Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20170523

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and about 50 amjurinjured. good evening thanks for joining us. dan ashley has the night off. >> we do begin with breaking news. the department of homeland security says there is no evidence of credible threats against music venues in the u.s. following that deadly explosion. >> the attack may have been carried out by a suicide bomber outside the arena. abc news reporter has the latest. >> chaos and panic in manchester, england tonight. singer ariana grande wrapping up her performance when witnesses say large blasts rocked the area near the manchester arena box office. the pop star already off the stage as 10s of thousands of people begin running for their lives. cell phone video capturing the terrifying moments as concert goers, many of them teen age girls, are heard screaming. >> my thoughts are very much with those that have been injured and lost their lives and their loved ones at this terrible time. >> they say at least 19 people are dead and more than 50 people injured. >> we're currently treating this as a terrorist incident. >> reporter: nearby train stations are closed, police locking down the area as they try to figure out who is responsible for this mayhem. >> the department of homeland security and the fbi are monitoring the situation in manchester and they'll provide any assistance if needed. reporting in washington, abc news. an ariana grande posted this on twitterer tonight "broken from the bottom of my heart i am so, so sorry. i don't have words." ♪ ariana grande is a 23-year-old american singer and actress. her big break was a child actress in the nickelodeon tv show "victorious." she's had the most top 10 singles of any artists in 2014. she was in new york as part of her dangerous women tour. her fan base is mainly young women people in their teens and 20s. it's a way to let family and friends know ne'air they're you can download the abc 7 news app to keep getting more updates on this developing story. a group of bistanders came that defense of a mother and her son when someone tried to kidnap the child in san francisco. abc 7 news reporter has the details. >> reporter: san francisco police arrested this woman believed be to in her 30s for trying to grab a 2 1/2-year-old boy from his mother inside the fairy building. >> a struggle ensued. this struggle alerted shop owners and ugder pedestrians thats something was wrong. >> it happened just after 9:30 this morning. fortunately the promenade was full of people who described the woman as unstable as she yelled that the little boy was her child. that's when a group of people came to the mother's rescue and holding her down. >> people were helping the main man hold down a suspect and everyone worked together. so that was a beautiful thing to see out of such a sad event that kind of shook us all. >> this ememployeee didn't want her face shown. she said the little boy was frightened. >> he was crying, crying, crying. >> mom who was visiting from missouri was visibly upset as she tried to leave the fairy building. >> we hope to restore their dignity and their positivity and their hope and their physical safety and well being. so we have escorted them back to their seat. >> they say they have never witnessed anything like this before. abc 7 news. now that proposal to bailed new high school just blocks away from a county jail. it face as vote tomorrow by the dublin unified school district. it's eyeing land off hacienda drive. the plan is to use the space to build a new high school. wade freeman has the story. >> in dublin gab real blackman picked up her twins same as always. and along with other parents does not like what she sees. >> i don't think kids should go to school right next to a jail. >> reporter: it is two long blocks from santa rita jail. >> this is crazy. it's insanity. this is the stupidest location for a school. it's got to be ea joke. it's a bad dream. >> reporter: but dublin faces a student population explosion. all these kids will not fit in the already exiting dublin high. hence the search for a new campus in this seven mile wide city without a lot of land left. >> i don't think we have any location that's completely ideal, no but i think this has great possibilities. >> reporter: she speaks for a schoolboard who will possible vote on the issue tomorrow. >> i think this community's angry that their children aren't being fully represented by the board. >> the alameda county sheriff's have told us they haven't had an issue with the release in 20 years. we've never had an issue in 15 years. >> that said we have a different kind of issue now. >> it just takes one instance for there to be a problem, one. is it you want to take that risk with your kid. >> wade freeman, abc 7 news. police are looking for a palo alto bank robber with a distinctive jacket and gave the teller