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Trying to influence the outcome of an election. The director of the fbi under fire. You may be asking why in the world the fbi would jump in to an election with no evidence of any wrongdoing with just days to go. Took guts for director comey to make the move in light of the kind of opposition he had where theyre trying to protect her from criminal prosecution. In alabama, one worker has pipeline. Oh, my dwod, its growing to fast. Three people were were killed when a truck rearended a hey ride celebrating trick or treating in mississippi. In mosul, slow and steady advances. This is a constant day in day out. An amazing rescue at the scene of the powerful earthquake that struck italy. A dog recovered, buried in the rubble. Down the minnesota vikings. All that after you leave office, with have you thought of whispering in Donald Trumps ear, you are right, i wasnt born here. I will be organizing my post presidency where im not close enough to him to whisper in his ear. And all that matters. Nasas Early Warning Intruder Alert system spotted an asteroid when i spotted for earth last night and i think i speak for all of us when i say, asteroid on this cbs early morning. Happy halloween, everybody. Hope you like my costume that i wore. Because tonight i am dressed as the spookiest october surprise, fbi director james comey oooh this mornings eye opener is presented by toyota. Captioning funded by cbs welcome to cbs this morning. Election day is one week from today. The fbi is searching as fast as it can for emails that may have gone through Hillary Clintons private servers and one of clintons closest aides, huma abedine is reacting for the first time about those emails found on her laptop. She said in a statement, quote,le contacted us about this, miss a the bedin will always continue to be as she has been, forthcoming. The president does not believe spokesperson comey was trying to influence the election. Jeff is outside fbi headquarters. Good morning. The review of the emails is under way and the consensus is this will take time, despite a newly built sophisticated sorting through and categorizing hundreds of thousands of emails. Investigators are looking for classified material as well as anything tied to Hillary Clinton. The fbi is searching Anthony Weiners laptop, looking to zero in on emails belonging to his estranged wife, huma abedin. In a Statement Released by abedins attorney monday 23450i9, abedin learned for the laptop of Anthony Weiners could contain emails of hers. You dont get to be a smearer at large with derogatory information. Fbi director comey is facing criticism for notifying congress about launching the review less than two weeks before the election. Ill neither defend nor criticize what director comey has decided to communicate to dismissed claims that comeys actions were political. The president doesnt believe director comey is intentionally trying to influence the outcome of an election. The president doesnt believe hes secretly strategized to benefit one candidate or one political party. Hes in a tough spot. Comeys decision to Tell Congress defied a recommendation from touche general Loretta Lynch to disclose congress with more infti review. The department of justice said they are dedicating all necessary resources and taking appropriate steps as expeditiously as possible. As much information, a as much clarity about the investigation as can be made available should be made available. House judiciary chairman spoke to the fbi over the weekend. It was important for the director to make it clear that when substantial new evidence became available, they reopened the case. We havent talked to anyone who thinks that this review of all these emails will be wrapped up before election day. Just the opposite. Many of the people we spoke with seem to believe that there is a possibility of more warrants and another round of interviews. Oh, boy. So it continues. Thank you very much, jeff. Hillary clinton says the investigation will show, in her words, there is no case here. The newest real clear politics average of National Polls shows herea over three points. That is the closest margin in a month. Clintons average lead was nearly six points before the new fbi probe was reported. Nancy is in white plains, new york, covering the campaign. Nancy, good morning. Reporter good morning. Set aside for a moment how odd it is that you now have the two major candidates accusing the other of being in more trouble with the fbi than they are. Beyond that, the clinton camp is arguing that its unfair that resurrecting her case while saying nothing about trump. If they want to look at some more emails of one of my staffers, by all means, go ahead, look at them. The Clinton Campaign took its fight with the fbi to the nekt level, accusing director james comey of playing favorites. Comey has refused to comment on rumors agents are investigating russian tie toes some trump associates. Friday about new emails in the clinton case that may or may not be troubling. That is extremely troubling. Im not raising question about his loyalties. Im just saying theres a double standard and they ought to explain it. The goal is to get the focus back on trump and off clintons legal troubles. Not to mention more fallout from her hacked emails. Resigned from her position at cnn after another appearance of her passing a debate question to the Clinton Campaign in advance. Trump says the clinton should have come clean about the question. Why did Hillary Clinton not turn it in . I have a son named baron, and i want to tell you, she is a terrible example for my son and country. That i can tell you. The question was about led in Drinking Water and it came up at a primary debate in flint, michigan. In a statement, brazil says she shared all her thoughts with all of the downtownic campaign. The Clinton Campaign has had no comment. Nancy, thank you so much. The fbi reportedly spent several months investigating russias potential metaling in the u. S. Election and found no direct link to donald trump. According to the New York Times, Law Enforcement officials examined ties between they also looked at a former Trump Campaign chairmans long relationship with pro appreciatan officials in ukraine. Sources told the times that apparently connections between some of the trumps aides and moscow originally compelled them to open a broad investigation, but they uncovered no clear evidence. Major garrett is in eau claire, wisconsin, where trump will hold a rally tonight. Major, good morning. Reporter good morning. The people over my left shoulder, hearty trump supporters, three ofm arrived here more than 14 hours ahead of time for tonights trump rally. This campaign has become a battle of disqualifications. Donald trump wants to keep the focus on Hillary Clintons latest email woes while clinton wants to focus on trump and russia. In other words, were going to be tied up in court for the rest of our lives for this deal. Shes not going to win the election, but im just saying donald trump, who was involved in several ongoing lawsuits warned a Hillary Clinton presidency would become investigations. Nothing will get done. Government will grind to a halt. And our country will continue to suffer. But a new report from the New York Times reveals the fbi spent much of the summer looking into possible direct links between trump, his Campaign Staff and russia. The bureau uncovered no on evidence. Trumps former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort called the probe an outrageous smear noting there is nothing of my Business Activities to investigate. Manafort resigned in august. Still, trumps appeal to russia has puzzled democrats and russians. Hillary likes to play tough with russia. Putin looks at her and she laughs. She is such bad things about putin and then theyre supposed to negotiate with putin . Why would he do this . Found an odd stream of activity between a Trump Organization server and alpha a bank, which has tied to russian president vladimir putin. Ultimately, they discovered no proof of wrongdoing. I dont know putin, but wouldnt it be nice if we could get along, actually, with that country . It would be