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Of some vast pieces of countryside from syria into iraq. Now, u. S. Air assets are in the skies over iraq and syria right now. Were already in this fight which brings us to the address tonight and our political director moderator of meet the press chuck todd. The president just told you he was going to prepare the country tonight but for what . Hes going prepare the country for whats going to be a lengthy style of war that hes been conducting over the last six years. This war against isis. This terrorist group in iraq and syria. Hes going combat them the same way hes gone after al qaeda in places like yemen, afghanistan, ungoverned parts. His hope is over time they can degrade it. Well see. The president approaching the podium. Li heres the president. My fellow americans, tonight i want to speak to you about what the United States will do with our friends and allies to degrade and ultimately destroy the terrorist group known as isil. As commander in chief, my highest priority is the security of the American People. Over the last several years weve consistently taken the fight to terrorists who threaten our country. We took out Osama Bin Laden and much of al qaedas leadership in afghanistan and pakistan. We targeted al qaedas affiliate in yemen and recently eliminated the Top Commander of its affiliate in somalia. Weve done so while bringing more than 140,000 american troops home from iraq and drawing down our forces in afghanistan where our combat mission will end later this year. Thanks to our military and counterterrorism professionals, america is safer. Still, we continue to face a terrorist threat. We cant erase every trace of evil from the world and small groups of killers have the capacity to do great harm. That was the case before 9 11 and that remains true today and thats why we must remain vigilant as threats emerge. At this moment, the greatest threats come from the middle east and north africa where radical groups exploit grievances for their own gain and one of those groups is isil, which calls itself the islamic state. Now, lets make two things clear. Isil is not islamic. No religion condones the killing of innocence and the vast majority of isils victims have been muslim. Isil is certainly not a state. It was formerly al qaedas affiliate in iraq and has taken advantage of sectarian strife and syrias civil war to gain territory on both sides of the iraq syrian border. It is recognized by no government, nor by the people it subje subje subjectates. It has no vision other than slaughter of those that stand in its way. In a region thats known so much bloodshed, these terrorists are unique in their brutality. They execute captured prisoners. They kill children. They enslave, rape and force women into marriage. They threaten the religious minority with genocide and in acts of barberism, they took the lives of two americans. Isil poses a threat to the people of iraq and syria and the broader middle east. If left unchecked, these terrorists could pose a growing threat beyond that region including to the United States. While we have not yet detected specific plotting against our homeland, isil leaders have threatened america and our allies. Our Intelligence Community believes that thousands of foreigners including europeans and some americans have joined them in syria in iraq, trained, these fighters could try to return to their home countries and carry out deadly attacks. I know Many Americans are concerned about these threats. Tonight, i want you to know that the United States of america is meeting them with strength and resolve. Last month i ordered our military to take targeted action against isil to stop its advances. Since then weve conducted more than 150 Successful Air strikes in iraq. These strikes have protected american personnel if facilities, killed isil fighters, destroyed weapons, and given space for iraqi and Kurdish Forces to reclaim key territory. These strikes have also helped save the lives of thousands of innocent men, women and children. But this is not our fight alone. American power can make a decisive difference but we cannot do for iraqis what they must do for themselves. Nor can we take the place of partners in securing their region. Thats why i insisted that additional u. S. Action dependent on iraqis forming an inclusive government, which they have now done in recent days. So tonight with a new Iraqi Government in place and following consultations with allies abroad and congress at home, i can announce that america will lead a Broad Coalition to rollback this terrorist threat. Our objective is clear. We will degrade and ultimately destroy isil through a comprehensive and sustained counterterrorism strategy. First, we will conduct a Systematic Campaign of air strikes against these terrorists. Working with the Iraqi Government, we will expand our efforts beyond protecting our own people and humanitarian missions so that were hitting isil targets as iraqi forces go on offense. Moreover, i made it clear that we will hunt down terrorists who threaten our country wherever they are. That means i will not hesitate to take action against isil in syria as well as iraq. This is a core principle of my presidency. If you threaten america, you will find no safe haven. Second, we will increase our support to forces fighting these terrorists on the ground. In june i deployed several hundred