a note demanding money. no weapon was seen or mentioned in the note. if you recognize him, call police. >> bail is set at $3 million. surre surrendered today and was booked into the martinez correction facility. earlier this month police arrested her for public intoxication after she was found lying on the ground in pleasanten. this was her third alcohol or drug related arrest. a northern california man has died of botchalism after eating gas station cheese. they believe he contracted the rare form of food poison from nacho cheese dip outside sacramento. he was one of 10 people hospitalized. he was receiving treatment. his family said he was in a near coma-like state and died surrounded by loved ones. >> could cost $400 billion. for comparison the state's entire budget was about 70 billion, it wds give all 39 americans coverage. would eliminate deductibles and co pays. they released new analysis saying it would come with a cost. however, the other half might require a 15% pay roll tax. >> the state will need increase spending in order to extend coverage to all californiaens and improve coverage for millions uninsured and whose high deductibles and co pays limit them from accessing care. >> they have not set adate. the warriors just swept the san antonio spurs winning 129-115 to take the western conference finals and here you see them accepting the western conference trophy tonight. their tlr first team go into the finals with a 12-0 perfect post season record. they'll take on the cleveland cavaliers or the boston celtics and it all begins on abc 7 on channel 7. we're going to check in live in antonio. but first there's been another incident involving an airline pass mpger, this time with a prosthetic leg. and the white house is backing off its stance on sanctuary cities. >> widespread cooling is on the way. we'll let you know how low we go. and the multimillion dollar condos on the bay br a san francisco man says he was asked to move seats on a plane in china because of his prosthetic leg. kate larson spoke to the man and passengers about the recent wave of passenger issues caught on camera. >> oh, my god. wow. >> reporter: tim took this cell phone video of an airline employee asking him to move because of his prosthetic leg. >> i can't prove your leg is functional. >> reporter: seward says he paid extra and is capable of performing the necessary sacht duties. >> he said i wasn't a normal person. >> reporter: so seward agreed to move to a different seat without extra leg room. >> i think in his case he did the right thing. >> reporter: a retired airlines apilot agreed seward was discriminated against. >> asserting your right at the time of an issue with carrier could result in removal, delay. >> reporter: seward's story has elicited a strong reaction from a flying public bombarded with stories this year of passengers being mistreated on planes, many of the incidents caught on the cell phone video like dr. david dou being dragged ouf of a united flight. >> i feel it's making it easier to hold people accountable for their actions. because it would be one person's word against another. >> reporter: the faa's policy allows physically capable people to sit in an exit row. but we're still waiting to hear about their policy in south korea. kate larson, abc 7 news. they did reach out to tim about this incident. they said they needed time to investigate but apologized for what happened. they need your help to find the vandals who damaged the gardens at lake merit. >> it seems senseless to do damage to such a serene place. >> they arrived early to repair the electrical system damaged in the weekend attack. they damaged some eagle scout projects. one worker estimated the damage more than 50,$000. they're asking for donations to help make repairs as well as volunteer labor. >> the trump administration appears to be retreating on sanctuary cities. it lim thts financial consequences. at most it would lose grants from the justice department and not all federal money. dennis her era issued a response saying this guidance memo is coming from an administrationing who has a different explanation every time you earn it around. we can't rely on it and we can't trust it. tonight democratic law makers in california are hailing the federal governments commitment for money to the cal train, $647 million over the next five years. the project will convert the cal train system from december tool electric. senator brown, and minority leader nancy pelosi praised the decision. and tweeting and we thought we'd have to bet the california money on the warriors to get lec truification done. #dubs nation. well, you enroll for tsa precheck this weekend. to enroll, you will need present proof of u.s. citizenship and complete a finger printing process. recheck allows travellers to go through without taking off shoes, belts and light jackets. those with wrist bands will get in faster. we're