Charles, democratic president ial hopefuls are descending on the first primary states. It was easily carried by Bernie Sanders in 2016. So i asked senator harris if that means that she thinks to win here, she might have to adopt more of a democratic socialist platform. The people of New Hampshire will tell me what is required to compete in New Hampshire. Will tell you im not a democratic socialist. Senator cory booker also crisscrossed the primary states this weekend filling house parties with hundreds of curious locals and a lot of talk about the dangers of climate change. Since booker is a supporter of the Green New Deal, i asked him how he planned to pay for it because of items popping up like one in the wall street journal today that just to upgrade light publics in new york City Apartments cost almost 2,000 per unit. This is the lie going on right now. A former mayor that shows you can create a bold new green future. We retrofitted our buildings and created jobs and lowered or carbon footprint. This weekend, senator harris talks about how she would pay for the Green New Deal if she was elected president telling a group in South Carolina at a town hall in columbia that she would claw back money from americas wealthiest that they got in the bank right now because of the trump tax reform bill. Charles . The question, kamala harris, rolled out a good beginning here. Does she have the early momentum . I want to get the read from doug schroen. Shes got a great social media presence, perhaps the best among the president ial candidates on the democratic side. Shes rolled out a pretty Good Campaign so far. Right. I would say of the candidates that have launched so far, hers has been most successful. The other thing, charles, is because of the fact that 2018 was the year of the woman, people of color were empowered on the democratic side. That gives her a leg up to start. The launch in terms of the turnout in oakland, the number of followers on social media and the amount of money raised from her launch give reason to be optimistic. Of course, theres perhaps two elephants in the room. Joe biden, who by all accounts real clear politics have him with a double digit lead and perhaps Bernie Sanders. Hes looking at an emerson poll. Both poll ahead of kamala harris. Theyre lurking out there. Any is it too early to tell what will happen . Its too early to tell. We have a history in the Democratic Party of frontrunners like joe biden who start high and end up sinking. Its not clear that he has decided or has a message. And the question is will Bernie Sanders be the right stuff for 2020. Both unanswered questions, charles. You think joe bidens theme, hes in munich dissing the president of the United States in front of European Countries where theyre is that the message . Is that the sort of say hey, its all about being antitrump without necessarily presenting an alternative to President Trump in a Republican Party . Look, democrats are unalterably antitrump as are europeans. I was in munich. I got the reaction. The second part i just got you talk about the same europe that has brexit, the same europe that just elected antieurope skeptics in italy . The same europe that wants catalonia independence in spain . By the way, in bavaria, munich is the capitol. Bavaria wants to be separated from western germany because of they dont think germany is pulling their weight . I dont think all of europe is against President Trump. Maybe in that room. Thats what i was talking about. And Angela Merkel is out because the people are pushing back against the elites. They have problems. I dont disagree with anything youre saying. In that room, among elites in europe, mike pence did not get much of a response. I would say to finish answering your questions, biden does need a Program Going forward that is more than just warmedover politics from the past. Think he will embrace immigration. I think he will embrace climate change. Whether hes seen as an activist, an agent of change nor the Democrats Remains to be seen. You have to admit, this sort of the feelings that the democrats must have a person of color or a woman somewhere on that ticket. In other words, if its not at the top of the ticket, it has to be the v. P. Candidate. I would tend to agree theres got to be a woman and a person of color on the ticket. Two white males isnt going to work this year. Especially biden. Even 70, 80 years old. Thats a problem. And pakadel passed away. A remarkable person. He left a major impression on everyone who came across him. You knew him better than most. This was a guy, charles, that literally invented political polling and consulting as we know it. He was largely responsible for jimmy carters election, for the creation of our industry and a little known fact is that pat was an early advocate of donald trump. He saw that this was in his words a prerevolutionary moment before the election. On this network, he did predict trumps election. So hes as responsible as anyone for electing two president s in his lifetime and career. Thats an