And. That's my heart putting the people before me and making sure that my grandchildren's grandchildren are able to live in a safe community we do our own nightly patrols every night all night to make sure our communities safe because we know that all we have to protect us is I selves or I. My biggest message is that we all need to come together. We all need each other right now we have our sisters missing we have our brothers going missing we have these pipelines coming through. I I looked out my fight my biggest how I fight the m.m. I ws locking down the pipeline. I've locked down to 3 of them. To bring awareness to understand counts and how you know how it's all connected the drugs the man comes to sex trafficking the only 2 are missing and murdered reality . So that's my stand I'm I'm out on own on bond for numerous charges from all of these so. Some people are in mourning today but I'm happy we survived over 500 years. And we're still here. Resisting and we're all standing in. We have to be like Tom to all of you and to my sister and to the Aloni how existence for the sacrifices they made for me to be here and also to my ancestors those while there was the u.s. Flag. Thank you. For a moment you alone at this time are going to have let NATO word Jack come up. As a warrior woman she's been making the Torah for the 50th anniversary here I don't know if my Don is here also I know Betty Cooper feedin new practiced these are the pillars in our community but help to keep things going and we're grateful for all of them grateful for all of their sacrifices and so when it is going to offer the sunrise prayer at this time I am I hearing that there is some life streaming happening we don't live stream here in the circle and so I'm going to ask you to be a good relative and to stop live streaming because we are really counting on this. The radio broadcast so that there's listeners all over the world and if people are using that data I haven't we're not able to have the radio broadcast it keeps dropping off and so we're going to ask you when I go away to please not do that at this time you can put your phone on airplane won't you can record and take photos but please no life streaming. Just because you're listening to Radio Free. From Katie if a. We have some very special guests here. Every year. International. Is. Under-funded. Time. Peace and. Through this country a. Very special. If there is your surplus to get older and your goals are what are the results to cause there's something experienced then that is really just comes up too early to tell your friends or glass I'm going to use only. The tumorous needs of course and it's . An intelligent balance like. I was it was a set of lessons for us. In this thread was truly were. Those religious. Runs are generally a lot of people are in greatly. Such. Services transition looks. Great respect but you know we got lost in salary and the ones on the readers. Were able to let me ask you. Just. Sort. Of your own whether. You are. Their donors. So everyone will know you're cured or. Just. Do list of things you can certainly if you still only have 2 months and there is a. Lot of it on the bills take she dreaded to set that rule to. Being gay or worse or insist that. This is just women coming to the forefront for a good deal of the situation but this country's administration has religious children a church that shocked me when you think well you also were Kate separated families give us your here today Ron what do you say to the White House. After being here on this rocket cheerleading energy that people are so. Ation to overturn the scene just we're just being destroyed by the fire but. Destroyed the planet but also the treatment of children. And we can say that we're just made about what is happening here incredibly just made which is the history of this country is meant to consistent history this country. Again is 1st nation people indigenous people against people color against poor people is then this consistent system. And it's him searching. Not simply justice simply to keep him in other misery but also to destroy their will. And everything else what we have to say is that you will not destroy our will we are here we will continue the legacy of struggle the strength of the fighting will continue in 10 years to to. To. Teach our children to struggle and to continue to fight is not letting up one does not letting up one minute one moment. That. The most impoverished people in this country of the 1st nation people the most impoverished people in this country 1st nation people. With them the the most number of the most . I mean I just I just feel that. I'll be you know. Now yesterday I was insulted that prison and before that I was in Susan veal high desert prison and the brothers know they're celebrating today so I want to bring there's a spirit in here they had throughout throughout the state throughout the country. We had to bring all those that are relatives that are behind those walls they were gonna break that cycle. Being here today for the 50th anniversary isn't it incredible what honor an honor to be here that there is so many young people here today they continue the struggle and as Danny and I we've been all over the world talking about struggle talk about peace but when we come here to our to our roots right here you know there is that it continuous it will continue again for generations to come so we're honored and want to also honor all those veterans there. Have lost their lives in this country and yet have not been taken care of or seen as others or deported and again that the children that are incarcerated in the border and wherever their children are incarcerated we don't know that that's not right we've got to change that so I am