A big bomb in the time of war. The size and scope now the subject of so much concern. The blast heard around the world. The biggest conventional bomb the u. S. Has ever used. The u. S. Military pulled out the big guns in the fight against isis today. A 21,000pound bomb, the largest nonnuclear weapon in the United States has ever used. Afghan witnesses living in miles away from where the bomb was dropped said they could feel the earth shake when it detonated. Called a Massive Ordnance Air blast, but its nickname . The mother of all bombs. 22,000 pounds, the largest nonnuclear bomb the u. S. Has ever dropped in combat. Greg wow do you know what a nonnuclear bomb is . Its a bomb and so productively, the media and celebrities freak out over a strategy that addresses the world beyond slogans on twitter, or sappy essays on how to understand the enemy. George took dropping bigger bombs does not make you a bigger man, donald. Thanks, george. Your hot take has the strength of a farewell scribble on a high school yearbook. We get it. The bomb is pretty big, but you have to use big things to stop bad things. It was used to pulverize an area where isis lives and breathes. It killed 36 dirtbags. And yes, it probably costed us. But in money, not life or limb. Thats what we call in scientific terms debarking. Which brings us to joey jones. During his last deployment to afghanistan, jones disarmed and destroyed more than 80 improvised explosive device. And august 2010, he stepped on an ied, losing both legs above the knees. After the bomb was dropped in eastern afghanistan on thursday, he tweeted this. I lost my legs because my government was afraid to use the tools they had and saw me as expendable and i wish had this administration or thats pretty strong stuff. His point . Bombs like this clear places where you should take life and limbs of those who had that job before. So using this tool, its quite a shift. So we in the media, we are put off by big banks. But the bigger they are, the less likely we lose or injure heroes like jones. And it also sends a message that we not have the tools, but we will use them. Its a message heard not just by isis, but by north korea. Remember, tomorrow is the founder of north koreas birthday, when their leaders usually try to show off with their own brand of fireworks, its pretty exciting. America beat them to it, with a preemptive strike to rattle the cage of a fiend who loves to rattle hours. That was just one bomb in eastern afghanistan. Thats what i call multitasking. So joining us now from atlanta to react, the affirmation joey jones. Joey, first of all, as always, thank you for your service and for your sacrifice. I have to ask you, you tweeted this quickly. Why were you so compelled to get your opinion out there so soon . Thanks for having me on, greg. This is an issue thats really important to me. I lost my leg in afghanistan in 2010 and i dont make second wishes for want to change things, i lost friends that that was well. The reason that happen is because we went into a ghost town to clear it of ieds, a town we wanted to take so we can neutralize all of the ieds. All of the bad things stockpiled there. We did people warning we were coming. It was a goes down by the time we got there. But they also turned it into a minefield because they knew we were coming. So there is no risk of civili casualties, or very little risk. We got to make recommendations on how to clear this piece of property for this town and get rid of these threats. One of the requisitions was to use ordinance or a bomb and wipe it off the face of the earth. No one is living there, there is nothing but bad things there. But the headline and newspapers that couldve read dropped bombs in afghanistan, that political clout a collateral wasnt worth it. Thats how we fell in 2010, when i saw this headline and read more about it, that commanders were given the opportunity to use a bomb instead of sending a green beret to die like a few days ago, that was an amazing thing to me, the change in procedure, and something i feel like we should recognize. Greg i think it was an excellent point. I didnt conceive of your point until i read it, and i just said, well max, thats common sense. The idea that you just clear the place, why arent we you can just drop something and clear it out. I dont know. How have your fellow veterans reacted to the bomb and maybe your reaction, was everybody in agreement, was there some conflict . Well. On todays twitter, any time you tweet something out, there is pro trump, there are a group of people who will and celebrate that and there are a group of people who will rise up and condemn it. I had an interaction with one veteran who lost his legs in afghanistan as well and he really took, i guess, objection with the idea i was contributing this to the change in rules of engagement that its not necessarily a change in rules of engagement. Its a change in perspective. Its a change of intent from our commanderinchief. Whats more important whats make our lives and the mission at hand or how it is perceived in the world . Everyone is talking about the messages that the moab sand, and its a statement bomb, which is