Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20161028

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complete replacement. all the repairs and patching for the last 50 years have gotten us to where we're at now and we're in decent shape but we now need to go into the next half century with a new roof. >> reporter: the roof was recoated in 1999 and since then patches were necessary. this will be the first major project set to begin the summer of next year. until then, carol says watch your step. you're the risk manager, right? >> yes. >> reporter: do you worry about someone falling? >> yes. obviously, we have slick floors. so yes. >> reporter: and so you might be wondering if it's been leaking for years more than a decade potentially more than that, what's taken so long to put a new roof on? well, the answer to that is that this is a historical building. it was architecturally designed by frank lloyd wright so they want to make sure that the end result looks as close to what they have now as they can make it. live in marin county, emily turner, kpix 5. let's take a look at other cities around the bay area. this is atherton where it's not raining now but it was earlier. the south bay and peninsula getting an early taste of the action. this is the marina green in san francisco. clouds and showers at the waterfront all day. and this was the view from the east bay. three skyline of san francisco obscured by fog and rain. in santa cruz a deep line by bulldozers to prevent flooding. they are digging a trench to pump nearly a million gallons of water out of a nearby lagoon into the ocean. no more wet weather worries for san francisco's cable car operators. for decades, rain has made the turnarounds slippery for gripmen pushing the cars into place. this week a new surface was installed to add traction. >> we're going to put it in six locations, the cable car, the three turntable locations. but a couple on california street, where there's a switch involved. and then we'll take a look at where else we can put it. >> the new material is called ruby lake glass. it's made from pulverized pell visions and it's supposed to last 10 years. -- from pulverized televisions. breaking news out of new york. rain causing problems there. we are just learning that mike pence's plane skidded off the runway at laguardia airport. let's get live to veronica de la cruz, in the newsroom! >> reporter: yeah. that's right! liz and ken, we want to take you to some live pictures that are coming in from cnn right now. as you just said, we have heard that republican vice- presidential candidate mike pence's plane has skidded off the runway in laguardia. he had two campaign stops earlier this is day. he was in omaha, nebraska, and then had flown to iowa. it was when the plane was en route to new york that they touched down in laguardia, it was raining. and apparently, that plane has skidded off the runway. governor pence was on the plane. no injuries reported so far. we want to let you listen in to this live feed coming in right now. take a listen. [ pause ] >> all right. so mike pence is getting off that plane. again, so far what we know is that no injuries have been reported. we know that that the plane was coming in from iowa from his second campaign stop in iowa. mike pence the republican vice- presidential candidate, his plane skidded off the runway. the plane was a 737 and that, um, pence and, um, the rest of his campaign were on board. let's listen in right here to some more of this feed as it comes into the newsroom. [ inaudible ] >> a lot of crews around the aircraft right now, veronica, but it doesn't appear from what we can see that they deployed the emergency chutes that people slid down out of that airplane. it looks like it stopped at some point on or off the runway and they were able to roll up a staircase and get everybody off safely. um, so that is good news. they did not have to go to a full emergency. still, um, if you have ever had that feeling on an aircraft where there's a little bit of traction loss, it's kind of scary. >> you can see the ground still very wet there in new york. must have been raining there very heavy for the plane to skid off. looks like several emergency crews you see ambulances fire trucks. it looks like people are trying to get them off the plane, um, as quickly as possible. [ pause ] >> you're looking at live coverage of this is, um, governor mike pence's aircraft that he has been traveling around the country as they were making a stop along the east coast at laguardia. and apparently, lost traction on landing and the plane according to what we're being told by officials there in new york that aircraft skidded off the runway. no injuries reported. >> what we know, ken, is that the wheels were damaged like you why saying, um, it looks as though folks have been able to get off the plane safely. but apparently, the plane made quite a rough impact upon landing so like you were saying quite a scary feeling when something like that happens. we heard that the pilot slammed on the brakes, travelers could smell the burning rubber and as you see lots of folks there is lots