Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20150928

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♪ and mars mystery solved? the red-hot anticipation about the red planet. a major announcement promised by nasa this morning. is there life on mars? good morning, america. happy monday. how long have we been asking that question? >> is there life on mars? since i was in the 8th grade. >> how about last night? the super blood moon. let's take a look at it right there by the empire state building. such a rare occurrence. the next one not until 2032. that is gorgeous. >> ginger is mesmerized. >> i love it. we begin with the race for president. the big change in the latest national poll. ben carson now sharing the top spot with donald trump. did you see this yesterday? carly fiorina, during a speech. >> oh. >> whoa. everybody's okay. everybody's okay. hillary clinton now facing new questions, as well. oh, that video. tom llamas is following the campaigns for us this morning. good morning, tom. >> reporter: robin, good morning to you. so much going on this morning. new polls. new movement. and the curtain dropped on carly fiorina. not the end of her campaign. just proof you have to be ready for anything in politics. a terrifying moment on the campaign trail for carly fiorina. a massive wall of curtains crashing down as she's speaking in san antonio. >> is everybody all right? nobody is hurt? >> reporter: luckily no one hurt. fiorina joking about the cause of it. >> trump, hillary, could have been anybody. >> reporter: a shakeup in the polls for the gop nomination. the latest national poll showing trump tied for first with another political outsider, dr. ben carson. >> it reflects what we've seen on the roads. tremendous crowds with enormous enthusiasm. >> reporter: trump releasing his tax plan later this morning. telling "60 minutes" some low-income earners will be spared from paying taxes. >> a large segment of the country will have a zero rate. a zero rate. >> reporter: some friends and foes alike betting on trump. >> he's a master brander. >> reporter: former president bill clinton, a master campaigner, who spoke to trump about running for president, thinks he has the right stuff. >> could trump be the nominee? >> i think so. >> reporter: clinton's wife facing lower numbers. and new questions how a series of e-mails were sent from her private account two months before she acknowledged using it. >> there was a transition period. i wasn't that focused on my e-mail account. i am not, by any means, a technical expert. i relied on people that were. >> reporter: a big day for trump. releasing the tax plans and then a meeting with church leaders at trump tower. george. >> let's bring in jon karl for this. let's begin with hillary clinton. we saw the republican poll numbers. hillary clinton is facing her closest numbers yet. the nbc/"wall street journal" poll. clinton at 42%. sanders, 35%. and biden hanging in there. if he gets there at 17%. >> below 50% real trouble for hillary. george, she is even worse in polls in new hampshire and iowa. the numbers, if you take biden out, hillary clinton's lead expands a bit. she's over 50%. if biden gets in, he'll take a lot of votes from hillary clinton. >> he said he would make up his mind by the end of the summer. that didn't happen. we'll see if that announcement comes in the next couple of weeks. a surprising announcement from speaker of the house john boehner on friday. resigning his speakership october 30th. here's what he said on "face the nation." >> the bible says beware of false prophets. there are people out there, you know, spreading -- um -- noise about how much can get done. this whole idea that we're going to shut down the government to get rid of obamacare in 2013, this plan never had a chance. >> later this week, will it shout down? >> it won't this week. you could hear the way he despises those that were pushing him for that. they were the same people pushing for a shutdown this week. he'll extend government funding. he'll need democrats and get them but it will go until december. after that, all bets are off. it is the next speaker's problem. >> the next speaker, we don't know yet. but kevin mccarthy getting in? >> i'm told he'll get in likely today. he'll almost certainly be the next speaker. he'll face the same problems john boehner faced. pope francis back at home this morning after his historic visit to the u.s. he capped it off with a huge mass on the streets of philadelphia. with hundreds of thousands of people. a stone's throw from the philadelphia art museum. made famous, you know where i'm going here, rocky. look at pope francis as he drove by those steps saturday night. yeah. a little boxing there. terry moran flew back to rome with the pope. he joins us this morning. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, robin. that was fun, wasn't it? he had fun the whole trip. clearly enjoying himself. he came back to talk to us on the flight back. he's back in his modest guest house a couple hundred yards over there by st. peter's. he's 78 years old. he didn't look like a guy who had been through ten days of the grueling schedule. some of the rest of us might have. he didn't. he took a moment and took stock of his american journey. with a final wave, francis said farewell to america after an unforgettable week. overnight, onboard the papal airplane, a papal press conference. what did he think of the united states after the first visit? what surprised me was the warmth. the warmth of the people. so lovable, he said. adding washington was warm, but formal. but new york. >> new york -- >> reporter: exuberant he said. and philadelphia was demonstrative. a whirlwind tour from congress, to the white house, to central park, and downtown philadelphia. all those babies he kissed. including this tyke, a mini me pope. there was that soup kitchen. the school in harlem. the prison in north philadelphia. the ailing children he embraced. all at the core of his central message. >> we're all together. no one should be excluded or marginalized or thrown away. >> reporter: not everyone was thrilled. he met with some sex abuse victims privately. others upset that he consoled priests and bishops. for what they had been through and he did not duck another controversy. i asked him about religious liberty and those like kentucky court clerk kim davis, who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses. because it goes against their faith. >> do you support those claims? >> conscientious objection is a right, a human right, he said. you could see in the crowds how much they're drawn to him and his message. they call it the francis effect. we'll see how long it lasts. >> what do you make of all that, terry? you were with him every step of the way. he was treated like a rock star. >> reporter: he was. we asked him, what is it like to be a star? and is it good for the church? he said, first, it's a danger. i have to focus on the right things. and not on being a star. then he said stars are beautiful. but they're fleeting in time. eventually, they fade away. he said my job is to be the rvant of the servants of god. that's more beautiful. >> he always knows what to say. just right. all right, terry, thank you. a lot of what the pope said seems front and center with the united nations today. some high stakes meetings as well. president obama's first formal meeting with vladimir putin in two years. it comes as russia makes aggressive moves in syria. martha raddatz tracking it all. the big question, can russia and the u.s. forge a united front in the fight against isis? >> reporter: russia and the u.s. want to defeat isis. they're approaching it in entirely different ways. president putin wants to increase military and political power in the region, is propping up bashar assad by sending in warplanes and equipment. the u.s. is insisting assad must go for years now. just yesterday u.s. ambassador to the u.n. power told me says forces will go in. to fight against him. she acknowledged that the u.s. planned to arm moderate rebels has not been successful thus far. putin will go into this meeting cocky and confident. announcing this weekend that he has joined with iran, iraq, and syria to share intelligence about the islamic state. putin and obama will have a lot to talk about. >> that comes after both the address of the general assembly as well. thank you very much. to the monster storm making landfall. a huge typhoon targeting