why im calling it, because it did make a statement for the most Important Message was the troops on the Ground Fighting and the generals and colonels commanding, letting them know that when they have to make a tough choice or strategic choice, they now have that ability. And the troops know they have an opportunity to accomplish a mission without putting their necks on the line every single day to protect themselves, their brothers and sisters, thats not an option. Thats what i celebrate it, thats why i put it out there. Greg do you think president obama understands your perspective at the time . You are making perfect sense, a weaponry of this magnitude can minimize our own troop casualty and suffering. I cant believe he thought, you know, i dont want to risk that. Did he miss the boat . I had dinner with president obama, he was gracious. He asked me hypothetically if i was back in afghanistan right now, what i would do, meaning it back where i was at. My initial thought was to say i would step left. If i stepped right, it didnt work out well. I told him what i was at and what i was doing made a huge difference. I cant speak to the rest of the country. I dont have his perspective. He didnt necessarily have mine. I hate critiquing a man whos been on eight years on the job. I know how i felt in 2010, and i believe from the feedback and what i know, the marines serving now and the Service Member serving now feel supported in a different way. Greg thank you, joey. I hope to talk to you soon. Im glad you ditched the bow tie. You look so much better in your regular long time. That is just me. All right. I did it because of you. Greg i know. Lets turn to richard goodstein, democratic strategist. You just heard joey slam the Previous Administration not so much what kind of slam for not using a bomb like this. Do you think he has a point . I know you are not the bad guy in this . First of all, none of us can even think about putting ourselves in joeys position. You would have to think bad thoughts of whoever was in charge if thats how you came out of the war. Obviously hats off to him. We owe him a big debt. Fact of the matter is, there are more people too who lost their limbs and who died in afghanistan when george bush was president who presumably wasnt as tethered as barack obama was. Somehow or other, its not a function of what obama did or didnt do, incidentally the facts were it was under president obama that this mother of all bombs got deployed into the area. And then it was up to general nicholson to decide where and when to use it. The suggestions on how that even donald trump could lie about this one when he was asked, was this your decision, senior better than to live. The general would have basically countered him. Greg richard, richard, richard. They moved the bomb. It wasnt used president obama dithered. That was always the problem. He had a problem dealing with the military, lets face it, and the military had a problem dealing with him. Otherwise he wouldve done what joey wouldve asked, right . The fact is, again, when you have general nicholson on air, ask him why he did it the other day and that several months ago. With all due respect to joey, weve heard his description ago, we need to destroy the town to save it. Thats what we came out with vietnam, right . We saw how well that worked. We cant go doortodoor, we arent going to going to kill enough isis with bombs or weapons. Its collateral damage, though. Greg there is no collateral no civilian casualties. We killed 36 isis. Greg thats collateral . We killed 16 friendly Freedom Fighters. That was a bigger present of the syrian Freedom Fighters than the 36 of isis per thats taking one step forward and to go back. Thats not a way to win the war. Greg i would say killing three dozen isis fighters im all for it. Dont get me wrong. Incidentally, Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi do, they said this is a proportionate use of firepower. There should be no question among your audience whether democrats are for or against this. I think this was wise, but thank you general nicholson, he has nothing to do with what donald trump ever did. Greg the greater truth in the last week, donald trump drew a redline, acted. Obama drew a redline, retreated. Again, what is the policy in syria . We know what it was when he was running, stay out for it when he was tweeting, it was dont bomb. Now its bomb . Incidentally, this is a project pothole. Thats what we did on that runway. A few months from now, lets talk again, great, and see if donald trump has a strategy that got us anywhere. Greg we will be talking about that. Im sure we will. Thank you, richard. A pleasure for next on the rundown, the standoff over north korea and its nuclear program. Can a military conflict be avoided . Back with that in a moment. Live from americas news headquarters, im trace gallagher. A man held for a missing future police say he also mailed a manifesto to President Trump. He was found early this morning and sleep on someones property. Watch. This is a good friday in more than one way. We would like to report that the fugitive that has been sought in a nationwide manhunt for those last