Count, she is the only professional sports owner refusing to bend the knee to the black lives matter movement. Senator Kelly Loeffler exclusively to respond to calls for her removal and Raymond Arroyo breaks down the latest pivot and interesting comments from kanye west about 2020 and planned parenthood. Seen and unseen is a true cant miss tonight, but first, reading, writing, and radicalism. That is the focus of tonights angle. Now last night, i explained the democrats so obsessed with beating trump in november, working overtime to keep americans, even children miserable. Now case in point, next order washington, d. C. , the Fairfax County Public Schools announced children were not be permitted to return to school five days a week as normal. Only providing a two day a week or an all online option. Parents and students are rightly outraged. New york city has announced it is going to adopt a similar plan for the fall leaving all the working parents there in a complete bind and kids, of course, left wondering if life will ever be the same for them again. Now adding to parents stress and confusion, Governor Cuomo said today he may not let schools reopen at all. Now, democrats, the Teachers Union are putting their own political interest first and education secretary betsy devos must have watched the show last night because she nailed them on it today. There are some creating false paradigms for the fall. Here right in our neighborhood, the d. C. Area, Fairfax County, which is one of the most wellfunded i would call it an elite Public School in america offered families a socalled choice for this fall. Either zero days in school for their students work two days. It would fail americas students and it would fail taxpayers. Laura and guess what, the ingraham angle gets results. After we highlighted the Fairfax County disaster, the district announced later this afternoon it is considering mandating just 3 feet of social distancing between the kids, meaning that more kids could potentially go to school in person. It is a step in the right direction, but it is still far from what the science is telling us. We know mortality rate and under 25 is less than. 1 . We have no evidence that there is significant mortality in children with the out coming existing diseases. Laura joe bidens ignores the data that show that the shutdowns havent and do not work. Instead, they opt for stressing america with fear and panic in hopes to hurt the economy and up to her donald trump on election day. Of course, they dont give a damn in the process our children and families will be collateral damage. And a lot of our kids are hurting out there. They are suffering with loneliness, social isolation. The American Academy of pediatrics spoke about it. A very forceful statement for pediatricians across the country. Weve got to get our kids back to school. Laura if lockdown joe, fairfax and school plan to become the norm for the rest of the country. Parents already stressed out by Economic Uncertainty are going to be pushed from the edge but ive heard from them. Its a house of cards. And it gets worse. Biden supporting educrats eager to work less but introductor ant more. One of my talking about . Black lives matter is zealots outside influence like Fairfax County, their goal is to turn your kids in the hardcore activists by remaking education top to bottom. Dont believe me . On this video, our next guest shot from a public works session of Fairfax School leaders. We, if we want to talk about the things we will create, we have to look at it systemically. We have created the chief equity officer position and weve done some good work in this, but we are long ways away from it. It will be a meaningful challenge to systemic racism. I believe we must be honest about our policies and interaction. Laura i love how they are just reading everything, by the way. Teachers, educators, couldnt they just speak . When you watch that, you imagine the words of howard zinn, the 6019 project, you get the picture. Every subject, every extra regular activity area will be perverted to turn your kids into many ilhan omars. We will learn that capitalism is racist, hysterically history as aconventionally talks racist. Patriotic songs . Racist. The declaration and the constitution . They are racist. Are you sensing a theme here . Say goodbye to the three rs, reading, writing, and arithmetic, and say hello to the three cs, cancel culture how about those people who really dont agree with this and either tacitly or implicitly resist . They are going to be driven out. Maybe they will be found guilty in race tribunals which is what some students want and colleges. If you think you are too busy and i think to get active in your local School Boards decision making, think about losing her child to be whacked out thinking that parents and alumni have allowed to dominate college campuses. By the way, i happen to have a mix raise kids, but that doesnt ultimately automatically make youantiracis. You are objectifying someone like me, what you are criticizing you are saying that is okay . Thats trendy. Well, im not your [bleep] friend laura shes talking about people who have mixed race children, that they are not not