American Service members to iraq to assess how we can best support Iraqi Security forces. Now that those teams have completed their work and iraq formed a government, well send an initial 475 Service Members to iraq. As i said before, these American Forces will not have a combat mission. We will not get dragged into another ground war in iraq, but they are needed to support iraqi and Kurdish Forces with training, intelligence and equipment. Well also support iraqs efforts to stand up National Guard units to help them secure their own freedom from isils control. Across the border in syria, we have ramped up our military assistance to the syrian opposition. Tonight i call on congress again to give us additional authorities and resources to train and equip these fighters. The fight against isil we cannot rely on assad regime that terrorizes its own people. A regime that will never regain the legitimacy it lost. We must strengthen the opposition as the best counterweight to extremists like isil while pursuing the political solution necessary to solve syrias crisis once and for all. Third, we will continue to draw on our substantial counterterrorism capabilities to prevent isil attacks. Working with our partners, well redouble our efforts to cut off its funding, improve our intelligence, strengthen our defenses, counter its warped ideology and stem the throw of fighters into and out of the middle east and ill chair a meeting of the Union Security council to mobilize the International Community around this effort. Fourth, we will continue to provide humanitarian assistance to innocent civilians who have been displaced by this terrorist organization. This includes sunni and shia muslims who are at grave risk and tens of thousands of christians and other religious minorities. We cannot allow these communities to be driven from the ancient homelands. This is our strategy. In each of these four parts of our strategy, america will be joined by a Broad Coalition of partners. Already allies are flying planes with us over iraq, sending arms and assistance to Iraqi Security forces and the syrian opposition, sharing intelligence and providing billions of dollars in humanitarian aid. Secretary kerry was in iraq today meeting with the new government and supporting their efforts to promote unity and in the coming days hell travel across the middle east and europe to enlist more partners in this fight especially arab nations who can help mobilize sunni communities in iraq and syria to drive these terrorists from their lands. This is American Leadership at its best. We stand with people who fight for their own freedom and we rally other nations on behalf of our Common Security and common humanity. My administration has also secured bipartisan support for this approach here at home. I have the authority to address the threat from isil, but i believe we are strongest as a nation when the president and Congress Work together. So i welcome congressional support for this effort in order to show the world that americans are united in confronting this danger. Now, it will take time to eradicate a cancer like isil and any time we take military action, there are risks involved especially to the service men and women who carry out these missions. I want the American People to understand how this effort will be different from the wars in iraq and afghanistan. It will not involve american combat troops fighting on foreign soil. This Counterterrorism Campaign will be waged through a steady, relentless effort to take out isil wherever they exist using our airpower and our support for Partner Forces on the ground. This strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us while supporting partners on the front lines is one that weve successfully pursued in yemen and somalia for years and its consistent with the approach i outlined earlier this year to use force against anyone that threatens americas core interest but to use partners for international order. My fellow americans, we live in a time of great change. Tomorrow marks 13 years since our country was attacked. Next week marks six years since our economy suffered its worst setback since the great depression. Yet despite the shocks through the pain we felt and gruelling work required to bounce back, america is better positioned today to see the future than any other nation on earth. Our Technology Companies and universities are unmatched. Our manufacturing and Auto Industries are thriving. Energy independence is closer than its been in decades. For all of the work that remains, our businesses are in the longest, uninterrupted stretch of job creation in our history. Despite all of the divisions and discord with our democracy, i see the grit and determination and common goodness of the American People every single day. That makes me more confident than ever about our countrys future. Abroad American Leadership is the one constant in an uncertain world. It is america that has the capacity and the will to mobilize the world against terrorists. It is america that has rallied the world against russian aggression and in support of the ukrainian peoples right to determine their own destiny. It is america, our scientists, our doctors, our know how that can help contain and cure the outbreak of ebola. It is america that helped remove and destroy syrias declared chemical weapons. And it is america thats helping muslim communities around the