Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100AM 20150916

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bay but you can look up to the sky and see these clouds are different they noon business. so far, they are dropping light amounts of rain because the air is too dry. rohnert park, petaluma, santa rosa had a light shower moving through, and it will keep heading up to the northeast toward st. helena but the bigger patch is moving ashore on the coast. the sonoma coast. that will head right toward our fire. right now we have had sprinkles. we continue to have sprinkles through but you can see the north bay is where we are going to get the bulk of the rain. right now, the air is too dry so sprinkles to showers and what to expect after that, more showers and though will slide south in the afternoon and the evening, and the best chance of all of us seeing rain outside of the south bay is in the evening commute and it will taper as it heads into the south bay with amounts ahead. >> staying dry is extra challenging for residents evacuated from the valley fire and staying intense at the napa county fair grounds. amy hollyfield is there in calistoga with the latest. amy? >> several of the evacuees are sleeping intense, their 5th day heres they are exhausted and now dealing with the threat of rain. >> they already exposed, physically and emotionally. when 1,town evacuees staying here at napa county fair groups heard rain was on the way many felt vulnerable all over. >> we wanted the rain is bad but, okay, except for this situation. >> it will make a mess out of this place. make a mud hold out of it. not good. >> volunteers would have helped them find clothes had to deal with this new need. >> i heard they were dealing with rain i started asking people to bring taps and tonights and rain jackets. that is my first thought. >> volunteers responded. taps started showing up and evacuees spread them over the tents. some donors gave pop-up canopies to provide big coverage over the tents and an event company brought one of their huge tents to protect all of the donated items that are exposed. it is a huge relief. >> i was very touched. >> new they feel covered, some say can appreciate the good that comes from the rain. >> i hope it rains hard. we need it. as long as it doesn't rain ashs and smoke i will be okay. >> evacuees say they really hoped the rain will help with the firefight. they are very really to go home or start rewilling their -- rebuilding their home. >> the fire survivors will feel with rain if it means it will help the 2,700 firefighters working to get a handle on the flames and the valley fire is currently at 70,000 acres and only 30 percent contained. flames have destroyed 585 homes and hundreds of other structures, as well. more than 7,600 homes and other businesses remain threatens another major island fire burning in california is the butte fire with evacuation situations lifted in amador county but they remain for calaveras. the fires burned 72,000 acres of land southeast of jackson ask 45 percent contains. 233 homosexualities have been destroyed since it started a weeks ago. >> abc7 is woring with the red cross to raise money for the fire victims opening minutes ago. "7 on your side" joins us from the donation center. tears at your heart and we want to help so we set it up so you can, give where you live today, 415-954-7621 with the red cross volunteers leader taking your calls, taking your donations. the donations are used for fire victims throughout the western united states. this is a lost need. here to help slain to us exactly what the need is, is lauren lopez. with american red cross. what are the needs? we see people? >> in disasters like this the broad cross shave first objective to meet immediate needs, shelter, food, first a, and emotional support. what people are not aware of, there are a lot of behind the scenes work, so to get the shelters and the food and volunteers set up, we have warehouses, we have travel expenses, we have training experiences. in order to get those resources to the people affected by the disasters. the donation goes do that. >> something you were talking about is getting people to and from the shelters that is a major task, the transportation alone. >> yes, we work with partner agencies when there is something we directly cannot bring. for example, some needs we partner with someone in social services to get them travel to the shelter. >> than you from the red cross. we will be here until about 8:00 or 8:30 tonight so you have time and i prefer you give right now. let me show you all the people taking the tell calls and doing the hard welcome today, 410-954-7621. give you where live. we partnering, today, where the american red cross to help fire victims throughout the western united states. i'm here in the fence soviets office and today the call center for the american red cross, reporting live. >> thank you, michael. >> south bay family is trying to cope with the loss of their home to a fire a home they just moved into after buying it and remodeling it the home is on story road in east san jose foothills. matt has that story. matt? yes, in the past five minutes the san jose fire department checking for hotspots at this home on story road. a fence has been put up around the home as the family tries to figure out what to do next. although the structure was destroyed, it could have been worse. >> cell phone video shows huge flames destroy the home on story road in the east san jose foothills this morning. the first engine was on scene and said the house was fully engulfed, every place they could see they saw flames. >> a second alarm was called. the photos from a professional photographer show the massive orange flow in the middle of the homes on the two sides. firefighters were able to keep the flames from spreading to the neighboring structures. >> my husband