6 00 out on the cold plaza. Out there in the rain. With nothing to drink. Maybe we will be warmed up in the next couple of hours. No water . You know what i meant. Karoke. We begin with wintry weather hitting coast to coast. Dylan is tracking the storm. Keeping you busy. For sure. We have a lot of wet weather to talk about. Mostly down across the southeast. Moisture streaming from the gulf of mexico. So thats part one to the storm, with heavy rain coming down across alabama and down into georgia. Moving into the carolinas. But we are focusing on the northeast. Especially new england, which has been getting hit by storm after storm and Winter Weather advisories in effect across interior new england, back into central pennsylvania and also into portions of western virginia as well. We could see a bit of freezing rain in northwestern new jersey. Well end up with three to six inches, we have to overcome the rain out there right now, or at least on the leading edge of this storm. That will eat away at the snowfall totals. Highest elevations could end up 6 to 9 inches. Boston itself, only a few inches out of the storm. Were focusing on the northwest, idaho, nevada, we have snow coming down. This will turn into another big storm for the midwest. As we go into early next week. So here you see the time frame on this particular computer model. Notably the european model, which has been very good at forecasting these snowstorms well in advance, so far this season. But saturday to tuesday, in that time frame, you can see, snow will overspread the midwest once again. Kansas city could be the bullseye, just like last week, and the midwest could end up with 6 to 12 inches of snow. That is something well be watching as we head to early next week. Erica. Dylan, thanks. Another Storm Brewing in washington today. Less than a week from mandatory Government Spending cuts going into effect. This morning, the president warned how it could effect you if Congress Fails to act. Kristen welker at the white house with more on that good morning. Reporter lester, good morning to you. President obama said he plans to have conversations with congress into next week. But its increasingly likely the sequester will go into effect. In his weekly address today, president obama says its up to congress to act. Here is the thing. These cuts dont have to happen. Congress can turn them off any time with just a little compromise. They can pass a balanced plan for deficit reduction. They can cut spending in a smart way and close wasteful tax loopholes for the well off and well connected. Reporter in an effort to pressure congress, the Obama Administration has been painting a dire picture what will happen if the sequester kicks in. And ray lahood warned the faa would have to furlough 47,000 employees which he argued could slow air travel. Travelers should expect delays. Flights to major cities like new york, chicago, and San Francisco and others could experience delays of up to 90 minutes during peek hourpeak hours beca we have fewer controllers on staff. Delays will ripple across the country. 800,000 Defense Department workers will be furloughed. 10,000 teachers and educators could be laid off and some Border Patrol agents would see a decrease in hours. House speaker John Boehners office responded saying the president has been far more interested in holding campaignstyle rallies than urging his party in the senate to fund a solution. The sticking points are familiar with president obama, calling for new tax revenue and republicans saying they want to see this work out to entitlement reform and spending cuts with just six days left. There is really no resolution in sight. Lester. Kristen welker. Thanks. Here is erica. Turning to south africa, where former olympian Oscar Pistorius is spending his first full day out on bail. Michelle kosinkski joins us with more. Reporter he went to his uncles house after being released on bail. He cant go back to his own home, the scene of the alleged crime. He to turn in passports, guns, cant use drugs or alcohol. Needs permission to leave town and has to check in with police twice a week starting monday. He may start training again monday, even though his agent canceled all upcoming races. His coach says that may be the best thing for him right now to clear his mind. Isnt training the last thing on pistorius mind after losing his girlfriend . The coach didnt comment. Pistorius sobbed, his body shaking as the ruling was read. The judge said he had problems with pistorius account about what happened that morning that Reeva Steenkamp was killed. Why derush into the danger that he claimed was so terrifying . Why didnt he ask who was in the bathroom before he fired shots . Why didnt he search for his girlfriend when he determined she wasnt in the bed . But he doesnt think pistorius is a danger and is not likely to run from justice. He doesnt have to be in court until june. Karen de soto, a former prosecutor. You watched this with interest yesterday. It was very long. We got a lot of detail. Does it give you any insight how the trail will play out . It will be a mad house. A fourday bail hearing which is unusual. A lot of details which is very good for the defense. The defense is doing discovery and gives you a blueprint of where the prosecutor is going and where the details are going to fall. But go ahead for tod for the would think you would say good for the prosecution too. Some of the was laid out in the statement that was given by pistorius and his attorneys, it gives a better sense to the prosecution as well. Of course. Hes admitting there is a dead body, she was shot, in a locked bathroom. So the prosecutor has a pretty solid case. Maybe not murder. Maybe it will be the lesser included offense of culpable homicide. But he admits he killed her. What level of culpability is what is at stake at the trail. What happens next . There is a preliminary hearing on june 4th that sets up the actual trial. Right. The trial will be within the year and there will be a lot of evidentiary practice and motion hearings. It is similar to what we have here. Thats the next step. Hes out on bail now, so he can aid in his defense and the prosecutor will be investigating probably looking at character witnesses, all those rumors that have been swirl willing be investigated. Any surprise that he wasnt granted bail . No, thats not unusual. Its very usually you let the defendant out to aid in his defense. This is a world renowned person. Very inspirational. Really down to flight risk and whether hes a risk to the community. I mean, if it is a coldblooded murder, obviously, what may have been a crime of passion, Domestic Violence involved, very serious in nature, but not a harm to anyone else. There are things that are different in the south Africa Justice system. Number one being it will look different to most of us. Not a jury. This is very interesting because of apartheid and racial discrimination. They move from jury trials to judge panels. Interesting as an attorney. My bench trials are very different than my jury trials. The reason, is because you have a tendency to be more technical and less emotional if his defense is the intruder defense. More technical with a judge than jury . Correct. More formal, more law oriented. With jurors, you will be a lot more emotional which would have been good for april introduceder defense, you want to play on juror emotions. You wont have that with judges. They have seen it all, been there, and in his case, probably a minus, not a plus. As a former prosecutor, anything youve heard or read in the way things were being handled or said . Yes. The dna evidence is not that important when you look at the intent to what happened. 3 00 in the morning, a lot of scenarios ive seen with women in any country locked in the bathroom. Same old factual scenario. They get in an argument, she locks herself in the bathroom. [ bleep ], [ bleepe expletive, locked in the bathroom there was probably a fight. I have seen it on both side, women and children locked in the bathroom at 3 00 in the morning, there is really no good end there. Nice to have you here. Thank you. Erica, thanks. Lance armstrong faces a serious new legal challenge this morning. The Justice Department is suing him for using performanceenhancing drugs during the tour de france. Our justice correspondent Pete Williams with more from washington. For years, Lance Armstrong has successfully avoided getting dragged into court over cheating allegations, but the u. S. Government is joining a lawsuit that seeks millions of dollars. The Justice Department is joining suit filed by floyd landis. It claims when armstrong raced for the u. S. Postal service team a decade ago in the u. S. Postal service team, he violated the government by using banned substances. He claims landis saw armstrong story and reinject his own blood to boost performance and armstrong twice gave landis banned hormones before races. Last month, armstrong generally admitted cheating in an interview with oprah winfrey, saying it was a given for worldclass races, like putting air in the tires or water in the bottle. Armstrong could face huge fines if the government wins. The Postal Service paid at least 30 million to sponsor his racing team. Armstrongs lawyers said they tried for weeks to reach a settlement and no matter what he did, the government still came out ahead. In a written statement, his lawyers stated that the Postal Service own study benefited tremendously from its sponsorship. It should be noted, this is a civil suit, not a criminal case, no possibility of jail time. Most of these cases end in settlement and this does turn up pressure on armstrong to reach one, lester. Pete williams this morning. Thanks. Lets get a check from the mornings other top stories from jenna wolfe. Welcome back. Nice to be here. Well start with the entire fleet of the pentagons f35 fighter jets. Grounded after a cracked engine blade discovered on the air force version of the jet on routine inspection. All f35s were grounded, even though the marines and navy use different versions. It is being sent to the manufacturer to figure out what happened. If you have an f35, dont fly it today. Boeing hopes to get the dreamliner flying as soon as possible. Executives met with the faa to talk about the ongoing battery issues that grounded the fleet