ready for a cool off. >> we're tracking inland today 90 degree heat. you had some relief along the coast thanks to fog. but that widespread cooling is in the next 48 hours. live doppler 7 along with satellite. what we're showing you here, that gray shading you see on your screen, that is the marine layer making its presence known this evening. down to half moon bay and that fog will become more widespread across the region tonight. high school graduation, congratulations to the santa rita seniors. take a look at your planner. very comfortable. in the 80s by 4:00 as you're walking to get your diploma and wrap up the day by 6:00, temperatures in the upper 70s. so congratulations to all the seniors down there. a live look from our camera show you a familiar site out there. look who is back, the fog and it will become more widespread, not only over san francisco but for much of the bay shore line the next 12 hours. still holding on to some warmth. we're still at 84 in san ramon at this hour, 80 in brent wood. contrast that to our coastal communities in the 50s. future weather hour by hour, here's that fog becoming widespread with that wide shading you see by 5:00 in the morning. and into the afternoon a very similar set up once again. lots of sunshine away from the coast. the marine layer being thicker means cooler temperatures will stretch inland. take a look at your highs on your tuesday. we're still warm in the south bay, just not as hot as we have been in the last couple of days. 83 in san jose. 86 that high in morgan hill. along the peninsula, we're out of the 80s, back to the 70s. 79 redwood city but fog for nouch day keeping you only in the upper 50s. downtown san francisco more spring like, 65 tomorrow. afternoon sunshine. to the north bay, 78 novado. into the east bay tomorrow. today we were in the 80s. tomorrow we'll be in the 70s. so cooler air is moving in. 77 fremont and 76 that number in hurkial ease and inland, mainly 80s. antioch at 90 and 89 that number in livermore. by thursday 5 to 15 degrees cooler than we will be tomorrow. so the 80s and 90s are gone and more spring-like in the 60s and sae 70s. we're still rather warm inland but we're much cooler wednesday and into thursday with increasing clouds. right now the holiday weekend looking really nice saturday, sunday and monday. and temperatures a bit above normal but nowhere near as hot as we were last weekend. >> thanks, drew. up next bart's weekend derailment. and in honor of asian pacific heritage month, we're using our instagram feed to celebrate people making contributions where you live. this is the president of the nonprofit asian americans for community involvement. they've been providing culturally sensitive health care for almost 43 years. you can learn more on abc 7 news ba many stores display wines with shelf cards that show a numeric on a scale of 100. >> i usually look for 90 plus. >> but is the one you're buying highly rated? we investigate at 11:00 on channel 7. bart crews will have to replace damaged section of track. it's still not clear what caused the derailment which damaged two train cars and the third rail. no one was hurt when the train derailed. one day you'll be able to load money on your clipper card through your phone but not for anothinger five years. today the metropolitan transportation commission d discussed what improvements can be made. one is including bay area bike show on the clipper network. nothing will change until the end of march 2019. you see mage r flight delays and cancellations this memorial day weekend. officials say it will need to be completed before the summer rush. so the repaving project was supposed to be put on hold to accommodate holiday travel but after the work fell behind, officials decided they couldn't afford totake the weekend off. they're between 10:00 p.m. friday night and 4:00 p.m. monday afternoon. we're learning more about the timing of the deadly concert explosion in england. >> they reveal where they think they were at the time of the blast. >> reporter: and the first sitting president to visit one of the sacred sites. plus new guidelines when it comes to giving their young ♪ the sun'll come out tomorrow... ♪ for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure... ...kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow ♪ ask your heart doctor about entresto. and help make tomorrow possible. ♪ you're only a day away. now from abc 7 live breaking news. back to our breaking news. 19 people died in an explosion during a concert in manchester england. >> police are investigating this as a terror attack. roughly 50 people were injured in the blast that happened shortly after singer ariana grande left the stage. her fans, many teenagers, were just starting to leave. >> they're looking into the possibility of a suicide bombing outside the arena. we'll have updates on abc 7 news at 11:00 on channel 7. president trump