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Investigate whether the Obama Administration spied on his campaign. Carter page is here to describe what it was like to be targeted by an fbi informant. Meanwhile, trump goes to war with john brennan suggesting obamas cia chief began the entire russia witch hunt because of politics. Plus, we have a stunning report on the Immigration Crisis. No one talks about this. Chain migration, its a nightmare. The head of customs and Border Protection is here to reveal the startling new numbers and absurd and obscene charges against the bureau as well and Raymond Arroyo will be hurt to break down the medias speaking of absurd, lets say ridiculous covering of the Royal Wedding. What are your tea and scones. But first, i spy with my little eye something crooked at the fbi. Thats the focus of tonights angle. On sunday, President Trump had had enough. He pointedly tweeted i hereby demand and will do so officially tomorrow that the department of justice look into whether or not the fbi, doj infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for political purposes and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration. Well, trump has a good sense. This is nothing new in a way. On march 4th 2017, more than a year ago, President Trump contended that his phones were tapped just prior to the election and of course they get trump media in the deep state all dismissed it. It was all a bunch of nonsense. While of course we now know that the Justice Department sought and secured permission to surveilled trump advisor carter page, whom you will hear from them just a moment. The problem was the 2016 page fisa warrant was obtained in part using fraudulent information from that infamous steele dossier paid for by the clinton campaign. Reset your brain for a moment. Think about that. In the middle of a president ial election, when a man who is running for president is bowing to drain the swamp, there could have been a plot hatched at the senior levels of our government to entrap secondary figures in the Trump Campaign to ultimately get to donald trump himself. Then those figures were targeted and surveilled, again, even possibly trump himself. While of course democrats laughed, laughed all of this off as conspirators. This claim, that there is a political spy embedded in the Trump Campaign is nonsense and you hear it in the same terms that trump often speaks, which is people are saying or im hearing or we are being told, thats another way of saying this is patently untrue, but we would like to spread it anyway and it is single he destructive of our institutions, but then, thats the point. Laura no. The point is day by day we learn more information that seems to indicate that the government may have used its prosecutorial and investigative powers for a political end. To do what . Well, to stop candidate trump, and when that failed, to derail his presidency. This is the deep state in action. I think its really unwise to dismiss out of hand the notion that the fbi could have found it within itself to spy on the Trump Campaign. They never would have done that. While as the federalist david reminds us, john brennan spied on the legislative branch and lied about it to the American People. James clapper spied on the American People through a Domestic Surveillance Program and lied about it to congress. And although the Obama Administration never tweeted any nasty attacks on journalists, it did spy on and prosecute them. Its completely plausible that those in the Upper Echelon of Law Enforcement sought trump as a threat, then used wobbly evidence as the pretext to a great piece, by the way. For more than a year now the president and the House Intel Committee led by devin nunes has sought the initial unredacted documents that sparked this collusion broke. Well today, the fbi director and the deputy ag have agreed to give congressional members access to highly classified documents about the russia probe. Now they want to see the information concerning the fbi informant who reportedly cozied up to at least three trump associates. What do you call this guy, a spy, and informant or just a mole . Who cares . Thats just semantics. According to reports, the fbi sent this informant out to make contact with carter page, George Papadopoulos and sam clovis. This informant reportedly had a sitdown with carter page in early july of 2016. Well, thats interesting, because that undermines former fbi director jim comeys contention that the fbi didnt begin its investigation until late july. Incidentally, between 2012 all the way up to 2018, now, according to public records, this same informant received more than a Million Dollars. For kind of general Foreign Policy research. And he conducted this all through the department of defense. Thats another interesting point. Thats all very fishy. Come on. Many questions remain about this and they are unanswered. Today following that white house meeting, the president said he has been able to get the Justice Department to authorize another Inspector General probe into these spy allegations. The problem with referring this investigation to the Inspector General, as good of a guy as he is, he has no prosecutorial or