Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20180123 01:30:00

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and mary, senate republican leader mcconnell promising democrats they will tackle the dreamer issue. more than 800,000 young, undocumented immigrants brought here by their parents. but tonight, house speaker paul ryan making no such pledge with that march deadline approaching? >> reporter: and david, that's why the pressure is on to act. if no deal is reached by march 5th, those dreamers could face deportation. it's also why this is such a political gamble for democrats. they took a stand here, shutting down the government over dreamers, and it is unclear if they're ultimately going to get what they want. we're told schumer's message tonight to disappointed democrats -- you have to play the hand you're dealt. it is what it is. david? >> mary bruce leading us off again tonight. mary, thank you. we do have one more question on this, so, let's get right to our chief white house correspondent jonathan karl with us live tonight. jon, so much attention was paid to that meeting between president trump and democrat chuck schumer. schumer emerged, saying that they had made some progress. but then, a shutdown and no deal on the dreamers.
>> yeah, no question about that. jon karl with new reporting on that meeting with the president a short time ago. jon, thank you. in the meantime, we do move on now, to that other major winter storm on the move tonight. alerts up from minnesota all the way to the northeast, we're following this, as well. blizzard conditions in the heartland, cars stuck in deep snow in sioux city, iowa. look at those images. and then tornadoes in the south. an ef-2. winds more than 111 miles an hour in texas. and blinding rain could now be on the way for washington, d.c., philly, new york and boston. abc's adrienne bankert tonight in the storm zone. >> reporter: not going anywhere. tonight, major interstates shut down as a blizzard strikes the heartland. >> blizzard warnings are out to the south and southeast. >> reporter: some 70 miles of i-29 closed at the iowa/south dakota border. >> people are underestimating how slippery it actually is. >> reporter: a dash cam captures this spinout in sioux falls. >> whoa! >> reporter: and in nebraska -- >> road conditions are extremely hazardous. we are advising that you do not
go out in these conditions. >> reporter: -- drivers carefully navigate past jackknifed semis in lincoln. visibility so low, in some parts of the state, officials even pulled plows off the road. in minnesota, crews like this one take on the backbreaking task of shoveling snow off of sidewalks city-wide. how do you prepare to do this kind of work all day long? >> mental toughness. >> reporter: further south in texas, high winds fueled this grass fire in parker county. nearby schools evacuated. this after multiple tornadoes in the south overnight, including an ef-2, winds above 110 miles an hour in bowie county. david, we can make out the tails of those planes, but we can barely see the runway. officials here at minneapolis airport have actually closed that runway a number of times today. more than 500 flights canceled. the same story across much of the midwest. david? >> all right, what a scene there. adrienne, thank you. that storm barrelling east. let's get right to chief meteorologist ginger zee tonight. she's tracking it all for us. ginger? >> reporter: david, we've
already seen a foot of snow in minnesota. 30 to 50-mile-per-hour gusts. so, certainly blizzard conditions possible from sioux city, iowa, right through minnesota. but this storm, this low, has a cold front and a warm component, too, so, by the noon hour, if you're in philadelphia, new york city, long island, connecticut, you're going to see thunderstorms and even the potential for flooding. behind it, relatively cool air, certainly some lake effect snow, but watch those rivers. as the warmth sticks around and that rain falls, ice jams could be a problem, too. david? >> all right, watching it all for us. ginger, thank you. we're going to turn next here tonight to that massive explosion in oklahoma, an oil well. several workers do remain missing at this hour. the explosion sparking a number of fires. the tower of that well collapsing to the ground. and firefighters have been unable to turn off the gas. abc's marcus moore is on the scene for us tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the desperate search for five employees who worked in this oklahoma oil and natural gas well, now charred and crumpled after a massive blast.
