Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20150115

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>> this is abc7 news. >> mayhem at the mall. a car plowed through the doors of this east bay store crashing into a crowd of shoppers. >> six people rushed to the hospital including the driver of the out of control car. good evening. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm ama-daetz. >> this happened in newark and you can see the devastation. >> katie is there live with the story. katie? >> dan and ama, police and the car stayed well inside the macy's. you can see it 50 to 80 feet in the store and that's where it remains at this hour. they are waiting for the tow truck to pull it out, but not until the police are done with the investigation. they thought it was everything from a terrorism to a shooting. >> it went 10 feet in the air and it was -- i thought it was terrorism. everybody was yelling. >> he was shopping in the men's department when a car came crashing to the doors. he rushed to the site not knowing what he would find. >> there was another lady who was hurt. she was bleeding bad. her friend was the one hurt. >> in all six people went to the hospital. the driver of the car who is a 63-year-old woman and five customers, one suffered critical injuries. theoalameda fire department responded. >> a female passenger and a girl in the car were not hurt. >> it went down the corridor. >> police say it happened before 5:00 p.m. they think the driver may have had a medical condition that made her lose control of the car. she works at macy's but this is her day off. she came to work on her co-workers knowing these are the doors where they all come and go. >> it is scary. my friends would do the same thing for me. >> no macy's employees were hurt. the fire department says the store will not reopen until the entrance is stable -- stabilized. abc7 news. >> and there were some frightening and confusing comoants in martinez -- comments in martinez. there was one fire and then several were burning. five separate fires, all started authorities believe, by one man. abc7 news reporter alan wang is there live at the story. alan. >> dan and ama this is the suspect's home that he is accused of setting on fire. investigators say there is really no connection to the other homes. they say he simply went on a fire starting spree and randomly picked out his targets. >> the first fire erupted around 1:00 this afternoon on ashwood drive. flames were shooting out of the townhouse when the firefighters arrived. >> she said there is another fire over there. we look over there and it was blazing just like this one was. >> we need more hose. >> as more 9-1-1 calls poured in, police began to suspect an arsonist. >> we are talking about five separate locations with multiple fires. >> three townhouses were set on fire along with two single-family homes. >> i saw the martinez police a couple of guys had garden hoses and nozzles trying to help protect the fire pr spreading. >> earlier in the day police checked in on david boyle. he was being evicted and neighbors were concerned. >> then he started to be erratic in what he would say. he said some nonsense cal things. >> several neighbors say boyle used a blowtorch to start the fires. >> i ran inside and said somebody better call 9-1-1. this guy is setting the apartment on fire. >> police spotted boyle and chased him down and had to use a taser to take him into custody. in martinez, alan wang, abc7 news. >> the crews were able to get the upper hand on a dramatic fire in san jose. it started in a carport about 5:15 and it quickly spread to a nearby apartment. you can see several cars burning in this video provided by the san jose fire department. as bad as it was, glad to say no one was injured ?ie. a menlo park dry-cleaner is accused of defrauding customers of $700,000. 63-year-old edwin gary smith who owns menalto cleaners was arrested on 40 felony counts. he was arrested on suspicion of identity theft and credit card fraud among other charges. police believe there are more than 30 victims. >> dozens of san jose police officers will be returning to the street. it is the latest effort to bolster the size of the city's patrol force. officers from specialized units like homicide, gang suppression and robbery and it will put more cops on patrol. this comes after the special enforcement officers would start working street patrols on february 1st. anne anne a street custodian is saved for saving three students who took 10 times the normal dosage of cold medicine. it happened on monday. the girls between the ages of 12 and 13 took 10 tab lits of triple-c. this is what the pills look like. the custodian said they looked high and took them to the principal. they had to be hospitalized. the girls say they bought the pills from a male student. while he will not face charges he could face suspension or expulsion. a dream realized for two men who spent the better part of a month hanging off the side of a mountain. they were the first to free climb the dawn wall in yosemite national park. tiffany wilson has the story. >> their quest captured interest around the world. the two men on the mountain many viewed as impossible. they inspired us all. on the other side of struggle and sacrifice they found joy. summiting the half mile high stretch of smooth granite had seven years of dedication and 19 days of physical exswrerrion. >> -- exertion. >> he will hear how his dad climbed el capitan's dawn wall. the man relied on strength alone, ropes as an anchor for safety. he tested the resolve 11 times he fell. >> it crossed my mind that i should throw in the towel. >> he refused to leave him behind and perseverance paid off. >> what he did is super human. >> despite fingers shredded by the dime size holds, they scaled the summit this afternoon. >> this is something he never thought would happen. >> the local climbers followed the partners' progress closely. >> you can tell they are exhausted, but elated. >> this will not be his last climb, but it certifies the legacy and gives onlookers inspiration to dream. >> this story is telling people it is worth struggling. >> worth it for the end result. in san francisco, tiffany wilson, abc7 news. >> what an accomplishment. senator dianne feinstein said kevin jorgenson show that task is impossible. climbing yosemite's el capitan