racist. In fact they are more racist. You should want the people who taught that young woman within 10 feet of within your childs classrooms . Or even lecturing them on mine onlinefor that matter . There are those of Fairfax County applaud themselves of ramming through a name change of their school, high school. Total pandering. Meanwhile they close their classrooms three days a week, hurting the minority kids they supposedly cares so much about . Speak of the motion before us is to propose a name change for robert e. Lee high school. The action is unanimous. The motion carries. My task as superintendent to bring you my recommendations for a possible new name for lee high school. The first is john lewis. The next name is barack obama. The next name i have to share with the board is cesar chavez. I want to share with you my cesar chavez stuffed animal doll i have read here. That all has more brainpower than the grown Woman Holding it. Close in any way to make any decision about her kids education . Our schools under the guise of racial awareness will be pressured to these type of radicals, pressured to bow to them. People would rather sit at home and conduct online propaganda sessions than act like the essential workers than they are, whether in actual classrooms interacting with actual kids, teaching them actual essentials. In person. Of course, these will be precisely the types of people you can expect to populate a Joe Biden Department of education. Because biden . He will always cater to his leftist union base. This is going to be a teacher oriented department of education and its not going to come from the top down. Its going to come from the teachers up. I dont just have a partner in the white house. Youll have many in the white house. Laura thats scary. Is this what American Parents really want . A president who will preside over the total erosion of our schools . A total abdication to Teachers Unions, whose first loyalty isnt to students, but to their own membership . And ultimately of course the Democrat Party . We can make a different choice. Lets support a president and secretary of education who are out there fighting for parents and kids. Lets take back control of our schools and use them to train children who will love this country and understand its history, its economy, and its political system. Lets win make this election and teach the left the most important lesson of all that this country belongs to all the people. Not to a small number of antiamerican radicals. If we choose that, we wont fail our kids. We will win for the future and win for the country. And that is the angle. Joining me now is Cynthia Garrett, founder of Cynthia Garrett ministries and author of i choose victory. Also with me is osborne milani whohappens to be a Fairfax Couny parent. You took that video with us, fairfax is one the wealthiest counties in the country. This is an incubator for left this curriculum. Is it not . 3 trillion budget. You know, laura, you watch me over many years as an Investigative Reporter standing up to extremism around the world and im also a mother in fairfax for their schools and im a mess getting this and illogical to stream as him infiltrating our Public Schools and indoctrinating our children. I have watch hours of these School Board Meetings and is horrifying we are seeing. Its a big business but i call it multiincorporated, sells products under buzzwords like critical race theory, antiraci antiracism, pedagogy, cultural marxism, the colonizing syllabi, and this extremism is like a cult hijacking or school with this agenda that pits each other with a race school. Into a spiders Web Organization its frightening. Laura i know you looked at in other areas some of the islamists infiltrations and schools which we are not going to address tonight but thats also been a part of it. Cynthia, tell asras point, this is what they said at a recent meeting. At the board here, being very bold and clear about where we stand symbolically and following up with action, you know, whether if thats the narrative. Think about what its like to sit in a classroom, to sit through history learning about the incredible accomplishments of others who may have been oppressed here. Laura cynthia, why is the school board involved in shaping narrative . Whats going on here . Its control, laura. Its control. The bad thing is i sit here and listen to the stuff and i am like the head loan m. O. G because i know i would never go for this at all for my son, my nieces, and my family and it makes me passionate for other parents. What is it about these people that they think parents and families are too stupid to be able to have Parental Choice and pick and choose our own school . Force these schools to have to compete because i guarantee you that more people would choose schools where their kids could go to school and be a kid. All of what they are trying to do is, i hate to say it, but honestly these people want to answer questions that kids arent asking, and its one big Identity Theft and it ticks me off as a woman of god and women of faith, because god gives us free choice, right . Why do we not have free choice over whats happening in our Public Schools . It