in the first place. Bowing is proposing a fix for the batteries, even though they dont know what caused them to overheat. The faa is reviewing the proposal closely. Microsoft has been hacked. A small number of computers infected with malware. The attack is similar to the recent ones that plagued apple, facebook and twitter. It doesnt appear any customers information is affected. Dangerous flog in australia has killed at least two people. Look at the pictures. Many drivers left stranded because of rising waters there. Nearly four months after Superstorm Sandy ravaged the northeast. The last of the residents forced out are finally allowed to return home. They are finding they have a lot of work ahead of them. More than half of the homes in this new Jersey Community are beyond repair it will probably take three to five years to rebuild. Sometimes it pays to return a ring that was accidentally dropped in your cup. Thats the moral. Here is the story. Well do this backward today. We told you about the homeless man last week and how he returned a diamond ring dropped in his change cup by accident. Get this. Because he did the right thing, thousands of strangers donated money to that homeless man, billy ray harris, not just small change money. More than 90,000 has been gathered on an online site, set up by the husband of the woman who dropped the ring in the first place. Michelle obama has moves, will use them, and embraces her inner laugh track. Kicking off a lets move initiative visiting jimmy fallon. There is mrs. Obama and jimmy fallon doing some mom moves. They talked about her and the president s date nights. How can i read this and watch this and be all serious. What kind of music she and the girls listen to. I know. What sort of reality tv what is this one . The sprinkler. Yeah. Is that what its called . My cousin rocks that one. She taught it to me. Why dont you just you should label all the moves. This one. This is the sprinkler. Still the sprinkler. And then right back. I am so 1988. Wait, thats our move. Thats our move right there. I want to say hello to dylan dreyer. Back with the rest of the national forecast. Not doing moves. The roger rabbit, all out of my repertoire. Big storms across the country. Heavy rain across the southeast will turn into snow in the northeast. Especially interior new england. 3 to 6 inches of snow. 9 in highest elevations and another storm moving through the rockies and approaching the midwest. Early next week, another foot of snow is possible and especially in the kansas city good saturday morning to you. We do have some areas of drizzle and even a little bit of light rain out by the trivalley and into san jose this morning but whats left of some of that drizzle should be gone by lunch time. Clearing skies, a bit breezy, northwest winds kick in, highs upper 50s, close to 60, a cool start to the weekend but turning warmer tomorrow and look at the sevenday forecast, very dry, second half of the week well see warming temperatures, 60s and 70s inland approaching thursday and friday. And that is your latest forecast. Eri erica. Pope benedict met italys leader five days before he steps down. There is speculation about whether an american cardinal could replace him as pope. Anne thompson has more from vatican city. Good morning. Reporter good morning, erica. All kind of chatter at the vatican where Pope Benedict is back on the job after his weeklong lenten retreat. He appointed new bishops italy and mexico as people here at the vatican are getting ready for what are expected to be huge crowds for its final two events. Meanwhile ther meanwhile, there are many questions about this momentous occasion, like who will lead the church, that are still unanswered. A week before Pope Benedict retires and still no clear frontrunner to succeed him. However, there is a long shot. New yorks gregarious Cardinal Timothy dolan. Ill do anything to get you guys to church. Reporter praise in catholic circles for his efforts to revitalize the church and fighting Obama Administration con ra sepgs coverage mandate. This week he was depossessed about how he dealt with abusive priests as archbishop of milwaukee. What impact will this have on Cardinal Dolan . It will have zero impact on his leadership within the conclave. Hes a known quantity, man of integrity. Known as someone who can communicate the catholic faith positively. Reporter here in rome, another cardinal, roger mahony, retired archbishop of los angeles, is fired for his role in moving and shielding abusive priests. Not a contender for the paper a papacy, he faces his own deposition. Mahony should stay home some are saying and some american catholics agree. All cardinals are beholden to the highest standard. Anyone whose hands are tainted should refrain from voting. Reporter cardinals from ireland and belgium are also mire did in scandal. But also cardinals under age of 80 must vote unless seriously ill or must refrain from traveling. One of the things well watch is whether he starts to move up the start date of the conclave to choose his successor. Lester. Erica. Thanks. Here at home, the oscars just one day away with threes best picture contenders based on reallife events. How much is fact . How much is fiction . Here is mike tiabbi. In argo, there is a tense airport chase scene at the end that never happened. In order to make an exciting and entertaining film, you have to stretch the truth. Reporter Artistic License says one critic. You have to drama ties things a bit. Thats the way movie making is. Reporter but zero dark thirty, the stunning procedural about the killing of osama bin laden, began with a torture scene even the filmmakers say they never confirmed produced useful clues includes. And in Steven Spielbergs lincoln, a key fact wrong. Connecticuts two congressmen did not vote against the 13th amendment ending slavery. Placing the state of connecticut on the wrong side of the historic and divisive fight over slavery is a distortion of easily verifiable facts. Agreed says turner classic movie host. Its a movie about the passages of the 13th amendment or a movie about whether were going to torture people in the United States of america, you bet their feet should get held to the fire. Reporter oscar has celebrated dozens of films based on true stories that imagined character, dialog, and hole seens. From patton to a Beautiful Mind to the kings speech. Film makers rely on historical license to create hiss f historical dramas. As i teacher, find that what students know comes from movies. You have to give them a much broader context of history than hollywood movies are capable of giving them. Reporter in the oscar spotlight this year, three movies about significant historical events, and the Story Tellers ageold question, why let the facts get in the way of a good story. For today, mike tiabbi. And we learn more about the three victims on the Las Vegas Strip shooting. First, this still to come on a saturday on today, plussize fashion all the rage on the runway. Well look at the amazing rescue mission dedicated to saving endangered pandas. Youll say aw a lot. Some say it may not be worth it good morning to you, looking live at some of the water drops, the mist that were seeing around the bay area on this start to saturday morning. Thanks for joining us. Im kris sanchez along with meteorologist rob mayeda and what can we expect from the rain drops to get bigger, more rain . In the trivalley theyll have to get the windshield wiper this is morning. The drizzle as the weak front passes by this morning and our temperatures thanks to the cloud cover is mild outside, upper 40s to near 50. The winds will be picking up this afternoon and youll see hour by hour the winds should clear out the low clouds that are bringing us some of the areas of drizzle and light rain this morning so the sun wins out this afternoon, kind of a cool start to the weekend, upper 50s to near 60 for a high today and then tomorrow not much drizzle for the morning, well see a little bit of a warmup to finish off the weekend and look at the sevenday forecast very dry for this time of year, could be getting back into the 70s by the time we get towards thursday and friday. Thank you very much, rob. For the first time in years an oakland man is waking up this morning free. It was an emotional reunion between 51yearold ronald ross and his mother yesterday afternoon at her home in dublin. Ross was released from jail after spending seven years behind bars for a crime he did not commit. It took a fouryear investigation by a San Francisco law firm, a private investigator, and a Northern California Innocence Project to free ross who faced a 25 years to life in prison for attempted murder. There are serious allegations that the Oakland Police sergeant in charge of the investigation at the time not only did shoddy work but showed the shooting victim six photos and told him to pick ross picture out of the lineup. As for mom and son, they are not dwelling on those years lost, they are xhcherishing whats to come. He said were going to be all right, mom, were going to be all right and im quite sure well be all right because i live to see him get out. Ross is originally from louisiana and says he will be taking a much needed vacation there to see his four adult children. The list of suspects is growing, a fifth person now has been charged in the highprofile killing of a south bay millionaire. 