Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20140115

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pope francis reveals he's auctioning off his harley. he's even signed it on the gas tank, but what lucky buyer is headed for hog heaven? >> come on. get in the game. let's go. >> pull our money together. >> like 5 million each? >> we're talking about this right here. it's autographed. i love it on the gas tank like that. no telling how much that will go for. >> it's going to be amazing to see how much that gets. >> heavenly harley. >> the proceeds are going to benefit a soup kitchen in rome. people could be eating very well at that soup kitchen for many years to come. that will fetch a pretty penny. >> great to see. also some surprising comments from the first lady right before her 50th birthday saying she's not ruling out plastic surgery or botox. a lot more to come on that. first, let's get to ginger with that situation developing in california. driest conditions yet. fires all across the state. >> right. >> it was the driest year on record for california and now we've got pictures of the sierras, last year at this time and this year at this time. you remember snow equals rain equals drinking water and there is a big, big issue. it is not only that but you've got the santa anas in full effect. high temperatures being broken, records being broken. you've got fire warnings, you've got red-flag warnings all up and down the state of california but we start on an island where people were trapped by fire. kimball island. overnight an island on fire drama between sacramento and san francisco. flames devouring at least three homes and several outhouses on kimball island. >> dry brush and berry bushes out there, it goes quick. >> reporter: rescues were tricky. the coast guard rushing in to help people escape while boats designed to fight fires doused whatever they could reach. >> reporter: reporter dave marquis was right there in the center of it all. >> reporter: sections like this just going up like it's the middle of summer getting water on it to knock it out. >> reporter: the fire reportedly starting in one of the homes but it was dry grass and high winds fueling that threat. earlier in the day, another raging fire came dangerously close to the busy pacific coast highway as well as 25 homes in the upscale pacific palisades neighborhood. >> just chaos and smoke and it looked huge. >> reporter: fortunately crews contained that fire before major damage was done. the same could not be said in 70 miles east in jurupa valley. >> my house is gone. what can we do? nothing. >> reporter: flames there destroying four homes before 110 firefighters finally put it out. and i wish i had better news, but the next week looks very dry. and look at this, since july 1st only an inch and a half in san francisco. they usually have closer to ten inches. >> that's not helping at all. >> no. >> ginger, thank you. to the latest on the school shooting in new mexico. a seventh grader opening fire in a jam-packed gym. two students severely wounded. abc's ryan owens is there in roswell, new mexico, this morning for us. good morning, ryan. >> reporter: good morning to you, robin. this is not even a high school. it's just a middle school, and the ages of the people involved makes this so disturbing. police say the shooter is just 12. this morning he's locked up in a psychiatric hospital. and his victims, 13 and just 11. >> we have one student or female subject possibly shot. >> reporter: the gun shots rang out before the morning school bell did. 7:30 a.m. police say a seventh grader, a 12-year-old, walks into a gym full of 500 students with a sawed off shotgun concealed in a bag or a case. >> i saw that student walked in with a gun and he just started firing randomly, it seemed. >> reporter: two students are hit and only two. because authorities say eighth grade social studies teacher john masterson put himself in the line of fire. new mexico's governor spoke with the teacher turned hero. >> pointing the firearm at mr. masterson. mr. masterson begins to talk to him to put it down. >> he dropped the gun. he raised his hands and the principal didn't touch the person that shot, he went to the kid that got shot. >> reporter: authorities say an 11-year-old boy was shot in the face and flown to a texas hospital. 13-year-old kendall sanders was also hit. >> tough to see our kids so scared. >> reporter: police searched the suspect's home overnight but still aren't sure of the motive. they are investigating reports he warned some students not to come to school. >> when looking at different social media, i do not have a definitive answer as to whether that happened or not. we'll certainly look into that. >> keep these two children in your prayers who were shot while simply sitting in their gym waiting to go to class. >> reporter: school will be closed here today as investigators work to answer a number of questions, not the least of which how in the world did a 12-year-old boy end up with a sawed off shotgun? robin and george. >> many want to know the answer to that question. thank you, ryan, so much. >> every single time you see these teachers stepping up. it's incredible. >> quick thinking like that. bless them for it. >> josh with other top stories this morning. good morning. good morning, we'll begin with breaking news overnight about another government spying operation. "the new york times" is reporting that the nsa has installed software on almost 100,000 computers overseas including those belonging to the chinese and russian militaries and all to conduct surveillance and prevent cyberattacks. agents have reportedly used radio waves to access protected computers. now, this news comes just days before president obama is expected to announce new limits on u.s. surveillance programs. and your subscription to netflix could soon get more expensive thanks to a federal appeals court which has tossed out the government's so-called internet neutrality rules that required everyone online to be treated equally no matter how much bandwidth you use but now netflix and youtube which use more bandwidth than anyone else can be charged a higher fee by internet service providers to insure faster service. amazon could also be hit hard by extra fees. a federal judge in oklahoma ruled that the state's ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. the state will be allowed to appeal before the ruling takes effect, however, similar to what's happening right now in the state of utah. and off the coast of virginia, a coast guard helicopter rescued four people from a disabled sailboat. you see the rescue in progress here. those folks had been traveling to the virgin islands when their 42-foot boat ran into mechanical trouble. they were hoisted one by one into the helicopter and thankfully everyone is okay. a popular cholesterol drug is being recalled. merck is recalling liptruzet because packaging defects with the foil could, in fact, reduce the drug's effectiveness, so far there are no reports of patients being harmed. and for the second consecutive day the temperature topped 104 degrees at the australian open there in melbourne. serena williams won a record-tying 60th match, equaling the great australian margaret court, but one player called the conditions there inhumane. several people on the court, several more in the stands actually collapsed in the heat. nine players quit because of injuries. but if you think if you're in australia, just go to the beach and swim, that might not work out for you well either. take a look. one thrill seeker may be looking for a thrill that was accidentally found. sean harrington cage diving in australia and there is an eight-foot tiger shark. that was a birdcage. that shark could have easily torn through it. in fact, the only weapon he had when the shark charged him, yeah, his plan to take that quick dip for a stunt for a surfing label, maybe not so much. >> huh-uh. >> so it's really hot outside and there are many sharks in the water. just maybe we avoid australia right now. maybe note to self. >> thank you. now to new jersey governor chris christie digging out from that traffic scandal that could block his road to the white house. he tried to move beyond bridgegate in his state of the state speech yesterday and a new poll shows he's holding his own with new jersey voters. abc's jim avila has been on the story from the start. >> reporter: chris christie's fourth state of the state address as new jersey governor was clearly high stakes. the normally bombastic governor stood outside the statehouse chamber, his face showing the tension, his entrance muted despite three minutes of applause. >> now, the last week has certainly tested this administration. >> reporter: the first four paragraphs of the speech dedicated to those substantiated allegations that some of his closest advisers urged the port authority to close lanes on the george washington bridge as political retribution. now i'm the governor and i'm ultimately responsible for all that happens on my watch, both good and bad. >> reporter: it was not a full mea culpa. he used the time-worn phrase other politicians have used to avoid personal responsibilities. "mistakes were made" rather than "i made a mistake." >> mistakes were made and as a result we let down the people we're entrusted to serve. >> reporter: he promised not to stonewall the investigation into whether his aides broke the law when they ordered traffic problems at ft. lee and crippled traffic across the george washington bridge, the busiest in the world for a workweek in september. >> without a doubt, we will cooperate with all appropriate inquiries to ensure that this breach of trust does not happen again. >> reporter: one of