nice. It would be smart. According to the New York Times, the fbi concluded russias real intent was to disrupt the american political we have asked the Trump Campaign for its reaction to these various russian angles and criticisms. But have heard nothing back. Thanks, major. John heilmann, cohost of the circus on show time, a division of cbs, good morning. Hi. Is it at all likely that these emails will be released before the election . Well, theyre on an expedited schedule and theyre trying to i dont think the emails will be released, necessarily, the fbi determines they are relevant 37. An expedited schedule to determine what . To get through them all. What comey said was we found some emails that may be relevant to the investigation or may be pertinent, or may not be. Theyre trying to plow thooem through them and determine if they are pertinent and if so what next steps they might want to take. 80s slowed clintons momentum . On the basis of everything we have, the answer is no. But were still on this. But theres been some polling over the course of the weekend that suggests the race is locked and nothing that happened post comey has moved the numbers even a little bit. But theres a limited amount of data on that so far. But i hear from republicans that the race is tightening in a number of battleground states. The campaigns are saying it, no doubt. In the last week, there was tightening as we headed into the weekend. The real question is whether the races continued to tighten or revelations or the comey letter and that, again, you know, there is some internal polling that seems to suggest that. The Clinton Campaign claims not. Lets talk about the political tactic the Clinton Campaign is taking in the wake of this. Hillary clinton yesterday, there is no case here. I mean, attacking the integrity of the fbi director. Accusing them of a double standard. Its a clinton classic. Youre either on offense or on defense. Defense, the best way to staunch the bleeding is to go back and attack. Something the clintons have been masters of going back for 25 years. To be honest, playing a very bad hand, obviously the comey letter was damaging to them in a variety of ways. Having the degree of bipartisan condemnation of comey, being able to get all those surrogates together over the weekend, they did a pretty good job, purely intactical terms of trying to get back on offense. Its affected the race very much. If one wants to be cautious about this because there is so little data and well no more. But does she have a point in saying theres a double standard, that no one is investigating the russian claims against the Trump Campaign . Again, according to this reporting this morning, the investigation has reportedly been investigating the claim. The double standard question to me goes more to why director comey decided it was important to write this letter to congress on the clinton matter but was not apparently informing investigations. You know, i think from the general view the Standard Practice here is that if youre conducting an investigation, you conduct the investigation in rieft. In private. You dont tell anybody about it. If you decide to indict, you indict. If you decide not to indict, you dont indict. Director comey blew that precedent out of the water back in july when he first decided not to indict her. That was unusual and he came criticism this time. So youre suggest he should not have done that in the beginning, he should not have had a press conference to go say what the conclusion of the investigations were . Im suggesting that it was highly atypical and it was a break with precedent, again, then. Democrats liked it back then because of the fact that he decided not to indict her. Now democrats hate it and the whole thing has been flipped around. If i recall, for months, the Trump Campaign criticized comey. Now theyre singing his praises. Its all selfinterest. You criticize him if he says things you dont like and praise him if he says things you like. Its sort of how i handle my live, right . Say something night about me. Youre a great guy. You have such integrity and sound judgment. Charlie, saying something mean about me. You are a low down. You are a person with no elthiccal standards whatsoever, engage in bad judgment and double standards. John, i like your glasses. I think, john, youre reproach. Youre a Great American. We will bring you all the Election Results as they come in one week from today. Our Election Night coverage starts tuesday, necessary november 8th at 4 00 p. M. Pacific time and you can watch all day on our streaming network cbs in. An alabama pipeline fire is burning for a second day after a deadly explosion. One person was killed yesterday when a work crew hit the gasoline pipeline with a piece of equipment. The blast injured at least five others. The explosion near helena, alabams line. That led to gas shortages across the south. Mark is at the scene a potential impact at the pufl. Good morning. Good morning. Were being kept in this staging accident about two miles from the scene of the accident. A piece of ex ka vacation equipment hit the line and caused the explosion. Gas ball, possibly a structure fire. We have a caller reporting a gas line is involved. Thick, black smoke rose over Central Alabama following a deadly explosion at the colonial gas line pipeline. A friend of mine called me and said that he saw a big smoke cloud. Now that were here, i just wanted to check on my property and make sure that it wasnt on fire. We are getting reports of multiple people injured, multiple patients. One person died at the scene, five others rushed to the hospital. The flames sparked wildfires that hbu acres and forced people nearby to evacuate. Oh, bhi my god, it is growin fast. When youre dealing with fire, you just dont know how fast it will move. Were trying to get this under control. Colonial pipeline provides gasoline for more than 50 Million People in an area stretching from the gulf coast to new england. This could quickly become a major outage that could be lasting several weeks instead of much worse than what we saw in september. In september, 250,000 gallons of gasoline leaked from the same pipeline and led to a shortage and a spike in gas prices across the south. The fallout from this explosion could be much worse, experts say. Prepare for some price increases because gasoline is not flowing to these areas, but more importantly, cut back on gasoline consumption where you Colonial Pipeline has shut down both of its major lines that supply 100 million gallons of fuel a day from refiners to the marketplace. Theres still no word how long those lines will be out of business. Mark, thank you. We are following breaking news from baltimore. A deadly collision involve ago commuter bus and a school bus. Video shows how the cool bus sliced are right through the side of the mta bus. Six people were killed, no students were on the school bus. Of the crash is unclear. Iraqi forces fight to go retake mosul have retain the outskirts of the city. Theyre battle, isis militants just outside the eastern edge of mosul. Fighters with artillery, tanks and machine guns. This is the first time iraqi forces have been inside mosul since isis took control two years ago. Is snapchat use to blame for a car crash that killed a mother and two of her children . Ahead, there are new calls for the app to delete its good halloween. The weather was such a treat. The morning is a little chilly with temps in the 50s. And there is not much sunshine with all those clouds out there. As the day goes on. High clouds will be increasing. A cooler and messy system bringing snow and rain up north will have a slightly cooler influence on the desert today. Highs will just make it into the low 70s around the valley by this afternoon. Next week, votes on whether to legalize Recreational Marijuana could be a Tipping Point in the national debate. Ahead, how carrier. Turn to the experts. At carrier. Com. I recommend nature made vitamins. Because i trust their quality. They were the first to have a vitamin verified by usp. An independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. Nature made. The number one pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. . . You dont own me . . Dont tell me what to do . . Just let me be myself . . Thats all i ask of you . The new 2017 corolla with Toyota Safety sense standard. . You dont own me . Toyota. Lets go places. When cold and flu hold you back try theraflu expressmax, now in new caplets. Its the only cold flu caplet that has a maximum strength formula with a unique warming sensation you instantly feel. Theraflu. Ive been on my feel all day. Im bushed yea me too. Excuse me. Coming through ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. Scholls massaging gel insoles. Theyre proven to give you comfort. Which helps you feel more energized. All day long. I want what he has. Everyday millions of women worldwide trust tena with their bladder matters. Thanks to its triple protections from leaks, odor and moisture. Tena lets you be you you do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Americans. 