32yearold Katrina Marie fritz was arraigned on murder and robbery charges yesterday. Detectives claim she is a prostitute who was frequently hired by the victim, ravi kumra, killed in a Home Invasion last november. Fritzs brother is one of the three men charged in the case. Another suspect and prostitute, raven dixon has already been charged as an accessory. A gun buyback event spearheaded by two bay area fathers is taking place this morning on the peninsula. Menlo park base has raised 30,000 for the event. Roger lee and james cook have children in palo alto schools and were deeply affected bit mass shooting in newtown, connecticut. Coming up later this morning it was an ugly day at the ball park as fists were flying between two california colleges. Well show thaw bench clearing brawl, more local news in 30 minutes. We are back on this saturday morning, february 23, 2013. Still chilly in many areas of the country. Parts of new england this morning expecting the third major snowfall in as many weeks. And there is nasty weather coming all across the country. Many of you know all too well about that. Well get dylans forecast for your area coming up in just a few minutes. Im erica hill inside studio 1a alongside lester holt. Also coming up this halfhour, saving the giant panda. Its an endangered species. The bears are theyre adorable. I mean, theres no contest here. Saving them, though, requires a hightech, expensive operation, and critics are questioning whether its actually worth all of that money for one species. Well get into that. Controversy, debate. Plus, a new look is taking over fashion runways. Plussized models showing that fullfigured women have a place on the catwalk, too. And their story reads like a movie. Two teenagers set to walk the red carpet tomorrow at the oscars. Theyre the some of the most unlikely stars probably around. But what a great, inspirational story they have. Well bring you that ahead. Great story. Later, a story every parent can relate to, a little boy who didnt want to go to bed. You wont believe what he did to get back at his mom. A tantrum would have been okay compared to what he did. Yes. Well tell you about that. For once, a tantrum probably would have been welcome. We begin with the search for suspects in connection with a deadly shooting on the Las Vegas Strip. New information about the victims. We have more from los angeles. Good morning. Reporter erica, good morning. The driver of the maserati, kenny clutch cherry, was an aspiring rapper. While he had minor runins with the law several years ago, so far nothing explains why he would have been targeted for murder. Authorities are hoping everpresent surveillance cameras in sin city provide the break they need. Today investigators are scouring recordings from surveillance cameras. Both inside and around the aria hotel. There is quite a bit of video available that we are at this point in time retrieving. Reporter hoping they hold the clues that could provide the break they need in thursdays horrific shooting. The crime scene has been cleared. And the vegas strip is back open for business. Still, authorities dont seem any closer to determining what led to the shooting. The gunman still on the loose. Police say it began with an argument at the valet stand at the aria. The conflict continued on the vegas strip, witnesses said, when someone in a black range rover fired several shots at a gray maserati. The maserati spun out of control, hitting several cars, including a taxi that exploded. Three people were killed. The taxi driver identified overnight as michael bolden, his passenger, Sandra Sutton wasmond, and the driver of the maserati identified as kenneth clutch cherry. Reporter the father of three was an aspiring rapper who rapped about his beloved sports car in a recent music video. You never want it leave your children leave before you leave. I didnt have him long enough. So i have to live with that. Reporter news of the shooting and accident stunned tourists. Terrifying really. I mean, were staying at caesars. It definitely could have been us. Were from a small town in missouri. And, you know, things like that dont happen. Im like, honey, that happened right out the window. Crazy. Reporter this manhunt spans four states. Authorities say theyre looking for a black range rover with paper plates. The vehicle they say may contain the gunman who turned the vegas strip into a scene of tragedy. Erica . Thank you. Want to head out to the plaza for a check of the weather from dylan. Good morning again. Good morning, guys. Good morning, everyone. It is a little dreary in the northeast right now. But all of this moisture is heading in. It is raining very heavily down across the panhandle of florida, through alabama, and into georgia, as well. Thats why we have flash flood watches and even some flash flood warnings in effect. You can see through southeastern alabama, we are going to see perhaps up to three or more inches of rainfall in the area. Well also see some thunderstorms, too. Thats why northern florida has the best chance of seeing even more rain than that. It will turn into snow in new england, especially interior new england. Three to six inches of snow is possible. Perhaps up to nine inches in higher elevations. And weve got more snow moving through idaho into montana, that will spread into the midwest as we continue into early next and a peek out the window this morning may include a little bit of drizzle or light rain around the sunol grade toward dublin but whats left of that low level moisture should be out of here as the winds pick up, drier air moves in and mainly sunny skies into the afternoon. Highs upper 50s to near 60, maybe low 60s across the north bay valleys. All areas tomorrow a bit warmer, mainly 60s to finish off the weekend, a few extra clouds into monday and warmer for the second half of the week. For your forecast any time, you can always go to weather. Com. We have a ninth birthday here. Whats your name is. Brynn. It is your first day in new york city. What do you do for 10 . 10s the big one. Go to hawaii yeah, thats probably what i would do. We got that one figured out. Lester . Always a good answer to anything go. To hawaii. Thank you very much. Giant pandas are one of the worlds most highprofile endangered species even though it might sound shocking. There are now critics who are asking whether efforts to save the adorable bears are really worth the money and effort. Heres more. Reporter its easy to see why pandas are the poster bears of the conservation movement. Theyre cute. Theyre very cute. Theyre incredibly cute. Reporter sarah becsal, a conservationist, has been working in china at the Research Base of giant Panda Breeding for 13 years. I think that infantile appearance engenders us to want to protect, protect, protect. Reporter with so few pandas left in the wild, scientists have been breeding pandas in captivity with the home of one day setting them free. A hightech, expensive operation. Female pandas are anesthetized and artificially inseminated. Heres the result these cubs are just four months old theyre so cute and so little. We were allowed to go into the nursery and watch them sleeping, eating, and learning how to walk. Its almost become like an industry. You know, trying to make as many pandas as possible. I would say that thats a fair way to explain it. Reporter an industry dedicated to saving the panda. What could be wrong with that . I think that pouring millions and millions of dollars into one species of albeit incredibly cute animal is salacious. Reporter a wildlife expert for the bbc is one of a small but growing number of critics that think with so many species going extinct it makes no sense to spend so much money trying to save just one. I dont want the panda to be extinct. But ultimately, lets not waste vast amounts of money trying to prevent it when we could use that money far more efficiently, far more optimally somewhere else. Reporter he says all the pandas chinas breeding will likely spend their lives in zoos, including zoos here in america, since chinas industrial growth has left little space for them in the wild. And to have them as a zoo animal, to have them only living in captivity no point. Reporter sarah doesnt believe that saving the panda even in the wild is a lost cause. If we truly cannot save space for giant padas, how could pandas, how could we have hope for others if we cant save the one that we profess to love the most . Reporter scientists are doing everything they can to save this icon of wildlife conservation. For today, kate snow, china. It an interesting conversation. That face those faces who doesnt want to save them . You cant not love that face. Yeah. Amazing animals. Still to come, whats next for former olympian Oscar Pistorius now that hes made bail . Up next, a different look on the runway. Plussize Fashion Shows now going mainstream. First, these messages. My wife takes centrum silver. Ive been on the fence about it. Then i read an article about a study that looked at the Long Term Health benefits of taking multivitamins. They used centrum silver for the study. So i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. Always your most complete. Its healthier, ammoniafree. And with aloe, vitamin e, and coconut oil, my hair looks healthier than before i colored. I switched. You should too, to natural instincts. So this year, make the most of it. Fly like youve never been grounded. Scream like youve never been shushed. Let go like you have nothing to lose. And hold on to what matters most. Its your vacation. Dont just take it. Mean it. Universal orlando. Vacation like you mean it. This morning on todays style, plus size Fashion Shows. Annabelle roberts will show you curvier figures becoming all the rage on catwalks around the world. Red carpet star Adele Christina hendricks and octavia spencer, part of the new moment, occur ivey and proud. But nothing occur ivey when it comes to the catwalk. The mainstream London Fashion week were predictably thin. The fact that there isnt any variation that is a problem and a bad message to be sending to girls. Jada is a plus size model, dress size 14. She started a fringe London Fashion week where all of the models are plus model. In the front row, a woman from oregon on a mission. Plus size women are told they cant feel beautiful. Thee events say they can. Reporter what are you trying to do . We are trying to say plus size curvy women can look great on the catwalk, and we hope this will impact the plus size community. Reporter no question, attitudes are changing. Its very important. It is really that plus size people themselves are making the change, and its very empowering to women in general. Reporter singer adele described a little too fat by carl laggerfeld, she hit back and said i represent the majority of women and many am proud of that. For regular plus size women and thats more than half the female population in the u. S. , clothes shopping can be a challenge. Im constantly told my section is downstairs in the back corner near furniture or mens wear usually. Im sorry. I am a woman and thought i was allowed to shop in the womens department. Reporter the hope is that curvy styles will become more fashionable. Annabelle roberts, nbc news, london. Up next, two rather unlikely oscar guests. Teens headed to the oscar red carpet, right after this. 