Laura game over. Hannity. Great show. Have a great show. Laura good evening from washington, this is the the ingraham angle. You do not want to miss a moment of the show. So much to show your brandnew story breaking, things happen right before the show. Th bill coming unglued,ching up during the interview with Monica Lewinsky. Juanita broaddrick and Catherine Wiley here to discuss the question that nbc failed to ask with. Also brian york has new piece, new information that could upe the governments case against Michael Flynn. Plus the Supreme Court rules on the religious rights of a baker who was sued by a samesex couple. But Mike Huckabee says it settles nothing. But why is the Border Patrol union she is now saying deploying the National Guard to the border was a waste . You will want to stick around for his explanation. But first, bill clinton and a party in denial. That is the focus of tonights angle. 20 years later, bill clinton and the deatic party refused to learn the lessons of the past. Even when confronted with reality, they have a problem processing the truth. During an interview to push his new thriller that he cowrote with James Patterson, former president bill clinton was asked this by nbc anchor craig nelkin. In 2018, with everything thats going on with the Metoo Movement, how would you have approached the accusations differently . I dont think it would be an issue because people would have the facts instead of the imagined effects. If the facts where the same today, i wouldnt. A lot of the facts have been conveniently omitted to make the story work. Laura which facts are those . Maybe this fact . I did not have sexual relations with that woman. He did he perjured himself in a deposition. Laura this came to light in a Sexual Harassment case brought to light by paula jones. No sex of any kind in any manner, shaper form to president clinton. Thats an utterly false statement. Is that correct . It depends on the meaning of the word is is. Laura is it still ridiculous that he said it . Yes, it is. Every time i hear that, i still cant believe he said that. The president eventually admitted to the relationship with lewinsky and called it wrong in a recent vanity fair article constituted a gross abuse of power for the most powerful man on the planet. 27 years my senior with enough Life Experience to know better. He was, at the time, in the pinnacle of his career, while i was in my first job out of college. Onfronted with all of this, he got ve defensive. Asked if you ever apologize, said he had. I applies to everybody in the world. You did not apologize to her. I did not talk to her. I i do not i never talked to her. I do say publicly on more than one occasion, we always see it. Thats very different. Pressed the president laura continued to press the president about a private apology causing his coauthor James Patterson to rush in like alex cross. This thing, its 20 years ago. Come on. Talk about jfk. Lets talk about lbj. Stop already. Laura stop already . Is that the name of one of his new books . Is some of Harvey Weinsteins crimes take place ears ago, did they not . Forgive and forget all those egregious assaults against women as well . Bill clinton redfaced and indignant refused to give an inch. Do you think president kennedy do you e president shouldve resigned . I promised to do a good job since then with my life and my work. Thats all i have to say. Laura i like how he tried to turn the tables on the reporter. Bill, hes the reporter. He doesnt have to answer the question to reconcile with his public path. You do. Even clintons own party at this point, they just wants him to go away. This is the ruined path of the party confronting its pathetic dent. Because, like clinton, the democrats refused to learn the lessons of the past. Despite the previous embrace of sexual creditors from weinstein to spacey, the democrats have arrested a Metoo Movement and created a political infrastructure they hope will deliver fe voters to the polls in november. But bill clinton remains a bothersome obstacle, if they are assuming the moral high ground on Sexual Harassment. Pole of registered voters in may found 80 of democrat voters consider Sexual Harassment a top issue for them. But only 38 of republicans feel the same way. The democrats believe that this is their new wedge issue. Obama and Hillary Clinton, come on, lets remember, they were all about dividing americans using race, gender, to drive people to the polls. Amazingly, democrats have embraced that approach today. And while obama disparage workingclass americans as bitter people cling to their guns and religion, Hillary Clinton suggested insanity for daring to vote for trump. The kehres thing beyond the impeachment and shameful behavior, bill clinton could actually teach the democrats a lot. Of course, he was a d globalist on issues like china getting into the wto and nafta, he was also a southern democrat, and he did understand that bluecollar sensibility. The working people. And remember when clinton declared this in his reelection year state of the union . We know and we have work to give the American People a smaller, less bureaucratic government in washington. And we have to give the American People ones that live within its means. The era of Big Government is over. Laura clinton oversaw welfare reform, collaborated with republicans to pass a balanced budget, and he signed that the defense of marriage act a lot of people forget that. This was after the 94 shellacking the democrats had in that