taiwan. the equivalent of a category 4 hurricane? >> category 4. wind gusts up to 166 miles per hour. sauce obtained to 138. this is what it looks like outside their windows. already islands outside taiwan evacuated because of the extreme and incredible winds. the heavy rains are the other part. up to 20 inches of rain. just like we saw with the last couple can get mudslides and landslides. big problems. for taiwan it's moving now on shore. for taiwan. the wide eye almost 50 miles at one point. going just south of taipei. the right side of the storm more intense. it will die out as we go to china. active pacific. we have marty. mexico, up to 20 inches close to acapulco. and niala near hawaii. bringing one to four inches. a lot of activity to follow. more in the atlantic and gulf to talk about in a couple of minutes. the latest on joyce mitchell. the prison worker who helped the two prisoners escape from the prison in new york. facing sentencing today. good morning. >> reporter: in just a short while, mitchell will be arriving here at the courthouse from her jail cell about a mile away. facing several years behind bars in her role in that prison break. this morning, prison worker turned escapee helper joyce mitchell arriving at the courthouse. facing up to seven year behind bars. and $6,000 in fines. for helping to orchestrate the escape of richard matt and david sweat from the clinton correctional facility on june 6th. on friday, 51-year-old mitchell meeting with the inspector general. as part of her plea deal with the state. mitchell has admitted to providing tools, including hacksaw blades, chisels, a punch, and a screwdriver, that matt and sweat used to cut their way through their cell walls. their prison break launched a massive manhunt. shortly after the escape, mitchell taken into custody, confessing to helping matt and sweat. >> she got in over her head into something she never should have started. >> reporter: mitchell, pleading guilty in july for first-degree promoting prison contraband and fourth-degree criminal facilitating. telling authorities she had intimate relationships with the escaped inmates. he treated me with respect and was nice to me. he made me feel special. as part of her plea deal, she's agreed to the full seven-year prison term. a judge is expected to rubber-stamp that. she could be out in as little as two to four years for good behavior. george? >> thank you. to amy with the other top stories. the end to controversial offshore drilling. >> shell has announced it is halting offshore drilling off alaska. after spending $7 billion on that project. the company says it did not find enough oil and gas in a well-drilled area to 7,000 feet. it's welcome news for environmentalists. who had tried to block arctic bound ships saying the drilling would harm wild life in the area. breaking overnight, new details about the emission scandal at volkswagen. 2 million audis are among the 11 million vehicles with software designed to cheat emissions tests. new this morning, a fifth person has died in the collision of a duck boat and a tour bus on that seattle bridge. investigators found that the boat's left front axle was sheared off, though it's not clear when it happened. an axle repair recommended two years ago was not completed. a dramatic rescue. caught on body camera. an injured driver clings to his car as it fills with water after an accident that sent him into a canal. his legs trapped. a state trooper finally able to get him free. both the driver's legs were broken. this morning, he's just very grateful to be alive. and the tsa is finding more guns in carry-on bags. earlier this month, 67 guns found in one week. that's an all-time high. nearly half of those guns were loaded. a sinkhole the size of two football fields opened without warning in australia. a cove made by the sinkhole. it ate away at a camp ground. it happened in the middle of the night. campers were waking up as the water began swallowing their cars, their rvs, and their tents. take a listen. >> it was just eroding before our eyes. just falling away. >> no one was injured. coastal erosion could go on for weeks there. nationals mvp candidate bryce harper flies out and gets an earful from teammate jonathan papelbon. the two face-off and go at it. papelbon grabbing harper around the throat. he later apologized. but punishments are possible. congratulations in order for golfer jordan spieth. now owning the record for most winnings in a pga season. his fifth tournament victory of the year put him at more than $12 million. add that to a $10 million bonus. it gives the 22-year-old $22 million. i thought i was raking it in at 22 making $22,000. he just topped it. >> a $100 reward for a massachusetts boy. it was at the top of a playground slide where he found a checkbook. he looked inside, there was $8,000 cash in there. he went to police with his uncle. they found elias santos, his name was on the checkbook. that money was payment he just received. for a big contracting job. he had been sliding down the slide with his kids. fallen out of his pocket. he didn't know it. police called, are you missing anything? he was like, $8,000. he gave the boy 100 bucks for his honesty. >> nice. >> honesty does pay. >> it does. a major mystery solved on mars? hmm? that story in just 30 seconds. excitement is building for nasa's major announcement about mars. david kerley, outside the space agency's headquarters in washington. do tell. good morning, david. >> reporter: they got us excited. they've solved the mystery. what have they solved? it has something to do with h, 2, and o. what is this morning's major announcement? nasa tweeted mars mystery solved. we have studied the red planet for centuries. an object of speculation. >> i suspect it will be something that will increase our interest in going to mars. >> reporter: many theorizing the finding is proof of water on mars. >> i'm pretty sure they're going to announce there's further evidence, compelling evidence, that there's a liquid water flow on the surface of mars. >> reporter: scientists have long believed that water flowed on ancient mars. the question about whether water flows on mars' surface today is central to the ongoing exploration of the planet. >> if there's water on mars today, it's reasonable there is something still alive there. if we were to find it, it would change the course of human history. >> i'm the greatest botanist on the planet. >> reporter: the matt damon movie entertaining the idea of life on mars. could this become a reality in the not so distant future? >> we're paving the way for people to go. maybe we've come up with something that says, maybe we're closer than we thought we were. being able to send people to mars. >> reporter: robin, if i could channel bill nye, this could be huge if that's free-flowing water, not only for finding life there but sending humans there. we wouldn't have to carry water. it would be there. you could make oxygen from it. we'll find out late their morning. >> what it could mean for exploration. thank you, david. so much more ahead this morning. an abc news exclusive. the parents whose sons tried to murder them were pleading for help. in this chilling 911 call. >> please send someone to my house, my children are trying to kill me. >> the parents are joining us here, opening up about the terrifying moments. their message for their sons in their first network tv interview. 