Transcripts For KLAS 8 News Now At 11 PM 20160210

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((amanda ortiz/alleged victim: you're an officer that's supposed to be there for my safety, or you know what i mean and at that point, i just felt unsafe.)) ((vanessa murphy)) amanda ortiz says former metro police officer richard scavone threw her to the ground, slammed her into a patrol car, and knocked out a couple of her teeth in january of 2015. ((amanda: i seen my face on the glass and my face was bleeding all over the place )) ((vanessa murphy)) the 24 year old woman was suspected of working as a prostitute - something she's been arrested for before...and after scavone's stop in this hotel parking lot... which she says turned violent....she was taken into custody. she immediately complained. ((amanda: i felt like it was wrong. i know my rights as citizen.)) ((vanessa murphy)) scavone was fired months later... in january...he was indicted federally for excessive use of force and obstruction of justice for lying on a report.... and ortiz is suing scavone, the department, and other officers at that scene. ((cal potter/attorney: it's wearing a body camera thinks that he can change the facts.)) ((vaessa murphy)) attorney cal potter is representing ortiz. ((cal: it's like the rodney king case. if there hadn't been video tape, it would have just been another beating and so you have a situation here where this young lady was beaten for not committing any type of offense and not doing anything ah that was unlawful.)) ((vanessa: have you seen the video? cal: no, i have not.)) ((vanessa murphy)) ortiz says she was able to view the video once after her complaint at police headquarters.... 8 news now requested the video through freedom of information and we received this letter....from sheriff joseph lombardo: denied. the reason - an open criminal case. but a spokeswoman for the u-s attorney said the office would not prevent metro from releasing the video. ((amanda: i think it's wrong. it's wrong because it was what, what is the point of having a body camera if it's only gonna be internal?)) ((potter: i think what's important is it shows there is a deterrent. i mean the reason you have body types of situations or hopefully discourage these types of situations.)) ((vanessa murphy)) 8 news now also asked for a mugsot for ortiz after the arrest since it may have shown injuries she's referring to... it's common practice for the department to release mugshots at the request of the media. but in email we were told this one... will not be released at this time. ((amanda: i just feel like if i wouldn't have been as assertive as i have been, it would have just got swept under the rug and and that's what's not okay with me.)) ((vanessa murphy)) ortiz claims she's also having trouble getting reports and other information from metro. and as a result, there's a sergeant john doe in the lawsuit... ortiz claims he arrived later at the initial scene...and failed to look more into her claims against scavone. we do want to note....metro has not had an opportunity yet to respond to this new element of this case.// ((dave courvoisier)) vanessa, have we heard from former called his attorney and did not receive any comment. we also don't have his mugshot because we're told he was never booked. and he did not show up to an arraignment last april. only his attorneys did./// ((dave courvoisier)) > a major development tonight... north las vegas police say they have located the white van believed to be involved in sunday's deadly hit-and-run crash that killed a two year-old girl. ((denise valdez)) police have not said where they located the van... patranya bhoolsuwan spoke exclusively with the girl's father tonight and joins us live with new details in this case. patranya? ((patranya bhoolsuwan)) it's a big break in the case and i talked to the dad tonight who earlier today was on the phone with detectives. he said officers do have their suspect, and that the man turned himself in. we have yet to get that confirmation from police...but this all comes as a big relief for the family of little evelyn green who was hit in this fatal crash right here on this street >since then police have been looking for the white van ... and they say tips have been pouring from throughout the community. we were at the vigil for the 2- year-old girl last night, and things got very emotional especially for the girl's mother who told us the suspect actually stopped his car right after the crash, apologized for what happened but left the scene before police arrived. tonight we spoke exclusiveeto evelyn's father and shortly after they heard the news about the van being located and talked to police: ((josh green/father: "they had a lead, they found the dude and that they have the vehicle that they are putting the search warrant in right now so they can go pick up the vehicle but they have the dude right now...the dude said he's seen the news and he said he was the person who was in the white van and i was ((patranya bhoolsuwan)) the family say want to thank the community for all the help and support. right now they say they are focused on preparing for evelyn's funeral. ((patranya bhoolsuwan)) a go fund me account has been set up to help the family. you can find more information on our website las vegas now dot com and go to links we mentioned tab. reporting live near lake mead and pecos, patranya bhoolsuwan 8 news now.