Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20181117 01:30:00

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see you in half an hour. tonight, several developing stories as we come on the air. the deadly nor'easter. snow still falling in places. and the nightmare. the drivers stranded. the 20-car pileup on the george washington bridge. drivers stuck for so long, authorities pounding on windows to wake them up. and chaos at airports. passengers still waiting and another system coming. new threat in california, the smoke-filled air now closing schools. the bay bridge vanishing behind it. and a new and staggering number doubling tonight. 600 people now unaccounted for. president trump's answers to robert mueller. what we learned tonight. new surveillance this evening. the 49ers football fan, an army vet who had been in the stands with his girlfriend and vanishing. his car still there. the colorado father who
begged for his wife and children to come home even though authorities say he had already killed them. his girlfriend, breaking silence. what she noticed not long before. black friday, the one step you can take one now online to ensure you will get the lowest price. thanksgiving almost here. the cdc with the new warning about turkey and salmonella. and celebrating the man behind so many classics, from "butch cassidy and the sun dance kid" to the princess bride. good evening and we have a lot to get to tonight. we begin with a nightmare still playing out. the deadly and historic nor'easter slamming several states. there is still snow falling. it brought new york city to a halt. the 20-car pileup, on the gw bridge connecting new york to new jersey, grid lock across the city. the maddening scene with buses delayed.
you can see the guards there there blocking the escalator. the port authority bus station. students forced to spend the night in a middle school. tonight, sans lags cancellations and delays. passengers sleeping on cots at are watching tonight. meteorologist rob marciano leading it off. >> reporter: tonight, with snow still falling in parts of the northeast, the nightmare is not over. a historic november nor'easter. stranding drivers and cars, passengers still at airports and students stranded at school into the night. >> this storm hit right in the perfect hour.ri t rho was starting. >> reporter: in manhattan, six inches of snow and ice. halting traffic. hundreds of trees crashing down and the weight of the snow gathering on the leaving still on the trees. >> watch out, watch out! >> reporter: blocking roads, crushing cars. >> i just heard a crack. the whole limb, the whole branch just fell down.
>> reporter: the stunning scene on new york's george washington bridge, a 20-car pileup. some were forced to get out of the car and walk across the bridge. nearly 2,000 crashes in 12 hours. >> even if you say it's an exceedingly unusual set of events that came together, we still can't let it happen again. >> reporter: meanwhile, a sea of frustrated commuters in new york port authority bus terminal. the massive crowd held back by armed guards. >> 4 hours on an hour and a half commute. >> reporter: some computers get out and push. many simply abandoning their cars. these students in new jersey forced to spend the night. sleeping on gym mats. the parents could not pick them up from school. they watched the movie "frozen". >> yeah, i wanted to go home. >> reporter: on interstate 78 in pennsylvania, police using sirens, banging on doors to wake
truckers and drivers who were stuck in traffic so long, they had fallen asleep. one driver traveling north from florida on interstate 95 in connecticut was killed after getting out of the car to clear snow. air travel also grinding to a halt. passengers stuck there too. >> we were stuck on the plane for two hours. >> reporter: stranded travelers crashing on cots in airport terminals from boston's logan airport to newark. >> what a mess. let's get right to rob marciano live there tonight. the george washington bridge behind you there. and what a chaotic scene over night. you are tracking another system? >> reporter: yes, we are, david. we are not quite done with this one which outperformed our forecast. now it's spinning off the coast of maine, and the spirals bands off new england and new york. other storm you talked about, a winter storm warning for wyoming and north dakota, a two-pronged system that will bring snow and through minneapolis, chicago, reaching in the areas that got ice earlier in the week. maybe 2 to 4 inches. behind that, windchills will be
below zero. some of that cold air will get to the east next week. david? >> rob, thanks as always. we will turn next to california and the new and staggering toll. the numbers now doubling, authorities say 600 people unaccounted for. and another concern, smoke from the wildfires closing schools, the air reaching hazardous levels. and spreading across hundreds of miles. more than 150 miles away that is san francisco's bay bridge disappearing in the haze. and the u.s. military has sent in more teams to help identify human remains with so many families waiting. abc's will carr from california again tonight. >> three, two, one, water's away. >> reporter: tonight, exhausted fire crews attacking the camp fire from the air. the containment rising, but hazardous smoke smothering the region. the putrid air quality, worse than major cities in china, reaching dangerous levels for millions from sacramento to san francisco, where schools have closed. residents forced to wear masks.
