You're about the exotic species of humanoid super rich noids today on high towers radio low down I love those nature shows that the behavior and intelligence of birds elephants and other fellow creatures however there is one exotic critter that shows have ignored and is crying out for analysis humanoid super rich annoyed some in this rare species seem like normal homo sapiens as a group the super rich noids exhibit aberrant destructive tendencies in particular an insatiable desire to accumulate boundless personal wealth as if one's net worth is one's true worth they view life as a primal competition to be number one the richest of all Robert Frank and analysts of plutocracy points to the insane competitive zealotry of Larry Ellison the multi billionaire co-founder of Oracle Frank writes that when Ellison learned that a Rebel Billionaire was having a $400.00 foot yacht built a boat one 3rd bigger than a football field Ellison rushed out to get a $450.00 foot yacht toys are one thing but that liberates tend to feel entitled to exploit rank and file workers crush small competitors pay no taxes rip off consumers defraud investors contaminate our environment by elections monopolize markets and demand to be publicly celebrated and I just but when boat these want to be demagogues turn into wimps now that their freakish greed is being denounced by the American majority and politicians of both parties the royals are squealing like pigs stuck in a fence. Their hubris is being openly mocked and I suspect that their whimpering is due to their finally realizing that their bloated net worth can't buy respect and they can't handle that reality this is saying we've got to get back to building a real economy based on the productivity and true genius of America's greatest rich . What do the corporate powers from Wall Street to Wal-Mart have in common they hate the Hightower lowdown you can see why at w.w.w. Our Low Down dot org. This is a way troposphere to inspect for treasure. Good luck wait wait what do you think. Cigarette. Butts in the national one final going to. Learn more about storm water but this is the. Storm. Good morning jazz bands up next is the mood Monday jazz show with Mr Mr mood is Little Rock's very own critically acclaimed smooth jazz saxophonist Mark Marquise can be heard playing at select the news around town with his band Marquise and moved to check out his website Marquise for no. Welcome now to their Mr. All right beautiful people it's a good day here in the dark Arkansas sunny sunny sunny and bright I woke up this morning I thought the lights were on and off the lights on in the house so bright coming out the windows. Anyway good day and it's Monday morning you listen to your Monday morning host Mr mood I am. This is move money Jazz got a great day. Lined up for you. Give you. Banks in the background you can call me 5014330088501433008 let me know what kind of music you want to hear I'm playing music from all over the world I'm streaming in we've got it like that. Anyway about 11 o'clock going to have run Wilkerson and talk about a fundraiser he's doing on December 12th next week it's a fundraiser for a youth organization and southwest Arkansas. Youth Empowerment and it's going to be featuring some gospel jazz and so. He's going to go figure. We'll talk about it it's going to be good I think listen happy Thanksgiving belated Happy holidays I hope you were. Spending wonderful time with your loved ones. I want to do a courtesy and a kindness shout out and offering of awareness to Tony Done it. And the family Miracle Jackson. David Donek. David a miracle of the survivors of that interstate 30 car accident. On Thanksgiving night I happen to be very close to the family my youngest daughter there so press go out to them and. Look on my Facebook page have you to be that we've got Mark was hot if you know anything about that tragic situation that that tragic accident there's some information there you can find out called me and I'll be giving out more information day in the show of how you can donate and contribute to services and aftercare for the family anyway that's because in jazz I i.v. Back 501-4330 is a radio way. To We've. But the. Are going. Yes. Yes. Yes. For. All right beautiful people here. In Ca. Also known as Marc. In the background to one another then take. Years ago. Charges album. Came. Down writing for the. Guys. Out there for. The. Reverend Run a walk in the house of the right. Talk about a. Fund raising event for b. To a. It's a big negative and I'm sure this will be my 2nd act. Right there and. That he did it for talent. Called Mistral Anyway that's me. Yeah it was a runaway hit in the house one of how you do it's. Good to have you here man I wish you could. Hear some of his music with well going on. In the background I mean I got it and I got a fabulous at him folks in there I like to play music in the back and so we can know what's going on Ok some people they think gospel jazz they don't know exactly know what it is they don't some people don't know it's still great music and if not better music and so you are here man I got a