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Definitely switching to dove. [ female announcer ] this is new. This is different. This is care. With just a few ingredients. Simple, wholesome goodness. Kelloggs. Start simple, start right. [ female announcer ] if you have rheumatoid arthritis, can you start the day the way you want . Can orencia help . [ woman ] i wanted to get up when i was ready, not my joints. [ female announcer ] could your i want become i can . Talk to your doctor. Orencia reduces many ra symptoms like pain, morning stiffness and progression of joint damage. Its helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. Do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. Serious side effects can occur including fatal infections. Cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. Tell your doctor if you are prone to or have any infection like an open sore or the flu or a history of copd, a chronic lung disease. Orencia may worsen your copd. Heres information you need to know. Orencia is available in two forms, infusion and also selfinjection. Talk to your doctor to see if orencia is right for you. And see if you can change i want to oh, yes i can one of the biggest films takes to the red carpet at the oscars, theyll be joined by two boys from a wartorn country. Their lives read like a movie script. We have more from hollywood on the story. Good morning. Reporter hey, lester, good morning to you. For most of the alist actors and abtresses, getting it the red carpet will be like a local commute. Two teenagers left a war zone behind, traveling more than 7,000 miles to be here for the oscars. And theyre so close to pulling off the improbable. Its you you look so big. Reporter to appreciate where these kids are today, you have to understand where they were just days ago. Reporter theyre from wartorn afghanistan. For 14 youd fuad, movies, acting, and the oscars never crossed his mind. Yeah. I never imagined, but i thought that i may go to some other where, but not to hollywood and not for oscars. Reporter like a reallife slum dog millionaire, hes defied all odds, flying out of poverty into show business biggest night. It started when american film director sam french literally plucked him from the street to play the lead in buscoci boys. A short film about two broke kids dreaming of a better life, hoping to play afghanistans national sport, buscoci. The film itself says that you can dream and that you should dream. And that that spirit of hope is never be sentencing wish be extinguished whether youre in a country of war or are extremely par. Reporter by most measures he was headed to a dead end, no one could have predicted hed be heading to hollywood. Then the movie scored an oscar nomination for best live action short. Fuad couldnt hold back the tears. Reporter now in america, they cant hold back the crush of cameras. I am hollywood star, it feels so good im here. Reporter all a first for the base. First time in the states. At run is earsal studios, their first universal studios, their first taste of movie magic. And their first fitting for a tux. You look good enough that james bond might be use think . I am like al pacino. Reporter james bond and al pacino. If this unlikely story ends with an oscar win, it would be the first for an afghan film. Not bad for two kids from the streets of kabul. And this really is like the little movie that could. Took a village to fund it. They had to film in a war zone. And it took a lot of donations and goodwill to get the boys here to hollywood. True underdogs, lester. I think a lot of people will be rooting for them. I think so. Thank you very much. People like those kind of stories. I love those kind of stories. I love rooting for the underdog. Looking forward to seeing what happens. I want to see the film. A brief note. Monday a complete wrapup of the oscars. Al roker and Meredith Vieira will be live in hollywood with the winners, fashions, and the parties. Just ahead this morning, lets move lets move is more than just a slogan to michelle obama. Well see how shes embracing the spotlight in her second term and embracing moves. First, this issed ed it almost tastes like one of jacks cereals. Fiber one. Uh, forgot jacks cereal. [ jack ] whats for breakfast . Um. Try the number one yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] over a third of a days fiber. Fiber one. Shimmy, shimmy chocolate. Shimmy, shimmy chocolate. We, we chocolate cross over. Yeah, we chocolate cross over. [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. Chocolate. A lot more as we continue on today. Lance armstrong coming up the new lawsuit that could cost him millions of dollars. Plus Oscar Pistorius spends his first full day out on bail. Well look at what is next in the case against him but first these messages. As fibromyalgia doctor diagnosedt thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. I learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. So now, i can do more of the things i enjoy. Lyrica is not for everyone. It may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, or tired feeling. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. With less pain, im feeling better with lyrica. Ask your doctor if lyrica is right for your fibromyalgia pain. Work the camera. Work it those hands. Oooh la la whats your secret . Dawn . [ female announcer ] dawn hand renewal with olay beauty improves the look and feel of hands in 5 uses. Love it, or get double your money back. Improves the look and feel of hands in 5 uses. New griddlemelts to yourime usual breakfast sandwich. A lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihops new griddle melts. Made fresh and hot hand crafted just for you. Its like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. Just 4. 99. Its an epic breakfast sandwich. Good morning. Looking live at the san mateo bridge on a drizzly start to the morning. How long is it going to last . I have the perfect guy to answer that question. Im kris sanchez along with meteorologist rob mayeda. If you have plans outdoors youre going to be fine later today. This morning there is enough to wet the roads. You saw it in the trivalley driving down 680, danville, dublin into sunol and kind of stops as you get towards san jose. Spotty areas of drizzle, briefly light rain. You can see the clouds clear on out, winds picking up out of the northwest, bringing in drier air, clear skies and a cool start to the weekend, right now numbers in the upper 50s, close to 60 this afternoon but more sunshine later today and tomorrow even more sunshine, a little bit warmer to finish the weekend. The warmest days of the week, wednesday, thursday, friday could see 60s and 70s as we continue to see unusually dry weather for this time of year. We need the rain. A san jose railworker says it is amazing he is still alive. He survived a terrible accident when a 39foot steel trek smashed into his back and nearly killed him. Jose salazar does not exactly remember what happened in november when the almost 1,800 pound section of steel hit him and pinned him to the ground. He and his coworkers were fixing a damaged section of the rail when his fellow worker somehow lost control when lifting the steel track. Salazar was in a coma for about a month. He suffered a skull fracture, a broken back, broken ribs and a punctured lung. On his birthday the san jose railroadwork er will the risk, what happened, i didnt know anything until i wake up. Issalazar is suing cal train for not providing a safe work environment. The list of suspects is growing, a fifth person now has been charged in the highprofile killing of a south bay millionaire. 32yearold Katrina Marie fritz was arraigned on murder and robbery charges yesterday. Detectives claim she is a prostitute who was frequently hired by the victim, ravi kumra, killed in a Home Invasion last november. Fritzs brother is one of the three men charged in the case. Another suspect and prostitute, raven dixon has already been charged as an accessory. A gun buyback event spearheaded by two bay area fathers is taking place this morning on the peninsula. Menlo park base protect our children has raised more than 30,000 for todays event which will trade firearms for cash, no questions asked, of course. Organizers roger lee and james cook have children in palo alto schools and were deeply affected by the mass shooting in newtown, connecticut. Connecticut. Coming up later this morning it was an ugly day at the ball park as fists were flying between two california colleges. Well talk about what led to this bench clearing brawl and we have all the days news plus your forecast coming up at 7 00. More local news in 30 minutes. Welcome back to today. Its saturday, 23rd day of february. Pretty damp morning, but not too terribly cold. Nice crowd outside. And if youre ever in the neighborhood, stop on by. Join our crowd. Inside im lester holt here with erica haill. Coming up, another storm. Flooding throughout the southeast and folks this massachusetts and maine take out their snow shovels again. A new storm also churning out west. Well tell you all about that when dylan joins us shortly. Also ahead, Oscar Pistorius, his first full day of freedom. The former olympian. Afterle following his valentines day arrest in the shooting death of his girlfriend. Well take a look at what is next for him. And then new problems this morning for Lance Armstrong. The Justice Department has joined a civil lawsuit against him. Theyre alleging that his use of performance enhancing drugs essentially defrauded the Postal Service out of tens of millions of dollars. Of course he was their spokesman. Plus well talk about first Lady Michelle obama. Back in the spotlight as she makes a big push for her antiobesity campaign and that included a little time with jimmy fallon on friday night where she demonstrated how lets move really is more than a slogan. And theres a new diet that lets you eat whatever you want most of the time, but always a but it involves fasting. So are these diets merely fads or is there some Science Behind them, do they really work . Well hear what our experts have to say about that. And prepare yourself. We have the strobe lights, we have the microphones. We have the