those inquiries will begin tomorrow with the aides christie fired being subpoenaed to testify before the state legislature about who ordered ft. lee's traffic armageddon and a new quinnipiac poll shows how popular he is in new jersey. his approval rating dropped 20 points after the scandal, but it still stands at 55%. robin? >> all right there, jim. thank you. now to the latest deadly movie theater killing. in florida. the retired police captain charged with killing a man who wouldn't stop texting is behind bars this morning. steve osunsami that has story. >> reporter: he's the retired tampa police captain charged with second degree murder making his first court appearance in a thick green bulletproof vest designed to protect and restrict high-profile defendants. >> what i ask the public not to rush to judgment. this individual was a decorated former law enforcement officer. >> reporter: police say 71-year-old curtis reeves began arguing with the man sitting in front of him at a showing of "lone survivor" and then shot him dead because he wouldn't stop texting. >> he's a godly man. >> reporter: his family and long-time supporters from the law enforcement community packed the courtroom but the judge ordered him held without bond. he did not enter a plea. >> the evidence of guilt is significant. >> reporter: police say reeves shot and killed 43-year-old chad oulson seen in this video from 2011 and say he wounded oulson's wife nicole who tried to block the gunshot. they have a young daughter and this morning we're learning he was texting their baby-sitter. lawyers for the retired officer are invoking florida's controversial stand your ground law. the police report saying reeves told them he was in fear of being attacked. >> he was hit with -- in the face with an unknown object. at that point in time he has every right to defend himself. >> reporter: but witnesses tell police reeves was struck with a bag of flying popcorn. >> working with our state attorney's office, it was determined that the stand your ground case, no, does not fly here in this case. >> reporter: this morning police are also looking into a tip they received about a similar incident allegedly involving reeves. >> he gets up. he's like, can you do me a favor, can you please just stop texting. >> reporter: this woman says the tip was from her. she claims reeves berated her for texting during a film at this same theater in december. police are telling us they can't confirm whether reeves went after this family or any other. they say it's another reason why they need to comb through the surveillance video they've obtained from in and outside this theater. george. >> okay, steve, thanks very much. the latest now on that concussion crisis in the nfl. a federal judge has rejected the $765 million settlement between the league and former players suffering head injuries saying that may not be enough to compensate everyone affected. abc's ryan smith is tracking the case. >> reporter: this morning the nfl's biggest blow yet, a judge sacking a $765 million settlement over concussion claims saying it may not be enough. >> he took a heavy hit. u.s. district court judge anita brody saying "i have concerns about the fairness, reasonableness and adequacy of the settlement" demanding to see evidence showing that more than three quarters of a billion dollar will cover the estimated 20,000 players and their families over a 65-year period. some of the nfl's biggest stars now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel like super bowl winning quarterback jim mcmahon who has early stage dementia. >> i went through two strikes during my career and i was hoping that my medical bills would be paid for. you know, hopefully now they will be. >> reporter: relief also for the families of players like junior seau whose 2012 suicide they say is due in part to the big hits in the nfl. >> he loved the game, but i know that he didn't love the end of his life. >> reporter: the current settlement had the promise of big bucks for some players including up to $5 million for players diagnosed with als and up to $3.5 million for players with diseases like alzheimer's and parkinson's. the judge fears that money may run out. in settling, the nfl has not admitted any wrong doing. the league and players' attorneys unfazed by this development. the nfl saying judge brody's request for more information is a step towards preliminary approval while the players' attorneys say they are "confident" it'll get done. >> the judge says i want to satisfy myself the deal works and i want to say to the players, sit tight. this is part of the process. this deal will be approved. >> reporter: still, at the end of the day, the judge is the ultimate referee. the players can choose to opt out of the deal and file their own lawsuits but if too many do, the settlement could be in jeopardy so the question now becomes if the judge doesn't think the settlement is enough, will the players. george? >> a big question, ryan, thanks very much. now we have that interview from the first lady. >> yeah, very talkative. it's a very revealing "people" magazine interview with first lady michelle obama just before her 50th birthday. so honest on a range of topics, including her take on plastic surgery and botox. we have an exclusive first look right here. the big day is fast approaching. this friday marks michelle obama's 50th birthday. we're told the president is planning a party on saturday to mark the momentous occasion although details are hard to come by. ♪ stay together >> reporter: the elegant first lady sat down with "people" magazine for an exclusive interview to talk about how she feels about the big milestone saying she is more self-assured now, each decade brings a greater sense of calm and certainty and maturity and confidence. she also says she isn't ruling out a little enhancements like botox in the future saying, women should have the freedom to do whatever they need to do to feel good about themselves and the first lady revealed she's changed her workout routine to less weights and more yoga and other exercises to keep her flexible. >> she said she really wanted to use this milestone and the spotlight on her during it to help other women to promote, you know, the kinds of things she's doing with her own health care. >> reporter: an occasion to help others and an occasion to celebrate we're told in a casual way. >> the guests were told to wear comfortable shoes. it's all about dancing and having a good time. >> reporter: the president hasn't given mrs. obama any details on the birthday bash, only that the guests were told to eat before they come. she did, however, share an important birthday wish. >> she said, if there's planning going on, i don't know about it. my one wish is to be with the people i love. >> reporter: one thing we know for sure is that the president has already given an early gift while on the annual family vacation in hawaii, taking the girls home to washington, leaving the first lady behind for an extra few days of vaca with some of her close friends, including oprah. she looks so fantastic. just to be clear mrs. obama says she doesn't imagine having plastic surgery but she's learned never say never. >> there will be dancing in the white house this weekend. >> i love that. >> i love that eat before you come. carbo load. >> it's going to be a good time. >> that's the truth. and we check now with the weather and ginger. >> imagine driving over this bridge going to new york city, see, absolutely zero visibility in some places. this is not good and this is happening not just here in new york city, but through the mid-atlantic, down through the southeast, let me show you some of the numbers, fog, the headline up and down from charleston to almost zero up to connecticut where i've heard gill up there telling me there have been so many accidents, please take extra time on your commute this morning. it's going to be a mess and reminder of january i was talking about yesterday, it is there. feels like 3 in chicago. sioux falls like 2 below, 13 below in fargo. your local weather coming up in 30 seconds but first the warm cities brought to you by royal caribbean international. >> that chill being felt as far south as oklahoma city. and no one is immune by the end of the week. miami drops into the low 40s. >> take that, miami. coming up on "gma," extraordinary and dramatic surveillance video. a top executive caught on tape caught terrorizing his community on a violent rampage. police armed with a warrant search justin bieber's mansion looking for evidence. could he end up behind bars? and an ad-stravangza. football's biggest game, jaguar, revving up the competition with a big name behind the wheel. one of the hot ways to exercise. is it actually making you pack on the pounds? spinning in the crosshairs. e pounds? spinning in the cross hairs. in the crosshairs. ♪ with freshly bakedeve in whole grain bread.right then we add all-natural eggs... lean antibiotic-free ham... and vermont white cheddar. get 16 grams of protein and 23 grams of whole grain in the breakfast power sandwich. 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[ male announcer ] when you feel good, no one is immune. emergen-c has more vitamin c than 10 oranges plus other antioxidants and electrolytes to help you come down with a serious case of healthy. emergen-c. making healthy contagious. to help you come down with a serious case of healthy. all the goodness of milk, all the deliciousness of hershey's syrup. yeah, let's do durable. let's do different. but mostly, let's do soft. like this, no, it's gotta feel like this. let's touch this. touch that, save a ton, and then, let's get on it. let's see the big game. and let's do floor seats. let's do this. