do because they have passed a measure for Border Security. Taking a look at it. The president will be speaking at 2 30. We do know that. It is also interesting to note that the president has kind of stopped talking about his wall and is now talking about steel barrier, which may be a democrats may find more palatable. I doubt it. Dana he is giving them some options. I did have one question, why didnt the president say anything before the senate voted on the bill that now he doesnt like . I was talking to white house officials yesterday afternoon when it was floating around the senate. Are they going to eat the cr . The consensus seemed to be yeah, he would reluctantly assign it. But then he woke up this morning and was clearly of a different mind with what his aides told him yesterday. He wants us funding for Border Security. What he can get out of congress hes going to try to get out of the appropriations. This is yet to be told in full, and like many things around here at the white house, it is going to be a doozy. Dana indeed. Always fun to have you on the show. Thank you, john. Now lets go to mike emanuel. Also always fun to have on the show. Hes on capitol hill. What is the mood like up there . Speak out the clock is running, so theyre trying to figure out where they can get their votes. The latest thinking is adding 5 million for Border Security and 8 million in disaster funding. Hurricane damage, wild fire damage, hoping to see if i will get some more votes. Spoke after the white house meeting with President Trump. We believe there is still time to add Border Security. That is what america is asking for. One of the fundamental jobs for our president. We had a great discussion with him. What the senate sent over, kicking the can down the road. We want to solve this problem, make sure to keep the government open. Have that done. Conservatives told me earlier their phones were literally blowing up. Their supporters demanding that they stand up and fight, a message that they deliver to President Trump. We believe that its time to make sure that we keep our promise to the American People. This isnt just about the illegal immigrants. This is about drugs and Human Trafficking. And i feel like at our conference, we said enough is enough, and we were waiting for the president to make sure that he was willing to vote, and it looks like he is. We will have his back 100 . Right now responding to the option that has enough votes in the house and the senate, with time getting very tight. Dana are democrats signaling any willingness to make a deal . Not so far. One idea that was floated was the tunnel project, and the democrats are saying they are not interested in that. Jerrold nadler telling folks that democrats are not interested in making that kind of trade. Democrats are saying dont even think about it, an idea that was designed to win over some of those northeast democrats. A Chuck Schumer is warning the g. O. P. That they are playing with fire. And they are not the votes in the Republican House four oh wall. There are not the votes in the senate for a while. Not now, not next week, not next month. Or beyond. Speaker ryan refuses to put this e. R. On the floor, while President Trump vetoes it, there will be a trump shutdown. But there will be no wall. Sounds like there may need to be some trial and error in terms of ideas put on the floor. Dana already, mike. Thank you. Glad that you are here. I always try to look for the practical solutions. Lets talk about the politics for a moment. Ben shapiro earlier today tweeting this. It could easily be 2020s read my lips, no new taxes. I want you to also listen to the congressman from North Carolina and what he said about all this. We are going to back you up. If you veto this, more importantly, the American People will be there. They will be there to support you. Lets build a wall and make sure that we do our job in congress. Dana how do you see all of this playing out . This is not a theater, just talking moments ago to in the capital, in the fox bureau. They take him completely seriously when he says that he is not going to sign it. The scenario that we just heard from mike emanuel, probably the house will vote on a package that includes Disaster Relief and includes a wall, but listen to this twist. House Republican Leaders not sure they have enough votes. There are a lot of people that are out of town, members who left their offices, their staff, some of them just not here. So the numbers may not be there. People, insiders say if they are going to vegas, they think they will not be a shutdown, but youre right about the practicality of that. They are not sure how they get there. And the president is in reality again. Dana part of this is not the world is going to change, it will change when nancy pelosi is going to become the speaker again. Talk to me about their dynamic going forward. This is a big part of it. That clip that we just saw from mark meadows, which is so relevant, the leader of the conservative house republicans, ben shapiro, those were great elements because dana, you know who else has been watching those is the president. I think the answer to why things changed overnight is that the president is getting more and more whipped up by his supporters. He seen the coverage of the wall, and we are told that he is starting overnight and this morning was irate, seething was the word that one person used,. So you are right. Now we flash forwardo january 3rd, the president has the viewer cards, you think he is frustrated now, weve seen how nancy pelosi plans to play, and its rough. Dana it certainly is. Always good to have you on our show