For it. Reporter nonetheless they are forging ahead and when the 10 million report comes back it will likely mean spending another 10 million for yet another report to flush out the new ideas. Why . Because eventually there may be money. Reporter speaking of money the cost of the new report will be equal to about 2 million toll crossings. Its all about future planning. Reporter what do you say to the 2 Million People that are going to be paying tolls to pay for this study . Well, that i think in the long run again, its its i think its an enhancement to the bridge. Reporter and as you can see from the traffic on the bridge this evening, they are not going to have any problem finding the money or tolls to pay for this study. As to whether its ever going to happen and well have a bike path on that bridge, there was a time id say no way. After today, i think it may be just a matters of time. Why does the study cost so much . 10million . come on. Reporter thats just the first part. Thats only up for a third of t theres 10 million more. After that, trust me, there will be more. Because if theres one thing we know how to do, ken, its study. Yeah. Yeah. The business of government. Back to you. It all goes on. Phil matier near the bridge, thanks, phil. As far as Funding Sources go, a toll hike is probably out. The Toll Authority has said it doesnt plan to propose another increase anytime soon. We have heard a lot before the government eavesdropping on citizens. Tonight were learning just how many agencies in california are keeping tabs on people. Kpix 5s len ramirez is in san jose. Thats where the Police Department finds itself defending its new surveillance device. Len. Reporter veronica, no doubt about it. Police want to use the latest technology and a lot of people in the public want police to use it, as well. But at what point do police have to disclose what they have and when they have it . Thats one of the topics under discussion here at city hall tonight. San jose police stand by their decision to be the first in the bay area to get a camera equipped remotecontrolled drone just like this one. It is new technology. Its something that we realize that could be used to go ahead and save lives. Reporter but the department was forced to admit they had it and explain how they planned to use it. Police bought the drone which can be used for near silent aerial surveillance in january without any public discussion. That will change tonight when police hold a special Community Meeting on the drone. We realize initially that we rolled out the uaf and the way that it came about to the public kind of, you know, it was, um, it was, uhm, not received well by the public. So this is our opportunity to make it right. Reporter Civil Liberties advocates say it can be used to spy on people without a search warrant and its one of a number of new technologies that people are adopting with little or no public input that can infringe on privacy rights. There are probably technologies that are not publicly announced at all that are in use but that we dont know about. Reporter the aclu says 90 Police Agencies in california use surveillance tools such as cameras, license plate scanners, facial Recognition Software and cell phone trackers but the agencies have asked for public input 14 of the time. I dont think its so critical to be told in advance. Reporter some people are concerned about the data gathered on private lawabiding citizens, as well. The problem is theres human beings handling it. You never know what they are going to do with it. Reporter one of the key factors is the speed which technology is moving. Its moving so fast its sometimes hard for the law to keep up. Len ramirez, kpix 5. San francisco is working on drafting an ordinance to oversee surveillance technology. It would be one of the first of its kind in the country. In the north bay, Belvidere Police are turning to cameras to stop crime. They will be installing four cameras to take pictures of drivers license plates. Depending how things go, the city has set aside more money to buy more of these cameras. The search is on tonight for that driver who hit and killed a young teen in san leandro last night then kept on driving. Police say they are a little closer tonight in finding the suspect. Ann notarangelo reports on the community in mourning over this senseless killing. Reporter a vigil is just now getting under way for ivan cruz. Everybody is meeting here where he was struck and killed by this vehicle. We have seen people of all ages out all day long this afternoon though a huge crowd of young people. His classmates from the high school who met here a lot of tears, a lot of people trying to make sense out of the senseless. The 14yearold was on his scooter in the crosswalk when a speeding maroon 2001 saturn struck him. The driver didnt stop. The Sheriffs Department says it was in pursuit of that car because of a traffic violation. But its unclear if the deputies called off the chase before the boy was hit. In the middle of the street he got hit. And they he flew into it the air. In a pursuit you get tunnel vision. You dont see a lot going on in the peripheral. Youre watching the driver. Reporter the investigation into the suspect got a big move forward today when the chp announced that it him pounded the vehicle that they believe was responsible, the one that hit ivan. But they are still looking for the driver tonight. Near san leandro, ann notarangelo, kpix 5. Investigators