official subpoena power, so even if he does find rank abuse by obama officials or perhaps, who knows, even obama himself, if he knew about it, the Inspector General will only be able to refer that information to the Justice Department. What good does that end up doing . The president and all of us do have a right to know the names of any and all americans who were surveilled as part of this antitrump hit squad over at the doj. And when we finally get to the bottom of all of this we should have the names of any officials current or former who were part of what i believe was an obscene abuse of power. They should be held accountable, all of them, to the fullest extent of the law. And of course the 64,000 question is who else in the Obama Administration other than jim comey, the people of other have artie been identified, signed off on this, approved of this . How much did attorney general Loretta Lynch know about cross fire hurricane . And while there is historical distance between the white house and the doj on ongoing cases, kind of independent, you think about it, it kind of is unfathomable that jim comey and company would conduct an operation like this one without at least informing the president of the United States, of course than barack obama. As long as these questions hang out there, i really believe that americans, more and more of them are going to think that our government tried and maybe is still trying to pull off a political coup against the antiestablishment figure, donald trump. And thats the angle. Joining us now for reaction is the after mentioned carter page, a former Trump Campaign advisor whom the fbi surveilled. As well as Michael Cavuto, a former Trump Campaign aide who has been interviewed by special Counsel Robert Mueller steam. Gentlemen, its great to have you both on tonight. Thank you so much for joining us. Carter, lets start with you. You had a lot of contact with this informant, whatever we want to call them, informant, spy, mole. And i want to read one of the emails that he sent to you that was released by i think it was daily caller got this initially. Dear carter, i thought it right as the summer wears on to ask how you are and what your plans are at this point. It seems attention has shifted a bit from the collusion investigation to the contempt within the white house and how or if Anthony Scaramucci will be accommodated there. I must assume this gives you some relief. We are here in virginia. Be in touch if you have the time. Would be great to catch up. We are not mentioning the informants name, but when did you first meet this informant that we now know is an informant and just briefly tell us about that exchange. Again, similar to view in terms of being cautious about identity, i have also i never knew anything about the person i was speaking with who is a University Professor at cambridge in the u. K. At the time. I was invited to participate in a conference in july of 2016 and everything seemed totally normal. And frankly, i have been falsely accused myself and we will see what happens in terms of as further details come out. But based on everything ive seen thus far, we still dont have any information. Laura we know he was paid a Million Dollars over five years. Pretty good money as a consultant, or researcher. But you are right. We shall see. But question, before we go on to michael. Who started the conversation . How did the date begin . Sorry, did he approach you, did he mention russia collusion first . How did it go down . It was a multiday conference and there were scholars and people from government both from the United Kingdom just laura stay focused with me. Did he approach you first . Did you approach and . How did you first start speaking . I dont even recall. We spent a couple days together. Laura a couple days together . It was a long event over several days. Laura what im saying is there were a lot of scholars there and you have to know the process of grooming someone. When someone is an informant they dont just go up to someone and say hey, i want to plant information on you or find out what you have. You try to win someones trust over. Thats how it goes. I never felt groomed. If hes good at doing that then perhaps thats part of the game. Laura you dont know who mentioned the russia collusion issue first . I cant even remember. I think russia was in the news and i think a lot of politics sort of revolved around various news events and sold these various stories came up. Again, we stayed in touch for over a year. Laura looking back, im sorry to interrupt. Limited time. Im looking back on it, does anything seem odd or you know you know something then, maybe that was a little odd, or any other contacts had with any other people that seem now in retrospect given what we know now odd, out of the ordinary or maybe in some way improper . I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. We will see. Maybe this individual who we are talking about might have been a little bit nicer than i might otherwise have expected. Although, we were talking about all of the abuses that were happening with this dodgy dossier which was first debuted in september 2016 as a way of damaging the Trump Campaign and basically destroying myself, and so he always seemed very sympathetic about that. Again, well see. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. People that know him in washington and senior circles that i have spoken with afterwards say he seemed like a pretty decent guy. Laura that would be the perfect person to use. Maybe im just cynical, been around washington too long. If only they gave you the benefit of the doubt like you are giving other people the benefit of that out. Michael, lets go to you. Youve been through the meat grinder at the mueller investigation. He has all these really highly skilled interviewers, prosecutors on his side. Many of them, not all of them i believe have a builtin animus against donald trump. You are very angry that you have been dragged into this as a former associate of roger stone. You also did some work for the Trump Campaign. Tell us what you think. You just heard what carter said about this reported informant for the fbi. I think carter has been through more of a meat grinder that i have it he has handled it as a gentleman. In fact, when i first heard about the stuff i think in 2016 about carter i wasnt very kind in my criticism and it looks like they were really abusing carter. I think they were really treating him poorly and i think a lot of us owe carter an apology because we didnt wait to hear the truth at the end and now we are finding out that his country was really failing him for months and months and even years. Im angry, im surprised that carter is not. Hes a greater man than i. This is really sick and twisted stuff. And like carter said, this gentleman who shall not be named has a reputation of being very proamerican, very patriotic and if, in fact, he was brought into this under false circumstances or false pretenses as well is the kind of guy that a deep state would target. Laura the dossier was the basis for getting this fisa war. I dont care what these people say. It was all a big lie. Without this dossier carter page would not have been surveilled in the fall of 2016. That would not have happened. Thats when they were running to that Russian Oligarch to try to get him involved. He is like i dont even like paul manafort, this is ridiculous. They were doing everything they could. They were working the page angle. They probably were working this informant angle and they brought you in, michael, which we will get you in a moment. But i want to play for you what sally asked, acting attorney general at the very beginning of the trump a administration, shes the one who was partly responsible for interviewing Michael Flynn at the beginning, what she said today on morning joe. Lets watch. I think what we are seeing here is the president has just taken his out of allout assault on the new law to a new level in this time result ordering an investigation of the investigators who are examining his own campaign. Thats really shocking. Rod rosenstein is trying to strike a balance here between diffusing the situation, but also protecting the rule of law and the institutional integrity of the department. Laura carter page, as i pointed out in the opening angle, the government under the Obama Administration has surveilled people and lied about it. And whether it was clapper, whether it was the fbi under holder surveilling journalists, they have a history of having a problem telling the truth on surveilling. So for sally asked to run out there and say donald trump is attacking the rule of law, come on. Your reaction . Just going to michaels point about things they did to me, President Trump during the campaign would often say this is not about me, this is about us and i think of all of of the terrible things that happen to so many people like michael, some of the other people who were involved allegedly with this informant, i actually spoke very positively. I got a positive impression about this informant. A couple of people i mentioned him to in the campaign, i was pretty positive endorsement. I hope and pray that all these allegations turn out to be false and part of why im somewhat open about my communications with him is that it will lead to some truth finally from the department of justice. Ive been asking for doj to own up to these things and its funny, the defamation suit i have against a Top Media Organization and doj, the Media Organization is actually much more honest than the false pleadings by the doj so far. Laura we got to play this James Clapper for michael. Hes basically just justifying the use of any type of informant here. Lets watch. The focus here, as it was with the Intelligence Community is not on the campaign per se, but what the russians were doing to try to instantiate themselves in the campaign or to influence or leverage it. So if there was someone that was observing that sort of thing, thats a good thing, because the russians pose a threat to the very basis of our political system. Laura michael. Do you see a pattern here . Former Obama Administration official justifying spying on, surveilling, whatever you want to call it, putting them all in on an opposing campaign in a hotly contested election, final thought. You have spent time in russia, carter and i both have. In russia they call this the National Security leadership