lyrics. We may not have the lyrics down. Theyre in the monitor. All inside the karaoke cab out on the plaza this morning all the way from dallas. Well give it a try. Should be fun. But we want to begin with another big blast of Winter Weather from coast to coast. Dylan is tracking it all. Good morning. A lot of the folks will be hit again. That seems to be the trend. Every area that has been hit will get more wintry weather. This time it is heading bag into new england and right now, its dumping several inches of rain in the southeast. Some areas could see up to a foot of snow as parts of the midwest are struggling this morning to get back on track. The know kept on coming and coming and coming as so many were making their way home from after president s day vacation. Slid off the run way it cleveland, but no one was hurt. Problems from the snow bound midwest airports rippled out to cause over 2,000 flight cancellations. Probably ten people sleeping in the restaurant. Reporter as for drivers respect they either h they either had to dig it out, scrape it off or push it out. Making for dangerous conditions out on the roads. Its bad, real bad. Icy. Reporter the minnesota Highway Patrol blames the snow for over 500 accidents. The roof gave way at this missouri dance school. Before it was all over, there were 13 inches of snow on on the ground in northern oklahoma, 13 1 2 in northeast missouri, and 18 inches in southern kansas. On michigans upper peninsula, it was deep enough to lose the dog. Thoughts of summer . These Milwaukee Brewers fans are camping out in subfreezing temperatures to be first in line when tickets go on sale. In massachusetts, theyre getting the roads ready. The water and snow gets in the cracks, it freezes, and causes holes. So we have to keep up with it. Right now were seeing the rain down across the southeast and heavy rain at that. Just south of atlanta, moving this to southern alabama, and northern florida, we will also see some thunderstorms, too, that could produce perhaps several inches of rainfall. Winter weather advisories are in effect. Its interior new england that will see most of the snow. Could see sleet mixed in in northwestern new jersey. But 6 to 9 inches would be isolated to interior areas moving up into New Hampshire and again the highest elevations, most of southern new england would see about 3 to 6 inches, right on the border of 1 to 3 along coast of boston. In the northwest, another storm system moving through idaho into nevada, this is going to be another major storm for the midwest. And an early look at what some of the computer models are saying for early next week, we could see another 6 to 12 inches of snow in the midwest, thats on p top of the major storm they are digging out from right now. All right, can till pldylan,. Want to head to south africa where Oscar Pistorius is spending his first full day out on bail. Michelle kosinski is in pretoria with more. Reporter Oscar Pistorius went to his uncles house, but hes not allowed to know back to his gateded mansion which is also the scene of the alleged crime. Thats just one of many conditions of his bail. Still, free he is. His coach even says he wants to start training him again as soon as monday. Oscar pistorius had reason to smile, but didnt, heading home with his family out of jail. While an International Pack of photographers chased their suvs all the way to his uncles secure home. When his two hour ruling was read friday keeping the word ldn the edge of its seat. The emotion flowed. Pistorius sobbed, his body shaking, his family overcome with relief, at one Point Holding hands and praying. We are relieved that oscar got bail today. But at the same time, we are in mourning for the death of reeva with her family. Reporter a friend of Reeva Steenkamp was also in court. Justice will prevail and its very sad, we need to remember thatle that somebody lost their life. Reporter a relatives home may be where he has to stay possibly more than a year leading up to trial. The judge ruled he will have to surrender his passport, cant use guns or alcohol, will have to check in with police 2w50itw week starting monday. Pistorius agent canceled all his upcoming races. Sponsors including nike canceled contracts. But he wants to start training again immediately. Just to get his mind sort of clear, the sooner he can start, the better. Reporter in court, the judge said he had difficulties with parts of pistorius story. Why he rushed to what was pistorius claimed was danger, never went searching for his girl trend when he realized she wasnt this bed. But he ruled that a free pistorius is not a danger and in this case wont run. Pistorius doesnt have to be back in court until june. This morning Reeva Steenkamps father gave an interview to a newspaper saying the only ones who really know what happened is Oscar Pistorius and god. And it doesnt matter how much money he has or how great his legal team is he will have to live with his conscience and that if he tells the truth, her father says, he may one day be able to forgive pistorius. Michelle, thanks. Lance armstrong faces a serious new legal challenge this morning. The Justice Department has joined one of his former racing teammates suing him for using performance enhancing drugs during the tour de france. Pete williams has more. Reporter after successfully dodging formal cheating allegations for years, Lance Armstrong now has a powerful new adversary, the United States government suing him for tens of in millions of dollars. The Justice Department has signed on to a lawsuit claiming that when Lance Armstrong raced for the u. S. Postal service team a decade ago, he defrauded the government by violating its strict ban on Illegal Drugs while claiming that he did not use them. The government joined a suit filed two years ago by floyd landis, one of armstrongs former teammates. It amped it up considerably. A complete game changer. Reporter an expert on this kind of false claims action says its a biggest came laescalatio. They would much rather be defending himself geps landis lawyers than the Justice Department. Reporter among the claims that landis saw armstrong store and reinject his own blood to boost performance and that armstrong twice gave landis banned hormones before races. Last month armstrong gave a generaled a miss of cheating in an interview with oprah winfrey. This issue of performance enhancers, again, to me that was well pump up our tires, put water in our bottles and, oh, yeah, that, too, is going to happen. Reporter while this is a civil case, armstrong could face huge fines in the government wins because the Postal Service paid at least 30 million to sponsor his racing team during the period covered by the lawsuit. Armstrongs lawyers say they tried for weeks to reach a settlement with the Justice Department and they claim that no matter what arm strong did, the government still came out ahead. In a written statement, his lawyers say the Postal Services own study shows it benefited tremendously, benefits totally more than 100 million. The Justice Department has made clear that armstrongs confession on tv will be a factor going forward. Most cases in this kind end in a settlement and this this new action turns up the pressure to reach one. Pete williams, thank you. Time for a check of some of the other mornings top stories. Good morning, everyone. With the deadline looming, president obama is warning this morning how you could be affected if Congress Fails to act on the automatic spending cuts. Theyll slow our economy. Theyll eliminate good jobs. Theyll leave many families who are already stretched to the limit scrambling to figure out what to do. On friday ray lahood warned the faa will have to furlough 47,000 employees which he says could slow air travel. The president says hell meet with congressional members this weekend, republicans insist any plan should be based only on entitlement reform and spending cuts. Pope benedict continues to heat with World Leaders before he steps gown next week. The pope met are italys president this morning just with five days before he steps downl church. The pentagon has grounded its fighter jets after a crack was found in the jet. The navy and marine corps versions will stay on the ground until engineers can figure out how it got there. Lindsey vonn recovers from knee surgery after the horrific crash. She says she doesnt think she should have been out on that course in the first place. In a Conference Call on friday, vonn said conditions were not safe. Shes blasting race officials for letting the race go forward. Vonn says the conditions are with you much different by the time she raced than when shed inspected it hours earlier. You can hear more in an exclusive interview with matt lauer coming up this monday on today. A Daring Rescue on Lake Michigan all for dog, dog for one, who was stuck on the ice and fell in the water. So a passer by through on his wet suit and jumped in to help. Later that night, we dont have video, but the dog bought the passer by a drink at the local tavern. Of course he did it. And finally, no crying in baseball and no clock being in baseball. Some didnt get the memo. The second baseman shoves the runner after getting caught. From there it was game on. Benches from both sides clearing as everyone jumps in. The players involved were suspended. Uc riverside beating sacramento state. I went to sacramento state. Is that where you get your temper from . No, you are actually the sweetest person. Dylans back with a check of the national forecast. Well, we are talking about some major storms right now its in the southeast in the form of rain. It will move into new england as we go especially into later this evening and tonight, id say about 6 to 9 inches in high aer elevations. Heavy rain in the carolinas. Middle of the country is dry, but early next week theres a were watching areas of a little bit of drizzle starting to clear out of the bay area, which set the trend for clearing, westnorthwesterly winds mixing in dry air behind that bringing in a weak front, enough clouds to give us a few areas of drizzle this morning. Clearing skies heading into the afternoon, upper 50s, close to 60 today. Tomorrow a little bit warmer but if you like warmer weather second half of the week ahead looks good, 60s to maybe 70s by the end of the week but