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now get whole-home basic carpet installation for $37 bucks. good morning i'm erik thomas. mill pea da's police are looking for a shooter who opened fire at a hotel killing a man and leaving guests under lockdown this morning. it happened at the executive inn. there was a party and a dispute ended up taking place in a parking lot. witnesses say they heard arguing and then the sound of four gun shots. the victim is a man in his early to mid 20s. police are not sure if he was a guest or just visiting the hotel. >> leyla gulen. >> we have two that have canceled. the first one coming 0 out the called cot. so allings now reopened. but massive backups coming away from walnut creek. right at foster city boulevard, a truck fire there that has one lane blocked. look at the red there. it is sold out at this hour. good morning, waking up to a fire threat in the mountains until 8:00 tomorrow morning. you can see the sun is up as we look from the tower this morning. let's talk about temperatures is 1 to 16 degrees above average. sun sets at 5:15 on this record ♪ all right okay all right okay ♪ ♪ all right okay all right okay now ♪ >> i'll say. you never know when you're on a new york city bus what you will see, what you will hear. you can't hold it ginger. it never felt so good is what mclemore and ryan lewis took over a new york city bus. we'll tell you why. >> i have never seen so many smiles on a new york city bus. >> that's right. also something much less fun, dramatic surveillance captured the terrifying struggle. a cop statute i have attacking his former brother-in-law, went on to terrorize this community. this is reel something you have to say. then new details on the police raid at justin bieber's mansion. cops searching for evidence that he may have harmed a neighbor's property causing thousands of dollars worth of damage. it may not sound like a big deal but it is. we'll switch gears looking ahead just a couple weeks hence at the super bowl playing in these parts. all stops being pulled. some of the craziest most expensive ads ever. doesn't always equal greatness, but sometimes it really does. >> yeah. >> we'll take a look at all of our sneak peeks ahead. >> some big names being pulled out. all right, first in this half hour dramatic home security camera video capturing a life-or-death struggle. a biotech executive violently attacking his brother-in-law before police say he shot him and just hours after he opened fire on an ex-business partner. abc's linsey davis is here with more on that. good morning, linsey. >> good morning, robin. during monday's preliminary hearing, we heard testimony from hans peterson's girlfriend who describes him as agitated and focused as he worked on his computer after midnight the morning of attacks. she said he had been drinking and some some convincing to go to bed but when she woke up he was gone. the final moments of 49-year-old hans peterson's alleged bizarre shooting spree the night of september 18th caught on tape. watch as this surveillance video captures the once successful biotech executive gun in hand breaking into the home of ron fletcher, his former brother-in-law, off camera fletcher says peterson found him in his bathroom and a struggle ensues. fletcher telling his kids to lock their doors and call 911. bullets fly. >> when i grabbed the gun he fired and shot me in the stomach and i tackled him to the ground and fought, fought with him. >> reporter: in pain and holding his stomach fletcher says he manages to keep the gun away from peterson fighting him off. when he reaches for his cell phone to call 911, he says peterson stops him by smashing his phone. >> he started yelling at me to open my safe. i'm going to [ bleep ] kill you. open your [ bleep ] safe. >> reporter: peterson's alleged rampage continues until police arrive guns drawn. finally putting an end to a shooting spree that allegedly started four hours earlier anyone half a mile away. earlier that night, peterson allegedly broke into the home of this man, steven dowdy his former business associate. prosecutors accuse peterson of firing into dowdy's bedroom while he and his wife were sleeping. >> i realized then that this is not merely a robbery but this is someone trying to assassinate me. >> reporter: dowdy was shot in the back and says he would have died had he not taken cover behind his dresser where four bullets were lodged. >> when the bullets stopped firing and i was concerned that he was trying to reload, that's when i opened the curtains to look and see a little bit. i was afraid, of course, he would shoot me in the head right there. >> reporter: according to court documents peterson's estranged wife says her husband went into an emotional tailspin and depression after he lost his job. >> i would not be sitting here today if not. >> reporter: he began to change when he stopped taking medication prescribed to him after a skydiving incident. he not only lost his job but was going through a messy divorce. if convicted he faces up to 96 years in prison. he has pleaded not guilty to premeditated attempted murder among other charges but that surveillance video, i imagine, will be hard to explain. >> that will be played in court hard to explain. linsey, thank you. now new trouble for justin bieber. police swarming all over his mansion looking for evidence he egged his neighbor's house. they left with bieber's best friend arrested on drug charges. david wright has all the details. >> reporter: a ritzy hilltop neighborhood in southern california transformed thursday into whatting looked like an episode of "cops." officers raiding justin bieber's home. searching for evidence after this. >> [ bleep ]. i see you. [ bleep ]. i see you. >> reporter: tmz posted this video friday reportedly taken by one of bieber's neighbors. that led police to investigate whether the young pop star pelted his neighbor's mansion with eggs. >> hey [ bleep ] you. i got another one for you. >> reporter: the neighbor claims the incident caused up to $20,000 in damage. if charges are filed police say it would be a felony. armed with a warrant, police searched bieber's home where security camera footage and eggs. police say they found the footage but also something else, drugs. >> i believe it's san thanks and ecstasy but we will wait for the actual results before we can confirm that. >> reporter: that led to an arrest of a member of his entourage on felony narcotics charges and later charged with felony vandalism for allegedly pulling a phone off the jailhouse wall. authorities say bieber cooperated during the search but has yet to answer any questions. >> mr. bieber was not arrested. at this time he's also not exonerated. >> he may ultimately face jail time, justin bieber needs to realize that there are consequences for his actions. ♪ ♪ baby baby baby oh >> reporter: last fall he got into an altercation with the same neighbor. he said bieber spalt in his face. bieber denied that. >> justin! >> reporter: for "good morning america," david wright, abc news, los angeles. >> let's bring in our chief legal anchor dan abrams. could bieber really go to jail for egging his neighbor's house. >> in theory based on the amount of damage done here but let's be honest if this wasn't justin bieber you wouldn't have a dozen investigators goo in to investigate an egging incident. i mean, they're going in to look for surveillance video and possible eggs. what are they going to come out with 26 brown grade a and 12 white organic eggs as evidence against jud. not to say it doesn't matter. when you're talking about using the criminal law here with a dozen investigators, it doesn't seem to be the best use of the police force. >> so are they trying to send a message to the community that they're taking it seriously or to him? >> both. i think they want to tell the community there's no celebrity justice but in this case the celebrity justice is he's getting a harsher investigation than if he wasn't justin bieber but i also think some of his bad behavior with his neighbors is relevant here. i think there's been allegation after allegation and i think the authorities are basically saying we're taking this really seriously. we're going to investigate. the neighbors obviously very upset but typically what would happen a police officer shows up, one, takes a report, a civil lawsuit is filed. a deal is cut. payback is made, et cetera. the idea we're talking about a felony over egging someone's house with a dozen investigators and surveillance tape and confiscating potentially eggs as evidence, it all just seeps a little overwrought to me. >> tell us what you really think. thanks very much. to ginger with the weather. >> remember, we talked about the screamer. eastern iowa, that blowing snow created such issues and then green bay, wisconsin, actually had their snowiest day yet this season. tons of wrecks on the roads there, just over 7 inches of snow, almost a record but not quite for the date and more to to come. blizzard watches and warnings and winter vert advisories through the northern plains down through kansas and something that will happen in the next 24 to 48 hours depending on your location and we will be watching for that. please do take some extra care there and then the cold. i promised you this to show you how cold it gets in miami. look at the next couple of mornings from 66 this morning down to the low 40s as you start your weekend. it'll be a little >> this weather report brought to you by edward jones. you know that the cold if it's that far south is coming here too. >> it's coming. >> it's coming. i'll show you where. >> it is winter. >> thank you, ginger. coming up, the craziest most expensive ads going head to head in this