Midterm Election cycle. Clinton is like, well, i have to work with the republicans now. That made sense. Even during his wifes campaign, he reportedly confronted her staff about their seeming disinterest in workingclass americans, and he reportedly urged them to reach out to those voters who were feeling ignored. His advice was dismissed. Led by robbie mook, hillarys campaign decided to double down on targeting young, latino, and black voters in their effort to win the presidency. That worked out well. Like bill clintons failure to read the signs of the times, and appreciate the lessons of the past, democrats refused to acknowledge and respect the voters that trump has brought into the fold. Should this continue, clinton and James Patterson may want to reconsider, like, a new title, maybe, for their book when it premieres in paperback . The democratic pre is missing. And so are his voters. And that is the angle. If clinton got that upset discussing lewinsky, imagine the today show had asked about the women who told him no. Joining us now are Kathleen Willey and juanita broaddrick, author of the new book you better put some ice on that how i survived being raped by bill clinton. Great to see both of you. Ive been thinking about you all day, and also, paula. Juanita, i want to start with you. Bill clinton did approach you, did he not, in 1992, to apologize . Yeah. Yes. He did. It was in 1991. I was in little rock at a nursing home seminar and someone comes to the door and says, im wanted in the hallway. I go out and the man points down around the corner by the elevator. And so i go down there. As i round the corner, there stands bill clinton with two of his Arkansas State police guards. And he rhes ov and he starts this profuse apology and saying, im so sorry for what i did, i am a changed man. Im just not the man i used to be. Even said, im a family man now. And i just looked at him, laura, and i i was just flabbergasted. I said, you go to hell. I walked off. I could not believe it. And the nurses who were with me followed me out. And they came over to me and they said, what did he want . And i told them. And then i began to feel a little bad that i had said that, i kept thinking, well, maybe he really meant that, maybe he really was apologizing. Laura then what happened . Then you realized. Fastforward, he was running for president and you were perhaps going to be an obstacle for that . Right. Thats exactly it a week later after he apologized, he responded he was running for president. Laura a week later . Thats really subtle. Kathleen willey, you watch that interview. Ive got to say, im always done he has not learned anything about this experience. That. Why am i stunned . He has not learned anything about this experience. Hes actually a smart guy. Im almost speechless. Your reaction . Im speechless too. I was outraged. I could not believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. He was so arrogant and pompous about the whole thing. I think he actually does believe that he didnt do anything wrong. And just a blanket apology. He has apologize to people that he worked with. And the people he destroyed, the women he destroyed, he has apologized to me, he has not apologized to paula, he apologized to juanita, but there was a purpose for that. And he hasnt apologized to leslie or numerous other women who have come forward and say they told stories about him. He never will. He doesnt get it. Just the way it is. Laura he seems to think he handled it well. To watch that interview, he didnt say he wouldve done anything differently. Everybody makes mistakes in their life. Could have, should have, would have. We all do. Lord knows we al but 20 years later to say, you know, i wish i could turn back the clock and, you know, show better judgment. But, i mean i do that 50 times a day. Why did i do that its a little strange. Alice on cnn, offered somewhat tepid critiqueerformance. Lets watch. There could have been a more practice answer, or one, i would think, alluded to the notion that there was a change in the past 20 years. Obviously, the rules were different and he wouldve done something differently today or he would Say Something differently about it today. Laura he could have had a more practice answer. Juanita. My god. Laura he couldve also not portrayed himself as a victim. How does he become the victim in all of this . I know i know. I saw this decrepit, angry old man who was trying to play the victim card. The same man who 40 years ago raped me. It was disgusting. Laura kathleen, it wouldve been really amazing i am shocked that melvin asked these questions. I am too. Laura it wouldve been really amazing if he asked about juanita, you, the others, but he focused on Monica Lewinsky because that was the impeachment. Even joe lockhart lets play this quickly. Joe lockhart, former White House Press secretary said that yesterday. Lets watch. Highlights the vast difference between what was it like 20 years ago or today. In the interview, he succumbed to being the victim and feeling victimized. Laura victimized, kathleen. He left the white house 16 million in debt . Let me tell you what being in debt is light and not being able to get a meaningful job after being through all of that. He hired all these women who worked in his office and has a Sexual Harassment policy. He had a lot of women around so he could, you know, assaultthem. There is no Sexual Harassment policy in arkansas. There never was one. There never was one. Laura kathleen, if he had called