// ((denise valdez)) patranya, what type of charges could this suspect be facing? ((patranya bhoolsuwan)) certainly a hit-and-run charge for fleeing the scene... the girl's mother said the driver smelled of alcohol when he apologized for hitting evelyn... before taking off... but it's not clear if there's enough evidence to prove d-u-i in this case. back to you./// music ((dave courvoisier)) > runaway democratic races in the new hampshire primary... donald trump dominated the g-o-p field... winning 35- percent of the vote. ohio governor john kasich finished second with 16-percent. senator ted cruz, jeb bush, and senator marco rubio rounded out the top five. a much happier trump celebrated the win after a disappointing second place finish in iowa: (( donald trump/(r) presidential candidate: "new hampshire, i want to thank you. we love you. we're going to be back a lot. we're not going to forget you. you started it. remember, you started it." )) ((dave courvoisier)) new jersey governor chris christie put most of his eggs in the new hampshire basket and finished sixth at just under 8- percent. he said he's going home to re-evaluate his campaign... but he has not dropped out of the race./// ((denise valdez)) > the polls didn't lie in the democratic race... senator bernie sanders won in a landslide over hillary clinton. sanders garnered 60- percent of the vote to clinton's 39- percent. the vermont senator was heavily favored with voters in neighboring new hampshire. percentage... sanders will only take four more delegates from the state than clinton. sanders was all but written off when he announced his candidacy and says now his campaign has to be taken seriously: (( sen. bernie sanders, (d) presidential candidate: "they're throwing everything at me except the kitchen sink and i have the feeling that kitchen sink is coming pretty soon as well." )) ((denise valdez)) clinton conceded to sanders and said she's focused on her national campaign./// ((denise valdez)) > both sanders and clinton will take part in a town hall event here in las vegas on thursday the 18-th... two days before the nevada democratic caucus. a time and location have not been determined. the republicans caucus on tuesday the 23- rd./// ((denise valdez)) > don't forget... we are your local election headquarters throughout the season... on air and online. and you can watch politics now every sunday at 5:30./// ((dave courvoisier)) > metro police are looking for two possible suspects in connection with a deadly shooting that happened this afternoon. officers responded to kennewick just after 1:30 to find a white man in his forties shot, outside a home. he later died at sunrise trauma. the victim and another man were arguing before the second man shot the victim from inside a parked silver pickup truck. a woman was inside the truck at the time. neither of them have been identified. police say this may have been a dispute over money and that the parties knew each other. if you have any information... call crime stoppers./// ((dave courvoisier)) > two people were arrested along with a fugitive california murder suspect in boulder city. 37-year-old steven lawrence wright was caught in a hotel after he was released in january due to a paperwork mistake. 39-year-old bruce oliver and 39 year-old lavera wilson are accused of harboring, concealing or aiding a felony offender. both have been released on bond. wright remains jailed awaiting extradition to california./// ((denise valdez)) > the chinese new year celebration is on at the linq: (( bruce bommarito / vp, international marketing for caesars: "we think this could be years." )) ((denise valdez)) the spring festival is being held throughout las vegas for a one-week period. it's the year of the monkey. the celebration has grown every year... and is a big money maker for the city. chinese visitor numbers are way up thanks to relaxed visa changes... and they tend spend better than most travelers when they're here./// ((denise valdez)) > rebels baseball has the talent for a big run this season... can they put it together with a new leader at the helm? jon tritsch gives us a look ahead in sports. plus: (( bryce - no kill lv: i'm curious if they really have embraced the no kill movement." )) ((denise valdez)) some of the loudest critics of the animal foundation -- demanding quicker action -- after the shelter lays out its plan to become no kill./// ((tedd florendo)) another above average and comfortable day today. take a look at today's high and low near record temps tomorrow and another day this week. but the warm weather won't last too long. your forecast after the break. < news music voice over: "you're praised as one of america's best mayors who governed as a pragmatist. a practical and successful legislator, bernie sanders passed more roll-call amendments in a republican congress than any other member, primary care access for millions of americans, protected social security, cracked the gridlock with john mccain to strengthen veterans' healthcare. bernie sanders -- a consistent, principled, and effective leader. building a future to believe in. i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. switch to centurylink prism tv, and get the same great channels cable gives you, without having to deal with cable. yes and? and...there's whole home dvr. plus tons of on demand options so you can watch whatever, whenever. yes and? why do you guys keep saying