And then you have bidens running mate. She is considered america by f far. Shes more liberal than crazy bernie, can you believe it . Even sponsored though 100 trillion Green New Deal which will destroy our country. No planes, no cars, no cows. No cows, you took it out. No cattle of any kind. Its a plan for economic suicide, 100 trillion. Once i dont think he ever took an environmental course in college. Joe biden is the diehard goal is to wipe out your steel mills, shutdown your factories, outsourced or industries and in support of every horrible terrible, ridiculous he was a cheerleader for nafta which was the worst trade deal ever made. Nobody thought i could get that done. They are happy, sort of. He enthusiastically voted for chinas entry into the World Trade Organization. It was a flat line for years and years. And then a bump. Thank you very much joe, i appreciate it. Joe and others, and you know that china is considered a third world country and for purposes of that hes considered and thats a horrible horrible World Trade Organization. That is such an unfair deal. All of a sudden we are winning cases. Seven and a half billion. Seven and a half billion they are not too happy about. But think of it, they are considered a developing nation and i said we are a developing nation, too. They are developing, we are developing, nobody ever says anything. Well sir, they are considered to a developing nation whereas the United States are considered develops. Having a big dispute, world trade. They have more power within the realm that then we did. Let me ask you a question. Number one they were wrong on almost everything. They were wrong on the pandemic, called a lot of shots on almost everything. They were in chinas pocket. They said let out of curiosity, lets get down to dollars. Why are we paying 500 million, and china has more power within than we do. So if you dont mind i withdrew from the world trade. From the world health. I withdrew from the world heal health. And i promise you one thing, iff you ever go back, other than that its a wonderful transaction. We have hundreds, i could talk to you all day about it. Pennsylvania lost, 50 of its manufacturing jobs after bidens nafta and the china disaster that we signed. Decade after decade, vote after vote, biden p trade to pennsylvania and betrayed our country through sheer stupidity. Said he never made the right decision on foreign events and foreign deals, he never made the right decision on economics. Do you finally understand this . He repeatedly tried to cut Social Security and medicare. I think we did not do this, very important groups. Thats good publicity that they are going to get that thats a lot of Power Holding up the flags. You know what, our flag deserves a lot of power, doesnt it . [cheers and applause] now after years of economic treasury, Sleepy Joe Biden wants to ban fracking and thats what he is. This guy went for a full year. I could have this running for hours. I could show you a couple. When it goes on, i just show you a couple. But it went for a whole year. We would ban fracking, ban fracking, then he got lucky and elizabeth warren, so she stayed in. Elizabeth pocahontas warren. All she had to do was get out before super tuesday and joel would not have won any state. She took the votes away from crazy bernie and he loses all the time. He goes back into congress. It is bernie running again in four years, does anyone know . The press, ill ask the fake news. They will give you a fake answer. Now he is a tremendous loser. But he did at some big favors. We had a lot of his people come with us last time because they agree with me on trade. We were being taken advantage of. You dont have t to to take my word about his record, just take a look at this magnificent tape that we made for you for the people of pennsylvania and it really pertains to you so much. I think its a positive thing to do, and i dont pretend to be an expert on International Trade manners. Thats a result of a hundred 60,000 jobs. How exactly are you going to negotiate that . What magic wand it you have . The rise in chinas in a positive development for not only china but the united stat United States. The rise in china is a positive development. It is in our selfinterest chinas not our enemy. We talk about china. Its bizarre. They are in competition and they will beat us, its bizarre. Allowing china into the World Trade Organization which you supported it, and those steps allowed china to take advantage of the United States by using our own open trade deals against us. Do you think in retrospect that you are naive about china . Today we are finally ending fund left on nightmare and signing and get into law for the new u. S. Mexico canada agreement. Its hard to overstate the importance of the usmca, this is the single biggest bipartisan legislative victory for this president and the administration. Its a huge deal. Its better than it has been since 2009 and that means its better than it has been for 7 out of 8 of the years that obama was president. Dana President Trump is speaking in the battleground of pennsylvania kicking off the final full week of campaigning. Founder and president , one of the things that the president needs to do is that she turns up voters in western pennsylvania. He is the issue of the energy where joe biden has gotten tied up in some knots on that issue and put himself in the wrong side of the fracking issue a handful of times, and thats also the issue of that