year's super bowl and we have a sneak peek just ahead. and the mom who publicly shamed her daughter for cyberbullying. did her punishment make her a cyberbully too? [ cellphones beeping ] ♪ [ cellphone rings ] hello? [ male announcer ] over 12,000 financial advisors. good, good. good. over $700 billion dollars in assets under care. let me just put this away. [ male announcer ] how did edward jones get so big? could you teach our kids that trick? [ male announcer ] by not acting that way. ok, last quarter... [ male announcer ] it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. ♪ makcreatwith petsmart,ng. wonder and enchantment. the destination for all things aquatic. at the amazing aquatics event, save on all fish & aquariums from brands like marineland®, aqueon, fluval®, api & more! at petsmart®. i've got a big date, but my sinuses are acting up. it's time for advil cold and sinus. [ male announcer ] truth is that won't relieve all your symptoms. new alka seltzer plus-d relieves more symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel. oh what a relief it is. than any other behind the counter liquid gel. from the big screen to small screens near and far twizzlerize your entertainment every day with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. in controlling yournow overactive bladder symptoms. the new oxytrol for women patch. the first and only over the counter treatment for overactive bladder. put the control back in your go with new oxytrol for women. now in the feminine care aisle. and since he's such an adventurous little boy... whee! [ giggles ] [ grandma ] gets filthy. but he's got such sensitive skin that you worry about what you use in the laundry. so, when i'm in charge, we do things grandma's way. my tide, downy, and bounce all come in free & gentle. so we get a cleaner, softer blankie. and grandma wins. [ giggles ] [ female announcer ] tide, downy, and bounce free & gentle. great on their own, even better together. but we're not staying in the kitchen. just start the slow cooker, add meat and pour in campbell's slow cooker sauce. by the time you get home, dinner is practically done. and absolutely delicious. everyone is cooking with new campbell's slow cooker sauces. we are back now at 7:43 and less than three weeks now till football's supershowdown. some of the craziest and most expensive commercials ever are expected. we have full ad-travaganza coverage for you this morning and first up, a few of the biggest ads. abc's nick watt has the story. >> reporter: jaguar just joined the big boys club. >> coming. >> reporter: parting with megabucks for a super bowl slot. i wonder how much they paid ben kingsley. >> you'll be hearing from us. >> reporter: super bowl xlviii the price tag for those 30 seconds is a colossal $4 million, topping 200 grand from last year. >> live sports in the most indemand time there is. >> reporter: other rookies on the feel, beats music, butterfinger and chobani. i wonder how much yogurt you have to sell. with big bucks come big bucks too, david beckham hawking clothes. stephen colbert pushing push 'stache shows. injure a and george spotted outside their old home sparking rumors of a "seinfeld" reunion super bowl ad. >> of course. >> together they're perfect. >> reporter: for sure, go daddy, my favorite from last year will be back and so will axe. >> in the world filled with war, sometimes the most powerful weapon. is love. >> reporter: this is a "gma" exclusive, first look at their new ad. >> make love, not war. introducing new axe peace. >> reporter: for some it seeps the price got too high. etrade has bowed out and we might never see those talking babies ever again. >> it's tragic, man. >> reporter: for "good morning america," nick watt, abc news, los angeles. >> oh, we'll miss those babies. some stats for you over 108 million americans watch the big game last year so you understand why companies are willing to pay so much. breaks down to $27 per viewer. right. not that much yogurt. all right. coming up, spinning is a good workout but new question, could it be causing you to gain weight? the celebrity trainer weighing in this morning. ♪ then the "play of the day," really a play in two parts. a go nowhere. ♪ how do you like me now [ male announcer ] at some point, everyone's been at the corner of "new year's resolution" and "maybe i need a new new year's resolution." ♪ at walgreens, we know that starting healthy routines can be tough. that's why walgreens makes it easier with realistic and real simple solutions... everything from great deals on vitamins, supplements and fitness monitors to helpful online tools. at the corner of happy and healthy. ♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra. ♪ i'my body doesn't work the way it used to. past my prime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don't think so. great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. great grains protein blend. that's a man interviewino.for a job. not that one. that one. the one who seems like he's already got the job 'cause he studied all the right courses from the get-go. and that's an accountant, a mom, a university of phoenix scholarship recipient, who used our unique --scratch that-- awesome career-planning tool. and that's a student, working late, with a day job, taking courses aligned with the industry he's aiming to be in. ready to build an education around the career that you want? let's get to work. the intense ache made it hard to do the things that i wanted. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia -- thought to be the result of over-active nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. so now, i can do more of the things i enjoy. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i'm feeling better with lyrica. ask your doctor if lyrica is right for your fibromyalgia pain. >> announcer: right then, here's the "play of the day." an actual play times two. okay, so here we go. the winona running rebels playing in a tournament game in wisconsin over the weekend, a young team. so on this travel game, the game is tied. seconds left on the clock, we are seeing right there, easton, all right, so in the game with the game tied, seconds ticking down he does this. >> time-out. >> you heard the screaming. get a time-out. do whatever you can. >> right. >> time-out. >> again, there, and she gets it but becomes an instant ear row in his hometown. one of his buddies gives an interview. when he says we play basketball because all the girls love basketball players so the local news crew shows up and say, hey, easton, just to do it. >> just to humor us. >> take a shot and on his first shot -- >> no, he doesn't. >> he did not. >> no, he didn't. >> oh. >> wow! >> like twice. >> twice. >> we considered look booking him live to try it again. no, no. that's it. scarlett johansson is coming back, go nowhere. and i had like this four wheninch band of bumpsles it started on my back. that came around to the front of my body. and the pain from it was- it was excruciating. i did not want anyone to brush into me to cause me more pain than i was already enduring. i wanted to just crawl up in a ball and just, just wait till it passed. . ♪ well, i wear my clothes like this because i can ♪ [ female announcer ] when it comes to softness, shapes and styles only kleenex brand has it all. find your style then flaunt it at good morning, i'm chris zen sze. a neighborhood market suffered considerable damage during a detonation by the bomb squad. an explosive device was found last night by family members cleaning out the home. meteorologist mike nicco has the forecast. hot thr this time of year. >> absolutely. fire danger still through tomorrow morning, about another 24 1/2 hours. low to mid 70s and upper 70s around santa cruz. we'll get back to the 60s by sunday, still warmer than average. leyla? >> we have a couple of accidents reported in san jose. they're reported might at the month gu express way, looks like month gu express way, looks like it's injennie-o w where every a where every thursday people ride 10 miles for tacos. we thought wsurprise them with a better kind of taco made with jennie-o ground turkey cooked thoroughly to 165. i feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. i think they are light and they are just fresh tasting. yeah. when i eat well, i feel well. anncr: it's time for a better taco. the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey in a store near you. when ifor your business..curity tyco integrated security. we'll do a security review of your business to understand your needs, customize an integrated solution that meets your specific challenges. and deliver it all with responsive local service, and a personal passion to help you protect your business. we'll even give you the power to manage it all... right from the palm of your hand. call us for a free security review. good morning, america, 8:00 a.m. on a busy wednesday. the jury is out. the high-profile magazine editor coming clean about photo shopping and are relationships happier without kids? also, ahead the celebrity trainer sounding off about spinning is one of the hot ways to exercise really just bulking you up? and she's been called the sexiest woman alive. now, scarlett johansson opens up on love, marriage and that brand new top secret super bowl ad. as we say -- good morning, america. >> good morning, america. >> all: good morning. and the special delivery this morning. >> hey. >> a little thing from pizza hut right here. i'm told these are custom-made. >> all part of an exclusive look at pizza hut's brand-new one of a kind hand-tossed pizza style, thank you very much. and they're introducing them tomorrow. >> i ate mine already. >> you only have a slice left. >> that's all