83 try to eat healthy. Yet up 90 fall ort in getting key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day womens gummies. Complete with key nutrients we may need. Plus it supports bone health vitacraves gummies. Im Catherine Cortez masto and i approve this message. As a doctor, i see how decisions in washington impact my patients here in nevada. So even though im a republican, i wont be voting for joe heck. Joe hecks voted ten times to defund planned parenthood, which thousands of women depend on for cancer screenings. And heck opposes a womans right to choose for me and my patients, joe heck makes no sense. . Open enrollment bins to obamacare today. Ahead, an inside look at the big problems facing the president S Health Care law. Player is expected to appear before an la judge today on suspicion of murder. The la times reports 34 year old Dietrich Canterberry is being held on 2 Million Dollars bail. Police say he beat a 29 year old man to Death Outside a hollywood nightclub over the weekend. Canterberry was reportedly fled the scene on a party bus. Wh canterberry played defense for the rebels in the early 2000s. brian loftus a 41 year old woman from l. A. Was killed in a crash last night near sunset and bermuda. Metro police say she was in the roadway, when she was struck by a vehicle. That had tried to swerve to avoid her. The victim was not in a crosswalk at the time. The woman died at the hospital. The 31 year old male driver is cooperating with police. And speed and alcohol were not factors in this crash. This marks the 92nd person killed in metros jurisdiction theress a crash on northbound 95 and summerlin parkway. Im also seeing delays on the southboudn side of traffic around rainbow. Expect slow downs around the Convention Corridor today for the sema show. brian loftus this morning the streets of she ate like a pig. Id look her right in that fat, ugly face of hers. Donald trump calls women bimbos, dogs, and fat pigs. But congressman crescent hardy said hed support donald trump 100 . Nevada, theres a better choice ruben kihuen. Kihuen pushed to crack down on employers who pay women less than men. And kihuen will always protect a womans right to choose. Ruben kihuen for nevada. Cleveland is ahead 32. If they win tonight, it is over. I predict the cubs are going to win tonight. Just to make this interesting. What do you think, charlie and norah . Weigh in, people. I hope to see it go. I hope the cubs keep going tonight and cool that overa is spelled oveh. A deadly accident. When drivers on the app record how fast theyre going. Most of the time its young people using this filter. Ahead how some lawmakers want to restrict the use of the filter. And open enrollment for obamacare starts this morning. Some Health Insurers have bailed on the plan. Ahead, the obama administrations plan to lower premiums and increase competition. Time so show you this mornings headlines the globe. Britains guardian reports on new aircraft, stelton capabilities. Chinas biggest aircraft show, china claims the radar with some foreign observers are not convinced. Clevelands plain dealer says Ohio Governor john kasich kept his vow not to vote for mccain. You might remember when kasich was here last month. He said he didnt know who he would vote for. When asked, he said he might wright write in charlie. You already have a job. The New York Post said Hillary Clinton is planning a victory celebration. Fireworks show scheduled on Election Night over the hudson river. Tim kaine andnt appear there. Donald trump is hold an event that night in new york city. A name he would write in. The atlantic says facebook users are supporting the oil pipeline protesters in north dakota. Nearly 1. 5 Million People use facebooks checkin feature to make it seem as if they were at the Standing Rock indian reservation. It followed reports that police and target protesters. And the Tampa Bay Times reports on cell phone video that appear to show the minutes before a deadly car crash. The snapchat video apparently shows the driver of a car going more than 115 miles an hour. Police believe the same driver hit a minivan. The crash last wednesday killed five people including a mother and two of her children. Video and then add a speed filter. And theres concern thats leading to dangerous distraction. This tensecond cell phone video shows a driver accelerating. First to what snapchat says is more than 115. Florida Police Say Nine minutes after the clip was posted 22yearold pablo cortez and 19yearold joelie bartloma were killed killing a mother and injured three other people. I have not stopped crying. Every time i think about it plays in my mind. Reporter according to cou documents 18yearold crystal mcgee allegedly used snapchats speed filter last year while topping out her mercedes sedan at 113. She then slammed at this gray mitsubishi before snapchating from a stretcher lucky to be alive. What makes it real, is that visual in the moment what am i doing. Reporter katy bassett writes blog for safe for america. I think the filter was just another alluring feature that people like. Its appealing for a user to have but appealing in every wrong way. Reporter in a statement, snap klatt said we actively discourage our community from using the speed filter while driving. This do not snap and drive is displayed the first time the speed builter is used. But bassett believe that is not enough. I think that steps that should be taken are probably to take down some of the like the that measure failed to passion and has been postponed until next year. Norah. Kris, thank you. That seems incredibly dangerous. It make no, sir sense. They say they encourage you not to use it while driving but enrollment push but that could be a tough sale in states like tennessee where premiums are up 50 . . . All i have . Reporter for songwriter wendy janz and her husband live was sailing along some Health Insurer Blue Cross Blue Shield pulled out of the market in nashville. Did you panic . A little bit. Reporter most of his clients were covered by blue cross. Reporter youre an Insurance Broker without insurance for your family . As of january 1st, unless we jump on to something else. Were looking at maybe 750 insurer. Up to 50 . Others insurers, aetna and United Health and humana. And leading to losses for insurers. We believe there are things that can improve this. Reporter health and human argues that they are fixable. She points to obamacare successes. 20 Million People have Health Insurance today who didnt before the law was passed. The uninsured rate is now the lowest ever. The administration hopes to enroll nearly 14 million more people. Theyre aggressively targeting millennials. Do you expect those insurance providers that have pulled out to come back . You know, i think a number of as they look and tee what targeting community colleges, workers to get them to sign up. Gayle. Campaigns to realize Recreational Marijuana are costing millions of dollars. Ahead how people on both sides of this debate are using the same data to support their argument. And when was the last time somebody invited you to subscribe to their morning podcast . How about today, the cbs this morning podcast. 