world not just in the tight against terrorism but in the fight for opportunity and tolerance and a who are hopeful future. America, our endless blessings bestow an enduring burden but as americans, we welcome our responsibility to lead from europe to asia, from the far reaches of africa to wartorn capitals in the middle east, we stand for freedom, for justice, for dignity. These are values that have guided our nation since its founding. Tonight i ask for your support in carrying that leadership forward. I do so as a commander in chief who could not be prouder of our men and women in uniform. Pilots who bravely fly in the face of danger above the middle east and Service Members who support our partners on the ground. When we helped prevent the massacre of civilians trapped on a distant mountain, heres what one of them said. We owe our american friends our lives. Our children will always remember that there was someone who felt our struggle and made a long journey to protect innocent people. That is the difference we make in the world. Our own safety, our own security, depends upon our willingness to do what it takes to defend this nation and uphold the values that we stand for. Timeless ideals that will endure long after those who offer only hate and destruction have been bank wished from the earth. May god bless our troops and may god bless the United States of america. Speaking under three hours away from the 13th anniversary of 9 11, another u. S. President does what president bush 41 first did call on the United States to fight as part of a coalition. Weve fought two wars there so no more fighting troops will be sent. Chuck todd, he called them unique in their brutality but im thinking of washington, a city where both sides cant agree on anything. A couple of questions. Any surprises in here to you . What needs to happen next and as we always ask, what could go wrong . I would say the only minor surprise in the speech he made a bold case for american interventionism at the end there about why it is that america has to be the one to do these fights, to lead these charges around the world. What youll see over the next week or two, youll see congress basically coalesce around this plan but there will be some questions, which is what is the Coalition Look Like . Are they really going to put troops on the ground there in syria . Is saudi arabia really going to do that . Will jordan do that . Will uae . To get rid of isis, you have to get rid of them in syria and can do that without helping assad which is in a civil war and someone the president believes lost legitimacy to lead and they hope they can take over territory that the United States ends up helping eradicate of isis. This is the pandoras box of this. Its going to be a great challenge for him and probably, brian, the next president. Chuck todd watching and listening along with us in our Washington Bureau tonight. Thanks. To our audience, more on the web and more on the late local news and more tomorrow morning on today. For our team in new york and washington, brian williams, nbc news. Good evening. Thank you for being with us. Were on a little later than usual because of the president s address on isis. We want to bring you some local headlines now. And we begin with a developing story. Stopped in his tracks. Three days after a Mountain Lion attacked a 6yearold boy in cupertino, fish and wildlife officers believe they have shot and killed the big cat. Derek shore is live in cupertino with more. And officials now awaiting dna test results to confirm its the same Mountain Lion. Reporter thats right. But department of fish and wild officials out here tell us they are almost positive it is indeed the same Mountain Lion that attacked that little boy over the weekend. We want to show you a photo that was put out by dfw just a little bit ago. It is a paw print that was found. This is what touched off the latest element of this search. It was around 9 00 a. M. That they found that paw print. Dogs started tracking the scent. A short time later, they would see the cat. The cat would climb up into a tree, and they would shoot it a short time later. They said the cat was not exhibiting normal behavior. It was not scared, which had them concerned. The cat displayed some extremely aggressive and unusual behavior. Instead of paying attention to the dogs, it crouched down and locked eyes with one of the wardens. And it appeared to be about ready to pounce. So they did shoot it. And they took the carcass to sacramento. Right now, they will be testing that animal for rabies. And that will be the biggest and most important element of all of this. That is because obviously that little boy is being treated for rabies because they did not have the cat in custody. Of course they will also be doing dna testing to make sure that it is the right cat. Well have much more on this tonight at 11 00. For now, in the hills above cupertino, nbc bay area news. Now to the growing Domestic Violence crisis in the nfl. Another Major Development tonight. Was there a coveup of the ray rice video . Nfl commissioner Roger Goodell said he had no knowledge of the graphic video until this week. But late today the Associated Press reporting a Law Enforcement official sent a copy of that tape to nfl headquarters five months ago. Nbc bay areas robert honda is joining us now. This story not just about the crime anymore, but now a possible