that's left. >> they're delicious. >> black bean hair. >> oh, it's an olive. >> olives. >> okay. >> can i just say on a pizza, robin, you are a beautiful white woman. i just want you to know that. >> i've got a healthy tan. >> look at that. look at that. is it possible to be wearing an olive wig? >> if i could, i would be blushing right now. >> thank you. >> no problem. >> thank you. >> thank you, pizza hut. thank you very much. >> yes. >> i will treasure it always. >> yes. and to think that's just prologue because the jury remains out this morning, america. a key debate, including, and if you'll forgive me, okay, a mother punishes her daughter from cyberbullying by making her put a note saying she's a cyberbully online. now, this has inspired any of all manner of heated debate already. robin roberts, we're saving it for the show. >> what are you possibly talking about? we've been having very civil discussions about that. >> who is on which side of all this? >> there's a "gma" flash poll, so we want to hear from you, so log on, vote, vote, vote. there you go. on yahoo! then we'll test out hollywood's hottest beauty secrets like the infrared sauna. we ask can you possibly lose weight by lying there and sweating it out? yes, i dare say you can. it's called water weight and then you drink this and put it back, but we'll test out some of these theories. >> we'll look at all that. plus we'll get news are from josh. we'll begin with those dangerously dry conditions in california, sparking fires up and down the state. an out-of-control fire burning on kimball island near sacramento. in fact, it destroyed at least one home and two other buildings while closer to los angeles, red flag warnings will be in effect all day as the santa ana conditions there continue. one raging fire actually quickly spread near pacific coast highway. that's the enclave of pacific palisades and threatened dozens of homes. it was put out. again, ginger with the complete forecast in just moments. details this morning about the shooting at a new mexico middle school. police are looking into whether the 12-year-old shooter used social media to warn some students not to go to school on tuesday. now, police say that the shooter opened fire in the gym with a sawed off shotgun seriously injuring two students before a teacher intervened and talked the student into dropping the weapon. the boy is now being treated at a psychiatric hospital. and a new warning today about one of the most commonly used drugs in the country. acetaminophen, the fda is advising doctors to stop prescribing combination drugs that contain more than 325 milligrams of acetaminophen saying it could cause liver damage. but the concern, many people don't realize the drug is already used in percocet, vicodin and other painkillers and can easily overdose. the warning, in fact, does not yet apply to over-the-counter drugs such as tylenol. and one kayaker, quite a story to tell today. watch as he collides with a humpback whale. that breach just as he was kayaking by. of course, the kayaker just kept on kayaking. i don't know that he had much of an option. and away we go. that's how they kayak in norway. and finally, one lucky buyer, we mentioned this at the top of the show, is going to hog heaven. that's like a triple ding. pope francis, the pope auctioning off his very sleek and stylish harley-davidson, which he actually got as a gift from the motorcycle company when he was elected last year. the papacy's leather biker jacket will actually be sold separately signed, oh, by the way, francesco, the italian of his papal name. proceeds from the sale will benefit a soup kitchen in rome. the bike retails at $20,000. i have a feeling it's -- >> are they guessing? do you have any idea? >> no, i think -- let's take a guess. lara, what do you have? >> at least a million. >> george. >> oh, i don't know. >> no? is that too much? >> oh, i think 10 million, 15 million. >> oh, really. or lira. we'll see what happens. >> we'll see. 10, 15. >> ah. >> harley. >> that's true. we'll find out. >> we will. probably coming up but let's get some weather from ginger. >> and the smiling faces have taken over times square here. i want to say good morning to this young man from fresno. what's your name? >> dave. >> and dave and i were talking about the drought not so good in california. but can i show you an update to the picture we showed you earlier. look at that, you would see the freedom tower, just the very top of that. that fog rolling in almost looks like san francisco city than new york city, but wabc giving us that beautiful shot this morning. please take extra time. fog big time from the carolinas all the way up into the mid-atlantic and northeast and look at this, the cooling i promised you. how much cooler? not terrible. closer to average in a lot of places. new york city drops to 38 in the next couple of days, a lot of folks, pittsburgh, others getting down there too. the ridge has built in and the stagnant air has settled in, especially to the valleys to the pacific northwest and medford high, 53. a >> all right. we're just getting some photos taken here, lara. come on out. >> all right, ginger, i will. here's a look at what's coming up on our "gma morning menu." first in pop news, we'll tell you how you can live like oprah. she's selling some real estate and we have pictures. the jury is still out on this question. are couples really happier in their relationship when they don't have kids? that's on the docket. dan is coming out. and then spinning, is it causing you to bulk up? the celebrity trainer weighing in on that. all that and scarlett johansson live on "good morning america" here in times square. ♪ "gma's morning menu" is brought to by new fast-acting advil. nothing is faster. r. [ male announcer ] this is jim. a man who doesn't stand still. but jim has afib, atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. for years, jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but now, with once-a-day xarelto jim's on the move. jim's doctor recommended xarelto. like warfarin, xarelto is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem that doesn't require routine blood monitoring. so jim's not tied to that monitoring routine. [ gps ] proceed to the designated route. not today. [ male announcer ] for patients currently well managed on warfarin there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. xarelto is just one pill a day taken with the evening meal. plus, with no known dietary restrictions, jim can eat the healthy foods he likes. do not stop taking xarelto, rivaroxaban, without talking to the doctor who prescribes it as this may increase the risk of having a stroke. get help right away if you develop any symptoms like bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. you may have a higher risk of bleeding if you take xarelto with aspirin products, nsaids, or blood thinners. talk to your doctor before taking xarelto if you have abnormal bleeding. xarelto can cause bleeding, which can be serious and rarely may lead to death. you are likely to bruise more easily on xarelto and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. tell your doctors you are taking xarelto before any planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto, tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. xarelto is not for patients with artificial heart valves. jim changed his routine. ask your doctor about xarelto. once-a-day xarelto means no regular blood monitoring -- no known dietary restrictions. for more information and savings options, call 1-888-xarelto or visit isn't it time you discovered the sleep number bed? the only bed clinically proven to relieve back pain and improve sleep quality. and right now, it's our lowest prices of the season. save $300 to $800 on our newest innovations. plus, 18-month special financing on all sleep number beds. only at a sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699.99. sleep number. comfort individualized. the girls and i need... a new activity. [ giggles ] [ snaps finger ] [ wisest kid ] campbell's tomato soup with grilled cheese. perfect together. what should we do next? i'm liking braids. [ gong ] m'm! m'm! good! [ coughing ] [ crying ] sorry. [ male announcer ] new robitussin dm max nighttime. fast, powerful cough relief that helps you sleep like a baby. robitussin nighttime. don't suffer the coughequences. ♪ i think the sun might be shining ♪ ♪ just a little more bright ♪ ♪ i think the stars might be hanging ♪ ♪ just a little more high ♪ ♪ come on, love ♪ a new day is calling, and it feels so right ♪ [ female announcer ] with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts, skim milk and cocoa, there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. spread the happy. smoke? nah, i'm good. [ male announcer ] celebrate every win with nicoderm cq, the unique patch with time release smartcontrol technology that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. help prevent your cravings with nicoderm cq. saw this at the top of the show. you know, just a new york city bus. that's about what most people look like on a new york city bus until maybe they start to realize that all is not as it seems. ♪ when mclemore and ryan lewis said stand up and break out into "can't hold us." all in realtime. not actors. realtime. >> and everybody is real. >> it's an ad campaign for the grammys. they want to capture people's natural reaction. >> yeah, yeah. >> such a powerful thing, you know. and look at that. that's great. ♪ >> i mean, it's -- obviously that's ripping through the internet and there they go. a sitting "o." >> a sitting "o." >> please remain in your seats in between stops. >> i wonder if they had to hit the bar. >> i remember when diane