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(vo) around age 7, the glucose metabolism in a dog's brain begins to change. (ray) i'd like to see her go back to her more you know social side. she literally started changing. it was shocking. she's much more aware. (jan) she loves the food. (ray) the difference has been incredible. she wants to learn things. (vo) purina pro plan bright mind promotes alertness and mental sharpness in dogs 7 and older. purina pro plan. nutrition that performs. we're on flash flood watch we're on flash flood watch this morning from mobile all the way to about bradenton, florida. you can see the video. mobile, almost eight inches of rain in some parts. that flash flood threat is along the gulf today. now we have to get your local news and weather from your abc station. sh good morning. i'm eric thomas. middletown schools reopened today. classes at the middle and high schools at co-yotte elementary schools begin at 9:00. many students will be wearing free t-shirts, hash tag, middletownstrong. raising money for fire victims. meantime, fire krurs say the valley fire is now 97% contained and as of today, more than 76,000 acres have burned and 1,200 homes destroyed. nearly 3,000 homes remain threatened. according to the san francisco chronicle, a large number of b.a.r.t. tickets stolen and sold on the black market. the probe is focused on the customer service station. one manager playced on administrative leave. a check on the morning commute. a busy one, too, eric. go to the san mateo bridge. traffic nice here along the flat section, but behind the toll plaza a couple earlier accidents. traffic stacked up. northbound 85 at camden. reports of an accident in the commuter lane, the hov lane there and earlier problems s 2 lawrence expressway, motorcycle down. slow westbound to 101. eric? >> sue, thank you. are more likely to have a to frsuccessful future.e born talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. the fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at great change comes from doing the right thing. like the radical idea that health isn't an industry. it's a cause. so we do things differently. we combine care and coverage. and believe prevention is the most powerful of cures. so forgive us for not going with the flow. we just think the flow should go with us. which makes us rebels with one cause. your health. ♪ ♪ and welcome back. seasonable and warm albeit cooler today. a look at the high today across the bay area. experiencing 80-degree temperature readings in the bay. along the peninsula. warmest reading inland, 85 degrees in antioch. lows toned, mild, mid to upper 50s to most. accuweather forecast shows cooloff ends thursday. coming up on "good morning america," the parents who my name is peter tran. i'm a gas service representative. i've been with pg&e nine years. as an employee of pg&e you always put your best foot forward to provide reliable and safe service and be able to help the community. we always have the safety of our customers and the community in mind. my family is in oakland, my wife's family is in oakland so this is home to us. being able to work in the community that i grew up in, customers feel like friends, neighbors and it makes it a little bit more special. together, we're building a better california. ♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. 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[snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. welcome back to "gma." and we cannot get enough of these stunning, stunning images. the super blood moon seen round the world last night. if you missed it, you have to wait, what, 2033? is that it? >> yep. 2033. >> you don't have to wait that long. jesse palmer is here this morning. he'll show more of it this morning. we're following that and some of the other big headlines. donald trump announcing his tax plans. promising low income earners will pay no taxes. ben carson now neck and neck with trump. and nascar legend tony stewart set to take his final lap. he's expected to announce he's retiring at the end of the 2016 season. he's not won a race since last year's deadly crash at a dirt track. the georgia couple whose two sons allegedly drugged and brutally attacked them in their home. this case drawing national attention especially after these parents publicly forgave their sons. it's still a mystery why the sons did it. they have not entered a plea. have not been convicted of anything. we spoke to yvonne and zachery ervin moments ago. first a look at their story. >> please send someone to my house, my children are trying to kill me. >> reporter: it's the chilling 911 call that stunned the nation. >> my husband has distracted them. and i was just able to get to the phone. please hurry. >> reporter: an unimaginable scenario. 22-year-old christopher ervin and his 17-year-old brother, cameron, allegedly attacking their parents. and, police say, attempting to burn down their suburban atlanta home. >> how are they trying to kill you, ma'am? >> trying to strangle us. shoot us. they put xanax in our food. they tried to attack us when they thought we were asleep. >> reporter: minutes later, the police arrived, discovering zachery ervin covered in blood. the 50-year-old telling them his son hit him on the head with a shotgun. his wife, yvonne, found lying beside their bed, badly beaten. >> if she had not been able to make the 911 call, it's uncertain what would have happened. >> reporter: the sons behind bars. two counts of felony aggravated assault and first-degree arson. both face as many as 60 years in prison. this morning, zachery and yvonne say they're standing by their sons. joining us now. good morning to you both. >> good morning. >> thank you for being here. i know you had to spend some time in the hospital. how are your wounds healing, both of you? >> for me, i'm doing a lot better. both physically and mentally. god has really been good to me and helped my wounds to heal fast. i still have a couple of little scars here and there. for the most part, they're healing well. >> zachery, you spent the most time in the hospital. >> yep, yep, i'm healing fine. god has truly worked a miracle. >> and you're here to deliver a message to people, but before we get to that, what happened? can you tell us what happened? >> well, we don't know what happened. i mean, it's just -- our kids had one bad moment. you know, it was one bad moment. um -- and god will reveal in time to us and to the world all the -- get all the answers to questions answered. you know, and things of that nature. but for now, you know, we just need to focus on healing. >> but you can understand people, especially watching at home who have children, the question is, why? why, that comes over -- comes up again and again. were there any kind of signs, signals, anything? what was the behavior before this happened? >> nothing. that's the crazy part. our children prepared dinner for us the night before. that's why in the call, you know, i told you in the call, that i found out during the whole process there had been xanax put in our drinks. so we were drugged. we didn't know what had happened. we said we forgive our boys. because that was totally out of character for them. they're not violent. they've never got in trouble. >> no behavioral? no drug issues? >> no. >> common teenagers. >> as a teenager, they have issues with cleaning their room and, you know, having attitudes sometimes when you tell them to do something. just like every family experiences. nothing that would indicate anything like this. >> it was shocking to some people when the police report indicated one of your sons said since the age of 11 he had been thinking of something like this. it makes some people speculate what was going on in the home for a child to -- having these thoughts for so long? >> again, we don't know. we just don't know. >> have you had a chance to communicate at all with your sons? >> yes. >> what have you said to them? what have they said to you? >> we told them we love them unconditionally. we told them that we forgive them. we told them to -- you know, as always in a time of issue, i've always taught my sons that there will be consequences to something you do, good or bad. they had one bad moment. >> you're calling on the public to forgive your sons. >> absolutely. people don't know our sons. so that may be easy for them to say, well, i can't forgive. but if i ask people to take it personally. what if it was your child, your son, your relative, your friend? >> you say these types of actions lead to consequences. what do you feel the consequences should be for your sons? >> that's up to god to determine that. you know, i just -- i just pray for mercy. >> you keep referring to it as one bad moment. >> mm-hmm. >> there are people that are going to say, that is putting it mildly. they -- they attempted to -- >> it's not mildly. >> to do what they did? attack you as they did? that's a bad moment? >> yeah. there's a -- people who are incarcerated now that have had one bad day. you know. there are people who -- you know -- are put in certain situations to where, you know, rage or something has caused them to have one bad moment. that's why i keep saying one bad moment. i'm not discounting what has happened. i look at my wife, the scars, the things that happened. i look at me. >> your faith is remarkable. it's certainly been tested. so the final message, yvonne, that you want for people this morning? >> the final message, i think for me is, like i said, study the word. because, that's what's going to help you through any situation. >> yvonne and zachery, this is not an easy time for your family. for you to come share your story. we thank you. we wish you all the best going forward. >> thank you, thank you. >> thank you. >> george? 