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Pole to measure it. Get this, its a positive pole which is amazing given its challenges. Its like being a fiance but its the press giving the bridal shower. You know the people who want to make a in washington are going to try to use your adult sonon against you its used to get to me. I think its kind of foul play but look it is what it is and he is a grown man. He is the smartest man i know with pure intellectual capacity and as long as he is good, we are good. Its a father and her stand at and i admire that. Greg its not good. As long as your son is smart who cares if he is a crackhead party boy who leaves a trail of destruction everywhere he goes . The lab can solve a rubiks cube in his boxers while juggling two lap dancers. Is this a new colbert that of the fawning therapist . He looks makes Stuart Smalley sound like the iron sheik. With what is President Biden going to put into the world . Do you take it personally that republicans have not acknowledged you . In a normal christmas here what are the biden family christmas traditions . Did you ever want to get up pool chain and corn pop on these people . Dan look at or jump in thank you dr. Biden but heres the question can you reach across the aisle to people who will be using this as an attack on you when it is such a personal attack the cousins about family . If it benefits the country yes. I really mean it because we know who we are. You are better man than i. Greg god help me. Asking this question to a man who labeled trump and his supporters white supremacist the smear that invited harassment and violence. Did everyone decide that attack was a big joke and we can all go back to being owls . Colbert is offering an example of how the media will be under joe, i returned to the obama years words the bear minimum for entry but at least we have built for their shenanigans. Most americans think the lack of hunter biden coverage was embedded to boost the campaign. Of course it was. Im not sure you need a poll to tell you that it now we are called the tortured artist hunters about to have his first art exhibit smooth combat them michelangelo these painting with bank that he blows through a straw. Why does everything he does for fun involve a straw . And could this be a covid . Hunter where are all those metal straws by your bed . Just painting pop and its not a just ended portrait from the university. Mabrey maybe hunters that smart. Hes operating on gutfeld law which states all hobbies are prevented from he was just doing my daddy told him do which is to create a golden parachute once joe left politics. Hes heading to the white house and hunter may be heading to the big house but joe has only been president elect and his kicking aspirate is coming out with these amazing vaccines. Thats cant need trumps doing could imagine of the media reporting on these promising vaccines before and not after the election . Even more how about that electrifying speech meant to unify the country . Thankfully a Unanimous Supreme Court immediately and completely rejected the suffered. The court sent a clear signal to President Trump that there they would be no part of an unprecedented assault on democracy. Greg it sounds like one of titans hugs. Trump questions and Election Results in his undermining of democracy but what would you call the medias behavior since 2016 the fullblown coup . It worked. It will eventually pay off which brings us to this weeks hearing on the election and election to produce more regularities than a north korean factory. 42,000 people voted more than once. At least 1500 dead people or were ported as voting in more than 19,000 people voted even though they didnt live in nevada. About 8000 people voted for nonexistent addresses. Over 15,000 votes were cast from commercial or vacant addresses. Incredibly almost 4000 noncitizens also voted. Our experts identified 130,000 unique instances of voter fraud in nevada. Greg thats a lot of numbers. The Media Questions this hearing but sorry kids anyone who is ruled over the russian hoax for four years and messed up this country they need to sit it out preferably in the corner. We see the world clearly but its all part of our ongoing Trump University where we american see everything in a new way politics the media the socalled experts and now our election . Trump show does it solve else on misinformation and manipulation designed to keep you in the dark or he turned on the lights and we got a lifetime of sober wisdom and went to giant red pill called trump. Its effect may last forever so dont consult a doctor especially dr. Biden. Lets welcome tonights guest as american as an apple pie shot out of a canon into the cup track author of the new book modern warriors weekend cohost pete hegseth. He has more limes and Hunter Bidens drug dealer writer comedian joe devito shes deck the halls the family of four who lives next door. Host of box