you today and said, look, i know it came up bad in the interview, but im really sorry for causing you pain, sorry for what i did, would you accept his apology . No. I tell them the same thing that juanita told him. Laura which would be. I would tell him to go to hell. Laura juanita, same question. Everybody can be redeemed, right . We are supposed to believe in redemption, all of us. Most of us do. I dont believe i dont believe theres any redemption in regard to bill and Hillary Clinton. I do not believe that. I would probably tell him the same thing again today. Laura all right. Thank you, both i suffered. Laura thank you both for being here tonight. You are welcome. Glad to be here. Laura im still speechless. Guys, as i described the angle, the Democratic Party is facing problems far better than clintons, this is substantive problems, especially the refusal to recognize they lost a huge chunk of the White Working Class in america. Lets get insight from democratic pollster doug schoen who helped clinton rebrand his message after the shellacking in the 94 dterm. Its so great to see you tonight. I was waill clintons press conference that he did in the white house. I know you remember it well i do. On november 9, 1994 laura we were all young back then. We were all kids. We were. Laura he said, look, i take responsibility. I take respoility,artial resplity for what happened, the voters want to change. Im going to work with republicans. Im not going to turn my back on the goals, but im going to work with republicans. Basically said because that is what the people want. That is what the people want today too, i believe. It absolutely is. Thats why i am so upset with the current direction of the Democratic Party where the Progressive Left is pushing the party further and further, redistribute, resist, guaranteed jobs, guaranteed health care, but no individual initiative, no job creation, no helping business. No inclusive policies, we wroo what we did with bill clinto clinton brought the contract on the country together, balanced budget, welfare reform. Im proud of that, hes proud of that. Frankly require apologies, no pride, we heard that today. He does have, i think, a record that represents a better direction for the Democratic Party than the current one. Laura that november election in 94 was historically the house, after 50 years, being shut out, went republican, gingrich rising. They were real ideas. There was a real debate about ideas. I say this to my Democrat Friends all the time, doug. What is your idea how are you going to get the 4. 7 gdp if the atlanta fed prediction is right . How are you going to get the record low unemployment for africanamericans . How are you going to get Business Confidence . Well, mueller. Every time robert mueller. Paul manafort. Okay, i get it. Thats important. But how will you make the lives of average americans better, doug . They do not want to have that conversation. Let me say it bluntly. The Democratic Party is in a civil war between the moderates, a shrinking group that i speak for and represent in my own way, and the surging progressives represent basically socialism and a series of policies that guarantees outcomes rather than opportunities and i think its bad for america, bad for the Democratic Party, and i ink you are right. Sadly, all of that was good what has disappeared. E 90s i, as a democrat, i disagree with the president on a lot of things, but its hard to reject the extraordinary job numbers of last week and i hope donald trump will work to bring this country together in a way that it really needs. Laura you think about cory booker and Kamala Harris voting against Prison Reform . Which is historically been an issue the democrats have embraced because donald trump was for it . Even the right to prior legislation . Some demrats, we dont want to do special care and lack of life, they did not want to do that. They do not want to do this and amnesties for the 2 million legal immigrants last february that donald trump said we have to do something about chain migration. That is insane that is not governing or that saying no to everything. Look, i agree. I was one of those who said to bill clinton, youve got to work with newt gingrich, youve got to work with the republicans, weve got to compromise on a balanced budget, welfare reform, debt reduction, you are absolutely right about immigration, you are absolutely es to benefi the economy. I i i dont understand why the democrats are doing what they are doing, they sure are lping them in the polls. If they go on this course, it will lead to them losing the senate as most observers predict, and even falling short of winning the house, which is something that still remains within reach for them. Laura wild. It is makes no sense. Laura so great to talk with you tonight be a very important. Speaking of 500 days, trump now has the backing of his own party like few president s have had before him. We are going to debate that. Antrumps message to the Philadelphia Eagles today, that is next. Laura welcome back to tngraham angle. This morning, the president tweeted, this is my 500th day in office and weve accomplished t. More than any president. Very competitive. In fact, most republicans do agree, based on gallup numbers, trump has the secondhighest ratings ever by a president s own party after the 500 day mark at 87 . That second only to george w. Bush and that, of course, was after 9 11. Does this spell trouble for democrats afr ey lost their big lead in the midterm