the death toll jumping again after the fire, the deadliest in california history, wiped the town of paradise off the map. for days, officials have been combing through rubble and missing persons' reports from three separate hotlines. tonight with war zone remains, expects on the ground, more than 600 still unaccounted sister. pam nolan looking for her ex-husband. >> we've checked every evacuation center, every shelter. >> reporter: a list of the missing posted in this walmart parking lot where many paradise residents have relocated, living in tents filled with smoke until sunday when they'll be forced to leave. and david, more than 11,000 homes and businesses have burned to the ground in california, with the president coming to see the devastation on saturday, state leaders are calling it a humanitarian crisis. david? >> will carr, excellent reporting all week long. tonight, president trump says he has written answers to robert mueller's questions and he has written the answers on
his own. and he says he was trying to trick him up. here is jonathan karl. >> reporter: president trump said today he has at long last completed written answers to questions from special counsel robert mueller. >> i haven't submitted them yet. i just finished them. >> reporter: he insisted, he wrote the answers himself, not his lawyers. >> my lawyers aren't working on that. i'm working on that. i write the answer. my lawyers don't write answers. i write answers. i was asked a series of questions. i answered them very easily, very easily. i'm sure they're tricked you because you know they like to ask people, gee, was the weather sunny or rainy? he said it may have been a good day. it was rainy therefore he told a lie. okay, so you have to always be careful when you answer questions for people who probably have bad intentions. >> reporter: abc news has learned the president objected to some of the questions, and over the past 24 hours, he has harshly attacked mueller and his investigation. "the inner workings of the mueller investigation are a total mess," he tweeted just
yesterday. "they are screaming and shouting at people, horribly threatening them to come up with the answers they want. they are a disgrace to our nation." it's unclear what the president was referring to. we asked both the white house and the justice department if he had been briefed by new acting attorney general matt whitaker. neither would answer. >> you on twitter yesterday seemed a bit agitated about what you might be perceiving what the mueller investigation will do. >> no, i'm not agitated. it's a hoax. the whole thing is a hoax. there was no collusion. >> jon karl live with us tonight from the white house. there is another headline breaking in "the washington post," they are reporting that the cia has concluded the saudi crown prince ordered the assassination of that journalist last seen on the surveillance going in the consolate in istanbul. breaking in "the washington post." if confirmed, it would lead to major questions. >> if true, this would ramp up the pressure on the trump
administration to take a tougher line on saudi arabia. they have 17 saudi officials. as you know, the president has resisted placing blame on the crown prince. he has also made it clear he does not want to see broader sanctions on the saudi kingdom. david? >> jon karl, thanks to you. next tonight to new surveillance just out after the mysterious disappearance of a 49ers fan and an army vet. he vanished from levi's stadium in the monday night football game and surveillance video showing him after he left his seat to go to the bathroom. he never came back. his car sitting there untouched. here is abc's kana whitworth. >> reporter: this eerie surveillance video just released by police shows 32-year-old ian powers looking down at his cell phone while apparently leaving the san francisco 49ers game on monday alone. police believe he was headed in the direction of his car. the army veteran has been missing for four days. and this is ian at the game.
he had traveled with his girlfriend and her two kids from spokane, washington, when she says he got up to use the restroom and never came back. >> for him to just get lost, it must have been unusual circumstances. >> reporter: she says this screenshot is from their last videochat when they were trying to find each other before she says they lost contact. >> he didn't know where he was. he just kept saying by the entrance. >> reporter: police say his car was found where he parked it with no signs of foul play, and he's made no traceable financial transactions and posted nothing on social media. >> our investigation will continue into the night. however, we will be back in some capacity tomorrow. >> reporter: the police say they are baffled by his disappearance. they are now reviewing surveillance video from area businesses. daid? >> thank you. the colorado father pleaded for the return of his wife and daughters even though authorities say he had already killed them.