woke me up at 5 o'clock a.m. and said get up, the house is on fire. the lady who lived there before, the new neighbor whose just moved in on sunday. very shocking. >> benjamin and brother and sister and law and 14-year-old niece just moved here and they were not hurt but their new home was desteroid. >> so sad but...nothing we can do. benjamin said they will deal with rebuilding with the help of their homeowners insurance. the neighbors live with a healthy field of fire with dry fields. >> people have stopped watering and everything is so dry. >> we prefer the fire never happened but if it is going to happen we want did keep it to the building of origin and do not want it to supered. >> investigators have not determined the cause of the fire but they say it started in the garage and does taught appear to be suspicious. >> big day for apple plans causing major headaches and what keeping thousands of iphone users from downloading the latest operating system. >> republican presidential candidates are ready for the second debate tonight and we will look at what did expect holding into the big event. >> a reminder, our "give where you live," hot light is open now. you can make a donation in support of wildfire victims call i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara® it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ...stelara® helps me be in season. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara® your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. in a medical study, most stelara® patients saw at least 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara® helps keep my skin clearer. ask your doctor about stelara®. are more likely to have a to frsuccessful future.e born talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. the fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at >> we are lending an attempted kidnapping of a teen girl was a home. police say they are no longer looking for someone would looks like this. follow-up interviews with the 13-year-old who reported the inaccident on monday, police have determined, though, it was fabricated. the alleged victim had too many inconsistencies with the story. say the napa valley wine train has been sold despite a widely publicized racial incident recently. seattle based noble house hotels bought it for between $10 and $15 million. all is 50 employees keep their jobs and a group of black women are threatening to sue the train after they were kicked off last month. they say for being too loud. >> republican presidential hopefuls are preparing for their second prime time debate tonight and 9 top 11 candidates will face off in simi valley. this is a day after a new poll shows retired neurosurgeon ben carson surging to second place capitalized on the outsider message and offering a stark contrast to brash, donald trump. >> the nice thing is i will be center stage this time so it will be more difficult to ignore me. >> also, difficult to ignore the only woman on the stage, for her h.p. c.e.o. fiorina will take part in the main event after a standout performance if the early debate last month. you can expect she will not shy away from trump after he recently attacks her saying "look at that face, would anyone vote for that." >> this is the face of a 61-year-old woman i am proud of every year and every wrinkle. >> expect former florida governor jeb bush to battle with the billionaire with support slumping to 6 percent most recently. he hopes to regain momentum and scott walker is on the defensive, supports hope for a strong showing tonight. as for the crowded field hoping to education out trump he is not phased. >> he decided to change tactics and prepare. >> how is the debate preparation going? >> very if. >> it is expected to cover foreign and domestic policy and politics and it is going to be an endurance test lasting two hours and 45 minutes an hour longer than the debate last night. in the newsroom for abc7 news. >> thank you. meteorologist mike nicco is ahead with the wet forecast. >> the fall wind is blowing and it will whip up some showers for the afternoon and evening, grab an umbrella and i will give you a timetable on when the rain will arrive and how bad is it going to make the evening commute? thank you. apple customers wondering when they can get the latest version of the company's mobile operating system and what is keeping people from downloading ios9? >> today, right now, you can give where you live we have partnered with the red cross to help wildfire relief throughout the united states call 415-954-7621 and this is abc >> san rafael, south bay, pleasanton and all the bay area, this is abc7 news. >> happening now, apple's brand if you software upgate for the i iphone and ipad is in high demand with so many trying to download the system is backed up. the cupertino based technical giant is asking customs to be party promising ios nine will work on iphones as old as the 4s with a smarter version of siri and takes up less space. >> if you have the apple watch you have to wait to get the software because there is a bug in the watch update which is available this morning. a spokesman said that the glitch is taking a bit longer to fix than expected. >> now, we will head outside because we are waiting for the rain to get here. the anticipation is greater than the amount of rain. as september storms go this is typical and weak or get weaker as it rolls from north to south through the neighbor but i want to start on a positive note. we are looking northbound on 101 if san rafael where we have not seen rain but it is a matter of time, an hour or an hour and a half before you see the entire shield down to bodega bay. got the valley fire there in red and the temperature is 54 degrees, and that is refreshing for the firefighters, so is the high relative humidity and winds are picking up and i expect them to continue to pickup ahead