I am I feel good about the young people today there are going to continue the struggle and especially this this station that has always been at the forefront so I am glad to be here today. Dr Warren Jack just offered some race prayer as the sun is coming up what seems like it always gets colder when that happens and they're doing honoring song right now for the 15th anniversary Alcatraz of veterans but I wanted to ask you you know both of you have been so involved in struggle and resistance and we know that people of color are always the most oppressed and brutalized people and what what can we do what are you doing to change not only I mean to change the value system because it's going to keep our printing until he's you know address what the value is are in this country and how money is put above every. People above him in life and how can we work on changing those values I know number 45 is you know horrible leader and model for that because he appeared amazes everything that we fight against We struggle against But in 80 elections I think are so critical and we really are at a crisis time in the world and global history because the Earth is being raped and unless we change that value system it's going to keep happening so what can we do to address that. As. We often say that this moment is the most desperate moment the Certainly does is it comes to Mother Earth and in this space as if as if trying to get somewhere you know right to the right did you right to the right are you or does encamped in a hole when clearly people right up to it's almost like use you moving so slow that you can stand still in and gaze at them you know and yet And yet we could just kind of. Humanity who you are determined by how much you in that red race how much you in that car how long you're in that car for hours and hours and now as you know we have to find some sort of way in which we we we pushed beyond another way of living we cannot live like this anymore we cannot exist like this we can't deny cannot cannot cannot sustain ourselves like this you know this is saying we can't possibly be like this. a stake in the. It's made I believe in the last year or 2 years where the population is a minority stake here. I think. I think that she is the gateway to the new Pacific markets in a new world out there. You know and I think that. You know that our numbers right. It gives us an opportunity to come together and. Work with local communities. Internationally. No but our local communities need to be more organized and what happens a lot of things too is that you don't because of oppression and poverty and all that sounds we are not together in our communities and we have you know things that happen are commuters that and if I did as. We have no more time for that you know around the way that we're being treated our children are being treated we need to come together whatever whatever you know it was in the past you have to forgive each other we have a very hard day you know I together that's my brother Danny I was saying that we we must advance there's no turning back again Soledad no matter what happens within the next election I think we need to continue to move forward and I always before. I know you mentioned earlier that he did a lot of work together what kind of work are you to an. International. Well we've been in the Senate when we've been intimate. Can get you to get it you know we can be. Really like to think what it is what didn't uncredible doing sit. Down and he has done you know a look at the bar is you need a significant is this just provide the platform in which we can we can make the kind of connections with internationally and find out the fight and then realize the potential of those struggles as well and I will struggles in their own strength as well I think certainly when. So when we went to come to Kenya we were very touched by the move by just the work you know the people had been doing around the world which were in connection to connected to the work that happens here do work on social justice the brick to do the work around a concentration I remember $1.00 to $1.00 point we've it's a visit a day and it is a place of a concentration in Venezuela and we would we would really move by the way in which . It's at trade begin to transform the way they saw in conservation as well and so there were so many things that make making making those kind of connections with people you know whether you're with is through the roof of Kenya and coffee in. It if you know the ways it could have been economic the different economic political beliefs ships with with those produces the coffee and actually produces a coffin those are the kind of relationships that I think we we. Hope self-determined it in the way and provide its strength in its strength and it. Will open connections. Tentacle something that worked that in among the. Other countries were meeting with Indigenous people from those areas to be able to say that we all connected and especially with like the the peace and dignity of life that happens to something consequential You know we have been participating in supporting that for a long time. In and in an Indian country but you know when Harry Belafonte That is our mentor. From the get go was that we had faded support. We received more work continue till the end or we were not going anywhere because the Harry Belafonte would just Tonto cause there's no. Time and I knew that something was going to be reduced we would try to remiss because either one of us here have been very you know what I'm saying in so many different ways I met him when I was much much younger as an actor and certainly if it was the guidance that he's provided the supports it is about it and understanding understanding