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Already near their breaking point. This tremendous stress on the Health Care System. To say to this tremendous Health Care System which is at Maximum Capacity today, this is a Hospital System where we have our foot to the floor and the engine is at redline. Dana President Trump telling americans the peak of this terrible pandemic is still ahead after saying this could be the toughest week yet. Lets bring in kristin fisher, she is reporting live it from the white house for us today. Kristin. Dana, everybody from President Trump to the Surgeon General, to dr. Fauci say that this week and next week are going to be two of the toughest weeks in american history. You know, we have heard so much about how hard hospitals are being hit by this, especially those hospitals in new york city. That they are very close to their breaking point, and now, today, we have some hard data to back that up from the watchdog that oversees the department of health and human services. The departments Inspector General surveyed more than 300 hospitals across the country, and in this report, released today, it found severe shortages of testing supplies and extended waits for results at those hospitals. Widespread shortages of ppe, personal protection equipment. Difficulty maintaining adequate staffing and hospital staff. Critical supplies including at thermometers, disinfectants, even cleaning supplies. A spokesperson for the department replanning so this resort by saying secretary azar has artie taken action on recommendation in this report requesting the government allow licensed providers to practice across state lines. Theyve got on to say we appreciate valuable feedback from those on the front lines of this pandemic and will continue to support them in every way possible to defeat it. So, it is important to point out that that survey was taken between march 23rd in the 27th so that was before the president invoked at the defense production act and compelled gm to make ventilators and compelled the 3m to make masks. But still, that survey just goes to show you the tough conditions that these hospitals are facing in the middle of this pandemic. As for President Trump, he has been warning that there is going to be a lot of death of this week, next week. Hes helpful, though, that the worst will soon be behind us. He debated today light at the end of the tunnel. He said something similar at the briefing just yesterday. President trump things are happening. We are starting to see light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully, in the nottoodistant future, we will be very proud of the job wielded. As for the economy, Speaker Pelosi is staying that she is open to a fourth Coronavirus Relief package here at the white house, Officials Say that they are open to it but they are more focused on executing phase three, dana, and getting all of those loans out to Small Businesses and all of those direct payments into the hands of americans. Dana. Dana all right, kristin fisher, thank you so much. In the next few days, more than 1,000 military medical providers will arrive in new york city to help with the coronavirus outbreak. This is new York Governor Andrew Cuomo suggests the state could be seeing a possible flattening in this crisis. Fox news correspondent bryan llenas is live outside of the Javits Center in new york city. Brian. Dana, good afternoon, andrew cuomo and his team just a couple hours ago got done saying that the numbers over the last two days would suggest that new york is at or near the beginning of the apex, or the height of the Coronavirus Crisis in new york. The death, the number of deaths in new york is staggering. A total of 4,758, tragically, 599 people have died over the last 24 hours. But that is the second straight day where the death rate has stabilized. Total number of hospitalizations are down, the icu admissions are down, and the daily intimations are down. Those are all good signs. And again would suggest a possible flattening of the cur curve. The governor also said that the data showed that social distancing is working. Projection models showed a worse Case Scenario model of 110,000 hospital beds at the apex. Another model suggested meeting 55,000 on the lower end. But if you look at that purple line in the graph, that is where we are right now. Even lower than that. The big question, now, is where do we go from here. We drop off longterm, or do we dip and then come back up, or do we plateau. That is the big question. On a somber note, dana, new york citys mayor bill de blasio confirmed today in a press conference that the city is looking at possible temporary burials for the overwhelming number of coronavirus victims in the city. They are looking at nearby hart island, a City Council Member tweeted earlier today that the city was looking at nearby local parks. The Mayors Office flatly denied saying that they are not looking at local parks for that. But if the, they are looking at potentially, hart island for temporary burials. Just a somber reality. Dana. Dana yes, indeed, brian, tell me a little bit more about the military being sent to help new yorkers. So, 1,000 nurses, doctors, respiratory technicians have been sent. Military personnel, they will be here over the next couple of days. 300 of them all be sent to new yorks 11 public hospitals. 