extraordinary accomplishment. What i thought was extraordinary, he didnt have a political bias. You didnt know if he was a republican or democrat. Just to be quite frank with you, we have honest conversations where could you dont bring democratic talking points to the table. That was so refreshing. Youre nice to say that, but i would call pat, a little older than i am, i call him a mentor. He saw things without fear or favor. Youre right, he wasnt idealogical. He was a visionary mood. He saw the mood that elected trump and the mood that elected jimmy carter. I dont know in one who has had a greater influence on my work, my thinking and my approach to politics than pat caddell. Thanks, doug. A very sad moment. Certainly. Of course, pat caddell was a great friend to this show offering expertise and lots of laughs, many at his own expense. Neil cavuto and pat closed out the fbn specials. It was always pat, always there, ready for whatever neil through at him, always ready for the long haul. Lets talk a look back at iowa where pat caddell got it started for jimmy carter. On his way to the white house and on his way to making history. Were here, including know storm. Im ready. You getting home on tuesday, not happening. Not happening. So im going to have to do jello shots with pat caddell. Thats what youre telling me. Im having fun already. This is the most excited ive seen you. Its the birth i cannot see this enough, that picture. Its sort of like the early beatles. Thanks for coming. Stick around. Yeah. I have another campaign to run. The Iowa Caucuses are good for business. What is the the most popular items . Right now the ribs. Caddell, stop. Pat promised the jello shots. Its going to get ugly. I get texts and emails from people wanting to know about our shots. What about in des moines should stay in des moines. Thats what i said. That was my view. And being able to laugh at yourself. People and politicians take themselves too seriously. I dont know where they get that idea. The fact is that that moment did you ever get cart tore lighten up . Yeah. Ill try to remember when. Neil do we have that photo . No. I have to make a confession. Because in this hot house environment that we have, this national hysteria, i have to confess i bought my 11yearold granddaughter a new show dog. The dog is from russia. It wasnt inexpensive. I had to collaborate with the russians to get it. It won its first junior contest. In the dog world, they have not summoned her to be subpoenaed. Neil the dean of all things politically story. The ignoring president carter shaking my hand, pat caddell. Good to have you. Thats me. Neil the man that made jimmy carter history. Its so route. You used the moment to snap the shutter. Maybe i just looked. Maybe i just looked. Maybe they were after me. Neil you made history. You elected a guy that had no chance in heck to become president of the United States. You put him in the oval office. Look at that. He wants to thank you, the guy that made it possible and you cant look at that. Thanks, pat. Thanks. Okay. I have Better Things to do. Neil its like where are you going . Where you going to go . I probably had a date. Neil really . You rascal. I was pretty wild in my 20s. Were you really . Neil hes in the oval office, got him elected and you cant even look at him. Why . Obviously the today bid humbled. I would have looked him in the eye and be spared. You promised to give me as an italian, you have proved you keep your word not to be messed with. Neil shake hands. See what i mean . People with the media, if you want to understand their bias, they are operating theyre operatives in this. In a big government, they like and support and their attitude anybody that wants to cut money, budgets, theyre yahoos. You know what . The country dislikes them intentional intentionally. You finally lived up to your staff. Neil dont encourage them. You know its true. Neil youre the man. Youre the man. Neil okay. Feeling unsure . What if you had some help . Introducing the new 2019 ford edge with the confidence of ford copilot360™ technology. The most available Driver Assist techonology in its class. The new 2019 ford edge were finally going on the trip ive been promising. Because with expedia, i saved when i added a hotel to our flight. So even when she outgrows her costume, well never outgrow the memory of our adventure together. Unlock savings when you add select hotels to your existing trip. Only when you book with expedia. Wake up sweetie. Doctor dave. 