think a clothes drier may have started a fire that burned a home to the ground. The homeowner said she heard a sound in the garage and found it on fire. The house at beach veil court and enmore drive is a total loss. A van out front was damaged. Got out okay including the family dog. A memorial is going on now for a Richmond High School basketball player shot to death in front of his house. A large crowd has gathered at Civic Center Plaza to remember rodney frazier. Coaches and players from all over the bay area have come out to show their support. Frazier was a standout guard on the varsity squad. His death comes less than two weeks before the teams first game. Fraziers death was part of a violent weekend in richmond that saw six teenagers shot. He was one of five victims who all attended Richmond High School. Investigators are trying to sort them out to see if there is a connection. No arrests have been made. Authorities have yet to confirm the identity of that body pulled from the San Francisco bay yesterday. But one family says they believe it is their son. Parents and siblings of missing stanford graduate student dan ha hugged each other in tears today. Coast guard found the body near the Golden Gate Bridge and has family says its likely him based on clothing and contents in his wallet. Ha has been missing since halloween. About learning and improving himself and really just living life [ indiscernible ] the family says there is no reason to believe this was a suicide. But they are still waiting for the medical examiners report confirming the identity and the manner of death. Rape victims already face a long and painful recovery both physically and mentally but in california some are also getting stuck with a bill. A cbs news investigation found survivors in 13 states can be charged for certain rape related medical care. Federal law forbids charging for rape kits. But additional diagnostics like hiv tests may not be covered. When you keep getting revictimized, you know, once a month, you get a reminder in the mail, hey, you were raped, hey, this happened, you know, its hard to move on. [ crying ] there have been at least two attempts to change federal law to expand coverage beyond rape kits. Both failed to pass congress. Rape victims in california who report their attack to police can seek reimbursement from a state fund. A warning tonight, if you get an email warning about a Child Predator in your area, do not open it. Its a scam. Police in san mateo say the subject line may be something like, neighborhood safety info. Something like that. The message instructs the recipient to click on a link to learn more. That will unleash a malware attack that scans your computer for Sensitive Data like passwords and credit card numbers. Lets go outside right now take a live look from our Oakland Airport camera. Cloudy but dry. Meteorologist paul deanno is here with some rain on the way finally. Yeah. First time all month long we have rain on the radar. A widespread rainfall coming up tonight. Its not going to be a gully washer but its something. And that something is heading in our general direction. You see most of the rainfall up toward eureka, crescent city, and the oregon coastline but a few showers just crossing San Francisco bay right over top of alameda and heading towards downtown oakland. So we have a few light showers out there the majority of the rainfall will move in tonight. Futurecast 6 00, here we go with the clouds. Well stop it at 9 00. Theres some rain in the north bay. Well stop it again around midnight. More showers moving in overnight impacting the morning commute. So yes, rainfall first time in november it will be here in the north bay en masse by 11 00 tonight. The majority of the rainfall falls while youre sleeping overnight tonight but it will impact the morning commute. Roads wet and the roads and the cars will be slow. Well talk about our next chance of rain with a big, big timing change thats coming up in a few minutes. Thank you, paul. Still ahead, you think your vote doesnt count . Well, think again. A week after the election, some bay area races are still being tallied and win or lose, could come down to just four votes. Plus, he is not looking for drugs. This dog is sniffing out another major problem in californias prisons. And something missing in this years veterans day parade. Actually, it was someone. And friends say this heros timing was perfect. Theres a legacy at raleys about having the best meat and the best produce. Its my job to start a new legacy, the best wine beer and spirits. We travel all over california and the world to find all sorts of new craft spirits, craft beers, small production wines. Brews from mendocino, and the finest wines from around the world. At raleys, were really into craft, so we enjoy and are excited about carrying those products in the store. Share your ideas, tell us on facebook. If you are one of those people who thinks your vote wont make a difference, just wait until you see whats going on in berkeley tonight. Mike sugerman shows us to say one City Council Race is still too close to call would be an understatement. Reporter we all have things to juggle in our busy lives. You cant get to everything you have to do. Did you vote . Unfortunately, i didnt. No. Unfortunately not. No. He did. Reporter but she didnt. Four voters. Thats all that would have taken to turn this election around. I tell people its like a coin toss. Its like you toss the coin and it slowly, slowly, slowly is coming down. Reporter george has had dreams about that when he drifts off, although theres not much of that. I didnt sleep for six days. I ate at every fastfood restaurant in the east bay. [ laughter ] reporter george trails laurie gross in berkeleys district 8 City Council Election by the slimmest of margins. It always helps me to have a visual aid. Heres a fence with 10 boards. If each board is 1,000 votes, four votes. 