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"speed feed" time. jesse's got that. >> all eyes on the skies overnight. thanks to the super blood moon. this hashtag trending everywhere, as people wake up to these amazing pictures. it's just phenomenal. i don't have a degree in astrology. it's when the moon passes closest to the earth along with a solar eclipse. it's a once in a generation phenomenon which i missed last night. if you're like me and missed it, we have these pictures that are stunning. they're being shared all over the world. from new york, right there. with the empire state building. gorgeous shots at the navy pier ferris wheel in chicago. we go to europe. a picture of it with big ben in london. and the beach in rio. they're enjoying the super blood moon. and ellen degeneres tweeted out her sighting. it looks like a streetlight. nasa tweeted back, that's original. you're probably not going to win or superblood moon photo top ten. nasa, a tough crowd. >> the blood moon you showed with chicago. that ferris wheel is being dismantled. it's an iconic ferris wheel. they had 30,000 people on it. that was the last ride. they're going to make a brand-new one. >> the big news to me is jesse is not a professor in astrology. because i always call you dr. virgo. as tron me. >> astrology. astronomy. >> what's your sign? astrommy. >> what's your sign? ♪ haven't been this lost in years ♪ (gps) ♪ recalculating shortest route ♪ ♪ do i really look like this? ♪ ♪ never seen this one before ♪ chicken parm you taste so good ♪ i like it. ♪ mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm get an extra 15% off through saturday october 3rd. go to to download your savings pass. plus, everyone gets $10 kohl's cash for every $50 spent. kohl's. therbottle of tropicana pure oranges squepremium.o each and absolutely no space for added sugar, water, or preservatives. tropicana. we put the good in morning. the whole day to sell to the their old cart aside and buy a new one... oops. nana's got the kids til 9... but it's only 2. guess you'll just have to see a movie... ...then get some dinner. what a pity. statement jackets are thall about what's new, what's now what's bold what's wow this season at chico's, it's all about you. express your personal style with new statement jackets for fall only at chico's and i thought activia was for big digestive issues. until i realized our body handles a lot. 1,100 meals a year... 730 rushed snacks... add 300 stressful decisions... no wonder our digestive system sometimes acts up. so try activia! enjoying activia twice a day for 4 weeks may help reduce the frequency of bloating, gas, discomfort or rumbling. the best part, it tastes great! ♪ dannon flonthis changes everything. spray. flonase is the 24 hour relief that outperforms the #1 non-drowsy allergy pill. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by over-producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance, flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. so go ahead, inhale life, excite your senses, seize the day and the night. flonase. six is greater than one. this changes everything. just told you about the disturbance in the gulf. watch where the moisture goes next. the mid-atlantic through northeast. some of the heavier rain showers. 6:00 a.m. wednesday, new york city, that's a deluge. your local weather right after this. i'm eric thomas. police are going through surveillance video in an effort to find the person who vandalized a statue of newly canonized saint. volunteers cleaned up much of the damage. the basilica is asking for more volunteers to finish the job. activists blame him for genocide has killed thousands of native americans. leyla gulen has the forecast. seasonable, cooler than we've experienced. across the area, high for today, generally in the mid-70s to the mid-80s for most neighborhoods. the accuweather forecast, temperatures continue decline through wednesday, but the start of october shows temperatures climbing back up. sue? >> san rafael, an earlier sent is gone. a motorcycle accident, an hour drive from highway 4 into the maze. sue, thank you jv. coming up on "good morning america" could, a trendy hair-style welcome to subway, what can i make for you? how about our new flavor-packed italian hero, loaded with three authentic italian deli meats. including our new spiced capicola, our new cracked-pepper-seasoned mortadella and our always-delicious spicy genoa salami. enjoy this amazing taste combination on freshly baked bread, toasted with melty provolone, tomatoes and oregano. the new italian hero won't be here long, so try one today. subway. eat fresh. ♪ ♪ good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. tragedy on the football field. a star high school quarterback dead after a routine hit during a game. big questions now abt safety on the field. ♪ it started with a whisper fertility shaming. the huge uproar over when it's okay to ask other people about having a baby. the writer who struck a nerve telling people to back off. now speaking out this morning. ♪ suddenly i see is your hairstyle causing your hair loss? why new styles for women and men could be causing your baldness. when you least expect it. the medical experts weigh in. welcome to "monday night football." >> and great ways to tackle your tailgate before tonight's big game. mario batali here live, as we say -- >> good morning, america. and a big tailgate party this morning. where is our buddy, mario batali? new york jets star tony richardson right there. we're going to have some great tailgate dishes in just a little bit. mario is working up an appetite. >> i wonder if those crocs have cleat bottoms. >> i was thinking the same thing. those trusty crocs of his. he's like, please, take the shot away. we're kicking off fit myth, our new series. busting common misconceptions than could be holding you back from getting in shape. this morning, what to do when it comes to lifting weights. we're breaking it down because a lot of people, some, especially women, think if you lift weights it will make you bulky. we'll break it down for you. let's go to amy with the morning rundown. >> all right. good morning, guys. breaking news for the west coast. former prison employee was sentenced just moments ago and she wiped away tears and apologized before being sentenced up to eight years. the escape led to a huge manhunt in new york state. and president obama speaking at the united nations meeting with russian president today. on the agenda, syria, the fight against isis and the situation in ukraine. pope francis is back in the vatican this morning after wrapping up his trip to the united states. the pope said he was surprised by the warm welcome he received from americans and for the first time the pope said those cooed up for sex abusers in the church are guilty of wrong doing. a new jersey high school is mourning after a loss of the star quarterback. he is the third teen football player to die during an on field injury. >> calling plays friday night in new jersey. but before the first half was over the starting quarterback would be carted off the field after what appeared to be a routine hit. he was rushed to a local hospital where he was later pronounced dead. his teammates family and coaches in shock. >> just carried himself so well everywhere he went. >> the community left wondering how such a fit young man seen here playing in a previous game could die so suddenly without any warning. during that final game witnesses say the quarterback took a hit in the back field then walked to the sidelines with some assistance before collapsing. some teammates suggested murray may have been unusually tire and feeling sluggish after sustaining other hard hits. >> any time you see something that looks like dis orientation dizziness that you want to evaluate the player. >> an average of 12 high school football players die primarily from cardiac failures or brain trauma. murray the third high school play to die this season after an on field injury. for "good morning america," gio benitez, abc news, new york. >> our thanks to gio for that. a big medical headline about breast cancer treatment. many women