that secretly spies on the citizenry of russia and here we are in the United States with our own underneath president obama. Let me tell you something that i know for a fact. This informant, this person that they planted, try to plant into the campaign and even into the administration if you believe axios, hes not the only person that came at the campaign and the fbi is not the only obama agency that came at the campaign. I know because they came at me and im looking for clearance from my attorney to reveal this to the public. This is just the beginning. And i will tell you, when we finally find out the truth about this director klapper and the rest of them are going to be wearing some orange suits. Laura Michael Cavuto and carter page, i hope we get to the bottom of this a lot sooner than a lot of people are predicting because the American People deserve to know who is behind this, who authorized it and how high up the ladder it went. Thank you both for joining me tonight. Amen. Laura god bless you both. A question we will tackle next. Is the former obama cia director john brennan spooked . We will talk to former Intelligence Officers about what his recent antitrust outbursts could reveal about his own skeletons, coming up. Mom, dad, can we talk . Sure. Whats up son . I cant be your it guy anymore. What . You guys have xfinity. You can do this. Whats a good wifi password, mom . You still have to visit us. I will. No. Make that the password you stillohave toovisit us. Thats a good one. [ chuckles ] download the xfinity my account app and set a password you can easily remember. One more way comcast is working to fit into your life, not the other way around. Laura President Trump swore in new cia director gina haspel today while also targeting one of her predecessors in a furious war of words on twitter. It began yesterday when the president demanded that the Justice Department investigate whether the fbi and doj infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for political purposes during the Obama Administration. Former cia chief john brennan called that a disastrous path and accused trump of selfserving action. Trump replied by quoting dan bongino on fox friends this morning and said brennan is panicking because he has disgraced himself in the entire Intel Community. Dan bongino accused brennan of starting the entire russia investigation which he called the political hit job, not an intelligence investigation. The big question now is the Intel Community under obama spy on the Trump Campaign for political purposes as i asked in a angle . Lets discuss that with former nsa intel official william being in the studio with the end in boston, former delta force officer jeff beatty, cia counterterrorist case officer and a hostage rescue advisor to the fbi. Great to have both of you want. William, lets start with you. I find this narrative to be so disturbing on so many levels. We go back to the spring of 2016 when on a few occasions Loretta Lynch could have approved a defensive briefing of the Trump Campaign saying that we see your list of advisors, it includes this guy carter page. Just might want to know weve been watching him for some time and she said no. On two occasions they could have informed the Trump Campaign of their concerns. They did not want to do that. Actually i think they there spying on the Campaign Goes even before that. Nsa is picking up all the data on them anyway. They have it stored and they can access it through the reach program. Laura continue. Without any oversight by the intelligence committees for the fisa court. Its all done under executive order. Laura you are going to the collection of data as the nsa continues the Surveillance Program that klapper, correct me if im wrong, hes the one who originally didnt tell the truth about. Thats right. And also alexander didnt tell the truth about it either. So when he testified in the senate saying we didnt collect data on millions or hundreds of millions keith ellingson. Laura i want to stay focused on this current issue. I want to stay focused on john brennan because john brennan back to march 21st of this year was throwing out all sorts of theories to her at the. Lets watch. I think is the freight of the president of russia. . The russians may have something on him personally that they could always roll up and make his life more difficult. Laura i heard that, they may have something on trump that they may roll out in the future. How does that make how does that make the Intel Community look good when brennan is on tv speculating that one of our adversaries has information on him when that dossier has been debunked and phony and paid for by Hillary Clinton . I find that watching that again today was outrageous. It is outrageous. Here you have he explained to his base. Hes no longer a government official. He has a Political Base and thats what hes planning to. And i hate to say it, but we could speculate on this, those are the words of a word i used last week with you of a propagandist. When you are out there using innuendo and speculation you are just trying to cast a net out there and trying to roll back actually a failure that brennan suffered. It brennan has suffered multiple failures at