that even though. We were younger generation that we have to be right in this if in the forefront of putting it either the younger people to come to the struggle. Toting them encouraging near down there is nothing I wanted to live in to the search momentarily and see. That only you can bring it the dot org And they can or can't be. The kind of cult of bigots and racists like the things that we share with them because all we are doing is bringing up the history so thank you and keep. The glow for the dollar how that is for sharing your insight. There is historic day yes that's your message will resonate there's a lot of folks that didn't make it here this morning but there's this again later on today at 5 o'clock we will see. An extension of the interview so here. Thank you so much to thank you not yet you. Can Keep up the good work see. If you don't have extreme elder status it's not going to stay and they hate thinking all along it's pretty interesting though to see everybody with their cames and moving so slow now let's check out the trans veterans it's like wow I've been at it a long time. To stay with. Thank you so much for coming. By doing this one and I. It's an honor and privilege to be here thank you for sharing your space with me shake it share your space with our family. It's been 50 years since the occupation. And struggles continue for the 50 years before that 50 years it will continue from this point and it's our responsibility to honor our ancestors and honor our elders by carrying on that show. Don't let their sacrifices be in vain we carry the show on to sell the dirty that's why it's important for all of us to be here today to be here today to show that we're together that we're unified that we have the solidarity so we honor those from the past we struggle with those in the present. To build a better future for those that are coming so I thank you for all being here sharing your space again it's an honor and privilege and I hope to spend many more of these with you thank you. Thank you thank you. They were. Thank you so much. Thank you. So please let him cleared away please give him space says the ag. That was calling capper Nick addressing the circle and he's been here multiple Well at least twice. And most recently since he got got the blues. For taking the knee and so we really appreciate his support presence here and he just made a statement of solidarity and we're glad that he's continuing the struggle we have another guest with us today that's going to be coming on momentarily you know we. Saw this woman I. Am just having. A meeting and all I heard him saying today was Ok Chico in such unfair Washington pitches a. Tantrum much. Some p.t.p. Him out of the house. So I just said I shake your head with a good heart and my name which mean an eternity and I come from him. But I've been out here in the Bay Area for many many years and then we heard her address briefly when you were talking in the circle and talking about momma and that's a great acronym for a very very important issue that you're working on and it is mothers against men don't want that so maybe you could tell us a little bit about the work that you're doing and how devastating it is with the native communities. Yeah Ok I just want to say one and I think cutting a deal thanks for having me this morning and I I'm really honored to be here to talk to my. Mom as this is Mother's Day gets mad July and for ground. It's programmed I started on my own home to come back but I am a campaigner just give a shit and. We cover everything that goes along with the meth addiction to. Help. The child abuse charges me help but the pregnant mothers who we hope to. Get into treatment. Were actually set up to support the men tactics and their families because when my oldest daughter became addicted there wasn't anybody there yet I could turn to talk to him. Right now she just turned 30 just to hear him. So I started this program to help other other families in my community to come back to the meds epidemic so we do a little bit of everything we do nightly but Charles we do sex trafficking prevention and we help put the missing and murdered indigenous relatives we do search parties we search parties where we've recovered 2. Missing and murdered indigenous women and. We're just out here in the community doing whatever we can to make sure it's safe for it for not only my grandchildren but your grandchildren and their grandchildren's grandchildren who fund. Their solidarity statement with community right now has circling around sure who it is but. Him or her. Hold on a moment. We're going to go back in the circle. To some part our collective deliberation if we can to challenge us imperialism from and to victim defending indigenous self-determination to challenging Western intervention in Latin America and I still aiding Israeli apartheid today. And every day we show up for one another is a testament to the great potential of international solidarity and our alliances of resistance from Haiti to that Philippines from Bolivia at a Turtle Island from Yemen to Palestine we. Enjoy now you know. Ready. You know the ready Thank you. For. Sanders had a motivated speaker really appreciate the aspirations of solidarity that we have here. That's customary for this gather not only do we have celebrities coming out to support but we have Alcatraz batteries and we have. Solidarity supporters from all over the world and we have a gentleness people from Indian country that are coming here from all parts parts of Indian country so that you could be here with us today I know that's a massive issue is really pervasive You know I have family members as well that are dealing with my struggles and it impacts everybody not just that person but the