sawyer was here and wanted us to go out on the street and start dancing and see how people react. when you're watching a movie people break out in dance and everybody starts. we never did that, but i still remember, diane, i still remember you wanted to do that. >> that's great. more from "pop news." good morning, everybody. and we begin with oprah, one of her favorite things, it's on the market. the queen of daytime is selling her chicago condo for $7.75 million. well, it's actually four condos on 56th and 57th into of the watertown building in downtown chicago combined overtime to give oprah almost 10,000 square feet of living space, four bedrooms, two kitchens and magnificent views, needless to say. no word yet on if she'll have another yard sale auction like in montecito. if she does, i am in. i just like looking at the real estate. i love a little design. >> maybe she's not totally like us. >> no, not totally. today we're spreading the love in a way everybody finds delicious. hershey's came to us and they said they wanted us to be the first to try and share with you their first spreadable chocolate. it comes in three flavors, everybody has a knife. and -- >> three flavors. >> three flavors. >> you have almond. this is classic chocolate. and then there's one other with hazelnut. tastes like nutella. is it good? >> i'll go with the strawberry. >> why the pickle? >> thank you for asking, george. they say -- i'm glad you asked because you volunteered. >> that's not going to happen. >> they highly recommend it on pickles. >> i'll try the cookie. >> get right in there. >> i'll try the pickle. honestly. >> how is it? >> come on, rob. come on, rob. come on, rob. you can do it. you can do it. ah, ah, open up the hangar. how is it? >> turns out strawberries and chocolate good. pickles and chocolate, maybe not so much. i'm going to say. but it's very delicious. and we want to thank you for giving us the exclusive. >> yeah, thank you. >> if i could just get a glass of water when you have a moment. whoo. >> did you do the pickle? >> i did. >> she took one for the team. >> i sure did. you guys were having your strawberry moment. >> you had the pickle. >> any way, finally, it is good and take one home for the family. what's that old saying curiosity killed the cat? >> uh-huh. >> not this guy. wait for it. wait for it. look at him. you see him. >> there he is. >> lower left-hand corner. >> lower left-hand corner. >> oh. >> just watch. storming the internet. almost like mclemore. this is real. that is a real cat. that cat is not being put up to tricks. wait for it. >> wait for it. >> oh. oh. there you go. there you go. gave me enough time to have some water. everybody, that -- >> we waited on that one. >> the cat video, no. hey, look, i was two for three today. yesterday -- >> yeah, two for three. >> props to our stage managers and stagehands who come out and swoop in and swoop out. all of a sudden we have it in front of us. thank you. >> they just lifted me up and put me here. it's pizza, but i guess that's -- >> i didn't want to say that. i wanted you -- >> we know why you're here. the jury is out. >> the jury is out. we got some hot topics today. first you probably heard about the controversy over magazines air brushing celebrities or models to make them look thinner or taller. one former "cosmopolitan" editor says she did the reverse. air brushing skinny models to make them look healthier and fatter. but when it comes to these types of magazines, i don't have a problem with an air brush. i think, you know, you come to expect in this kind of magazine that's what they're going to do. >> i disagree. either way i don't like it when they -- keep it real. >> keep it real. >> whatever the person looks like, fine. i think it just sends the wrong message when you're doing either way either taking pounds off or putting them off. >> it's make believe. >> false advertisement. bad for young girls. >> can't we just accept that we don't believe these magazines are necessarily real? >> yeah, but how do you tell that to a preteen girl? >> it appears how you're going to look like. >> well, this is a way -- this is an idealistic way to look, right? you could argue, no? >> no. >> no difference between -- >> i know what you're saying, i mean, this is -- you know, the idea of high fashion is in part aspirational so it's -- it's to a degree it's like half make-believe, but if -- here's how you tell. hey, preteens watching, it's not true. >> but, see, that's the way to do it. that's right. you tell them, this isn't real, by the way, and they air brush. anyway, twitter, photo shopping models, making them look bigger and healthier. how about letting them actually be thinner and -- man says magazines such as "cosmo" is harmless fantasy for people to believe what they choose to believe. this is not hard journalism. new controversy brewing over the punishment. a north carolina mom gave her teen daughter who had been cyberbullying, apparently a lot of discussion over this already, the girl was forced to pose with a note which reads "i made poor choices with social media. as punishment i'm selling my ipod and will donate the money to the charity beat bullying because bullying is wrong." now some say the mom cyberbullying her daughter. i have no problem. >> george? >> the way to stop bullying is not a hostage video of your kid. come on. you can have the punishment. make the kid give the money to charity. call her in, make her apologize in person to the person she offended but what you're teaching the child is the technique is okay. i'm just not for it. >> two wrongs don't make a right. >> robin roberts, your thoughts. >> that's a way that, unfortunately, a lot of people communicate and gets the message across to them. in a perfect world, yes. all my dad had to do was clear his throat and we -- or raise his eyebrows, didn't have to do anything. i think sometimes we're quick to label things as bullying. the young woman did do that and the mother was -- and she also had nice things she said about her. my daughter is kind. it may be an effective way for the daughter to understand what she did. >> we just talked about how seriously cyberbullying needs to be taken and, well, let's be easy on them. >> i'm not saying be easy. don't post a video on "good morning america." all across the world. >> cyberbullying, though. >> i just think it validates the technique. >> we have 1600 responses on this one. carrie lynn walker on facebook, "i think the mother was creative with her punishment. used to not only teach her daughter a lesson, used the result for the greater good." . on twitter, "cold, okay." our gma flash poll, get this, is it okay for a parent to publicly shame a child, 49% yes, 51% no. next the seattle seahawks playing in seattle sunday in the nfc championship game, but now the team announced they will not sell any tickets to buyers from a california address. only addresses from washington, oregon, montana, idaho, alaska, hawaii, parts of canada can purchase the tickets. i didn't know they could do this stuff. >> oh, oh, oh. and you can't just single out seattle. it's happening in denver. happens in different sports. >> i did not know this. >> it happens -- please. >> it does happen. >> listen, i don't like it. i don't like it. i don't like it. i don't like it. >> is it so that the fans from that team will have -- another team won't have as many cheering people. >> i mean, look, call up your buddy in montana and say, buy me a couple for this game. >> what if you don't have a buddy? >> i love it. i love it. i love it. >> gamesmanship. >> it's like the real competitive -- seattle fans are -- >> they create earthquakes, so they don't need any help. >> they can hang a sign we reserve the right to refuse anybody. i love it. i love it. >> it happens all the time. we shouldn't just say seattle. it happens in denver and other sports but -- come on. >> i love it. >> of course they beat my saints, so i'm not happy with them right now. >> on that one, we got lauren greenland says, "why shouldn't the home stadium let their fans go first? 49ers can buy in the secondary market like anyone." your point? >> apparently there is no secondary market. >> but michele asks "what if a seahawks fan is living in california?" >> there you go. >> there you go. >> out of luck. >> that's why the jury is out. >> thank you. love the docket. love what's on the docket. a lot on the docket. we'll move on now to one of the hottest workout trends. does it make you bigger instead smaller? tracy anderson landed in the hot seat after saying spinning bulks up the thighs. juju chang, she's here with the skinny on the exercise. >> nice one, robin. i am a fan of spinning, but you i am standing on the sidelines on this. you can call it the clash of the exercise titans. but tracy anderson sat down with me to clear up the controversy that spun out over what she says spinning can or cannot do for your body. ♪ she's the fitness guru to the stars like gwyneth paltrow and madonna. >> so you just rotate up. >> reporter: not to mention the thousands of noncelebs who train in her studios, but it's comments tracy anderson made about the wildly popular indoor cycling craze that now has some heads spinning. anderson telling "redbook" online, "spin may burn calories in the short term, but if that's all you're doing, it'll bulk your thighs. we spoke with the popular trainer who says her comments were distorted and spun out of control. >> i never said that spinning makes you fat. >> reporter: many defend it. one of the fastest growing fitness trends out there. is it possible it could actually add inches? >> here we go. >> reporter: instructors at the popular spinning chain flywheel say that just won't happen if you're doing it right. >> we