of people, secret service. but the scene there on the ground, for the most part, for the past 30 minutes has been "absolute chaos." we saw governor mike pence get off the plane safely which is some good news. take a look at these pictures, ken. it is raining really hard right now. you know, you mentioned the sensation of smelling rubber burning. um, you know, always a possibility they had a blowout on their descent when they hit the runway. that may have caused the plane to lose control and skid. we are told it went off the runway but that everybody is okay. >> you're looking at live pictures right now. there's republican vice- presidential nominee mike pence right now! looks like he is talking to some, um, firemen there shaking hands. shaking hands with firefighters and emergency crews there. he looks safe. he is able to walk on his own surrounded of course by secret service and ntsb and police taking pictures with them and just kind of thanking them for their service and help with this situation. again, raining very hard at laguardia airport right now. paul deanno has been tracking kind of the weather system that's happening over the east coast right now. paul, what can you tell us? >> looking at any one particular element of this rain that's moving through, i don't see any thunderstorms. i don't see any gusty strong winds. but one thing having been a veteran of landing in new york city and philadelphia a number of times, when you're landing and you land in a heavy control, even if the it's just generic moderate to heavy rainfall, when you land in a heavy cell you can get down bursts strong winds moving from top to bottom and if you are just about to land the plane and you get a down burst, that landing could be harder and more impactful than typically is. and sometimes that can take out a tire and wheel and sometimes it could cause the landing to go a little bit more interesting than it normally does. i would have to say if you're going to -- if weather is at fault for this i would not be surprised at all if the pilot would report a down burst just before landing when you're at that 100, 200-foot level of elevation that extra little kick in the wind to make that landing a lot more rough than normal. >> if you are just joining us, to recap quickly here, you're look at a 737, that's the campaign aircraft that is being used by the republican vice- presidential candidate, governor mike pence. he has been cruising around much of the country today the east coast in particular doing some campaigning in what is really nasty weather as people continue to deplane. apparently that aircraft came down a while ago in a storm you're seeing now. it had a rough landing. there was a smell of rubber like maybe a tire skid or a tire blowout. it skidded off the runway but officials didn't deploy the -- pilots on board did not deploy the emergency chutes to deplane. they walked down a movable stairway. so that's a good sign that people on board might have been shaken up apparently no injuries. we'll continue watching this and come back if there's any new information. meanwhile, the marathon race for the white house is now an all-out sprint as you can imagine with 12 days remaining until election day. kpix 5's allen martin joins us with the latest from the campaign trail. allen. >> reporter: ken, donald trump making it clear how important ohio is for his chances of winning. meanwhile, hillary clinton is joining forces with michelle obama in north carolina today. >> people wonder, yes, hillary clinton is my friend. >> reporter: for the first time michelle obama is bringing her closing arguments to the same stage as hillary clinton. >> first ladies, we rock. seriously. >> is there anyone more inspiring than michelle obama? [ applause and cheers ] >> reporter: the first lady campaigning with clinton to secure the crucial swing state of north carolina. >> they are trying to convince you that your vote doesn't matter, that the outcome has already been determined and you shouldn't even bother making your voice heard. they are trying to take away your hope. >> i think your getting the idea here that i believe everything we care about is at stake in this election. so you've got to vote. >> reporter: hacked emails from the clinton campaign are also getting more attention. wikileaks published a 12-page memo from doug band, a former aide to president bill clinton where he says he pushed corporations that donated to the foundation to also provide, quote, in-kind services for the president and his family, for personal travel, hospitality, vacation and the like. the trump campaign pounced on the wikileaks email calling it proof of "pay for play." >> mr. band called the arrangement unorthodox. the rest of us call it outright corrupt. [ applause and cheers ] >> just imagine what they will do given the chance to once again control the oval office. >> reporter: trump's running mate mike pence also attacking the clinton. >> literally some of the media are calling it bill clinton, incorporated. >> reporter: even with tightening at the polls, take a look at cnn's latest electoral map. in order for trump to win, he would have