>> we have an oil rig explosion, advising we need to use a tanker. >> reporter: volunteer firefighters rushing to the scene around 8:45 this morning. >> there were 17 employees, i believe, that we got out. there's still five that are unaccounted for at the well. >> with all this petroleum that's burning, first responders and ems are staying back. >> reporter: firefighters searching surrounding areas for the missing five. residents nearby asked to shelter in place. one worker flown to a hospital for burns. everyone else who escaped was unhurt and taken to a safe area to be reunited with family. >> they're all pretty shook up from what i've seen, i mean, which is expected. it's a pretty traumatic deal to go through. >> reporter: an ordeal that is not yet over. those intense flames still keeping firefighters from getting within 100 feet of the source of that fire. the fire leaving workers unable tonight to use the rig's blowout preventer to shut off the gas. >> they have extinguished the secondary fires. the primary fire on the well head is still burning. >> reporter: david, officials
here in oklahoma have been keeping us quite a distance away from the scene where all of this was unfolding. it's right up this dirt road just behind me here. and they had quite a fight on their hands. officials were essentially letting the fire burn itself out in the well. they weren't putting water on those flames because they didn't want to spread any chemicals that may be at the site. and they warned that it could take some time for them to completely extinguish the flames, only hampering their investigation into what caused this. david? >> marcus moore with us tonight. marcus, thank you. we turn next here this evening to a shooting inside a texas high school cafeteria. police say a 16-year-old opening fire with a semiautomatic handgun, wounding a 15-year-old girl. the teen gunman fleeing when confronted by a school employee. later arrested as the school went into lockdown. authorities have not confirmed a motive. and the victim's condition is unknown tonight. officials say the school held an active shooter drill earlier this year that they say did help with this response. we turn next here to striking new video of those siblings held captive in their own home by their own parents. a surveillance camera showing the moment those siblings were
rescued after their parents had been arrested. abc's matt gutman, on the case from the start. >> reporter: tonight, we're learning more about the rescue of 13 children from that california home. in this video, you can see them walk to their freedom. an older sibling carrying a toddler. one child even running to that silver van. all that, after their 17-year-old sister escaped through a window, calling 911. david and louise turpin arrested, charged with torture, abuse and false imprisonment, pleading not guilty. >> this is severe emotional, physical abuse. there is no way around that. this is depraved conduct. >> reporter: this as more details emerge about lives prosecutors say were led in captivity. the turpin's eldest son attended a local college, chaperoned by his mother. >> louise turpin would accompany him, wait outside the classroom for him. when he was finished with class, she would take him home. >> reporter: tonight, his transcript.
a near-perfect gpa. the children still being treated after those many years of near total isolation. much of what you are doing now is sort of teaching them social behavior. >> we are the first stage of their introduction to the outside world. >> reporter: matt gutman, abc news, riverside, california. >> matt, thank you. next, that former usa gymnastics team doctor confronted today by the youngest victim yet to speak out. 15-year-old emma ann miller. and tonight, she claims that her mother is still getting bills for treatment from that doctor. here's abc's linsey davis now. >> reporter: a stunning allegation in court today from this 15-year-old. her mother by her side. >> i, too, was sexually assaulted by larry nassar. multiple times at multiple appointments. msu sports medicine charged me for those appointments. my mom is still getting billed for appointments where i was sexually assaulted. >> reporter: emma ann miller told the court she was treated by nassar just a week before michigan state university suspended him.
>> i am possibly the last child he will ever assault. >> reporter: she blames the university for not doing enough to stop nassar, putting the school on notice. >> i'm not afraid of you, nor will i ever be. at 15, i shouldn't know the inside of a courtroom. but i am going to become real comfortable in one, and so should you. >> reporter: "the detroit news" claims 14 msu representatives were made aware of nassar's abuse over two decades. msu has said any suggestion that the university covered up nassar's horrific conduct is simply false. as more victims share their stories of abuse, more fallout today at usa gymnastics, which has been criticized for failing to protect the gymnasts. three resignations from the board of directors. usa gymnastics responded, "we support their decisions to resign at this time." when we asked michigan state about emily's claims that her mother was still getting billed, the university told us that nassar's former patients will
not be billed. david? >> linsey, thank you. and during the government shutdown here in washington, women were on the march. in los angeles and in more than 200 cities around the globe and here in the u.s., of course, the streets filled with women, men and children. the theme, women taking their power to the polls. the cover of "time" magazine titled "the avengers." more than 2,600 women reportedly reaching out to emily's list about launching a political campaign. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this evening. the concern about potential bombs hidden on passenger planes landing in the u.s. there is new action being taken tonight. and pierre thomas is standing by with reporting. the passenger overboard on a carnival cruise ship. and supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg weighing in on the "me too" movement and on the "snl" portrayal of her. she had the audience laughing. you got to hear this. diabetes can be a daily struggle, even if you're trying your best. along with diet and exercise, once-daily toujeo may help you control your blood sugar.
