There are false accusations out there. It does happen. Even the most liberal, most Progressive Advocates for women against violence could concede the point. As an accusation enough . Yes, it is enough. I completely agree that in the time we are in right now this is going to be perhaps a bloodied period. The fact is that democrats and Democratic Party where you have a waiver, zero tolerance, but. Tucker thats the state of play. Kevin smiley joins us tonight. Is my pleasure, thank you. Tucker what specifically did pbs accuse you of doing when they enter show off the air . Its hard to know. The clause in my contract that they originally suggested to me they were looking to sort of inside baseball, clause 5. 1, we all have those clauses in our contract. The clause that they invoked when they pulled the plug on the show was clause 9. 1 which is the call that allows him simply to simply not distribute my show anymore. They told me they suspended me under 5. 1 but they said to the press it was 5. 1. Cbs to this moment has not specifically told me what im being suspended for. Tucker they issued a statement accusing you of some nonspecific sex crime in effect. You dont know what that is, you dont know who has accused of this and you dont know the substance of it . I do not. Cbs launched an investigation without telling me about it. I found out in the streets one former colleagues of mine started calling me they were receiving strange phone calls asking strange questions from investigator asking questions like did he ever make you uncomfortable . Are there other persons we should talk to . They started letting me know about these calls, thats how he learned of this. I contacted of course my attorneys. My attorneys reached out to pbs and these investigators and for weeks my attorneys offered for me to sit down at any time, place or point to answer whatever questions they might have. They rejected that invitation for weeks, only under the threat of lawsuit, our suing them did they agree to finally sit with me for three hours and talk with me and in a conversation i was never told what the accusations were, what the accusations were, who the accusers were. I was never allowed to provide any data or evidence to debunk anything what i could have debunked. They wouldnt allow me to present any evidence and they frankly didnt give me a due process and on top of that they have come into this moment, not talk to anyone on my current staff. Not my coo, who was in charge of hr. Its mindboggling to me that they have sort of kind of had to play this game of pick and choose who they actually want to talk to and all the persons they have talked to our former employees. Some of them who are terminated. Ive been at this 30 years. When you were in business that long to hire people and some people get fired, but they wont talk to, for whatever reason, my current staff or the person in charge of hr to ask where he simply did he ever instruct you to make any workplace decision based upon his relationship status . The answer is no but they werent even asked those questions. Tucker do know where the original came from . I do not. Tucker you dont know how this started and you dont know whos making the accusations. You dont know what the accusations are, so what did you talk about for three hours with their lawyers . A bunch of vague questions. What if, might you have ever done this, sir . It was basically a bunch of what if scenarios. No specifics, no places, no times, no data for three hours. Im a conversationalist but its tough to have a three hour conversation without really knowing what youre talking about. Tucker which of the process have looked like do you think . Its a very good question, im glad you asked. I understand in this moment why any network would be concerned about these kinds of allegations and they ought to be looked into. My complaint is the way that pbs has gone about this, not even telling me that a complaint has been lodged against me, never telling me they were starting investigation, refusing for weeks to even speak to me. Again, not talking to my current staff. Any number of things that could have been done here they just bungled this. As i said, they made a huge mistake. They have engaged in a sloppy investigation and something needs to be done to fix this. Tucker so you have said you had romantic relationships with people who worked for you. Over 30 years of being in the business yes. Tucker first of all, is that a wise idea . And second, is it against the rules . At worst it is misjudgment. Over the years i have learned. 30 years or so, there are things i might have done 30 years ago that i might not do now. Not because its illegal or immoral or unethical but just because it might represent that judgment. Ive written two books in my career talk about mistakes ive made and lessons i learned along the way. There are many things in my life that ive done in the past that i might not do today but it does not rise to the level of this kind of public shame, this kind of public evaluation and this kind of wrongful termination in this kind of personal destruction. Tucker what you think this is about . Why did pbs do this do you think . Whenever Something Like this hits the media, there was always more to the story than meets the eye. I dont want to say much more than that because my attorneys are hard at work. Theres a lot more behind this. I did say earlier today that it is strange when you finally get this three hour meeting, an hour and a half after that meeting ends they pull the plug on the show. Clearly when we went into that meeting pbs had already made up its mind without talking to me early on in the investigation process. Without having talked to my current staff. They had made up their mind and soul about 90 minutes after this meeting ended we got the letter that it was indefinitely suspending my program. 