and tonight, his mistress who said he told her he was divorcing now breaking her silence and the warning signs right before. here is abc's linsey davis. >> reporter: week after chris watts pleaded guilty to murdering his daughters and pregnant wife -- >> he is amazing. >> reporter: his girlfriend is pulling back the curtain on a double life. >> daddy is my hero -- >> reporter: nichol kessinger tells "the denver post" watts is "a liar, he lied about everything." they met at work just weeks before his family went missing, she says he told her he was finalizing a divorce. and described him as "soft spoken" and a "good listener." but his story unraveled when his family went missing and he begged on tv for their return. >> if you're out there, just come back. >> reporter: kessinger telling the post, "i thought, if he was able to lie to me and hide something that big, what else was he lying about?" when she pressed him for answers his lack of emotion only made her more suspicious and she feared for his wife and
children. police recovered their remains at a colorado oil site. his daughters hidden in inside storage tanks. she says she wanted to help and went to investigators while police were still searching. as for watts, he will be sentenced on monday. he is expected to get life in prison, david? >> thank you. a stunning revelation tonight. the u.s. has filed secret charges against julian assange, the wikileaks founder who has taken home in london. and a federal indictment for an unknown crime was reported by mistake. in an unknown case. we do know that wikileaks is on radar of robert mueller. and they used the sites to spread the e-mails to damage hillary clinton. assange says they did not come from the russians. next tonight to what prosecutors are saying a go fund me scam, that couple and homeless vet charged after raising $400,000 in donations.
tonight, that woman's lawyer speaking out just moments ago, now defending her. here is whit johnson. >> reporter: tonight, the woman accused of an epic lie to scam thousands of americans now wants everyone to believe she too was duped. >> kate is being used and being set up to continue to be the face of this and to continue to do what she was trying to do, which is help a homeless veteran. >> reporter: the attorney representing kate mcclure says it was her boyfriend at the time, mark d'amico, and johnny bobbitt who met first and pushed the alleged scheme, telling a viral tale about bobbit, a homeless veteran, offering kate his last $20 when she ran out of gas. but less than an hour after their go fund me page went live, prosecutors say mcclure texted a friend admitting it was fake. writing, "okay, so wait, the gas part is completely made up. but the guy isn't. i had to make something up to make people feel bad." >> on kate's part it was puffing. it was exaggeration, trying to help this veteran.
>> reporter: david, mcclure's attorney says she and d'amico are no longer together. lawyers representing her alleged co-conspirators declined to comment. david? a breaking headline from georgia this evening, democratic candidate stacy abrams has said there is no way for her to win. but has not called it a concession. she called her opponent kemp the victor. she says she will file a lawsuit claiming gross mismanagement of the election. president trump awarding the medal of freedom to seven americans, babe ruth, elvis presley and supreme court justice antonin scalia, and in the front row, justice ruth baden ginsberg, recently hospitalized after a fall. she and scalia friends. the president today welcoming her back. there is more ahead on friday. the suspected serial killer and his new confession, admitting to 90 murders nationwide. making headlines.
the consumer alert tonight. thanksgiving almost here and the cdc warning about turkey and salmonella. we will have the latest. your money, black friday one week away now and the one step you can take right now online to ensure you will get the lowest price. and we celebrate the man behind so many classics from "butch cassidy and the sun dance kid" to "all the president's men" to "the princess bride." a lot more news ahead. until i tried chantix. chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. i needed that to quit. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking or allergic and skin reactions
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apple and samsung products. what is the smartest thing you can do right now? >> right now, go to a gift card trading site like gift card granny and find some cards for your favorite stores. target, macy's whatever those cards are resold at a discount, so you give yourself an extra deal on black friday. >> reporter: plus, try this trick. load up that online shopping cart now so when deals go live, you won't miss out on limited inventories. david, follow your favorite brands on social media where they often unveil special deals and promo codes for the holidays. david. >> thanks for your help, rebecca. when when come back, remembering the man behind butch cassidy and the sun dance kid to all the president's men. also the dwopg headline about a serial killer. authorities say 90 murders. and with thanksgiving almost here, the cdc tonight with a new warning about turkey and salmonella right after the break.