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the tsa demanding more advanced screenings from five countries in the middle east. here's pierre thomas. >> reporter: tonight, new concerns about terrorists determined to put bombs on planes headed to the united states. the tsa putting in place emergency regulations today based on, quote, recent information, aimed at stopping terrorists from detonating a bomb in the cargo hold of commercial planes. airports in five middle eastern countries now getting that extra scrutiny, including egypt, jordan and saudi arabia. this hole blown right through the side of a jet from a suspected laptop bomb smuggled onto a plane in somalia, a reminder of how creative the terrorists are becoming. the new tsa order in part the result of a foiled plot to down a commercial plane uncovered in australia this past summer. >> we could very well have had a catastrophic event in this country. >> reporter: the diabolical plot? smuggling the bomb inside of a meat grinder. david, isis and other terrorist organizations apparently still obsessed with trying to blow up
a plane bound for the u.s. david? >> pierre, thank you. when we come back, amazon now opening a store, no cash required, and no checkout. and the desperate search tonight. the cruise ship passenger overboard. we'll be right back. like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. symbicort could mean a day with better breathing.
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what is -- it's a gins-burn. >> actress kate mckinnon's portrayal and her gins-burn. justice ginsburg willing to weigh in. >> i would like to say gins-burn sometimes. >> justice ginsburg, by the way, is featured in the new documentary "rbg." when we come back on a monday night, just in, the cost of a ticket to the super bowl. any guesses?
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it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. every great why needs a great how. and finally tonight here, it will be philly versus the patriots. but seeing them in person will
come with a price. a hefty one. and then, there were two. it will be the new england patriots and the philadelphia eagles in minneapolis for super bowl lii. with his injured right hand, tom brady orchestrating an epic comeback. two touchdowns in the final quarter. and the game-winning pass. >> tom brady does it again. >> that black bandage visible. ten stitches in his thumb after a practice injury. his wife, gisele, posting this photo online. and for the eagles, it was the backup quarterback who became the star. nick foles leading philly to their first super bowl in more than a decade. >> what a moment for foles. >> and there was one eagles player whose wife was busy on the field, too. u.s. women's soccer player julie ertz learning that her husband zach, an eagles tight end, was headed to the super bowl. overjoyed asking, is this real? >> is he really going? >> other eagles fans celebrating, too, taking to the streets.