to give us some perspective. We appreciate it. Thank you. Dana Matt Whitaker is at the center of what the Justice Department set about his involvement in Robert Muellers investigation. And some criticism of the president s decision to pull troops out of syria. Senator marco rubio joins me to explain why he is calling it a catastrophic mistake. Than not be here because of migraine. I have three words for migraine. I am here. Aimovig, a preventive treatment for migraine in adults, reduces the number of monthly migraine days. For some, that number can be cut in half or more. The most common side effects are pain, redness or swelling at the injection site and constipation. Talk to your doctor about aimovig. And be there more. Dana numerous lawmakers on both parties expressing concern and in many cases outrage over President Trumps decision to pull troops out of syria. The president doubling down on his position today, treating it does the usa want to be the policeman of the middle east . Spending money and in almost all cases do not appreciate what we are doing. I am joined now by Florida Republican marco rubio, i know senator, that republicans are invested in the present success especially on Foreign Policy. There is some defense of the president , and to take a listen to senator mike lee. Take a look at this. By definition, this is the opposite of an obama decision. He got us involved, trump is taking us out. Congress has never authorized use of military force in syria. We shouldnt be there anyway. It is largely over. We have 2,000 troops in syria right now. No other mission for them. This is something that they could do for regional stabilization. By and large, the mission has been accomplished. It is time to come home. Dana that is in defense of the present there, why are you dismayed by this . The second gentlemen, i dont know who that is dana think tank. I dont mean that in a negative way, but he just is wrong. There is a mission there. Let me talk about the specific mission. This is not afghanistan or iraq. This is on behalf of the united states. Let me just go back to you and a half years. The Trump Administration deserves credit for this, they controlled a vast amount of territory, not just beheading people, plotting out to everyone said we are not going to send american troops to fight them, and everyone said we cant beat them with air strikes. It is a good strategy, which they deserve credit for following. 2,000 special forces, and we got the courage, very capable fighters, to take on isis. And they have largely degraded their presence in the Euphrates River value valley. But isis still contains a power, the kurds, their number one concern is the turks. They want to take the kurdish city in Northern Syria, so it was already hard to keep them focused on 317. Now that were leaving, the kurds are going to stop fighting isis, go back up north and defend their home against the turks, and there will be nobody, nobody pressuring isis. They will be able to in fact, isis has been preparing for this very moment. Moving people into material out of the way, anticipating this is going to happen. Im glad that this is on the air, so people can see it, if this goes forward, isis is going to reemerge as strong, maybe not the way that they were before, but as an insurgency. They can carry out huge propaganda appear to raise money, plot, and or inspire attacks abroad. We are their number one target. Dana tell me about the other Foreign Relations im curious what you think about the turks. The president apparently spoke to the president on friday, and then the decision came on monday. You also have irans influence, and russia, and of the president has Foreign Policy goals dealing with both of those countries as well. Especially with iran in the region. So they have spent weeks and months trying to get us to abandon the kurds because they see them as a threat. They want to take over Southern Turkey and Northern Syria and create their own country. They want them wiped out. They want us to stop partnering with them. They have been pressuring the diplomacy, threatening that any moment now they are going to invade and almost warning us that your troops are going to be in the way and they will be harmed and so forth. They achieve what they wanted. They are going to slaughter these people. They are going to slaughter these people that we got. They didnt necessarily want to fight isis. Their number one priority was defending the cities, towns, families. We are abandoning them. The turks are going to slaughter them. We are not there anymore. Iran is now going to be all over syria, that means is real is going to step up air strikes against them. That means has blaze going to strike back with bigger tanks. And we are going to trigger another israelhezbollah war. Then america will have to come into israel at least with materials. This could spiral very quickly. I think it is a terrible mistake. Dana is it a done deal . Is there anyway that that it doesnt happen . Well, i dont know. Thats up to the white house. And the decisions they make on how they want to go forward on this. I cant tell you that i hope there is a window to reverse this decision because frankly, i think we are going to look back at it as a major mistake and one that is going to haunt policymakers and the administration. Dana senator marco rubio, thanks for joining us today. Thank you. Dana American Allies in syria coming down hard on President Trumps announcement. It treating isis is not scratched from the mouth, nor its roots elsewhere. It is necessary to defeat militarily. France currently has about 1,000 troops, u. K. Also contribute in 1400. The