problem that still remains in the suburbs, places like philadelphia and those outskirts were those folks have been moving away from the g. O. P. Over the last four years. He knows he has to fire up. And what are you paying attention to . Its one of the things that Hillary Clinton failed to do in 2016, and they are have been trying to increase these margi margins. They turn up vague, and thats whether they can compete and minorities, and thats basically a tossup. And i get that, the places that President Trump, joe biden has a much, much lighter schedule, and i did notice that he isnt going to georgia. If i was in the Biden Campaign, that slipped from blue to red and i would just be focusing on everything there. Its this strange, and thats reminding those voters of the virus and bp President Trump doesnt take it seriously enou enough. Maybe im energetic and nuts hiding away for my voters. Dana it so different than what youve ever seen, and in modern times, President Trump is going to all of these places. Its sort of the tortoise and the hare in reverse. He scrambling everywhere. Its one day, hes they have shifted the message on this. Its optimistic and forwardlooking. Hes projecting a dark winter shutdown, lockdowns, this thing is going to go on. Trump will return to normal li life, and the Trump Campaign thinks that will resonate with some voters. I think we have a little graphic that we can put up. Can the Trump Campaign take some solace in the fact that they have registered some new voters and new voters are likely the ones, thats 99 . And even though a great deal of early vote has been casted, a lot of it is coming from counties worked trump did quite well, near where my grandma lives, happy birthday grandma, there are places where tons of voters and those are trump friendly areas. We just have a very dynamic election with a lot of people fired up. Dana one quick point, can you tell people how to think about the early vote . Dont think about it and dont try to read too much into it especially in a situation we have so many people know voting by mail. This will be off the charts, the turnout. We look at the early vote and try to read a lot into it but its not worth the time nor effort because you will end up being wrong. We have to wait until the votes are actually cast. Dana all right, and happy birthday grandma, indeed. Tom and kristin, thanks so much. President trump out and about on the campaign trail as we were just talking about but lets check in with the Biden Campaign now. Peter doocys live in, where else, wilmington, delaware. The Biden Campaign is looking ahead now telling us that joe bidens Closing Argument is not going to be debuted i in a traditionalist battleground state. We believe that against donald trump. The vp is going to be, or i should say vp biden will be on george on tuesday, thats right. Biden is staying in town today as Kamala Harris tries to explain why it is that democrat ticket is shying away from the fracking band they both supported during the primary. How are you guys are reconciling your differences and what is the position if you can clarify it. I appreciate you raising it. First of all, without any ambiguity joe is clear, we will not ban fracking. No Campaign Events on biden schedule today but we did just watch as the press pool assigned to travel in his motorcade today had their temperatures taken and were put on a bus to go be swept closer to bidens house just in case there is an in Town Movement today. Dana what we will stay in touch. Fox news alert, the dow taking a dive, its not about 3 right now and a susan li from fox business can explain. The session lows are down some 900 points and thats the worst day for the stock market. Going back to june 11th over four months ago, three factors here having an impact, rising covid to cases above 80,000 on friday and saturday. That was heading into the colder months and also his stimulus tosses fading hopes of anything before the election. And this is a typical trading pattern on wall street heading into elections and we should buy into what we know who the winner is. Dana all right susan lee, always good to see you. We have a show thats moving right along, howie kurtz is coming up next. With their va streamline refi, there is no Income Verification no appraisal, no out of pocket costs and no va paperwork for you. You can start the process right over the phone. Refi now and cut 3000 a year off your mortgage payments. Loans can close in as little as 30 days. ni3o ]hu2h;a g ih b. M we knew that this was really, really bad. We had ample forewarning. But we did almost no testing, almost no contact tracing. Completely ignored the science, completely ignored the warning signs. There were things that could have been done. A lot of people have died needlessly, and theres nothing more frustrating than feeling like youre fighting against someone who should have your back. We are not going to stamp this out unless we have a change of leadership. Ff pac is responsible for the content of this ad. Dana coronavirus cases surging here in the United States. The number of new cases hitting record highs with nearly two dozen states thing a jump of 20 or more as hospitalizations are also up in different parts of the country. Jonathan serrie can explain and he is here with us live from atlanta to come home to the cdc. High jonathan. High dino. Cases exceeded in and of itself but it on saturday and friday new daily cases exceeded 83,000 setting record