week and a half, joseph joe perkowski, has been apprehended reporting that someone was trance trespassing on their property and sleeping in the makeshift tents. A jury acquitted former new England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez in the shooting death of too many 2012. The verdict comes two years to the day after he was convicted in another killing. He is serving a life sentence for that conviction. Protest planned to demand President Trump released his most recent tax returns. Polls suggest 74 of americans want him to release them. The white house has not said if there is any intention for the president to comply. Im trace gallagher. Now back to the Oreilly Factor. Greg in the impact segment tonight, the stand that with north korea, the United States is bracing for a possible nuclear test by the rogue state. Military tensions are escalating to dangerous levels. Joining us now from d. C. With the latest, our own world fox news chief washington correspondent james rosen. James, are we about to go to war with captain crazy pants, im referring to the punk in the pantsuit in north korea . Likely not. What we are seeing really is the Trump Administration trying to send the message to north korea. And his patron state in china that business as usual cant go on like this any longer. They have been Testing Nuclear devices for over ten years in north korea, some 2 Million People have starved to death in that country to fund this program. And they had this extraordinary missile inventory which they keep testing. And our allies in that region, japan, south korea, others are very anxious about it. But i think President Trump and is his National Security team know that unilateral action against facilities on north korea or anywhere on north korean soil would represent a very different case for retaliation from the target then we saw from syria where the retaliation was zero. They would probably ask collate this swiftly north korea and put in danger potentially tens of thousands of citizens in seal, south korea. Greg is it me that it suddenly is heating up, or is this some sort of ritual that happens with every new president that north korea just pops up within 36 months. It feels like for some reason this is hotter. It is because north koreas progress on the nuclear path has been slow but steady. And its already considered that they potentially have the ability to outfit a missile, a mediumrange ballistic missile, with a Nuclear Warhead that could potentially strike japan or south korea, and they are working on longer range Ballistic Missiles on being able to miniaturize the Nuclear Warheads so they can strike the continental United States. This is not scifi scenario stuff. They have been making steady progress. Its harder now for that reason. There has been a policy review underway in the Trump Administration. And according to published reports, that review comes down on the side of saying, lets try to pressure north korea more and get china more involved in doing that. But no engagement with that regime right now, and the military option either. Greg i keep thinking where is Dennis Rodman . Here is a guy who knows donald trump from the Celebrity Apprentice and also visited north korea and shall meet it up with the reported that back. Looks like maybe he can be the bridge. This is kind of the diplomacy that greg got filled exhibits for years now. To keep it quick, it has to be regime change. An obese young man known for an unhealthy lifestyle and subjected to great stress of leadership, one day failed to awaken in his bed. And before most koreans could even absorb that news, a new ruler who has no ties to the kim family but who has all the right impeccable credentials with the communist party is effectively installed after having been vetted properly by the chinese government. And he promises to carry on the good and glorious work of the kim family. But while improving the lives of ordinary North Koreans. And eventually the chinese come and visit that ruler, legitimacy is conferred on the regime nearby. And slowly after what we would call after a decent interval, this regime starts to make liberalized markets and Political Freedoms in the country and start to make moves to join the war the ground sort of the way china did in the 1970s. Greg that is a long list of dreams. I wish that would be the case. We havent seen it for days. We now go to a former u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. John bolton on his take for where we go from here. He joins us from washington. Its good to see you, ambassador. What is your take on the events and what advice would you give to the administration . I dont think a strategy that relies on pressuring north korea to give up its Nuclear Weapons is going to work. Look, we tried for 25 years across republican and democratic administrations to persuade the North Koreans to give up their quest for Nuclear Weapons. We have tried persuasion. Its failed. Weve tried coercion. Its failed. Because the fact is, this regime is never voluntarily going to give up Nuclear Weapons. They are the ace in the hole. This is the regimes insurance of its longterm viability. A simple