of that coming in from the southwest and that will be blow all of the smoke to the northeast away from most of the bay area. as you look to the left side of the screen you can see the wall of steady rain about to move in to the northern section of sonoma county and napa county and the winds will continue to ramp up until the front passes and a slow decline headed to tomorrow afternoon and as far as temperatures its does not get better than today's 63 because we will be in the 90s, and you can see the thicker clouds developing as we look to the north with sprinkles possible in the north bay, and right around what we are looking at, in tiburon, sausalito, but light showers are moving through our neighbors now through the evening, and the wet weather will taper and dry air and hot temperatures are coming behalf, and santa rosa, you can see live doppler hd to the second sweeping through this and giving an idea where the better radar runs on and a look at the will yellows yellows and oranges some moderate rain falling in those areas and the strongest storms are staying to the north the entire system is head our way and moving quickly. here is a look at the cold front barrels down to us the last six or seven hours or so and because it is a september storm it is not the remnants of a tie phone and spent the better part of the morning priming the manufacture and watch in the afternoon, right in the heart of the rub, the showers climb out of the north bay, into the heart of the bay as far south as dumbarton bridge and then from 6:00 to noon or midnight, the showers fall apart as they head into the south bay and most of the wet weather will fall in the santa cruz mountains for you. for the rest us .1" in the valleys to half ambassador inch in the -- .5" in the mountains and tomorrow, we will see increasing sunshine, and a little bit warmer at two to six degrees warmers 70s at coast on saturday, 88 and 90s around the bay and 90 to nearly 100 inland so it is a fast-moving system as it comes into our neighborhoods during the evening commute. have some patience and the umbrella handy. >> remember san francisco private luxury bus service called leap? you can own one of their buses for $5. yes, the snazzy private because service between the marina and downtown filed for bankruptcy and it auctioning east remaining buses. for $2, it stars with the bidding starting on tuesday, october 6. so it could go higher. >> right up to the fires, temporary housing. >> if you love pasta, break out the stretchy pants, olive garden is bringing back the never ending pasta pass for $100 you and get all the pasta, salad, bread sticks and soda you can seat for seven weeks or buy a family pack and bring three guests for $300. it is offered only to a thousand people on sale tomorrow at 11 o'clock on the web site. last year the passes sold out in 45 minutes and this ad is right here. >> we continue in a few moments with more on how you can help those impacted by the wildfires. "7 on your side" is standing by to take your donations do give where >> coming up, rising tides in the bay area, the rising sea helpful and what it could mean for the bay area. in politics the bay area is not always blue. at 5:00, the race for the white house and how a democratic hotbed might have a new distinction. >> we taking your donations on the phone bank for those affect bid the western wildfires. now, "7 on your side" and the donation center. >> i have one word: wow! wow! already we have been doing this for less than half an hour and let me show you all the people doing the hard work and we have already raised $2,500 for wide fire relief through the western united states. let me give you that number so you can join in, 415-954-7621. you, too, can give where you live. we will be here aural day. thank you, michael. good news. glad to see the volunteers say busy and folks using that number to call. you can text red cross to 909999 for an automatic donation. if you want to give them a call you can designate western wildfires for people if you want that money to go to those affect by the 12 fires burning in california right now, the butte and the valley fire in the north. a lot to do. that you for your generosity. for all of us thanks for joining us today. i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara® it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ...stelara® helps me be in season. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara® your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. in a medical study, most stelara® patients saw at least 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara® helps keep my skin clearer. ask your doctor about stelara®. because at&t and directv are offering yesterday's technology, today. tv from space. [whispered] space as long as it's not too rainy. [whispered] rainy or windy. [whispered] windy or there isn't a branch in the way. [whispered] branchy welcome to the moment no one's been waiting for. the fastest internet and the best tv experience is already here with x1. only from xfinity. >> hi, i'm chris harrison. you're about to watch a man who's just three questions away from $1 million, and he's still got one lifeline left. this could get interesting. we may be about to answer the question, "who wants to be a millionaire?" [cheers and applause] [dramatic musical flourish] ♪ hello, everybody. welcome to a very special show. i know the answer to this, but are you guys ready to keep playiwho wants to be a millionaire? [cheers and applause] let's get going. today's returning contestant is only three questions away from the $1 million. he has hosted over 2,000 trivia nights-- ain't never seen anything like this, i bet. let's bring him back out. from astoria, new york, please welcome tony hightower. [cheers and applause] what's up, brother? >> right on. right on.

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