12 minutes after that, this exclusive story broken variety. I ask how does an exclusive story break 12 minutes after we were informed that the plug was being pulled . In that story there are quotes from an unnamed sources is overly from inside pbs, person close to the investigation, thats the phrase these. They have time to research my background, there is background material about me in the story. Leaks they placed in the story, i assume an editor looked at this before it went online. But all of that was done inside of 12 minutes. You tell me whether or not we have an agenda here. Tucker yeah. Do you think the rule ought to be that you are not allowed to sedate your subordinates, should that be allowed . I certainly understand that there are persons who believe there is no such thing as a consensual relationship in the workplace. I hear that, i respect that point of view, but there are other opinions on this. In my employee handbook we do not encourage interoffice relationships, but we dont forbid it either, because i dont know how things are going to turn out in your life and you start hanging out with our company. I dont know who you are going to meet. Lets face it, nobody is working 40 hour weeks and more, 40, 50, 70, 80 hour weeks. What else are you going to meet people . Our business is full of people, producers and talk show host who met on the job. Millions of americans who met their spouse at work. I dont think i have the right to tell people who to date. The problem here is that we are starting to criminalize legitimate relationships between consenting adults and thats a real problem for me. And if this does in fact end up in court, millions of taxpayer dollars are going to be spent by pbs to defend itself and i dont think the taxpayers want their money spent that way. Tucker ive never agreed with you are very much, tavis, but i have said i agree with you on a lot of what you just said and i appreciate you coming on. My pleasure, thank you tucker. Tucker last week lisa bloom was further disgraced, as if that were possible, by the revelations she sought to make payments to various womens in exchange for accusing donald trump of sexual misconduct. Embarrassing, grossly unethical, could also be illegal . Gibbons is an attorney and law expert and it joins us tonight. You said this may present a problem with the fec . What with the problem be . A potential problem. The they regulate campaign elections. If this is clearly intended to influence an election. That does not mean this falls within fec regulations. For example, we dont want to discourage people from coming out before an election and saying a candidate for office committed some unlawful acts. We dont want to discourage that by discourage that. The amounts of money here its ironic that the left is so adamantly against dark money, here we have presumably the left engaging in use of dark money. It may be somebody other than associated with the left. It could be some republican. Tucker or whatever. It was designed to affect an election outcome. Therefore you think it would fall under that category. So leaving aside fec questions, wouldnt the bar have something to say . All lawyers of course are members of the bar. This seems like unethical conduct. Why wouldnt the barbie taking this off . I think its unethical conduct. There are certain circumstances in which a lawyer may pay a fact witness, for example if you need the fact witness to travel. Those are the exceptions to the rule prohibiting payment to fact witnesses. This goes beyond paying somebody to travel to appear and testify. This is a lot of money. This was proposed money from an undisclosed source to testify about allegations about unlawful conduct. I think she has potential ethical problems with the Bar Association. Tucker but they never do anything, do they to police the wrong . Whats the point of having a bar, you never hear about any more disciplined by the bar for lying for example. You are correct. In the Bar Association may tend to protect its own a little bit too much, i think this is a good example of a time when the Bar Association does need to step in because if we are allowing lawyers to pay witnesses to testify about facts outside the rules that currently authorize it for a limited number of exceptions, than we are going to have chaos in society. Tucker how could you get to a just process if you are paying people . That is correct. It tempts people to live. If you are being paid to testify, at times to library tucker you think . Unbelievable. Thank you for that, appreciate it. The Obama Administration didnt just leave americas immigration laws are enforced, it may have deliberately enabled drug smuggling ring run by terrorists. That actually happened. Details ahead. When you have a cold, stuff happens. { sneezing ] shut down cold symptoms fast [ coughing ] with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. 