putins hands. As a director of the cia there was the crimea annexation on his watch. There was the russian incursion into Eastern Ukraine on brennans watch. The whole 2016 russian meddling in the election all happened on brennans watch. He failed four times in the fourth is hes feeling now because putin is objective, putin has been the winner. His objective really wasnt about making trump the winner of the election, it was about weakening the United States. Whatever it would take to cause division, to make us less effective so that we would be not united in opposing the Russian International agenda and thats been successful in brennan once again is paying into his hands. Laura didnt china steel our opm files off personal management files . China is meanwhile gobbling up all these properties all around the world and we are like russia, russia. Every time someone says russia i say china. I want to play for you, this is former cia case officer on another network. He said there is no way that obama would have approved of any political motivation to start an investigation, lets watch. The fbi when it got a lead that carter page was possibly an russian agent at that point was legally obligated to open an investigation. This is what the fbi does. But i guarantee you the president , president obama, did not call up the fbi say open up a political investigation into donald trump. It just did not happen. So hes conflating these two things, counterintelligence investigation and a political dirty tricks. Laura thats a red herring. Whether or not he ordered it, the idea that they would put an informant or a mole and not inform the president of the United States, hold on a second, lets go to you on that. The steele dossier. That involved the fbi, the doj and cia. That kind of relationship only comes at the point of a president. Thats the only person that can tell them all what to do. Laura given your best government experience, Intel Community, scale of 110, 1 being the least likely attending the most likely that obama knew about this investigation. I would say ten. Laura jeff . I would agree. They have to know whats going on and if they didnt than they are not doing their jobs. Laura lets remember susan rices email to herself which i mention at least once a show. Here it goes. She writes in him all to herself, National Security advisor Inauguration Day right after noon. Officially trump expresident then, but nevertheless. President obama began the converse, conversation by stressing his continued commitments that every aspect of this issue is headed by the intelligence or Law Enforcement communities by the book. The president stressed that hes not asking about initiating or instructing anything from a Law Enforcement perspective. Our Law Enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would buy the book. She mentions by the book two times. Jeff and then william. Methinks thou dost protest too much. Laura who writes an email like that . Nobody. The other thing that i hope the president does is goes on the offensive. I hope that hes going to go on the offensive. Verbally thats great, but there are tools at his disposal that the president can go on the offense of. Laura like what . Civil suits. The Government Employee employees are protected. Its hard to sue them because they have been protected by a law that congress passed. However, you have a lot of people here who are not Government Employees. Christopher steele, peripheral people that you can start putting pressure on the whole opposition to you by going after them possibly civilly. How about rewards, creating a reward system. Laura a former whistleblower. Were almost out of time. Finally on that point. I just think that this is only wizard of oz game. They are trying to cover up the crimes theyve been committing and they are trying to do it and justify it by writing memos that say things that they are not really doing. Laura by the book, by the book. We are all doing it by the book. William and jeff, great to see was always. The media ignores growing evidence of the russian investigators they have stepped over the british wedding. Stay there. Laura america fought a war to get away from the british monarchy but culturally it looks like some are dying to go back. The flaunting coverage over this weekends Royal Wedding ran from the ridiculous to the sublime, but it was mostly just ridiculous. With analysis im joined by Raymond Arroyo. Raymond. You were up early. I was not up early. The Washington Post said this about the Royal Wedding coverage. Tvs delectable coverage of the Royal Wedding created a safe space for dreamers. I was one of those dreamers. I was sleeping. Laura dreamers like immigrants . I guess they mean dreamers who want to go and have a royal romantic wedding. But what i loved about this, after the wedding i watched the coverage of some of this. That was much more interesting than anything that happened in the wedding starting with cnn. Watch this. People are missing the moment. This is the beginning of a revolution. It will be all the rage next season. Richard quest brakes and with the lunch menu. Laura why is the limit god bless him, why is he saying its a worldwide revolution . Because the dress . I dont