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Certify the tamron complying with their deal for the president called for a new strategy for dealing with the rogue regime down to work with congress and our allies to address the deals flaws. In the nothing new since environmental pollution record for their financing of terrorist groups. The ceo of the foundation for defense of democracy. Welcome back said to have you here. The president was radical of iran and nuclear deal. But he did not popular why not just pull out to. I think that the presently not a comprehensive strategy and it is the nuclear deal is only part of that. I think we really emphasized is that the United States is no willingness used all instruments of National Power to dneutralize and bring back the aggression. The nuclear deal itself is a deeply fallen deal but until he is willing to give at least in time and space to his diplomats and u. S. Congress to try and work and fix. What is the advantage of not certifying it . Was it by then, knuckling out. Because it is, the certification involves a war that requires them to do this every 90s. What is the advantage of that over withdraw . I think what the president is doing is saying that i am prepared to withdraw. And the decertification strengthens the credibility of Donald Trumps walkaway threat. The certification, a recertification of the deal would have severely degraded the credibility of walking away. The president is nothing i think the deal is not in the interest of the United States as presently negotiated. I am prepared to give time and space to fix the deal. But i will walk away from the deal if it is not fixed our allies dont come on board, if democrats did not join republicans in locking in conditions. And im willing to give it time and space as well because i want to roll out a comprehensive strategy using all of these interests of National Power to target iran. I saw a statement from the europeans, a joint statement from the germans, french and british saying that they stand by the nuclear deal. They do not want to go away. They think iran is honoring the terms of the agreement. Within think of them wiggle room at the end of the statement to say were happy to talk about or look into maybe strengthening some of the terms. How do you read their reaction . I think youre right to focus on that. I think the europeans have really gone from a posture of qucbec to exit. In order to prevent donald trump from taking a posture of nix a. And they said they are willing to strengthen deal, complements it and such. I think they are shifting because they are terrified that donald trump will walk away from this. It is giving him more negotiating the president that he is going to go to ocongress to try and get congress to write new legislation that would have socalled redlines. That if the iran iwalked over the redlines, then the us would automatically make the deal no invoice. I talked to some senators that have been working on this. They are saying things like, Intercontinental Ballistic Missile development. How many centrifuges they can have. Get rid of the sunset provision that begins as early as eight years from now. What size do you think exists getting 60 votes in the senate and passing . Qualcomm it is not been a successful legislative session. Again, i would be betting my strategy on getting 52 republicans and eight democrats to come on board anything these days. Except maybe renaming the cafeteria and the senate. But i would say that the president is giving an opportunity to come on board. To show bipartisan support, lockdown these conditions which he has of the United States would not accept. Establish a framework where sanctions would not be snap back immediately. The only snapback six, eight or 10 years of iran violets conditions. Request the president retains executive authority. So congress doesnt do this, imagine his effective plan we can do this on his own using executive authority and moving forward with the europeans on diplomatic track. How do you think irthat they will respond to this . Obviously it will be that this violate the terms of the deal, we are not on the deal and we will not change it. Do you think they will eventually, i mean could they make a decision to say that this nixes the deal . I am sure the administration has a plan for all of this but my assessment is not. I think the smart place for the iranians is not to get hysterical. It is to say that they will keep the deal and try to divide the europeans from the americans, west from chinese and russians. And continue getting the benefits of the deal. The thing about this deal, it was never about iranian compliance. Auit was about the delusion of the deal because it provided patient pathways to Nuclear Weapons and icbms for the iranians by complying. So this might deal for the iranians and therefore it is marked cemented complying and this my friends to try and divide the alliance. It is a risk for this administration. For the Trump Administration. Yes. Thank you mark i appreciate you being here. Thank you for having me. Welcome back, after Congress Fails to repeal and replace obama to the president takes matters into his own hands. Moving this week to unravel key parts of the law. Can he deliver on his promise to lower costs and increase choice in the Insurance Market . Your whole windshield. K with safelites exclusive