what an achievement. even president obama has been watching tweeting this late today, so proud of tommy caldwell and kevin jorgenson for conquering el el capitan. you remind us that anything is possible, the president tweeted today. taking down a potential terrorist. next on abc7 news, the plot to attempt the united states capitol and the man the fbi says is behind it. >> plus, a heartwarming reunion to share with you tonight. a 4-year-old boy and the local firefighter who saved his life. >> and listless in seattle. an update on the dog who rides the bus all by himself. >> i'm sandhya patel. visibility is down and a fog advisory is up. details on your morning commute and your ♪ with the incredible fuel efficiency of 38 miles-per-gallon highway you can feel like royalty in the nissan altima. now, get great offers on the 38 mpg highway nissan altima. nissan innovation that excites. ♪ food is more than just a meal. ♪ food is love. at monsanto, we believe everyone deserves a healthy, balanced meal. and a future that sustains us all. it's time for a bigger discussion about food. be part of the conversation at female announcer: when you see this truck, it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight. but sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event ends sunday. through sunday choose from a huge selection of tempur-pedic models including the new tempur-choice, with head-to-toe customization. plus, get 36 months interest-free financing, two free pillows and free same-day delivery. are you next? but hurry! sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event ends sunday. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ ♪ for the first time in...♪ ♪forever...♪ ♪...there'll be music...♪ ♪...there'll be light...♪ ♪...for the first time in forever♪ ♪...i'll be dancing through the night♪ frozen fun is at disney california adventure park for a limited time. with a great room offer you'll be close to all the fun! ♪...'cause for the first time in forever...♪ ♪...i won't be alone. ♪ >> covering santa rosa and berkeley and all of the bay area this is abc7 news. >> an ohio man is accused of plotting to attack the u.s. capitol. 20-year-old christopher leigh cornell was arrested this morning during after fbi undercover operation. cornell had been posting disturbing messages and videos on-line expressing support for al-qaeda and isis. cornell's father says his son recently converted to islam. >> i think they could have arrested him then. he was making plots or whatever, i think they should have arrested him then. >> he was arrested in the parking lot of a gun shop after he bought two semiautomatic rifles and 600 rounds of ammunition. the bay area congressman is on the homeland security committee. >> we have seen just in the past few weeks terror threats and attacks are escalating across the globe. we know that they are capable of reaching us here at home, and we must do everything we can to make sure we are vigilant and we are stoping them. >> according to federal documents, cornell planned to set up pipe bombs at and near the capitol and then kill employees and officials as they ran out. the latest now on the terror attacks in paris. newly released pictures show the gunmen holding hostages in a kosher market. four hostages were killed there. the gunman was wearing an armor plated guest and confronts a hostage at an exit door and then orders another hostage to disable the store's surveillance cameras. the police killed him when they stormed the store. a top al-qaeda commander warns of more attacks saying his group is responsible for the deadly magazine office masacre in paris. al-qaeda in yemen claims responsibility in this individual rereleased overnight. plans to attack the magazine had been going on for several years. >> thousands lined up in france for the new issue of "charlie hebd o" the first since the attacks. this is the long line that the new issue has generated. they are high in demand. the usual print run is 60,000 copies and today just 60,000 sold in several hours. 5 million copies have been printed ?ie. a shake up at the top of the secret service with four of the highest ranking executives reassigned. it comes after a number of security mishaps including an armed man getting into an elevator with the president and a knife wielding man sprinting across the white house lawn. the secret service's new acting director issued the reassignment saying change is necessary. >> you now have another excuse and reason to eat out. check out oakland's cullary scene. the city launched oakland restaurant week and it starts tomorrow and runs through sunday. 81 restaurants will offer price fixed menus between $20 and $40. it is a finger licking good deal. to find your inner foody and a list of participating restaurants we have a link on our website >> an emotional reunion today between a 4-year-old boy and the firefighters who rescued him after he fell from a bough bodega bay cliff. >> little sebastian has been called a walking miracle. the last time he saw the firefighters he was at the bottom of a 230-foot cliff in bodega bay, barely alive. >> trying to talk to him and keep him calm and talking about super heros. >> he was so broken up. seeing him like this is a relief. >> despite a head injury that put him in a coma and multiple fractures, the doctors now expect sebastian to make a full recovery. he wants to be a police man or a firefighter. >> new details about the bus riding dog we first told you about last night. she is winning hearts all-around the world now. she is trending. she is leashless in seattle and probably has no idea how famous she has become. she learned the drill and now routinely takes the bus to the dog park on her own. her story has gone viral making news from australia to france. >> everybody thinks their dog is amazing, but she has shown it. >> that's crazy. she is really sweet. i have seen her on the bus before. >> she is a dog that goes everywhere. >> you can't be famous without a facebook page. the fan page is quickly lapping up the likes. >> the oscar nominations are tomorrow morning. our live coverage from l.a. starts at 5:30 on the abc7 morning news. >> good movies this year. you can watch on air and on-line at and mark your calendar for oscar sunday on february 22nd here on abc7. >> well, our weather is well, i don't know, yesterday and today, all