visited jerusalem's western wall today. he's the first sitting u.s. president to visit the holy site. jonathan carl has more from jerusalem. >> reporter: donald trump couldn't have asked for a warmer welcome in the holy land p. coming off air force one to an elaborate red carpet ceremony. and a greeting from the prime minister and his wife who remarked that the netanyahus and the trumps have something in common. [ inaudible ]. >> reporter: trump then became the first sitting president to visit one of jerusalem's most sacred sites and following jewish tradition leaving a written prayer. with him hise milania and daughter, ivanka. they hope it will turn the page from the russia investigation. but today it was the president who spoke about the controversy. trump told reporters to stay. he had something to say about that infamous oval office meeting with russian officials. about those reporthat he passed on highly classified information given to the united states by the zooel israelis. >> just so you understand i never mentioned the word or the name israel. never mentioned it. so you had another story wrong. mention -- never mentioned the word israel. >> reporter: but nobody has ever reported that trump said it was israel. there was no mention of the muslim ban he proposed as a candidate and trump did not say the words "radical islamic terrorism." >> this is a batble tween good and evil. >> reporter: by starting his first foreign trip in the heart of the middle east, the president hopes he can take a step towards closing what he calls the ultimate deal, peace betwine the israelis and the palestinians. >> i've heard it's one of the toughest deals of all but i have a feeling we're going to get there eventually i hope. >> that was jonathan carl reporting. back at home the president's former national security advisor says he will not cooperate with an investigation in the 2016 election. michael flynn will invoke his fifth amendment right against incrimination. james comey is set to testify in a public hearing after memorial day. oj simpson is serving a 33 year sentence for burglary. >> reporter: o.j. simpson could soon become the world's first famous paroly. he could be eligible for release in october. he was convicted by las vegas jury in 2008 on robbery and kidnapping charges, sentenced to 13 years. in 1995 simpson was famously acquitted of murdering miconico brown simpson and ron goldman. they thds sense of justice they felt after the vegas conviction could eraberavaporate. >> what would that look like to you have? >> disgust. >> he did a horrible, heinous crime and i have no feeling but rot in hell. >> reporter: but 20 years after the dizzying array of evidence -- >> if it doesn't fit, you must acquit. >> reporter: there's been a cascade of o.j. they tell us simpson has been a model decade but parole is often much more about taking responsibility for one's crime than behavior behind bars. an alabama doctor and three other men died over the weekend trying to climb mt. everest. he was making his second attempt after he narrowly escaped an earthquake triggered avalanche that killed 19 people. details of were wood's death are uncertain. winds eased up enough for dozens of people to make to the summit. 70 people made it, others had to turn around because of high winds. an alert to parents about a new fad. >> you ready to take a picture? three, two, one? challenge over. so what you just saw is an example o what a kid might do if they accept the challenge. >> this is produced by the miami dade police department. as he said it's called the blue whale chal mpg. it's an online game that reportedly assigns a series of challenges that become increasingly difficult. the last one reportedly dares them to win the game by committing suicide. despite the warnings, it's not entirely clear it actually dpi s exists or has been linked to deaths. youtube has removed video trying to explain the game. the american center of pediatrics should avoid younger kids drinking fruit juice. only 6 ounces for 4 to 6-year-olds. they say children should instead focus on eating whole fruit. there's evidence linking juice consumption to tooth decay and weight gain. fist responders celebrated 40 years of service. it is ems week and firefighters and paramedics using the jaws of life showing how how they they get to an accident victim in a car wreck. everyone took time aught to enjoy barbecue. well, brainiacs -- researchers haven covered genes that may make people smarter. that brings these genes to 52. these factor in how brain cells develop. scientists hope to generate a brain blue print of sorts. harvey milk would have turned 87 years old today. >> we'll look at how san francisco is remembering this pioneered gay rights. food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. fothere's a seriousy boomers virus out there that's been almost forgotten. it's hepatitis c. one