whole family there's a community at. One of my. Houses there and shut down because of math so it displaces entire communities and what do you do with Senate issue like that it's so pervasive. Really. It's really sad. To see our communities so ravaged by. The keys to fighting this epidemic is the education and awareness. I go into. Programs into the jails into the. The dorms the schools to educate are on dazed and might a lot of. These don't even know that they're there children or grandchildren are are $100.00 math or doing math in their homes and then there are houses that swap and come up positive and that the. Display is down I really focused on bringing our knowledge you know what we do on community walks and rally used to get the community involved and we bring presenters there who've overcome the meth epidemic and they tell their stories and they ask me Do you want us to to tell them of the real story. And I said no they need to hear the real story they need to hear what you bend to so they don't want to go through there was a group of. Someone performing in the surf now I just wanted to mention a campaign and how does that impact community country. You know. I got to get. Here. The pipeline coming through with the mad cow I'm spending all of that. I did interview last week with the Associated Press reporter on on my thoughts on that campaign and it's really upsetting. These people as they end there on it when they don't even know all that trauma. To her if it backs of it I have really quite understand the campaign I think it's supposed to indicate I'm on it like I'm working on it already ailing but it gives the wrong message you shall. Know how pervasive it is that it's just kind of like a play on words. There needs to be something that really really does reach the community that is on. A tease I should say. As they really. Break down like so many so many communities are affected by it and there's so whole many. Tragedies because we've had deaths because of a Vietnam veteran there's a whole spate of of you. I mean. I've heard I don't know if this is true. These threats. And. Communities. Are very small. Not. Were not scared to come on. Right now I'm working on a. Panel just going to ask. People. Are you doing this. Work. One of. Salt Lake City the only one doubts really help still is my son but he just has a newborn baby too. They're fighting fighting to get through this getting much purple support at least from the Try not from my tribe my tribe does it because they're involved with. The treasures wife was caught in his vehicle math error and liquor pills and I did protest outside the tribal council to get him removed and they turned around and turned on me and they were trying to pave people to come and fight me because I was bringing this awareness I wanted. To be swathed in the tribal office. And I do have. True ved. No proof with the tribe promises me the small office based on a small budget which they've never honored. The tradition of calling and they. Supported all I get in but what do you get might be a lot of support from far times there have you been I've been there like 3 times When are you going to have the $800.02 pay the. Fees. It's as easy as a. Com. I have a Facebook page called Mothers Against that reaches people all across the world not only. To get people from news the From. From everywhere that need help and we everybody that has. Thank you thank you for having me. I think the work that you're doing is really. This. Continuous. Did you have any color I just want to say you're listening to Radio Free Alcatraz my names may get covered up. Here was such an event and we have a special guest I like to thank you for joining us thank you very curious words and though we have been told to chill chill rich. For chills seem Ok help support this that again we have Victoria or Vicky Kamal here with us it seems like in some ways you've grown up with this rock you're every year you're out here your father was one of the original occupiers so to rock and that legacy lives on you it's good to have you here. Since I last saw you but let me ask you what what does to date mean to you why are you here just. Chilling cold rock. I'm here because I came to honor all of our occupiers and our ancestors movements that are happening right now all around the world. But this. One and I just wanted to say something. I don't really like having too long but I just want to say and this is a way from what she was a yes we are healing and we are here. And we are going to change. But. Yes we're taking that sacrifice. Strong words and knowledge. And were applying them to what's happening now but I just saw. People who know people's history transcends further and then. The government and the professors. Our history is longer than that it's just a sliver of time and our people. They were scientists in true honor those true stories and our history and our ancestors sacrifices and all these occupiers that sacrificed during the time when it was not safe to do what they did and the people that are continuing. To carry on the. Farm . And all people trying to create positive impacts every. Day Thank you for the work you guys bringing your voice these voices out there. Listening. Thank you for listening. Thank you. For serving came. As a long tradition here that we're going to go into the circle. From standing. Barca's between this power that we have seen each other and yourselves we got to be able to overcome this. To be able to share with you a story sorry. Here and it's a summary of the code access pipeline since 2014 till now but you could access. By and you transfer partners in 2014 it is a 1160 mile crude oil pipeline that crosses the Missouri River to Lake oh hey. I don't know how stream