numbers. El paso, texas, has issued at 10 00 p. M. Curfew, city and county officials are urging residents to stay home for two weeks and converted the civic center into a temporary clinic to ease the burden on local hospitals. Just over the mexico border, they have imposed a similar curfew and Health Care Workers have been protesting to demand better equipment as hospitals take on increasing numbers of covid patients. As a World Health Summit meets online, road secretary Antonio Guterres once the pandemic is the greatest crisis of our age. Cases are still rising and spikes are occurring in places that have suppressed a virus for many months. Today that journal in nature in microbiology said that generates a stronger and longer lasting antibody response than those with milder cases. When the vaccine comes out they may require a booster shot to ensure lasting immunity. Dana think you so much. While that is going on, white house chief of staff mark meadows defending the covid response. We are not going to control the pandemic that we are going to control the fact that we get vaccines, therapeutics and other mitigation and areas it is a contagious virus. Dana democrats pouncing on that. Lets bring in how howie kurtz on that and his take on how it was received. If that was a killer sound bite. For mark meadows to go on and end of meadows was talking up to reporters this morning trying to clean up that mess at the same time it was also the white house chief of staff is set on the news and the five aides and advisors of mike pence have tested positive. This is not to put it mildly how you want to go into the final week of the campaign. Dana at the other thing i wanted to get your take on is, you have the National News and cable news but what about those local News Headlines for some of those places that Jonathan Serrie was pointing out, a place like el paso, texas with headlines saying that her hospitals are full and patients have to go somewhere else . Utah also saying in the walkie current cases are surging so im wondering about the local news impact. In places like utah and tennessee the local headlines are all about a shortage or impending shortage of hospital beds, some talking about rationing care. So the president lately, this has become a staple of his rallies has been blaming the National Media for overcoming the pandemic and overhyping the pandemic, he goes after cnn 60 minutes interview that he walked out of, he said the Fake News Media loves to say cases are up. While cases are up he says because of more testing but as you and jonathan pointed out, it shows that its not just for testing. The problem is joe biden can just sit back, donald trump cant even protect his own white house. The president is trying to strike an optimistic tone and obviously the economy, keeping schools open is very much tied to public concerns and fears about covid19 but its hard link events conspire against you as happened with this latest search. Dana and yet just as a last question there are a lot of headlines looking at the very negative impacts of some Remote School study. It shows kids are really struggling an End Mental Health problems are way up, too. Oh, sure. Nobody thinks its a great idea to have kids do Virtual Learning for the whole next year even though some major school systems, its kind of become a cultural war. The president has always kind of sounded ambivalent, the mask has kind of become the symbol of the Biden Campaign and so you have the president versus anthony fauci, called him an idiot last week and im not sure thats of a brilliant fight for him to pick but a lot of people who support the president say, yeah. You dont need to wear a mask, this is going to go away and maybe they live in areas where its not so bad. The problem is much more of the country as we head into the winter has kind of started reese to resemble the spring and this is a tough issue for the president. Dana it is. Tough issue for america but we will get through it. Howie kurtz, thank you. Lets go back to that trump rally in pennsylvania. He still speaking and rallying the crowd to come to come up lets listen in. President trump they examine every party an part of , i said get me out of here, i want to get out of here. Then i took regeneron and of the next morning i felt like superman and i said, ive got to get back. You dont want a president that is laying in the hospital, i said weve got to get back. And people get back. 99. 9. In this state has to open up. The state. The commonwealth of pennsylvania, you have to get it open. You have a governor who by the way, the governor named wolf. I remember. You know on my last night he got that to close it up. We have a lot of problems, they believe in freedom of speech of course but without a lot of problems with this guy because you know in the last one we had to move around different sides, he was watching and they dont want us to see. This is the guy thats in charge of ballots in this state. So what you think is going to do with the ballots . And this is the guy that we just sued because they dont want to have poll watchers in philadelphia. So why dont they want to have poll watchers . Whats wrong with people watching the votes . They dont want to have poll watchers. Joe biden and the democrat socialists are elected, they will delay the vaccine, delay the therapies, prolong the pandemic and close your screw schools and shutdown your country. I had to say it. But you are shut down anyway pennsylvania. He