0004 of this entire fence. Think your vote down the count . Im not asking for a recount. Its not in the best interests of the city of alameda. Reporter incumbent alameda mayor Marie Gilmore conceded today. So School Board Member Chris Spencer won the race by 100 votes out before 20,000. I dont do math. [ laughter ] reporter it comes down to 0. 5 of the total vote. Think your vote doesnt count . I mean, there are people who died to give us the right to vote. And for people to have that right and not exercise it, i i i dont understand that. Four more people went out there and voted for me id be ahead. It really matters. We are just very busy students. I have two midterms the following day and just unable to. We dont know anything about the issues. Reporter this was one of the lowest turnouts in history. There are a lot of important things to juggle out there. Not many believe voting is one of them. In berkeley, mike sugerman, kpix 5. The final unofficial results in berkeleys district eight race are due out anytime now. California prisons have had the problem for years now, how to stop people from smuggling cell phones in to the convicts. Allen martin shows us now prisons have some fourlegged help. He looks for marijuana, heroin, cocaine. Reporter but its cell phones that are california prisons biggest problem and finding them is what this dog seems bred to do. In four years, he has found 1,000. When we go in a cell, dre he could knows what time it is. He knows its time to go to work. Reporter so what was done is we have taken an old cell phone and hid it in one of these three jars of Peanut Butter. We are going to take the Peanut Butter jars, put them in the cell. See if draco can find it. Can you tell by the way he reacted . Yes. He paid the other no attention and came over here and he showed attention as soon as we got over there. Reporter he once found 30 cell phones hidden by prisoners in a microwave. So we tried it. And turned him loose in a prisoners tv room. Look what happens when he gets to the mike wave. To the microwave. Something in there . Something . reporter whats in a cell phone that sets him off . They dont know. He turned on a cell phone one time. Reporter its unique. At one time, the dog was a reject, a dropout from regular k9 training school. The trainer back east said that draco wasnt going to work out for his program. He locked him up from a crate. The dog was skinny. Reporter so officer brian got draco for free. No cost to the taxpayers. Reporter and they became a team where the top dog is in charge. Im just the guy at the end of the leash. Reporter in vacaville, allen martin, kpix 5. An inmate caught with a cell phone could lose 90 days credit for good time. Visitors caught smuggling cell phones can be fined up to 5,000 per phone and face six months in jail. The winter blast moving across the rockies and upper midwest dropped more than 2 feet of snow in some areas. The plows could hardly keep up with the snow dumping. Police in michigan told people to stay home unless you had to get out and driving was essential. At first glance you cant see the dealership because cars are covered to the roof. Temperatures in denver broke records today. The high was 6 degrees. It was subzero temperatures to be expected tonight. Blizzardlike conditions are hitting denver hard. Its hard to be the buildings. Heat wave, 6 degrees. Tomorrow may get to 9. Wow. 15 by the weekend. Warming up. And just when we all think that has nothing to do with our weather, it has everything to do with our weather. Ill explain coming up. We should all be rooting for denver to hit 60 because that means the heavy rainfall may make it here. Well explain coming up. First, one spot hit 70 today in portions. Everybody else in the 60s. Morgan hill 70 today. We have rain on the way. Our first weathermaker will be some rain moving in overnight tonight. Again some yellows out there as we look at a few hundred miles offshore. Thats telling me that we have a system that will energize a bit as it heads toward the bay area. A few spotty showers in the east bay union city, alameda and emeryville picking up a spotty shower that may last a few minutes. Overnight mild night with rain moving in, mid50s. 55 mountain view. 58 cloudy skies and rain moving in overnight tonight. I have to tell you how everything is interconnected. We he will get rid of this rain chance first well get rid of this rain chance first. Its significant, smaller of the two systems were talking about, showers overnight and tomorrow morning. About a. 25 of rain. Cold back east. There it is and its locked in place. Big storm off to our west next week with a lot of moisture. As long as this doesnt move, this cant move. Its like a traffic jam. We want the cold to leave minneapolis, to leave denver, which tells me that this ridge will also be able to move which means whats behind it, the rain until all of this in front of it moves, the rain cant get here. Right now were pushing back that rain chance for monday all the way to next