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My friends know me so well. They can tell what im thinking, just by looking in my eyes. They can tell when im really excited and thrilled. And they know when im not so excited and thrilled. Was that i had dry, itchy eyes. But i knew. So i finally decided to show my eyes some love. Some eyelove. When is it chronic dry eye . To find out more, chat with your eye doctor and go to myeyelove. Com. With all of the shenanigans Danny Tarkanians pulled in nevada helping set up Fake Charities used to scam nevada seniors, failing to pay thousands in property taxes, losing 17 million in a failed development scheme, then sticking taxpayers with the bill imagine the shenanigans tarkanian would pull in washington. Dccc is responsible for the content of this advertising. Opponents of legalizing marijuana for Recreational Use are making their final arguments to millions of americans. Voters in five states will if all of those measures pass, nearly a quarter of the u. S. Population would live in a state where pot is allowed. Mireya villarreal shows us how this could send a strong message to congress. This is todays pot. Ten tiles stronger than a marijuana cigarette. Reporter the ads are onlien news. You decide who wins. Criminals in cartels for arizona stores. Reporter and the stakes are high. Those who support recreational pot say this years election could be a Tipping Point in decadeslong debate over the countrys most popular drug. Marijuana is now at the forefront of mainstream american politics. If we win big, we have a chance to end federal marijuana prohibition. Reporter that includes changing federal banking laws that currently prohibit banks and Credit Unions from taking money made off of marijuana sales. Why are they putting marijuana sales ahead of Community Centers . Reporter california the california is enormously influential, not just because of its size and the size of its economy, but because of its influence culturally to the rest of the United States. Reporter the golden states propot supporters have raised over 22 million. More than 8 million was reportedly donated by a group led by former facebook executive sean parker. Look, is this a david and goliath fight. Reporter here in california the marijuana measure is expected to pass. But in states like massachusetts, arizona and nevada, the polls are much closer. Las vegas casino magnate and highprofile republican backer shelton adilson has donated 2 million to oppose legalization. Both sides are using colorados and washingtons experience with legal pot to support their argument. I know its working in other are leaving untouched. Legalizing marijuana was a bad deal for colorado. Reporter colorado legal iced recreational pot four years ago. I feel confident now that im not trying to trim the clock back. Even with all of the problems we have and the challenges, i think we might be able to do this. But im not so confident that im telling other states, go for reporter mireya villarreal. I like what theyre saying, im not telling everybody else to do it. Its working for us. Well see. A frightening turn. The unwanted visitor who quickly the weather was such a treat. The morning is a little chilly with temps in the 50s. And there is not much sunshine with all those clouds out there. As the day goes on. High clouds will be increasing. A cooler and messy system bringing snow and rain up north will have a slightly cooler influence on the desert today. Highs will just make it into the low 70s around the valley by this afternoon. Its 7 26. brian loftus a announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places. . Dont try to change me in any way . . Oh . . Dont tell me what to do . . Just let me be myself . . Thats all i ask of you . Toyota. Lets go places. Impressive linda. It seems age isnt slowing you down. But your immune system weakens as you get older increasing the risk for me, the shingles virus. Ive been lurking inside you since you had chickenpox. I could surface anytime as a painful, blistering rash. One in three people get me in their lifetime, linda. Will it be you . And thats why linda got me zostavax, a single shot vaccine. Im working to boost lindas immune system to help protect her against you, shingles. Zostavax is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults fifty years of age and older. Zostavax does not protect everyone and cannot be used to treat shingles or the nerve pain that may follow it. You should not get zostavax if you are allergic to gelatin or neomycin, have a weakened immune system or take high doses of steroids are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. The most common side effects include its important to talk to your doctor about what situations you may need to avoid since zostavax contains a weakened chickenpox virus. Remember one in three people get shingles in their lifetime, will it be you . Talk you to your doctor or pharmacist about me, single shot zostavax. Youve got a shot against shingles. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldnt lose any voters, okay . And you can tell them to go f . Themselves. You know you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. You gotta see this, i dont know, i dont remember. Ok impaciente manolo youre so cold, come in whats wrong . Take off your hat no hey. Its, its dry. Your scalp . Mine gets dry in the winter too. Try head and shoulders dry scalp care it nourishes the scalp 3 surface layers deep to help. Prevent dryness and keeps you up to 100 flake free head and shoulders dry scalp care i know youre my financial advisor, but are you gonna bring up that stock again . Well you need to think about selling some of it. My dad gave me those shares, you know. He ran that company. I get it. But you know i think you own too much. Gotta manage your risk. And youve gotta switch to decaf. Advisors, its how edward jones makes sense of investing. . A nighttime swim turns into a terrifying ordeal for two people when a crocodile suddenly lunged into the water. A video posted from zimbabwe shows Surveillance Video quickly jumps out of the pool as the man jumps out of the pool. The woman was bit but not hurt. The thing is she jumps out first. Id like to think, charlie, if we were swimming late night that you would at least attack the crocodile in my honor and then jump out. I would jump out and then pull you out. Just sort of over here, babe. So considerate. Snoop dogg is hoping that . 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Heck cosponsored legislation protecting their predatory practices. Add it all up, and joe heck is working for corporate special interests. For nevada. Senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Las vegas will soon be filled with tricked out cars for the sema show. This year the auto show is expecting more than 140thousand people in and around the convention center. Sema has gotten so big, that it covers 3million square feet of space at the convention center. Featuring hundreds of automotive vendors showing off their latest products. weve got so Much Technology being unvieled here in the new product showcase, theres over a thousand products that have never been seen before that will be unvieled this week. brian loftus the show begins today at the convention center. And for the first time, there will be an event on friday that is open to the public. Its in the gold lot across from the convention center, for 20 dollars anyone can get in and get a look at the vehicles that took part in the parade. Well also be live to take a look at the new cars by the end were wishing the el cortez a very happy birthday today the hotel is celebrating 75 years today. With what else, than a Champagne Toast with las vegas mayor carolyn goodman. The fun begins at at 4 pm on the casino floor. The el cortez is the longest, continuously Running Hotel and casino in las vegas. want to check on your commute a crash on southbound 95 at craig is blocking the right shoulder. Expect some slow downs in the area. Expect delays alg expect slow downs in the spaghetti bowl along southbound i15. Sherry Swensk welcome to november with plenty of clouds this morning. They are covering the sun for now. But should thin out from time to time during the day. The morning is a little chilly with temps in the 50s. A cooler and messy system