resin, you get a strong repair that you can trust. Plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. Customer really . singers safelite repair, safelite replace. G new cars. Youre smart. You already knew that. But its also great for finding the perfect used car. Youll see what a fair price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. Now youre even smarter. This is truecar. If youre not content to remain where you are, why should your teeth be . Invisalign clear aligners can shape your smile up to 50 faster. Dont let anything slow you down. Visit invisalign. Com with these actions we are moving toward lower costs and more options in the healthcare market. And taking crucial steps towards saving the American People from the nightmare of obama care. Today is only the beginning. In the coming months, we plan to take new measures to provide our people with even more relief and more freedom. After repeated failures by republicans in congress to repeal and replace obama care, the president this week took matters into his own hands. Signing an executive order thursday x cabinet agencies to develop. We expand access to less expensive and less comprehensive plan than those offered by the Affordable Care act. The president later announced it would halt subsidy payments to insurers for self coverage under obamacare. A move that could fundamentally reshape his predecessors Signature Healthcare law. Lets bring in the wall street journal colonists, dan henninger, James Freeman and Kate Bachelder odell. Kate, starwood tsubsidy paymen first. Getting a lot of criticism. Why do you do this . These payments have been ruled illegal by a federal judge and heres why. The original log basically entices stasis that the exchanges with the promise of subsidies. Then some states do not. This has been hanukkah course and a federal judge has ruled questionnaire has not been a formal appropriations from congress that is white has been declared illegal. Congress has declined to appropriate the money. So the stquestion is whether th Trump Administration should keep making these illegal payments. So donald trump is now decided they should not. So the question is what will happen next. And the balls being tossed to congress to do this. The other issue is the larger reform of Insurance Market. Through Association Health plans that they will try and promote. Andy small plan, the socalled small plan. What is that about . Going this executive order takes these modest steps to try and salvage an individual market. One of them a shortterm Health Insurance that the Obama Administration limited to 90 days it as a cheaper backboard to avoid having to buy expensive plan on the exchanges. Traditionally there hasnt been incredibly high demand for this product but it could change now that obamacare has wiped out the individual market. The second question is on Association Health plans. Those are potentially allowing Small Businesses, trinkets to been together for large risk. So they can enjoy economies of scale and get better insurance. The idea here is to provide more alternatives in the individual marketplace. So that not everybody has to pay these really high prices with really comprehensive plans. Any think it makes sense. If youre young, you want to get a plan, your in between jobs. Why not . That is exactly right. Obamacare 2000 pages, it was a flawed piece of legislation. In year 2015, 6. 7 million young individuals opted to take the penalty rather than join the plan. 6. 7 million and so what you had was the basic idea make obamacare work. Is that all of the underinsured and noninsurance had to be forced into the exchange to make the restful work. The population resisted that. And not someone has to clean up the mess. And that is exactly what the president is trying to do by trying to create these alternatives with choices that would allow some of those sicily people to say, i did not like obamacare but i have a choice now. A plan that suites me. With visible junk plans . That is the less that the study one Health Insurance everyone must have and when it must cover. We hear a lot about these plans being less comprehensive. And how can you know that not knowing individuals needs in Health Status and what kind of insurance they are looking for . Okay. James, sabotages the other words that they are using. This is a deliberate attempt to sabotage the law. Cuesta sabotage what . They pretend that some market is being disturbed but what obamacare did was prevented a market, half of the country you have one insurer in the individual marketplace. No competition, monopoly. I think it is about one third. Half of the counties. And obviously lots of other counties we only have two competitors so the customer as we found does not want the progress and is willing to pay test avoided even for those that go in massive premium increases. I think president obama said he rule by pen and phone. I think he is nothing the flipside of that. A lot of that can be done administratively. Especially in cases where he did not have the authority to subsidize. That is exactly the point. Regulation. This is not going to have the force of law and statute. So republicans kind of doing the reverse of what obama did . Yes the executive order will be much less durable because it directs agencies to develop rules that will inevitably be challenged. And employees assess