in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most don't even know it. because it can hide in your body for years without symptoms, and it's not tested for in routine blood work. the cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested. if you have hep c, it can be cured. for us it's time to get tested. ask your healthcare provider for the simple blood test. it's the only way to know for sure. 87 years ago today harvey milk was born. ultimately the first gay man to hold public office before he was a assassinated 11 monthinize to his term. they're being celebrated today on harvey milk day. >> held up with scotch tape and a lot of love. >> reporter: they took part in windows for harvey, honoring harvey all over the castro. >> he stands for so many ideas like activism and equality for people. >> reporter: crafted with scissors and magic marker though the real one is on display up the street at the lgbt history muse museum. so the community got freed a mission to museum on milk's birthday. >> never too early to expose this little one to the history and culture of san francisco. >> this is to be played only in the event of my death or assassination. >> reporter: the sound of his own words now home to the human rights foundation. though it all started right here, milk's ideas have echoed around the country and the world in ways he only dreamed of. >> he's the impetus behind everything going on not only here but world wide. skblr >> reporter: they welcomed this visitor from amsterdam. >> when the laws are changed in the country, the flag is replaced by the rainbow flag. >> reporter: a flag designed here in san francisco flying proudly across from the castro theater where a documentary about milk is playing for free. >> we feel his message is really important for youth. >> reporter: galvanizing a new generation they say is the best birthday gift they could imagine. >> it's about giving those young people hope, got to give them hope. >> reporter: abc 7 news. well, the future is almost here. >> we'll get a sneak peek inside apple's new space ship campice and the way employees will be able to get from one side to the other without going all the way around. (vo) this memorial day at enterprise car sales... experience great customer service and get more for your trade, may twenty-fourth through thirtieth and let enterprise car sales flip your thinking about buying your next vehicle. now to a special moment in san francisco. city hall see as parade of weddinwe weddings every day. this colorful dress measures 52 feet in diameter. it's made of the flags of 75 countries where home sexuality is a crime. they were carried during last year's euro pride day. >> it's appealing to people and they're taking pictures and it lowers the thresh hold and the beginning of the awareness we want to spread. >> they say if a country stops penalizing home sexuality, they'll remove it and replace it with a rainbow flag. cupertino is not officially open. but as a few employees quietly begin to work there, news anchor christian xi. >> reporter: it was the dream of the late apple found, steve jobs. the complex is just about finished. sky 7 flew over the site this afternoon. you can see the perfect circle design of the main building. i also want to show you this pretty sunset view shot by a drone. it will be 100% fuelled by solar energy. some of the park-like features are taking shape. some of the 9,000 trees have been planted and this giant fountain is under construction and how about this. the glass pavilion where the future steve jobs theater looks mostly completed. that's this structure right there but the actual auditorium is underground and that's where future unveilings will be held. and you'll see tunnels and ones that will allow them to go from one place to another. it's been delay would no new date set. there was a cafeopen on the public. abc 7 news. a colony of double crested is thriving tonight. for months they had rested -- resisted the especialspecially platforms and stayed on the old tresses. they tried everything, decoys, mirrors, special audio, nothing worked and when the lasts old tress was removed, they vanished. they began appearing on the new platforms. now there are more than 700 and they appear to be enjoying their new home. probably enjoying the weather too. >> there's something for everybody today and tomorrow we'll continue a gradual cooling trend coming off of the hot weekend we just expeer ybsed. what we have on the screen. you see a little bit of gray. right along the coast. some high clouds towards stockton and modesto and san jose. that's a pretty wide range again in our current temperatures. sfo 74 in concord. 