pressure, they resisted. Beyond that, the only country that can put effective pressure on him is china, which understands very well how fragile this regime is. And china fears that if it puts too much pressure on the regime, it will collapse for thats actually what our objective should be. What we need to do is explain to china that it is in their interest, despite years of policy to the contrary, its in their interest to see north and south korea reunited in a sensible way. That would end the north korean Nuclear Weapons program and in my view, thats the only way its going to happen. Greg are you optimistic at all about this . I mean, when i saw donald trump meeting with the chinese prime minister, i was thinking possibly this may be something could happen, there could be a deal made. What do you think . Look. The chinese i will be polite, schizophrenic about this for 50 years. They say we do not want north korea to have Nuclear Weapons, but they have not done one thing thats materially impeded north korea from achieving that. We have reporting today in the media that china has been much more supportive of north koreas listed Missile Program from fragrance of a missile that went down to the east china sea. There was a lot of information that shows how connected china has been. And the only way to affect the, really, is to convince him that a reunited korea will not have american troops on the river looking across into china. It happens, we do not want to be on the river anyway. There is a deal here. One of the reasons i think we are still pressed now is that after eight years of the obama policy of strategic patience, which is really a synonym for doing nothing, north koreas capabilities worldwide are much greater but let me add one other point. One north korea gets the capability to drop an icbm with a Nuclear Warhead on the United States, iran will have it the next day for the right pric price. Greg it seems every president inherits the crazy aunt in the attic, which is north korea. Can trump try a different approach . Is it possible that we can finally deal with the alt and have her committed . Your suggestion was that Dennis Rodman go to north korea. Maybe i should go with dennis. Lets see what we can work out here. Honestly, the thing about this regime. Its the worlds only communist dictatorship. 25 Million People in north korea live in the fast prison camp in the 1990s, the population began to starve. There was a d population in the cities as people left to go stay with friends and relatives in the country side were at least there was food. And yet the regime stays in power. They are devoted, obviously, to that. Thats why i say this Nuclear Capability is there ultimate insurance possibility. They arent going to give it up. If they did, they give up the regime. Greg whoever solves this problem solves an amazing trinitarian issue. Youve got 25 Million People in prison. If the president or someone can solve that think that is a mobile prize. You know what . I think it might be. Dont you think . There is a famous map of the Korean Peninsula at night that shows the cities of north korea. You can see the entire southern half of the peninsula. The north is completely dark. Its part of the seas on either sight of north korea. Thats why the only solution that will work is reuniting the two koreas peacefully. Greg all right, ambassadors. Thank you so much. Straight ahead, President Trumps appearances on Foreign Policy if it will alienate his base . That debate moments away. Greg today, President Trump Foreign Policy, the president giving many people with flash this week after modifying previous positions on everything from nato to china to manipulate in its currency. But its President Trump aggressive stance on military intervention that isnt sitting well with some of his staunchest supporters. If he puts another foot into syria, he will never get out and we will never get out of the middle east and it will consume his presidency. For that region of the world, assad is one of the better leaders. There are probably only one or two ago that are better than he. Hes not even like a Saddam Hussein murderous thug. He helped us after 9 11, giving intelligence. I feel like it such a departure from what trump said on the campaign trail. And in 2013 on his twitter feed. Greg joining us with reaction from washington, stuart holliday, former ambassador for special Political Affairs at the u. N. And from city, chris wilson, former advisor to the ted cruz president campaign. You first, its President Trump deleting his base with all of these reversals . All you have to do is go to the comments section on Breitbart News and you will see how the alienation has become. Ive a new dell my good friend who is actually the leader for the sanders movement, they moved over and supported trump. We had a lot of interesting debates about that, i should say. Because of his the comment earlier to me when you have donald trump taking the same positions as Lindsey Graham and john mccain, he is alienating those who got him elected. I actually agree with the policy, but i watched in amazement as someone who was against him in the primaries and saw the