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These are not acts of peaceful protest butut domestic terror. None of it justifies anything else. Regardless how angry you are if you loot or you burn you should be held accountable for anybody who does anything a else. It just cannot be tolerated across the board. Paul lets bring in our panel wall street journal columnist and deputy Editorial Page Editor dan heninger, kim stossel and manhattans Institute Senior fellow jason reilly. Jason who won the battle of kenosha. Jason mib early to tell or give an answer on that. We will have to wait to see what the polls show, President Trump thinks this is a winning issue for him that he canan pin the blame on these protests, not only there but what we see going on around the country on joe biden and the democrats, one challenge he has is income net on his watch and he saying he asked explain what he can do to address this if hes reelected that he cannot do right now while he is president. At the same time i think biden feels that he will not be blamed for this and hes a more calming figure and hes looking up polls like those who say what do you prioritize whats at the top of your list among priorities and only 8 talk about crime versus 30 the talk about jobs and the economy. If you look at polls on public safety, joe biden almost by ten points. The most i think this issue ksworks for them and i think tht is what we see going out. Paul there is no question that joe biden tried to pivot from what had been silenced during the Democratic Convention about the unrest in the last ten days to address it. But it sounds as if jason thinks that he has done that well enough and is neutralizing the issue at worst, what do you think . Dan i would not go so far to say is neutralizing issue, the pivot has been the blame literally and explosively the violence on donald trump that all of these events occurring in places like Portland Seattle and minneapolis, chicago, there should be some distinctions made there. And they are the fall of Donald J Trump and just as the democrats have also suggested that most of the coronavirus deaths are the result of trumps actions and i the coronavirus hs it disappear because of trump. These are basically preposterous assertions but the democrats had to respond, they had to come up with a strategy and i think what they have done here in the wake of the protest is pushed hard against trumps law and order argument and say that the counterargument is Racial Justice in america for which they claim donald trump has no sympathy. Its clearly an appeal to black voters in trying to drive black turnout with the Racial Justice argument and drive young leftwing voters and concern suburbanites. Im trump himself is appealing to the law and order argument. I think the lines have been clearly drawn though i think the more difficult argument is joe biden, its a very complicated strategy that hey is pushing. Paul kim, let me ask you, lets get you in here to mediate this disagreement to the extent that there is a disagreement. I want to have you dress jasons point, one of his points by focusing on the law and order question and crime which is down in the list of voter concerns. He is not focusing as much on what might be a stronger issue which is the economy. Kim i do agree with that, im going to flip the metal split the difference. I do think that joe biden is on defense because of the fact that he is there in wisconsin, he was not there couple of weeks ago when he was supposed to be accepted the nomination, the campaign decided how to change strategy and get on the ground and we needed to address the issue. That suggests that they know there is weakness on it. But in agree the president deciding to go all in on this question and in some ways really sacrificing better discussion for him, the jobs numbers that are out this week, his promises to restore an economy and the fact that he has a track record and he can legitimately do that. Or some of the seams that you saw coming out of the convention in particular the opportunity for different groups of people that have been left behind in the economic recovery, those of the president strong points because there where he consistently leads joe biden in terms of public polling and what people trust him to do. Paul jason what do you think for trump to win on this issue its going to be a necessity that the protests continue and fresh in the minds of people up to election day. Jason i just dont think this is going to be a deciding factor in the election. When i look at the polls a priority, it is not up there, 30 talk about the economy be in the top issue in another 15 or 16 talk about healthcare. It just seems to be way down the list and when you do turn to the issue trump does not seem to have the advantage. He is not going to bring us together and calm things down. I agree with kim that the economy should be where the focus is. I think that is where he has the advantage of what was going on precoded and how he is the best person to get us back to the precovid Economic Growth that we were seen. Paul certainly the jobs numbers were terrific this week. When we come back as the race for the whitete house enters the postlabor day stress we will talk about where the candidates stand and where they will decide the election. I understand, lets get started call a Dell Technologies advisor today. Monitoring patients in hospitals around the world so that doctors and nurses can make sure you feel safe. As new challenges have arisen, weve grown to bring that same safety and support to the place that you want to be most. Together. Masimo. Together in hospital. Together at home. 