we really could use the rain and snow, not seeing it there in your sevenday forecast. As her new bang. Now first Lady Michelle obama is showcasing another lighter side of herself as she promotes her lets move campaign on. Jimmy fallon she showed off some of her mom dance moves. Classics likes sprinkler, raising the roof, and, yes, the shopping cart. Kristen welker has that story. Reporter first Lady Michelle obama showcasing her lighter side on late night. You dont have much time for tv. I mean, how do you have time for personal stuff . Like how about dates . We try to do date nights. Its tough, you know, barak has a 20car motorcade. Its got men with guns, ambulance the ambulance is always there. I mean, how romantic can you be . You got an ambulance pulling up. You know, hes like were going to go a romantic dinner. Im like, is the ambulance coming . Reporter in her first sit down interview with jimmy fallon, the first lady marked the third anniversary of lets move, her campaign to promote healthy children. She even talked a little politics. Dream team, michelle and hillary, 16. [ applause ] you know, i have my eye actually on another job. And i hear that when jay leno retires reporter this caps a busy week for the first lady who released a new portrait and a psa with big bird. Theres so many different activities you can do. Reporter she also appeared on rachael ray, confessing what was behind her decision to get a new do. This is my midlife crisis. The bangs. Reporter its been said president obama has come into his own in his second term, pushing controversial legislation like gun control and going after republicans with a new confidence. Can the same be said of the first lady . Past first ladies from laura bush to Hillary Clinton and nancy reagan assumed more prominent roles on the world stage. Some first ladies do tend to take on more global roles in a second term. [ laughter ] reporter for now, she certainly seems to have found her groove. For today, kristen welker, nbc news, the white house. And jimmy fallon found his groove, too. Still to come next, a little boy calls 911 to complain about his bedtime. Got more than he bargained for. Thats after these messages. One. Two. Three. My Credit Card Rewards are easy to remember with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card. Earn 1 cash back everywhere, every time. [ both ] 2 back on groceries. [ all ] 3 on gas. No hoops to jump through. I earn more cash back on the things i buy the most. [ woman ] its as easy as. One two. [ all ] three [ male announcer ] the bankamericard cash rewards credit card. Apply online or at a bank of america near you. He doesnt look like a heart attack patient. I was teaching a martial arts class and it hit me. We get to the emergency room. And then. And then they just wheeled him away. I had to come to that realization that wow, i am having a heart attack. I cant punch this away. Im on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone. So be sure to talk to you doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Im a fighter and nowadays i dont have that fear. [ male announcer ] learn how to protect your heart at i am proheart on facebook. I got it made, i got it made i got it made fresh at subway breakfast made the way i say [ male announcer ] at subway, you got breakfast made. Like an under 200 calorie steak egg white cheese. Subway. Eat fresh. Like an under 200 calorie steak egg white cheese. How do we take an unpolished room and make it shine . We get doing. With a store full of ways to get it done. We can all throw on our work clothes. And throw out any doubt. Because right nows the time to take those rooms from. Think i can do this . To. Let me show you what i just did. More saving. More doing. Thats the power of the home depot. Outsmart your budget with glass and stone mosaic tile, just 6. 98 a square foot. If youre a parent or take care of children, youll relate to this story. The trials of bedtime, putting little ones to sleep and getting an earful instead. For one massachusetts mom, it turned into a close call after her son dialed 911. Michelle franzen has the story. Reporter when shamain rosarios son danny refused to go to bed, he didnt just put his foot down. He pulled out all the stops. Im going to call the cops on you. 911. He just pushes it into the phone. Reporter the 10yearold boston area boy made the 911 call and then hung up, his mom said, when he heard the digs patcher. But Police Called right back. This is 911. Somebody just called from there . Yeah. It was my 10yearold son. Reporter rosario explained what happened would you like to talk to the police . Because you cant be calling 911 when there is no emergency. Because they need it for people who actually are in trouble. Reporter then she decided to turn the false 911 call into a lesson when a Police Officer was sent to the house. I said, make this a learning experience for him. And he went and spoke with him and told him it the consequences of that action. Reporter the boy wasnt charged for making the false calls, but family flowns say he got Family Friends say he got the message. He was really scared when she found out that they were sending the police. He was actually really scared because he didnt think that he was doing anything wrong. Reporter lesson learned. And score one for mom. For today, michelle franzen, nbc news, new york. Still ahead, a diet that lets you eat what you want most of the time. Is it another fad, or can this one work . Well get the experts to weigh in. First, this is today on nbc. Hey. Theyre coming. Yeah. British. Later. Sorry. Ok. Four words. Black monkey . A baboon . Hot stew saturday . Ronny hey jimmy, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico . Jimmy happier than paul revere with a cell phone. Ronny why not . Anncr get happy. Get geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Still to come on today, hollywoods biggest night has a new name and face. Will it help attract a new audience . Plus, a party on wheels. Something with lights, microphones, songs. The karaoke cab is here on our plaza. And oh, yes, well give it a try. First, these messages. Great ne. You think you can find one at walmart . Maybe. Lets go see. Alright. Let him tell you about sprint. Weve got the Samsung Galaxy s iii on the sprint 4g lte network for just 148 nice wow. And you get a 50 gift card. Awesome. We can split it. I dont think so. Okay. [ earl ] see for yourself. Get a 50 walmart gift card when you buy any Samsung Smartphone on the sprint 4g lte network. Now through march 2nd. Walmart. The delightful discovery. The sweet realization that you have a moment all to yourself. Well, almost. Splenda® no calorie sweetener. Splenda® makes the moment yours™. Ive been using crest prohealth for a week. My dentist said it was gonna help transform my mouth. [ male announcer ] go pro. For a clean thats up to four times better, try these crest prohealth products together. [ sara ] ive been using crest prohealth. So far. It feels different. [ male announcer ] crest prohealth protects not just some, but all these areas dentists check most. My mouth feels healthier. It feels cleaner. I think my dentist is gonna see the difference. [ male announcer ] go pro with crest prohealth. I dont think ill ever go back to another product. See. When your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one nondrowsy claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 days 17 days 22 days of continuous relief. Live claritin clear. Every day. With just a few ingredients. Simple, wholesome goodness. Kelloggs. Start simple, start right. Fishyfishy fish. Fish. Mcbites. Mcbites fish. Fish. Mcbites. Mcbites fish. Fish. Mcbites. Mcbites fishyfishy fish mcbites are succulent and breaded to perfection so take a trip to micky ds and get. Get. Get. Get you some [ male announcer ] get hooked on mcdonalds new fish mcbites. Pop em with tangy tarter or spicy buffalo sauce. Catch em while you can. More. To love. Fishyfishy ba da ba ba baa good morning, looking live at a bit of a misty shot, we saw the windshield wipers going in foster city. If youre heading out the door you ma i have to turn yours on, too. Im kris sanchez along with meteorologist rob mayeda. Probably by the morning, maybe the afternoon . Later on this morning the clearing working from north to south during the day. Right now light rain around mt. Hamilton. The clouds are thinging out, westnorthwest winds mixing in drier air, a weak front came by overnight but enough moisture at the ground level there to wring out just a little bit of drizzle and light rain early but by the afternoon should see mostly sunny skies. Upper 50s, cse to 60 today and tomorrow a few less clouds, a bit warmer and High Pressure building again, 60s and low 70s toward the start of next weekend. Thank you very much, rob. For the first time in years an oakland man is waking up a free man this morning. It was an emotional reunion between 51yearold ronald ross and his mother yesterday afternoon in her home in dublin. Ross was released from jail after spending seven years behind bars for a crime he did not commit. It took a fouryear investigation by a San Francisco law firm, a private investigator, and a Northern California Innocence Project to free ross who faced a 25 years to life in prison for attempted murder. There are serious allegations that the Oakland Police sergeant in charge of the investigation at the time not only did shoddy work but showed the shooting victim six photos and told him to pick ross picture out of the lineup. As for mom and son, they are not going to dwell on the years they lost. They are cherishing whats to come. God blessed me to be free again. He said were going to be all right, mom, were going to be all right and im quite sure well be all right because the lord let me live to see him get out. Ross is originally from louisiana and says he will be taking a much needed vacation there to see his four adult children. This morning a former actor and theater teacher is accused of child molestation. Police in Pleasant Hill investigated Jason Pedrosa after receiving a tip he engaged in sex acts with underraged girls. Police believe the alleged crimes happened in walnut creek. The company said he was fired from his job in november. He also worked at a walnut creek ballet school. Police are urging anyone who might have had contact with pedroza to contact them. The city of san jose will start flipping the switch this morning working to reconnect some 900 street lights. Crews will work along camden avenue, blossom hill and tulle road where the lights were shut off four years ago because of budget cuts. The City Council Approved a plan to turn them back on, should take about three months to get that work done. Coming up on today in the bay, it was an ugly day at the ball park, between two colleges, why . Well talk about that plus all the days news and the forecast on today in the bay. Nice energy to wake us up on a damp morning. Were back on this saturday morning, february 23, 2013. A lot of friend out here with us. And a lot of birthdays. 