focus on strong, long lean bodies and, you know, we have countless stories of weight loss from our riders. >> reporter: meredith tepper started spinning six months ago and says her body has changed for the better. >> my muscles have been toned a little bit more. my legs have definitely gotten stronger. >> reporter: but not bulkier, per se. >> not bulkier. >> reporter: some experts agree -- >> doing one exercise over and over again is not going to bulk you. it could help you shape the muscle. >> reporter: some in the fitness community taking issue with her use of the word "bulk" and says it draws a negative connotation. >> using bulk and bigger and stronger are not looked at as women shouldn't be that way. >> reporter: anderson prefers balance over bulk and isn't afraid to speak out about it. >> the truth is is that it takes a lot of care and attention to achieve your best body. >> reporter: there is no quick fix. >> there is no quick fix. >> reporter: now, tracy doesn't rule out spinning altogether because she knew i was a fan. don't give it up if it motivates you and gets you moving. that's a good thing. as one spinning instructor said, fitness pros shouldn't be fighting each other, they could be fighting the common enemy, which is the couch. >> cardio is a good thing. she said balance and moderation. >> the couch is an ally. >> spinning is really hard. >> always good to see you, juju. thank you so much. coming up, how can you say big? on the hottest winter looks and scarlett johansson on love, marriage and her sexy new super bowl ad. that and a whole lot more in our final half hour. >> wow. ♪ good morning, i'm kristen sze. mill peta's police are locking for a shooter opened fire at a hotel killing a man and leaving guests under lockdown. we're told there was a party on the third floor and a dispute ended up in the parking lot. witnesses say they heard arguing then the sound of four gun shots around 10:30. the victim is described as a man in his early to mid 20s. police are unsure if he was a guest or just visiting the hotel. let's see how your morning commute is going top what you see out there? >> we have a stalled vehicle that's causing the backup here at northbound 101. you can see the heavy bumper to bumper traffic. out we go. here's a look at the san mateo bridge, traffic is slowly recovering coming into foster city. kisen. >> leyla, thanks high fire danger still in the mountains. about 23 1/2 hours from now. check aut this beautiful picture, the golden gate bridge showing the sunshine and the record high temperatures, two record high temp us around the bay area. let's check out the seven-day ♪ when you're ready come and get it ♪ ♪ nah nah nah ♪ nah nah nah ♪ nah nah nah scar jo behind the scenes of her upcoming super -- scarlett johansson, i'm sorry. huge super bowl ad, and we are showing this to you as a part of our big game adstravaganza coverage as we begin. >> yeah, a little inside look at this blockbuster commercial, and she's also talking about marriage a little bit, as well. what a year she's having. strange but i guess wonderful performance in "her." >> it's really good. it's really, really good. >> a lot going on. also coming up it's our winter edition of save or splurge. we'll show you one winter coat that's $800. the other is a tenth of that. we'll show you how you can save on some of the hottest looks of the season, robin. >> can't wait for that. when we took that wide shot, i know some people were like, is that you? >> you look beautiful. a different look for you. shorter hair. you have to explain to people why. >> we know in our line of work appearance is important, and it's important to anybody and everybody really, and i decided i was going to take control of one thing away from the cancer so i got my hair cut. almost impossible to explain as a correspondent and anchor for nearly 20 years i've gone through many looks, and my hair has always been a big part of them all, but when i was diagnosed with cancer last october, i realized there may come a day where that would dramatically change. it's been a month since beginning chemo. i've done two rounds so far with six to go, and while some days have admittedly been harder than others, keeping a schedule and going to work has helped me tremendously. with chemo comes hair loss and i am slowly starting to lose more and more each day, so today i am taking control of something that i have very little control of. i'm going to cut my hair very short. i've never done this before, but i want to say that i had something to do with how i looked, not the cancer, and i'm sharing this because i want all the women who have gone through it, who are going through it now and who will be going through it to know two things, that you're not alone and that you too can be brave. ♪ i want to see you be brave >> reporter: the national cancer institute estimates 2.8 million women in the u.s. are currently living with breast cancer. i knew i'd cry at least once. that statistic is not lost on me. i know i am one among millions going through this emotional and physical change. >> it's like a fresh start. a new chapter. >> now i can't talk. i wanted to thank everybody at rosan och rosano feretti because i was there for five hour, and they were so great to me to make sure i felt okay, gave me a private room because it is emotional when you cut your hair. george, you made a joke. even kids cry when they get their hair cut for the first time. >> you know how fantastic you look, right? >> thank you and i feel free and i feel empowered. robin -- >> you took control. you took control. >> you have to make these decisions. and you have so little control. >> how are you feeling? i know you said you have two of the treatments. >> i've had two rounds. i have six more to go, and, you know, i think for me, women, we're strong, and physically i've been able to handle it so far. i know it's going to get tougher. emotionally has been the hardest part. i've had a lot of anxiety and you have moments where you get mad and moments where you just start crying in the middle of the grocery store and other moments where today is a beautiful day and i have people who love me around me. i'm here and i'm going to stay here. >> yes, you are. >> you are not defined by your hair. >> thank up. i'll get used to it. >> you said it so well. there's some women that will not have treatment because they don't want to lose their hair. >> no. >> and what you're doing, what i see is that someone who is taking charge and someone who is saying, i do want to be here, and you are taking control, and it's a powerful message that you're sending -- >> thank you. >> -- to so many. >> really. real power. >> and one that i got from you. >> thank you. >> you're empowered. i know, i -- let's go out to ginger with the final check of the weather and a special guest. >> that's right. amy, you look so good. i want to go ahead and start, though, because we have a cocoa truck warming up the crowd in times square and, oh, would you look at this. it's dove cameron. how are you? you brought me some cocoa. dove cameron from the disney channel and some know you from "liv and maddie." that's your big stardom. >> yes. >> but you got a new friday night movie. >> friday night at 8:00 p.m. called "cloud nine." >> tell us all about it. what's the story about? >> "cloud nine" is an action romantic comedy focusing on the competitive world of snowboarding, and it's got this really great empowering message of nothing is impossible and believe in yourself. >> that's really nice, and that airs on friday, but i've got to 0 ask, you do something like this, i'm imagining there are a lot of stunts. did you do your own? >> lots of stunts. no, no, i was kept very safe. i had a litany of body doubles. >> i'm sure they're very talented. >> very talented. >> and also wanted to do a little toast to you. >> thank you. >> happy birthday. >> thank you. >> it's her birthday, 18. what do you do when you're 18 and you're a huge disney star? >> i'm hopefully going to get a great night's sleep tonight. i am going to treat myself to a little bit of gluten-free cake and go to bed. >> a fellow capricorn. i know already. gluten-free. yeah. we'll get some ice cream cake in a couple of minutes. thanks for being here. catch the movie -- you are just adorable, by the way. >> thank you so much. >> 18. can you imagine being 18 again? let's get to the forecast and talk about some twitter photos because we have some beautiful ones from the carolinas. look at that. a shot of what's happening in iowa. a rainbow as of yesterday after that rain passed. you can get an idea of what's happening out in idaho. beautiful nature shot. good morning to you. dry and warm in the southwest. i saw lots of pictures yesterday. look how dry and warm it stays. los angeles in the 80s all week. phoenix staying in the 70s and we've been tracking that that blizzard. we've got blizzard watches and warnings popping up in the plains. >> we're doing some selfies here. george, in to you. >> thank you, ginger. a treat, sneak peek at tonight's brand-new "modern familiar." watch alex cope with all the stress and pressure that comes with high school. >> so? >> i'm having a meltdown. >> a melt many down. >> a meltdown. i want to see a therapist. dr. gregly clark. highly recommended for teenagers. i booked a double session with him today. since you have the open house, i will be taking the bus. >> okay. >> that sounds good. she's like a self-cleaning oven. >> that's right. >> i agree with you. the writing, the acting is superb. >> and all airs tonight at 9:00, 8:00 right here on abc. we will be back with scarlett johansson. ♪ you know what that sound means as we count down to football's big day, oh, the year with our big game