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Carl were about a week since the Republican Convention closed, is it to really to look at the polls and say where the campaign has shaken out. I would wait a couple ofay ds more, we are waiting for sunday night and i feel better about polls into sunday monday tuesday in this week about polls that were conducted over the weekend but there has been a minor tightening of the race and its actually been going on for some time if you look at the real clear politics average, the biggest gap is over 11point that average on june 22 and today is about sevenpoint to percent. There is a tightening but its been going on for a while. Paul there is a substantial lead for nationwide for biden less so in the battleground states but you saw the fox survey, ninepoint in arizona and eight wisconsin, the president one arizona last time. I want to be cautious about something on the state level polls. These are fox polls so we have greater confidence in fox polls but i am looking at private data and some of the senate races for example in arizona and North Carolina and they show the race a small trump lead or dead even and we have a public poll in North Carolina this week that had the race dead even and we have a lot more National Polls so we can construct an average an average of all those polls gives us a better sense of where the race is, we dont have as many state level polls. Is the president behind the states where he should be ahead, arizonas one, he won wisconsin as well and b North Carolina and he has some work to do but i would be aul little bit carefulf reading too much into one individual state level pull. Paul we will see where that shakes out in the next ten or so days. Lets talk about the law and order issue in the unrest, hes trying to make it ant major thee and he has joe biden on the defensive where he started talking about it. Is this making a difference in the race and seemed to be in the polls . Karl i think the change in the race is going to come by building issue upon issue upon issue to a breaking point and the question is will this helpbr them get to the breaking point, this really boils down to a question of judgment, is joe biden too weak to address this, is joe biden wrong, it was really remarkable the Democrat Convention past an entire week without mentioning once the lawlessness of american cities. I thought biden was smart to finally come out and say i condemn in very certain terms the lawlessness that is going on in our cities and people must be punished. On the other hand he diminished by saying this en is all Donald Trumps fault. Hes responsible for. I think it says to somebody in the suburbs, think about the people that we have up for grabs in the selection. They are saying i like what trump may have done buthe i dont like how he handles himself. When biden goes and says its all his fault, wait a minute its not his fault its the fault of the individuals who rioted, picked up the bricks and threw them through the windows who took the molotov cocktails and threw them, it is their fault, not Donald Trumps fault. It overwhelmed that, if you wouldve left it alone and said i condemn on no Uncertain Terms whats going on in american cities, the police must hunt down those people and they must be prosecuted, that wouldve been a lot better than to maken it entirely clinical and say its really, just remember its Donald Trumps fault. Paul one of the themes related to this that the president is pressing the idea that biden is weak, that he is not tough enough to handle this kind unrest in bidens responsive its on your watch mr. President , who is weak and who ist . Not. I wonder if the subtext in the question weakness relates to whether biden is going to be strongng enough and willing to stand up to the political left which is been driving so much on the democratic party. Karl i think you are right, thats is something that we will see play out over the next seven or eight weeks. He has done things to astonish me, he won the nomination because he was a traditional democrat and then immediately said bernie you and i sit down and run a hundred and plus page paper on how i will concede to you on most Major Economic and social and political and military and Security Issues prethat document the Unity Commission report that they both signed off on his andty astonishing surrender to the left of the democratic party. It takes the most liberal member of the senate as his running mate and said things he would not said two years ago or three years ago and maybe did not say a year ago. Refused to say a year ago. Paul i want to ask about the job number in the economy this week because it looks like the economy is recovering faster than certainly i thought it would and most people on wall street thought it would. If this is something that we obviously are having too many people out of work but it is recovering faster, how strongly would you hit this issue if you were the president to how good it was in february. Karl i would be hitting it hard as you go into september and october i would hit it really hard because you gotta make a bet. His campaign really has to make a bet. As we get further into the fall coronavirus recedes from its position as the major concern. People begin to turn their attention to who is better able to reignite the economy. This is where hes always had an edge over biden. I read a little publication called the dispatch every morning because they have a chart at the top that shows a seven day rolling averagepa for cases in the seven day rolling average for s deaths. We are down 50 from the highs that we had earlier this summer on cases and were at one third the level of deaths. Not to diminish the how terrible it is that 1000 people week are dying but we are down to a third of where we were in may. If that keeps continuing the bigger will be a bigger issue in the minds of voters. Paul thats about 1000 a day. Karl im sorry you are right. Paul no worries. Just prevent you from getting a lot of mail. When we come back the battle for the senate he thought the republicans scrambled to defend their majority. The panel looks at the race to watch and what is at stake if democrats take control. E than Health Insurance and a partner who listens and acts. Humana calls it human care. Its talking to a doctor from your couch, or helping you find a cheaper prescription before you ask. Its helping you fix the rugs so you dont fall, and keeping you social, online or off. Its getting to know you, so you can be your healthiest. Thats our superpower. 