know what it was. Laura say yes to that dress. Its a beautiful dress. People thought it was boring. I liked it. It was classy. I dont care. The idea of men sitting around on all these networks pontificating on a womans dress. Why arent women talking about fails and dresses . Laura every network, the embroidery. Who cares . Over on cbs. We will get to the lowresolution but over and see in cvs gayle king was focused on the higher thing. She was trying to elevate the audience. Watch. A lot of attention because everyone is raving about her bottom. Is that a big bottom . I dont think so. She got a lot of attention for her bottom that people thought was perfection. Its a matter of opinion. Ive seen some big bottoms, i didnt think that was one. Oh, boy. Laura i thought they were going to play the song fat bottom girls. When you are doing eight hours of coverage you do run out of things to say. Laura they were into the champagne. They were drinking a lot of champagne. Thats the only way i got rid of that coverage. And then over at really it was to networks. This did something to these anchors. Being there in windsor with the royals in the carriage and all of it, it transformed them somehow and grown men and otherwise brilliant anchors were transformed into fan girls. Watch. I think i got a little wave a little something. I literally just passed by and i waved and he looked up and waved. He looked up and waved. Laura did anderson giggle . I like it when he giggles. The focus on every little on every bit of flour, on every play of the dress. Its overkill. Its a wedding. Laura do you enjoy ripping apart . I have to admit. I do enjoy ripping apart. Laura next Royal Wedding. We will share the tapioca and do live coverage. It was Bishop Michael curry head of the Episcopal Church here in the United States. He offered the sermon and Christiane Amanpour then interviewed him she has never been under a spell like this. We have to get you all married. I wonder thinking you may be may be diverged a bit and may be adlibbed and you said something weve got to get you all married. Laura i loved his response. There was a response. She hasnt been this excited since she discovered Mail Order Brides in bangladesh. She did that love around the world series. Laura no one watched it. Look at the royals. The faces on the royals. Look at some of these faces. They are hilarious. Laura we have to see this. I could do them for you if you like. Laura no. This is during michael curry. Laura fergies daughter. They were not happy. But then i found the most unfortunate and i will leave you with this, the lower third description. Prince charles and, can you put it up . Camilla parker. Laura Diana Wouldve enjoyed that. Goodbye, i will give you a royal wave and off you will go. Laura im not talking, you give me advice and that didnt work out so well for me. Raymond arroyo. No one knows we are talking about, but you did enjoy, my god the lunch menu hes getting arrested in central park. Laura shocking numbers on the hidden Immigration Crisis. Say yes to the dress. No one talks about. Stay with us. We have laws that are the worst anywhere in the world as far as stopping people from coming in, with that that being said we are down over 40 on border crossings. We have been able to do what i think nobody else has been able to do. Laura that was President Trump talking about the illegal Immigration Crisis but there is something you dont often hear about, illegal Immigration Crisis thanks to chain migration. The white house has released figures showing that chain migration, check this out, is responsible for 7. 8 Million Immigrants who have come to the United States in the last decade. Thats the size of new york city. The vast majority of roughly 10. 8 Million Immigrants who have come here since 2008. Chain migration allows newly naturalized citizens to bring in essentially unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country, even often distant relatives. Here to discuss this is acting Deputy Commissioner of u. S. Customs and Border Protection. Its good to see you. Thanks for being in here tonight. Thanks for having me. Laura we hear a lot about ilLegal Immigration but that part of the immigration question i think a lot of people forget about, that what President Trumps wanted to do from the very beginning as well as enforce the border we are going to talk about, is to have sensible Legal Immigration policies that bring in people that can really add value to our country. He certainly renewed the spirit of the men and women in immigration and Customs Enforcement at cdp for us to do more on the border. There is a generous immigration system but we need to do more on the border and he has asked also for the loopholes to be closed. Those are really important things that we want to see get done. Laura the asylum fraud, how important with that before you and the men and women on the front lines doing this job every day to get that asylum, the loopholes in that system that allows so many people to come in now and then just frankly, sadly, disappear. We have to get to a place where if they have to process they have that while they are still in custody so they are not abusing the system. Laura so in other words they