makes me so angry. I could scream laura it is so raging, asra. I think a lot of parents because they are so busy and trying to manage their daily lives, they want to trust educators to educate. They want to trust. Get out of a good spirit. What is your message to them tonight about how they have to get back whats your message . Youve got to be vigilant. Youve got to watch these Public School board meetings. Youve got to Pay Attention to these newsletters and emails that the principles and educators are sending. My son at Thomas Jefferson high school for science and technology, mostly immigrant parents of color, we get a letter from the white principal telling us that we need to check our privilege. All privilege laura what . Speak of families who survived the cultural revolution, communism, colonialism, and to this point, why do parents get intimidated . They shame you. Dont get shamed. Stand up for Critical Thinking and rational thought. And we will succeed as a nation then, because its our kids education that is the most important, not this radicalization. Laura cynthia, you are speaking to this idea of choice but right now a lot of parents dont have choices. Are there are a lot of immigrantpare underprivileged underprivileged parents. They are scared because they are scared their kids are going to have it taken out on them, they are scared they are going to lose their job. Again, what should they do to say no to this . Should they get more parents together . Show up at the superintendences they arent going to the school so they can even go to the school to prote protest. They are being completely oppressed and thats the thing. When you dont have any options, you feel if you cant complain. You feel like you cant explain down my complain. They work for us. If i can say anything to parents watching, it would be that these people are here to serve you and they have failed and they continually fail, and now they are trying to control and indoctrinate your children with what they believe. And you can show up and say no, weve got to literally use our voice for the problem is they use their voice more than we do. The pc culture has shamed us into silence what are we being signed about question mike we are being silent about our own children laura its about time the silent majority loses the silent part and act like the majority part. Ladies, we are going to have you back. Despite the explosion of new covid cases, texas full steam ahead reopening schools in the fall unless unless the Teachers Union, joe bidens pals can get in the way. Tomorrow the texas chapter of the American Federation of teachers is going to hold a webinar how brave, to advise on numbers how they can avoid going back to class. Teachers are going to want to use the teachers and medical family leave act, and the ada, and even retirement. Text Lieutenant Governor dan patrick has taken the lead to putting together School Reopening guidelines joins me now. This is like firefighters refusing to put out a blaze because the teachers are essential workers, are they not . They are essential workers. They are, laura but most teachers i know want to be comfortable when they come back. They want to feel like they are safe and schools and our guidelines will provide a safe environment. Most teachers i know wants to go back to work. Most parents want their kids to go back to the classroom. And there will be some options, as every state pushes Online Learning where its necessary, but we need to get all of our teachers and all of our students into the classroom. You know, laura, we really dont have a choice in this in america. The American Pediatric Society said today because of the way we ended school virtually, we have 1020 of students in america missing, disappeared from the system. We know because we are able to track their online work and its decreased, decreased, and some cases have just gone away. And the gap between those who are leading the class and those who have a lot of work to make up, virtual learning, while important in certain areas, its killing those students who most need the help. Number two, not having the kids in the classroom, its impacting their health. Many issues, according to the american pediatric association. And the most important part of this. In many waves, my wife is a longtime teacher, one of her duties is if she saw something, maybe a child was being abused s to look out for child to report it, and all teachers are on that first line of defense for children. We have children being abused in this country right now and they are not being seen. We need them in the classroom, laura. We need our kids back in the classroom. Remember what joe biden said. Day one, hell get rid of charter schools. Thats going to hurt a lot of minority families in particular. We have a thousand students on the waitlist. Laura this is not in the election you choose to vote against trump. If you vote for biden, you are voting for all of this we are seeing play out right now with these schools. Right now with the push to reclose the economy. And so all these people say, we care about the wealth gap, kids at lower incomes are getting the best care what do they think is going to get better, the