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Kim, as i counted it looks like the democrats are defending one seat that will probably lose, alabama into more that are competitive, minnesota and michigan but then you look at republicans that i see seven states that are competitive in a significant way that are up and they could lose particular arizona, colorado and then you go to montana, maine and North Carolina. And then a couple of georgia seats are least competitive so how do you see it . Kim i see it exactly the same way, i think you can rank them in terms of the ones that are most at risk for republicans and if you did that you would start riin arizona where martha makes hollywoods name to that position and now defending the seat there, his really trailed in all of the polls pretty much of this entire year and its also been outraged in terms of money by mark kelli former astronaut who is running against and then you look at places like colorado, maine where you have good candidates but thebu electorate have shifted a lot in the case of maine where Susan Collins is running again for reelection, there is a strong empathy towards donald trump which is weighingee them down ad then you have the rest of the races were i think republicans have a very good shot of keeping their seat but that is going to depend on the broader race and President Trump because its become the case that senates tend to rise and fall based on how the top off the ticket is doing. Ng we dont have a lot of ticket splitting. If he does well, youre likely to see a lot of the rest of the republicans win, if he does not they are in trouble. Paul dan, that is a crucial point, lack of ticket splitting. People simply dont do that as much as they used to and a senator like Susan Collins for example is a v very strong personal branded name and that is helped her in the past butut this time i wonder how bad if there is a trump undertow in the state like that or in colorado, cory gardner is tremendous political candidate but if trump loses colorado by eight points it hard to see them overcoming that. Dan yes it is, add in that this is an absolutely unique electi election, both president ial and stay because of the pandemic in the coronavirus. No candidate is able to go out and go doortodoor and do the retail campaigning that they normally do. The campaign has been nationalized and many people are staying at home and watching it covered on television and that means watching donald trump and joe biden. I think the two president ial candidates are now carrying in inordinate weight on the rest of the races. That being the case means undoubtedly that wend have to gt to the president ial debate late september then presumably two more in october. People will be watching how the two candidates perform, Big Questions there especially aroundio joe biden and the senae candidates will have to adjust accordingly if the opinion polling starts going one way or akanother in the wake of those debates. The Senate Republicans willl hae to decide how long to tie themselves to donald trump, does he have coattails or is he going to look like a ball and chain in the middle of october. We will have to wait and see. Paul jason lets look at the stakes, the policy stakes, lets say democrats take control, theres a lot of talk from democrats saying were going to do away with the 60 vote filibuster role and we capacity think we want with 51 votes. What would that be in policy terms . Jason it would be an earthquake to do that because there are things that they want to dora le d. C. Statehood which give the democrats a more senators making puerto rico estate as well. That would help them, these are places that are very rural constituencies. It would be a a huge deal and wn Chuck Schumer was asked about this earlier in the year, he said everything is on the table. He is in no way distancing himself from some of these erlicies that the candidates were talking about during the primary. Paul they are talking potentially about restructuring the federal courts for example, that could be a big issue in their talking about the most leftwing and i use that word oradvisedly, labor law since the wagners act way back in the 1930s. They are doing away right to work beyond for the states an example. It is a pretty different agenda than it was 20 years ago in the senate. Jason oh yeah, it is very different. That is why i am looking at iowa and North Carolina in particular in your talking about the vote splitting that is no longer occurring. In 2020 no republican candidate saint trump did not win and joni ernst and iowa has in thom tillis in North Carolina pulling behind donald trump. Democrats can win colorado and arizona in maine and still come up short because of the job losing. But i dont think they can afford to let iowa go and North Carolina go and still hold thehe senate. Paul thank you all, still ahead the Unemployment Rate dips below 10 in august and continues to reopen from the covid shutdown. This as evidence shows the lockdown forck the economy but y not have stopped the virus spread as much as advertise. Tech at safelite, were here for you with safe, convenient service. Tech well come right to you. Upbeat music tech youll get a text when were on our way. Tech before we arrive, just leave your keys on the dash. Well replace your windshield with safe, nocontact service. Upbeat music tech and thats service you can trust when you need it the most. Upbeat music tech schedule at safelite. Com. Upbeat music singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Th paul the u. S. Economy added 1. 4 million jobs in august with the Unemployment Rate falling to 8. 4 down from 10. 