generic election goal . Lets dive in with match lap, chairman of the conservative union an we are going to do our report cards as well. 500 days in, matt, i thought trump would do well. I didnt think he would do this well. I did not predict. I predicted he would win the presidency. Am i did not project four gd p. The historic lows, the list goes on. Jerusalem, all of the stuff i am speechless about that. I am amazed that the flooding of decisions, promise made, promise kept on issue after issue, president s like the space it out, take a breath. This president i had to write it all down. Couldnt keep track of it. Theres so much getting done. I agree with you. Its amazing. Laura your report card for the president , do we have separate rosters for them . I think we do. Domestic policy report card, you give a president a. An a. Laura the reason . How do you do better than a growing economy, neil gorsuch on the Supreme Court sean you have your own report card. I love it. Why you in red . That usually for a f. The republicans in Congress Might not want to defund it or take the steps tdo it, but the president is willing to do it. On issue after issue after issue, the final thing rolling back regulations, thats the biggest impact on the economy and thats why we are growing. Laura the tax bill in there. Good, very good. But i think that regulations are bigger but i think the obama regulations haa bigger dampening on the economy. Im the 54 of america not happy on the side of the table for you guys are at 46 that is happy. Im the 54that is not happy. Laura tell us why. Why you gave them a f. You are giving me a hard time during the break and i said, im sorry, thats what it is. Listen, this president has been an abject failure and he will you measure people entered this presidency able to afford their gas, they cannot now. Also, the social security, medicare has been put in rest by the president. He has been a complete and total washout as a failure as a domestic policy president. Im surprised Establishment Republicans havent stood up more to this president to fight for some of the values they claim to care about. Laura here is an establishment republican, Ryan Costello from pennsylvania. Trump won sylvania First Time Since gw won in 88. Instances where you see republican pushback in the house and senate, i found myself very, very frustrated because we have the right, we have the left, but we do have a center. I think a lot of folks in the center do not know what to believe. You get your head chopped off if youre in the middle of trying to use common sense. Laura he picked up his marbles and went home. Hes retiring. A little young to be retiring. A lot of these republicans in the house who arent running for reelection, they thought trump was so atrocious that they ran out of town. Laura that is funny we have to go to foreign policy. Joel, you are a little more genuine. More generous. You have to give them more than that. Well have another segment lra lets leave that behind. You gave them a d . Why . I put the plus. I put a minus, i think the grade is incomplete. We got to see with north korea. Im not a fan of this president. Ill give in the first person to give them credit if he can actually bring peace. If he stabilizes the korean peninsula, and will give them credit. Hes embarrassed us on the world stage. Destabilize the middle east laura how did he destabilize us in the middle east . Obama of apologizing. Let me finish, i will explain. Destabilize the middle east laura he killed isis is gone. Also it was impossible for the death of a lot of innocent women and children a couple of years ago. Laura obama never drones the left trash obama for drones. Foreign policy . B . I would say i didnt give him an a because hes upsetting the apple cart. Im happy about nafta, i love north korea. But weve got to see the next step is. I think he has a step to be transformational on foreign policy. Its about execution with bolton and pompeo. I will move them up to a c for north korea. Laura i want to get your thoughts on something that develops amid reports that many players refusing to show up to the white house tomorrow, president trp dinvited the Philadelphia Eagles ahead of their visit to celebrate the Team Super Bowl win. The president in the statements go to the team over the refusal to proudly stand for the National Anthem handover heart. Is it smart to just invite people who were coming . I feel bad for the fans made the trip to be here. I dont think theres anybody in america who feel sorry for nfl players. Laura the nba is much better about this. I was at the cavs game everybody stood. Laura how does the nba manage to do this right . Even though all the eagles with the entire year, no one se, no one sat down to check the Washington Times. February first, 2018. None of them knelt. None of them want to be there because they do not want to be associated with them. President obama by the way, president obama, many people did not come to the white house over the eight years of president obama did. Did he ever disinvite one . Not one. This guy is a snowflake. He can handle criticism. He can handle a tough crowd. If he cant handle carson wentzonce, hopefully he laura i wouldnt have disinvited them. First of all, joel, he beat the clintons, the obam yes, he beat them by minus 3 million votes. Did a great job. Laura okay, mr. Get rid of the electoral college. You can do that next show. He beat hollywood, the g. O. P. Establishment, hear clear cut the whole field a race to 43 . Laura hes afraid of competition . Rubio, kasich, a of themon unfair criticism. He took care of them and clear cut the field. By the way, should new information cause mike flynn to retract his plea deal . Is that even possible . Information that can change everything next. Laura stunning new info has come to light in the case of former National Security advisor mike flynn. It could lead him to retract his guilty plea and undercut the argument that President Trump tried to obstruct justice. The washington examiners york is here along with army dylan. I was up the middle of the night last night in bed on my phone, which you are not supposed to do and i was reading your piece, which is really sad. But it was good because i learned a lot. But mike flynn, we are led to believe he lied he lied about his contacts with russia, now we find out with the use account making a memo to the file in february, that might not have been true. You and i have talked about how james comey, fbi director at the time, told congress that the agents who interviewed flynn did not think he lied. What we learned now is everybody in the white house knew that in real time that basically flynn had to people that the fbi agency told him that not only did they think he had not lied but they thought they were winding this down. You can say maybe we should entrust flynn on this, but its consistent with what comey told the house and senate. It also means on february 14th last year when james comey wrote that memo about meeting with the president and the president said, i hope you can see your way to lting this go, letting this flynn thingo, it apars the president , one, near the fbi didnt think he had lied, and, two, thought the investigation was all but over. Laura so you cannot obstruct a investigation that is all but over, so why do we say let it go, what was he lting go of the investigation was over . If its all but over come on, wrap this thing up, please. Laura the white House Counsel toward the president and shared what happened with the president , correct . Absolutely. Talked about meeting with the president. Laura mike flynn pleads guilty to false statements because he wants to avoid this happens all the time. Jail for his son . Going bankrupt, family difficulties . Is that what we think happened . We should say we are speculating about this. Flynn has not said a word about this that im aware of. Dependence will have pleaded guilty or waiting sentences usually do not talk. Laura i have to ask you this. Can Michael Flynn withdraw from a plea deal, if inde twe down as we think it went down, comey confirms it, mcgann confirms it in this memo to the file. What gives here . Absolutely, its unusual. But prior to sentencing in the interest of justice, the lawyers for flynn can convince the judge that the predicates for a guilty plea, which the judges obligation to find out, whether the person is pleading guilty voluntarily without duress, thats one factor here that you just mentioned thats potentially a factor. Number two, the predicate fact for the guilty plea, its not for the judge to accept someones guilty plea if the facts are not there. At the facts are not there, this is a judge who has recently after the plea order the government to disclose the brady evidence, the exculpatory evidence to the flynn team. Claur laura right. That indicates to me that the judge has a question as to the predicate facts. Now its up to flynns lawyers to tell the judge that the plea is not judged on full information. I have a question. Can the judge decide to reopen this . That . It has happened as well. For example, or a judge has a concern about adequacy of counsel or may be the Mental Fitness of a defendant typically where that happens. But i think that was a hint. A lot of us raise the eyebrows, make sure you give over the evidence. Maybe there is a laura its getting very interesting. I want to talk about the pardon issue, because that has taken everybodys attention now. Since yesterday when Rudy Giuliani, he gives an appearance. He does manage to monopolize the narrative. Chris christie heard what rudy said about, yes, the president can pardon, but hes not going to do that. The absoluterity, th is what happened on abc. Lets watch. We will have to open up the possibility of the president pardoning himself even though he does not expect to do it, he does have the right to do it. Theres no way that will happen. It then becomes a political problem, george. If the president were to pardon himself, he would get impeach. Laura why are we even talking about this, why am i talking about it . This is how the media they follow it down this rabbit hole there may there is a method to the madness of giuliani getting people on this . I dont know. Back in the campaign, republicans were saying if Hillary Clinton were elected, she would have to pardonrself. Marco rubio actually said that at one of the debates as a matter of fact. Lets show that on the screens. If hillary is indicted, president clinton could pardon herself and Congress Might be lpless. Thats the headline. There it is thats the headline. A great thing about the internet. You can look up these headlines. I have to play for you, speaking of rudy, he was on cnn tonight with this back and forth. Lets watch. Why do you think they chose to lie about his role in drafting this statement about trump issuing his meeting with the russians . Thats the danger. Of going under oath. You can make a mistake please, let me finish. If you want you can say it is a lie. It