nation come binding for about 3,000 air strikes. I had, how the pentagon is responding to the president s decision after three top officit the military needs to remain ine country. And saying he will not recuse himself from the russia investigation. How Matthew Whitaker got to that decision. Everything was so fresh in the beginning. But that plug quickly faded. Luckily theres new febreze plug. It cleans away odors and freshens for 1200 hours. Breathe happy with new febreze plug. And just like you, the further into winter we go, the heavier i get. And while your pants struggle to support the heavier you, your roof struggles to support the heavier me. [laughter] whoo. [crash] and your cutrate insurance might not pay for this. So get allstate, you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. Mayhem is everywhere. So get an allstate agent. Are you in good hands . Dana fox news alert. We are keeping a close eye on the markets. Right now, the dow continuing deep slide. We are down over 547 right now. Over a quarter are hitting 52week lows. Stay with us for a live report to find out what is causing the tumble. Acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker is free to oversee the russia investigation. Officials at the Justice Department advising whitaker about that. A Rod Rosenstein is currently overseeing the investigation, saying today it doesnt matter whos in charge. We continue to manage the investigation the way that we have in the past. It has been handled appropriately. Bought me a letter or a Rod Rosenstein, whitaker, bill barr. It has been handled appropriately. Dana Catherine Herridge is live in washington. This story broke this morning, they have revealed more details about the deliberations, painting a more nuanced picture of the decisionmaking. The ethics review concluded that there was no actual conflict for Matt Whitaker to oversee the mueller problem. However, a senior ethics official was concerned over the objects that whitaker made previous negative comments about the case. Recusal was a close call, and they recommended in favor. They considered it an issue, we are told, recommended against recusal. Today, Rod Rosenstein, pardon me, asked separately about the stalled legislation to protect the special counsel. The investigation is being conducted in accordance with the department of regulations, and nothing anybody says is going to affect that, so i believe that that investigation is being handled appropriately under the existing department regulations. One of the big changes, you will see in the coming weeks, if you will, during this six week ethics review, whitaker was not being briefed routinely on the mueller investigation, but now that the ethics review has concluded, he will be getting regular status reports on the case. Dane appeared to be on that seems all appropriate. Thank you, catherine. Partner. A first on whitaker and stan on the ethics office, does that all sound like it makes sense to yo . It is a pretty standard route to go through. He probably talked to people at the office, wrote up a summary of what the issues included. And then got green slip from them to go forward. The other thing that usually happens in this context which might explain the senior officials commentary is for decades, the department has relied on people like david margolis, who is a great guy at the Deputy Attorney general level to be the gurus of these types of ethical questions. He unfortunately passed on a while back. Im not sure who would be in that position now, but they probably have someone in the front office who specializes in these issues. Give some advice too appeared dana when Rod Rosenstein said it doesnt matter because the special counsel is in place, there are no changes, that also make sense to you . I tell you, that is actually a real critical point and something that could be talked about. But the short version is Rod Rosenstein confirmed he needs to be in the supervisory chain, or the Mueller Probe has some serious jurisdictional problems. Basically, bob mueller is what is called an inferior officer under the constitution. If he lost the ability to be supervised by someone who had senate confirmation, all of a sudden, he is a superior officer, which is a different bird. That would create some problems. So i was kind of waiting to see whether they were going to say that rod was still in the mix. If he gets excluded, its a different issue. If he stays in, then everything is sailing forward as planned. Dana the New York Times this morning saying that bill barr, who is going to be the new attorney general, had written this memo about his feelings about the special counsel and about me other in particular. He had shared this with the white house, and here it is rodd rosenstein talking about this. He served in 19911993. Bill barr will be an outstanding attorney general when he is confirmed next year. The memo that he made reference to reflects his personal opinion and share in his personal opinion. A lot of people offered opinions, but they dont influence our own decisionmaking. Dana that is certainly true. There are a lot of opinions thats come in and out. Andy mccarthy writing this about this memo. Far from threatening, he would encourage the special counsel to conform their work, as they are supposed to do for the work of all prosecutors. Your thoughts on that . No matter what the view was from the outside, whitaker talking about budget strangulation or barr essentially saying hes got concerns, at the end of the day, they are going to come in and be briefed and have a much better operating knowledge of what is going on with this probe than they do from the outside. Youre kind of hard pressed to assume that they have final thoughts about where it is going from the outside. They just havent been exposed to dana bill barr in his memo says let me be clear, obviously a lot of things that i dont know yet. We will leave it at that. James trustee. Thank you. The president defending his plan to bring home u. S. Troops in syria. We have reaction from the pentagon with our own Jennifer Griffin. Plus, we will break down the latest armtwisting on capitol hill. Alright, i brought in ensure max protein. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. [grunting noise] ill take that. 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. Ensure max protein. In two great flavors. Spread a little love today spread a little love myy way spread a Little Something to remember philadelphia cream cheese. Made with fresh milk and real cream makes your recipes their holiday favourites. The holidays are made with philly. The zip code youre born into can determine your future. Your school. Your job. Your dreams. 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The turkish president told President Trump that Turkish Forces were planning to enter syria seemed to go after the kurdish pkk and warned u. S. Troops to get out of the way. Something he had been mulling for quite some time. Pentagon chiefs, they said that the u. S. Will not be able to protect its kurdish and syrian allies. Democratic forces, who have fought alongside u. S. Forces to retake the city. They are likely to be slaughtered, as one senior official said, no one will ever fight with the u. S. In the middle east again. The abandonment of those kurds who risked everything to fight against the kurds. Not a single commander or military leader i have spoken to agrees with the unilateral position, leaving a vacuum that isis will fill. It is being viewed as the military as a Christmas Gift to vladimir putin. The u. S. Decision to pull troops from syria creates good prospects for a political solution and that arab country. At the tactical level, some troops who have just returned from syria say that from a tactical level, their job is done because there are very few isis targets left. Of the 2,000 or so u. S. Troops on the ground, 472 are commandos. Army special operators, now all of these american troops have been ordered by the president to leave in the next 30 days. Dan appeared dana jennifer, thank you. Little more than 20 hours away from partial government shutdown. At the white house earlier today to try and reach an agreement with President Trump on a path forward. Peter doocy is on capitol hill. What was his mood like at the white house today . Chipper because it is christmas time. He and congressional leaders came into the room, trying to figure out if they have gotten some folks within the Republican Party who are for the wall. We are going to move today to add language to the bill that they sent over to add 5 million for the wall as well as the disaster really funding that has been agreed upon for the hurricanes and the wildfires. So we will move that later on today. The blame game has already started. Chuck schumer says its all President Trumps fault. Hes been demanding it for six months, and of course, when later pelosi and i went to the white house, he demanded it in front of all of the American People. Now, compounding the, vetoing the last train out of the station, would be doubling down on his responsibility for a christmas shutdown. And every single american would know it. His most conservative allies pushing him to address wall funding before nancy pelosi takes over at the beginning of the air. They are getting their wish. Dana. Dana they only have about six more ways to do it. What did the homeland secretary say today . Kind of getting lost, but it was significant. It is a deal with mexico that if any migrants come to the southern border seeking asylum in the u. S. , they will stay in mexico while the process plays out instead of the u. S. Despite congressional and action, we will not wait. We will not simply stand by where it worsens. As the drugs for low income a crime seeps our community, as the human toll grows along the very dangerous journey to our borders. Sent immigration is intertwined with everything that is going on on capitol hill today. The wall to keep people out and the deal to keep asylum speakers who show up at the port of entry out of the country too. Dana all right, peter doocy. Thank you. It lets bring in producer for capitol hill, to try to put this all together for us. What is going to happen . Theres going to be this vote apparently today. Majority with just said, then what . Here are the mechanics. They have to go to the rules committee. It sets the terms of debate for almost every piece of legislation which comes to the house. Basketball or baseball today, how do you play on the floor . What amendments are made in order . Last night, they did not finish their meeting. So what they will probably due later this afternoon, go back to the rules committee, make that 5 billion amendment, then you have to go to the floor. You have to approve the rules. You cant even bring up the bill. Then it comes into play whether they have the vote to approve. That 5 billion amendment. It becomes part of the bill, they have passed it something that is different than what the senate has approved. Sometimes these amendments, it is a sweetener, you bring them across the finish line. Sometimes it is a poison pill. That could torpedo the entire bill. That is something that is unknown right now. I spoke to Steve Scalise, and said are you actually whipping the vote . Talking to