great economy that trump will deliver, or biden we shut down whenever china unleashes a virus question mike thats what you are voting for. People have to understand her thats the choice you get when you pull the lever for biden. People are getting it a little bit mixed up in their minds because they dont like the tone or tweet. You are choosing this. This is terrible for our kids. Terrible. Laura, look. I look at this and i think most americans look at this the same way. We know that each black life matters, but black lives matter as a group . They are a communist organization. What you played earlier, they are trying to take over the School Boards and to take over the educational system. By the way, laura, will indoctrinate the students to embrace communism, itll turn them against their own parents. Because this is not the way we grew up. People in america need to understand black lives matter is is a communist organization. But each black life matters. Its important to everyone of us. Everyone of us. Laura real quick, dan. I understand there is a move to cancel the houston chapter of the Republican State Convention because of the coronavirus. What is going on there . Real quick. We were set to have our convention in houston but its not a party, its to elect National Electors to President Trump and our national chair. Could have canceled it three weeks ago he waits until less than a week before it started to cancel it today. Nothing but a political move. He didnt say a word when 60,000 people protested in the streets of houston. Many of those people now in hospitals causing the spike, causing the spike in houston for a reason for him to cancel. This was nothing but a political hack job by mayor turner. But we all have our convention either in person somewhere else or online. Well get the job done. Laura we have to go. Lieutenant governor, only the democrats are immune to passing the virus. Only republicans can pass the virus. Not rioters, only republicans. Thanks so much. The only professional sports owner Kelly Loeffler responds to calls for her to step down. Is biden trying to i predicted it, Mollie Hemingway and rahim cuss Raheem Kassam next. Guys, times are tough. But force factors test x180 can help us man up, america, by boosting total testosterone. Build muscle, fuel desire, and improve performance. Get test x180 from force factor, the 1 fastestgrowing mens health brand at walmart. Iredefined the wordng thschool this year. Its why, at xfinity, were committed to helping kids keep learning through the summer. And help College Students studying at home stay connected through our university program. Were providing affordable Internet Access to low income families through our internet essentials program. And this summer, xfinity is creating a Virtual Summer camp for kids at home all on xfinity x1. Were committed to helping all families stay connected. Learn more at xfinity. Com education. Laura you felt this coming, didnt you not, that this was going to be a keep this going through the fall so we dont have to have conventions conventions probably not a campaign, no debate. Have to cancel and keep joe down below for they cant debate trump. I dont think they will debate trump if they can do anything to avoid debating trump, they are going to do it. We saw this coming and now biden has a strawman child of debating trump openly admits why hes suggesting this, writing, i worry about joe biden debating donald trump. He should do it only under two conditions. First, biden should declare hell take part in the bait only if trump releases his tax returns for 20162018. Second, biden should insist that a realtime factchecking team approved by both candidates be hired by a nonpartisan commission on president ial debates. I actually applaud what friedman is t doing here because hes voicing with those in the upper echelons of the Democrat Party are hoping for. No debates. Who could blame them . They see what we see. What i propose is. It can be done. I think we are in a position to really make it happen. Critical laws, collective bargaining. Politics like prevailing and look. Yes, im taking too much time. Laura democrats are going toem make the mans . The president should offer his own. He should request that r president ial debates not have any moderators. Seriously. In addition to being coded alum xp 20 6 friendly, itll givee the debate and needed shot in the arm. Biden has done this in many years, he should be comfortable going toetotoe with trump in a forum without any other complications. Allowing biden to rig the debates robs people the ability to judge the candidate on his toes. Itd allow biden to run back in his bunker. Joining me now is Mollie Hemingway. Fox newso contributor. Also here is rahim qassam, editor in chief of the National Goal and cohost of war room pandemic podcast but why does itit feel that friedman is talkg directly to the biden camp . The biden strategy is to run out the clock without ever playing the game. The media are helping him with that strategy by providing air cover friedman is to change the rules in such a way to help the favored candidate of the media who was obviously joe biden. You noted and alluded to some