of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation runs didn't special land of the other known as a case you Nation the Missouri River is a certain water source for the Standing Rock Sioux in the Show us you chives it is sacred to the people. Through which the cool axis pipeline runs through a look at Lake. Also holds great spiritual cultural and historical value to the stern Rock Sioux. River Sioux charts although. The area in which. You are in the case. Cheyenne River try members publicly opposed to access pipeline because in their water source their burial sites and their sovereignty. During the night of January 19th atrocities were committed I was shot by Bismarck police officer from 35 feet away while I had my hands up I was not opposing the pipeline Instead I was making sure the water protectors were say I would like to since then a lot of people many people have file federal lawsuits a lot of people are holding these people accountable and we have and we must do the same oh like to be able to share the world with you something everybody you want deserves to know because the people who did this and we've been holding this information for quite some time now it has been eating me is been hurting me and I know that the world needs to know these names oh like to. The. North Dakota law officers who have been backing a shock and I don't like to tell you the names of the officers who shot people who shot gramma's who shot entities who shot nephews who shot nooses who shot all relatives I don't like to be it was said these name with you so hopefully one day hopefully soon we can be able to throw them in prison and hold them accountable. All right. Bismarck police officer Josh Brown does not police officer Lynn Masters police officer Tyler woke this morning police officer. One county sheriff's deputy can mean McClanahan one county sheriff's deputy George Pell not to . Say because Kaku thunder. Patrol saw him Benjamin Kennelly upon information and belief that all of the times. The sworn law enforcement officials. I gave an oath to serve and protect the public I know that I know that this isn't. Through San Iraq we have endured a long train a lot of pain a large. And that hurts it hurts because my brothers are. Hurt because my brothers are coming back messed up it's hurts because there are people who are coming back toward tribute like this you know we should none of this should have ever happened and for the only way we can be able to restore the love restoring go from that we have to hold these people we care we have to do it for our people for the next 7 generations everybody. Ok SAGAL Thank you. Thank you brother we're going to ask 1st d.c. And Maria to come up now and offer some words our Irish solidarity speakers here we're going to ask for our time and those folks to come out and then we're going to have now while his ideas Isabel Devi. Hello good morning my name is Isabel is easy I introduce myself and I record our language for the 1st time as a coven the Muskogee Creek unnoted and tribes I'm a member of I don't know my day and I think it's the indigenous women of the Americas defending mother treaty. Today I want to inform you that the u.s. Army Corps of Engineer is wanting to dig up our beautiful San Francisco Bay about 13 miles stretching from pen to fill a hoe and when they would if they dig up my severed Cisco Bay toxins like mercury arsenic and lead will be lifted up and contaminate our beautiful water it will contaminate the land and it will contaminate the the cities and the neighbors that live in the surrounding areas and we are doing so much in the Bay Area as I don't know more s.f. Bay and other members to make sure that this does not happen the Us Army Corps of Engineers wants this to be finished by far 2020 but we are making sure that it doesn't go through so I need your support there is a petition to ask our local congressmen and our local representatives. To deny this project and you can sign this petition at Protect the Bay dot org really simple website protected by a dot org Please sign the petition and please stand with our local folks here in the Bay Area let us continue to stand for the water continue to stand for the land and protect the next generations who come after us. Good morning my name is money yes your mana Dorsey I was burning books at among a Columbia and my ancestors come from but the Sierra Mountains the Andes and down into the Amazon of Brazil. Right now the people in the south are rising up at Bolivia Chile. They are rising up. There rising up for their human rights and justice rights the rights to their culture and to live in the way that they choose to and right now here we are able to stand in solidarity with them so I want to invite all of you to join the indigenous women of the Americas defending Mother Earth treaty signatories I don't know more s.f. Bay and the Brazil solidarity network on Friday this is me here go here I'm Alina you're listening to k.p. Pay 94 point one and this is Radio Free Ok trends we're here on the rock and it's getting bone chilling cold on here which you know and I like to thank everyone involved that made today happen. Cheney got just as always be precise when he puts of. The board at the mothership keep it in control and Rog Q Thank you for being there. Franklin sort of. Along with Sochi and David they like going to bed little giggles don't go inside Lis and our video crew Chad Ray and Cheney. And of course the flashpoints crew number to turn it over to my social hear Tony take it away. Cell I just want to thank everyone for joining us today it really is getting windy and I have big love and respect for all the down somethings who are out there bare put it in waiting. To go into the circle and dance is