will either have to get a new governor or hes going to have to open it up. Dont worry. On november 4th he will announce, we have decided to open up pennsylvania. I had the same thing in michigan and we actually sued michigan and the constitution, they opened it up and said, she was running it like a prison camp, except for one person. Who was it . Her husband. Her husband gets caught going out boating and all sorts of stuff, he was the only one who was allowed to do whatever he wanted but she ran into it was terrible what was happening in michigan. By the way we are up in michigan. You are leading. I am here and the only reason i am doing this remember i used to do this all the time, and then i thought you have to start doing it again because i give you fake phone numbers. Rasmussen which was great, they had us history says that 52 you dont lose. We are at 52 and they dont want to report it. Any poll that comes out positive they dont put it on. Been told by pollsters, why dont you get it out . Its a great poll. Sir, we do get it out but they will not report it. These people are the most dishonest. So different polls and we are leading in nevada. We are leading big in texas. You dont hear that. We are leading big in ohio. Remember, you must win ohio. In fact that year they left ohio, they have given up ohio. Jim jordan is a good guy. Right . We are leading by four points in florida. You didnt hear that, did you . We are leading by infinity in utah and West Virginia we are leading by, forget it. I want even we are leading by a lot in utah, 20 points and West Virginia. In georgia we are leading by four points and i think its much more. By the way. Four points and then we have the hidden voter. A lot of you are hidden voters so say, who are you voting for . Leave me alone, just leave me alone. Thats what happened, remember they thought i lost because of the exit polls and people would ask, by the way the most in history, the voted four years ago and they said, who did you vote for . You know these arrogant, stupid people. Who did you vote for . Its none of your business. So they have marked the blank. Who did you vote for . And they set i voted for cricket Hillary Clinton. Is that all right . Who did you vote for . None of your business. Theres another two words that are much more effective. Who did you vote for . But i wont say it, if i do that the campaign is over. Right . She saying dont say it, please sir. Ive learned, we cant even kid. With these guys we cant cater to. There are a lot of them on a rainy day in pennsylvania, in the middle of the day. So what happens is, i was told, a number of people called and said sir im sorry to tell you that its looking very, very bad. While why . I had gotten home from michigan and made a speech, at 1 00 in the morning. So its election day with 32,000 people and she had made a speech at prime time 7 00, i said why are we going to lose michigan . Hadnt been one in decades by republican. Anyway we get back and we did, we won back michigan. We are leading michigan again by the way according to this. Leading a lot of places but they dont want to talk about it. They want to convince you, they want to depress you and suppress you and they want you to think, gee. Lets not vote. We love our president but lets not vote because hes not going to win. While they try that last time and our numbers are much better this time the last time. So we are going to put i almost hate to tell you because you will say, now i dont have to vote, hes winning. You have to go out and vote. But i will never forget that evening where i was told sir. No, sir, im sorry, but its not looking good because they took all those people which was like 42 and said its none of your business essentially in different forms and they didnt count them. And they didnt realize that every one of those people that said that was our people. Then all of a sudden i get a call like an hour and a half later from a real pro who is with me right back stage and he says sir. These are great numbers. Sir, you are going to in florida. Sir, you are going to win pennsylvania. And you know, when i got the first call from a great person but you know, i felt badly because we work so hard. When i got the first call i went into see our great first lady. And i said first lady, i said first lady, i said first lady, sometimes referred to as melania, i said you know, its not looking good. Its not looking good first lady. We worked hard. And you know whats funny . I thought it wasnt going to make it but unlike joe who goes into the basement, if he loses, who knows what happens. Its called an election. But he should be ashamed of himself because he didnt work. Seriously, he didnt work. One thing i did five, six, sometimes seven of these in one day those last few days and during the regular time i might do two or three. Today im doing three of the is. Tremendous crowd waiting for us in another part. So when they told me that information, you know you feel badly but i did feel bad because i left it. You know the athletes, they say we left it all on the field, it was altleft. And i did six or seven that day, this is like talking in front of ten people. I did them from early in the morning until 1 00 in the morning the next day which was election day so i didnt feel but then what happened, so i told the first lady, i said not looking good. She said do you mean we lost . I said it looks like it. Then i go in about an hour later. First lady, i have news for