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The report describes the dea unraveled the billiondollar cocaine and weapons smuggling ring organized by hezbollah. Lebanese Islamic Group supported by the iranian government. But instead of helping it bring down the ring, the dea was blocked by the Justice Department and the state department, both of which refused to press charges or help make arrests. The apparent goal of all of this . Improving relations with iran preparatory to the deal. Peter brooks is a senior fellow for National Security affairs, the Heritage Foundation of washington and he joins us tonight, thanks for coming on. Good to be with you. Tucker this piece is very long, dozens of people are interviewed and it and it sounds like they nailed it. The Obama Administration prevented the dea from basically doing anything about hezbollah smuggling guns and drugs because they wanted to get the deal. It fits thematically into the Obama Administrations general way of dealing with threats, and that is if we are nice to them they will be nice to us. Even though we had iran in a terrible position with the sanctions, they let them off a number of ways on the nuclear deal, which is the same sort of thing. There were side deals. They remain a threshold nuclear state. We dont get answers on the nuclear program, no visits to their nuclear military sites. This kind of fits along the same lines. I think its very much possible and its very troubling because hezbollah is one of the worlds most powerful terrorist organizations. Isis, al qaeda, hezbollah. American blood on its hands and we shouldve taken the opportunity to take it apart because this money that they were using in the drug smuggling ring, the Drug Trafficking ring was being used for weapons, used to support their alliance with iran. They are an ally of the Syrian Regime of aside. This is really troubling if its actually true. I want to hear the other side as well. Tucker the allegation is by the way that in the absence of enforcement has been up or working drug game in mexico, smuggled tons of cocaine into the United States and laundered hundreds of millions of dollars. If this is an Obama Administration on the background. The world is a lot more obligated when viewed for the narrow lens of Drug Trafficking. You will not let the dea do it either. Their point is theres a lot of stuff going on here, the deas priorities werent at the top of the list but america got something out of this anywhere in the end, do you buy that . Its a bad nuclear deal, thats what we got. When you get time to the bottom line. Its possible. Thats why i think we need to hear the other side of the story. They will put a different case out there saying there were other things we need to think about to get iran to the negotiating table and we had to look aside of this. But my concerns about hezbollah. Like i said, one of the worlds most powerful terrorist organizations, american blood on its hands. Remember the 1980s, the American Embassy in beirut, the Marine Barracks in beirut. The attack against the Jewish Community center in buenos aire buenos aires. They even arrested hezbollah operatives here in the United States. This is a group that has worked hand involves with the iranians. They are involved in syria today. I think it would have been more appropriate if the story is true to take apart this organization because they are a danger to us, our allies and friends and partners around the world. Tucker heres catherine bauer, a treasury official in the Obama Administration. Written testimony to the house last february. And im quoting. Under the Obama Administration fees investigations were tamped down for fear of rocking the boat with iran and jeopardizing. It sounds like it was an all hands on deck situation where everything was subordinate to getting this deal. Why was the Obama Administration so focused on getting the iran deal . They thought it was very important. We all thought it was very important. Like i said, we didnt get a good deal but we also thought that stopping iran from moving forward with a Nuclear Weapons program was important. I think thats what they would argue and they should have an opportunity to do that. This is also something that congress may want to look into. Its a very explosive report and should be very concerning as we go forward with our dealings with iran. Thankfully it appears to me that the Trump Administration is taking a very different view on this and putting more pressure on iran encountering them wherever they can. If you counter has blocked you counter iran. I dont think we are in a better place today with iran than we were previously. I think things have actually gotten worse considering what they have done in syria, the shiite, the instability in lebanon, what theyre doing in yemen, iraq, afghanistan. I think we should take every opportunity we can to counter anybody was an ally of iran. Tucker more than 60,000 americans died of drug over these last year. If not a small thing to know that your government wasnt doing anything to keep the legal drugs out of your country. Speeches thats important. They are also being sent around the world, they were being sent to europe as well. It wasnt just the United States. But theres also this terrorism angle that i dont want to overlook. Tucker thank you. Robert muellers investigation was just accused of properly receiving thousands of emails from the trump Transition Team. We will break down the latest blow to the parent legitimacy of that investigation, thats next. It all starts with a wish. The final days of wish list are here. 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But having his parents over was enlightening. You dont like my lasagna . No, its good. Hmm. Oh. Huh. [ both laugh ] here, blow. Blow on it. You see it, right . Is there a draft in here . Im telling you, its so easy to get Home Insurance on progressive. Com. Progressive cant save you from becoming your parents. But we can save you money when you bundle home and auto. Lie from americas news headquarters. Three people are confirmed dead after an amtrak train derailed in washington state. 77 passengers and seven crew members were on board the train when it skipped the tracks on the highway overpass near dupont. 