with early stage cancer can skip chemotherapy and still beat the disease. a simple gene test can tell who those women are. about 100,000 of women are diagnosed with this type of cancer each year. of course, discuss any treatment with your doctor. finally, a surprise of a lifetime for a family from the pope's native argentina. driving all the way to philadelphia from buenos aires in an old volkswagen van. 1980. after their 13,000-mile journey, alfredo, his wife, noelle, and their four children got a special invitation to meet pope francis. so sweet. look at that. they said he talked to them. for quite some time. he felt like an old family friend. when he first met them, according to the family blog. he said, you're the family that drove 13 miles to meet me? >> 13 miles? >> 13,000 miles. sorry. and then he said, you're crazy. >> it got them the meeting, right? >> it worked, didn't it? >> crazy like a fox. >> so many moments like that during his visit here. >> it was such a special time. thank you, amy. a lot more coming up. one woman facing down fertility shaming. and the questions so many get about starting a family. thousands weighing in overnight. our new series kicks off on busting fit myths. should you really be lifting weights? mara and our trainers break down what you need to know. come on back. a flu shot? t more than when it helps give a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need in a developing country. thanks to customers like you, walgreens "get a shot. give a shot." program has helped provide seven million vaccines. make your flu shot make a world of difference. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. ...doesn't just moisturize dry eucskin, it repairs it..... ...with a unique triple action formula... ...that gently exfoliates, hydrates and fortifies skin... ...leaving it looking healthy and radiant. with intensive repair. from eucerin. ♪ ♪ oh, she looks upset. should i say something? or should i just keep looking at my phone? gracias. kleenex. someone needs one. well, here's what's coming up on our "gma morning menu." the surprising reason you could be losing hair. this one affects both men and women. could the season's hottest hair style be bad for you? medical experts weighing in for us. and true or false? does heavy lifting -- weights, that is, make you bulky? we're breaking down common fitness myths just ahead. and this guy. mario batali is with us with the perfect plate for your tailgate. save me one of those. >> you got it. >> all that and so much more. we're going to share with everybody. great show ahead on "gma." so stay with us. hi, guys. us. hi, guys. two words: it heals.e different? how? with heat. unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. let's review: heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. the proof that it heals is you. you know, it's always bugged me that we couldn't say that, "cheerios are gluten free." oats don't contain gluten, but sometimes grains that do, get mixed in. so we took them out! which means now, cheerios can be enjoyed by everyone! just original cheerios? honey nut cheerios too, buzz. welcome back to "gma." time now for the "heat index" and this morning's hot button. [ bell rings ] one writer taking a stand against people asking people when they plan to have children. her post has struck a nerve with thousands of people. kayna whitworth has the details. >> reporter: 33-year-old emily bingham is a freelance journalist making a call for action to stop the futile fertility questions. her posts over the weekend gaining worldwide support. women everywhere want to keep their private matters just that. private. this morning, an uproar online after freelance writer emily bingham posted a facebook rant begging everyone to stop the reproductive plan questions. the post, shared almost 40,000 times. >> even if it feels like not a big deal to you, it might be a really big deal to the person that you're asking. >> reporter: bingham posting a random ultrasound image she found on the internet to catch everyone's attention and writing this is just a friendly p.s.a. that people's productive and procreative plans and decisions are none of your business. saying the post was inspired after her friend had to go through a stressful and heart-wrenching year of fertility treatments to get pregnant with her son. only to begin fielding when's baby number two coming within a month after his birth. >> i couldn't believe it. it's none of your business whether there's baby two or three or only one. >> reporter: model and fab life co-host chrissy teigen, married to singer john legend, opened up just last week about that painful question. >> anytime somebody asks me if i'm going to have kids, i'm like, one day, you're going to ask that to the wrong girl. who is really struggling. it's going to be really hurtful to them. i hate that. i hate it. stop asking me. >> yeah. >> reporter: this issue also hits close to home for bingham, who, at 33 years old, is sick of being asked when she's going to have a baby. >> when they find out i've never been married and don't have children, the next question is, do you want to? it's insinuated or explicitly said that the clock is ticking. >> reporter: she strongly believes no matter who you are, it's a personal question that no one has the right to ask. writing, bottom line, whether you're a wannabe grandparent or well-intentioned friend or family member, or nosy neighbor, it's absolutely none of your business. she says instead of asking the deeply personal questions, just ask questions that open the door for people to share if they want to. that shows you're excited and interested in their life, not just if they're having a baby or not. she says simple things like, ask people what are they excited about right now? what are they working on? >> anything new? >> any news? >> you could skirt the issue. it's sensitive. >> you don't know what people are going through. >> that's the thing. some people have serious fertility issues. it's not something you want to discuss all the time. >> good advice. all right, also burning up the heat index. hot hair trends. big concerns. the topknot and the man bun may be contributing to a rise in baldness. jesse palmer here with this story. jesse can you explain this one? >> good morning, lara. jennifer lopez likes the topknot. jared leto with the man bun. would they be inclined to do either if they knew it would make them do bald? it's the top trend taking hollywood by storm. >> girl, look this way. >> reporter: celebs like j. lo, j. law, and lupita nyong'o, rocking the topknot. men stepping up the hair game with the man bun. >> you can see it in hollywood. in actors. it's kind of cool and kind of hot. >> reporter: could this look be hurting your locks? >> you shouldn't be wearing your hair pulled back that tight. >> according to dermatologists the answer is yes. >> that long-standing pull or traction on the hair could pull the hair out and ultimately lead to permanent scarring, which is something we call traction alopecia. >> reporter: traction alopecia or hair loss, caused by scarring the hair follicles by wearing your hair too tight and too often. >> tight equals baldness. you don't believe me? here's proof. >> reporter: sometimes, with disastrous effects. >> once the follicle is scarred, the hair is permanently lost. it won't grow back. >> reporter: this expert says you don't have to surrender the bun completely. >> you can get the same look slicked back. >> reporter: she says keep these easy don'ts in mind when tying the perfect topknot or man bun. >> not damp or wet hair. don't pull the hair while it's -- secured with elastic. >> now, to avoid the hair loss associated with topknots, doctors say not to pull the hair so tight. that puts long-term stress on the hair and damages the follicles. preventing them from regrowing. kayna is here with the right way to do that. >> as you can see, they, not jesse, not me. they have pulled my hair back. they left enough give so the follicles around my forehead can breathe. they couldn't get his hair in a topknot. this is why i'm here. a good rule of thumb for both men and women is to allow enough space to you can go back to the '80s, the last time you wrote with a pencil, and put a pencil in there. they did it perfect. yeah? see. >> see that. >> you're supposed to be able to put a pencil there. you're not too tight. >> boom. you're welcome, america. >> a good rule of thumb for men, no topknot. >> well