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responsible for 90 murders nationwide. samuel little told authorities he was involved in dozens of killings spanning four decades. prosecutors in texas say he is already linked to one third of those murders. jennie-o turkey recalling 91,000 pounds of ground turkey for possible salmonella contamination. this is the first recall tied to the previously raw turkey blamed for one death and illnesses across 35 states. we have much more on our website. legendary oscar winner william goldman has died. his list of movies includes "butch cassidy and the sun dance kid," "all the president's men" and "the princess bride." he was 87. when we come back, what one mother did for another, it's extraordinary. and "the princess bride." he was 87. when we come back, what one mother did for another, it's extraordinary.
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finally tonight here, one mother's unimaginable grief and what she then does to help another mother save her son. my "20/20" co-anchor amy robach with two families, who are america strong. >> reporter: tonight, a second chance for cameron underwood who suffered injuries to his face from a self-inflicted gunshot wound two years ago. >> he had hope for the first time. as a mom, you want to fix things. >> reporter: but the selfless gift of another mother who tragically lost her son, will, is about to make it possible for cameron to have surgery, facial transplant surgery. >> but a face?
>> and cameron suffered his injury at the age of 23, which is the age that willie was when he died. and i just thought, you know, he can get this kid a face. >> reporter: with will identified as the donor, two mothers coming together in love and hope to give one son a chance at life. >> thank you for letting my son live on. you have no idea what it means, what it means to us. >> reporter: the roughly 25 hour surgery a success. >> when you look in the mirror, what do you see? >> me? i see me. >> reporter: one life reborn and mother seeing her lost son's face again. >> i'm so glad you're here. so glad. you look so fantastic. >> i know, you look beautiful. >> i guess i'm a little biassed. i think you're drop dead gorgeous. >> i think he is too. thank you. >> those two moms looking at the the young man and new face.
amy, i know you will reveal it tonight on "20/20." this is an extraordinary journey. what the two families have done for one another. >> we have been following them for the past six months. one of the most poignant moments, david, was when one mother gave the other mother at the reunion at the reunion, a gold locket and a picture of both boys inside. >> and amy and i will see you a couple hours from now, 10:00 p.m. eastern. "20/20." incredible story. we will see you then. good night. take a look. that's not fog, it is smoke.
today is the worst air quality we've ever seen in parts of the bay area. tonight, see what it is doing to us. i'm spencer christian. potentially hazardous smoke continues to plague the bay area. i will show you where it is at its worst right now. >> all of this smoke is from the deadly camp fire burning in butte county and we're about to get a live update on the fire fight there. live where you live, this is "abc 7 news". ♪ they're coughing during the night. they're like -- they don't feel good. >> i stopped swimming just because it is an outdoor pool. >> i have never seen anything like this. >> this is the worst air quality on record in the bay area, and after enduring smoke from the butte county wildfire for a week, we are still days away from any real relief. good evening. thanks for joining us. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm ama daetz. at the bottom of the screen you will see the names of people who are listed as missing after the camp fire by the butte county sheriff's office. >> there's also a phone number.