13 train cars fell onto the highway below. It is unclear if the dead were all on board the train. More than 100 people were also transported to the hospital for treatment. Vice president mike pence delaying his mideast trip until early next year. This is the second time the trip has delayed as Congress Tries to pass a sweeping tax reform. Republicans hold a narrow 5248 majority in the senate and if tuesdays expected vote is a close one, Vice President pence might be called upon to cast the tiebreaking vote. He will now lead for the middle east on january 14th. If news breaks out, we will break in. Im trace gallagher, now back to tucker carlson. Tucker the last couple of weeks have raised a number of legitimate questions about special counsel Robert Muellers investigation into russian collusion. Number of members of the Investigative Team over there have been exposed as intense democratic partisans. No President Trumps lawyers have accused muellers team of improperly seizing transition emails without bothering to supply a warrant or even a subpoena. They just took them. Mark starting as an author and columnist and he joins us now for his perspective. Can you just take things . Apparently you can. If you are a socalled independent counsel. I should be the on assimilated foreigner here and say i dont think there should be a two and a half month transition between governments, which is unique to the United States in the developed world. And it makes no difference anyway because the democrats in the senate slow walk everything. Here we are a year later and all the deputy assistance, assistant deputy under secretarys and every department are still the obama guys anyway. If its meant to give you time to start the departments its a waste of time. But in this case it is particularly relevant because the transition was used by the Outgoing Administration and the permanent bureaucracy to set up their destabilization of the incoming administration, the Trump Administration. And i see no reason at all why a guy who was supposed to be investigating russian interference in an election that took place on november the eighth should be able to seize effectively and incoming governments governments entire Confidential Communications between each other in the period after the election took place. That seems to me entirely unwarranted by mueller. Tucker you are aware that by saying that youre putting the station at risk . I was watching msnbc this morning and learned that those who raise questions about the Mueller Investigation are, this is almost a quote, inciting violence in the streets. Delegitimizing the u. S. Government. May be precipitating a coup. Do you feel uncomfortable with your criticism because it is wrong to criticize the government . No. Mueller and the whole independent counsel that is designed to delegitimize the institutions of government starting with the president. By the way, while we are at it, mueller is the last guy on the planet who shouldnt be an independent counsel, because hes not independent in anything. He used to work for Paul Manaforts law firm. Hes connected with everybody. Ever since he was appointed, for the last six months i have sadly watched fox and i watched msnbc, and cnn and all the others, and the endless parade of beltway insiders saying ive known bob mueller since 1972 and you couldnt find a straighter arrow. Hes an eagle scout. Thats exactly why, whether or not thats true, thats exactly why he shouldnt be independent counsel. Hes not independent. Hes the insiders insider. But just to go back to that point about destabilizing everything here. If you take msnbc at their word that this guy is a straight shooter doing incredible job, for it to carry conviction, if you are to investigate the guy who won the election according to the rules of the election, you had better be seen to do it in a clean way as possible. You dont do it by appointing psychologically weird people who think they are somehow topped supersecret agents who have been put on earth to save the republic like this peter guy. You dont do it by involving people whose lives worked for Hillary Clintons Opposition Research team. You dont do it by hiring people who want to Hillary Clintons nonvictory party on november the eighth. Not everything that mueller has done discredits his own reputation and discredits his on investigation. Tucker for my account youve got 9 out of 15 investigators so far having donated to democratic politicians or the clintons. Ive got pretty Strong Political views, very strong. I talk about them every night on tv. Ive never donated a single dollar to any politician because my views arent Strong Enough to warrant a donation. Youve got people who are so spun up over politics that are giving money to specific candidates investigating it on the other side, why shouldnt that at least raise the question what the hell is going on . Exactly. Look at it this way, mueller cant win now. In fact, the country cant. The tragedy is that the country cant win. Lets say that mueller finds trump guilty of something. The heart of the country that voted for trump is going to say this is ridiculous. A bunch of people who were hillary donors who want to hillarys parties, who worked for her Opposition Research team, who were having hillary fans who were having Illicit Affairs because they love hillary so much or turn them on so much. As you pointed out, those tweets and texts between strzok and his lover, it sounds like john will carry rewritten by team. Its preposterous. The half of the country that voted for trump wont accept a verdict against him. Likewise, the other half will not accept if the mueller exonerates trump, they will say that is just because the republicans demonized him and trashed him. Mueller has killed the whole point of this investigation. Tucker you are exactly