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To the first point there on the 25th amendment, Andrew Mccabe said he wasnt involved in conversations regarding the 25th amendment removal of the president. He said Rod Rosenstein talked to hill about it and Rod Rosenstein appeared to be serious about it. Listen to what he said on 60 minutes. The discussion of the 25th amendment was rod raised the issue and discussed it with me in the context of thinking about how many other cabinet officials might support such an effort. Now to the other issue. Mccabe insists that rosenstein was serious when he talked about wearing a wire in his white house meetings with President Trump. Rod rosenstein has insisted that he was only joking about it, saying it sarcastically. President trump today going off on both mccabe and rosenstein. He said wow, so many lies by Andrew Mccabe of the he was fired for lying and now his story gets more deranged. He and Rod Rosenstein, hired by jeff sessions, another beauty, looked like they were planning a very illegal act and got caught. He goes on to say, this was the illegal and treasonous insurance policy in full action. But while the president was taking aim at mccabe and rosenstein, rosenstein tendered his resignation weeks ago but still at the department of justice for a little while, white house officials saved their fire for mccabe alone. Mccabe has no credibility. He was fired by the fbi. Hes lied on multiple occasions including under oath and a partisan hack. Hes trying to sell a book. And a lot of questions raised by republicans about what was going on here. Lindsey graham was the chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee has said he wants to haul mccabe and rosenstein up to capitol hill to testify. No decision on when that hearing might occur. Well keep you posted. Charles . Charles thanks, john. So the question who is in legal trouble here . The president or mccabe or rosen style . John sale. Some are calling this a bureaucratic coup. From what we know now, where does this go . Well, first of all, in my view, its not the fbi, its not department of justice. Theyre great institutions. Its a small number of people. Its not about President Trump. Its about the presidency. Its unthinkable that a small number of people were start add Counter Intelligence investigation. President trump was an agent of putin supposedly. If that were the case, is think would have gone to the joint chiefs or the leadership. This is plain scary. There has to be a predicate and a procedure to go into the issue of wearing a wire i dont buy its a joke. The Deputy Attorney general does not joke about Something Like that. Mccabe looked into the camera and he said that rosenstein said ill wear a wire. They dont search me when i do into the white house. You cant make that up. Going in because they dont search him is breaching the security, breaching the trust of the white house. I know what it takes to wear aware. Ive been a prosecutor for a long time. Ive been a defense lawyer for a long time. You need a predicate. It has to be more than my boss was fired, meaning the firing of comey, which the president had a right to do. Charles, the president is not above the law. My water gate prosecution taught me that this is not about that. If we want to remove a president , thats what we have elections for and extraordinary cases we have impeachment proceedings. The 25th amendment, to be talking about that, that was after president kennedys assassination. Was this a coup . In this case, President Trump is absolutely right. Let me say one other thing. This was reported in the New York Times six months ago and just now getting legs. I have to give the president credit. I dont know why he didnt fire Rod Rosenstein. How having nothing to do with the russian investigation. How can you have a Deputy Attorney general that is talking about wearing a wire in the oval office, even if hes joking, you dont joke about that. Charles no, absolutely. James baker suggested or hinted this all began even before the socalled russia problems or issues. John, i have to say, its wheel really worrisome, the hierarchy of the fbi, the folks in charge, not the men and women, rank and file. We have to leave it here. Really enjoyed the way you explained that and the audience does as well. Folks, youre looking at miami. President trump is there and will be speaking in moments on the crisis in venezuela. I want to go to phil keating who is in miami with more. Senator rubio and governor ron desantis, rick scott, all republicans, all three here vehicle will revving up this venezuelan american crowd. Theyve been living in miami for years and new arrivals from a nation that is spiralling in crisis and despair. That being venezuela. The problems down there are immense. Inflation going to reach 10 million percent this year. Food is scarce to get. In fact, its so hard to get food and supplies of food just for the people of venezuela to eat and feed their families. The average venezuelan has lost 24 pounds 6 when Nicholas Maduro took office. The two men targeted by President Trump and he should be walking out to the stage here any minute now will be president Nicholas Maduro as well as Opposition Leader juan guaido. Guaido is whom john bolton, the National Security advisinger, just in a speech here earlier referred to him as the president of venezuela, this is who the white house recognizes as the legitimate president. They say maduro is a dictator, a cleptocrat and needs to step down from power. All of these things will be hammered by the president to a supportive