bringing snow and rain up north will have a slightly cooler influence on the desert today. Highs will just make it into the low 70s around the valley by this afternoon. Im Catherine Cortez masto and i approve this message. I dont know what i said, ahh, i dont remember. Narrator and joe heck says i have high hopes well see donald trump become president. Trump you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. Narrator heck says he completely supports trump. I love war in a certain way. Narrator and heck . Reporter do you trust him having his finger on the Nuclear Button . Heck i do. Reporter why do you say that . Heck why wouldnt i . Narrator donald trump and joe heck. . Good morning to our viewers in the west. It is tuesday, november 1st, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. More real news ahead, including the fbi email probe affecting the final week of the campaign. We longterm impact with atlantic magazine contributor alex wagner. First, here is todays eye opener at 8 00. This will take time. Investigators are looking for classified material as well as anything tied to Hillary Clinton. Now the two major candidates accusing the other of being in more trouble with the fbi than they are. Donald trump wants to keep the focus on Hillary Clintons latest email woes, while clinton wants to focus attention on trump and russia. Hillary clinton yesterday fbi director. It is a clinton classic. When youre thrown back on the defense, the best way to try to stench the bleeding is to go on blind attack. The team of contractors was flushing a pipeline, a piece of equipment hit the line and caused the explosion. Starting today, the administration will make a major enrollment push, but it could be a tough sell in states like tennessee. Iraqi forces fighting to retake mosul have reached the the eastern edge of mosul. After claiming the election is rigged, donald trump said at a rally last week that the country should, quote, just cancel the election and give it to trump. And then on friday, fbi director james comey said, okay. Im charlie rose with gayle king and norah odonnell. It is now one week until the election. The fbis checking thousands of laptop to see if any are linked to Hillary Clinton. The bureau is using new software to target emails huma abedin. Campaigning in michigan, donald trump speculated about the emails contents. They just found the 650,000 emails. One email, one email being classified or confidential, one, out of 650,000, i guarantee you there are many. Many of the missing are in there. Trump has repeatedly criticized Hillary Clinton for deleting emails. A new article in newsweek alleged that Donald Trumps companies have, quote, systematically destroyed or hiddenthousands of emails, digital records and paper documents demanded in official proceedings often in defiance of court orders. The author of the article said he reviewed thousands of pages of relevant legal documents. Fbi director james comey faces rare bipartisan criticism emails. Republican senator Chuck Grassley wrote the fbi director, quote, while i disagree with those who suggest you should have kept the fbis discovery secret until after election, your disclosure did not go far enough. Some accuse comey of a double standard because he will not confirm or deny that agents are investigating russian ties to donald trump and his associates. The New York Times report that over the summer, quote, fbi officials spent weeks examining computer data, showing an odd stream of activity to a organization and server and alfa bank. That bank is tied to russian president vladimir putin. The probe concluded there could be an innocuous explanation. The email server investigation and its potential impact on Hillary Clinton if shes elected president , is a focus of a new article in the atlantic. Contributing editor alex wagner writes this, the problem for clinton is that as we have seen so far in 2016 public trust is a set of feelings, more than it is table to discuss. Good morning to you. Good to see you guys. Is it november 9th yet . Arent we all counting the days . Red x marks on the calendar. The feelings, after all this time, are still very, very strong against Hillary Clinton. They are. Trust has always been a feeling. It is just that in this day and age when we have a fracturing of the news and information and media landscape, it is almost impossible for a candidate or a leader to find some sort of universal platform on which they where does it come from . Where does the lack of i think there are a number of sources probably, charlie. You talk about Hillary Clinton, certainly her husbands record for the progressive base of the Democratic Party i think is an area of great skepticism. What will she actually sure, of course. The third way, the triangulation of Democratic Politics that was a hallmark of bill clinton is not where the Democratic Party is anymore. It shifted dramatically and left. So i think there is skepticism on the left about what kind of leader Hillary Clinton will actually be if shes in the white house and i think there san accretion of years of mistrust on the right and to some degree in the center about the various scandals that have plagued the clintons and their time in public life. Are you hearing whisperings even in her own party . I think what happened last week, we were treated to another batch of wikileaks stolen emails from John Podestas account, which reflect a serus her own campaign about how she handled the email scandal when it first broke. Thats not good had you think about what does a Clinton Administration look like and how does it function . You also heard some, im not going to say saber rattling, but discontent from the progressive base about who she is actually going to appoint in key positions in the treasury department, what she really is going to do on tpp. That is a new thing. Up until now, i feel like democrats have basically sort of held their fire and said, lets deal with it on november 9th if now, you are starting to beginning to see this sort of green chutes of maybe some dissension within the party. Does this disclosure by the fbi director almost guarantee that if Hillary Clinton were to be elected, that her administration, even in the beginning days, would be plagued by investigations . If were still seeing the words vince foster, the words whitewater, still talking about Kenneth Starr who is in the New York Times today, this scandal is very controversy, whatever you call it, is certainly plague the beginning days. Whitewater, during the decades ago, right . Even if it is not a matter of actual investigation, the Public Interest in this and i would say the certain folks on the right wing, their interest in stoking this is a continuing story is not is certainly not done. This close to the election, were even talking about Anthony Weiner and Hillary Clinton in the same campaign. You first heard it, you went, what . I could not i give you this, election of 2016, you are not boring. It is it has been a constantly changing weather pattern. The fact that the democrats are forced to say the words Anthony Weiner ten days, nine days before an election is not where the party thought it was going to be. And allegations of men behaving badly. Absolutely. In both parties dominating much of the discussion. Absolutely. I think it is a reminder for women that when you have women in positions of power, allegations and swirls of assault are not as frequent, are they . No, they are not. No, they are not. Charlie is, like, i am not where will you be on Election Night . Ill be watching the return. Right here on cbs. Of course. Thank you, guys. Cbs news is getting ready for Election Night one week from today. Well bring you all the Election Results from right here in studio 57. You can see our decision desk set up right behind us. Our Election Night coverage 4 00 p. M. Pacific time. And you can watch all day on our streaming network, cbsn. Well be so ready, i cant wait. I cant wait. 2 00 p. M. , so tired. A. M. Or that too. The adrenaline will keep you going. You know what were like when we get tired and giddy . Thats definitely worth watching. Gayle starts to thats a good tease. Heating your home could cost you more than it did