2 in july and the pace of hiring slowing somewhat as business continue to navigate the often complicated process. The reopening from widespread shutdown, this as new data suggest the lockdowns did not help contain the spread ofen covid19 as much as advertise. The chief Investment Officer of trans macro. So good to have you back, great to see you. Lets talk about the jobs report, you have said fromt the start and i read you regularly that it was going to be a vshaped recovery, is that what we are seeing . It sure is, when i look at the jobs report the thing that strikes me how all the levels of everything including the employment rate that you mentioned is pretty much where we were this month, august back in 2012. That put us more than three years from the trough of the socalled great recession. We are now three months off the trough of the covid depression. Just about every way you e can look at the labor market, we have gone back in three months to what took three years plus in 2012. That was a nike swish recovery, that was agonizing a jobless and horrible. This is going to be a classic vshaped recovery like in fact most recoveries are. Paul what is driving this, is it the reopening that is happening across theni country r is it the government stimulus . Its a combination of the two. The government forced us to lockdown. I guess it is only fair. The government gave us relief and stimulus payments to keep us going in in q2 2020 we have the largest surge and personal income per capita that we have had a history in the same quarter that we have the largest drop in gdp in the history of the data. That is pretty remarkable. The fact is almost all of the jobless created by the covid lockdown was in the lower end of the employment market where people are making lower wages and so those are exactly the people werent fairly easy to compensate them in money and then the jobs start again with the lockdown in and they get a their jobs back. Paul some of our favoriteom economist on the left, jason furman for example saying if you look at the data inside the numbers, the actual unemployment number should be 9. 9 because there is 1. 1 Million People because of the calculation mistakes basically that are being considered in the workforce who are actually out of work. What do you think of that distinction . We have gonen . Through. Were all Economic Statistics are notar only producing magnitudes but with the volatility of old that we have never seen before. This is an example, Economic Data is especially hard to collect because people are having to work from home and with labor market data where the labor statistics actually go door to door and takes a survey to produce their statistics, that is not happening. We are in the fog of war and i would be very happy to get in an argument with my friend jason with a difference between 8. 4 and 9. 9, that is a rounding error and i think you should declare victory, thank goodness we now have a recession on her hand and not a depression. Paul you said recession, is it a recovery though . Its a recovery, is it not, it is expanded and the atlanta Federal Reserve is that 30 yearoveryear increase in gdp in the third quarter. Absolutely, when you start when it depression getting into recession is an activee recover. But eventually when the mbr gives you official date of the trough is going to be april or may, their call is april which means this wouldve been a twomonth depression in the shortest recession on record before this was seven months. This is actually an amazing thing. Paul are you concerned at all about the ending of the federal payments and whether or not they will have the economist calling follow the demand cliff because consumer demand will fall . This is a difficult thing, during the lockdown we absolutely had tong do that ande will pay the price for in the future but it was a necessary thing to do. You probably do not want to share fiscal cliff of shutting off the benefits so what trump did three weeks ago with the erexecutive order he turned the fiscal cliff into a nice physical offramp, whether the slope of it is the exact degree of gentleness and on the one hand you dont dispossess people but on the other hand you dont create continuing disincentives to go back to work. We will see if we get the exact angle exactly right but i know the movement has been made in goodness and we are letting people down easy. Im talking to you from dallas by the way were the two most frequently seen signs around town are the trump yard signs and help wanted. Paul so we do. Have job openins out there. Let me turn to a bit to the lockdown. You had a provocative piece and pointing out that your data, you quench the numbers saying the lockdown states dont have that much better of a record of dealing with covid than the states that remained relatively open. Explain that. You can tellopel whether a se or city or zip code or country is locked down because we cannot measure where people are staying at home or whether there out in the work, we can track the cell phones. We are not just looking at what mandates, governors and supervisors put on people, what was the work and complains that they actually did, so we can see the period of lockdown which lasted until the first week of april and we could see the period that has opened up which happened ever since and we can look at the number of cases in the number of deaths from the virus during those two periods. We can see if theres any correlation between them. There is really not, what little correlation is ever so slightly in favor of the seemingly absurd idea that the places that lockdown the most had the worst result of controlling the disease. That is a week relationships insistently. But if youre gonna deliberately cause a depression, you want a strong relationship and you wanted to be a positive relationship. It is not good enough to have a weak negative relationship. I am willing to give our Political Class a pass on this and say it was the fog of war, we did not know we were learning by doing and never confronted this before, they did what they thought they had to do in the face of what might be a mass destruction. The