right. The whole point of independent counsel investigations is to reassure. Thank you for that, as always. Thanks a lot, tucker. Sorry i got worked up about it. Tucker i love it Harvard University is this countrys most impressive university. Theres literally no chance you could have gotten in, but is it practicing racism, and does the school have racial quotas to keep asians out . We will talk to someone who has the numbers on that next. I used to have more hair. I used to have more color. And. I used to have cancer. I beat it. I did. Not alone. I used to have no idea what the American Cancer Society did. Research . Yeah. But also free rides to chemo and free lodging near hospitals. I used to maybe give a little. Then i got so much back. I used to have cancer. Please give at cancer. Org. You only earn double withmiles when you buy stuffds, from that airline. Is this where you typically shop . Is this where anyone typically shops . Its time to switch to the capital one venture card. With venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, everywhere, every day. Not just airline purchases. Seriously. Double miles. Everywhere whats in your wallet . Tucker harvard is americas oldest, richest and most prestigious university. Super impressive people go there. Its not a power to be taken lightly. A small group of activists is determined to go headtohead with them. We sat down recently with edward bloom, the president of students for fair admissions. They are suing harvard for antiasian discrimination, watc watch. Thanks for coming on. My pleasure. Tucker harvard intentionally controls the number of asians who are admitted. That seems like the clearest if true, the clearest possible treatment, example of racial determination you can imagine. Its Racial Discrimination at a quota. The quota today is against asians, much like the quota back in the 1920s in 30s was against jews. In 192219 of harvards incoming freshmen were asian. In 2013, 18 were asian. During this period of time, the number of asians applying to harvard came close to doubling. It was this just a coincidence that every year from that 922013 the number stay the same . Thats not a coincidence. Tucker maybe they just didnt do well enough on the s. A. T. I dont think so. Studies have been done for the last two decades that show asianamericans score about 140 points higher than their white counterparts, 270 points higher than hispanic applicants to harvard and the ivy league, and 450 points higher than africanamericans. Tucker this is real, everyone knows it. Everyone with kids applying to college knows this is happening. Theres really no debate about it. People involved will admit it after two drinks. Why is this permitted to continue when it is so clearly Racial Discrimination against the letter and the spirit of laws banning this kind of thing . 70 of americans believe that students race or ethnicity should not be a consideration in college admissions. Sadly there are two institutions that we are fighting against. Number one, College Administrators and bureaucrats and Admissions Officers are wed to the idea that your race should be used to help you or your race should be used to harm you in your admissions process. Thats the big problem. Tucker why is this different from the practices we rightly decry from, say, the 1950s where institutions punish people and rewarded others on the basis of factors they couldnt control like the rays . Why is this different . Its not different. It racial preferences that favor whites back in there 40s, 50s, six descent 70s was wrong. Now racial preferences that favor africanamericans and hispanics, thats wrong as well. If you cannot remedy past discrimination with new discrimination. Tucker the argument is that nobody is hurt by this, but it sounds like you have numbers that show the opposite. So the question is, how can you get documents that prove intent here . This lawsuit against harvard is now in its third year. Harvard, by order of the court, had to turn over six years of admissions data to us. Our experts have analyzed that data, they have compiled acute report that will be submitted to the court, and sooner or later the American Public will have these numbers that they can analyze themselves, and we think it will be incontrovertible that harvard is discriminated against asianamericans specifically. Tucker is harvard denying it, just to be clear . Yes. Tucker s they are saying its just accidental that the admissions rate for this one group is exactly the same even though its population has doubled . Its a coincidence that harvard doesnt really put a farm on the scales. They are weighing holistic admissions criteria, leadership abilities and social ability, much like they did with jews back in the 1920s in 30s. Tucker good luck with your suit. Thank you. Tucker whether harvard currently has a quota system, and it does, or not, one visiting professor thinks it should. Education professional professa recent blog post that elite universities should explicitly implement a quota system for all races as a way to fight white privilege. Jason nichols is a professor and he joins us tonight. Thanks for coming on. Thank you. Tucker the idea that elite universities are two of the quota system, harvard does, its hard to know what it would achieve. I just pulled this at random, but harvard, for example, admits a higher percentage of africanamericans than the population of the country, the country is about 13 , harvards incoming class is about 15 . What would a quota system mean there . First of all, i refer you to two cases. Students of the university of california in 1978, and 2003. Both of those determined that racial quotas are illegal. If you dont have a racial quota, i