super windy and cold so I want to say thank you so much for being here every year and pretty handsome for us and sharing your beautiful energy and culture and prayers with us today. Ready to wrap up again and we want to remind you that programming like this is not possible without your financial support so if you can make a contribution now or make it as a pledge week starts next month arrive on December 4th it's very important that we have your support and. The best way to do that is with your checkbook or with your credit card because we can't continue to put this programming on the airwaves without the financial support that we need to cover all our expenses. Which means many big thanks for your support and we are happy that you joined us today and we are going to send this program back to the mothership. Irish migrants through famine and a major source of funds for financing I liberation struggle Irish diaspora and have collaborated with and benefited from every stage of their colonialism here dozens of a reset laser granted possession of stolen lands during the Spanish Mexican regimes and these toddlers did not lose possession of these lands under the u.s. Occupation like most Mexican citizens. Found in refugee refugees considered fully white here in the West participated in all aspects of genocide against California Indians. We pay little evidence the Irish the aspirins here have stood with native folks in any significant way beyond a few exceptions like Indian agents detail Murphy and John Ross Brown or Collingwood's j.p. Harrington and Kathy Callahan in the 50 years since the Alcatraz occupation. Folks like Robert Kelley and Bob Callahan Roxanne don't buy or tease Kat Goggins Peter. And Mary McElroy most importantly we also recognize honor and thank the many California Indian people who are also Irish. We can down the masses of our ancestors who betrayed Irish values here and try to Ireland celebrate those exceptions who understood Irish liberation and native liberation are inextricably linked and as the sun rises this warning we commit ourselves to bringing a new day and Irish indigenous relations based on recognition support and solidarity. We stand with you for your sacred sites as we stand for our sacred sites in Ireland we stand we stand with you for the sermon here on the west coast of Turtle Island as we stand against Arabs and dust row fishing and toxic farming operations destroying our soundman in the west of Ireland. We stand with you for your political prisoners as we stand with ours Free Leonard reform in the crate diving through and all political prisoners. We stand with you for a United are free papa just as we are united and free Ireland united and free Palestine are united in free Kashmir united and free to one autumn nation. We stand with you against the extractive industries destroying our environment from Gucci and Innuit to Standing Rock from Oak flat and you Horace stock to the Amazon from the Niger River Delta to the Congo and Langan and telling juggling to country just as we stand with raw sport County Mayo in the spare and mountains and counties her own money which owning the sale to Water is life we stand with our Hawaiian relatives. Ok I want to thank you again for joining us today it's just about time for the program and so on behalf of mageddon. Who's going to be introducing this tech advancers Michigan dancers and the rest of the crew to cook and faker than myself and one want to thank you for joining us kingpin pain anywhere point $189.00 playing through can feel at peace in a plain one camp c.f. In Fresno 97.5 k. To be are this is joining in Tron signing up and help you have a beautiful day enter remember all your coffee relatives and be grateful for all the blessings that we have in our lives today as well. Good morning it's Thursday November 28th 2900 Thanksgiving this is off front I'm Brian Edwards Tikrit on today's show the number of people sleeping on the street is rising rapidly but not everyone doing it considers themselves without a home we're going to take you inside a place where people without housing have been making their own homes a place that is slated to be a victim a place where we wanted to document day to day life before it was in a moment of crisis it's a place the city of Oakland calls an encampment and that residents call a community the community of grace That's next after the news. I max from the with these headlines officials said President Trump was briefed on the whistleblower complaint about his dealings with Ukraine before the White House released nearly $400000000.00 in military aid to kill that sheds new light on events that triggered the impeachment inquiry Trump was told about the complaint in late August in a briefing by White House counsel chip Illini and John Eisenberg an attorney with the White House National Security Council that's according to 2 officials not authorized to publicly discuss the matter Fishel said the lawyers told the president about the complaint explaining that they were required that they were trying to determine whether they were legally required to give it to Congress the aide was released on September 11th amid growing pressure from lawmakers the White House did not immediately respond to requests for comment the White House has claimed there was no link between the military aid suspension and the president's request for Ukraine to investigate his political rival Joe Biden and his family China reacted furiously today to President Trump signing 2 bills aimed at supporting human rights in Hong Kong China summoned the u.s. Ambassador to protest and warned the move would undermine cooperation with Washington Hong Kong a former British.

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