coverup. Reporter well, thats right. A National Conference on sports ethics will be taking place here at Santa Clara University tomorrow morning. And as we reported on our 5 00 newscast, todays developments in the already volatile ray rice case will give them plenty to talk about. And the person in charge of the conference predicts the case will have a Ripple Effect throughout society. Experts on sports ethics say the ray rice case brought a lot of awareness on the problem of Domestic Violence. And todays allegations that the nfl had the incriminating elevator videotape months ago will put a spotlight on whether the league was truly committed to addressing the problem. Well be waiting to see whether this is a case where the tape was shoved in a drawer by someone or whether it was indeed handed around and then people misrepresented when they got the tape. Reporter the nfl released a statement this afternoon saying, we have no knowledge of this. We are not aware of anyone who possessed or saw the video before it was made public on monday. We will look into it. Numerous groups, including the National Organization for women and next door solutions, are turning up the heat on demands that Roger Goodell resign. That has to be sorted out. There should be an independent investigator come in and sort that out. I absolutely believe that goodell should leave. I mean, clean house. Reporter legal analyst steven clark says all eyes will now turn to 49er Ray Mcdonalds Domestic Violence arrest, and that both cases will have a big impact on the games popularity. With all of the women fans that are participating in the nfl, this is a huge issue for them to get right. Its clear they have now dropped the ball twice and appear to have lied to the public about what they knew about ray rice and what he had done to his fiancee. Reporter and the Ethics Center director also says the nfl case could pave the way for other major sports to develop their own Domestic Violence policies. Live in santa clara, robert honda, nbc bay area news. Here are the key events that got us here. In february, rice was arrested by new Jersey Police shortly after the attack. In may, rice pleaded not guilty to assault. He then agreed to a program that would clear him of any criminal charges. In july, commissioner goodell suspended rice for two games. But on august 28, the nfl changed its policy on domestic abuse, making it a minimum sixgame suspension. But rices suspension, it should be noted, remained at two games until this week, when he was suspended indefinitely. Coming up at 6 45, the nfl doesnt have a policy on treating Domestic Violence allegations, so how do other professional leagues hand tell . Well take a look in our reality check. Investigators on the peninsula are trying to determine what caused a driver to veer into a group of special needs students and their teachers. This map shows where the crash happened in san mateo near Hillsdale High School. Marty francis is there live with what we learned about the driver tonight. Reporter the good news is that the student teacher and the three students who were hit are all expected to survive. But it is still not clear what caused that driver to veer off the road and onto this sidewalk. Students are saying, what should we do . Lift up the head . What should we do . Reporter herman was frantic. He had just finished some yard work when he saw a black acura plow into a group of special needs students and their teachers. The group had just crossed the street and was on the sidewalk when the car swerved off the road. The lady just hit the windshield. She stayed there. And another student just hit the windshield and he just blew on the back of the car. Reporter the School District says the special needs students from Hillsdale High School were on their daily walk when the accident happened. I think initially, we were just in shock. We cant believe that in such a peaceful neighborhood this accident of this nature can happen. Reporter a student teacher, a 28yearold woman from belmont, suffered head trauma and broken bones. The three injured boys, ages 15, 16, and 18, suffered cuts, abrasions, and other injuries. The driver, a 53yearold man, suffered minor injuries in the crash. Cabanas says just after the accident, the driver appeared to realize what he had done. He got out of the car and walked around, seen like everybody on the floor. And i think i saw his expression like he says, what i just did . I just killed people. Reporter despite all the injuries, everyone is expected to survive. Police say they do not believe this is a deliberate act on the part of the driver, and theres no word yet on if alcohol or drugs played a factor or if the driver will face any charges. Live in san mateo, monty frances, nbc bay area news. Still waiting for a trial date for the man accused of killing 15yearold sierra lamar. He pled not guilty to kidnapping and killing the teenager in 2012. Her body has never been found. Today a judge said more discovery is needed in the case. Torres hearing has been continued to november 12. San francisco is one step closer to a new plan to help young refugees obtain legal counsel. Immigrant rights supporters joined San Francisco leaders on the steps of city hall. They are seeking legal coupling for the thousands of undocumented children in San Francisco. David campos is among those seeking help. He knows the situation first hand. Many of you know my own personal story, how i was born in guatemala, and my parents brought me here at the age of 14. Undocumented. A committee today approved the ordinance. San francisco will provide more than 1 million for a new legal fund to help undocumented children. The measure goes before the full board next tuesday. A High School Wrestling coach is also a Church Volunteer in the east bay is accused of having an inappropriate relationship with a minor. 