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Trump , People , Car , Answers , Father , Girlfriend , Robert Mueller , Army Vet , Evening , Stands , Colorado , 49ers Football Fan , 600 , 49 , Home , Children , Black Friday , Wife , Authorities , Breaking Silence , One , Man , Warning , Turkey , Price , Salmonella , Classics , Cdc , Bride , Nightmare , Princess , Nor Easter , New York City , Lot , Butch Cassidy , States , Snow Falling , The Sun Dance Kid , Pileup , Halt , Gridlock , Scene , City , Gw Bridge , Buses , New Jersey , 20 , Passengers , Students , Cots , Bus Station , Cancellations , Guards , Escalator , Delays , Port Authority , Middle School , Reporter , Drivers , Snow , Rob Marciano , Cars , Airport , Parts , North East , Stranding , School , Storm Hit , Perfect Hour Rit Rho , Traffic , Trees , Ice , Hundreds , Branch , Snow Gathering , Weight , Crack , Limb , Manhattan , Blocking Roads , Six , George Washington Bridge , Some , Bridge , 2000 , 12 , Events , Commuters , Crowd , Set , Sea , New York Port Authority Bus Terminal , Many , Computers , Half Commute , Push , Armed Guards , 4 , Frozen , Parents , Doors , Sirens , Gym Mats , Interstate 78 In Pennsylvania , 78 , Truckers , Interstate 95 In Connecticut , Driver , North , Air Travel , Florida , 95 , Mess , Plane , Airport Terminal , Logan Airport , Stranded Travelers Crashing , Boston , Two , System , David , Coast , Forecast , Maine , Areas , Storm , Winter Storm Warning , Spirals , Windchills , Chicago , New England , Wyoming , North Dakota , Minneapolis , 2 , Air , California , Numbers , Toll , Zero , Smoke , Schools , Bay Bridge , Disappearing , Wildfires , Concern , Haze , Air Reaching Hazardous Levels , San Francisco , 150 , Three , Families , Abc , Human Remains , Teams , Water , Us Military , Will Carr , Campfire , Residents , Air Quality , Masks , Region , Levels , Cities , Millions , Exhausted Fire Crews , Hazardous Smoke Smothering , Containment Rising , Sacramento , China , Fire , Officials , Paradise , Reports , California History , Deadliest , Town , Death Toll Jumping , Map , Hotlines , Rubble , Missing Persons , Ground , Pam Nolan , War Zone Remains , Sister , Ex Husband , List , Parking Lot , Homes , Missing , Businesses , Crisis , Devastation , Shelter , Evacuation Center , Tents , State Leaders , Walmart , 11000 , Questions , Reporting , Haven T , Jonathan Karl , Lawyers , Answer , Series , Gee , Weather , Intentions , Lie , Investigation , Inner Workings , Abc News , 24 , Justice , Matt Whitaker , Nation , Department , White House , Disgrace , Hoax , Thing , Bit , Perceiving , Collusion , Mueller Investigation , Twitter , Headline , Surveillance , Us , Assassination , Journalist , Washington Post , Crown Prince , Saudi , Cia , Pressure , Consolate , Istanbul , Line , Placing Blame , Sanctions , Administration , Kingdom , 17 , Thanks , Disappearance , 49ers Fan , Levis Stadium , Police , Game , Video , Cell Phone , Bathroom , Kana Whitworth , Seat , Monday Night Football , There Untouched , Powers , 32 , Veteran , Direction , San Francisco 49ers , Army , Four , Kids , Restroom , Washington , Spokane , Other , Contact , Screenshot , Video Chat , Signs , Entrance , Foul Play , Circumstances , Social Media , Transactions , Nothing , Capacity , Daughters , Area Businesses , Return , Surveillance Video , Mcdaid , Mistress , Linsey Davis , Silence , Divorcing , Warning Signs , Chris Watts , Life , Nichol Kessinger , Liar , Daddy , Curtain , Denver Post , My Hero , Story , Family , Everything , Listener , Divorce , Tv , Something , Emotion , Lack , Post , Big , What Else , Investigators , Oil Site , Watts , Remains , Inside Storage Tanks , Julian Assange , Life In Prison , Charges , Revelation , Wikileaks , Sites , Mistake , Case , Crime , Indictment , Radar , E Mails , London , Hillary Clinton , Prosecutors , Vet , Donations , Go Fund Me Scam , Russians , 400000 , 00000 , Lawyer , Woman , Everyone , Scam Thousands , Epic Lie , Whit Johnson , Face , Attorney , Kate Mcclure , Markd Amico , Who , Johnny Bobbitt , Out Of Gas , Last , Scheme , Mcclure S , Tale , Offering Kate , Bobbit , 0 S , Gas Part , Part , Friend , Writing , Puffing , Exaggeration , Guy Isn T , Stacy Abrams , Co Conspirators , Georgia , Democratic , Way , Lawsuit , Victor , Concession , Opponent , Election , Mismanagement , Medal Of Freedom To Seven Americans , Elvis Presley , Babe Ruth , Antonin Scalia , Supreme Court , Seven , Murders , Serial Killer , Back , Confession , Front Row , Making Headlines , Scalia Friends , Ruth Baden Ginsberg , 90 , Mo Ney , Consumer Alert Tonight , Step , Latest , All The Presidents Men , Stop Chantix , Smoking , News , Urge , Side Effects , Reactions , Heart , Changes , Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms , Thoughts , Thinking , Blood Vessel Problems , Action , Sleepwalking , Aggression , Agitation , Hostility , Behavior , Seizures , Skin , Depressed Mood , Nausea , Help , Side Effect , Mental Health Problems , These , Depression , Alcohol Use , Machinery , Caution , Operating , Health Care Provider , Doctor , Matter , Equity Trades , At Fidelity , 4 95 , Blood Sugar , Fidelity , Account , Snack , Glucerna , Carbsteady , High Blood Pressure , Medication , Smile , Bayer Aspirin , Cholesterol , Everyday Progress , Smile Dad , Chance , Cash , Card , Risk , Matters , Aspirin Regimen , Heart Attack , Dining , Capital One , Wallet , Entertainment , Deals , Rebecca Jarvis , Lock , Tip , Retailers , Gift Cards , Target , Tvs , Kohls Com 15 , Big Savings On Apple , Best Buy , 50 , 300 , 15 , 00 , 5 , Cards , Products , Stores , Gift Card , Gift Card Trading Site , Granny , Discount , Samsung , Macy S , Brands , Trick , Inventories , Deal , Shopping Cart , Rebecca , Holidays , Promo Codes , Break , Dwopg , More , Planning , Plan , Need , Retirement , Up , 18 , Cough , Honey , Robitussin Honey , Prudential , Challenges , Hi Susan Hs , Relief , Coffee , Coffeehouse , Mind , Trash , Milk , Latte , Froth , Cappuccino , Shot , Keurigk Cafà Brewer , Brain , Ingredient , Barista , Jellyfish , Little Piece Of Heaven , Easy Peasy , Sizes , Range , Prevagen , Memory , Trials , Bladder Leakage , Camping Trips , Didnt Fit , Healthier Brain , Medicine , Choice , Body Types , Fit , Choices , Flex , Underwear , Coaching , Jim , Blood Pressure , Brand , Cash Card , Cold Symptom Relief , Coricidin Hbp , 6000 , 1 , 36000 , Health Insurance , Employees , Ulcerative Colitis , Moderate , Ohey , Door Bell Rings , Humira , Symptoms , Medications , Uc Under Control , Control , Infections , Blood , Have , Nervous System Problems , Cancers , Ability , Tuberculosis , Liver , Lymphoma , Don T , Infection , Tb , Heart Failure , Treatment , Hepatitis B , Sores , Killer , Gastroenterologist , Index , Samuel Little , Killings , Dozens , Salmonella Contamination , Ground Turkey , Recall , Texas , Jennie O , 91000 , William Goldman , Death , Movies , Illnesses , Website , Legendary Oscar Winner , 35 , Mother , Another , The Princess Bride , 87 , It , Depreciation , Insurance , Good , Harbor , Car Replacement , Sulfonylurea , Body , A1c , Liberty Mutual , Value , Stop Trulicity , Pen , 24 7 , Adults , Diabetes , Injection , Type 1 Diabetes , Exercise , Diet , Diabetic Ketoacidosis , Reaction , Swelling , Stomach Pain , Lump , Neck , Pancreatitis , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Vomiting , Appetite , Abdominal Pain , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Taking Trulicity , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Riskf , Iyou , Pneumococcal Pneumonia , Lung Disease , Cases , Routine , Hospital , Prevnar 13 , Dose , Strains , Bacteria , 13 , Immune Systems , Spain , Muscle Pain , Headache , Injection Site , Joint Pain , Ingredients , Redness , Arm Movement , Fatigue , Response , Prevention , Chills , Rash , Fever , Pharmacist , Son , Amy Robach , Grief , Co Anchor , America Strong , Hope , Gift , Things , Cameron Underwood , Injuries , Time , Second Chance , Gunshot Wound , Mom , Will , Transplant Surgery , Surgery , Age , Injury , Mothers , Kid , Willie , Donor , 23 , Love , Success , Mirror , Idea , 25 , One Life Reborn , Biassed , Moms , Drop Dead Gorgeous , Journey , Reunion , Locket , Boys , Picture , Eastern , 10 , Takea Look , Al L , Bay Area , Spencer Christian , Fight , There , Update , Coughing , Butte County , Abc7 News , Camp Fire Burning , 7 , Record , Pool , Anything , Feel Good , Names , Phone Number , Wildfire , Screen , Bottom , Butte County Sheriffs Office , Dan Ashley , Ama Daetz ,

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