700 of them will be here at the Javits Center which has really been transformed from an only noncovid19 patient facility to caring for only covid19 patients. Over the last two days, theyve added 40 icu beds. They are transforming beds to have ventilators and oxygen as we speak. The goal, this week, is to get up to about 700. And then after that, weve got some equipment and staffing issues that will have to be worked through. The state is working on that really hard to make sure that they have additional providers and equipment in place to provide that higher level of care. Dana, Governor Cuomo said that he wants all 2500 beds at the Javits Center behind me to be covid19 ready at some point. He also said that hes going to ask President Trump to make that u. S. Nf hospital ship comfort only covid19 patients. He said he was going to call them today. That would mean 3500 additional beds, just for covid19 patients to relieve new yorks hospitals which definitely need that relief. Dana. Dana bryan llenas, thank you for the report. President trump continuing to push for using an antimalaria drug even as Health Experts say it is not yet proven to treat coronavirus. And more than it could cause side effects. Lets bring in dr. William haseltine, he is chair and president of Access Health international. He designed a strategy to develop the first treatment for hiv aids, and then last fall, he toured the u. S. China Health Summit in wuhan where this all began. Great to have you back on the show. Sir, can you tell me your thoughts about this drug everybody wants to find a cure or treatment or therapy for coronavirus. What do you think about the drug that is used, normally, to treat malaria . Well, thank you for the question, dana. It is sad, to me, that people are promoting that drug. We know, already, from studies, at best it will have a very mild effect. At very best. There are studies that conflict a little bit, one from the other. One concludes it has no effect, the other conclude that has a mild effect. The net result is, whatever effect it has, it will be very mild. That drug has been used for years against many other viruses to no effect. The thing that makes me sad about that story is some people may take it who are on other medications who have other underlying conditions, and may have very serious, even lifethreatening consequences. It is not something to take unless a doctor prescribes it. Dana and the government is not saying that the doctor could not prescribe it. But that should be something that is worked out between them. What about i know you dont go by anecdotal evidence, but there are stories of people saying that they have had this lazarus effect by using this drug. That is nonsense. Complete and utter nonsense. And in any situation, there are always going to be people who promote one kind of quacking cure or another. And there are lazarus effects. In every epidemic ive ever looked at, its always the case, let me just repeat. We know that at very best, this drug will have a very mild effect on changing the course of the disease, if it has any effect at all. That is what the data has shown so far, and i am convinced that that is what further studies will show. And it is not without adverse consequence. It is he responsible to promote this drug at this time. Dana i hear you loud and clear. People dont want to hear that, but it is unfortunately the case. Dana i know. I wish we had more hope. Dana let me ask you then, about, please tell me, im sorry about the audio, please tell me, youre going to Say Something more. I know there is a lag between what you say and what i say, you and me overlap. The hopeful news is convalescent antiserum, purified forms of that antiserum that can really make a difference to people who are critically ill, and eventually, will be able to protect Health Care Workers as well. That is, i think, our nearest hope. Convalescent antiserum and purification of that, those are real possibilities to save lives and to protect our Health Care Workers, in the reasonably close future. Dana all right well, thats good news indeed. Dr. William haseltine, thank you so much. Youre welcome, sorry, thank you for the bad news. Dana yeah. They are keeping American Families fed and shelves are stocked. Youve probably seen them if youve been to the supermarket. There are 3 million supermarket superheroes. Were going to sell you a little bit about what theyre doing frost, next. Plus, humans are not the only mammals is susceptible to coronavirus. A feeling at the bronx zoo has also fallen ill. Newday usa. 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You may not be thinking about blood donation, but blood is needed to save the lives of people who are sick with a range of illnesses. Its easy and safe to give. If you are in good health, please donate. We need heroes now. Visit red cross blood dot org to schedule an appointment. Dana a tiger at the bronx zoo in new york city is the first known animal in the United States to test positive for coronavirus. This is nadia. She has symptoms, along with, six other lions and tigers. The zoo believes that virus spread from an employee who is working well asymptomatic, meaning having no symptoms. The animals first experienced signs of a breathing problem, but now, the good news is, they feel better and are expected to recover soon. And, as most americans hunkered down at home, many are considered essential to the workforce, and they are still on the job. That includes the 3 million Grocery Store workers who are keeping food on shelves and checking out customers throughout this pandemic, putting