27yearold kevin lopez was arrested yesterday. He is a wrestling coach at California High School in san ramon. In addition, he is a youth leader at the New Life Church in san ramon and alamo. Lopez has been charged with having lewd and lascivous acts with a minor. Good evening. A dangerous wave of heat across the north bay. Details in a few minutes on even hotter weather for thursday. Did u2s big give away turn into a privacy violation . Some people say apple went too far with a free gift. And is nevadas tesla deal really a done deal . Some bumps in the road. Well tell you about it next. This is a different kind of airline. One that invented lowfares so everyone could fly. One that decides where to go next by putting your needs first. And knows people are its most powerful fuel. Some say we do things differently. We say, why would we do things any other way . Without a heart, its just a machine. Heres a good one seattle. What did geico say to the mariner . We could save you a boatload foghorn sounds loudly whats seattles favorite noise . The puget sound foghorn sounds loudly all right, never mind doesnt matter. This is a classic. What does an alien seamstress sew with . A space needle foghorn sounds loudly continuously oh come off it captain geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Thanks for joining us. Youre watching a special edition of nbc bay area news following the president s speech tonight on his plan on how to attack isis. Local headlines now. A Violent Crime inside an exclusive gated community. A san jose family is recovering after being held gunpoint in their own home. It happened overnight near the Silver Creek Valley country club. Michelle roberts spoke to the homeowners. Michelle . Reporter yeah. Hes really shaken up, as you can imagine. He says three people broke into his home in the middle of the night. He says he is just thankful his family is ok. They were only in there for five minutes, moments he says theyll never forget. Silver creek valley is a gated community. There are guards at each entrance protecting the multimillion dollar homes. The kind of place you keep your windows open at night. But maybe we need to rethink that. Reporter dina lauren says shell be setting the alarm tonight. Knowing police are on the hunt for violent robbers who terrorized her neighbors in the middle of the night. Police were called to a home on snowden place at 3 30 this morning where a family woke up to three men inside. One had a gun. Another a knife. The homeowner didnt want to go on camera, but says his girlfriend was pistol whipped after she started screaming when one of the men tried to cover her mouth. They then threw him into a bathroom door while they scoured the home for valuables. A 14yearold girl was also home, but not hurt. Her dad was cut on his hand when he says he tried to block the robber with a knife from getting close to her. The robbers took off with money and jewelry and left his family, and the neighborhood, on edge. The security alarm will be on all the time. And windows closed. And trying to watch out for whos around. Reporter there are cameras at every gate catching all the cars coming and going. Police are not releasing any information about possible suspects tonight. Reporting live in san jose, michelle roberts, nbc bay area news. Now to continuing coverage of the south napa earthquake. It has claimed its first life. 65yearold grandmother Laurie Thompson was hit by her television when the quake hit. She died nearly two weeks later. Nbc bay areas Mark Matthews is in napa tonight with why her family hopes their mothers death might serve as a warning. Mark . Reporter Shannon Johnson says her mom got the best of care here at queen of the Valley Hospital in napa. The problem is, it took almost two days to get her here. The day of the earthquake, Shannon Johnson called her mom. She said that the tv had flown and hit her in the face. Reporter johnson couldnt imagine that, but when she went to her moms duplex, the tv was on the floor next to her moms recliner. She ended up with a very large black eye. Reporter johnson told her mother, youve got to go to the hospital. She kept saying, im fine. I have a dull headache, but im fine. I dont want to go to the hospital. Reporter johnson admitted her mother did seem fine. Knew her name, address, phone number. Reporter and johnson was slammed with work. She owns a Glass Company in napa. The phones were ringing. It wasnt until 24 hours later that her moms condition began to slide. She ended up collapsing in the shower. And then on the phone with 911, she ends up having a seizure. Reporter 65yearold Laurie Thompson was rushed to the hospital. Underwent emergency surgery. Last friday as the family was facing what to do next, Laurie Thompson died. She basically had a hemorrhage, and she was gone. Reporter johnson is haunted by the thought that bringing her mom to the hospital the day of the quake might have saved her. They could never tell me that getting