adstravaganza. scarlett johansson, you might say, putting -- >> yeah. see what i was forced to do there. no, you have the story and you sat down with her. >> yeah, two words for you, girl crush. she is incredible. scarlett johansson is generating a lot of buzz for her latest role but you won't see it at a movie theater. turns out she's a huge fan of sodastream, the at-home soda maker. so much so that she's agreed to be the new face of the company when it premieres its much anticipated super bowl ad. ♪ we've seen her sparkling on the covers of dozens of magazines and on screen in blockbusters like "the avengers." but now scarlett johansson is bubbling into a new starring role as spokesperson for sodastream, the at-home sodamaker. her first commercial premiering during a little show called -- this is airing during the super bowl. and, as you know, will you be tuning in and are you a big super bowl fan? >> i haven't understood the rules of football up until a couple of years ago when finally somebody sat me down, and they were like, okay, we're going to explain it to you. because i just thought why are they all running -- right. >> right. >> they're all running after it at the same time. there are no rules. >> reporter: the new ad is still top secret but in this sneak peek behind the scenes we see the superstar only wearing a bathrobe so we know drinking soda is going to look pretty good. when you were a kid you weren't able to book commercials because of your voice. >> yeah, it's funny. i could never book anything because of my voice as a kid as far as commercials went because i just didn't have that bubbly kid voice that sells, you know, products and toys. >> reporter: these days, of course, johansson's voice is world famous. it even has a starring role of its own as the computer voice that joaquin phoenix falls in love with in the movie "her." >> hello, i'm here. >> hi. >> hi. i'm samantha. >> reporter: off screen her real life love interest is french journalist roman durioch. you're spending a lot of your time in france, newly engaged. congratulations. you're planning a wedding. how is the wedding planning going? >> i'm not doing any wedding planning. >> you're not doing any wedding planning? >> no, that's far off my mind right now. but i'm planning "avengers 2." >> can you tell us about it? >> what can i tell you "avengers 2"? there's avengers in this. that's about it. i'm still planning on coming back as the black widow. >> and speaking russian. there you go so -- >> okay. >> a special place in my heart. >> the russians love natasha. i felt special when i was there. see, guys, i got the whole audience in the palm of my hand. >> it won't be out for another year but fans can drink in her latest work on super bowl sunday and watch the super bowl because there's a commercial in there that i heard you should watch. >> i'll be in the kitchen with the hot sauce. >> perfect. >> yet another reason to tune in to the commercials and, lara, we were just talking about her role in "her" getting a lots of oscar buzz nominated for an oscar. she's going to be the first person nominated who's not in the movie physically, just her voice. >> her voice is so soothing which i would only imagine will help sell -- >> and sexy, if i can say that on television. >> i think when you said girl crush -- >> you knew where i was going. >> you crossed that one a long time ago. >> thank you, bianna. appreciate it. >> we're going to teurn now to the new hollywood trend for looking good. abc's abbie boudreau tried out the latest treatments to see how they really work. >> reporter: from jennifer lopez and beyonce, mile-long lashes to "the real housewives'" electric facial. what is that? oh, my god. i'm just getting scared. hollywood stars will do just about everything to look camera ready on the red carpet. >> celebrities are always about how to look good and how to look good quickly. >> reporter: "glamour" contributing editor jane buckingham reveals her list of new beauty secrets to the star like the infrared sauna at the shape house in los angeles. >> i don't have any arms. >> reporter: seen here on "keeping up with the kardashians." >> i can't talk. >> reporter: so jane and i thought we'd give it a try. >> we actually have poison in our bodies as a result of how we eat so when you sweat here you let it all on the table. >> reporter: we change into our plastic moon suits and prepare to sweat. >> it is warm. >> reporter: under a blanket set at 165 degrees. in one hour she claims you sweat away calories. >> i'm getting real hot. i'm reaching my max right now. oh, my god. okay, get this thing off me. >> ooh. >> see the sweat. >> reporter: other trends, long, lush, mink lashes. >> they're not real mink, but they fell like real. >> reporter: amanda jacobellis of makeup mandy is a lash master so i wipe off my mascara and makeup mandy works her magic. >> oh, my gosh. >> a set of these could run you a steep $500. >> whoa. i have no eye makeup on at all. >> and one more celebrity trend on jane's list, the electric facial made famous when "real housewives of beverly hills" star kyle richards revealed her secret to smooth skin. >> we'll look ten years younger. >> reporter: yes, why not try this one too. >> so you'll get electrocuted but you're going to look great. >> reporter: with a healthy volt of electricity. >> it's a little much. >> reporter: the hannibal lecter looking mask -- >> love your suit. >> reporter: -- is supposed to give my facial muscles a workout. >> you're going to have a fresh-looking healthy glow and tighter skin. >> reporter: so does it work? oh, i can breathe. after a full day of pampering, i realize it's hard work keeping up with hollywood a-listers. for "good morning america," abbie boudreau. >> aaagh. >> reporter: abc news, los angeles. >> abbie. >> you could be electrocuted but you're going to look good. i did hear that, right? >> yeah. >> you did hear that. >> the full quote. >> yeah. >> thank you for that. coming up, splurge or save. one coat that you're seeing is worth 750, and the other is one-fifth of that. >> oh, wow. >> come on back. ♪ it's not about the money here we go, trying to save or splurge, people style watchers pulled together three of the hottest outerwear looks of the season. kate dimmock is here to see if we can figure out which coat is tje save, which is the splurge. you though that we want to hear about the saves. >> i know you do. all great coats. sometimes -- coats are something you wear every day. sometimes you want to make an investment. sometimes you just want to get on a cute trend. >> it's also -- yes, and it's so cold all over the country and a lot of places are having sales right now so a great time to know about what trends are really hot and no one knows better than you. let's begin with our first look. >> now, this is such a great -- i love the casual look on the weekend, you could dress it up or wear it with a little black dress and booties. a great, great look, right? >> i like the cinched waist. >> yes, it's just a little fur around the hood. a great look. >> i mean, i do love my big bubble coat -- >> this is a little sleeker look. >> okay. >> so, lara, what are you thinking? what are you thinking? one is almost $800 and one is a mere 75. >> i love them both, but that has got to be the expensive one. >> you know, you can't fool this lady. >> all right, go ahead. >> you know. there you go. i mean, the one you picked is from sam and it's almost $800 and then our friend from old navy is almost 75. >> all right. hey, will you turn around? that is really cute. >> pretty cute. >> all right. terrific. thanks, ladies. our next look is my favorite color, red. >> there you go. >> and you're actually saying that red could be considered a neutral. >> exactly. if you already have a neutral colored coat, this is a great choice, because red actually goes with everything. mixes well with every other neutral and i think there's nothing better on a gray day than a pop of color with your coat. >> yeah, okay, so we've got two coats here and the trend is -- kind of peacoat even though it's not double breasted. one is very expensive. >> yeah, one is, again, about 750 and the other coat is about -- is a little over 150. >> oh, gosh. i can't tell. i really can't tell on this one. this is the expensive one. >> well, you can't get every one right, lara. >> oh, no. really? >> turns out -- ladies. wow. look at the detail. walter baker, $154 and the other is karl lagerfeld exclusively for -- >> wow. >> if you feel like investing. >> thanks, ladies. all right. so i'm -- okay, here law of averages, i have to nail this one. so this is faux fur but cruelty free. >> it looks so good designers are jumping on the bandwagon making great, even luxurious coats with faux fur so this is a look i absolutely adore. and it's so great for evening. >> for evening, but you couldn't really wear this during the day, koko you? >> with jeans and cute booties. it's kind of really cute and chic. >> one is a -- one is a splurge and one is a save. i'll say this is the splurge. >> okay. >> next segment. next time. that is and the other is michael michael kors and that's only 250. >> can i touch you? >> this one really looks like -- to me. these are both great. >> i'm obsessed with the michael michael kors. >> it's faux fur and we thank you and thank kate dimmock, great trends, and for more on all the items in the looks that we just showed you, go to on yahoo! maybe you'll be right. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ before you settle for another ordinary mattress, isn't it time you discovered the sleep number bed? 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[cheers and applause] ♪ michael: hey, hey.

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