of the problems that hes going to having the debate and you see peoplele talking about changing things to make it a little easier for him. Also accurate to note that the Trump Campaign better be aware this is the campaign strategy, they never want to have joe biden enter the field, into the actual playing field. They think thatll go well for him and with allnk the support they will get from the media, it likely will. So the Trump Campaign and people who support the Trump Campaign really need to think through just calling out the strategy and not allowing it to just happen. There isnt much time left. Laura rahim, they cant get caught flatfooted here andf not only do a i need you to comt to debates now no matter what, but lets get rid of all these extraneous people, if you are worried about covid. No moderator. You and i, mano e mano on the stage. What is he going to say to that . Im afraid . Laura, what you are how do we force joe biden to the table . I have another idea. If joe biden doesnt come to the debate, why dont we invite another candidate question mike why dont we invite connie west and will have less advice from the lawn more and more from elon musk ilhan omar and more from elon musk. Look at the arbitrary rules. Tax returns, why one of the foreign dealings, we all like to know in beijing biting is up to. Why not need cognitive tests, you tell us hes been taking regularly. The other one, factcheckers, who in fact checks the factcheckers . We know what the social media people use as a factcheckers. 95 plus democrat donors. Weve gone through those but we know who these factcheckers are. What they want is to stack the deck against the president on that debate stage where they want it to be five against one for they couldnt care less if biden was there. Four against one. Factcheckers against the president. Laura id they want a Candy Crowley moment where romney was hosed by crowley there. I want to get to this, though. I saw this as a disturbing but utterly protectable development. Some key members of the Republican Party may not be so united behind this Convention Even happening in jacksonville. Npr reporting that senators grassley, lamar alexander, and Susan Collins are expected to skip the gathering on augus august 24th. Also not going for their are romney, murkowski, who said last month she wasnt sure she could reelection. Mollie, isnt this the default of the establishment . This is always their default, to run against populism and go back too their comfort zone of bush styleo republicanism. People might have variety of reasons to not want to go to a convention but in general the republicans in the senate need to understand that their faith rests largely with the fate of President Trump. Re you can see that a lot of them thought that they could maybe seems like they openly are trying to have split tickets where people oppose trump and support them. If there are a split tickets, theyll go precisely the opposite way and if they need to show a bold defense this is really an election referendum that should be fairly easy. Do you support the country . Do you support our founding principles . Do you defend american heroes and Founding Fathers . That shouldnt be difficult at all. For some reason its been for family difficult for a lot of republican senators to speak up in the fence but i think we need to understand that people elected them precisely that they would provide leadership and defend american ideals and they are having trouble with that. Thats not going to turn out well for them come election. Laura they seem happiest, raheem, when they are opposing in the minority. The most conservative they are going to be when they dont have a majority in the senate. Suddenly the get the majority, where are they . They are m. I. A. When we have all these problems. Final thoughts, quick. So many of them love to lose but im surprised i mitt romney would not come. He was out marching with democrats in washington, d. C. Im surprised he wouldnt be at the republican convention. Good riddance. Joe biden would tell him it would be foolish and itd be camping malfeasance to stand on the debate stage with President Trump. As i said, i think we need a forcing function to get biden out of his basement. Laura mollie and raheem, thank you very much. We explore the lifestyles of the oppressed and famous. Raymond arroyo will be our tour guide in the seen and unseen next. Thats why i founded lively. Affordable, highquality hearing aids with all of the features you need, and none of the hassle. I use lively hearing aids and its been wonderful. Its so light and so small but its a fraction of the cost of the other devices. They cost thousands less. Its insanely user friendly. You take the hearing test online, the doctor programs in the settings. You dont even need to go into an office. Theyre delivered to your door in a few days and youre up and running in no time. It connects via bluetooth to my phone. You can stream music and you can answer phone calls. 