true illustration of his comments. You can see him on fifth avenue and not lose supporters, he would not lose supporters. But now finally they are starting to see that his comments and the only thing ann coulter said that i agree with is that he set a different thing on the campaign trail than what hes doing today. Whether you agree or disagree with it, the fact hes doing it and hes losing his base because of it. Greg chris, two things you did wrong. You will read the Comment Sections of a political website. Why would you do that . And a politician changing his mind . Thats what they do thats what they are born to do. What do you have to stay to this . Is trump going to lose all those hardcore antiglobal support because of all of this . Chris knows more about grassroots politics than i do. But the president campaigned on Strong National defense. The tomahawk missile strike in syria is a long way from deploying half a million Ground Troops on the ground and getting back in a major way. And youve got to be able to walk as president and chew gum at the same time. The world doesnt stop. The problems continue. We have threats out there. I think a lot of people, conservatives, are going to be looking at do they have a job . Is the Health Care Situation going to be resolved . On this stuff, weve got to be able to protect our borders and advocate for a very strong military, which i think he did during the campaign. Greg that is a good point, chris. He won by projecting toughness. And i mean what he did in syria, it is the same thing. I worry about a politician who is too stubborn or has an unbending view of everything and he cant evolve. I completely agree with you. I agree with what stuart said, too. What hes doing with projecting strength is different from what weve seen in the past. What he promised is an american first policy, and frankly i think most people thought it would be spent on the wall. Weve got to separate hear what hes doing and whether its the right thing or wrong thing, and how his base is reacting to it. That is the unique situation he finds for himself and if he did not allow himself because of the rhetoric on his campaign, because of his last statements, did not allow him room to grow. Because of that, hes having this backlash with a very good portion of his base. Not just on Foreign Policy. Also his treatment of steve bannon, the elevation of jared kushner. I think this puts him in jeopardy for the First Time Since he announced his candidacy and it really began to take these positions that puts him in a very difficult position on those people who stood by him no matter what happened. Access hollywood, comments about john mccain. The one thing that could drive a wedge here. Greg here is the difference. Hes now president. I mean, once your guy gets in, you are just happy he won, wright, stewart quick smack its like, you know what . As long as he sticks to the wall, he doesnt sacrifice the wall, im okay with him. I think we might be confusing and coulter and pat buchanan, and the Comment Section of breitbart with america. Its the people that speak the most. I was going to make that point. You have these very loud, notable voices in the movement that get a lot of attention. I think the press likes to stir things up, too. Look here, your core supporters are questioning your commitment to what you said in the campaign. I bet if you polled all those workingclass people out there in the field, the people crossed over the lines, the Scoop Jackson by democrats who voted for him. These people care about the jobs and they care about a Strong National defense and restoring american leadership. I would be interested to see the difference between what they say and what these other Media Outlets are saying. I think the good news is when you elect a dealmaker that operates on flexibility, you are going to get a dealmaker that operates on its ability. One day hes a globalist, one day he will be a protectionist. Thats the way trump is for general and, thank you. Coming up next, how the United Airlines controversy will impact to the next time you step on a plane. Dont go away. Greg in the unresolved problem segment, the fallout from United Airlines and seven, the issue is putting united in the entire Airline Industry in its joining us to analyze, travel editor for cbs news, peter greenberg. Its got to be a nice job title. I doubt people do not pull you off the planes. Actually, they try. Greg greg really . Of course. Thats how stories start, like we saw in chicago. Greg what is a persons rights when theyre on the plane . You have rights before you get on a plane, you have rights before when you are on a plane. If you are sitting in your seat, this goes back to the days of ralph nader when he got bumped in 1975 from allegheny plane any suit, that led to all the rules that are in place now. Youre sitting in your seat, we are looking for volunteers, emphasis on the word volunteer. You get return for a cash voucher, and the promise to get you in your destination within a certain amount of hours. Now if nobody gets up and volunteers, the value of that voucher goes up. Its an option. Greg understandably, yes. I was on a plane once. When 