themselves at risk. Senior correspondent eric shawn is live in new york city live with how supermarkets are protecting their employees. We are grateful for these employees eric, we sure are. That we really are, dana, absolutely. They are on the front lines, they are keeping america fed. They are of course the workers in our nations Grocery Stores. Across the country, the unsung supermarket heroes who are showing up to work, even as many, like the rest of us do have worries about coronavirus. They still remain on the job. Some whole foods employees staged a walkout protest given the conditions in their stores, but the National Grocers association they trade group in washington, tells us that the industry is taking proper precautions. For example, adding plexiglass at cashier stations, one wails to prevent mingling, and marking off spaces to impose the important social distancing. We have just been absolutely blown away by the tremendous response from our associates, they are showing up to work every single day with a smile on their face, they are working through hard times, stores, as you are very well aware, are very busy. Theyre just doing an amazing job. We cant thank them enough. Well, new york city, red apple bcd supermarkets, the billionaire says they have taken those type of safeguards because business is running smoothly, suppliers are continuing deliveries, advances the nation supermarket supply chain will not run out of food, even if there are times and you go to the supermarket what you want may not be on the shelf. Its just a matter of when the customers are hoarding certain products that it creates a shortage temporarily. Right now, we are still short on clorox wipes, and we are still short on lysol but weve got plenty does turn out dana, that coronavirus is just one of the hazards. In massachusetts, please say a customer spread lies on a cashier. At another supermarket, a man was wrestled to the floor after he allegedly coughed on the produce. Your new york, a customer allegedly punched a Grocery Store manager and a worker when his groceries were not delivered on time. By the way, kroger, the nations largest chain, they are paying workers an extra 2 an hour for what they call hero pay. They are certainly worth it. Dana. Dana wellearned. Eric shawn, thank you so much, we appreciate it. More followup from the ousting of the captain of the uss roosevelt after 150 sailors tested positive for the coronavirus. The acting Navy Secretary telling sailors, captain Brett Crozier was either too naive or too stupid for the job. Denver griffin is here to explain more in this update, jennifer . Dana, the acting navys secretary thomas modly flew out to guam without a Public Affairs team and delivered a blistering profanity laden speech chastising the sailors on board the uss Theodore Roosevelt and mocking captain Brett Croziers decision to put in writing what he thought most of the sailors on board the Aircraft Carrier needed to be removed from the ship in guam as a number of covid cases on board exploded. He didnt think, in my opinion, if you didnt think that information was going to get out into the public, in this Information Age that we live in, that he was either too naive or too stupid to be the Commanding Officer of a ship like this. The alternate is that he did it on purpose. As thomas modly spoke over the ships intercom system, many of the same sailors who cheered for the captain as he left the ship after the acting Navy Secretary fired him for ignoring the chain of command expressed stunned disbelief when thomas modly described the captains actions as a betrayal of them and the navy. Brett crozier himself has tested positive for covid19. This is another sound bite from that speech to the ship from thomas modly thats your duty, not to complain. Everyone is scared about this thing, and let me tell you something, if they ship was impoundment and they were missiles coming in at it, you would be pretty believe scared too. But you do your jobs and thats a bad expect you to, thats what i expect every officer on this trip to do, is to do your job. Thomas modly issued a statement moments ago why he was profanity, suggesting that is how sailors talk. 173 sailors on board the ship have tested positive, dana. Dana all right, jennifer griffin, thank you so much, well be right back. T. W. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Beholdeach for astors different type of music. When i have all six strings, im going to turn all the trolls into rock zombies. Rock and roll ahh im not going to let you do this. Well overpower them with glitter. Grrr were gonna have to go. Where no pop troll has ever gone. Who wants to party . Without smiling. The World Premiere is in your home friday. Dana british Prime Minister Boris Johnson remaining in a hospital, and is still running the government as he continues to battle the coronavirus. Johnson tweeting that he is in good spirits, this coming after Queen Elizabeth the second address the United Kingdom and the commonwealth on the virus. Fox news correspondent Benjamin Hall is live in london with the latest. Benjamin. Good evening, dana. Two very different stories out of the u. K. Today. When reassuring, the other certainly not. On the one hand you had this rousing speech, this speech on television by Queen Elizabeth to the people, calling for national unity. And then two hours later you had for chanson being rushed to hospital, suffering from coronavirus. His own people at