crowd. Also, senator rubio went to columbia congressman diaz over the weekend. They were there at the border with venezuela and one of these bridges where venezuelans have been carrying all they can on their back and leaving the country. Three Million People have left venezuela in the last couple years. Rubio and diaz were there with some humanitarian aid shipments, which they say are having difficulty getting into venezuela because venezuelan maduro regime and military are so far not letting it in. Charles . Phil, thank you very much. So with maduro digging in, are we at the Tipping Point . Former state department official, Christian Whiteman joins us now. Christian, you know, weve said this is an emergency. Weve seen images. Phil just talked about the background here. Venezuelans, losing weight, you know, suffering minorly. We have we recognized juan guaido. So what happens from here if maduro refuses to budge . Well, what we can do is basically create a number of crises to help the venezuelan people create crisis after crisis after crisis, which every one of which is an opportunity for the police and the military in venezuela to peel away from maduro and support guaido, which is what the people want to do. So if you look at the assembly of aid packages, a large amount of aid coming together in columbia. Maduro in the past has stopped this despite the fact that hes people are starving and in bad need of medicine. You have brazil also assembling a collection of aide. One thing trump is doing here, reinforcing how isolating maduro is. This just isnt the gringos coming in and telling south americans what to do. This is quite the contrary. They want maduro to go. Who is on our side . Everyone is on our side. All of the heavyweights in south america. This is the product of trumps Foreign Policy. Charles at least 50 countries have recognized guaido. But heres a problem. You talk about the crises. We know in these socialist countries, its the elites that are isolated. We may force their behind but makes a desperate session for the regular venezuelan more despera desperate, doesnt it . It does. Maduro has done that by himself. Its not any sort of withholding of u. S. Support or economics. That country which has Tremendous Oil wealth and could be the most wealthy country per capita in south america has been pushed through 20 years of socialism, although its gotten worse lately to that. So you know, theres a question if u. S. Sanctions and u. S. Pressures will hurd a freedom movement. If you talk about people, their cases go back to solidarity in poland, they always want outside attention. Even if they dont love the United States, although many do, if they dont, they want us to do what were doing, which is put the spotlight on the dictator. You mentioned the police and the military. I remember when chavez was in charge. He would raise the pay of the military. Perhaps seeing one day where this moment would come where paying off the military and the police to a degree would be necessary. Of course, maduro picked up on that practice. Theres been many times when hes elevated their pay substantially where they lived very well. They have not lost 24 pounds in the last year. Where is the breaking point for the military and the police . How do we negotiate that . It is part a signal that the people in the military and the police that have not been leaders of atrocity, the rank and file just following orders will not be displaced in a new government. A huge problem, different situation. If you look at iraq where we dismissed the entire iraqi milita military. That was a huge mistake. The top political level would have to be stripped off. Charles colon powell said that was one of the biggest mistakes we made over there. If always else fails, how do we go with respect to the use of force . I dont think it would come down for the need for the u. S. To go in. Unless maduro does very bad things or threatenings our National Security. Its good the president hasnt taken it off the table. These regimes always look tough and solid until theyre not. Then you look at the long history of regimes that have been swept away, the people will get it. The combination of u. S. Support of International Support and everyone coming together. Floridas two senators doing a great job. I think it will happen without the need for military action. Thanks, christian. Thanks, charles. Charles President Trump getting ready to tell venezuelas leader maduro to step down. Hes expected to bash the dangers of socialism. mom vo we fit a lot of life into our subaru forester. dad its good to be back. mom it sure is. mom vo over the years, we trusted it to carry and protect the things that were most important to us. 