last you want to say, mr. Rose. Nothing. Im getting out of the way. Projects and investments to help cut your energy bills. But first, ladies andhalloween. The weather was such a treat. The morning is a little chilly with temps in the 50s. And there is not much sunshine with all those clouds out there. As the day goes on. High clouds will be increasing. Bringing snow and rain up north will have a slightly cooler influence on the desert today. Highs will just make it into the low 70s around the valley by this afternoon. Tommy hilfiger still sees an underdog when he looks in the mirror. Okay. So when did you have the moment when you realized, okay, i am good at what i do . I mean, took me took me a long time. Ahead, gayles revealing conversation with the iconic designer about building a global brand, and why his number one job is at home. Everyday millions of women worldwide trust tena with their bladder matters. Thanks to its triple protections from leaks, odor and moisture. Tena lets you be you . Im lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. My bargain detergent couldnt keep up. So, i switched to tide pods. Theyre super concentrated, so i get a better clean. Tide. Number one rated. Its got to be tide its holiday time, and no fruit is as versatile as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why were declaring it the unofficial official fruit of the holidays. The figs gonna be so bummed. [ chuckles ] as you make up your mind, remember congressman heck voted 10 times to defund planned parenthood. He even threatened to shut down the government over it. Heck took all that money from wall street and predatory payday lenders and voted their way. He even wanted to privatize social security, risking it on the stock market. Vertising. Winter is already around the winter is already around the corner and home heating prices are expected to rise. Government figures show homes that heat with natural gas could pay 22 more this year. Households using heating oil could face increases of 38 . Bills for propane users could rise by 26 . And home owners who use electricity for heat could see a 5 hike. Dan diclerico is the senior hom editor at Consumer Reports. Good morning. Good to be here. If oil prices are relatively low, why are the prices so high . Well, it is really a 12 punch here. It will be a munch cch colder w. It is . How do you know that . Based on temperature projections from the National Weather service, about 20 colder in many regions. You couple that with the rise in home heating prices and some will see heating bills up around thermostat makes a difference. Number one, what do you think your thermostat should be set at when it is really cold outside . I get this question a lot. People balk at my answer. But really we say about 68 degrees when youre home i like 72. I think thats the perfect temperature. Thats fine, but really important this show is about us. Youre entitled to your opinions, but the important thing is to turn the temperature back. And this is where if you havent programmable thermostat, this is really the winter to do that. How do degrees turn into savings . For every degree, what happens . 2 savings in your energy costs. So if you do drop it down from 68 or 70 down to 60, 62 out of the house or asleep, youre talking about potentially a 20 reduction in energy costs, which is a couple hundred bucks easily youre cold then. Youre Walking Around with a blanket. They say you sleep better if setting. The 60 degrees. Windows makes such a huge difference. Definitely. Window manufacturers are notorious for the hard sell saying youre going to slash your energy costs in half. It is probably not going to be that high. The labs at Consumer Reports say around 10 , 12 . Given the cost of new windows, youre never going to make that back or it is going to take decades to make it back. You seem to be saying, look, turn the temperature down rather than spend theey insulation. Rather than new windows. But sealing the air leaks around windows is a very smart move. The visual is if you add up all the cracks around windows and doors throughout your home, it is eye equivalent to an entire window being left open all winter long. Think about all that. What about water heaters . Yeah. People dont realize 20 of your energy cost is water heaters. All the long hot showers that we love to take. There is behavioral stuff, shorter showers, washing your clothes in cool water. Heater with a blanket, which you can pick up at the home center or even reducing the temperature on the water heater. It is often shipped from the manufacturer at 125 or 130 degrees. Turning it down to 120 degrees is going to deliver instant savings. All right. So your temperature if i came over late at night, it would be at 68 degrees . It would. Is your partner an eskimo . My kids are getting a sturdy co hes avoiding the question. Dan is happy we didnt do the segment that gayle told him we were going to do an anything goes segment. Right now, dan is going, where is the exit . Im here for insulation. Thank you. Sports equipment finding new life with athletes. Trying to give all kids a fair shot at playing sports regardless of their familys income. We like that. Youre watching cbs this morning. Well be right back. And dans leaving. Announcer this mornings eye on energy is sponsored by rinnai visit rinnaia. Us. Rinnai tankless water heaters. Its easy to love your laxative. When that lax loves your body back. Only miralax hydrates, eases, and softens to unblock naturally. So you have peace of mind from start to finish. Many children across the country are sidelined from playing sports because of money. The cost of joining a league and buying equipment can be too expensive for families but a sure everyone can play ball. Jan crawford shows us some of the Young Athletes hes helping. Reporter lot of these kids, americas pastime puts the game out of reach. They didnt have the equipment, bats or gloves or cleats. Some kids wouldnt even play. They were too embarrassed or too shy to say i dont have this. I dont have that. Heads this washington, d. C. Little league felt something remarkable is happening here. Stay with it. Stay with it. Reporter the participation rates have doubled and all it took was some donated gear. What size are you . I can have this glove . Reporter not glove, the shoes, the bats, the bases, all of it came from this maryland warehouse. We got baseballs over there. Reporter boxes and boxes of used sport equipment. Lacrosse is expensive. Reporter football, even hockey. Before it came here, most of it was just collecting dust in a closet or garage. Your kids in college, hes not playing hockey anymore. What do you do with the hockey equipment . Reporter the 27yearold max levitt founded a nonprofit calling leveling the Playing Field. He takes it from affluent fami a gives it to those in need. Its a 5 million sports industry. Reporter levitt became aware of the problem at Syracuse University and worked as the football teams equipment manager. We were getting free equipment from nike every year. Rather than make room on that shelf, our job was to take everything left over from the Previous Year and throw it in the dumpster. Do something about it. We got over 280 jerseys. Reporter so far, leveling the Playing Field has given out more than 2 million in equipment to more than 300 leagues to schools in d. C. , virginia and maryland. You can get baseball bats, bags, catchers equipment. Reporter these kids say look good, feel good. I feel ready to catch. And i feel very determined to like win. What were trying to do is show the country theyre just with this issue if their kid is not playing sports because of lack of equipment that absolutely should not be the case. Its a hard thing to accomplish but its not rocket science. Its a issue that we have found a solution to which is rare in this world. Reporter for cbs this morning, jan crawford, silver spring, maryland. Max levitt, good for you. Just science fiction. Ahead how Cyber Attacks are s today for the state of nevada. The Silver State Health exchange is hosting a kickoff event at Cashman Center from 3 until 8 pm to help answer any questions you may have. Folks can sign up for a Health Insurance plan