downing street saying it was for precautionary tests only. We know hes been suffering for ten days so far and has been unable to shake those symptoms. But he has continued to oversee the government response while isolating in downing street. He spent last night in hospital and thought he may well spend tonight there as well. The government having rolled out a prolonged stay. The other day he tweeted this from hospital saying last night on the advice of my doctor, i went into hospital for some routine tests. Im still experiencing coronavirus symptoms. Im in good spirits and keeping in touch with my team as we Work Together to fight this virus and keep everybody safe. The news came just a couple of hours after the queen gave that rare address to the nation, speaking from windsor castle, the 93yearold drew on her own wartime experiences, promising the nation would rise to the challenge. I hope in the years to come, everyone will be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge. And those who come after us will say the britons of this generation were as strong as a any. That the attributes of selfdiscipline, of quiet, goodhumored resolve, and a fellow feeling still characterize this country. The u. K. Is locked down now, said to be approaching the peak of this pandemic in the country. Almost 50,000 are infected, around 5,000 are dead. That figure is expected to rise by almost 1,000 a day for the next few days. Certainly reassuring words from the majesty the queen, not so reassuring the news from Boris Johnson. We dont know how long hes going to be hospital, he could be released tonight. If hes unable to continue as leader, foreign secretary dominic raab takes its place. Dana. Dana all right, Benjamin Hall in london for us. Thank you, stay safe. Lets bring in Fox News Contributor and former white house speechwriter mark eason, marquise and drains me now, he is at aei now, also host a great podcast called what the h is going on. I would ask you about something that the wall street journal wrote about, i know you been talking about it on your podcast. This is the role of china in all this. This is about the World Health Organization, the wall street journal writing congress should investigate how the w. H. O. Performed against the coronavirus, and whether its judgments were corrupted by transportable influence. Of all international institutions, w. H. O. Should be the least political. If it nearly politicized outline against pandemics, then it is worse than useless then it should receive no more u. S. Funding. All of us, mark, do you think it is compromise . 100 . The reason why we are all in our homes right now in a locked down, the reason my 10 million americans have filed for unemployment benefits, the reason why our economy is going to contract by 20 30 in the Second Quarter of this year is because china lied about the coronavirus to the world, and the World Health Organization aided and abetted that coverup. So, in december, doctors in china knew that there was human to human transition, because medical workers were getting sick. So, once you know theres human human transmission, that means you can have a pandemic on your hands. Instead of sharing that information with the cdc, sharing that information with the world. They punished the doctors who tried to warn the world and told them to ensure the samples, wouldnt give the cdc the samples, and the World Health Organization help them with that coverup. The World Health Organization tweeted out on january 14th, this is a quote preliminary investigations conducted by the chair and area authorities have found no clear evidence of human to human transition, the chinese knew that wasnt true in the World Health Organization knew that wasnt true because taiwan told them, on december 31st that they had seen human human transition so the World Health Organization was helping china coverup the fact that there was a virus with human human transmission. Last point, dana, there was a study by the university of southhampton in england, that if china had come queen three weeks earlier, 95 of the cases were seeing right now couldve been stopped. Anthony fauci well, why do you think they were so compromised motion mark is it financial . It is partly that. The director of the World Health Organization was a candidate for the job. He owes his job to china. So its not just financial, because china just paid 12 of their budget, we pay 22 . They should be listening to us. The director of the organization is beijings candidate, he is an ethiopian official from a totalitarian regime are there, not totalitarian, authoritarian regime. He wanted Robert Mugabe to be the goodwill investor for the w. H. O. If you want to see his judgment. Not only that, dana, he also recommended, in january, that there not be a travel ban on china, which President Trump ignore it and put a travel ban on, and dr. Fauci has said that that decision is why were not on the trajectory that italy is today. Dana yeah, that about the hospitals time. Maybe last word from you about how should the United States tried to use a little bit more muscle with the World Health Organization, or should it abandon it support . Well, both of those things should be on the table. I think that we need. Once this is done, and we are in the retrospective of looking at how this failed, we are going to look into chinas complicity in this pandemic, because this wasnt just a fire that got out of control, it was something that they lied about, and any national organization, including the World Health Organization helps them in should be punished and we should reconsider whether we should even be a part of it. Dana all right, mark theissen, thank you. Thank you dana. Dana Stores Across the country shut down because of the coronavirus pandemic, what the federal government is now doing to help those Small Businesses. My time is thin, but so is my lawn. Its been worn down to ugly, thin grass now, theres scotts thickr lawn. The revolutionary 3in1 solution for weak lawns. With a soil improver to strengthen roots. Seed to fill in gaps. And fertilizer to feed. The result, up to a 50 thickr lawn after just one application. Get everything you need for spring at scotts. 