these on a long time horizon. This charms and junk plans are ones that do not fit the obamacare model, that includes the one that we are in, that is one that more than 100 million americans are in. Employersponsored coverage that is exempt from much of obamacare. Junk plans actually means freedom to lower cost and more choices. The solution i think is that ultimately, if you want to get payment back congress can appropriated and the compromise is available. Democrats give republicans more freedom that they want and fewer mandates and republicans vote the president has as one of the reasons we are doing this is to induce congress to react and address the flaws in the law as law. Thank you. Will macbeth, a former strategist, steve bannon declares war on republicans. With challenges to all of the will this orsucceed in joini this funk or putting the republican majority at risk . Ah, dinner. Throughout history, the one meal when we come together, break bread, share our day and connect as a family. [ bloop, clicking ] and connect, as a family. Just, uh one second voice guy. [ bloop ] huh . Hey . I paused it. Bam, family time. So how is everyone . Find your awesome with xfinity xfi and change the way you wifi. We are declaring war on the republican establishment that does not back the agenda that donald trump ran on just voting is not good enough. You have to have a sense of urgency. Nobody is safe, we are coming after all of them and we will win. Cuesta former white house strategist nisaying that he is working steve bannon says it is necessary to drain the d. C. Swamp and get President Trump gold agenda moving on capitol hill. But does the strategy for the republican majority at risk . We are back with dan henninger, James Freeman and bill mcgurn. Dan, what do steve bannon want . He says it is Donald Trumps agenda but is that really it . Is a large question. Lets deal with what he just told sean hannity. Very explicit. He said, just voting for Donald Trumps agenda is not enough. So if youre summit senator John Barrasso that is 100 Percent Program and forth running record that is not enough. You have to have a sense of urgency. What does that mean . You have to be going on television every other day. Giving speeches. You have to be like steve bannon. You have to be out there crusading and rousing. Beyond that, it is not clear. And i think there will be a problem for him because ultimately, you are talking about borders inside of the states. Not just the people who subscribe to breitbart for the voters. And they have to decide just 100 percent trump not enough . These are not liberals. What does donald trump need . More republicans in the senate. We would have passed obamacare refill if we had it. Enemy is not the republicans. One of the things i think the problem is steve bannon may be overreaching. Because if he doesnt do this, i mean anyone can go in if you have backing and make it difficult with the primary candidate. But if your goal really is the trump agenda, what we need is more republicans in the senate and fewer r democrats. I dont see how this helps. For example, it is all mitch mcconnell. Theyre not even running for donald trump agenda. Is mitch mcconnell. And mcconnell sort of is unpopular now in some ways but who do they want to replace him . Who is likely to replace him . And molesting for all of the talk about the republican establishment on obamacare where there was the failure, it is what most senate republicans, all of the other republicans voted for it. One of the people responsible for the failure is rand paul. He supposed be the great outside if it helps kill ratio. They had jim mccain is not enough this year. These are the people, and Lisa Mccroskey in alaska. Visit people to help kill refill and replace. I think it has to be annoying to the republican voter watching a game that allowed the page where they had a whole bunch of varieties of retail and they kind of took turns boarding yes or no so they can claim the future that side or the other. And the end result was that it didnt get done. They never got to the 51 with mike pence that they needed. So i think it is very reasonable to expect there is going to be a response. Every bldevotion among the Republican Base given all the promises. I think maybe they are aiming at the wrong target. It think of unfortunately love the people who really created this problem are snot up for reelection next year. He think of rob portman who persuaded voters but he was for restraining the growth of government. Think assuring borders he was for getting rid of obamacare. I think those attorneys in the future. There is also a question for they are going to get behind . And you have got Danny Tarkanian and how strong a field is he supporting here . Steve bannon has seven interviews that candidates election is going to be an issue for them. I think ill call it a challenge for them. Secondly, it primary republican candidates like this, the unit pushing them into positions that they do not play well in the general election. That is what happened to the strange in alabama. Secondly, policy. Are they going to run on, and of the campaign is being funded by bob mercer and his daughter effective. It is possible they little and then what about the republican donors that fund republican candidates to over they make up Something Like this . And i dont think their determinism that