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In california, theyre rolling out a new program to provide basic income for everyone. We have with us here our panel. Kelly jane, lets start with you. This is sort of the world now knows whats going on in venezuela. Had the opportunity to be among the wealthiest countries in the world. They squandered it and now this could be the end game for all to see. Yeah, charles. Its a very dramatic few weeks we have had in venezuela. It will continue to be. You had marco rubio on the border with columbia over the weekend showing humanitarian aid that america and other countries are trying to get in to help the starving people of venezuela. I know a lot of critics of the president like to say he doesnt care about people outside americas borders. He certainly does. I think hes going to be showing that in his speech today. We also will be showing that hes not isolated from the international community. Theyre all working to help the people of venezuela. Yeah, this is a stark reminder what socialism does and always leads to. You have three Million People that have left venezuela. Theyre starving. You have democratic economists saying we can pay for the Green New Deal by printing money. Venezuela has 30 million percent inflation. We can see where that leads to. Donald trump will be giving an interesting speech with Foreign Policy and domestic policy. He will tie it to the candidates on the trial right now. Charles we see the city of stockton, formerly known as the foreclosure capitol of america. Its been tried all over the world and yet its being used again to they say fight poverty. I grew up in poverty. I understand it well. Having been in a family where we depended on welfare programs for everything. Welfare is good for a temporary measure to lift you out of poverty. The truth of the matter is, a government can give it and take eighth way. Theres over 80 welfare programs in the federal level. We have the support that we need to lift ourselves out. But there has to be conditions around it. Thats why i have an issue with any particular time looking to give money away without restrictions. People should be like the 96 welfare reform, should have to work, go to school. No one is looking to tear care of them for the entirety of their life and creates a dependency program. This same program was tried in finland with over 100,000 people. They spend 23 million. The initial results have not been that great. They say theyll keep examining it. Meantime, theyre going to do something where people can get help but they have to show theyre learning a skill, theyre trying to work. Something more akin to work welfare that bill clinton brought in. What are your thoughts on this party that some equate to socialism . I dont know if this is the sentiment or the feelings of the entire party. Im a Small Business owner myself like gianno. Im a beneficiary of some government programs. I understand the importance of having a bootstrap program. While i dont agree with the policy decisions of those in my party, at the end of the day, we should branch them as a whole because of the thoughts of a few. Charles well see that hashed out between now and 2020. Its interesting a lot of the announced candidates so far have been okay with a lot of these ideas. They say theyre on board with them. You heard frame work or positions to talk from. You know as well as i know on the campaign trail, how you campaign and how you govern are totally different. If we dont have the bold policy discussions of trying to deal with the problems of our day, well never have a starting place to start from. When you hear the candidates talking about policy positions, i havent heard much drill down in detail. Ive heard 90,000 foot thoughts. We see that on both sides of the aisle. Charles it is interesting that these ideas with being presented as a solution to problems where it feels like we have solutions. Weve seen nonsupervisory wages grown 3 . 7 million job openings in america. 300,000 in the last month. So the promises that were hearing from these programs are happening in real time and yet theres a major attraction to these ideas. Yeah, you know, i have to say the idea that its good to have the big ideas maybe, maybe not. What if theyre encouraging people in the idea that you can get something for free, which is all of these things. We heard about medicare for all. Were hearing about the Green New Deal. People are not talking about how were going to pay for them. It goes beyond paying for them directly. Youre talking about how great the economy is, charles. That is going to change if these big idea policies get in because its going to affect regulation, its going to affect economic growth. It could create far more problems than they aim to solve. What are the problems theyre aiming to solve . Some ways theyre pie in the sky ideas without real details and real very much so. Charles gianno, a fox news people. 