8, 10, 16. A good day to celebrate a birthday. Good month for birthdays, right . I think its a great month for a birthday. If yours happens to be on the 26th, you hit the jackpot. Wow. Everybody we what, tuesday . What are you talking about . Im erica hill alongside lester holt, soontobe birthday girl jenna wolfe, and dylan dreyer. Still to this hour, oscar countdown. Plenty of buzz building. Theres a new brand of humor many are expecting from this years host, seth macfarlane. And a lot of talks talking about how people are hoping this will get a new generation of viewers to tune in. How far will he take the jokes . Well get into that. Well talk about a new diet that essentially says you only need to restrict your food intake on two days out of the week. Too good to be true . Well consult the experts and find out if this maybe is the trick. And i had the tough task of heading down to florida this past week to check out the global pet expo. From buteauty products to fashi and food, well show you the latest products to pamper your pet. Then weve been talking about this all morning we speak pretty well. We sing not as well. We are going to take a stab at karaoke taxi. Uhhuh. It is the most fun you will have on four wheels. They have strobe lights, a smoke machine, microphone, lyrics. It is here on our plaza. There it is. And it drove here from dallas, texas, to join us. The meter is still running. And i think we are on the hook for that tab. Hi, francisco. There you go. I think were putting it on lesters Corporate Card this time. It already is. That among other things did you say cut off . First, before we get to that i know youre ready for it were getting a final check of weather from dylan. It is getting misty out here, not the best hair day for sure. We are looking at rain and snow possible in the northeast. It will be more of a new england snowstorm more than anything else. Good morning. Good morning. We are going to see the chance of interior locations of new england pick up about three to six, perhaps nine in the higher elevations. Some elevations is possible in portions of pennsylvania and northwestern new jersey. Heavy rain is the story down through the southeast, more snow is moving into wyoming. That is going to transform into another midwest snowstorm. You can see its already moving back into nebraska and kansas by sunday. There is the chance kansas city by early next week could end up with another six to 12 inches of snow on top of the major snowstorm that area and heres a look at some skies starting to clear over san jose after some drizzle and some light rain in a few spots around the bay area this morning. Well see mostly sunny skies, the winds kicking up a bit, westnorthwest 10 miles per hour, keeping the temperatures upper 50s, low 60s. The skies will clear up to wrap up the weekend. Into the work week, High Pressure holding strong. Temperatures will be climbing wednesday, thursday and friday. This is you . Yes. Okay. Both of you. Weve figured it out. The future for the today show. Lester . All right. Thanks. All eyes will be on hollywood for tomorrow nights oscar awards. The show has a new name and a new host. But will it be enough to attract new younger viewers . Mara schiavocampo has more. Good morning. Good morning. Thats right. This year, the 85th annual Academy Awards will simply be known as the oscars. One of the many ways the show is changing to keep up with the times and a younger audience. For hollywoods biggest night, the oscars are rolling out the red carpet for a very special group of guests young viewers. The oscars are 85 years old now. Theyre trying to look younger, fresher, hipper. Reporter the Academy Awards is one of the most popular tv events of the year, expected to bring in 40 million viewers. But the audience isnt just big, its old. When the audience is old, that affects advertising dollars. Theyre looking for the coveted 18 to 49 age group to be watching the oscars. Thats an age group that has kind of left the oscar telecast in the last decade where the average age of viewership has risen. Reporter so the awards show is changing with the times. First up, a new name. Sort of. Dont thank the academy, this week one of the shows producers said the 85th annual Academy Awards will now simply be called the oscars. Saying the old name is musty. They are taking the fight on line, stepping up their twitter presence with the hash tag, oscars. Even the statue presenters will be younger, those leggy models replaced by college students. The producers of the show sayisa say, how would you like to be on the oscars . What would that feel like . I was like, that would feel great. Reporter the biggest change on stage host seth macfarlane. If you dont know who i am, pretend im donnies on manned. Youll be donnie osmo virtually unknown to many viewers, macfarlane directed ted, the highestgrossing r rating ever. His shows, including the animated series family guy, have one of the youngest audiences on tv. But i want to congratulate todays nominees and also those who werent nominated, you can stop doing interviews where you pretend you had such a great time making the movie. The academy hope macfarlane. Critics handed james franco and ann hathaway and the viewers went up. They are counting on him to satisfy traditionalists, but in the end, its not the host that determines viewership. Its the movies nominated and whether the general public feels they have a connection to those movies. Also the lore of younger stars like Jennifer Lawrence and Jessica Chastain may be the biggest draw. Its the star power that brings people in. I take some exception to what he said at the end. We tend to remember the hosts in many ways more than we do the movies. Thats true, but a lot of people will tune in to root for movies. If you dont see movies that attract a younger audience. Its like my super bowl, they call it the female super bowl. I come in and out of it. Just cant glue for all those hours. Mara, thanks. Good to have you here. On monday, well be in los angeles with a complete wrap of the oscars, the winners, the fashions, and the parties. Now heres erica. Lester, thanks. Americans are obsessed with dropping pound, and one new diet claims, get this, you can lose weight and only have to count calories twice a week. Is this just the latest fad or can it work . Katie has the story. Reporter diet, a fourletter word and one of the most hated in the english language. All i had to eat was a chicken breast and case of diet coke. Really . I havent had anything since friday. Reporter what about a diet that lets you eat whatever you want most of the time . Thats what proposed in michael moseleys new book. Feasting five days a week and fasting for two. Its not about starvation. Its about having periods where you eat less, and the patent im trying at the moment is two days a week. Five days a week you eat reasonably and two days a week you eat a quarter of your normal calories. Reporter a quarter, meaning average women are eating 500 calories, average men, 600. Visualize this, on your off days you can have any of this. Maybe even some of all of it, but on your on days you can only have this. For 24 hours. This diet is not about gorging, binging, or a getoutofjail free card for eating. You cant confuse eating whatever you want all the time in the other five days because it wont work. Weight loss is about calories in, calories out. Reporter despite what you read, you still cant gorge yourself. Dr. Lauren green, though, isnt buying the hype. Most people on this diet are going to be hungry, irritable, feel wiped out, and yet overeat at the end of it. And it hasnt taught anybody anything, nor has it taught the body how to lose weight. Reporter pros or cons, would you go that far for ten pounds . I dont really think that i would be on board with it. Do it the oldfashioned way. It might be worth giving it a shot to suffer for those two days. Absolutely not. I couldnt live on 500 calories a day. I would die. Reporter another day, another diet, another dream. For today, nbc news, new york. Up next, products galore for your fourlegged friend, dylan and bosco take us inside the expo, but first, these messages. I i got it, i got it made i got it made, i got it made i got it made fresh at subway breakfast made the way i say [ male announcer ] at subway, you got breakfast made. Like an under 200 calorie steak egg white cheese. Subway. Eat fresh. Like an under 200 calorie steak egg white cheese. Tand delicious, soft caramel. To fill you up and keep you moving, whatever your moves. Payday. Fill up and go with thermacare heatwraps. Thermacare works differently. Its the only wrap with patented heat cells that penetrate deep to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles. For up to 16 hours of relief, try thermacare. And they called it puppy love your fact for the day 62 of american households have at least one pet. The set has at least one pet, as you can see. Thats 380 million animals, and as dylan found out, theres an entire industry dedicated to making sure our pets have everything they could possibly want. This is posk oh. Yeah, she is making her bosco. Yeah, she is making her television debut. Earlier this week, first time on a plane. We attended the global pet expo. What we saw blew us both away. Every dog has its day, and today is boscos. My 11pound miniature schnewser who flew 700 miles with me to attend the global pet expo in orlando, florida. Reporter more than 900 companies from around the world showcased products for dogs, cats, birds, fish, and retiles. Thats 11 football fields worth of treats and treasures. Something