her there could have changed it because ultimately, the injury itself is an injury. Reporter but today, an emergency room doctor at queen of the valley said, yes, time can make a difference. Unfortunately, there is a period of time where people have what we call a lucid interval. And theyll say theyre fine. They feel ok. Things are going all right. But as the blood builds up, you can deteriorate. Reporter the message thompson wants to get out, dont believe that a blow to the head is no big deal. So i got a little bump on the head, and my head hurts, you know. It is a big deal. It can take your life. And it can take your life like that. Reporter Shannon Johnson says her mom was the type of person who always tried to make the best of whatever situation. She wanted to tell me the story of what happened in the hopes that someone may hear it, and in the future be able to save themselves or someone they love. Reporting from queen of the Valley Hospital in napa, Mark Matthews, nbc bay area news. After a threemonth investigation, an mta employee has been arrested. Evalido luvo had been using the city and county of San Francisco gas for his personal vehicle. The loss amounted to thousands of dollars worth of gasoline. Its a free gift that for some turned into a damage tal dilemma. How did a rocknroll band get its album into your itunes account . We have the story and a bit of advice. Apple and u2 made history with a huge free music download yesterday. But did the album get too personal . Its a security debate with a oneclick way to protect yourself. U2 did more than play its new music at the apple event. It agreed to give the whole album away for free. The question is now, zen master, how do we get it to as many people as possible . Reporter by choosing itunes, the band quickly reached half a billion people. Wow thats instant gratification. Reporter but not all itunes users were gratified, many quickly tweeting out comments like, why has the u2 album turned up on my phone . Putting it on my phone without my permission is like force feeding lamb to a vegetarian. Im pretty angry. People were shocked this was showing up in their library and they had no idea. They thought maybe their credit card was stolen. And this ceo of a Security Company says what apple did really isnt dangerous, and only applies to you if you checked automatic download in your itunes. Not a problem if its music, but with so much bad software flying around the internet, it could be a problem with some downloads if youre not careful. Be vigilant. In any software that you can, disable automatic downloads. When youre installing anything, just be proactive in what you click. Read everything on the screen before you click next on to the next one. Reporter its a small adjustment that will help you navigate the internets mysterious ways. No official comment from apple. Itunes itself does have a place to disable automatic downloads in case youre not a u2 fan. Apples shares responding well to the new releases, gaining 3 1 2 today. Nevada state lawmakers are meeting late this evening on a huge tax break that plans to lure tesla into the state. It would provide more than 1 billion in incentives. But some opponents are saying not so fast. They think tesla is getting a sweetheart deal that undercuts deals with other companies. The new tesla plan is expected to generate more than 5,000 jobs. Coming up, more places to place a bet. The debate happening right now to expand gambling in the south bay. Get ready for an annual bay area tradition. San Francisco Mayor ed lee announced today the return of fleet week. This time the bay area pays tribute to our men and women in uniform. Its also a time to watch and tour navy ships on the San Francisco bay. And of course the return of the blue angels. This year, San Francisco is using fleet week as a reminder about disaster preparedness. Fleet week runs from october 9 to the 13. Happening now, the future of bay 101. Its a popular card room in san jose. The San Jose Planning Commission is debating whether to allow bay 101 to expand. Now its located in san jose on the west side of 101 near the airport. But owners want to move it across the freeway and build a bigger card room with more tables than currently allowed. San joses two casinos are limited to 49 gaming tables. But bay 101 wants to have 115 tables at this new location. After the Planning Commission reviews it, it will go to the San Jose City council for another review. They havent had a good history in being consistent and being tough on a lot of these Domestic Violence problems. Still ahead, amid the fallout over how the nfl has handled the ray rice controversy, we compare how other professional sports leagues handle Domestic Violence. Thats coming up in our reality check tonight. And relief is here. The governors move that will benefit nearly half of californias workers. And from 70,000 burritos down to one, the votes are in. The nations best burrito right here in the bay area. We need to break up. Is it the biting . Cuz i can stop . No i love you and your show. Its cable. Customers are more satisfied with uverse. Switch and we can Stay Together forever. Forever . Ow. Im not gonna lie to you. Its also the biting. Break up with cable. Choose uverse tv from 19 a month for 2 years. We want to let you know about breaking news in san jose. Firefighters on the scene of a bus fire. Its happening on the southbound lanes of