66 in san jose and 68 in santa rosa. that fog will become retkcome p expansive. then as we get you into your tuesday, you can see upper 50s to low 60s and 70s arounds the bay. accuweather shows you the gradual cooler trend continues and we'll brighten up towards the holiday weekend. >> thank you very much. you get the aviation story. >> i do. well, it's now or never. elv elvis's private jet is being auctioned off. this red 1962 lockheed jet star was one of many owned by the king of rock and roll. it has no engine and needs a cockpit restoration. elvis designed the interior and it has red velvet seats and carpet. it's been on this runway for years. bidding is at $126,000 but the auctioneer is hoping to get more than $2 million. >> roswell, mexico. >> may get an out of the world bid. >> that's true. you know what we're talking about. 4-0, baby, right? coming up in sports the warriors are sweeping into the finals with their 12th straight playoff win and abc 7 sports brought to you by your local toyota dealer. the warriors behind kevin durant and steph curry made sure the spurs would not survive to play another day. fan favorite jinoboginobili. steph curry with the great move somehow gets the shot to fall. curry was upset no foul was called. golden state stepped up the pace. the dubs would go on a 13-0 run. durant knocks town the three. curry scores again despite being surrounded, durant finished with 29 points, 18 in the first half 378 10 of 14 from the floor. golden state on the break. durant sets up draymond green for the dunk. san antonio never really threatened to take the lead as golden state always had the answer. durant from long range there. now it's curry shaking off the defender and hitting the step back three. he finish would a game high 36, 129-115 the final as the warriors advance to their third straight nba finals. let's go live to san antonio. where mike shumen is standing by. >> it's just a great feeling. three straight finals for the warriors. a joyous locker room. especially for guys like petullia, mcgehee who took less money to come here to get to the finals and they've done just that. draymond green on the win. >> you got group of guys, a culture, staff and entire organization who's committed to each other, to the process and we knew from day one trying to get back here would be the toughest thing to do but we added some great pieces and we're back and it's a great feeling. >> to make it to the nba finals, to win your conference finals, it's a big task it's a huge accomplishment and i tip my hat off to our players. they deserve a lot of credit. that is disrespectful to them in my book. they're way, way more than just their talent. >> we've been through it all. we've had every experience we can rely on going into the finals and no matter how it goes and hoathe rest of the journey happens, i think we're prepared for pretty much anything. >> reporter: not a lot of celebrating in the locker room and that's because they have one more mission. they'll wait for cleveland or bausn to decide who they will face. rest up as they look for game one thursday on june 1st. mike shoeman. >> thank as lot, mike. having won seven of their last nine, the giants try to keep that momentum going in chicago. let's go to wrigley field. john lackey got the start and joe panik takes them deep to left. brandon belt also had a good game with a pair of hits and he makes it 5-0 with his team leading ninth homer of the season. in the eighth, bias connects for a 2-run shot. the lead was down to four. derek law came on in relief and he too gives op2-run homer. it's a 6-4 ball game but the cubs got no closer. they got the last three out. 6-4 the final. nhl playoffs throwing cat fish on the ice has become a nashville tradition. down 3-1, anaheim rallies, wagner it off the head and four minutes later, ducks defenseman ties it up with a second goal of the playoffs. but the predators would retake the lead. colten one times it past jonathan burr nay. they would take the series and the predators are headed for their first ever stanley cup final. they'll take on ottawa or defending champ pittsburgh. brought to you by toyota. wait to june 1st. warriors tweeted out steph curry hit 21 threes in this final, which is a new record. beating the old record set by steph curry. >> i'm not surprised. thanks a lot. coming up tonight on abc 7 news at 11:00, we're staying on top of our breaking flunews, an explosion outside the ariana grande concert in england. and to the wine labels tell you the whole story? join us for abc 7 news at 11 on channel 7. this 26 karat white diamond ring. >> that's quite a profit considering the owner spent 15 bucks for it at a flee market in the 8'80s. the buyer had no idea of the ring's value because 19th century diamonds were not cut to show off their brilliance and clarity. thank you for joining us tonight. >> for all of us here at abc 7 news, thank you for watching. >> see you at 11:00 on 7. narrator: today on corrupt crimes... santa cruz, california is the laid-back home of endless summers, surfing, and a sadistic serial killer. hitchhikers are being picked up,

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