was a make. Go ahead. You can make a mistake and then if you dont if you want to, you can say it was a mistake i swear to god, it was a mistake. He made a mistake. I stand corrected. Laura they hammered Sarah Huckabee sanders today on this question at the briefing. What of this . I mean, initially the president was involved in the response of his son, now apparently he dictated his response. There is an inconsistency that rudy was pointing out there that doesnt mean there is a lie. It simply means there is an nsistey. Exbia for a whilu do not even opening up this iue isap of general flynn that we just spoke about. There could be a question posed a while without the significance being down, then all of a sudden it turns into a major federal crime because there was a witch hunt going on. I think thats what it is issue here. Its not a great thing, but it is iortant to clean it up, hopefully his current counsel is giving him the correct advice on how to do that. Laura byron, we dont have enough time, but this is why laura is fired up. Smiling off on all the pardons. The position was it was not a lie. But if it was a lie, its only to the new york times, and thatsot laura they lie to us all the time and that does not really matter. In moments, Mike Huckabee on why todays Supreme Court decision on samesex wedding cakes fell flat. Stay here. Laura the supreme cour ruled today in favor of a colorado baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a samesex couple. But the high court didnt address the larger issue of religious liberties versus individual rights. Lets discuss todays 72 decision with former arkansas governor Mike Huckabee and law professor mark ramsey, president of the second fund for religious liberty. Great to see both of you. You are not wild about this decision. And i know its because justice kennedy, we call him amk at the court because of his middle initial, kennedy wrote the opinion. Why are you not thrilled . Its not unhappy. I think it was a great decision for the baker. It was a good first step. The court didnt really get into the religious liberty, but it is very significant that it recognized that the government essentne whohed and had is a creator, an artist, the government cannot tell an artist what kind of art to produce. It wouldve been different, laura, how they said, you know, the baker wouldnt sell anything in his bakery to people wh were. But that wasnt the issue. He was open for business, but he wasnt going to create something that violated his conscience. By the way, he didnt create certain things at halloween either because it violated his conscience. This was a good decision. It could have been better. It certainly was an important epo stay tcannotery vital first have a government just telling people what they will believe and how they will practice their craft. The government doesnt have that kind of power. Laura this is what justice thomas, my clerk in full disclosure, he wrote a concurrence in the judgment. He wrote the following. The majority we cannot stigmatize gay americans. Who want service and goods. When the court affirmed whites are premise to burn a cross or conduct a rally on Martin Luther kings birthday or circulate a film banishing weapons. I want you to respond to this, mr. Ramsey. The justice is right. They werent concerned about stigma then. Justice kennedy he was playing pretty soft on this. I think this is a very clearcut case. I think is a clear cut case and i agree with governor hkabee th this is a really good first step. Heres what happened in the decision. Justice kennedy said for seven ers of the court, pretty broad agreement, that when the government says that your religious beliefs are illegitimate or like racism, or you are wrong and need to be extinguished, then the government is violating the free exercise clause. I think what you are going to see is in a lot of these cases, thats precisely what the argument is. People pounding on the race card. This is just like racism. This is like supporting the holocaust. Things like that. That kind of argument is gone and its going to make government policy illegal. Aura there is very little guidance to the lowet. Theres not a lot of guidance how you determine this expressive conduct. I think a lot of gay americans are like, make me a cake. But this guy, he said hell make cakes for showers who have, birthdays, other celebrations. He actually said that. A lot of people who just read the headlines didnt know that. Things for this couple. He was willing to do that. But just not the wedding cake. Which i think tipped it over the edge for i think that ppedt over the edge. It makes it clear its not about a cake. Its about some people trying to drive out religious believes that they think are illegitimate and wrong. It wasnt that people need a cake, they need a bouquet of flowers, they really is they wantheent to drive up believes they do not like. Laura governor huckabee, when you think about religion in the United States today and how it is portrayed in the popular culture, how it seems to be demeaned, we look up at billboards at easter time or christmas, is it a affront to christians i think they feel regulated, tolerated. Its like, the christians are not going to kick up a fuss. In this case, this figure decided, you know something . Im not a bad person. Im not going to be driven out of business, im going to fight for my right. A lot of other religious americans of faith have to be willing to fight for their own rights, just like gay people want