from now until january 31st under the states website. In the past. New enrollees have said its much easier. With someone guiding you through the process i was explaining some previous problems i had doing it on my own, not coming to one of these things. And it was an absolute nightmare. Here going through an actual broker to help you was so worth it. brian loftus workers for the exchange say last years open Enrollment Campaign saw record breaking numbers. And they upped the number of people getting enrolled by 20percent compared to the year prior. There are more than 350 now we want to get a check on your commute with all of the shenanigans Danny Tarkanians pulled in nevada helping set up Fake Charities used to scam nevada seniors, failing to pay thousands in property taxes, e shenanigans tarkanian would pull in washington. Its why we cant afford tarkanian in congress, ever. Dccc is responsible for the content of this advertising. Ads for joe heck are attacking my time as attorney general. The thing they left out is the truth. The truth is crime actually went down during my time in office. Thats why ive been endorsed by Law Enforcement across nevada. Im proud of my record cracking down on meth, protecting seniors from scams, im Catherine Cortez masto. I approve this message because ive spent my career solving problems. I alone can fix it bomb the [bleep] out of em. Id like to punch him in the face. I like people that werent captured, okay . Hes a mexican she ate like a pig. I moved on her like a [bleep] i did not say that. I love war. Yes, including with nukes. Blood coming out of her. Theyre rapists. Wrong. There has to be some form of punishment. An. I wanna be unpredictable. On 5th avenue and shoot somebody. Shes a slob. I dont remember and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves priorities usa action is responsible . Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour, a conversation with Fashion Designer Tommy Hilfiger. A new memoir chronicle billion dollar brand. Ahead what nearly destroyed his reputation. Plus, the United States to Cyber Attacks. A new documentary explores the risk. And in the green room, how it can shut down the nations power grids. Adele tells vanity fair she said i love my son more than anything, but on a daily basis if i have a minute or two i wish i could do whatever i wanted whenever i want. Every single day i feel like that. Millennials are helping to push coffee demand to record levels. World wide demand is rising 1. 5 per year. But has risen 18 in 24 year olds. Cbs is showing that cvs is accused of showing the elderly as shop lifters. A. A new documentary explores the dangerous world of st stuxnit origin from its alleged creation from the United States and israel. The virus is one example of emerging cyberweaponry. Zero days raises comblors impor questions about this new warfare. This has a whiff of august 1945. Somebody just used a new weapon. And this weapon will not be put back in the box. I know no operational details. Dont know w didnt do before someone decided to use the weapon, all right . I do know this, if we go out and do something, most of the rest of the world now thinks thats the new standards. And its something that they now feel able to do as well. Zero days director alex gipny is with us. Explain what stuxnet is. Computer virus that the u. S. Launched on iran with nuclear sentra fusions. And basically took over the centrifuges and caused them to blow up. On that, we were on the offense in terms of cyberwarfare. Recently, it seems like were on defense . Right. I think one of the things going back and forth with all of this talk with russia and whether or not theyre interfering with the electoral system. The point is theres a lot back and forth between nation states. Some of it is secret. Some of it we know about it. Some we dont. Its hard to attribute. There are a lot of things going back in time that we dont know or aware of. Theres so much secrecy, alex. It pafascinated me. Because how did you get a documentary out of it . Methods to get this done. I had in the film one anonymous source who was kind of a composite character. We were able to speak to a number of people inside the nsa who did speak to us without their identity being divulged. In order to get that to happen we had to do it very much old school. We would record conversations. We would type them on a typewriter. Never on a computer. Wed then throw away the tape recordings. And then we created kind of a composite character that was be able to mask everybodys identity. What did you learn . I learned that the scary part of this is precisely which you spoke about a second ago which is, so much is secret. So much is going on. That unless were able to pierce this veil of secrecy, were citizens completely in the dark. Theres a tremendous amount of danger to our lives because were the most interconnected society, really, on earth. And yet, our leaders arent on in the broadest possible sense. And that is really a problem. Its so interesting because cybercommand and nsa are the same person. Nsa used to be an agency that was entirely designed to receive information, code breaking, in effect. But now theyre weaponizing it. Have there been questions in terms of electric grid, in terms of our financial grid . If there are, i dont know about them. We know iran did attack some of our financial companies. And they were prosecuted for it . Yes, they were. That was an interesting moment because, of course, that left over the question as to whether or not iran should be prosecuting our officials for what they did with stuxnet. Yeah. But we had to have inside help on stuxnet, didnt we . We did. We had to have somebody take a hard drive initially we think that an but over time, part of what they developed with the stuxnet virus, was the ability for the virus to spread on its own. They actually spread it infinite times through i. T. Companies surrounding the plants. Thats ultimately how it got out when israel changed the code. Stuxnet would be the most famous and most dangerous virus that weve employed that we know about. What is nitro boost . Nitro boost is something that we programs. Nutro zeus is much more recent. Its a virus or series of viruses, that literally take control almost of the entire Critical Infrastructure of iran. Basically a program to shut down an entire country. How was general cartwright in this . The man is deputy of joint chiefs . Yes. Cartwright was very much in charge of the planning of this operation. He recently pled guilty to lying to the fbi over a leak investigation. There was a huge leak investigation over the stuxnet issue. And from what we can gather, general cartwright was answering questions from reporters whether or not it was accredit. And hes pled guilty to lying to the you believe that world war iii could be cyberwarfare . I believe that world war iii could be cyberwarfare. Its not always cyber on its own. It could be cyber . I think thats correct. I think the dangerous part is cyber is terribly hard to attribute. Unlike a bomber. You know essentially where the plane is coming from and who is dropping the bombs. In cyber, its very hard to know . In the world of American Fashion there are names that just stand out as icons like Tommy Hilfiger. The upstart designer took the world by storm 30 years ago. He has a new memoir that comes out today its called american dreamer my life in fashion and business. With no formal trainer heel celebrities. 