one fan so excited, he ran right into a subway pole. the transit police chief saying that fan is okay tonight, saying, he jumped up and high-fived his buddies and caught the next train. and tonight, catching a super bowl ticket might be even more difficult. the cheapest super bowl ticket we could find online? $4,500. a new record. which is why we'll all be watching from home. and someone joked today that subway pole was like the philly defense. thanks for watching here from washington tonight. i'm david muir. i hope to see you back from new york tomorrow night. until then, have a good evening. good night. good night. . coming up on abc7 news, it
is back to school. applying for real ids in california. they are billed as a security measure. and what you need to know. >> see the controversy they created when it comes to personal privacy. and the flu season is relentless with no end in sight. plus a massive sewage spill in monterey bay. the popular beaches that are closed tonight. it was heart breaking at first and it brought us together. >> it is back to school at last in the north bay. students get to return to two schools damaged in the wildfires. i am dan ashley. >> and i am dion lim. >> wayne freedman has their

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Parents , Senate , Mary Bruce , Immigrants , Democrats , Pledge , Dreamer Issue , Republican Leader , Young , Paul Ryan , House Speaker , 800000 , Reporter , Government , Deal , Dreamers , David Muir , Pressure , Stand , Gamble , Act , Deportation , March 5th , 5 , Us , Senator Schumer , Question , Hand , Message , One , Shutdown , Trump , Jonathan Karl , Meeting , White House , Attention , Progress , Reporting , Winter Storm , Minnesota , Move , Blizzard Conditions , Northeast , All The Way , Way , Winds , Images , Washington Dc , South , Heartland , Snow , Ef 2 , Tornadoes , New York , Cars , Sioux City , Iowa , Philly , Texas , Blinding Rain , Boston , 111 , 2 , Abc , Blizzard , Interstates , Blizzard Warnings , Adrienne Bankert , Storm Zone , Anywhere , It , People , Road Conditions , Spinout , Dash Cam , South Dakota Border , Sioux Falls , I 29 , Nebraska , 70 , 29 , Officials , State , Road , Conditions , Parts , Visibility , Drivers , Plows , Lincoln , Kind , Grass Fire , Work , Sidewalks City , Snow Off , Task , Toughness , Parker County , Schools , Bowie County , Details , 110 , Scene , Story , Right , Planes , Ginger , Times , Ginger Zee , Runwaya Number , Runway , Flights , Midwest , Minneapolis Airport , Storm Barrelling East , 500 , Front , Storm , Component , Foot , Gusts , Low , 30 , 50 , Air , Rivers , Thunderstorms , Potential , Flooding , Warmth , Lake Effect Snow , Rain Falls , Ice Jams , Connecticut , Long Island , Workers , Explosion , Fires , Oil , Number , Problem , Oklahoma , Tower , Firefighters , Employees , Gas , Marcus Moore , Natural Gas Well , Search , Blast , Ground , Five , Well , Tanker , Oil Rig Explosion , 8 , 45 , 17 , Place , Petroleum , Burning , Worker , Burns , First Responders , Areas , Residents , Hospital , Safe Area , Dems , Everyone Else , Flames , Ordeal , Family , Feet , 100 , Fire , Blowout Preventer , Well Head , Rig , Source , Chemicals , All , Dirt Road , Hands , Site , Distance , Fight , Water , Investigation , Shooting , Cardinal Newman High School , Victim , Condition , Police , Semiautomatic Handgun , School Employee , Teen Gunman , Texas High School , Girl , Motive , Authorities , Lockdown , 16 , 15 , Home , Response , Video , Captive , Help , Siblings , Shooter , Surveillance Camera , Children , Case , California , Matt Gutman , Start , Rescue , Freedom , 13 , Abuse , Louise Turpin , Child , Window , Sibling , Imprisonment , Toddler , Sister , Torture , Silver Van , 911 , Conduct , Captivity , Led , Prosecutors , Mother , Son , College , Classroom , Class , Transcript , Eldest , Chaperoned , World , Behavior , Gpa , Isolation , Teaching , Introduction , Stage , Team Doctor , Usa Gymnastics , Emma Ann Miller , Riverside , Told Emma , Doctor , Bills , Treatment , Side , Court , Larry Nassar , Linsey Davis , Allegation , Appointments , Mom , Msu Sports