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T we need a president who leads, without fear, who understands your pain. He may understand pain but his understanding . N,nd how about Law Enforcement, laura . Listen how biden characterized the police with a congressman suffering from als. Listen. Surplus military equipment for Law Enforcement . They dont need that. Last thing you need is an armored humvee like a military invading. They dont know anybody, they become the enemy, they are supposed to be protecting these people. We agree we can redirect some of the funding . E yes, absolutely. Laura, anything the man his, hes simply saying, yes, i will do that. Hes calling the police the enemy here and he sounds more like tlalib, presley, omar. Biden seems to agree with them here. Laura Everybody Needs to get their mind trained on a simple fact. Anything that aoc and ilhan omar says today will become policy, the fact of policy and he biden the administration tomorrow. He cant withstand these people he cant even withstand questions from the Savannah Guthrie for goodness sake. God bless her. A few months in the campaign he says he wants 300 million for community policing. Co at this point, that could be he and jill at the window of the basement with binoculars. That could be community policing. Laura competition for the black vote. Kanye west, raymond, announcing his candidacy . He called it a birthday party, laura. No staff, kanye has filed no papers, but he tells forbes hes no longer longer supporting the president and they feel all blacks have to be democrats or this man joe biden said if you dont vote for me, you are not black. Y we act like we didnt hear that, he didnt say that. Trump is the closest present weve had in years allowing god to still be part of the conversation. Heti also said, laura, planned parenthood in the blackck community is the devils work and hes doing gods will. Do you see this as a deal to siphon off black votes from the Democratic Party . Laura i almost feel all the kanye has some of a side deal with trump going on, right . Let there be a debate in the Africanamerican Community about what makes sense, a culture of death, a culture of prosperity, the democrats patronizing symbolism, or real Economic Growth . I dont think thats a bad debate to have. I agree. Following up on the announcement that filmp visionary and broadcast maven Colin Kaepernick just signed a deal with disneyli to create racial and social justice projects for them. Now oprah is joining forces with lionsgate to develop films and the tv and documentary based on these 1619 project. You remember that . That was the New York Times magazine historical revision you talked about at the top of the show . It was written in 2019 by hannah 2nicole jones, he or she is ona recent oprah special here she is on a recent oprah special. This has been collected racial terrorism against black americans no matter their gender and no matter their age. It is an enduring legacy. I hope we can use this moment, this unprecedented reckoning of the ongoing legacy of slavery. As you know, laura, the 6019 project is making its way into school curriculum. These films will only amplify the distortions of American History, including the implication that slavery andat especially racialized radicalized slavery was uniquely americandi. It claims that colonists declared independence from britain to protect slavery for they claim the constitution recognize as property when the founders explicitly did not. There were early abolition e efforts in the colonies. Bo its mears president lincoln and his relationship with frederick douglass. Here is the upside. They shouldve gone to jordan peel and blundered to create this series. Because it is a horrific version of American History with slavery as the central theme. We shouldnt be teaching kids a work history. If you want an alternative, support it with fact. Laura Oprah Winfrey doesnt need the money. She is a billionaire. She doesnt need the professional advancements. Shes already kind of arrived. Im not sure it keeps are relevant, laura nine. Keeps her in the conversation. Let me tell you laura go on. Audiences trust her. Well see if they continue to trust her after this. Laura Colin Kaepernick and tim used to be very oppressed as he catches continue to check. Only one professional sports owner has stood up to call out the political motives of blm. Wnba only Kelly Loeffler explains why she is refusing to bend the knee. To those response to those who want her out next. Spewing Kelly Loeffler isnt just a u. S. Senator, she is the coowner of atlantas wnba franchise. Shes in danger of being canceled after disagreeing with the wnba in their full throated endorsement of, you guessed it, black lives matter. She wrote this to the owners of the league, all of us have a constitutional right to hold and express our views. But to subscribe to a political agenda undermines the potential of the sport and sends a message of exclusion. By accounts, shes the only owner of any u. S. Pro Sports League or team to call out the blm movement for what it has become, nakedly and radically political. For her candor, the wnba Players Union is calling for her removal. Georgia senator Kelly Loeffler is here exclusively to respond. Senator, you knew you would catch heat for speaking out, especially considering the politics of your league. So why didnt you . Well, laura, thanks