coffee we go way back and you remember more than I do. For that but I'm from Dumas Arkansas grew up Church of God in Christ my father was a pastor data Southeast Arkansas and was a great friend in fact you're passing the time things. Actually you right there with you who was one of my father's best friends rise of that's kind of where our stock and ground. Happens night and back in the day anyway I think I'm younger than you I don't know if I look younger than you. Think Casey on the radio so I get by with that I think you're going to have your you know who. Actually do well me and tell me about beats us that's what is affectionately known as The Right right you tell me what it means Ok Well 1st of all thank you for having me on the show today and fall of listening audience I want you to know that this man has come from a great family it's father paper a great way for us young me and coming up in the church he with of there he was a giant in his own rights and we just appreciate him for the opportunities that he had provided for me and my upcoming in the ministry but I'm here today to talk about holiday gospel jazz night breached the 2 West or breach the number 2 success Bristol success is a year around youth program we serve youth ages 6 to 18 we help them in various areas of life with education about life skills and providing safe environment and teaching them how to be successful we work with their parents. In helping to be that that that village and I say as they say the proverb it takes a village to raise a child well we're all part of that village there are a happening to raise children in the south with Little Rock area we are very excited about what we what we are doing we have been doing this now for 8 years helping the youth in the community we do a number of things the older the youth the teenagers we take them to Memphis to the gristly games and we take them to various. Outreach in community events here in the city we're exposed them to to the positive side of life so that they can grow up knowing that that life is bigger than their community that they don't have to just accept anything but they have a big word with that's opportunities for them to be successful and therefore younger children we work with them and making sure that they are academically sound . We focus primarily on all of the ages with focus on reading and math we find that those are the areas where youth struggle the most and we believe if they will learn to read according to their great level then they can do a number of other things that. Are part of the reading structure such as science and history and then math that we focus on math and we believe that math is a perceptible. Skeel for us to have because it teaches how to solve problems and when we learn those problem solving skills then we'll learn to solve problems in our own lives without going to the extreme measures then on top of that we have conflict resolution teaching our youth how to resolve. Click without fighting and without killing one another we know that one point in southwest Iraq gang violence was very high Well when we moved into an area we thank God that we had. A hand in making a change we haven't stopped balance in its entirety but we can truly say that we're not hearing a voice seeing it like we used to so we give glory to God for that but given us to with them oh how to work in the community so we are having this benefit holiday gospel jazz night and this benefit will feature Rodney block because you and her awaits and the gospel group this event will be hail on December the 12th at South all main chef Matt Matthew Bell has opened his doors at the South Pole Maine and allowed us to come in and have a great night of gospel jazz music holiday gospel jazz music and as you've been listening on the. Radio here with. Mr mood then you know that gospel jazz is a great listening opportunity now one thing that. You said about Guthrie jazz it all started in a church it all started in the church and it's from there that the Spirit Music was came out into the community to to reach people of all walks of life to let them know that music is universal there is. Music is the way for all of us to come together and to enjoy it most of you who who listen to music you can say yourself when you go to concerts of musical events there's all type of nationality there because it is a universal language now we are selling tickets you can go to Event Brite dot com and purchase your ticket Tickets range from $20.00 to $40.00 Now the $40.00 tickets are you right up front at the state and the $30.00 tickets you behind the $48.00 in the hopes and so on but we want you to comment support this the the funds from this. Event will help us serve nutritional meals and we I didn't mention his earlier but we serve our youth every day we serve them 2 meals a day and we do this because we don't know if I'll children like eating. Properly or not so and we know that hunger is deal a big thing in our city many children and adults go to bed hungry every night so we're trying to stamp out hunger as much as we can so we portion of these proceeds