57 of americans have a favorable pen of capitollism. When you drill down and ask them has it change their lives, 50 still are not sure its helping them specifically. And may not know the real definition of capitolism. For antoines point, he said we continue allow a voices of the few to brand the Democratic Party. He was being a moderate democrat. The truth of the matter is, moderates dont have a voice anymore. Its the extreme liberal left. Its the aocs of the world and the Bernie Sanders that are creating this frame work in which you refer to earlier, this is what were discussing now. So with that being the case, thats why its so difficult for folks to run to the left, all the way to the left in the primary and try to come back to the middle in the primary because of the aocs in the world. Charles we have to leave it there, antoine. For full disclosure, ive had the government cheese, too. Make a head of a grilled cheese, too. Sure did. Charles thanks. This is President Trump prepares to discuss the pit falls of socialism. Look at what capitolism is doing. The dow up eight straight weeks. Many are wondering can the winning streak continue . Well be right back. Oh oh ozempic® announcer people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. Oh under seven . And you may lose weight. In the same oneyear study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. Oh up to 12 pounds . A twoyear study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. Oh no increased risk . 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Oh oh oh ozempic® ask your Healthcare Provider if ozempic® is right for you. To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best to make you everybody else. Means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. Does this sound dismal . It isnt. Its the most wonderful life on earth. Charles as you can see there, the crowd is getting really excited and revved up. President trump and the first lady making their way out. This again is a the president will make remarks regarding venezuela, try to persuade maduro to leave as the world recognizes his challenger and who everyone believes is now the rightful president of president , juan guaido. Meantime, President Trump will focus on the dangers of socialism. We see it first hand in our neighbor to the south and its remarkable how popular its becoming in this country, particularly amongst young people in this country. Ashley webster is with me from the fox business network. Ashley, the Caracas Stock Exchange practically zero last year. The president wanted to show what socialism can do. Venezuela is so rich with resources. They were a shining star in central america. Now we get a system that comes with cronies and corruption, take the goods and the money and leave the majority of the people dirt poor. As weve seen desperate situation right now. This is just what can go what can happen in socialism. Its a very stark reminder charles time after time after time and venezuela is in our back yard, but i invite people to look at the study of post colonial africa. Many of those countries chose socialism over capitalism because they wanted to separate from europe. They were looking to russia, which looked like they were successful in the 50s. But you know, it set those countries back 50 years. Like at zimbabwe, the bread basket of africa. Socialism comes in and becomes a barren wasteland. Charles always a dictator shop involved with that. Yes. They take everything and leave the citizens to struggle. Charles i have a feeling the first lady will speak momentarily. [chanting]. Thank you. [cheers applause] it is wonderful to be here today in the beautiful city of miami. [cheers applause] the president and i are honored to say to you, that we support the great people of venezuela. [cheers applause] im proud to be here with you in the United States of america as your first lady. [cheers applause] many of you in the room know what it feels like to be blessed with freedom after leaving under the oppression of socialism and communism. [cheers applause] in venezuela, the people are on the brink of reclaiming their own liberty. Today we must let the venezuelan people hear us with a united voice. Theres hope. We are free and we pray together loudly and proudly that soon the people of venezuela will be free as well. [cheers applause] my husband is here today because he cares deeply about the current suffering in venezuela. He has an Important Message to share. Ladies and gentlemen, it is now my pleasure to introduce my husband, the president of the United States, donald j. Trump. [cheers applause] [cheers applause] thank you very much, melania. America is truly blessed to have an extraordinary first lady. Shes extraordinary. She is. [cheers applause] she cares about people. Hello, miami. Im thrilled to be back in the state i love with so many proud freedomloving patriots. Were here to proclaim a new day is coming in latin america. Its coming. [cheers applause] in venezuela and across the western hemisphere, socialism is dying and liberty, prosperity and democracy are being reborn. [cheers applause] today our hearts are filled with hope because of the determination of millions of everyday venezuelans, the patriotism of the Venezuelan National assembly and the incredible courage of interim president juan guaido. [cheers applause] the people of venezuela are standing for freedom and democracy and the United States of america is standing right by their side. [cheers