nation kat timpf andys not a fan of ceiling fans. My massive sidekick and host of box nation tyrus. Joe, hunter said he was an artist but now he can say he is an artist. His artwork is going to look amazing on the white house refrigerator. But others may as we are not picking on the child of a president. Hes a grown man. And he has his issues especially when you hear biden say as long as hes okay we are okay. Thats not a sign that things are a k. We are not out of the woods. Greg i give you the Nuclear Threat right now and hunter says okay. He has a Substance Abuse problems and we hope hes able to deal with them. Thats not the issue. The issue is to use his position as the Vice President sent to get more and money from foreign interests. That is the problem. That wasnt the problem with obamas daughters are the bush twins. Greg the bush twins were monsters. You have someone who have little jet amid questions about him. You know who else is going solo the women he impregnates. He is fair game in they should be investigating him. Its so crazy to be one of these children of a super employment so politician like the sky is the limit what you can do except it gets way than the sky. When i was younger i would have wanted was to get the lead in the musical at the community theater. My mom took me to singing lessons and the lady called my mother and was like i feel horrible taking your money. Shes so bad and shes not going to get it but if i was a biden id be on broadway right now. America would be deprived of how good i am. Greg that is so true. I. E. Im going to say a this is taking up artistic painting to keep himself off of drugs so that is good and also lets face it what he was doing he was doing for his dad. His dad is more responsible than he is. This entire time he has been and thats why it matters to dovetail im what you said that Vice President s involvement of the interaction compromised acrosstheboard. Otherwise i dont care what an adult child who is 50 years old is painting on the campus. It doesnt matter to all. By the way theres a New York Times article about hunter biden painting where he says he has no warm all training buddy did sketch as a 7yearold. Hes in a 12,000dollar month Hollywood Hills rented full house with a porsche outside. Where did he get the money . What interactions and what was compromised in the process . He does a lot of fluff interviews on fox friends and dogs in whatever. You ask people how do you feel . Asked joe biden how do you feel about the fact that your adult son is the ultimate softball. I did 10 seconds of research for this segment and i Googled Donald trump and donald trump jr. Greg is this your put . So tyrus joe biden says hunter is the smartest person he knows. He just brought up all the things that hunter has gotten away with as a pool house or he lives in a pool house. That sounds like blender to me. He might be the smartest person because hes gotten away with so much. I think pete is the only one who will arrive with me on this horse right here. Sometimes as a parent that interview reminded me of a Parent Teacher conference where the teacher is asking you what you really think about your child and all you can do is go, hes smart. He is the smartest one they ever had and your wife is next to you grinding into your arm because you dont want to go there. The old man want to tell it like it is. Everything about it when you mention his son, he asked to be disappointed. I would be disappointed. The fact that this stuff keeps coming up. He has to be disappointed. Now hes going to be an artist. My own children if they did Something Like this and if my children had an eating problem and all of a sudden they want to go to the park were they use a fork i am going how long before this fork ends up going into the grape for painting . You have to separate them be the parent. Im just going to leave it at that and finally man thank you for mentioning the iron sheik. I watch the show of the week diehard fan. Thats the only thing i feel good about. As a parent if you look at it he can make it just like this. Greg its the only expression joke and really make. We have to move on. Who will be next to get the vaccine . We decide after this. Lets be honest. Quitting smoking is hard. Like, quitting every monday hard. Quitting feels so big. So try making it smaller, and youll be surprised at how easily starting small can lead to something big. Start stopping with nicorette. You have cancer. How their world stopped and when they found a way to face it. 