will go towards that in the other portion will go to was providing services for you these services are free to the community all a parent has to do is come and sign your challenge we have space available we were received that child and. Now allow them to be a part of the of the services that we provide in southwest Little Rock now we are located at 34 and I am based lateral and if you familiar with Southwest Little Rock you will know that that's where the anchor store Sawyer's grocery was at one time and Family Dollar in the space of a Family Dollar. And you know joining space. So. Why don't you come come out on 30 December 12th and and help us to celebrate. The holiday gospel jazz night. Well Mr Wilkinson revery were considered past work as a wrong. Gospel Jesu minister Jass you've given this is asked for why when did you find your affection for jazz man well found mouth fiction if a jazz as a young child my dad was a big time jazz listener growing up now one thing that that we didn't know how to decipher as and being in the church is that we thought all music was demonic not not realizing and only music was a right means book Gospel Music Well jazz itself it's not demonic music it is music that feeds to soul and calms the spirit and so my dad was a big time jazz listener when I was growing up he introduced us to jazz days to John Coltrane Coltrane send. And many others and I can't call right now but that's that's when it all started I love John Coltrane I did as a saxophonist I didn't really know. Growing up in a church I grew up with a similar idea well you know Fareed and I grew up in domus Dumas. We were I guess pro played with the fact of being from a small town so we'd have access to some of the radio which I had access to here in Little Rock we had a d.d.a. Which is largely just country music into most Arkansas and it was it was am going to be a f.m. Radio I didn't grow up listening to the radio much because it just couldn't stand to listen to it and so the only music I really heard was the music we played at home. Which was largely Gospel and the music that came on t.v. You know there was no jazz offerings on t.v. You know as you guys in Big Bear from Lawrence Welk so I didn't know anything about jazz as it were. As a kid. But I did love saxophone from the age of 8 years old lady Rosie Haynes came to our church and evangelise rose and have him or her and she played saxophone and I fell in love with that intimate at the time and so I grew up playing gospel songs like Amazing Grace and because he lives and. There's a sweet sweet spirit in the hymn Precious Lord and I think I was about 18 when I. Was introduced to. A jazz artist on on cd or actually cassette there was no cd I think Ok and not yet anyway Well it was well there were some say they started but people still do and cassettes and and that was David Sanborn had a song and. Anyway because you know in the church they what we call what they told me was whirling music I mean it was a gospel music it was World Music and it was some time before I would be introduced to a world larger than Thomas for the sick so I will take a break we'll come back and talk a little bit more I just want to play. A song from Marilyn divine Ok well advice from the market on this is give us a sense of some music you'll be hearing on next Thursday night this is if you suffer some people may have never heard the term gospel jazz it's jazz with people who have essentially people with strong gospel roots it's really well it's gone but this is Marilyn divine here in the back I was commodity washing back there but I'm trying to set up so you can listen to a play again and then I'll be back on shortly with the Reverend Wright a witness of locusts and we'll talk about how you can get tickets to this event because we want you to help him raise money. For the b. 2 s. Program it's a beautiful thing to touch our youth and make them stronger rather undervalued play a beautiful people thanks just in here talking to the reverend and I'll bow to music Southwest the southwest of the source of of darkness of the South with Little Rock. Our mayor you know just from Southwest Little Rock is here. As out as I've moved in about Little Rock on most of my you know. Just movement in the city is the center of downtown midtown area down west I seldom admittedly get Southwest literati and what I notice is a lot of people just it's difficult for people to bridge from the south or sort of walk to me even Northern Rock or to the central Little Rock area it's like the communities not necessarily mix and. Sometimes for people who are privileged. In the sense that because we know that a lot of them the wealthier properties are. Located in the central Little Rock area West Little Rock has a lot of times those people don't feel like I feel a need to go into southwest. To experience that part of the culture because we got our definitions and ideas about what you know what makes for a successful person the what makes for a a formidable person we know that this area is rich with people who are have so much potential to have the capacity to not just succeed