300 to 500 but it went up to 800, got up to 1500. You know what, im going to do this. I got trampled. Everyone got off. What you saw here in chicago is it stopped at 850. Greg its cheap, and then they are paying through the nos nose. That guy hes going to own the airline speak United Airlines does not want this case to go to court. They are going to write to settle this as fast as they possibly can. Greg yeah. I love the lawyer, thomas demetrio, they asked of racism played a role, he dismissed it. I thought, you know, that is refreshing to me. He couldve used that card if you wanted to and he said no. You do not have to use that card in this case. The airlines use these sophisticate algorithms to figure out with a pull off on the one, and its based on who paid the least amount of the ticket. I am my megamillion miler. I am the last guy they pull off, even if they try. Here is the deal. If you dont get up, the only way they can pull you off that seat is if you are on drugs, on drugs, offensive bodily order. Have you been there quick smack greg no. 2 out of 3 and if you are a fugitive of justice. He was none of those. And therefore they violated everything. Greg so many people are medicated on airlines. If you just wake somebody up, they are oriented, they act differently, that couldve been a problem. I dont know with this particular fellow . No. That wasnt the case at all. You have all of these eyewitnesses here. However, if they hadnt shot the video, for the passengers hadnt shot the video, we wouldve never known that story, he wouldve been in jail for violating federal law committed to being a plane attendant. Greg its now everything is captured. When you do your job no matter where you are, that cell phone that can change your life. Part of job training in the Service Arena has to be you are being watched. Greg this is not my idea. Scott adams had mentioned it. Watching the tape of the people who were outraged, they still didnt get up off their seat. They got reimbursed, they got reimbursed, a lot of people were screaming, oh, my god, this is terrible, but they werent getting up. They were asking for volunteers its not like the military where they need volunteers, they are asking. That is not the max. An hour ago, Delta Airlines is emphasizing that their own employees can go for 10,000 but not how much it cost, but how much it works. Greg i get to stay free in some hotel room, sit in my boxers, watch bad movies. All right, enough about me. Cap next, kansas announces its first conviction for voter fraud by a nonu. S. Citizen. How many more prosecutions are headed to punish illegal voting . The factor is coming right back. Live from americas news headquarters. I am trace gallagher. An arkansas judge is blocking the state from using a lethal injection drug after johnny depp joining protest of the plan executions which are to start monday night. The state was rushing them because its supply of a sedative used in the protocol is due to expire by the end of april. Arkansas has not executed an inmate since 2005 because of drug shortages and legal challenges. The former sheriff in Maricopa County arizona is looking to add some star power to his upcoming criminal contempt of court trial. Joe arpaio is asking for the countrys top cop, attorney general Jeff Sessions to testify for the controversial sheriff was known for his hardline immigration policies. He makes is a misdemeanor contempt charge for leading immigration patrols continue despite a judges order to stop them. Speed 23s attorney tells has not been any contest with Jeff Sessions and is making theh court documents. It is unknown if Jeff Sessions will actually appear. Vice president mike prensa travels to south korea tomorrow. It is part of a scheduled trip which is part of his trip to the asiapacific region. The trip comes as tension rises over concerns of north korea conducting missile test. Pence will also visit japan to him, and hawaii. I am trace gallagher. Now back to the factor. Announcer the Oreilly Factor. The number one cable news show for 60 years and counting. Greg thank you for joining us for this Oreilly Factor special. And in the factor followup segment tonight, voter fraud in kansas this week. Victor david garcia by pled guilty to illegally voting three times. He did it in a 2012 special election, plus the general elections of 2012 and 2014. It was kansas first conviction of a noncitizen voter fraud since giving authority to its secretary of state to prosecute the crime. Joining us now with more from topeka, the secretary of state of kansas, chris crisco kris kobach. How big a problem is this, is at the tip of the iceberg or is it just the tip . It is the tip or tip of the iceberg. The cases that get prosecuted are just a tiny percentage of the total size of the problem. Take this case for example. The way we discovered this was he registered to vote back in 2011 print we didnt know he was an alien at the time. And then in 2017, he naturalized. At the naturalization ceremony, a nice person said, hey, what you like to register to vote, and he filled out another registration card. They went back to the office, filled out his information, and they