you. I think we are going to win. Its an amazing thing but they didnt say they have this tremendous record set of numbers. When you leave people usually say i voted for this one or that one, but we had a record set where they just said its none of your business, we dont want to tell you and all of them were are our votes and this is the only one that figured it out. So we had one of the most exciting evenings in the history of this world, let alone the country. All over the world. And we are about to go into an evening, and eight days. Can you believe that . In eight days we will go into an evening that will have a similar result and maybe even a bigger margin but a similar result in the same thing is happening. You know, a very good writer. A writer in politics for a lot of things, byron york. I think is good but i saw him this morning and he wrote something that, they were asking who is going to win, and i said i dont know because they only showed these fake polls. But you know, he said i go around and i cover this whole thing and im not only talking about the rallies that trump has because he sets him up. You know we have to take the space and we have to work organically. There are rallies of thousands of votes, all over the place, and cars and attractors and trucks. Thousands of them. He said ive never seen anything like this politically, at such a spirit like ive never seen. He said he you have these organic and trump has nothing to do with them but there are rallies where truckers get a thousand trucks. In iowa they had like 2,000 tractors on this massive field and he said ive never seen anything like this i cant really tell you but ive never seen and how about these rallies . Nobody has ever had rallies like this. You might have a rally like this, you might have a rally like this on the night before the election, right . But you would never have rallies. These are massive. Everyone in ohio was so big, if you would have added up inside and outside you have at least 50,000 people in wisconsin was the same kind of thing but he said forget these. Where they just organically form, nothing to do with trump and its an amazing thing. Its an amazing thing. Though we have a spirit and enthusiasm which is the most important thing. We have the spirit and enthusiasm thats even far greater than four years ago, we had a lot. We have a record, but we have much more. Because weve done so much, nobody, no administration has done in the first three and half years what weve done. You think weve rebuilt our military and gotten the big tax cuts and it got the biggest regulation tough cuts in history, so many things. Im just thinking right to try where you can now as a patient to come you are terminally ill, you couldnt get anything. You have to travel all over the world and most people didnt have money to go home and they die. Now you have a right to try where you can get these advanced treatments that havent been fully approved. If you are terminally ill. Theyve been trying to do it for 40 years. What weve done for the vets, 91 approval. So there is more enthusiasm now by far and we had look. We were noon known as the most enthusiastic anyone had ever seen a political campaign. The deplorables. Remember hillary . I heard that speech and she said a second word, irredeemable. She said the deplorables and the irredeemables. I thought that one was worse but it didnt catch on. Little did she know, whoever wrote that speech, i want no part of them because the next day i am a deplorable, im a proud deplorable. It was the craziest thing but there has never been a Campaign Like that and this one has a much more enthusiasm. The differences before i was a guy wh who is successful sayinge will do this and this, but you know, you are listening and you say, okay. Now we have done weve done according to two of those people by the way that i see, we have done more than we promised. Like space for us. I never talked about space force. Think of it. We have now become a space, a six branch of the military thats than 75 years since that happened. Now i realized when i was in office dana we will take a quick break from listening to President Trump because we have other big news today which is also important for President Trump. The senate is set to confirm President Trumps pick for the Supreme Court in just a few hours. This has been an amazing ride for Amy Coney Barrett, who will be the new associate justice of the Supreme Court. Chad pergram is live on capitol hill with the story. Lightning speed to confirm Amy Coney Barrett later tonight. We expect this roll call vote to start around 7 30 p. M. Eastern time and close around 8 00 and she is going to be confirmed. Lisa murkowski republican of alaska is someone who had reservations up about this confirmation process but she announced over the weekend that she will be a yes. While i oppose the process that has led us to this point. I do not hold it against her as an individual who has navigated the gauntlet with grace, skill and humility. I will vote no on the procedural votes ahead of us but yes to confirm judge barrett. Murkowski says she cant oppose barrett on the merit even on the day Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, she said any Supreme Court confirmation should wait. She voted to filibuster. Over the weekend but will vote yes tonight. One republican told fox that she was being too cute by half. In the meantime Senate Democrats opposed Vice President mike pence coming to the