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Yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. Avoid grapefruit during treatment. Kisqali is not approved for use with tamoxifen. Its our time. To continue to shine because we are the thrivers. Ask your doctor about kisqali, the only treatment in its class proven to help women live longer in 2 clinical trials. Dana billions of dollars of new lending improved for Small Businesses. Thats part of the federal governments new program. The act the president sign. There for a few hiccups, but dont worry, we have our panel of Economic Experts here to answer your questions. Edward lawrence with the fox sense network is live in washington. And grove after the bell connell mcshane. And financial correspondent jackie deangelis, i thank you, we asked our viewers were some questions, and they have some good ones. Ed, let me start with you, this comes from david, he says my son and i are partners in business, its just the two of us, no employees. Are we eligible for the paycheck Protection Plan, and i got a similar question from a woman named joanne. She is a bedandbreakfast is so proprietor, and the ppp loans says i can apply to cover expenses, but it only asks for payroll numbers, and she doesnt have a payroll because shes the slope proprietor. Any device for them . Ad . The short answer, dana, would be yes. I am eligible, the payroll would be her, there has to be some salary that she pays herself or that those two brothers pay themselves. And that would be their employee cost. Then this was then additionally cover rent, lease, mortgage if thats what they have. Also utility of any business that they own. So, again, their salary firemens would just be the two of them as a very small business, but their employees could be zero or 1. Dana all right, i know theres a lot of soul providers out there, entrepreneurs all across the country but are probably wondering the same thing. Connell, what about this question from mark, he asks you to explain, why the entire economy is being shut down for nonbusiness reasons. Why isnt the stock market also shut down to limit losses to our retirement accounts . Well, i think weve all had that thought the last month or so, i think the easy answer on that is that it wouldnt necessarily limit the losses, it would only delay them. Remember, after september 11th when the market pretty much had to shut down, we werent additional then as we are now, also be a tax hit lorman hansen right next to the new york stock exchange, it shut for four days on monday september 17th, i was there in 2001 when the market reopened, that was a huge decline in stocks, on that day, it was actually the biggest point decline up until that point for the Dow Jones Industrial average which has since eclipsed many times, the larger point, dana is that it would be great if you can save yourself, but really youre only delaying the inevitable. You know, i think its my government officials and Financial Market participants, they just want to kind of work through this month of free market do what it does. Dana yeah. Jackie, this is a question that i know, we got a lot of them, this is from jess, it is regarding cobra, if you got laid off, and announced his cobra, which extends your Health Care Benefits, is there a builder subsidized those payments, unemployment gets a 600 bond, but cobra might cost 700 a month. Cobra is quite expensive, but it is a way to bridge people that have been find themselves without a job. Absolutely. For people who dont know what cobra is, when you relate off, it gives you the opportunity to have the Health Care Benefits that you have with your employee and it can be very expensive, you said 700. Ive seen folks that are even higher than that. That can be difficult for a lot of people this time. To enter the specific question, theres no subsidy right now to help with the cobra payment, thats not to say that health care is no big issue for a lot of folks. So thats not possible, for you to pay outofpocket, you can think about a couple of other options. The first would be to look into medicare, i dont know what everyones specific ages. But they dont necessarily think they might be eligible for medicare benefits and they might be. Thats one thing to look into. The second is, under the affordable character, if you lose your job, thats considered a life event, sinking apply for those benefits. There are definitely opportunities there for people to get supplement all health care coverage. It may not be as good as what you had, working for your employer, but it is certainly an option and wont cost you as much. Dana something. All right, jackie, and connell stick around, weve got more and socioeconomic questions coming up right after the break. Plus, as