applause] let me begin by thanking the great leaders here today who have been such incredible champions for the cause of liberty. And these people love you and they love venezuela and they love cuba and they love all of the places that were fighting for. [cheers applause] newly elected and already doing an incredible job, governor ron desantis. [cheers applause] a man who i call especially when were talking about cuba, venezuela, nicaragua, he knows a lot and hes a friend of mine, senator marco rubio. [cheers applause] a great governor. He gave ron a little bit of a head start. He did a fantastic job in florida. Former governor and now senator, rick scott. [cheers applause] somebody that ive gotten to know very well especially as to the fact that my heart is in venezue venezuela, representative mario di diaz. [cheers applause] ambassador carlos trajillo, Lieutenant Governor janette nun nunes, your new and great attorney general, ashley moody. [cheers applause] and to so many other dedicated Public Officials that are in this room right now, we thank you very much for being with us. [applause] thank you to secretary of commerce, wilbur ross and ambassador lighthizer. He just got back from a place called china. Boy, oh, boy, were making progress. Nobody expected this would happen. Were making a lot of progress. [applause] in the meantime, billions and billions of dollars are coming into our treasury. Its have simple. All works. That never happened before. We dont know the feeling in this country. Now we know the feeling. We also want to extend our deep appreciation to the president of Florida International university, dr. Mark rosenberg for hosting this important event. [cheers applause] finally, i want to thank each and every person in this wonderful audience who has made your own stand for human dignity. Thats probably just about all of you. [cheers applause] and i want to especially thank the venezuelan Exile Community who has done so much to help president guaido and to do just a lot back home. Thank you very much for being here. Thank you. Were with use. [applause] were profoundly grateful to every dissident, every exile, every political prisoner and everyone who bears witness to the horrors of socialism and communism and bravely spoken out against them. Thank you very much. [applause] the fact is, youve seen the crimes and youve seen the corruption. You have seen the hunger and the suffering. You have heard the anguish pleas for help. You have protested and protested with respect, but loudly. And you have prayed for the day that we can now see, which is just ahead, the day when all of the people of this region will at least be free. [cheers applause] [chanting usa, usa, usa] President Trump as we meet today, the people of venezuela stand at the threshold of history ready to reclaim their country and to reclaim their future. Not long ago, venezuela was the wealthiest nation by far in south america. Years of socialist rule have brought this oncethriving nation to the brink of ruin. Thats where it is today. Their tyrannical socialist government, nationalized private industries, and took over private businesses. They engaged in massive wealth confiscation, shut down free markets, suppressed free speech, and set up a relentless propaganda machine, rigged elections, used the government to persecute their political opponents, and destroyed the impartial rule of law. In other words, the socialists have done in venezuela all of the same things that socialists, communists, totalitarians have done everywhere that theyve had a chance to rule. The results have been catastrophic. Almost 90 of venezuelans now live in poverty. In 2018, hyperinflation in venezuela exceeded one million percent. Crippling shortages of food and medicine plague the country. Socialism has so completely ravaged this great country that even the Worlds Largest reserves of oil are no longer enough to keep the lights on. This will never happen to us. [cheers and applause] thank you. Already more than 3 million venezuelans have fled majuros brutal opposition and brutal it is. Today we are honored to be joined by the mother of oscar perez, a courageous Venezuelan Police officer. In june of 2017, oscar piloted a helicopter over acd, with the ba reference to article 350 of the venezuelan constitution. Which states the people of venezuela shall disown any regime, legislation, or authority that violates Democratic Values or encroaches upon human rights. Oscar said he wanted to give the people hope. He loved the people. He fought for the people. And they loved oscar. But oscar was gunned down and killed by venezuelas by the Venezuelan Security forces viciously. Our hearts break for your loss. Oscar gave his life for the freedom of his people. We all have hope today because of great, great people and patriots like oscar. Please. [applause] [applause] i said, how about saying something in spanish . She likes spanish. Shes a little bit better in spanish. Please. [speaking spanish]

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