highway 101 at capital expressway. These are pictures that viewers have sent in. As you can see, traffic, all lanes closed. Traffic is tied up. This call came in just after 6 00 tonight. What we know right now is some kind of tour bus, as you can see. Were checking on injuries right now, and we have a crew headed to the scene. Well, the call for Water Conservation finally seems to be getting through, especially here in the bay area. The numbers are in, and a couple of local communities are doing very well. Heres nbc bay areas jodi hernandez. Reporter they are messages folks in the bay area finally seem to be taking note of. The california state Water Resources control board says bay area residents slashed water use by an average of 13 in july. The city of livermore is among those leading the way. You rarely say to people in the United States or california you could run out of water and have nothing. And that threat or i think possibility might have been what got peoples attention. Reporter the assistant public works director says they let people know running dry was a distinct possibility as the state threatened to cut the citys water allocation to zero. So they launched an aggressive campaign. Basically, what we did was a very simple message. Cut your outdoor use by 50 . Reporter watering is allowed now just two days a week. Warning letters and recycled waste water have all been part of the mix. Thank you for calling the city of livermore drought hotline. Reporter the city even has a hotline for residents to report water wasters, leading to a whopping 35 cut in livermores water usage. We have really worked hard. And its good to see that its paying off. Reporter the livermore park and Recreation Department is doing its part, letting much of its lawns go brown, and has plans to roll out more Synthetic Turf fields. We dont have to water that grass. It will be available to the kids year round. Reporter but its the citys residents that are really making the difference. This family has cut back dramatically. Lawns are brown, fountains are dry, and pots are now a permanent fixture in the family shower. I try to empty them onto the dry spots on our lawn. We have cut back our watering program. It doesnt look pretty when its this brown, but it will grow back. Reporter and were back here live. This family has an odd address, meaning they can water two times a week, either monday, wednesday, or friday. But as you can see, they have chosen not to water at all. This is a common sight throughout the city. Brown is really the new green here in livermore. The state says, keep it up. Reporting live in livermore, jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. We are learning tonight that educational debt isnt just affecting young adults. A new report shows Student Loan Debt for Senior Citizens is on the rise. The amount of seniors that owe outstanding federal Student Loans increased from nearly 3 billion in 2005 to more than 18 billion last year. The number of seniors facing Student Loan Debt quadrupled between 2004 and 2010. And about 1 4 of Student Loans held by seniors were in default. Typically, Student Loans cant be discharged in bankruptcy. Its a constant fear. And i think by being here, what i hope to accomplish is put the face of the Older Americans with this kind of Student Loan Debt that are going to be very financially vulnerable. She made those comments today as she testified before a committee. California is now the second state in the nation to require most employers to provide workers with sick leave benefits. Today, Governor Brown signed a bill that mandates paid leave for as many as 6. 5 million full and parttime workers. The new law allows workers to accrue one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked. Supporters say it guarantees workers wont lose their jobs or paycheque che or pa paychecks if they call in sick. The law takes effect next july. Lets get our microclimate forecast. Lets look at some of the hot numbers. Gilroy coming in at 102 degrees. That was the max location in the south bay. Los altos at 96. St. Helena also up to 100. This is not the hottest day of the year. That goes back to august 1, where we did have 107 degrees. Lets take you outside to the sky camera network. Microclimate is in full effect. Plenty of warm air still around. Cooler winds, though. Temperatures are dropping. San francisco right now, 69 degrees. And this picture says it all. The sunset happening right now. Looks beautiful. But then down below, you can see that fog starting to move on in. And that is going to help to drop temperatures. As we head throughout the next couple of hours. But we are in store for another hot day for tomorrow. In fact, this will make our second day of super hot air across portion of the bay area. High pressure. This is what is producing all of the heat across portions of california. Not only does it have just general warm air with it, theres so much that its producing a lot of hot, dry sinking air right across the bay area. And thats giving us some compressional heating. But the other thing its doing is that hot air sinks across portions of Northern California is pushing all of the pollutants right down to the surface. You can see tomorrow it will be one of those days where we have the most unhealthy levels of ozone happening. If you suffer from respiratory problems or allergies, you are going to feel it. You may want to limit