members individually. Here is the linchpin. I talked to mike meadows. He was part of the meeting. The president on this border wall, he is going to face the revolt. Then this morning, he sent out a tweet, we have an opportunity here to show the American People who we are, do we stand up and fight . Or do we surrender . I talked to a member of republicans who said he got the tips on this, they went out and campaigned on this, expected to address it. They wanted clarity from the white house. Thats why you have some members who are willing to accept this and go home and others who say lets fight over this. Dana but theres also a group of about 40 republicans who are not coming back next year, and theyve already left washington. Is that causing a problem as Steve Scalise tried to with these votes . Thats why its so challenging. Ten roll call votes in the house of representatives, and they were averaging 361 members. At 430 total right now. Two vacancies, and it is always about the math. And so when you are down 70 members, a little bit higher today, it is really hard to get a sense of people on the republican or democratic side. Thats what you really need to have a good vote count. This is why nancy pelosi continues to say they dont have the votes for this. There is some real political danger. Imagine they forge ahead with that plan, and they get that amendment. They put it on the floor, and it feels. Or the bill fails with it. They could say we cant move this out of the house of representatives. That is toxic politically when you look towards 2020 because then you have members of congress remember the reason that they lost the house of representatives, they didnt do well in districts where he was popular. That is not good politics if youre trying to win back those districts. Dana your thoughts. The over under on whether there is a shutdown . Well, when he said he is not going to sign a bill, thats a problem. I will point you to one way out of this. Under article one section seven of the constitution, it says if you pass the bill and it sits for ten days without the president acting on it, it becomes law. It is in article one, section seven. So there might be there might be a way for the president to fight publicly about this, and maybe they can actually get something where they are in alignment, and the president doesnt sign. We dont know. This is a repeat of what we saw in march when he seemed to be online. He was going to sign the spending bill, then he dialed back. This was kind of expected here this morning. We saw last night when they moved through the senate, without even a roll call, they approved it by voice vote. Singing Christmas Carols in the back that this was going a little too easily, frankly, given the political toxicity. Dana we are so glad that you are detailoriented when it comes to the constitution and all things capitol hill. We will be in touch. Karl rove is on deck with his advice as they try to avoid this shutdown. Wall street taking another nosedive. What is driving the market lower . Be sure to check out my weekly podcast. And i have a bold prediction for the nfl in 2019. Its available for download on itunes or wherever you listen. The potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven s Shepard Shepard smith, top of the hour, the president speaks. He is set to sign a bill on farming. We will see if he comments on the biggest story of the day, the stalemate between the white house and congress on how to keep the government from shutting down before christmas. And he has decided to pull the troops out of syria, and all of his advisors, cabinet and fellow republicans are up in arms. An extraordinary day, and the president will speak. Top of the hour. We will see you then. Dana participating in a National Hacking campaign, the Justice Department accusing them of trying to steal secrets from government agencies. This includes data from 100,000 navy personnel. Chris wray saying this. No country opposes a broader more severe longterm threat to our nations economy than Cyber Infrastructure than china. Chinas goal, simply put is to replace the u. S. As the worlds leading superpower, and they are using illegal methods to get there. Dana they are accused of working with the chinese ministry. One thing is for sure in this potential shutdown, just about everyone involved will, looking bad. Congressional republicans need to develop their own ideas and s believe will make their lives and communities better. This is particularly true for house republicans. The tendency is often to merely respond to the majority. To resist. Karl rove, and a Fox News Contributor joins me now. Some sounds from and culture are very frustrated with the president. Listen here. Either the whole thing was b. S. Throughout the campaign and he was just lying to get himself elected or he has no earthly idea how to get it done and no interest in finding out. Dana this is also about the wall. Part of the freedom caucus. It they believe that he is getting bad advice, promise not once, twice, but three different times that he would get border wall funding, and i would argue its not punt. That actually improves the field advantage. This is a fumble. I would love to get your thinking on all of the sand of the stalemate that we are in now. We are in a bad place. And a lot of it goes back to the meeting that President Trump had with the nancy pelosi and the Senate Minority leader, Chuck Schumer, where in fight over the government shutdown, that im a loser tends to be the people who look like they won the shutdown. So if he wants border funding, he should have not set in my opinion what he said in that