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My special guest as santa claus. Greg seriously even whitmer wouldnt have santa lecture kids on social distancing and handwashing, right . Social distance, wash your hands and make sure you wear your masks when you are outside your home. Greg this is a travesty. We all know to wash our hands by now but come on its christmas. Do those kids look like they are having fun . Anyway moving on we saw pictures of Health Care Workers getting the Covid Vaccine this weekend even might tend got a shot in the arm. Meanwhile one democrat is looking forward to getting vaccinated, cheaters and the survey shows four in 10 cheaters would get the vaccine so they can quote responsibly continue having in person affairs. How thoughtful but those over 65 are next in line for the vaccinations so unless those cheaters are collecting Social Security they will have to wait a while. Getting the vaccine to every person who wants one could take months. Of course some are going to try to cut in line. Check out this horrible ad i saw on cable in the middle of the night. Want the Covid Vaccine but dont feel like waiting a month for it and frustrated grandmas getting it sooner than you . Come into the line cutter emporium. We can any person look old so they can cut into the vaccine line. Cant wait to cut into that vaccine line. Before the that i didnt look old enough to buy a beer but now id can go from last to first. Sure they stole my wallet. Get to the line cutter emporium today. Greg excellent acting by the way. Our staff. Tyrus would he make of the vaccine rollout and what did you think . I think its honorable we are hearing so many people come forward telling us they are going to do what they are supposed to do. Im not going to jump in line. Great, not going to kill anyone so there we go. The part thats really bothering me every time he comes out i feel like ever brother in arms. If you want to do that was santa claus awesome. Who didnt show up . They couldnt get a full party in second what a sham. My kids would have torn it apart. Joe santa who were at the stockings for . Why would santa claus have stockings behind him on the chimney . Dont you think its past the point . Dad i know its you. Did no one else see that . Forget the super cool stuff the kids scared all the children to begin with and the evil queen behind the cover this note queen and no one shows up and santa claus is clearly in someone elses home. My kids would have had all kinds of problems with that great greg i feel bad for that santa. If youre worried about santas health and safety you dont have them in front of the fireplace with the fire burning. I suppose you were excited by the poll of cheaters. Ashley madison hotmail accounts. The only on line survey people filled out while wearing fake mustaches. The lockdown is like being in prison. Get your facts right. Fake news. They were having sex with the person next to them. The cdc came up with dating guidelines. This was early on in the pandemic and they said if you hook up with someone you dont know while you are having sex were a mass. I thought oh been there. My favorite part of the survey was when they said many people are having affairs but they are using a Hand Sanitizer. I all means. You look at your partner and you say yes but i use Hand Sanitizer. Greg ive been told that and it wasnt Hand Sanitizer at all. What is it covid contemplates is the plausibly deniable that you got covid19 and it was transmission . Is this really a big problem . Covid is not the new std. I watched the whole santa thing. The kids are asking questions like santa do you wear a mask and socially distance from a else . Theres not a kid in the world that asked that. Behind the kid was a mother. How are you so popular . What filled out a survey . Why the paper trail leaving idiot. Greg heres my theory every poll you get from Ashley Madison is made up by a guy in his office. Its one person and his name is steve. He went to a lowerlevel college but hes really making a ton of money. He has a plethora. Greg do you know what kills may . Everybody who says the vaccine stocks are getting vaccinated. Romer remember all the democrats . All right up next what is Donald Trumps next move . Centrum minis may be small, but they pack a punch. With over 20 essential vitamins and minerals they are the most complete mini multivitamin. So you can focus on punching above your weight. No matter how high you set the bar. Try centrum minis. Are your asthma treatments just not enough . Then see what could open up for you with fasenra. It is not a steroid or inhaler. It is not a rescue medicine or for other eosinophilic conditions. Its an addon injection for people 12 and up with asthma driven by eosinophils. Nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. Fasenra is designed to target and remove eosinophils, a key cause of asthma. It helps to prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and can reduce the need for oral steroids like prednisone. Fasenra may cause allergic reactions. Get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. Dont stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection, or your asthma worsens. Headache and sore throat may occur. Could you be living a bigger life . Ask an asthma specialist about fasenra. Could you be living a bigger life . Irresistibly