airlines canceled flights, what will the longterm impacts on the industry be when the pandemic is over . Will we ever see credit airports again . I think so. But a live report from chicago up next hold my pouch. Trust us. Us kids are ready to take things into our own hands. Dont think so . Hold my pouch. Balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Whoohoo great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. And nutrients to Mortgage Rates have dropped to all time lows. By refinancing now, you can save 2000 a year. And newdays va streamline refi shortcuts the process. Veterans can refinance with no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. One call could save you 2000 a year. Bill bill hemmer back for another week, the Ohio Governor mike dewine has his hands full term in the heartland question today. New york Emergency Management director on what these numbers tell us about americas epicenter. To see when a couple minutes, 1. Im bill hemmer. Dana United Airlines recently announcing it is cutting nearly 90 of new york area flights. This just the latest example of how the Airline Industry is a struggling to get through the pandemic. But there are growing concerns of occupancy levels will drop longterm or even permanently. Jeff from the Fox News Business Network is live from the fox Midway Airport in chicago with the latest. Jeff . Dana, hello to you, if you havent been to the airport lately, this is kind of what it looks like. This is the southwest check in here at midway. And take a look. There is one person currently checking in. I flew here, actually, to midway from philadelphia last night. Weve got some pictures of what that looked like. I was actually the last person on the plane. Eight folks on the plane, perhaps you can tell from maybe, people had their own quadrants on the plane. No service, no beverage or any other kind of services he met expect. All those magazines, you know those magazines we have gotten used to. The airline magazines, they have all been removed. That is true across the board for the airlines, largely. And, you know, inside the terminal, obviously not a whole lot of people there. Businesses shutdown, tsa lines, there is no line. They start up the tsa checkpoint when one person shows up. Kind of crazy times. The forecast from the International Air Transit Association says that currently, a third of the Worldwide Air fleet has been shut down. Thats 8. 5000 plans to shut down off the grid. And a loss of maybe 250 billion in revenue this year. Tough times at the airlines, and fair point, some question as you point out, will this ever come back to the level that we are used to . These kiosks used to be full of people checking him throughout the day, here at southwest. Now, not so much. But maybe, when its all said and done, there wont be as many people that want to fly, either for business or leisure. I guess we will see. Dana. Dana well, jeff, i for one will not complain about long lines in the tsa once we get everything back, because im looking forward to get everything back up and running. Easy to fly right now, ill tell you that, absolutely true. Dana it is. Back now to answer more of your economic questions amend the coronavirus pandemic is our panel of fox business experts, correspondent edward lawrence, anchor of after the bell, and jackie deangelis, lets get into these, ronnie asks if an employee says they are too afraid to come to work, do they still have to pay them if they did file for the paycheck Protection Plan . If they found for the paycheck Protection Plan, that is something that in that plan, if they want to make it unforgivable loan, they do have to pay their employees. If they dont care about a forgivable loan, if they just want to take the 1 loan after two years which is what the term is, then you can just pay that out anyone have to pay your employees, but they have to keep the same average monthly salary that they had on the company as they did for all of the months back in 2019. Thats what they are gauging it off of, as long as the employees of the company doesnt come under 25 of a reduction in their salary in the workforce with that, then they can get the law unforgivable, so the short answer to that, they may want to still pay the employee if it does affect the numbers and if it does not give them unforgivable loan. Dana connell, let me ask you, a lot of people are wondering about their 401 k s, this question comes to us, said it and forget it for the past decade, investing heavily in equity, for those 1015 years from retirement, should we change our Investment Strategy in light of recent events . Well that set it and forget it strategy is moment so many people had taken, and it has usually worked right, over the longterm. I checked in with a Financial Planner named doug flynn who we have on our show is a regular a guest to ask him what hes telling clients. He says listen, if your Risk Appetite is not such that you feel comfortable right now, try to hold off on making a move now. Especially if you have 1015 years to retire. The next time the market gets near its alltime high, which he says will happen in that time frame, is the time15 years, then make some changes. Remember how you felt, now you not so comfortable, now become a little less aggressive, if you do it now, its tough, dana, youre selling well which is the last thing you ever want to do. Dana right, right. Jackie, a 401 k question, they said how can i apply for a hardship withdrawal