Medicine , Michigan State University , University , Notice , Courtroom , Inside , The Detroit News , Msu Representatives , 14 , Two , Victims , Stories , Fallout , Gymnasts , Suggestion , Emily , Patients , Resignations , Board Of Directors , Decisions , Claims , Michigan , Three , Women , Course , Streets , Men , Globe , Women Were On The March , Los Angeles , 200 , World News Tonight , Campaign , Power , Theme , Polls , Cover , Magazine , The Avengers , Emilys List , 2600 , Bombs , Ruth Bader Ginsburg , Passenger , Concern , Action , Landing , Supreme Court Justice , Pierre Thomas Is Standing , Carnival Cruise Ship , Blood Sugar , Movement , Diabetes , Portrayal , Me Too , Toujeo , Best , Audience , Struggle , Exercise , Diet , Snl , Life , Spice , Groove , Lets Groove Tonight , Makers , Baby , Activity , Adults , Insulin , High Blood Sugar , Milliliter , Reduction , 24 , 1 , 3 , Reaction , Don T , Breathing , Diabetic Ketoacidosis , Insulin Pens , Body Rash , Episodes , Trouble , Dont Reuse , Side Effect , Injection Site Reactions , Vision , Sweating , Shaking , Dose , Blood Sugar Levels , Fast Heartbeat , Taking Tzds , Death , Insulins , Rhythm , Grooving , Heart Failure , Medicines , Insulin Label , Price , Investors , Advantage , Value , Trades , 4 95 , 95 , Fidelity , Stuff , Rade , Cold , Andwhen , Sneezing , Headline , Symptoms , Gels , Strength , Cargo , Coughing , Alka Seltzer Plus , Terrorists , Countries , Concerns , Tsa , Screenings , Middle East , Pierre Thomas , Bomb , Quote , Airports , Cargo Hold , Information , Scrutiny , On , Emergency Regulations , Egypt , Part , Plane , Plot , Jet , Order , Result , Whole , Reminder , Laptop , Jordan , Saudi Arabia , Somalia , Country , Event , Meat Grinder , Terrorist Organizations , Australia , Isis , Checkout , Store , Amazon , Desperate Search Tonight , Cruise Ship Passenger , Pierre , Cash , Symbicort , Air Out , Grandpa , Copd , Rescue Inhaler , Lung Function , Emphysema , Doesn T , Improvement , Chronic Bronchitis , Risk , Formoterol , High Blood Pressure , Heart Condition , Asthma Problems , Eye Problems , Lung Infections , Osteoporosis , Medication , Astrazeneca , Watch Out , Piggies , Visit Saveonsymbicort Com , Purina One True Instinct , Number One , Needs , Meat , Protein , Breed Of Natural Nutrition , Nutrient , Vremain Instinctual D , Sample , Head , Ancestry Dna Results , Culture , Gele , Nigerian , 26 , Minis , Hat , Far Cry , Mirror , Kit , Dna , Advil Liqui , Ancestrydna Com , Spain , Liquid , Pill , Relief , Size , Justice , Gins Burn , Kate Mckinnon , Sgins , Cost , Super Bowl , Ticket , Rbg , Documentary , Guesses , Monday Night , Pneumococcal Pneumonia , Game , Things , Cases , Warning , Hospitalization , Lung Disease , Prevnar 13 , Vaccine , Infections , Bacteria , Strains , Ingredients , Chills , Headache , Arm Movement , Muscle Pain , Joint Pain , Injection Site , Rash , Redness , Appetite , Fever , Vomiting , Swelling , Fatigue , Immune System , Side Effects , Pharmacist , Traffic , Mona Monday , Leo , Ponte Vecchio , Card , Wallet , Card Lock , Un Momento , Capital One , Smile , Arrivederci , Amona , Nicorette Mini , Fast Dissolving Formula , Technology , Shot , History , Nicorette , Cravings , How , Person , Philly Versus The Patriots , Philadelphia Eagles In Minneapolis For Super Bowl Lii , New England Patriots , Tom Brady Orchestrating An Epic Comeback , Photo , Gisele , Touchdowns , Stitches , Thumb , Practice Injury , Tom Brady , Black Bandage Visible , Ten , Eagles Player , Backup Quarterback , Eagles , Wife , Nick Foles , The Star , The Field , Us Womens Soccer Player Julie Ertz Learning , Husband , Real , Fans , Overjoyed Asking , Tight End , Saying , Fan , Transit Police Chief , Super Bowl Ticket , Train , Subway Pole , His Buddies , High Fived , Record , Philly Defense , Someone , Thanks , 4500 , Abc7 News , Back To School , Flu Season , Kids , Security Measure , Privacy , Controversy , Beaches , Sewage Spill , Monterey Bay , No End In Sight , Students , North Bay , Wildfires , Wayne Freedman , Dan Ashley , Dion Lim ,

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