to get every, single one of those red states every toss-up state in yellow, plus one of the light blue, those are the leaning democratic states just to reach that number of 270 electoral votes. a very narrow path and although his poll numbers are up, time is running out. just 12 days left to go until november 8. >> thank you. the dmv debacle continues! two bay area offices are still dealing with the computer outage that hit the agency earlier this week. concord and san jose are the last two bay area offices still affected. they were open but tech issues are still causing processing holdups. on monday, hard drive failures caused a computer outage that crippled two-thirds of california's dmv offices. officials say dmv computers were not hacked or targeted. ♪[ music ] if you have ever bought anything, cash could be coming your way. >> coming up, how to cash in on class action lawsuits even without proof of purchase. ,,,,,,,,,,,, protestors clashed with law enforcement. a developing story now. tensions are rising in north dakota where anti-pipeline protestors clashed with law enforcement. police in riot gear forcibly removed hundreds of protestors opposing the dakota access pipeline. state officials say the protestors trespassing private land. demonstrators many from the standing rock reservation, say the pipeline would cross through sacred sites and that an oil spill would jeopardize their drinking water. at least 16 protestors have been arrested. we'll have more on the protest and the clashes with police coming up at 5:30 on the "cbs evening news with scott pelley." federal authorities say they dismantled a criminal organization behind one of the most common phone scams in the country. they are searching for an oakland man in connection with the scheme. prosecutors indicted 61 people for impersonating the irs and immigration agents. half are from overseas and allegedly tied to a network of call centers in india. they mostly target the elderly and immigrants by claiming they or a family member haven't paid taxes and will be thrown in jail. the victims pay up using prepaid debit carts and wire transfers. in the u.s. police are rounding up the suspected criminals in nine states including california and they say, get this, 15,000 victims lost more than $300 million. from wells fargo's phony accounts to the samsung exploding phones, companies accused of inconveniencing, misleading or hurting their customers often pay millions of dollars to make up for it. as consumerwatch reporter julie watts explains, there's a good chance some company owes you money. >> reporter: it's easy to see why carol doesn't like her deck. >> we have this brown boards that we bought and they are turning black. >> reporter: although she soon could be seeing green. under the terms of a class action lawsuit she may get $400. >> i think consumers would be very surprised to learn just how many class action lawsuits they were party to. >> reporter: a consumer advocate says hundreds of suits are filed each year and if you have ever performed a product, odds are you have been entitled to class action cash. but it's estimated less than 10% of eligible consumers claim their share of these settlements so consumer action created a database to help consumers collect. ever buy j&j products or 7th generation cleaning products? you may be due $10 into. proof of purchase often isn't necessary. >> even for some of the larger amounts it's not necessarily very high burden of proof. >> reporter: current payouts range from 50 cents for some who bought a starbucks breakfast sandwich last summer for those of those compromised with the 2014 home depot data breach. >> consumers will never get rich off a class action. >> reporter: melissa caen points out it's the lawyers who take home the biggest cut. >> but the bigger benefit to consumers is the threat of these massive lawsuits keeps the companies honest. >> reporter: leftover funds are distributed to consumer organizations like write yosemite-out's although he would prefer you get your cut. >> we want to get the word out before it's too late. >> reporter: every settlement does have a deadline and filing a claim for something you never purchased is considered fraud. we should also note that these companies often settle suits without admitting any wrongdoing. to find out if you have class action cash waiting for you, you can head to on the consumerwatch, julie watts, kpix 5. kitchens that help you cook all thanks to smart tech. two pioneering companies behind them are based right here in san francisco. the drop scale uses sensors to determine when you have radded just the right -- you have added just the right amount of ingredient. the june oven has a built-in camera to determine what you're cooking, put something inside it and the oven's computer figures out whether it's best to bake, broil or roast it. you can even monitor your food from your smartphone. . we are teaching the oven to think like a chef. >> the june oven is $1,500. the company is now taking preorders. watching my dinner cook. hey, we're talking about the rainfall which is out there which is going to impact that drive to your