according to the world standard will succeed in a way that they can introduce to the rest of the world things that we may not even know exist so I appreciate you doing this this program and touching the young people. About how many young people you could probably do the year that you just ran Ok we own a database of we serve up what's to 60 young people a day Ok And we're looking to reach more I would love to serve anywhere but more $90.00 to $100.00 young people a day simply because as you say it there's so much potential and I you and we want to bring out that potential we want them to know that they that they ask great opportunities but them and sometimes whom we in our own communities or we don't see beyond that and we think the little bit that we have a little bit we're doing it's nothing but when you take that little bit in and and and use it in other areas of the city and of life you'll find out that life is much bigger than that and what you have and what you're doing and you are part of that big part of life and that's that's amazing So look people I know you're listing in some of the who listen to this program. You often want to know about this cultural experience so what you can do this is an x. An opportunity for you to get like a 2 for 34 you get great food. Chef Matthew Bell who you know he play saxophone 2 and he may not let you know that but I will put it Ok. Right you block bees you and her away Sr and his and his. And his group this is an opportunity for you to come get some wonderful music and to get some great food and then your and then as you whatever your donations and your. As you pay your entry fees into whatever and right when you pay to get in the money is going to help people and if you may you may not ever drive south of the Rock and I courage to drive southwest on the right but this helps you put a fingerprint there and to and to build and to speak to a life so tell us again the date if you want to talk a bit about a little bit about right we got I got about 3 minutes 5 to get out here and go to the top of our break to pay for the people that pay for us to be honest. On the airways go through a bit more beer Ok all numbers and everything like they're all right. Again the date of this event how they got the jazz night will be Thursday December 12th which is next week the tickets are $20.00 for $30.00 and $40.00 The $40.00 ticket will come with light or d'oeuvres and also we will have a live auction there we have some items there that we will be auctioning off so you can come and bid on some items and doors the doors will be opened at 6 pm and the event is not a very long event. We will be closing the vent at 9 pm so the doors open at 60 event starts at 7 and it should be over with by 9 pm and we want to thank all of you for being a part and purchasing a ticket now you can go to Event Brite dot com This Event Brite dot com Look for bridge the number to success and purchase your take is that there if you need to speak to someone you can call me who are on the Wilkerson if I have 818048141 if you like to comment see our location then we welcome you to calm location is 34 Baseline Road and Little Rock Arkansas we are in a shopping center in southwest Little Rock that. Baseline and Scott Hamilton. In a section where Scott Hamilton crosses baseline it turns into. It turns in to. I'm sorry that. I made about the right lad and got him into everybody that we know a baseline is basically I go everywhere that's a neighbor had an Arab Spring for Oh Ok I just had a brain freeze their. Way to a man thank you man for coming in to tell us about this I'll be talking more about this as the show progresses we get I got one more show before this event and I'm on every Monday but I'll talk about this next week as well so we can get that room packed in so we can talk to young people they may need to know that they're not forgotten and they need to know that people love them and are mindful of who they are and the potential that they possess and I do want to show the audience one more thing you can go to a Facebook page a bridge to success Facebook bridge to number 2 success and Like us on Facebook Amy keep up what we're doing here in the city I want to thank you again for supporting us and and sharing your news about us to your friends and family and and we'll look forward to seeing you on Thursday night at 7 pm lovely man. We are 100000 watts of community radio here in central Arkansas this is k.k. P.f. 883 Little Rock the point of the people I'm Henry Louis Gates Jr and this is moments to remember what African-American male singer was known as Mr b. Billy Eckstein with his deep bro mantic voice his elegant style and his movie idol looks appeared on the radio television and in film during the 1950 s. In the 1960 s. William Billy Eckstein was born in Pittsburgh in 1914 during high school he joined the school choir he settled in Chicago in 1939 and joined the girl fall behind the band in 1904 Eckstein formed a big band that featured performer such as Dizzy Gillespie Miles Davis Charlie Parker.

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