for having me on. You know, sports have tremendous power to unite as per thats one thing for americans, that we love about our sports. The wnba has embraced the black lives matter political organization. This is a very divisive organization based on marxist principles. This week, they threatened to burn the system down literally and negatively if they dont get what they want. This is an organization that seeks to destroy american principles. I had to draw the line. I had to speak out for those that disagree with this movement because our country is too important and i suggested that we unite behind the American Flag because that is the symbol that has endured wars, pandemics and it can bring us together. Laura here is the washington mystics player natosha cloud emma what she said about your comments for her to come out and say that we are divisive and black lives Matters Movement is divisive organization . I call i call for the starting five, they are five black owners. To be a partial order to support your players but you dont support them when they take their uniforms off . Its a problem. Not only an a locker room problem, its americas problem. Laura your response to that, senator . There is no room in this country for racism but thats not what this black lives Matter Organization is about. They want to abolish the police completely within five years. We can see whats happening across the country with this threat of defunding the police, which this blm organization is leading the charge for it you have seen anarchy and riots, youve seen murders in atlanta for this organization didnt come out the protest of a murder of an 8yearold girl as a result of this mob rule that is happening in this autonomous zone. Where are the voices on that . I feel like i have to speak out and make sure people understand that this organization is divisive in its goals. Its antisemitic. It doesnt support the nuclear family. This is what we need to understand and thats why i said, what can unite us is the flag laura they dont believe i have to say, senator loeffler, the flag. To a lot of the players i dont know what all the players think. May be for all i know some players disagree with this but they are afraid to speak out that we dont know for a fact what they think. The wnba put out a statement about you. And they said this. The commissioner at kathy engelbert, we along with the teams and players will continue to use our platforms to vigorously advocate for social justice. Senator Kelly Loeffler has not served as governor of the advanta dream since 2019 and no longer is involved in the daytoday business of the team. Team. Talk about throwing some shade your way here. How comfortable is it for you to operate in this environment even though you do not have, according to kathy, and he daytoday role. Why even be involved in this at all at this point . This isnt about me. This is about every americans right to speak out, enjoy free speech, to support whatever cause, and not being canceled but we have this cancel culture that is threatening america. And the foundation of it is that americans are afraid to speak out because of the council culture. I am not going to be silenced by it and i encourage other americans to speak out and im going to stand for them because im taking attack from the left and and they are not just attacking me, they want to destroy me. Laura is there any chance, kelly senator, i should say, that you are going to step aside as an owner and give up your interest, or sell it off . Any chance . Look, laura, whats at stake here laura yes or no . No we will room. This is the ingraham angle. No. Laura thats what a lot of people want to hear. They want to hear someone with courage and stand up to say, it doesnt have to be this way. Thank you for being with us. We really appreciate it. Up ahead, we debunk a central claim and mary trumps book on the president. Stay there. There. There. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. Well now theres score , from force factor, to rev your libido and maximize physical response. Its no wonder force factor is the 1 fastestgrowing mens health brand at walmart. Unleash your potential in the bedroom with score . Laura time for the last bite. In her new tellall book tell all book merry trump says donald trump is a friend to take the sat for him to get into a prestigious business school, that friend passed away but his wife, former tennis player and commentator pam shriver has chosen to correct the record. He went to university of Pennsylvania Class of 1968. It was while he was at university of pennsylvania where he met donald trump. They became friends, above the sport of golf, shared the same hometown of new york city, shared the same campus. He met the friend who helped him cheat on the sat in business school. Another presently reported bombshell goes proof, false. Shannon bream, take it all from here. I know you will it is with the supreme court, great rulings that came out today. Shannon another big one. Thank you so much. We begin with a fox news alert. A new milestone, covid19 cases passing 50 million mark. We are going to take a deeper dive into

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