done. well done. >> amen, george. >> back to you, america. >> jesse, kayna, thank you. time now for that brand-new series, "fit myth." where we'll bust widely held beliefs about working out. will lifting heavy weights make you bulky? mara schiavocampo is here to answer that. good morning, mara. >> reporter: a lot of women think the answer to that question is yes, choosing a strict cardio workout over strength training. experts say lifting weights may be the key to losing weight. pumping iron. >> come on, big man. work it, baby. come on. >> reporter: many women fear it will make them look like the rock in "pain and gain." big and bulky. >> bicep curl at the top. >> reporter: 45-year-old susan harrison used to be afraid of lifting. >> i was doing mostly running. it was mostly cardio. i would go into the gym and turn right, where the treadmills are. never turn left where all the free weights and machines were. that side was scary to me. >> reporter: after having twin boys, running wasn't cutting it. she was desperate to lose baby weight. so she started lifting weights as part of barry's boot camp classes. >> i was intimidated. i went. and i just -- fell in love, literally, fell in love with it. >> reporter: now, she says she's never been leaner. starting the fitness blog susansweats. in what ways has lifting weights changed your body? >> it's sculpted certain parts of my body. that maybe were not as sculpted before. internally, it's made me so much more confident and stronger in my daily life. >> reporter: experts say that's because the idea that weights make you big is largely a myth. >> in general, it's difficult to get bulky from lifting weights. you have to challenge yourself in a major resistance way to see major muscle gains that way. >> reporter: adding that a healthy, protein-rich diet is key. >> the secret to looking good is trying to decrease the little layer of fat we all have underneath our skin so we can see our muscles better. >> reporter: experts note that building huge muscles requires a certain amount of testosterone that women don't naturally have. making it actually really hard to get bulky. it's really hard to get big muscles. people work hard at it. >> they do. here to show us exactly what bulks you up and tones you down, celebrity personal trainer, mark langowski is here. good to have you with us. ginger sings your praises. >> that's nice. >> she and many others. we have two fitness experts. >> that's right. >> they're both lifting, in essence, their body weight? >> half of their body weight is each of what they're lifting. >> he's 220. we have 110. he's doing the isolated exercise. he's working just the biceps. that's one way someone can do to work really hard at that one muscle group and make it bulky. >> we're talking about bulky versus lean. here, 110 pounds, so you're lifting 55 pounds. >> she's lifting 55 pounds. she's doing a compound movement. she's working hamstring, butt, lower back, mid back, and her arms. being dispersed throughout her body. she follows a moderate diet. he's having excess. >> why did you stop? whoa, whoa, whoa, she's still working it here. diet is a key component of this. >> right. it's the most important. he's working hard and heavy on one muscle group. that's why he stopped. he can only do so many reps. >> you can stop. you can stop. you can only do so many reps. it is something people talk about, mark. in all seriousness. women are always concerned that if they lift too much heavy weights, they'll become bulky. is it the repetition and how heavy the weight is? >> it's how heavy. it's how many reps you can do. if it can be dispersed throughout many muscle groups, you can still lift heavy weight. but many muscles are working to do that exercise. he's working one. his biceps. >> you're saying also that diet is -- >> the most important thing. he has to really eat in excess. close to 500 extra calories a day to put on an extra pound of muscle at the end of the week. >> okay. so let's bust the myth at the end of the day. >> yes. >> does this add bulk? >> no, no. definitely not. don't be afraid of the weights. know how to lift the right way. >> okay, all right, mark. thank you very much. thank you, both. you guys are at ease, soldiers. both of you. they're just standing here like this. >> keep going. keep going. now to somebody who knows this man very well. ginger. >> i don't know if i can hear you. we have way too much energy out here this morning. we'll be talking with the cheerleaders and football players from a local high school soon. first we have to check in. fairbanks, alaska, had almost seven inches of snow over the weekend. can you imagine that here? it's relatively average for them. the fall-like weather is coming on in. you'll feel it. look at tuesday morning. international falls at the freezing mark. green bay, only 42 on wednesday morning. we go from west to east here. go ahead. let's get that energy back. it is going to be seasonable and warm for today. albeit cooler than the last few days. live doppler picking up returns. cloud cover. humidity is increased albeit it is going to be a dry day. highs going to range anywhere from the mid-60s to the mid-80s and inland areas, north bay, 87 degrees in lake port. lows for tonight, mild, mid to upper 50s. accuweather seven-day forecast showing temperatures continuing to decline. warms up. >> it feels so natural to have a pom in my hand, lara. let's get to "pop." >> oh, very nice. thank you, ginger. it is time for "pop news." we begin with oprah winfrey, who is turning over a new leaf. the former talk show legend announcing she'll play a recurring character on a tv drama called "green leaf." the show is about the greenleaf family who runs a megachurch. but beneath its steeple lies a den of iniquity. in addition to her recurring role, she'll executive produce the series. it debuts where? own. next year. the den of iniquity. is it iniquity? >> astrology, astronomy. >> it's not astrology. what is your rising sign, by the way? >> dr. virgo in the house. >> case of the mondays. taylor swift in the news again. this time, the legendary roll. stones man mick jagger joined her on stage in nashville. one 72-year-old grandmother got more than her dose of satisfaction. proving you're never too old to be a fan girl. check it out. >> oh, my god! oh, my god! oh, my god! oh, my god! >> oh. >> oh, my god! >> that youtube video made it all the way to swift herself. who tweeted, saying, quote, why i like bringing out surprise guests on tour. the senior swiftie's wildest dream come true over the weekend. the woman was supposed to see the stones earlier in the year. she had to miss the show due to health complications. so glad that wild horses couldn't keep her away. i love that video. made me smile. >> great seats. >> i know. ever feel like you want to crawl under a desk at work and take a nap? >> i did this morning. >> well, then this innovation is for you. it is a desk that is a fully-functional bed under it. it has a side panel that pulls out to be an adjustable headrest so you can read those important reports due this week before your workday siesta. recent studies show that negative health effects of a sleepless night could be combatted with a quick snooze. i would like to be the first to try this out here at "gma." it was just released by a design firm called studio nl out of -- >> greece. >> that's why george had the tool box this morning behind the desk. >> i'm ready to go. >> george costanza would be proud. >> exactly. exactly, i thought that was a great idea. >> i remember that episode. >> there it is. >> very nice. >> very good. another tv legend coming up. rob lowe will be here live. and we have your exclusive all-access pass to "quantico." behind the scenes of the hit new show. ginger checked it out. >> an fbi agent. get ready, america. >> this house is going to get full. >> how full is it going to get? >> candace cameron-bure is back. she's bringing john stamos with her. >> amazing. >> the place to be heard is "the view" on abc. okay, we're going to do this. we're going to bust the fitness myths that stop you from getting the body you want. does pumping iron make you bulky? does a hot workout help you lose weight? all this week. it's "fit myth" on "gma." okay, america. put some good in your morning. ♪ no, i love it >> come on, sing it, girl. >> best morning ever! >> say good morning, america. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] good morning. students wearing free t-shirts were #middletownstrong and raising awareness, money for fire victims. fire crews say the valley fire is 97% karened. contained. 1,200 homes destroyed as of today. nearly 3,000 homed threatened. the morning commute with sue hall. >> good morning. still a grind coming out of san rafael. a couple accidents, one in marinwood and roland. throws cleared. southbound 880 at brokaw. new reports of an accident blocking a lane of traffic and police activity in san francisco a couple of muni lines re-routed. 19 and and welcome back. cooler today but still fwharm our warm in the inland areas. in the low 80s for the north bay, but cool around more mild along the peninsula and san francisco. lows for tonight, mild as well. 55 degrees in oakland. 56 in san jose. accuweather forecast, cool down continues with a ♪ontinues with a [ cheers and applause ] yes. football season is upon us. oh, mario. that means tailgating. he knows that. mario batali, our good friend is in our fan cave. he's got dishes to score big just ahead. >> he just became my best friend. >> you came running back when you saw burgers and things like that. >> amy, amy, burgers. >> they're not kidding. another good friend. rob lowe is back on tv in "the grinder." playing an actor that plays a lawyer. the actor wants to become a real lawyer. take a look. >> hey, man, can i pitch something? >> i can't imagine that would be helpful. what the hell, dean, i need those cards. >> you only think you need to. >> cameron v manheim. >> grinder, hey, man >> hey, man, thanks for watching. >> william devane is the real lawyer. fred savage is the real lawyer. if i'm going to dmoek a restaurant, i want to do it next to hugh lawrie. >> you're dad is an attorney the. >> my dad is 76. still practicing. my son is going to go the law school. >> your son john is in this? >> he plays the neighborhood boy we're trying to keep my niece away from. it's perfect casting. >> what's that been like to work with your son? >> it was interesting. it was -- the good news about it was, he was just like any other actor, which is what you want. he was really, really good. then my fears of, oh, my god, i've created another actor. just what this world needs. you know? >> you have nothing to be ashamd of. you look back at the sweep of your career. you're always working. always reinventing yourself. you to know what the secret is? >> think the secret is not having -- fear. not being fearful. taking opportunities. saying yes. everything good that's -- in my life, career-wise, has come from saying yes and not saying no. >> you walked away. star turn on "west wing." a lot of people thought that was crazy. >> you have to listen to your heart. all the cliches that sound terrible, they're all true. listen to your heart. have you fear. tornl is going to be better. do what moves you. >> what would you do if you were not acting? >> i would have gone to law school. iron xlip. >> maybe politics? >> you know, i -- you know, we talk about this. i love the process. i love election cycles. i love it all. i mean, but -- i don't know. it's so divisive. doesn't seem like it was 20, 30 years ago. >> it's gotten ugly, hasn't it? >> hasn't it? i think the best and brightest are then not called to do it. it's a loss for all of us. >> we can see you playing a lawyer, the man who would be a lawyer, in "the grinder." >> i want to tell you about this exciting event. the times square takeover. the cycle for survival. serve riding the bikes to beat rare childhood and other cancers. i have luke weber, a 13-year-old cancer survivor. why is it so important to be here today? >> it's an important event for me because i fought cancer most of my life. i ride because every dollar we raise, we give directly to rare cancer research at memorial sloan kerting. still going to be toasty for our folks in the inland areas. 85 degrees in antioch. 81 degrees in san jose and the south bay. mild more rest of us. temperatures kop >> a beautiful morning out here in new york city. and amy, you have more on my story from montreal. >> okay, ginger. i'm talk about you and the highly anticipated new show, "quantico." yes, ginger got an all-access pass to the set. take a look. >> welcome to the fbi academy at quantico. >> now. lets see if cow can survive. >> reporter: it's the hot new show of the season, taking all of us into the world of fbi recruits in training. among them, there's a terrorist. a secret operative. dramatically seen in last night's premier. >> are you telling me you think one of these people is a terrorist? >> reporter: at the center of it all, miss priyanka chopra. i got the see the set myself. it's a bank in downtown month yale. today, hundreds of extras. crew. and me. >> you have to flip me over. i'm testing ginger to see if she can be -- spoon me, ginger. spoon me. well done. punch me. oh. >> reporter: and joining priyanka, a talented cast of familiar faces, all trying to determine who among them is responsible. >> it was only a few hours ago that an exproegs rocked grand central terminal in new york city. >> reporter: we know that the terrorist is going to be identified. but the person is likely in the room? >> i think the beauty is it has the seriousness of homeland. the fun and the relationships and human aspect of "grey's wp". >> reporter: you spent time with actual agents? >> we're in. fbi, fbi. >> there's c-4 over here. >> reporter: before acting, you served? and served in iraq? >> i did. real-world experiences are the best act chazz class you can go through. >> reporter: josh hopkins is tasked with managing the recruits. >> i'm still your superior. don't question the chain of command. >> i'm not your friend. i'm your boss. i think the genius of our characters is it's not safe to make any assumptions about anybody. >> i love that about this show. it breaks stereo types. >> reporter: could i survive quantico? >> your officially inducted into the fbi at quantico. and your i.d. card. >> that's legit. >> that is legit. >> reporter: you know i held on to that i.d. card. i'm like the first pregnant fbi agent. >> i'm glad she didn't flip you. that made me feel better. you can see more tonight on "nightline." and quantico airs sunday nights at 10:00, 9:00 central. up next, julianne moore, ♪ ♪ grow old with me ♪ let us share what we see ♪ just you and i ♪ ♪ grow old with me ♪ let us share what we see ♪ and oh the best it could be ♪ just you and i ♪ it's from virtually anywhere.rn of danger it's been smashed, dropped and driven. it's perceptive enough to detect other vehicles on the road. it's been shaken, rattled and pummeled. it's innovative enough to brake by itself, park itself and help you steer. it's been in the rain... the cold... and dragged through the mud. introducing the all-new mercedes-benz gle. it's where brains meet brawn. ♪ i'm just happy. julianne moore is here. she won this year's best actress oscar for "still alice." thank you for that. her latest role, in "free held." a new jersey police deticket ever dying of cancer, who spends the last year of her life fighting local politicians so her domestic partner can inherit her pension. >> please reconsider my question. when hi let roe sexual colleagues die, their pensions go to their spouses. because my partner is a woman, i don't get to do that. in my 23 years as a police officer, i have never asked for special treatment. i'm only asking for equality. >> julianne, welcome back to "good morning america." and, such an incredibly powerful role yet again. and, this woman, had fought all her life for justice for others. and at the end, she was just trying to fight for justice for her partner. >> she just wanted to be treated like everyone else. that's what's so moving about laura and stacy's story. they were partners. they legally registered for partnership. there was a weird loophole that allowed pension benefits to be granted by the county officials. free-holders. she was diagnosed with lung cancer. she spent the time she was ill trying to get her benefits transferred to her partner, which, by all rights, should have gone to her. she did it through the legal system. >> that's who -- that's what she was about. >> a highly, highly moral person. >> it's a human rights story. a gay rights story. a love story. >> that was my favorite part of it, too. was really, i love love story, period. i think all actors do. to get to to one with an actor the caliber of ellen page, such a wonderful person. we had a great time together. >> what inspired