smooth chocolate. To put the world on pause. Lindor. Made to melt you. By the lindt master chocolatier. Live from americas news headquarters im ashley strohmeyer. Washington working weekend ends with Financial Relief for millions of americans. Leaders agreed to a nearly 1 trillion coronavirus stimulus package. Details are still being worked out. A final vote is expected sometime tomorrow. Chuck schumer called the bill a strong shot in the arm. New developments emerging from the devastating monthlong cyber attack. Lawmakers and top officials have come out to publicly blame russia including secretary of state mike pompeo , President Trump has claimed that evidence that china may be responsible. Republican senator mitt romney push back against the president and said he has a blind spot when it comes to russia. Russia has denied any involvement in the attack. Now back to your show. For all the headlines log on to foxnews. Com. To the screen fe tweeting machine President Trump apparently considering going to the apprentice after he leaves office. The daily beast reports creator mark for net has expressed interest in reviving it and thats trump shot down the idea that he was thinking about a reboot. Like the rumored version set in d. C. Called the apprentice white house. For now the white house isnt saying much and people denied the rumors. Of course we all knew it would be a huge hits much like how might dog feels about squirrel videos. Its a terrible eviction. And he leaves a mess everywhere he goes. Pete you buy the story from the daily beast . 80 to 90 of what is on that web site is false. Consider the source all the way. But i absolutely love this idea. Greg would you go on the show . Happily. Need a little help from the show. Who could build a better border wall and who could survive with you turn a general . Who can provide more ventilators more quickly but the better thing would he bring on any prospective 2024 candidate and let donald trump who himself hopefully will be a 2024 candidate goes through the survivor process and make them prove it through a series of challenges. Greg they need to change the name to the kingmaker, the kingmaker. If he doesnt run he will have so many supporters that are going to say he has to anoint the candidate tyrus. This idea of the show is too small for him. If he is going to anything on tv at the network. Heres the problem and we have seen it already. Tightend hasnt even stepped into the office yet and everyone is getting nervous. What are we going to do without the bad guy . They need the bad guy. They blame everything on him. What are they going to do now . They never seen a bad guy like this before. Even when he lies he tells the truth. They cant say goodbye to the bad guy. Thats what its all about now . President widened talks and his wife interrupts him and finishes his sentence and thats where we are at now . He hasnt done anything. He hasnt done anything. He literally got drafted by the nba and they are trying to get them into the hall of fame already. Greg its like biden is like Timothy Dalton the worst bond. Hes the worst bond but trump is the best bond villain. So who was the best dr. No . I havent seen any of these. Greg goldfinger . I shouldnt heed even gone this route kat. What you make of this reboot . Do you buy it . I wish it would have never stop. Trump fired so many people as president. I would love to see Jeff Sessions get fired. Now we will never know. He should have made a film and released it later. Greg he didnt get enough accolades. What do people think trump is going to do, retire quietly . Now he will get to catch up on his golf . I think if i can offer a metaphor we are getting darth vader and replacing him with mr. Miguel. Biden is boring but the good news is four months is all we have to put up with him. Greg then its president harris. Its going to be great. I think it would be a good idea instead of having the primaries we just have the show where trump puts them in their places and tells them you are hired, you are fired and elect did as we are calling it now. And Vice President mike pence picked his Vice President. Reality tv is amazing. Why are you doing this to me . I am fired . Greg this is a natural evolution. By the way after 2020 we dont need elections any more. We know they are fraud. We dont need them anymore. Therell be a ton of reenactment movements and tv series. He will be sitting at his desk quietly. Greg i love hand acting. Coming up tom cruise is dead set on letting anyone with covid on this film set. I can respectctctctct senior helping seniors. boy helping kids. dad helping families. women helping pets. vo these are the lives subaru retailers have impacted in our communities, through our support of over fourteen hundred Hometown Charities. In fact, subaru and our retailers will have proudly donated over two hundred Million Dollars to national and Hometown Charities through the subaru share the