capital to preside over the vote tonight and several penance aids tested positive. The Vice President who has been exposed to five people with covid19 will ignore cdc guidelines to be here tomorrow putting the health of everyone who works in this building at risk. It sets a terrible, terrible example for the american people. So far mike pence is not expected to come to the capital tonight. We are expecting 52 republicans to vote yes to confirm Amy Coney Barrett tonight. The only republic, Susan Collins of maine who is facing reelection bid. Dana lets bring in our panel, charlie hurt and harold ford. Charlie, let me talk to you a little bit this because i the cavanaugh hearings were so contentious and they went on for so long. Its just kind of remarkable to me that this confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett was as a remarkably by comparison. Its truly incredible to think about. This is a fight. Its been a Nuclear Level fight that has gone on for decades as you well know. You are never the judge awards back during the george w. Bush administration and this thing has been going on for much further back than that of course. And it has been a fight to the death. Here it is on the morning that Amy Coney Barrett is going to be confirmed to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I was watching the live feed off of the senate floor this morning and there was a whole swath of time where there wasnt even anybody on the floor talking. They werent even debating. There wasnt even anybody they are. The fact that this Massive Nuclear winter fight has sort of died out in a little whimper on the day that the most important liberal on the court is going to be replaced by somebody in the form of Antonin Scalia is just astonishing. And the only response democrats now have is, well, if we win this election we are going to blow up the Supreme Court and add a bunch of seats. Thats all they can say and its pretty amazing. Dana harold, maybe im missing something, just looking at the coverage and i dont know what democrats are necessarily thinking. Is there some enthusiasm amongst voters to vote come out and vote against President Trump or vote for President Biden because of the Supreme Court . Thanks for having me on, always good to be with you and charlie. I think democrats resigned themselves to the fact that this was likely to happen. I think equally astonishing is that President Trump is now making his Closing Arguments and he has yet to mention the fact that judge barrett will be confirmed today so maybe that answers part of the question. Maybe they believe it could energize and elevate voter turnout amongst democrats. As i listen to the president today though, im as astonished as any that he doesnt seem to have a coherent consistent closing message around the economy, around judge barrett or what the future will look like, very different than what weve seen in most Closing Argument speeches. We all know covid has been hanging very heavy in his campaign. I would have thought he would have been bragging about testing in the coming of therapeutics on the vaccine. Because at the end of the date and the four or five states where hes quoting polling data which totally contradicts what they said on his youre so earlier, they are suggesting hes ahead. He very well may be that without question the polling shows that covid is heavy on the mind of voters. So im curious to see in the coming days if he talks about those things as well. Dana i wonder if the Trump Campaign thinks that President Trump himself is the Closing Argument . I think without a doubt, and also interesting at this point is what is joe bidens Closing Argument . We havent heard anything out of him about it. I do think that obviously the issue of judges is always a very potent issue for republicans and it has always been something that is sort of the hallmark of conservative campaigns and i cant think of a single case where we have seen democrats win elections based on that issue. Dana charlie, i like your election haircut. Maybe we will see how that looks by next tuesday and say im a chick grows . Thank you so much. All right, thanks so much. Up next, this political ad going viral for all the right reasons. To political candidates facing each other on election day coming together and putting politics aside. They will join me live. Now lets check in with bill hemmer to see what he has coming up. Bill good afternoon to go, then there were nine, nine days until the big day. Who controls the u. S. Senate . Joni ernst with iowa has been in a race thats too close to call and shes here live today with that. We will also go to the board and show you where the action is today and theres a lot of it for the trump team. And why disney might sue california over covid. Bill hemmer reports 11 minutes away at the top of the hour. With the va streamline refi at newday, theres no appraisal, no Income Verification, and no out of pocket costs. One call can save you 3000 a year. Balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Whoohoo great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. Dana with just a few weeks to go, there is concern that i ran about russia were meddling but experts say there are lots of potential issues to watch. Douglas kennedys here with more. Why did you find out . Dana when people think of Election Security they often think of someone hacking and election system or changing a vote tally. While this is highly unlikely on a large