for every season, style, and sensible. There are products of all kinds for all sorts of pets. How necessary are these products . Because the pets give us unconditional love in return, no matter what kind of poet it is, we tend to want to reward pets in human terms. So it necessary . Yeah. Reporter there are 380 million pets in the u. S. , and 62 of american households own at least one of them. Making up a 53 billion industry. This isnt a dog and pony show. Its the real thing. I think i put them on the wrong feet. Reporter from pugs, yes from ughs, yes, uggs for dogs, to chicken coops. Anything but cagey. I could live in here. Its bigger than my apartment. All of our furry and feathery friends have something to keep their heads, shoulders, knees, and toes, warm, cool, and dry. Im one of millions who dotes on my pet. Seeing the trend, theres a lot of beneficial products out there. One of the trends that we keep seeing is the natural and organic foods and the like. The natural and organic products, technology theres breakst. Louis coming. Reporter there are products that make pets feel beautiful. Every time you buy one, we donate one to a dog in need. Reporter and out. Good girl. Reporter some that keep them safe like this collar with a gps tracker. This product allows your pet to give them a text or email when theyre in trouble. Reporter and busy with ones that work off the pounds and some that pack them on but taste oh, so good. Bosco, sit. Whether your best friend is big or small, whether they swim, walk, or crawl, the global pet expo has something for all. And i have to vouch for the pedicure. Its still on, and mine peticure . I should have. I. I thought but. That was good. Peticure. It lasts longer than mine. Are you going to get matching pedicures . No, i only got one paw. Was there something to bring snowman. This lar and the leash are this collar and leash are brand new. I have a whole bag of treats. Shes a cutie. Thank you. Shes behaving very well. Up next, parties lights, disco ball, and microphones. All you need to get your Party Started in this cab called the karaoke cab. Its on the plaza. Well give it a try. First, this is today on nbc. Karaoke is sort of the universal uuniter. It doesnt matter the language, its an experience we all can share anywhere. You have to admit we all have tried it or thought about trying it or sounded terrible trying to try it. Or been amazing or been amazing. I havent experienced that. So heres the deal as i found out, when karaoke comes to you, it is an entirely different tune. In dallas, texas, the most fun on four wheels takes place right here. Hey i just met you and this is crazy thanks to franciscos karaoke taxi. How do people react when they see that van coming by . When i stop the car, people get excited. Do you know what i do . Lock the doors and leave the window this small just to talk. Reporter inside, more than 5,000 worth of gadgets and gimmicks. You have strobe lights. You have the black light. You have a smoke machine, a bubble machine. What dont you have in this van . I dont have a toilet. Reporter oh, thank goodness. The lack of facilities, not keeping anybody away. The karaoke taxi books up months in advance. Whats been your most profitable night . 825. Reporter the cost for more fun than anyone can handle 75 an hour or about 2 a mile. And what do you get for that . Karaoke. Your choice of songs, multiple microphones, and the much, much needed words. Do people think youre crazy . People think i am crazy. We have to be crazy to have a good time. Oh baby reporter a good time on the inside that leaves onlookers song struck. [ laughter ] reporter karaoke transition empty orchestra is a craze that in this country makes up a 370 million industry. Sweet caroline reporter to take on these cowboys reporter i needed to bring out the big guns. Reporter Real Estate Agent by day and karaoke god by night, drew andrews is the reigning National Karaoke champion. Is there a song that its like everybodys goto song . Back in the day, i used to sing cold as ice. Shes cold as ice im awful. And my secret weapon lady youre my knight in shining armor and i love you i feel like im going to be so good at this. You got that strong, deep reporter its also a cold. My plan lay low. Sing small, and when the time is right, release my inner diva. We are never ever ever getting back together what you want baby i got it d. J. Played reporter right after right does this have to be right next to us . Reporter im cast aside by the hardware. Absolutely, as a matter of fact, could you give it a little breathing room . Reporter after hearing drew sing me and mrs. Jones reporter that trophy was well deserved. Its a duet, really . You got to help me. Reporter help you . Yes reporter karaoke taxi, where anybody can be a rock star. Well meet at the same reporter at least for a night. Love me and mrs. Jones reporter francisco drove 1,600 miles from dallas to invite us here to sing what were about to sing now. Its good. Where it began i cant begin to not it our careers are taking off right now. Its going strong the fog is on. Its all good. Was in the spring and spring became the summer you should come along you can rent this for party you can . Hands hands touching hands reaching out touching me touching you thats a high one here we go. Sweet caroline bum bum bum good times never seemed so good so good so good so good ive been inclined bum bum bum to believe it never would but now i i like this. Yeah. Fun. It is fun. They run the meter . You stop and they run the meter . Yeah. This is it. You just add 47 12yearold girls, and youve got yourself quite a night. Well be back after this. [ female announcer ] start simple. Start right. Kelloggs simple grains cereals take you from seed. To spoon. With just a few ingredients. Kelloggs raisin bran, corn flakes and rice krispies. Simple wholesome goodness. Start simple. Start right. [ female announcer ] roc® retinol correxion max. The power of roc® retinol is intensified with a serum. Its clinically shown to be 4x better at smoothing lines and deep wrinkles than professional treatments. Roc® max for maximum results. When your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one nondrowsy claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 days 12 days 24 days of continuous relief. Live claritin clear. Every day. This is another tadaa try charmin ultra strong. It cleans so well and you can use up to four times less than the leading value brand. Oh there it is. Thanks son. Hey [ female announcer ] charmin ultra strong has a duraclean texture that can help you get clean while still using less. And its four times stronger versus the leading value brand. Charmin ultra strong helps keep you and your underwear clean. We all go. Why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra strong . Thats going to do it for us, right . I think its hard to top it. Well see you back here tonight for nbc nightly news. Our thanks to the karaoke cab tonight from the karaoke cab . Probably not. I should have changed that stupid lock i should have made you leave your key [ cheers ] walk out the door just turn around youre not welcome anymore werent you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbyes and you grumble you think id lay down and die you know that i i will survive oh as long as amazing that you have soul. You do. Its remarkable. Hey hey oh, the musical influence diet. You know there you go. Ready . Here we go. Go for it. Bring it on home. It took all the strength i had not to fall apart bye good morning, im kris sanchez. Coming up next on today in the bay, he is finally a free man. All right . Umhum. Fine, are you . The emotional reunion between a mother and her son who spent seven years behind bars for a crime he did not commit. Plus a railroadworker opens up about an accident that nearly cost him his life. Why he says he is now suing cal train. Plus a half court trick shot like you have never seen before. Today in the bay is next. Good morning. Looking live at the bay bridge toll plaza, looks nice and calm, just a little bit of pink sunrise there but we know theres mist in other parts around the bay. Thanks for joining us. Im kris sanchez along with meteorologist rob mayeda, and depending on where you are, you might need your windshield wiper this is morning. Est mo of the clouds are moving out of the bay area which is nice. Clearing skies in san jose, whats left of the sprinkles south of livermore towards mt. Hamilton right now. We did have light rain around the trivalley and into san jose earlier but that has moved on. Morning temperatures not too bad. Morning lows in the 40s to low 50s and notice the wind, the wind will be picking up this afternoon, some drier air will sweep in, well continue to see the clearing skies today, highs upper 50s, close to 60 today and it looks like tomorrow well see a little bit of a warmup but the warmest temperatures ahead are for the second half of the sevenday forecast as we continue to ignore the calendar in the long range forecast. We need rain and snow, just not much of it coming up in the next seven days. Hopefully seven days after that perhaps. Thank you very much, rob. New this morning, San Francisco police are investigating a deadly shooting in the citys ocean view neighborhood. Police say they responded to reports of a shooting near the intersection of capital avenue and minerva street last night. The victim was dead by the time they arrived. As of now there are no suspects in the shooting and no motive. For the first time in years an oakland man is waking up a free man this morning. It was an emotional reunion between 51yearold ronald ross and his mother yesterday afternoon at her home in dublin. Ross was released from jail after seven years behind bars for a crime he did not commit. It took a fouryear investigation by a San Francisco law firm, a private investigator, and a Northern California Innocence Project to free ross who faced a 25 years to life in prison for attempted murder. There are serious allegations that the Oakland Police sergeant in charge of the investigation at the time not only did shoddy work but showed the shooting victim six photos and told him to pick ross picture out of the lineup. As for mom and son, they are not dwelling on those years lost,

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