will get behind the steve bannon proceeding hair have to decide if they want to let the people that are already in congress have been supporting donald trump to the state. Is in the file test is getting agenda through. Anyone can other people. You can take down a few people. But the question is, can you presumably put steve bannon, he has an agenda or the president has an agenda. Can you put people in congress that will get the agenda through . Chris will political competition, lets have it out. Thats fine. The question is if these band candidates when can they win and im not sure a lot of borders was a huge downside and i think its a test for mitch mcconnell. He is deaf to find the way through persuasion, grants, whatever it takes to get that done. Still ahead, as the president takes his tax reform fits on the road, republicans raised to delivery bill. How close are they . We will ask kevin brady, next. Our point is get it done this year. We want to wake up for new years day with the new tax system. Mom, i just saved a lot of money on my Car Insurance by switching to geico. I should take a closer look at geico. You know, geico can help you save money on your Homeowners Insurance too . Great geico can help insure our mountain chalet how long have we been sawing this log . Um, one hundred and fourteen years. Man i thought my arm would be a lot more jacked by now. Im not even sure this is real wood. Theres no butter in this churn. Do my tris look okay . Take a closer look at geico. Great savings. And a whole lot more. You might be missing to stasomething. Your eyes. Thats why theres ocuvite. It helps replenish nutrients your eyes can lose as you age. Nourish your eyes to help keep them healthy. Ocuvite. Be good to your eyes. Where going to fight and were going to get those republicans and maybe a few of those democrats to raise their hand and you will have so much money to spend in this wonderful country. And this great economy. That is why we have proposed tax cuts that are progrowth, projobs, per worker, from family and proamerican. Was the president wednesday night taking his tax reform pitch to harrisburg pennsylvania. And efturning of the members of congress to get a bill on his desk before the end of the year. It was a look at what progress is being made on capitol hill, congressman kevin brady chairman of the tax rating ways and Means Committee. Welcome mr. Chairman, good to have you here. President says 20 percent, that is as high as is going on the Corporate Tax rate. No more. Very firm with that also . I absolutely am. Love, that is what it takes barrel companies to be competitive. Whether they are convicted of main street on or around the world. We want them to win. Want them to bring their earnings back to be reinvested in america. If we do that right, which will, paychecks will grow, jobs will grow and a lot more opportunity will grow. That means that 25 percent rate for the socalled passthrough rate that is Small Businesses often, your 2nd to 25 on that too . Excellent. We are trying to drive the rat down for every business. Equal tax cuts regardless of what size you are. If your mom and pop for a new young heentrepreneur or the Biggest Company that we have. We know what it takes to be competitive against china, europe, main street t as well. So we have to drive the rates low. Okay tlisting some of the criticism. I know you are hearing it behind the scenes and the public of the framework that you guys have offered. One of them concerns the state and local Tax Deduction. Which is crucial to getting the money by eliminating the finance the lower rates but you have semipublic ends in democrats and hightech states criticizing. Are you willing to compromise on total elimination . Here is where we are starting. There is no criticism. We need to lower the tax rates every everybody. Susan keep more of your, including hightech states. Secondly we know having a simpler code will protect more of the first dollars families and including hightech states. There is consensus there. What we are looking at are the incredibly high rates of taxes that taxpayers pay in some of these states. We want to lower those tax rates for everybody. So we are listening, for one we are making sure we understand how burdensome the taxes are but rsecondly, there is a reas we are not that the rates are the brackets. So that we can make sure we let people keep more of what they earn regardless of where they live. Particularly in new york and california, here republican members including enough that they can kill your reform if they wanted to. Im hearing them saying particularly that you have to do something to ease the burden onto middleclass taxpayers. Im hearing about some property Tax Deduction for middleclass families. Middleclass taxpayers in the states. Is that true . Weve had a number of ideas. One, where we set the rate for the brackets are incredibly important. How we address issues with Child Tax Credit is incredibly important for middleclass families. But also how he addresses tough local issues of property taxes. That are not based ability to pay, they are just painful. Answer the brightest ideas on how we can address issues like that. We have in the discussions. We had some at the end of the week. This week as well. Will continue to stay at the table with them because again at the end of the day, we went every american to