6 billion in global sales. Wow, we visited hilfiger in his connecticut home. Tommy, you actually dreamed of living in a house like this when you were little . Yes, i did. Whats great about my life. Ive been able to realize many of my dreams. Reporter Tommy Hilfigers dreams began in the small town of elmira where he grew up the second of nine children in a brand. What does building a brand even mean, tommy . It meant to builds a product and an image that would be lasting. It would mean that there were products behind the name that were credible. Authentic, accessible, affordable. And cool. And wholesome, how did you come up with that . I needed a logo. When nike took it off the swoosh, i thought, i want my flag to be so known that eventually i could take my name off of it and people would recognize it. Long before Tommy Hilfiger was a brand he was a store owner, bringing hippy fashions to upstate new york while he learned very important lessons in commerce. I had an early bankruptcy 25. That gave me my mba. Caught me how to focus on the business part of the business. But when you first started you werent necessarily embraced in the fashion industry . We ran an ad campaign. And it compared me to the other Great American designers and i was completely unknown. So when that ad ran, people look the at me and said who does he think he is because youre comparing yourself in this ad to ralph lauren . Yeah but george lewis had the idea that he would make the ad famous overnight. And then they would come to shop and buy. And it worked. When did you have that moment where you realized, okay, i am good at what i do . Very recently. No, it took me a long time myself, our business as being the underdog. Still . Because it makes us work harder. Be more motivated. Be for aware of the competition around and whats going on and it drives us. Theres that iconic shot of snoop dogg on saturday night live wearing Tommy Hilfiger clothes. Yes. What did that do for your brand . It lit the whole street fashion on fire. Like immediately . Immediately. Snoop was formiperforming on s monday morning in bloomingdales they were selling out. Just like that, tommy was selling. But it was rumored that he didnt like them buying clothes. It hurt your integrity . It did. Because at the end of the day, your integrity is all you have. I didnt want the public to person. Oprah was kind enough to call me up and say youve got to go on the show. Squash the rumor. Its truth is if tommy who has never been here before today that i could possibly ask him to leave the set. Lets say to the world that that rumor is a bfl. She called it a lie. Its a big fat lie. In the book you say you believe you know who it is but you dont share who that person is . I believe i want to move on, and i want to focus on doing the best i can do with my philanthropy. With our brand. With, you know, being a great family man. Hilfiger has seven children and says being dad is job number one. Important to him after a difficult relationship with his own father. You talk about, because of the relationship with your dad, that the time was very tough. It really influenced the type of father you are today. You know, i have to look back and thank my dad for raising the bar. Why . Tell me about that. It clearly is means something to you. Yeah. He wanted me to be the best. And at the time, i didnt realize it. Yeah, i know. Excuse me. Thats all right. You know, i thought he was being too tough on me. But maybe the reason im successful today is because i wanted to prove to him that i to be. In fact, tommy, you say when you filed for bankruptcy, one of the hardest things was telling your dad that it didnt work out . Yeah. Yeah. It was a tough day. That that bothered you. But as a positive thinker, i pulled up my boot straps. And i said im going to start over and im going to realize my dream. Which is happening today. I was very touched with tommy the relationships between fathers and sons are so complicated, charlie. Weve story weve heard a thousand times. But he did say that his dad did get to see his success. He was scared of his dad every day of his life but in the end, his dad was wearing his clothes. I think theres something very sweet about that. He was clearly very emotional about that. To this day. To this day. Is it the same for daughters and mothers . I think it can be. But theres also look at this president ial race, too. Look at the relationship between Hillary Clinton and her father. But her mother was the inspiration for her . Absolutely. Look at the relationship between president obama or the lack of it. Between president obama and his father. Every son wants his father to be proud of him. I dont care who it is. You can hear my extended interview with Tommy Hilfiger on our podcast. Well be right back. What their homes looked like. I didnt know where i was gonna go, what i was gonna do. Were in darkness, but there is always a little bit of light, and if people help, the light becomes greater. Just walking into that house was the beginning of a different life. Because of this house, im home. You can change the lives of families in your community as you make up your mind, remember congressman heck voted 10 times to defund planned parenthood. He even threatened to shut down the government over it. Heck took all that money from wall street and predatory payday lenders and voted their way. He even wanted to privatize social security, risking it on the stock market. Congressman heck just doesnt care about people like us. The desert is where bad guys go when they want to make evidence disappear. But hiding the evidence wont help Danny Tarkanian. Sure, he can bury all those property taxes he skipped out on for years. Or all those Fake Charities he helped set up. Or the scams against seniors he formed. Or the 17 million judgment he never paid. He can try, but he cant make his record disappear. Danny tarkanian just a con man who cant bury the truth. Narrator the target. Seniors. Danny tarkanian set up thirteen Fake Charities that preyed on vulnerable seniors. Fronts for telemarketing schemes. Seniors lost millions from the scams Danny Tarkanian helped set up. Jacky rosen has always led with integrity. In congress, jacky rosen will protect seniors and strengthen social security. And jacky rosen will always be a school shooting. That ccsd police say would have been catastrophic. The family of the teen told the i team that their son is a freshman at Desert Oasis High School. The 15 year old now faces charges for making terrorist threats. Ccsd police say the the teen didnt appear to have a vendetta against anyone. Shooting in the future. This came to light. After concerned students approached school administrators. And an arizona mother overheard a conversation about Desert Oasis High School and contacted police. Metros armor unit searched the suspects home. Were told they did find evidence, but did not elaborate. It is also unclear if the teenager had access to weapons. Our iteam spoke exclusively to david bach about his son david bach students father i seen my son. Hes very sad, very scary. Father my son is not a terrorist at all. Hes just a kid. brian loftus sources told 8 news now there was also a manifesto written by the teen, but ccsd police would not comment on any investigation. Investigators say the teen could face more charges. brian loftus today marks one week until election day. Hillary clinton is coming to the valley one last time before the nation goes out to cast their vote. Shell be in town tomorrow. Just two days before early voting ends. No word on all of the details. But we do know this will be a public event. More details. brian loftus 8 news now is your local election headquarters. You can find all things politics both on air and online at las vegas now dot com. im Catherine Cortez masto and i approve this message. As a doctor, i see how decisions in washington ct my patients here in nevada. So even though im a republican, i wont be voting for joe heck. Joe hecks voted ten times to defund planned parenthood, which thousands of women depend on for cancer screenings. And heck opposes a womans right to choose even when her health is at risk. For me and my patients, joe heck makes no sense. For me and my patients, with all of the shenanigans Danny Tarkanians pulled in nevada failing to pay thousands in property taxes, losing 17 million in a failed development scheme, then sticking taxpayers with the bill imagine the shenanigans tarkanian would pull in washington. Its why we cant afford tarkanian in congress, ever. Announcer its live with kelly today, from doctor strange, benedict cumberbatch. And star of almost christmas, gabrielle union. And we will announce a lucky winner of a brandnew car worth over 35,000. Plus, actor scott wolf joins kelly at the cohost desk. All next on live . . [cheering and applauding] and now, here are kelly ripa and scott wolf [cheering and applauding]

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