love event. vo get 0 for 63 months and subaru will donate 250 dollars to charity. Its time for theraflu hot liquid medicine. Powerful relief so you can restore and recover. Theraflu hot beats cold. Greg he had to be mean to save the scene. Tom cruise was reported on the set of the Mission Impossible film reprimanding the crew for violating covid protocol. Check it out. We are bringing thousands of jobs and i dont ever want to see it again, ever. If you dont do it you are fired or you [bleep] greg apparently five crewmembers quit after cruz launched the second rant on the set and tom took an earlier than expected christmas break trip regardless filming during a pandemic is a risky business. Fortunately it only takes a few good men and you can safely film outside as long as it doesnt rain, man. But he still might come miss congeniality. He played sandra bullock. Is this our first glimpse of tom expressing a heartfelt opinion or is that another carefully crafted pr stunt . Hes famous for doing his own stunts you know, just like this guy. Im sure he completely recovered. Actually he was recovered. Can we check on that please somebody . Kat real or fake . Ive never seen a single movie with him and it. Greg not even the ones he made in mexico . I dont know. There is one called vanilla sky and one where he wears a white shirt buttoned down. Greg risky business. Nary a one. Greg i never saw top gun. The movies i watch happy gilmore, zoolander. Im at 12yearold orion a 32yearold womans body. Greg he played a Harvey Weinstein character. Everything about Harvey Weinstein. Tyrus do you think he was legitimate . I think he had all the right moves. Its a great movie. Listen i agree with this and i even support the f bomb. Heres the thing whatever you do it your own home with their own families are choice and i wouldnt tell anyone if they should wear a mask or social distance. If its your own thing you have a right. What i do in my house as my rules. When you take a job in their rules or you go to a Shopping Center if you come in here you have to wear a mask and if thats a policy you have to follow it. If you dont you dont have to shop there. There were a lot of jobs on the line. I finished a movie where all i was doing was social distancing and when people werent doing it i was upset. Im working hard to distill my part of this and if you cant follow it dont work here. Whether it was a pr stunts this hurts him them more than helps him because hes now caught up in the politics of it. If the job says no hatami going to work and i have my have on, this place but thats the rules. They are a ton of people on movie sets so i agree with him in theory but i think this is going to hurt him more than help him. I have never been on a set but this is a set. I preferred the private sector applied rules to the government mandate applied rules. I wonder whats at play there but i guess tom cruise puts the science back into scientology taking it very seriously. A different kind of science. Its not quite clear what it is. Would you expect anything less from tom crews . Everything is over the top. You guys know a lot about this guy. Greg joe you have been mistaken for tom cruise. Very often. I can see why there would be confusion on the set are there supposed to be 6 feet distance but they claim that cruz is 5 feet 8 inches. Thats why hes the scientologists that he can stand up for david ms. Gavitt gin tower over him. I dont blame tom cruise for being mad acus he put up the money for this film. He got that money by renting out his home for prostitutes while his parents were on vacation. Cut him some slack. Greg some things i never knew until i talk to you, joe. I think people will enjoy the David Miscavige shock. Hes in trouble because he yelled at people. Thats the problem. Millennials on the set. Greg we could talk about this forever. Another yearly tradition is canceled due to covid. This one is not so bad. Sofi made it so easy to pay off my student loan debt. chime choosing sofi was literally one of the best decisions i could have ever made because it gave me peace of mind. I waited to get treated. 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Greg just like Brian Kilmeade does every year the times square ball will spend new years alone. Kilmeade is not here so i can do that. There will be no crowds watching the ball drop in times square because of coronavirus so while the gathering is banned people can still watch at home. If youve ever been there you know being in times square new years eve is the opposite of fun but first of all its usually freezing cold you have to get there super early and stay there for hours. You are penned in tight with total strangers cant leave and come back meaning youve got to wear a diaper which is the only part i liked about it. Id rather do anything else then p. In times square including this. Event at. Two years ago i hosted new years eve for fox news channel. Greg with joe