say, hey, this guy has been registered for six years and has been voting. We wouldnt have discovered it unless he had registered that second time. And then of course, we brought the prosecution. In that same county, we know of 24 other individuals who either register as aliens or attempted to. But we didnt discover it in time before the statute of limitations ran, so we couldnt prosecute him. We talk about many times that number. Greg is this a symbolic prosecution when we used to go after people for pirating music . They find some woman who lifted ten pearl jam songs to give a message to everybody else . No. Its really not. If we have more cases of noncitizens voting where we actually discover it within five years of the crime, then we will prosecute them. Thats the strange thing about this particular crime. There is all sorts of voter fraud we can discover. We can compare databases and figure that out. You cant look at the voter rolls of your state and say, oh, yeah, that is a noncitizen. There is nothing in the record that says that. We only find out when something unusual happens, like the guy registers a second time after nationalizing. Or another example, maybe somebody sits on a jury form, i dont want to sit in the jury, im a noncitizen, we get a clue that way. Its really hard to get these cases in time to prosecute. Greg the west election of commissions says there is no academic of voter fraud. What are you seeing that he doesnt see . What we are looking in kansas when we are going after some voter fraud, you can the aclu wants us to stop requiring people to provide proof of citizenship which is a reform we approved in 2013. We had an outside expert coming into sampling of our voter rolls. He estimates the total number of noncitizens, aliens on our voter rolls, is in the thousands, maybe as high as 18,000. Its a big problem, and we only see that very tip of the iceberg. Sometimes we can prosecute. Greg the sentence, what do you think of the i think youve got nonsupervised probations and he had to pay a fine of 5,000. What do you think about that sentence and . I think thats appropriate, because when we gain authority, i wanted it to be a heavy fine, not like 200 bucks, but 500 bucks so people would think twice. If you get caught committing voter fraud mother will be a heavy fine. I dont think people need to spend time in jail. But its got to hit them pretty hard. Greg i would hate that, somebody asked you what are you in for, a guy, like, kidnapping, assault. And you are like, i voted illegally in an election. Stay clear of this guy he is trouble it could be tough. Greg kris kobach, thank you very much. Two books that are on the New York Times bestseller list. Old school life in the same lane is number one, and killing the rising sun is number three. You can get either 1 for 3 if you sign up for a bill oreilly. Com member. Important Foreign Policy Development Parent sending shock waves across the board. How will it all shake out . Greg in the back of the book segment tonight, it has been an enormous newsweek with Foreign Policy dominated the headlines. Catherine herridge along with fox news National Security correspondent Jennifer Griffin. Jennifer, i want to know what you thought was a top story of the week. And to bring us to, obviously, the big bomb. It also this report, erroneous it might be, about a preemptive strike against north korea. Elaborate on both if you well. Greg, i can report based on multiple sources here in the pentagon and other Government Agencies that nbc report about a preemptive strike being planned by the u. S. Military in the event that they see signs that kim jongun and north korea is planning a nuclear test, that report, that nbc report, is false. And so i would say that is probably one of the most important developments this week in the sense that things are so tense on the Korean Peninsula that there is a lot of concern here at the pentagon that kim jongun might miss read either some of these news reports or even some of the u. S. Military actions in the last week, some of which i were being told that were not designed to send a message to him. If you are talking about the bomb using in afghanistan, that was a decision by a local commander, and it was not designed to send any strategic message to anyone. Greg okay. Can they use those bombs outside afghanistan . They certainly could. There are some in the air force arsenal, of course. But it has been deployed to afghanistan for use there. I dont believe its been deployed elsewhere. Greg catherine, youre a bigger story is our cia director slamming wikileaks. Why did he speak out so strongly now . Its not every day that the cia director drops a hammer on the head of wikileaks, juliana saunders. All of the threats they are facing, cia director mike pompeo says he chose this one because its part of an emerging threat stream that they are seeing. To be very simplistic and break it down for those at home, you are seeing these relatively small entities like wikileaks, julian assange, the former nsa contractor edward snowden, they are partnering with traditional enemies of the United States, in this case russia, and they are able to amplify the