dont fully and never show up for the hearing which is what they often do. We can do more on the border. We are doing better on the border. With this president we have a new wall going in. We have the National Guard deployments. Laura tell us about the wall. I hear conflicting things about the wall. We heard that omnibus fund of the wall but then we heard it actually didnt find the wall and the president wasnt told the truth about that, certainly not the wall that he wants. We are installing the wall right now which is replacing the fence that was on the board and out. We have new capability going in there. New capability in santa teresa new mexico. We have projects and planning underway for south texas and san diego for replacement in california. All of those are going to be improved conditions for our agents to work in, safer border environment and Work Technology to go along with it. Laura i had over the years interviewed so many Border Patrol agents and customs agents who were so demoralized because they want to do their job and they felt like, im not trying to get political here, but under the Previous Administration they were kind of being held back or even sometimes vilified unfairly. Tell me about just the general you referenced it briefly, but the general mood of the people who have to do this job and often times it is not a safe job, it is very difficult. They take enormous risks and they want to be successful so the renewed focus on Border Security has been very important for us. Adding capabilities, doing better, doing them in a safer environment and giving them what the American People want, they want a safer border and now we have an opportunity with this president to try to get more of that capability down there so that we can do our jobs. Laura tell me what you all need congress to do. You have republicans in charge of the house, republicans in charge of the senate and a republican president who made border enforcement a primary focus of his administration. We wanted to prioritize investments that we can add capabilities. We are trying to hire agents, we need to do that and we also need to close the loop pulse. We need the loop to be closed on the asylum system. We need to have a weight of hold people when they come into the country until their time to be removed once they have the due process. If we can do all of those things at the same time we will have a much safer border. Fewer people will try to take that dangerous journey. Thats what we are asking. Laura we have people in congress now, mostly more moderate liberal republicans trying to push a new amnesty they call it, a technical way of getting a lot of bills on the floor. We dont have to go into it, but would amnesty or dangling the prospect of amnesty at this point as we approach the summer months, with that make your job easier or more difficult gimmick i dont believe so. Laura which one gimmick easier or more difficult gimmick i dont think it would make it easier. Laura it would make it more difficult, would it not like the summer of 2014 with the possibility of amnesty and there was a big wave of unaccompanied minors crossing the border. Closing the loopholes and adding the capability, border law, the National Guard, giving us more technology on the border, hiring agents, thats what we need. Laura how about the prosecutors at the border, Immigration Judges down there. Again, they have like 6,000 more personnel i believe, immigration officials and judges down there, thats what the president i believe is getting. But we have tens of thousands of people crossing in a 34 week period. You need more than that, do you not . The Justice Department is stepping up. They are adding resources. The secretary has directed us to refer all people who cross the border illegally for prosecution and so we are starting to ramp up those capabilities as well. What weve learned over the years is the consequences of people doing illegal activities. Laura heaven forbid you actually have consequences for illegal activity. Keep us updated because i think the American People need to hear from you directly. You guys are doing the job and we need to hear from you directly, what you need, no politics here, what you need to get the job done. Will you keep us informed . Happy to do that. Laura we really appreciate it. Stay right there because we have information on School Shootings that will absolutely amaze you. We will show you proof that almost everything the major media are telling you about the School Shooting epidemic is actually wrong. Dont go away. . . Laura try any other thing at work and you are hearing we are in a crisis experiencing more School Shootings than ever before. Is only one thing wrong with that, facts. Its not a fact. The people at this institute recently took a dispassionate look at the number of School Shooting incident in the 1990s compared to today. What they discovered may shock you for joining us now from denver to discuss that is ryan, Senior Editor at this institute and former aide to chuck schumer. Chris hanh is with us in new york. Great to see both of you. Lets start with you, ryan. Where are we on this . Because it really is alarming. We have more dead students, we have a town in morning 