namath. No, with kennedy. It went so well the next year they didnt even have it. They didnt even have it because the amount of people in times square this year. Greg i thank you so much for ending the fox year. I had horrible experiences there kat. One time in the gate was broken all the people ran over me. That year was really cold. It was freezing. I was in the street and i couldnt feel my feet. They had to carry me back because i couldnt walk. Its like the diaper in the street. It was here vegas night of the year because thats when thousands of adults wore diapers. Greg you know it really joe is the next day if you are driving in a car, if you are walking in someone as driving and they run over one of those Water Bottles that are full. You get it all over you and all day you smell like fresh water. The apple juice bottle. Thats one thing for people who are watching from home. P. In a corner of the living room in charge yourself 40 bucks for a hotdog. How about if new years eve was just Kathy Griffin . No people, just Kathy Griffin. Greg i would watch it. Actually would be great if it was just her and Anderson Cooper and she was chasing him around in the freezing cold. I dont know what im saying tyrus. I cant go down with that ship. I too was a part of that party. I had a way of ending the night by interviewing a couple who just got engaged and forgot to move the microphone. Do you remember that . Do you know why . I was freezing cold and they are like can we do it again . We didnt get the angle right. I gave them six months. Whatever, lets just do this. It was in the best of places so we all needed to do what needed to be done. We shut it down and guess what happened in 1976 new years eve special . Im part of that squad to enjoy that america. Greg i think this is the only positive things to come from covid. Covid got rid of things you didnt have the heart to get rid of and im talking about times square. That in itself. Everybody felt that they had to do it. No we dont. We thought we had to do it. We werent on that esterline yet and with all due respect to covid, covid has to take a backseat to pneumonia. It is horrible. You are covered in your freezing and you end up sick and you have to interview people who say yeah. You try to catch up. Greg you throw up all over yourself. Kat is covered in her own. Just pretend this year didnt happen. Greg that is a good point. Why do we make next year 2020 . Thats a great idea. Thats like naming your new wife after your exwife. It doesnt work. Lets move on to 21. You cant get it back rate we cant go down that road again. It doesnt work. Its over. Greg America Votes for whatever i just said. Moore show, next. Tums versus mozzarella stick bell rings when heartburn hits fight back fast. With tums chewy bites. Beat heartburn fast tums chewy bites heres to the duers. To all the people who realize they can du more with less asthma thanks to dupixent, the addon treatment for specific types of moderatetosevere asthma. Dupixent isnt for sudden breathing problems. It can improve lung function for better breathing in as little as 2 weeks and help prevent severe asthma attacks. Its not a steroid but can help reduce or eliminate oral steroids. Dupixent can cause serious allergic reactions including anaphylaxis. Get help right away if you have rash, shortness of breath, chest pain, tingling or numbness in your limbs. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection and dont change or stop your asthma treatments, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. Are you ready to du more with less asthma . Talk to your asthma specialist about dupixent. If your financial situation has changed, we may be able to help. Greg joe you have 90 seconds, go. I want to thank the viewers of the show who have been checking out my comedy special in mind. It has over 4 million views so if he got a youtube if you put in middleaged dating it im the first one that comes up to check it out. I really appreciate it. Greg a few years it will be golden seniors dating. I dont have as many books as brent kilmeade or bestsellers as you greg but modern warriors 15 american heroes their stories in their own voices available now. Greg im sorry it couldnt be in there. You are a modern warrior of your own kind. Tanks to my beautiful wife ima landowner. Montana here i come. It means a lot to me now. Everything on my mind i cant say. Restraint. Greg thank you pete joe kat and tyrus. Im greg gutfeld and i love you america. Mark hello america, i met mark clement and this is life, liberty and levin. We are fighting a two front war in this country. One, domestically and they are defending our constitution and our republic from the Democratic Party and the media and, im afraid to shea, the judiciary. The other is the cold war with china. Yes, we are in a cold war with china and president of the United States has recognized that f

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