from my 401 k account under the cares act. Thanks from an army fat. Is that possible . It is possible, there are new rules as a matter fact where you can withdraw money and not pay the 10 penalty. That is going to be tremendously helpful for people in need to access funds. Experts will tell you dont access them unless you really need them and it is an emergency. What will happen when he take that money out is he will have to pay tax on it. But of course, that penalty is what kills most people. So try to use that sternly. I believe the limit is 100,000, so that gives people a little wiggle room, it will free up some cash so they can pay their bills. Then you have to repay that, or you can repay that, and have it put back in tax if you will over time. Dana you three are incredibly helpful. Were going to keep trying to do this at least once a week to answer questions from people, this is a huge piece of legislation that the president signed, people me that money. Theyve been a lot of questions, we appreciate your expertise, thank you so much. And a fox news alert, now, the governor of wisconsin placing a lastminute halt on a inperson voting because of the coronavirus. Just monday before voters were set to head to the polls. State and local elections at the democratic primary were all set to be held tomorrow. The governor set to push voting back to june 9th. That is just coming in. Well, they are risking their lives to help save hours. Summer traveling to coronavirus hot spots to do it. I will talk to one nurse who left her family in minnesota to help out on the front lines here in new york city, next. With coronavirus spreading, people at higher risk must take extra precautions. You are at higher risk if you are over 65, or if you have an underlying medical condition. Please visit coronavirus. Gov for more information. Home values are up, and Mortgage Rates are at record lows. Thats good news for veterans with va loans. Thats me. By using your va streamline refi benefit, one call to newday usa can save you 2,000 a year. Thats me. Theres no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. Thats me. Put your va home loan benefits to good use. Call my team at newday usa. Dana america coming together as coronavirus shot in situ for Health Care Workers at the end of their shifts. It has become a daily thing in new york city, new york, city. Firefighters also getting into the act, giving a standing ovation, complete with lights and sirens to show gratitude to the doctors and nurses on the front lines. Health care workers from other states rushing into the hot spots like new york. Liz schaefer is a norse who just flew in from minnesota, she is among them, she is with me now. Liz, the governor of new york has asked at a press conference, please, if you can comment helpless. We would love to help, we will return the favor. You answered the call, tell me a little bit about that, because he left her family at home. I did, thanks for having me, dana. So, i flew in on sunday, last week, and ive been here for a week now. I am a traveling with prime staffing, Michael Fabienne is the ceo. And i have been in nursing ten years now, and done lots of different things, mostly around emergency medicine and also teaching. Ive always said that make sure that you are always willing and ready to come to the plate, and so, right now, our patients that need is the most in health care are here in new york city, and so answer that call. I stepped up to the plate, and here i am. Dana have you found new york so far, and tell me a little bit about how dire it is at the hospital where you are working. I love being here. Its honestly, very different from minnesota. The people here, so far have been very welcoming. Im staying at hotel 99. They are treated phenomenally which is absolutely wonderful, and everything of the hospitals are going well. We are banding together as a team, both doctors and nurses, therapists take care of all the patients that come in. Just doing our best to get them all the care that they deserve during this time. Dana and liz, have you heard any of the cheering that takes place at the end of the shift . It gives me chills, when i hear about it. My goodness. So the first night here, two of us actually flew in on the same plane. And we were happy to be outside, and all of a sudden people just started cheering, and people came up to us and they were like are you nurses, they were taking pictures with us, saying thank you, it was so heartwarming, and it was the best feeling in the world. Now, today, in the past week when you go to work, and youre walking to the subway or getting in and over or lift, people are like thank you so much, you are awesome. Dana let me add my chairs for you, liz, thank you, thanks for joining us, everybody, i am a dana perino, heres bill hemmer. Bill hey, dana, thank you, i am bill hemmer, its monday, the United States bracing for what could be a pivotal week against the coronavirus. The Surgeon General warning it could be one of the darkest chapters in american history. Heres where we stand at this hour. There are more than 1. 3 million covid19 cases around the world. About 26 of those are here at home, with the number of deaths now topping 10,000. Also, as of this hour, nearly 19,000 americans have recovered from the virus. Former cdc director tom frieden is our lead guest here, welcome to our guest. Also president and ceo of resolve to save lives which

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