your outdoor exposure. Theres a lot of spots that will be in the mid to upper 90s. Also remember to drink plenty of water if youre doing a lot of strenuous activity outside. You can see here in san jose 93 degrees and sunny skies. Some haze out there. But the general idea is were not expecting major cloud cover to move in. Morgan hill, also 99. Across pacifica, 72. A bit of unusual warmth there. Palo alto 92 degrees. For San Francisco, yes, it is going to be another day with temperatures in the 70s. Sure, its unusual to get numbers right at 79. But as weve been mentioning, september is the warmest time for the San Francisco peninsula. So enjoy it now, because we know it doesnt last too long. For the north bay, east bay, and trivalley, napa up to 90, 91 degrees. If youre still clean up from the earthquake, tomorrow will be a difficult day for you. Again, also remember that water there. Some of the hottest weather in the east bay will be walnut creek at 101. 101 in pleasanton. And 100 in livermore. Temperatures dropping into the 80s for south bay and peninsula. 70s in San Francisco. Trivalley stays hot along with the north bay as well. And a last look here across the south bay. If you are concerned at all about the weather, for the 49ers, this sunday, right here on nbc where that game is going to be airing, you dont have to worry. Look at this. 86, sunny skies. You can just sit back and relax and try all that fancy new food i hear they have there. Thats about a 15degree difference from candlestick. Quite the warm weather. Plenty of local and National Womens groups calling for the resignation of nfl commissioner Roger Goodell. Its interesting because this nfl spotlight will be here in the bay area with the 49ers on national tv this weekend. Thats right, raj. And the other day when you said this story was just getting started, you were right on the money. According to the Associated Press, a Law Enforcement official says he sent the video of ray rice punching his thenfiancee to an nfl executive five months ago, while leading executives, including commissioner Roger Goodell, continue to deny they saw the footage until this week. The ap played a 12second voicemail from april 9 confirming that the video had arrived. The message left by a female who says thanks, and youre right, its terrible. A reporter from the mercury news on how the league has handled the situation. What were seeing is detail after detail of how little the nfl really looked into this, how they rushed to a bad judgment, how they figured out where they wanted to go, that their player wasnt that guilty, that the player wasnt going to get that much of a punishment, and how little they really wanted to know what the truth was. Now were seeing there are actually details that give us evidence. There are things that they overlooked. There are bad things that they overlooked intensionaldian inte. The coverup is sometimes worse than the crime. The nfl overlooked everything, and they covered it up. Good news for the 49ers as they prepare for the levis stadium opener against the bears. Safety jimmy ward in pads today and at practice, and should be good to go this weekend. He was evaluated for a concussion during the opener against the dallas cowboys. But doctors have determined he is fine. Raiders running back maurice jonesdrew did not practice today after undergoing a procedure to repair a hand injury suffered on sunday. Coach dennis allen said mjd is listed right now as daytoday. Its next man up philosophy. You know, and that happens in football. And well see, you know, where were at, and when and if hes able to practice and go from there. As and white sox in chicago. Bottom first, man aboard for alexi ramirez. But the righthander induces the 143 double play. Top of the fourth now. Runner on third. Adam dunn coming through one more time. This will be a base hit to left. Chases home crisp. As lead right now 10 with two on and two out in the sixth. Ryan vogel is on to help out the giants tonight. Highlights at 11 00 as the giants try to trim that 2 1 2 game deficit in the west against the dodgers. Thanks so much. For a full halfhour of coverage, watch Comcast Sportsnet tonight at 10 00. We had some technical difficulties with our story about the nfls Domestic Violence policy. Well reair it tomorrow night. A tacoria in the Mission District is the winner of a nation wide challenge. The website started with nearly 68,000 burritos from across the country, and then with the help of food experts and yellp ratings narrowed it to 64. The final 64 went headtohead in a burrito bracket. I wish i could have tasted. You should apply for it next year. My mouth is watering thinking about it. La taqueria came in first place. Apparently their burritos are very juicy. I believe its the carnitas burrito that won. Oh, youve been there. See you tonight at 11 00. Joan rivers death caused by a lastminute medical mistake . The shocking new report about an unplanned procedure gone wrong. Now on access. Extra. Extra, extra did joan rivers have a surprise biopsy that turned fatal . The Medical Clinic firing off a denial today. If they were not prepared for that event to occur, thats actually a problem. Ray rices wife under pressure to leave rice. The frontpage headlines, wake up, janay. Michael strahan sounding off on the scandal. I think we all know what we all saw. J. Lo versus

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