cord is in now, we can now look backwards, not models but i data it did not work. Paul that suggest that we sure do not want a lockdown again. Donald luskin thank you for coming in. New york city delays the return of in School Classes as other districts choose not to open as at all. Alternatives for online construction and could it be a steeper issue for the president ial race . Your name and theyre always glad you came applebees. Now thats eating good in the neighborhood. And still no sign of the worlds mightiest predator. So were attempting to coerce a visit. With devour white cheddar mac and cheese with bacon. Oh that looks good. Ahhhhhhh astounding eat like an animal. Devour. This ones for you. You inspired us to make your humira experience even better. With humira citratefree. It has the same effectiveness you know and trust, but we removed the citrate buffers, theres less liquid, and a thinner needle. With less pain immediately following injection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. And you can use your copay card to pay as little as 5 a month. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections,. Including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened,. 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Republicans meanwhile are putting the issue front and center in the november election. We are back with dan henninger, kim strassel and jason riley. Itn i want you to explain something because im thickheaded, andrew cuomo says we press the virusay in new yor, the every day at the press release saying very few positive cases and were on the road to recovery and de blasio says sorry we cannot open schools, why not . Dan they cannot paul because in a word they are incompetent. This is really the big sleeper of the campaign. As ive been saying its a unique collection because of the pandemic. Just a month or six weeks ago joe biden wrapped his arms completely around the Public Schools in the Public School union. In fact Sanders Biden Task Force Says they will promote Public Schools, suppress Charter Schools with regulation and biden would defund the Choice Scholarship Program in the District Of Columbia. Fastforward in here you have the city of new york with 1. 1 Million Students attending 1700 schools in not only are the unions upon opposing the city is showing itself incapable of executing an opening with out the unions. The los angeles said they are down 12000, 6000 in kindergarten, and this content will the parents are looking for alternatives right now to the Public Schools. Paul kim, is that is what is going to make School Choice potentially more powerful issue then and otherwise, i was struck at the convention how prominently republicans put that as an issue which is very articulate spokesman on women making a case for. Kim heres the thing, is not just what dan has described which are the School Districts that have abandoned parents but what this moment is really doing is causing a lot of mom and dad to say what if you never really done for me. And rethink the entire Public Schoolss phenomenon and thats why you have people voting and flooding out of urban areas in part because their schools are not opening and they want a better solution and you have the flood of inquiries and private schools and Charter Schools and you have people reembracing homeschooling as an option, setting up learning pods, there is a break in the mindset of people saying we need to rethink the whole situation and thats what republicans are really leaning on. Paul jason, if you look back at what happened in 2018 ron desantis press really hard on School Choice. The democrat opposed it and desantis credits his victory in part to that issue, is that with some of the republicans are looking at here as perhaps an edge and some of the swing states on School Choice . Jason oh definitely, i think that they are right to do so. Some of the pulling out there shows around 80 of parents did not think that their children got that much learning done earlier this year after school shutdown. But the parents of kids in Charter Schools and private schools were much more positive about how their schools have adapted to distance p learning. So yes, i think this is an issue but also goes to where dan was getting out about the unions, they are in control of republic Education System and as long as they are, theyre going to puton the interest of their members ahead of kids. And because the democrats are so behold, they will not cross them on this issue and thats the real achilles heel. Paul in massachusetts briefly, you followed this, they are trying to regulate the teaching pods which of these families that get together and have to offer an alternative for their kids. Kim is inevitable, as soon as the parents get creative here comes the pod police. All kinds of things would know where the five families, you cannot pay for their services, this is not what parents need right now, they did more flexible the and freedom at these times. Paul thank you kim. Ben franklin, yes ben franklin of concernthe person as d. C. Committee reexamines the names of schools parts and monuments in that city, we will tell you who else made the list when we come back. Limu emu doug you know limu, after all these years its the ones that got away that haunt you the most. [ squawks ] cause youre not like everybody else. Thats why Liberty Mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. What . Oh, i said. Uh, this is my floor. Nooo only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Paul the panel in washington, d. C. Identifying Benjamin Franklin among other Founding Fathers as a person of concern recommended that his name be removed from city property. The astonishing proposal came from a Committee Formed by bowser to reexamine the names of schools parks and government buildings in the Nations Capital in the wake of recent protests, the panel also suggesting adding plaques or other contacts to federally owned properties including the Washington Monument and