of the haze is coming in. >> meteorologist sandhya patel is here with more. >> yeah, i mean it just really turned quickly right dan and ama? we are expecting a spare the air day tomorrow. fog was also slow to lift. we are showing you the high clouds and down below is the fog where visibility is low. visibility down to a quarter of a mile and santa rosa is a mile and a half and petaluma to two miles. the dense fog advisory is up this will 11:00 a.m. tomorrow. the car keen nays straight is under the advisory. watch out tomorrow morning during the commute. the fog will be heavy for the commute hours and if your travels take you through this area you can pretty much count on a slow moving drive a lot like this morning which is typical. it comes in from the central valley. temperatures are 40s, 50s and we are headed toward a cold one. the east bay hills camera is showing you the view right now which is hazy. a spare the air for your thursday. poor air quality north bay coast and central bay. moderate air quality for the rest of the bay area. it gets better, but not great friday through sunday. and here is a hazy view from the kgo roof camera. areas of dense fog in the morning and poor air quality tomorrow. we are looking at a slight chance of a few showers in the north bay on friday. can't get too excited about it. you see this first cold front falling uh -- apart. that will continue tomorrow. there is a blocking ridge and it is preventing the storms from getting here. here is what will happen. the next one while it looks impressive will bump into the ridge. we will get the back end and a slight possibility of a few showers. here is where the rain will get going, northern california on friday morning. in the bay area, friday morning, clouds, fog chance of a light shower friday afternoon. it is looking worse later than it did in the early run. saturday morning, cloud cover. last year january we had .06 of an inch of rain in 2014 and so far we have had nothing this january. it could be the driest ever tieing with 2014. average rainfall is 4.5 inches. we will have to wait and see. hopefully that trend will turn around quickly for the next couple months that follow. tomorrow morning cold enough to where you will need to bundle up. mid30s santa rosa, napa and upper 30s vallejo and san jose , mid40s around san francisco. oakland, 41 in half moon bay. one thing you need to know about is fluctuating visibility because of the fog. allow plenty of time to get to work or your little ones off to school. the hazy skies will continue. where the fog will be slow to clear and where the air quality will be poor. temperatures are mid50s to the mid60s. the accu-weather seven-day forecast, we do go with a slight chance of seeing a few drops. the rest of you are looking at dry conditions. a few clouds here and there going into the weekend. fog will linger and martin luther king day is dry. i am sounding like a broken record. >> hoping that record breaks and we will go with rain. >> thanks sandhya. >> the 49ers make a head coach choice that has a few people wondering. >> larry is here with the latest. >> the 9ers and the raiders are very busy. a lot of 9er fans are wondering about that as the 49ers and the raiders select their new head coaches. >> good evening. there were 32 teams in the nfl and only one would seriously consider jim tom soula to be the head coach. that team is the 49ers and they gave him the job today to replace jim harbaugh. do not get me wrong. that is not a knock on jim tom soula. they love him. he is passionate and he exswriewts -- he exudes positive effects. the question is can he make this jump from the long-time niners defensive line coach to head coach and there is a huge void to fill here. this is a guy who loves coaching so much that he is sleeping in his car so he could coach there. find an offensive coordinator because unless colin kaepernick can bounce back they are in a lot of trouble. the raiders went to hayward for their next coach. he grew up in hayward and he takes over the silver and black. he went to hayward high and usc and on to an 11-year career as a linebacker in the nfl. he is a tough guy and has experience as a head coach. nine years in jacksonville including two trips to the playoffs and he knows what it is like to take a struggling team and build it up. he gets the nod and it is more of the same. mark davis hopes del rio can do what norv turner, lane kiffin, hugh jackson, dennis alan and spurano couldn't do and that is to get the raiders back to the playoffs. the warriors won in utah. would fatigue be a factor back home against the heat? thanks for the ride around norfolk! and i just wanted to say geico is proud to have served the military for over 75 years! roger that. captain's waiting to give you a tour of the wisconsin now. could've parked a little bit closer... it's gonna be dark by the time i get there. geico. proudly serving the military for over 75 years. this is how good the warriors are. they are on a second night on a back to back. they come out and they hammer miami from the jump. lebron james is in cleveland. the third member chris bosh. and steph curry picking up where he left off. klay thompson is catch and shoot three. the warriors by 10. in the 100th consecutive sellout he is cleaning up. i got you. 55-36. the third quarter and suggestion . guard the mvp to be. warriors win their eighth in a row. they are 31-5. that's crazy. gathering of cal greats. he can get to work tht lane. he is back from a stress fracture. he shot horribly in this game. look at anthony brown. under two minutes left and brown had 18 and they went 69-59 and stanford is 1-4 straight and cal has lost four stra olivia. super hungry? get my chipotle chicken club combo. it's got the chipotle sauce you love and spicy crispy chicken. you get it with fries and a drink for just $4.99. that's a ton of food. let's do this. female announcer: during sleep train's huge year end clearance sale, get beautyrest, posturepedic even tempur-pedic mattress sets at low clearance prices. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up and removal of your old set. and through monday, get 3 years interest-free financing on selected models. but hurry! this special financing offer ends martin luther king jr. day. don't miss the year end clearance 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