that? it's the first rule of improv. by saying "yes and," we accept the reality created by our comedy partners, paul. yes, right, i know. feel like a hollywood insider dave courvoisier. the news of southern nevada is now." > ((denise valdez)) > the last time the animal foundation attempted to become "no kill" -- it became so overcrowded there was a disease outbreak and a down. now nearly a decade later it's trying it again. but this time -- it promises the outcome will be much different. we examine what it will take to save thousands of healthy -- treatable animals -- in a town where pets are often considered disposable. < (( "last year we had over 100 cats" or putting up flyers )) ((denise valdez)) to become a no kill community -- it's all about the numbers. ((harold vosko: we have spay and neutered 113 thousand cats and dogs ((denise valdez)) harold vosko and heaven can wait animal society target neighborhoods for unaltered animals. (( beagle barking )) ((denise valdez)) stray cats will be trapped -- spayed -- neutered -- then released. (( nats surgery)) ((denise valdez)) the low cost -- often free clinic is busy seven days a week -- and it focuses on animals that suffer the highest kill rate. ((harold vosko: so what is being euthanized in the shelter. cats, pit bulls, chihuahuas. guess what we do here we're doing cats, pit bulls and chihuahuas." )) ((denise shelter and that's exactly what you see. row after row. cage after cage. (( meow )) ((denise valdez)) this little guy has no idea the odds are against him. chances are fifty fifty -- he'll leave here alive. (( dogs in cages? )) ((denise valdez)) that is the daily dilemma for the animal foundation. last year it accepted 28- thousand 271 cats and dogs. its euthanasia rate -- nearly 20 percent of dogs die. its worse for cats -- 54 percent. (( christine robinson: there's somewhere between 800 to 1k animals on site on any given day. )) ((denise valdez)) under pressure from groups like bryce henderson's no kill las vegas ((bryce henderson: they're still killing 26 animals every day. )) ((denise valdez)) the foundation's executive director ambitious plan to become a no kill shelter by the end of 2020. ((christine robinson: we need to fully implement the 8 programs that we have identified that happen.)) ((denise valdez)) beyond spay and neuter -- its increasing foster homes -- offering adoption discounts -- stronger marketing -- and transferring more pets to rescue groups. (( dogs barking at diana's house)) ((denise valdez)) nearly 70 rescues work with the foundation... but many like diana england's "a home for spot" are already stretched pretty thin. ((diana england: it's not slowing down at all .. this christmas was the worst christmas in the seven years that i've been doing this. ... the worst )) ((denise valdez)) audio - redux pick up sending adoptable dogs to rescue could save 3-thousand lives every year. and community cats could save 4- thousand. (( chris robinson: its a trend that's really sweeping the country. its been really really successful. )) ((denise valdez)) the road map is laid out -- now they just need to get there -- but critics say its not happening fast enough. (( bryce henderson: we're certainly watching were gonna make sure we hold them to it. (( christine robinson: i believe we will get there .. i know we will get there because it. its do able. )) > ((denise valdez)) if you want more information about the clinic featured in our story or what to study the animal foundation stats -- go to las vegas now dot com and click on links we mention tab. the foundation admits these outreach programs -- including counseling people to keep rather than surrender their pets -- could cost millions. but its moving the needle in the right direction -- the kill rate is going down. in fact -- larger cities than us -- like los angeles -- new york -- and san francisco are very close to becoming no kill. gorgeous day today with temps well above average again. winds are light in the valley but still gusty at times down the colorado river. we do not have any wind alerts however. expecting temps to stay mild then cool overnight and steering clear of any freezing temps this time around. ............................... ......... clear in the western half of the country while the eastern half is getting all the inclement weather in the form of snow. big area of low pressure moving through the great lakes mixing in with the cold canadian air and that's providing snow all the way down to georgia, that's how cold it is out there. more snow for areas like boston, the cape and maine again. lake effect snow expect for areas on the eastern shortes of erie and michigan. ............................... ............... back west big ridge still amplified over up to canada. we have some clouds making their way into norther california but no rain. little for next few days however ............................... ...................... weekend forecast looks good with friday looking nice and more clouds over the weekend. we still stay above average but slightly cooler by late weekend with those clouds. next week bigger changes on the way. ............................... .................. tonight expect a low 45 under clear skies and cool conditions. light winds overnight with temps just a little above average. tomorrow we could reach record highs ............................... ......... extended forecast shows near record temps on some