the jefferson memorial, the Bowser Administration set to remove those recommendations from the committees report. Jason, i never thought i would see the day but what is going on here . Jason [laughter] jason i think it exposes the fundamental and t seriousness of these groups of people. You just have to ask yourself, what is the point of all of this. Chanting some silly slogan or kneeling or what have you, what is the point. In washington, d. C. , homicides are up over last year, assaults are out, car theft syrup, d. C. Children read intoh maxwell belw the national average, what is removing a monument going to do to address that. What is contextualizing a statue going to do to address those problems. I think this is so wide and it shows how unserious they are. Paul dan, i guess in franklin said he once owned slaves although later he was head of the Abolition Society and pennsylvania later in histi lif. I guess George Washington, the man who brought us independence is also in the dock, really . Go ahead. Dan your running detail it was not in the documents, they did not explain that they just had a list. Alexander bell, that i inventorf the telephone, he is on the list, why not jonah socks, he invented the polio vaccine p all joking aside i think this is serious, they are reinventing history, they are doing this up across the country, you can bet if the District Of Columbia Public Schools ever reopen, they will be teaching the students, exactly this, a complete transformation of American History and i think it really does require more active resistance then it is getting, ludicrous as it may see its a big problem. Paul the problem with the Washington Redskins was redskins, not washington but it seems to be washington also is problematic. To dans point about fighting back, what do you do . Kim i think we do what were doing right here and you talk about the uncertainty of this. Part of the thing there is real merit to this report. They did actually explain the filters that they had decided who got to go on the list. It isot worth reading it, its remarkable, not just how these peoples attitudes towards africanamericans but alsols towards women in the lgbtq community. You have to stop and think, if you said to George Washington lgbtq, he would probably think you are speaking latin. The idea that you can apply 21st century standards to 18th century figures is just crazy. Thats what were trying to do and i think that is the attitude you have to fight back on, yet expose and say and prove how silly it is. Paul jasonho you know from your own f daughter that this kind of thing is working its way through the Education System across the country. Jason yeah, i think the current state of it to the 1619 project of the new york times, i think if you are going to rewrite history in that way, Jefferson Davis is no different than thomas jefferson. And that seems to be the trendline. Paul is there a way to stop it or is it just fight back by fighting back and make an alternative case briefly. Jason yes, i think that is what you have to do is make the alternative case but that is going to be different under difficult and that is being taught at our Public Schools and thats where kids go to school. Paul we have to take one more brought under break, when we come back hits and misses of the week. Tech youll get a text when were on our way. Tech before we arrive, just leave your keys on the dash. Well replace your windshield with safe, nocontact service. Upbeat music tech and thats service you can trust when you need it the most. Upbeat music tech schedule at safelite. Com. Upbeat music singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Wabba wabba all new, Plant Powered creative roots gives kids the hydration they need, with the fruit flavors they love, and 1 gram of sugar. Find new creative roots in the kids juice aisle. Time now for hits and misses of the paul time now for hits and misses of the week, came to you. Kim a few things that they hate more than politician too set one set of rules for themselves and mortals, this is tim nancy pelosi who was caught getting her hair done in violation of City Ordinance and also not wearingne a mask despite lecturg others, here is an idea, instead of holding nancy in lockdown pets even the field by opening up everything so everyone can use the services and Small Businesses can once again start making money in the economy can be free. Paul jason. Jason paul, this is a mess for the National Football league, the season is about to begin and unfortunately the nfl has decided to follow inrt the footsteps of the mba and the major league baseball. In allowing the stadium to be used as platforms for black lives matter propaganda. We will see social justice slogan and the in zones in the names of shooting victims on helmets and so forth. I dont think this is why people turn to watch football, it might be why they stopped coming in. Paul may be some well. Dan. Dan well done, lets give a hit to Charles Andrews who just this past week was elected the first tricanamerican mayor of monrovia alabama, that is the town with the novel to kill a mockingbird. What was striking was the victory statement after elected mayor. He said today as i stand on the threshold of history the shoulders of our parents and our four parents, we are one people, one town, one teamon allinclusive. We could use more of that. Paul that is it forho this week show. Thank you to my panel and all of you for watching i am tran h, i hope to see you all here next week. The Term Campaign officials are coming to the president s rescues in defense today against the controversial report that he called american servicemen and women who were killed and were losers and suckers. Hello everyone and welcome to merkins headquarters im eric shawn. Arthel hello i am arthel neville. The president denying the atlantic magazine story in which unnamed sources say he not only disparaged or the work to france in 2018 but also asked to k

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