would say if you are absolutely certain there is a racial quota at harvard, which i dont think there is, i would say at the same time tucker we just interviewed the guy suing them. For a different reason. At any rate, i would say that to talk just about quotas misses the doctors primary point, which is that we have a dearth of africanamerican and latino students at topflight universities. As a matter of fact, the Brookings Institute just did a study where they determined that 4 at flagship universities around the country are africanamerican. Whereas college aged the collegeage population is 15 africanamerican. You can see that there is a gap there, and hes trying to say that something drastic needs to be done. I dont agree that necessarily that has to be quotas, or we have to go back to that, but something needs to be done. Tucker i actually agree with that, something does need to be done. Absolutely. Tucker part of the problem is secondary high schools are terrible and black neighborhoods. Almost all of them, not all, but almost all are terrible and no one ever says anything about it in our solution is just to import immigrants to make up the difference. I think that is a massive failure on the part of the country toward its africanamerican population. I agree with you completely. I just am very skeptical that setting quotas for africanamericans in in college will help anybody on the southside of chicago for example. You know that it wont. It will help the kids of affluent parents and not the people who need it. Let me tell you one thing that was done, at the university of texas. They made it so that if you were in the top 10 you could get into the university, automatic admission to the university of texas. That actually made for a relatively diverse population at the university of texas, and guess what . Right wing people complained. They said it wasnt fair. Im in the 11th percentile, and to me that says something about entitlement. Tucker i dont know, you could also make the case not to argue texas education policy, but high schools are very different. Highland Park High School is really hard and other high schools in texas are really easy, so its not a onetoone comparison, thats the point. If the real point is that america is much more complicated demographically than it was 20 years ago, ten years ago. Nigerian immigrants, for example, make more on average from africa make more on average than white americans. Thats kind of outside the narrative that youre pushing it it seems to me. Going back quickly to fix one thing that you said about the university of texas. Their Graduation Rates rose, more people were graduating, which means that a lot of those kids from some of those schools that you see were terrible were actually very capable of matriculating at the university of texas. Tucker that doesnt surprise me at all. A ton of smart kids in all neighborhoods. Im just saying, look, the truth is you can metal with the admissions policies at universities all you want and it doesnt change the core problems, which is the schools are terrible, the overall majority of kids dont have a dad at home. These are not problems that are not solved and admissions offic office. We ignore those problems in britain harvard can fix them. There are social issues that we need to fix, but i still think at the same time we need to recruit students from all different backgrounds because one of the things that has been proven in many different studies is that diversity actually helps all students. Learning in a diverse environment, economically, racially, ethnically, actually helps all students and that includes affluent white students. Tucker since you believe in diversity, does this number bother you . The percentage of americans who identify as white protestants, about 30 , at Harvard White protestants make up about 17 , s than 17 . They are dramatically underrepresented. For more underrepresented than black students at harvard. It is not a cause for concern . Why wouldnt we care about that if we care about diversity . I think we need to look up tucker im using the rules that you set. Heres the question. Tucker all universities are just ones you like . Are you trying to tell me right now that white students are the minority . Affluent white students lets talk about tucker im saying factually the white protestants of all income levels are dramatically underrepresented at harvard. If its a concern that this group or that group is underrepresented, why wouldnt that be a concern . Lets talk about universities nationwide. Tucker how about just harvard . Why just talk about harvard . We are talking about education. Tucker i happen to have the numbers right here, suggest answer. Does it bother you i dont believe that white protestants are underrepresente underrepresented. It when i just gave you statistics from the Brookings Institute that said blacks are underrepresented nationwide. Tucker absolutely. White protestants tucker i didnt contest that. White protestants are dramatically underrepresented at harvard, the most Prestigious College in america. What historical issue has kept white protestants out of Harvard University . Tucker i dont know. There is not as what you are saying. Tucker im not saying that. What is it . If you are not aware tucker hold on, does every group need to be represented proportionally or just some . Im saying one of the things tucker answer the question. The go its not an easy question to answer. Tucker not every group needs to be represented proportionally, is that we were saying . What im saying is every group that has been underrepresented historically and actually at present nationwide, that needs to be fixed. Tucker the rules are more complicated than i realized. They are complicated. Tucker thank you. The pentagon spent more than 20 million a year investigating ufos. They may still be doing it. What did they find . That story next. Ding dong, ding dong 50 gift card for them, 10 bonus card for you. Only at applebees. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. When you have a cold, stuff happens. { sneezing ] shut down cold symptoms fast [ coughing ] with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. Tucker New York Times over the weekend exposed a 22 Million Program in the pentagons budget dedicated to searching for unidentified flying objects and investigating reported sightings of those. Right larson host fox News Headlines on sirius xm channel 117 and he joins us tonight. The pentagon has been hidden from public view searching for ufos. What started this program . It seems to be harry reid started it back when he was the majority leader in the senate. He threw a couple Million Dollars towards the project, about 22 million. Not a big chunk of the defense budget. Little enough that it didnt go unnoticed until just recently. They said they stopped it in 2012, but in that short amount of time one of the things that we saw, we definitely saw this, the video that i believe is playing right there on the upper right corner of these two Fighter Pilots who see this unusual phenomenon that is flying around in front of them. When you listen to these guys, you initially hear them say theres a whole bunch of them, and if you watch that little object in the middle of the screen, im in airplane enthusiast, that doesnt look like anything that ive ever seen before unless there is some new kind of drone that can fly at 20,000 feet. What is so cool about this, at least from my perspective, is that they are actually talking to military personnel, to pilots, to people who through the years historically have had these unusual things happen to them. They are taking down their information and following up on it. Its very similar to the project blue book that the fbi did and stopped back in the late 60s. Tucker it sounds like two things, there are an awful lot of pilots, military pilots and commercial pilots who have seen objects that appear to defy physics. And second, the sightings appear to be clustered around nuclear sites, either Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier submarines or Nuclear Power reactors. Why is that . Conspiracy theorist will tell you that the aliens are very interested in our nuclear capabilities. That may or may not be the case. Im not going to dismiss anything that the conspiracy theorists, people like to believe in or follow up on. It could also be, and this is another reason why they kept this division going, it could also be our enemies, and it could be technology that maybe they have, and that is something that they want to keep an eye on. They want to keep an eye on on Nuclear Capable submarines. Keep an eye on our Nuclear Power plants. They are certainly of interest to a lot of groups of people. Thats another reason why i think having Something Like this is important, because when we say an unidentified flying object, that doesnt necessarily mean that et is coming or else is going to walk off the ship or we are about to have our Close Encounter finally. If it could very well be foreign technology, it could be the russians, the chinese. They may have figured out some way of making a better stealth device then we have, though i strongly believe we have some of the best military equipment in the world. So its interesting that its the sort of split where we want to keep an eye on these unusual phenomenon. If we want to follow up on this stuff and see what it actually , but at the same time, if what we are seeing is technology that someone on planet earth has, we need to know about that. We need to keep an eye on that, we need to make sure that we are not being outpaced with our own technology. Tucker i dont really see a nonterrifying explanation for any of those. The only terrifying explanation would be if they are literally hiding something from us. If we have been visited by some terrifying creature. Tucker they are definitely something from us thank you. Thanks for having me. Good to see you. Tucker the show is not over just yet, we will be right back. Booking a flight at the last minute doesnt have to be expensive. Just go to priceline. Its the best place to book a flight a few days before my trip and still save up to 40 . Just tap and go. For the best savings on flights, go to priceline. Were on a mission to show the new keurig k select brewer is the strong way to start your day. Pop that in there. Hit strong. Press brew. Thats it. Strong. Bold. Rich. I feel like youre toying with me. Show me how strong you are. screams lift me up dan lift me up screams i am totally blind. And non24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442142424. Tucker another hour done, hard to believe it. Tune in every night at 8 00 to the shell that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. Good night from washington, judge jeanine sitting in for sean. Welcome to hannity. Im Jeanine Pirro in for sean. Theres a lot of breaking news tonight. Special counsel Robert Muellers team is once again under fire. This time for how it obtained emails from the trim Transition Team. Its raising serious legal questions. A lawyer for the trim Transition Team is saying the documents were acquired improperly while muellers investigators are claiming they did nothing wrong. Gregg jarrett and Alan Dershowitz are there with their expert legal analysis. And President Trump delivers a major National Security speech on p

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