favorite restaurant or your loved one's drive home and there's a lot more rain coming. we are talking about three separate weather systems. coming up, find out if monday night will be impacted. that's next. ,, the mae gave her top executive managed aa huge pay raiseet, and a lavish car allowance, run up a deficit, then cut jos for local teenagers, and cut after-school program. no wonder tchronicle called mae torlakson "flat-out unprepared" for the assembly. they endorse tim grayson. as mayor of concord, grayson balanced the budget every yer while doing more for kids. tim grayson for assembly. it is a gloomy october day throughout the bay area including alameda, live pictures where it's not raining right now but boy, will it be overnight tonight. kpix 5 hi-def doppler radar is tracking a lot of rifled out there. let me show it to you. we have the rain moving in. we have some showers already impacting the 680 and 880 corridors. hayward and fremont you're two of the wettest spots right now. some new showers moving into san francisco. and also marin county. the heaviest rainfall to our south. that is the burn zone where the soberanes fire burned for more than a month. the heaviest rainfall to our south a flash flood watch in effect there. so we have a storm moving in tonight. the heaviest rainfall between midnight tonight and lunchtime tomorrow. what will be the impact? wind very little impact when it comes to wind. widespread flooding in the bay area, very little impact there. it is the morning commute that drive to work or school tomorrow will be impacted adversely. it's already slow on a friday but throw in a decent dose of rainfall and we'll see more pictures like that. that's a live pictures of the san mateo bridge. everybody in the mid-60s from san jose at 67 to oakland at 64. concord 63. and santa rosa 60 degrees. so what's happening? we have a front, a series of low pressure areas out there but we also have a tropical tap. there is a decaying tropical system 500 miles west of cabo. that tropical moisture is being pulled into california. when it does rain overnight it will be a steady soaking rifled. let's look at futurecast. 6, 7, 8:00 tonight more widespread, getting heavier, by midnight tonight it's pouring in the north bay. look at this right there, redwood city, palo alto, san jose, north to hayward, that's the morning commute tomorrow. it is going to be pouring outside. but gone most of it by lunchtime. and we'll still be cloudy in the afternoon. but we are looking at much less rainfall late tomorrow versus tomorrow morning. how much rain? at a minimum north bay another inch of rainfall. it's a good rain for october. east bay half inch to inch and a half of rainfall same story for san francisco. and up to one inch of rain in the south bay. we are not done! different storm system brings in more rain this weekend. saturday night and the first half of sunday another half inch to 1.5" of rainfall. not the warmest day we have ever seen tomorrow. we are talking upper 60s vallejo and concord, 70 san jose. we are wet late saturday into sunday morning and after a break on monday, another round of rainfall coming up on tuesday. we are staying wet for a while. we'll be right back. the time is long overdue... pharmaceutical industry. passes - the ballot. the u.s. is the beacon of freedom around the world. those of us who served in the military are very proud of that. i believe very, very strongly in our country and what we stand for. i went to iraq in 2004 to fight for freedom. for generations, our troops have sacrificed for our freedoms. one of the most important things we do is vote - to protect that freedom. i'm tom steyer. let's make the people we're so proud of, proud of us. please. vote. vote. vote. vote. want a great way to help our children thrive? then be sure to vote yes on proposition 55. prop 55 doesn't raise taxes on anyone. instead, it simply maintains the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians to prevent education cuts that would hurt our kids. no wonder prop 55 is endorsed by the california pta, teachers and educators. because all of us want to help our children thrive. it's time to vote yes on proposition 55. i get angry. sixty-one will help lower costs for everyone, including vets. believe me. not them. vote yes on sixty-one. allen and veronica will see you at six. that's it for kpix 5 news at 5:00. the "cbs evening news with scott pelley" is next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ♪ ♪ captioning sponsored by cbs >> pelley: new ammunition for trump. e honestly, i think we've had enough of the clintons, in all fairness. >> pelley: also tonight, the first lady embraces clinton. >> she is absolutely ready to be anmmander in chief on day one, and, yes, she happens to be a woman. >> pelley: an american who led an isis cell tells us how he was recruited online. >> he explained how islam was, you know, like my calling. >> pelley: police in north dakota arrest protesters trying to stop an oil pipeline. and, who let the dogs out? rescued by the high school track team. >> when the dogs reali

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