meeting. Its on tape. I am proud to shutdown the government for Border Security. I will take the mantle, i will be the one to shut it down, i wont blame you for it. So now we get to a point where he insists that it is they are, and we will see that takes place time and time again, the president accepting responsibility. There is a lot of hypocrisy going on. Chuck schumer in 2005 was 1 of 80 u. S. Senators to vote for funding for the border wall for 700 miles of fencing. We only have 650. He could easily justify this by saying we are supporting money for the commitment that was made 13 years ago. But instead, they want him to shutdown the government just before christmas and suffer politically with the American People. The president said i will be happy to take it. Dana what about how the republicans are looking forward . There will be other times. It nancy pelosi takes over the house on january 3rd. So then going forward, what are you suggesting . They try to pull together to try to win back the house or to keep President Trump in the presidency in 2020 . That was my column today. We get so focused on things like the battle over funding. Will we have this . About looking forward for the next two years, the republicans have got to do three things. A fight simultaneously, theyve got to handle these investigations in no way that is responsible, that they defend the present where necessary, and that they help. That is going to be where they get the democrats in trouble. But that cant be their only focus. Theyve got two other things. I wrote about one of them in the wall street journal call them. They have to take the ideas of the democratic socialist, precollege medicare for all guaranteed jobs, guaranteed wag wage, they have to take all of those ideas. It mounts the concerted effort that says this is wrong policies, not in keeping with our values. The final thing is they have to have their own alternative. It is not merely enough to deal with the investigation and it to say a dana you have to be proactive. They have to have a comprehensive investigation, it might hurt my community, my family, my job, my country. Dana all right, karl rove. Thank you for that and for writing that column today. All i look out the white house as we are awaiting President Trump to speak soon on this very busy news day. Th ninen and twentysix vitamins and minerals. Ensure. Now up to 30 grams of protein for strength and energy honking when your craving strikes, you need your wing nut. no one can totally satisfy a craving, quite like your wing nut. Dana a look at other stories you should know about. The daily three. North korea saying they wont get rid of their nukes until the u. S. Gets rid of their nuclear threat. Number 2, 30 drug makers are expected to raise prices for medications next month. This ends the price hikes pause they took after pressure from the Trump Administration. The u. S. Population growing at the slowest rate since 1937. Up. 6 from july 2017 to 18. The dow dropping sharply today. Down 423 points. 600 points at one time this afternoon. Now its down around 400. December not shaping up to be a good month. Kristina partsinevelos joins us to explain what is going on. Yeah, youre right. Not a good month at all. The dow 14 month low. Its a little better than earlier today when it was down 600 points. Youre also talking about the s p 500 having the worst month since february 2009. So a lot of red all across the board as investors are trying to digest the federal hike that we saw yesterday. The fed fund rate that climbed higher. A lot that were seeing the movement on the market is coming from the tech sector. When markets drop, almost in bear market territory, thats when you see a 20 drop, tech hit because its risky. Some investors are saying its overvalued. Youre seeing apple down 3 today. About 155 or a little over 160. Then moving on, some other stocks that are just hitting lows. You have gopro hitting a low, snap chat on your screen hitting an alltime low. Twitters price today, lets take a look at this. Twitters price down earlier before coming on set, down 11 for the day, a little above 30. So ten out of the 11 sectors on the s p 500 are down. Fears of a economic slow down. Steve mnuchin says it has do done with algorithm and fear trading. Oil is a big concern because its below 46 a barrel. So so many factors. Honestly, the investors are saying its not because of a shut down but more to do with 2019. Dana thanks, kristina. The mother of one of our brave marines getting the best Christmas Present ever. Christy wilson was expected to spend the holiday aloin after her son, ethan, said he couldnt make it home from active duty. The good news as you can hear there, ethan arranged a surprise to mount juliet, tennessee. Christy walked in for a get together and got the surprise of her life. Not a dry eye in that house. Thanks for joining us. Busy day. Im dana perino. Heres shep. Shepard a live look, the Eisenhower Executive Office building next to the west wing where were about to hear live from the president in the wake of an extraordinary morning. The pressure on President Trump accelerating and in moments hes scheduled to speak. Two big issues, first, the president s decision to withdraw troops from syria. Widely criticized by members of his own party, his own advisers and generals and cabinet. Our own reporting that he stopped listening to top leadership, didnt inform our allies or the pentagon. Hes getting praise from putin and condemnation from conservatives. At the same time, in the face of pressure to build that wall, the newly announced president ial

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