you most art their story, stacy and laurel? >> i think just how regular it was. how aerd it was. you're not asking for anything so special, it's really the american dream, you know, you want a house, a partner, family, a dog, you want a community, all of those things. they're not saying they want to live in a colony on mars. you know. >> it could happen. there's an announcement today, about mars. >> they just want what everybody wants. that, to me, was so incredibly moving. >> you mentioned ellen page. oh, my goodness. and the timing of it, because she happened to reveal she was gay during the filming of this. >> right before we started filming. she had been attached to the project for seven years as a producer. i think was so inspired by the story, too, and by their honesty and how they opened their lives to the world. she felt like she needed to come out. >> you said you connected just like that? >> yes. immediately. i was excited to go to work, what did you do last night, what are you going to do today? we would sit and talk. >> the timing of it, given the climate right now and what we saw with the supreme court, the ruling. earlier this summer. it just plays -- even without that. >> and think that it's nice to have a movie like this to acknowledge what people did to make that happen. these are the women that made marriage equality happen for everybody. it started a long time ago. to be able to celebrate them. and laurel hester lost her life. this was a very personal and very important and it's important that their struggle and that laurel be remembered. >> you play it beautifully. it -- is very, very powerful. you and ellen both. we haven't seen you since oscar winning. you're nout introduced as oscar-winner jewulianne moore. >> i felt very, very lucky. >> it's a -- what you dream of. like that. your acceptance speeches, it was beautiful to watch. >> uh-oh, there i am. oh, no. >> and you're an author. >> yes, i am. >>. >> i love the children's books. >> freckleface strawberry. two early raersd. back pax or lunch, what's that? i loved writing for kids. it's been a fun thing for me. >> there are aps involved? >> two apps as well. freckleface monstermaker game. and math game. >> how do you do it all? >> i arm it out. someone else does it. >> delegate, delegate, delegate. you're a sheer delight. few for "freeheld." it opens in select theaters on friday. nationwide october 9th. coming up, hope you're hungry. mario batali is ♪ ♪ maxx your thing at t.j.maxx with better brands, at prices that work for you. make each day a little better. shop t.j.maxx... and maxx life! that sound. like nails on a chalkboard. but listen to this: (family talking) that's a different kind of sound. the sound of the weekend. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. it's always worth remembering... that icing the cinnamon rolls is a privilege not a right. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. ♪ we're back now with celebrity chef and "chew" co-host mario batali and former new york jets star tony richardson. everything you need to score big with your pregame party. welcome to you. and to our -- >> thank you very much. >> great to see you. >> happy to be here. >> i want to talk to you about you and your buddy, joe namath, very involved in the new york city wine and food festival. tell us about it. in it's called jets and chefs. we do a giant tailgate with a bunch of fancy chefs. joe and i throw the football around. kiss babies and shake hands with people. >> you're stepping in? >> i'm filling in for my buddy, joe. >> it will be more exciting when joe is there in person. >> no, no, i would say it's exactly the same. >> he played 17 years in the national football league. that's up heard of. talk about your career here and the memories you have. >> having an opportunity to play in new york on the main stage. being involved with the jets and raising money for great cause is so exciting. >> and getting to work with this guy. eat food. >> a nice combo. i heard your grinder going. what are we doing? skirt steak sandwiches with roasted corn mustard. it's about making it ready. don't show up with a bag of groceries. prep ahead of time. >> show up with two tables. one for cooking. one for serving your friends and guests. >> a prep table and a buffet. tip number two is what you were just saying. >> bring everything prepared. bake the wings at home, chill them. heat them up at the game. spending a lot of time cooking takes time away from football. >> there's tons of meat. what is a tip for people preparing their meat? >> i like to make sure if i'm marinating, i do it simply. salt, person, hot sauce, extra virgin olive oil. in a ziploc bag. in my cooler, it stays as it should. >> these are simple tips that lead to great food. we have skirt steak sandwiches. you made us sausage burgers? >> yes, they're italian sausage and provolone cheese burgers. >> amy robach, where are you? don't be shy now, girl. >> she'll make it. >> you're throwing mustard into the corn relish. >> i charred corn. caramelized onions. stirred in mustard. a roasted corn mustard. we slice the steak like so, right? a little extra virgin olive oil. a squeeze of lemon. >> not just a salad. >> like a slaw feeling. >> amy's helped herself to the sausage burger. >> oh, my. it's so good. >> how do you do gorgeous pizzas? >> buy the dough already made. look at the "gma" website. it will tell you how to grill it. it's also on the lara spencer website, too. now you've got that. you take it like so. >> that is a gorgeous-looking sandwich. >> cut it in half for the to of us that we are. >> are you being shy? >> i'm just -- amy is eating all my food. >> all of these recipes are on our website? >> absolutely. how is it feeling? >> i highly recommend that. >> it's tasty. >> amy says burger. >> tell us again about you. joe namath. >> the new york wine and food festival next weekend, pier 92. our event takes place saturday afternoon. >> check out our website. thank you. thank you for 17 great seasons with the jets. we're going outside to ginger for a final check on the weather. >> lara, save me a burger. we have a cheer for that food, don't we? ready. let's do it. shake it up. all right. i'm here with brooklyn's dutchmen for the countdown. the chiefs and packers on "monday night football," on espn tonight. you have a big slap in the face tomorrow morning with a lot of cold air. one more time, girls. shake it off. all that sponsored by nationwide. you can see the game tonight at 8:15 p.m. on espn. check out who is the unsung see roe of the game in the gruden grinder. we'll be right back. stay with us. delicious and packaged with nothing to hide. no secrets. just like our family. well there is one. folks, i'm not your grandma. just a handsome kind hearted drifter who wandrered in years ago and stayed for all the yummy sausage. feel bad about lying. nap time. i got her. seriously? i feel like i just woke up. ha ha ha! fully cooked johnsonville breakfast sausage. we don't make sausage. we make family. and sausage. peer pressure. peer pressure. >> had to do it. >> he's grilling up more over here. great stuff. a lot of football tonight. make this on your night. have a great monday, everybody. >> bon appetit. good morning. i'm kristen sze. according to the san francisco chronicle a criminal investigation is under way whether a large number of b.a.r.t. tickets were stolen and sold on the black market. the probe focused on the customer service center at the lake marin station. one managers placed on administrative leave. still need shades waiting on a b.a.r.t. platform. the bay area, seeing cloud cover and a little cooler, albeit warm. look at my accuweather forecast, checking out tuesday, wednesday, see temperatures going down, down and then coming right back up once we get closer to friday. sue. an earlier problem with the san mateo bridge, backed up to 880 on 92 and you can see after the toll plaza still rather slow across the span. san francisco, an accident north to 80 near 110. kristen? time for >> it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, from the new comedy, "the grinder," rob lowe. and star of the hit drama, "nashville," hayden panettiere. plus, your comments and questions on another edition of the "inbox." all next on "live." [captioning made possible by isney-abc domestic television] now, here are emmy winners kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪

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