to fight for their rights. Doesnt make them bad people. God bless Jack Phillips to have the courage and the tenacity to go through this. If this had failed, what are you going to do . Are you going to tell an orthodox jew that runs a delicatessen that if somebody comes in and says i want bacon wrapped shrimp for my perction that he has do it . Nobody thinks that is legitimate. Why should a christian for that matter, a muslim, have to create something again, not something that is on a shelf that he regularly makes, but something that is a part of his artistry, something that is above and beyond and is a unique creation for a specific occasion and a person in business should have a right to say thats not really within my creative capacity or it violates my convictions and conscious, and i simply cannot do it. I wielp you find somebody else. Laura he was vilified. He rd death reats. This guy is just a baker. Not like there are other bakeries to go to. Anyway, great conversation, guys. It was good, by the way, it was good that President Trump sent National Guard troops to the border . One of the nations top experts in Border Security tells us why next. Laura the head of the Border Patrol agents union was glad when President Trump sent an additional 1600 National Guard troops to the border. But now he calls it a colossal waste. Hes here to tell us why, brendan judd. I saw your comments. Ive got to get him in the studio appeared whats going on . I was like, okay, this is good. Reading in arizona, 1200 arrest because of Border Patrol getting help from the National Guard. Good stuff there. What gives . Youve got to understand. I do not get to control the headlines. Nor i get to control the context of putting in my quotes. I will say that my quotes were accurate except for maybe one. But that was a 17 minute conversation. Laura wasnt a colossal waste are not . No, its not a colossal waste. The context of the competition was if we do not know that we are deploying our agents properly right now, we dont know if the National Guard w needed. I have testified before congress, the Washington Times wrote a great article about how we are not deploying our troops properly, agents properly. If we dont know that, we dont know if the National Guard was needed. That was the problem with the contact. Laura what about now . Jerry brown does not want the National Guard the National Guard is needed. The National Guard is absolutely needed. What we have to know is the scope of the deployment, we have to use them properly, and if we are not using them properly be one who determines that . Laura who determines that . The head of the Border Control . The departmof defense and department of Homeland Security. Laura are they not coordinating enough . They are coordinating, but i have complete she is a great secretary. I do not have confce iobama hoyg promoted within our agency, giving us all the failed policies, they catch and release policy, the unsecured border, those individuals who are giving her the adave issues with laura you are going to be at the white house tomorrow, the Philadelphia Eagles are not coming. But you will still be able to get the president s ear on this. He watches the show occasionally. The Homeland Security said that while the National Guard deployment has not reached full capacity, it clearly and in questionable been a success with thousands of additional apprehensions and drugs kept that of our country. I want to move to the Jeff Merkleys not that happened today, the democratic senator from oregon tries to enter a immigration center. Lets watch. Yes, can i go in with you . No, sir. My team contacted this facility and ask for permission for me to come and see what is going on inside with these children. We do not have any permission for that. Laura the Homeland Security responded and they said at 2 00 p. M. Friday, the senator asked to visit where children are present and we work with him to provide him access. This presented obvious and serious privacy concerns for the kids in there, not to mention disrupting operations. He was able to visit the facility on sunday. Stunt, not stunt . It was a complete stunt. He knew he was going to be turned away. Just because youre a congressman or because you are an elected official does not give you the right you can do anything you want to do. Laura these people are okay with california not letting our officials, dhs officials, go into the tables are turned of course. You expect that from the democrats. We always expect that. Laura have fun at the white house tomorrow. There is, like, a touch football game. My son can get out there. Laura going to get a haircut later on. We will be right back. Stay with us. Are going to win 6 00 to 2 00 and i mustnt take sides. We are a show for the whole country, going to win and secondary, golden state warrior. Unbelievable game last night. Politics and culture, sports is part of the culture. Shannon bream is a huge sports fan. Reporter im all about College Football and counting down the days. Shannon fox news alert, breaking news on the inspector generals probe into the clinton email controversy plus Rudy Giuliani speaking out again on the pres. s pardon power and sen. Lindsey graham revealed the latest on his inquiry into whether Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein should recuse himself from the special counsel probe, we have news on that. Some calling the supreme c when for religious freedom but it is point

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