days and also above average highs for quite some times. changes by late weekend and cooler temps next week. also slight shower chances return with more unsettled weather and clouds. the supreme court has agreed to halt enforcement of president obama's plan to address climate change... until after legal challenges are resolved. the move is a blow to the administration and a victory for 27 mostly republican-led states and industry opponents who have called the regulations a power grab. the plan aimed to reduce carbon dioxie emissions at existing power plants by one- third by 20-30. arguments begin june second./// ((denise valdez)) > jon tritsch on the sports desk for chris tonight getting us ready to head back to the diamond. ((jon tritsch)) that's right, rebels baseball is ready to reboot... they've got a new coach and high hopes. 2016 is ncaa tourney or bust... rebels will have their hands full with san jose state. todd simon's message to his squad that's fighting through injuries./// "from 8 news now, this is conversation at unlv's earl wilson stadium is interrupted by the roar of a plane taking off at nearby mccarran international airport ..the rebel baseball team hopes they'll be on one of those planes in june heading to the college world was media day for a program ready to take flight < the long..slow off season is over..the residue of rebel disappointment is is the coaching controversy..20 16 season is here..and the sun is shining on rebel baseball ((kenny oakley/unlv senior pitcher: "everybody feels kinda relieved and ready to go. nobody was happy about the situation that happened. but now that it's behind us. it's something we're not worried about anymore. we're moving on and we're pushing forward.") the new rebel replaces tim chambers who was let go in the winter..stolte is a man on mission..just don't make it about him.. ((stan stolte/unlv first-year head coach: "i'm just the one basically who gets the wins and losses and who makes the final decision on things. but it's by no means anything about me. it's about the kids who perform and they'll perform well"." unlv made an ncaa tournament run 2 years ago..and then fell face first in the dirt last season..lesson learned ((justin jones/rebels junior captain: "2014 was a phenomenal year. we were looking for an even better year in 2015 and it absolutely goes the opposite way. you're either going to win or you're going to lose. now it's about bouncing back. we are looking at what have you done for me lately.") unlv will attack opponents heavily armed and experienced ((kenny oakley: "we have one of if not the best pitching staff in the mountain west. i'd put us up against any pitching staff in the mountain west and probably on the west coast.") it's ncaa tournament or bust in come the rebels ((stan stolte: "their pride took a little hit and they're ready to change that.") ((jon tritsch)) >forgive coach todd simon if he wants to cover his players in bubble wrap..the rebels are falling hard to injury and limping into tomorrow's san jose state game big man stephen zimmerman sprained his knee last saturday at fresno state and is out indefinitely.. he joins big man ben carter who tore his acl 10 days ago..throw in bandaged up guard jerome seagers and the rebels will face the spartans walking wounded/// coach: "we're going to get creative. it's times like this where you're going to have to use everything you've got. so it'll be different types of man, different types of zone. we're going to throw all different types of stuff out there. we are going to keep people guessing a little bit.") high school hoops..senior day at centennial..but you can honor any type of senior you want..well done.. arbor view at the bulldogs.. no answer for troy brown.. rising and rocking the rim.. brown then stays strong in the face of pressure and feeds jake hutchings for the bucket.. let it splash..5 3 pointers for fireworks coming.. alley oop off the backboard.. 85-50.. centennial rolls ((dave courvoisier)) > we're back right after this./// rescued four wolves from a northern california ranch that was recently devastated by wildfire. "keepers of the wild" announced the aptly-named "miracle wolves of the butte fire" have arrived at their new home in northwest arizona. the fire consumed more than 70- thousand acres of forest and 500 homes. the wolves survived by digging a 15 foot deep den to escape the heat and smoke. we've shared the video of their story on our website... check it out at las vegas now dot com./// ((dave courvoisier)) > las vegas legends donny and marie osmond entertained an unveiling of their madame tussauds wax figures this evening: (( singing )) ((dave courvoisier)) the brother- sister duo are the latest las vegas icons to be immortalized in wax at the museum... and the first of the new year and the first wax couple creation. the museum continues their efforts to put a local focus on the attractions: (( stephan degan / gm, madame tussaud's las vegas: "to create figures that are iconic, that are vegasy, that are here -- that are residents, that attract more locals to come to our attractions in the city as well." )) ((dave courvoisier)) the official unveiling is tomorrow at 10 a-m at madame tussaud's donny and marie have agreed to future book signing appearances at the museum./// ((dave courvoisier)) > that's all for us live at eleven. ((denise valdez)) the late show

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