keep more of what they earn regardless of where they live. What i hear you saying there behind the lines this is on the table, it is something that youre thinking about. Where listening very carefully. To the ideas and i do not families in these hightech states make it. The rates are just stunning. In some states, the government has nmgreater claim over your earnings than you do. Which to me, is hard to believe happens. Another criticism ive heard from some conservatives is that you are limiting the personal exemption. Hebut in return you are doubling the standard deduction. The 24,000 for a family. And what happens is, some people say because getting rid of the personal debt you are still going to end up raising taxes on some middleclass taxpayers. What is your response to that . That is absolutely not true because while we double with it really is a reason why the Child Tax Credit plays an Important Role in this. Plus, we are lowering the rates at every level. So regardless of where youre at, the 10 percent bracket ticket to zero, 15 212. And we provide tax relief of the way of that chain for modest income families come middle income ffamilies and above. And so those claims frankly, they just do not have the information. Okay, the other princes and get a lot, this from the democrats in particular. Is wthat you going to blow a hole in the deficit. The senate as you know, in the pandit revolution has about china and and a half dollars of net tax cuts available to them over 10 years. How are you going to fill that hole . Theres no question, tax reform done right will grow the economy. Weve seen this in kennedy years, reagan tax cuts, we know the current tax code holds us back. So growth is going to help us balance that over time. But that alone will not do it. You have to limit special interest deductions and exclusions and lobbies goals in order to do that. That is why we are working so hard on simplifying the code both on the business family side so we lower the rates for everyone. You have to do both. Growth and not the underbrush of special interest divisions out of there. Was okay thank you. Just quickly, when are we going to see your mark in the ways and Means Committee so we can see all of those details . Is considering and that all payments of the budget during the house and senate is together, vote is signed, sealed and delivered with the budget will immediately move to committee action. I will at what is called the chairmans mark which is the ways and Means Committee comprehensive tax reform plan. Will do immediately, listen and begin committee action. The whole process is accelerating and it often fits the Senate Passing a budget next week and reaching an agreement. Thank you mr. Chairman, i appreciate you being here. Still ahead, all eyes on virginia where the race for governor is heating up. Is that swing states show down a referendum on President Trumps mofirst year in office . Pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that in severe cases can lead to hospitalization. It may hit quickly, without warning, causing you to miss out on the things you enjoy most. Prevnar 13® is not a treatment for pneumococcal pneumonia. Its a vaccine you can get to help protect against it. Prevnar 13® is approved for adults to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. You should not receive prevnar 13® if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. If you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. The most common side effects were pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, less appetite, vomiting, fever, chills, and rash. Help protect yourself against pneumococcal pneumonia. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about prevnar 13®. As shown down in the swing state of virginia is taking on national prominence. As former Republican National Committee Chair ed gillespie and democratic Lieutenant Governor Ralph Markham into the final stretch of the hotly contested governors race. Candidates bringing in the heavy hitters this weekend with Vice President mike pence and former Vice President joe biden both in the state. The contest one of just two governors races this year seen by some as an early referendum on President Trumps first year in office. And a possible live within heninger, James Freeman and economist, bill mcgurn. James, this is the big test here in the post trump era. Ed gillespie, i know him well. You guys know him well. It seems to be a perfect candidate for republicans virginia but he is trailing. He is. The president is not popular in virginia. He is not all that popular much of the country. Ed gillespie, i think even that is down the space currently, we have learned from senate race last summer and he is a very good closer. Did not team up a little short at the lend but very good campaigner, very savvy guy. Then for people who know him, whats exciting is the possibility that you get a guy who is not just a political expert but has real intellectual horsepower would be a policy champion and not a seat warmer in the job. A big upset if he can figure a way to pull it out. As jim said, democrats are not supportive of donald trump. And. I have known edward 20 years as a colleague in the white house. His as conservative as they come. Unfortunately campaign is not quite on his issues. It is sort of a referendum on donald trump and that that was the state, the office of the state that Hillary Clinton took. Donald trump is 134 percent popularity. But it is really skewed. 