damage. This is part of something the military intelligence calls the gray zone. This is the battle space between peace and conventional warfare. Its where a lot of guys like russia go to play because they cannot compete with the u. S. In terms of military strength, they do not have the economic strength, so they play in this gray zone with Information Warfare and propaganda to amplify their message and to further damage the United States. Greg what do you thinks aggressive stance is going to entail . You know. I found it very interesting that he left that threat hanging out there. My belief is not based on independent data, but my belief is there is going to be payback for wikileaks and speak 25 in particular, and it will not come in an obvious way. It will come through the very cyber tools that his Organization Says they recently exposed on the web. Greg i have a theory about a Trump Presidency that we get a month of news in one week. Its like when you go out that shopping and you come home with bags and boxes one you just wanted a shirt from j. Crew. Every day, you are overloaded with so much stuff. I thought the biggest story was the easter egg scandal. The media is so upset about this, apparently the egg manufacturer has a deadline to get these eggs and it hasnt been met. Im thinking to myself, maybe donald trump is trying to get a better deal on wooden eggs. It would be something if the easter egg i was a russian intelligence operative who infiltrated the network that effectively. Greg that sounds like a case that should be cracked by a hardboiled journalist. [laughs] greg stay with us, catherine, jennifer. When we return, weve got the no spin preview of the the big sts brewing this week. Greg continuing now at the Jennifer Griffin and catherine herridge, the big week in washington. Your pick for stories next week, the fight against isis. What you have to tell us . The first major policy address against the threat of homeland security. So much of it has been rightly so on isis. People have forgotten that al qaeda is certainly not down and out, it was al qaeda intelligence that led to the recent ban of the other thing i think people have lost sight of is that isis has really changed the dynamic of the terrorism game. Thats also very true here domestically. Isis has done something that al qaeda was never able to do. If you look at iraq and syria, last year they had over 1,000 suicide attacks. They have done something al qaeda has not been able to do. We have seen that play out in these domestic self radicalized attacks here in the u. S. Greg i expect that our lives may be harder but safer . Not just harder i am assuming things will be implemented. If there was going to be in large mass scale casualty attack, it will most likely be carried out by al qaeda. Not isis. Im not minimizing it but they are more likely to carry out an attack as weve seen just last week in europe, the vehicle was used as a weapon of mass murder. Greg its either good news or bad news that isis is fading and al qaeda is stepping in. Jennifer, your story concerns a referendum in turkey. All eyes should be on turkey this weekend. The u. S. Military has been waiting until the president has this referendum because they did not want to move forward with the efforts to retake the isis capital until after the referendum because the efforts to retake the city will require the u. S. To likely give heavy arms to kurdish fighters, they need to take the city. Theyve been waiting until aprig moves. They will let the turks get that referendum out of the way. All eyes should be on defense secretary mattis and his trip to the middle east next week. He will be in saudi arabia, qatar, djibouti, i believe that will be part of this effort to build up the coalition in order i think in these next coming weeks and months, we will see some very quick moves into that area and ordered to take that capital away from isis. Greg thanks, jennifer. I know when it comes to making predictions and atrium presidency. And a Trump Presidency. Hes like a magician. Hes always surprising you with something you didnt see coming. In case you get bored. Thank you for the updates. Before we go, a quick sure to cw episode of my show tomorrow night. Lou dobbs and i share our cooking secrets for the perfect Easter Sunday llama or ham. It airs at 10 00 eastern tomorrow, right here on the fox news channel. Thats it for us tonight, thank you for watching the special edition of the factor. I am greg, and for bill oreilly. Have a great easter weekend and please remember the spin stops here. Because we are definitely looking out for you. Tucker this is a fox news alert about the north korean regime appears to be moving towards a nuclear test on saturday. That would be defying explicit warnings from the Trump Administration. Welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. Saturday is the birthday of kim ill song. He is the founder of north kore north korea. It is already saturday morning on this Korean Peninsula. It could come at any time. They warned it would annihilate american troops in south korea within minutes if it is attacke

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