30 miles outside of houston. We have a lot of politicians who want to something with gun control or gun safety reform, whatever they are calling it, but what is the truth about the actual numbers here . Of course you can never be in a position where you say theres not homicides, no big deal, problem solved, but when people Start Talking about how theres an epidemic, how theres a crisis, im tempted to go and look at the actual data to see if thats true if we are going to use that is the basis for policymaking so after the parkland disaster back in february we started to see some data that was coming out that started to come to our attention and some of that came from James Alan Fox at Northeastern University who has some new research coming out showing where he counts up all of these gun incidents that took place over the past 25 years or so and there wasnt evidence to suggest that this is a growing trend. If anything it shows that the numbers are declining. At the same time there was new Justice Department data that came out in november of last year showing that School Violence is declining as well. And then just to add additional context of that, this all seems quite possible when you consider the fact that the fbi annual data on homicide shows that homicides have basically been cut in half since the 1990s. Homicides are much lower now than they were 20 and 30 years ago. Laura lets go to chris on this. Chris, any student lost in a horrific shooting is heartbreaking for families, for the entire community, but it is interesting to see how the media are playing this as a trend, its something thats going to keep happening, et cetera, et cetera for. One thing happen on cnn today, we dont have time to play the full minute clip. It was on msnbc. A full minute long clip of a reporter trying to get these Baseball Players in Santa Fe High School to Say Something about gun control. This is just one part of it, lets watch. Saw the teams in parkland really become the voices of the movement for gun reform across the country. Now your voices have become all important. How do you feel about that responsibility on your shoulders right now . It sad that it happens everywhere but its kind of tough to go through it. Laura anyway, none of the Baseball Players what kind of take the bait on the question. Found odd to do that. People want to be involved with gun control. Dont like put them the other kids are doing this. Its just a little odd. Chris, what about the numbers question by ryans study in this northeastern study . So i looked at it and the study stops in 2013 so we cant really compare what was happening in the last five years from what happened in 2013. Remember, there has been 288 shootings up until today in schools since 2009. Thats 57 times more than all the other members of the biggest industrialized countries in the world combined, the g7 combined. In the United States of america you are 57 times more likely than all of the other g7 nations in the world to be shot in a school, so what are we doing differently than those schools . Than those other countries we have more lax gun control in this country and thats why we have more shootings and a culture of guns. Im not saying theres a onesizefitsall solution here but i am saying weve got to take a real hard look at how people store their guns and who gets a gun. Laura 2013. If thats right, thats a pretty devastating response. Its not up to 2018, 2017 . Whats going on with the study . Theres two things we can note here. First of all, the statistic just quoted about there being more than 200 shootings over that time period, fox actually addressed that in a usa today column where he noted that more than 50 of those shootings were incidents that were just a person who attempted suicide or completed suicide on a campus or incidents involving a gun where no one was actually shot or injured. So what theyve done is theyve taken and vastly expanded their definition of what it is. Laura what was the 2013 really quick . Really quick. I would say lets look at the overall homicide data. If we dont have specifics on the shootings then lets look at homicides. Laura we will continue this on radio. With got to get the numbers and the dates right on the study. We will be right back continuing. Laura lots of reaction lot of reaction to tonights show, not enough time to cover it all. Rowan says not surprised with such highlevel corruption under the Obama Administration, chicago mafia style politics in the white house, strong resistance by former oh administration improves their guilt. We have no more time today, mike emanuel is in shannon, cant wait to watch. We begin with a fox news alert. Democrats take the russia collusion claims to new levels as the pres. Demands answers from the Justice Department on the fbi informant scandal in the nations capital. House until republican Chris Stewart will be here tonight. The Trump Administration looking at housing young illegals on military bases, hhs is to be visiting a base near little rock and the governor of arkansas joins us fresh from dinner at the white house, south korean resident visiting donald trump tomorrow for the singapore summit. Welcome

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