96 percent of democrats have a disapproval of donald trump. So i think that there are fights, and has always called establishment. He is the most conservative guy i know and its kind of a ridiculous title just because he served president bush and he came in at a low point. I think that his worry is that to galvanize nt the antitrust forces on the other side of the democratic side. Because that is what they are banking on. Isnt he being hurt that the person who ran against him the primary was a trump think that trump supportive on republicans is virtually 90 percent. It is not quite true that all democrats are going to vote for him because one of the issues that the southwest part of the state which is they are talking about the lessee. They think they have been abandoned by the Democratic Party which now is i think basically white people work for mining, the democrats are trying to assemble minority voters and in the upper class cosmopolitan vote in northern virginia. Ed gillespie has to worry. Those are, some of the independence and gillespie has to worry about what they think about voting for a candidate allied to donald trump. That is the x factor for Donald Trumps behavior and so forth. And d that is what they are trying to do, tar gillespie with the volatile side of donald trump. Influence is trying to use some issues that donald trump has used. Immigration for example. He has run an ad that name a great game that he says they were office and tricities. And trying to use that against him. So gillespie is trying to use that to mobilize republicans. I just, i do think the challenge of, and this is for all republican candidates there as washington get bigger, which it always does, that part of the northern part of the state heavily influences or including people that work for the government or have contracts with the government. It is a state that is increasingly trending that way. I think along with the trump problem left the provo gillespie. Wesley said that the issues are not working for gillespie. Does that mean because immigration and he is also running on the confederate times and they do not play to his strength. He does have a tax proposal i think 10 percent and some economic revival but he is been forced by this the Gang Violence and stuff. He has sensible positions but again, one of the problems is the state is changing. Hillary took that state with more votes than obama did i think. It is changing in a direction that is not favorable to republicans. Woman come back, the boy scouts announced plans to admit girls into some of their programs. Critics say it is a surrender in the culture war but is the reality more complicated than that . Maybe its time for Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. With reduced redness,. Thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla prescribing information has. No requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Tell your doctor if these occur. Otezla is associated with an increased. Risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have. A history of depression. Or suicidal thoughts,. Or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla. Reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Other side effects include upper. Respiratory tract infection and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. And if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. The boy scouts of america announcing some historic changes this week. The hundred sevenyearold organizations as they will allow girls to join the cub scouts beginning next year. And will start a program for older girls to become eagle scouts by 2019. The boy scouts board of directors which approved the plan unanimously said that the changes were needed to provide more options for parents and families. Some critics say the move mouse to a surrender in the culture war. We are back with dan henninger, bill mcgurn and adam oneal and former eagle scout, i guess you never are a former scout. Once in eagle scout always in eagle scout what did, this is been a totally gender neutral thing but it will be some separation. The boy scouts have different programs. Cub scouts, c scout, some are mixed gender. What they have done this because announced that starting on the 2018, growth and join the cub scouts and their developing programming they should be ready by 2019 select girls have their own eagle scout program. Under the boy scout umbrella. Th it will be a mixture. If you like your current cub scouts pack you can keep it the way it is. All boys. But they can immigrate some of them they would like to. Okay it is still a historic change. I was the boy scouts, dan was a boy scout. There would be a big cultural change. What did they do this . I think there are two reasons. One is that a Million People have left ondiscounts since the turnofthecentury. 