scale i did speak with an expert on Election Hacking who says there always vulnerabilities. Especially in the digital world. This is dr. Philip stark from berkeley. So paper ballots obviously cant be hacked but you have electronic voting machines, you have poll books, you have bluetooth transferring voting information. There are a lot of vulnerabilities in the Electronic Systems are are part of our overall electric system ranging from databases to signature databases, poll books that are used to check voters and on election day. And then you have electronic glitches and software manipulation. So theres always a possibility of bugs and misconfiguration and theres also a very real possibility of malevolent hacking. Last week the fbi announced investigations into russia and iran for trying to disrupt our elections with fake emails and disinformation. Most experts agree the real threat to Election Security will be fake online attacks like these that make people think our election system is rigged or unsafe. These packs are specifically designed to get people to not participate in our election process. They are using tactics of any ablation to keep them from the polls or doubting the results of the election once they are in. Mattie gullickson is from the National Cybersecurity center and she says there are things that everyone can do to make sure their vote is safe and secure. The make sure that your Voter Registration information is uptodate with your local Election Office. If you receive any information about voting especially if its unsolicited make sure to compare that information with what your local Election Office has. She says the most important part is to actually participate in the process and vote, dana. That is it from here, back to you. And i hope they know that you remain safe and well. Dana we are. Thank you so much douglas, we appreciate it. And now a political ad going viral for all the right reasons. Watch. We are currently in the final days of campaigning against each other but our common values transcend our political differences and the strength of our nation rests on their ability to see that. Dana its look at this, that was a republican and democratic candidate running against each other. Appearing in and add together to call for civility in politics, we could use a little bit of that. Joining me now is utah governor spencer cox and a democrat chris peterson. Thank you both for setting such an good and unusual example. Spencer, tell me. Why did you decide to reach out and do this . As you know and we see every day that there is a lot of hostility. It really has gotten ugly out there in politics over the past three years and a friend of mine was really concerned about what happens on november 4th regardless of who wins the president ial election. So chris and i were having a conversation and thought, if there was something we could do to make it a little better out there and we decided to do these ads. It surprised us the attention it has gotten. Dana tell me a little bit about the reaction. I think the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive because i think so many people across the country are craving a return to decency in our politics. And americans on both sides of the aisle are by and large decent, kind people that are grownups and want to see their politicians treating each other with respect and thats not to say that we cant have differences. Spencer and i have serious policy disagreements but the thing that we are not doing is calling names or insulting or questioning each others character. We can disagree without hating each other. Dana and what have you heard, spencer, from constituents and voters . Has chris that its been overwhelmingly positive. There are two ways to look at it. This kind of sad that two people think that we should treat each other with respect and it goes viral and gets this much attention but for me it gives me hope, thats chris mentioned, the people are really hungry for decency. And again we disagree and we agree but we can disagree better and thats what people really wish we were doing now especially at the national lev level. Do you think this will help people delve deeper into the issue . We hope so. The attention has been focused more on our civility and courtesy to one another and thats important but its also important for people to do their homework and the research and focus on the policy issues that drive our electoral reform. We need to count up all the votes and make a decision in our election and then move forward as one people, one nation. Spencer, where will you be on Election Night . Well i will be home with my family. Unfortunately just like we are racing across the nation we have covid rates are spiking right now and we need people to be more careful than ever before so we will be home waiting for the election results. Dana im have no doubt that we will keep in touch with you and see what happens on tuesday. My best to you both and thank you for setting such a great example. Thank you for joining us everyone. I am dana perino. We will see you on the five in just a few hours. Bill a guess, well see you shortly. With your help, your devotion and your drive, we are going to keep on working, we are going to keep on fighting and we will keep on winning, winning, winning. Dana bill im bill hemmer, welcome. At the moment the president is giving a speech in lancaster county. Second stop of

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