17 years, a Million People have left. 33 percent. The girl oyscouts are getting h harder. But this is still terrible. And the boy scouts were looking around and said how can we expand . This seems to be natural with your badge and i think its that simple. You also have immediate pieces and lawsuits of proceeds of that what can i do what my brother does . And i think that they learned after getting beaten up about gay scouts and transgender scouts for years, i think they saw this as a compromise. , the man, will set t things up on ou terms. So if there people within the organization who want to stay they can do that. But this means maybe they will take some of the heat off of them from the critics . Us with the goal is. But like i said, when it come to fruition with the other promise about keeping your plan . We will find out. Bill, helpful take, culturally here . I think it is hopeful happy face. I think a couple of things. I never got past second class. I think one of the reasons for the drop, they have been public enemy number one. Because of the gay scouts issue. Really because of the left objection to anything that celebrates boys and masculinity. Lets face it, that is with the girl scouts, they have gone down the social Justice Warrior path and they were that may be more traditional families might find the boy scouts more attractive. It is just this war on boys and masculinity and we complain about guys like Harvey Weinstein in theres no character and then twe need organizations that have been very good, i think that maybe the scouts didnt have any choice. Well, what bill just said about the girl scouts may be precisely the reason a lot of girls and families want to get them is the boy scouts. And look, humidity that youll stuff, i didnt. All of those that i know are solid citizens. And what can be bad about women becoming eagle scouts in terms of what we are talking about . You know adam, to bill ive been seeing some they are very critical of this. Theyre not giving the boys got a lot of credit somehow. And it does tend to reinforce bills point, they dont like the word boy scouts. And how long are we going to keep that . And look, there are aspects of programs for boys that boys love. Now we are taught about computer programming. Anytime we are kids off the xboxs and cell phones. There is something that comes, weve all been camping. And you learn resilience and some things done as boys. How are they going to make this work internally . Will there be any resistance from the boy scouts internally . That is hard to say. I think the way they have set up is saying if you do not want girls in your pack in your trip, you dont have to. If they can keep that in stay strong on that and i think internally they will not be a ton of resistance. It does not hurt me of a girl gets in eagle scout. I think thats great. You know most of the eagle scouts i spoke to my friends, i was shocked at how many eagle scout i have. They didnt really care. Okay thank you adam. We have to take one more break. When we come back, hits and misses of the week. Up to 38 more than allergy medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. What mahearthealthyle salad the california walnuts. Ver . The best simple pasta ever . California walnuts. The best simple dinner ever . Great tasting, hearthealthy california walnuts. So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. Time now for our hits and misses of the week. Paul it saddens me to say that im giving my miss to marvel comic books which i love. I grew up reading them. I love the incredible hulk. But Marvel Comics has broken a perspective tiein with Northrup Grumman that makes the hightech planes and so forth. Why did they do that . Because some of marvel comic bans current superheroes fans on television started a Media Campaign objecting to the fact that marvel was connecting to a military contractor. What do these these people apparently think all the wars that america has fought were actually won by the fantastic four and captain america. [laughter] its too much. Northrup makes the b2 stealth bomber. Paul, this is a miss to the communist thugs who still run china. You know, you can kind of forget when you look at what looks like a modern economy that it is still an Old Fashioned communist dictatorship, but they are reminding us with their demands that the government get ownership and board seats at some of the biggest Fastest Growing Tech Companies in china, they dont like that these sort of private firms have gotten bigger than Stateowned Enterprises and now tony soprano wants a piece. Bill . Paul, a man who will soon receive the nations highest award for valor the medal of honor. His name is gary rose. He served as a combat medic in laos with the special forces unit. He found himself in a horrible firefight including the shooting down of his helicopter, saved a lot of lives. Big salute to mr. Rose, many of the vietnam vets that fought beside him and those that are alive today because of this good man. Thanks bill. Thats it for this weeks show. Thanks for watching. Hope to see you right here next week. A fox news alert on a glimmer of hope in the massive wildfires raging throughout northern california. Fire crews are beginning to gain the upper hand with some help from the forces of nature. But even as the winds die down, the battle is far from over. Hello everyone. Welcome to americas news heed quarters. Headquarters. Im arthel neville. Eric hello everyone im eric shawn. This Natural Disaster is just staggering. At least 40 people have so far been killed and many more remain missing at this hour. About 75,000 are under evacuation orders as the flames now burning more than 100 miles wide. Fire crews, on the front lines are giv

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