wednesday. May have to push it back further so we wanted it to warm up back east. Rainfall tonight up to three tenths inch in the north bay. Highs in the 60s tomorrow. Vallejo 68. San jose and santa rosa also 68 degrees. Rain tomorrow morning. Were dry now for the weekend. Were dry now on monday pushing back that rain chance until next wednesday at the earliest so we are waiting for the cold to leave minneapolis before the rain can make it to San Francisco. Its all interrelated. Are we going to need an umbrella . Tomorrow morning . You know, if you dont want to get wet at all, bring an umbrella. Otherwise just run. [ laughter ] thanks, paul. A nasty looking big rig accident turns into a holiday windfall for some bay area families. Kpix 5s Elizabeth Cook shows us how some good will came out of an earlymorning mess. Reporter this is the accident that proves good things can come out of bad situations. Chopper 5 overhead after a semi overturned on the alcosta boulevard offramp from 680 in san ramon. In the trailer, 23,000 pounds of frozen turkeys. But theres no sense crying over overturned turkeys. Welcome to the Wonderful World of this. Pretty good. Reporter this mornings accident is suzanne batesons game. She runs the Alameda County Community Food bank. Unfortunately an accident happened and fortunately low income people in Alameda County and Contra Costa County are going to benefit. Reporter the food bank stood to gain 9 pallets of turkeys. But only if they passed inspection. A county Health Inspector was on hand as a truck carrying the recovered birds pulled into the food bank. Inside the truck. Yes. Okay. Reporter he used a hand held thermometer and checked the turkeys temperatures. No visual sign of damage. Reporter the turkeys will have a thanksgiving after all. He left here a happy man because he could pronounce the birds safe enough for thanksgiving tables and great for us. The Alameda Food Bank will split the windfall turkeys with its Partner Food Bank in Contra Costa County. I got stuck in that traffic jam today. Never happier to see those turkeys recovered. [ laughter ] still ahead, a bay area veteran now at peace. How this pearl harbor survivor made his mark on a community and took his place in history. And later, making space history. Todays Successful Mission landing on to a comet. What we hope to learn from it. ,, female narrator its posturepedic versus beautyrest its posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to 400 off. Serta icomfort and tempurpedic go headtohead with three years interestfree financing. Mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. Your ticket to a better nights sleep [ male announcer ] follow your joy to a celebration like no other. A beloved pearl harbor surv was about to appear in a t he died yesterday veterans day was knots the same in the north bay. Beloved pearl harbor survivor about appear in a parade suddenly passed away yesterday morning. Kpix 5s john ramos on his amazing story. Reporter the petaluma veterans day parade is a heartfelt love letter two veterans from small town usa and a regular fixture to the parade has been pearl harbor survive herb loudon. I love my country. And i would serve again at 96 years of age, im not going to serve anymore. Reporter but yesterday, as he sat in his petaluma home, dressed and ready to go, herb put his head down and drew his final breath. The parade wasnt the same. But his friend says no one should be sad. Herb would not regret the way he went. He just fell asleep at 97. An hour before he was supposed to go to the parade. An hour before he was supposed to be at the parade. Reporter when pearl harbor was attacked, herb helped pull sailors out of the burning sea and survivors became instant icons of the moment america was forced to become a world leader. Herbs son says men like his father helped teach the country a lesson. To be ready for the attack, dont let your guard down. And thats something we need to do. Be careful out there. Be careful of our country. Reporter herb was haunted by his experience. Until his wife encourage him to become a chaplain for the survivors organization. So he did join and it was just the best thing for him to do. Reporter herb found peace with his comrades and his place in history. It allowed him to die the way he wanted, the way we should all die, waiting for a parade. In petaluma, john ramos, kpix 5. John says herb is supposed to be buried on saturday november 29th and, of course, with full military honors. Wow. Well, coming up todays Historic Space Mission on to a comet. What didnt go exactly as planned. And high drama window washers dangling outside the nations callest skyscraper. ,,,, dear scan, ive been a scan member for almost two years and have been very satisfied with the plan. I would like to thank you and your organization from top to bottom. I recently called into scan regarding a claims problem. I had been going round and round with a problem with a Prescription Drug order. It is nice to know that one phone call to you, and you take care of it right away. Your kindness and helpfulness has been appreciated more than you will ever know. I could not have done it without your help. Ill never be able to thank them enough. Uh. And its the truth. Thank you so much. Sincerely, donna markow. Sincerely, shirley ramgren. Sincerely, shirley ramgren. Thats what really sets scan apart from everybody else. Scan cares. I dont know a better way to say it than, the heart of scan. Scan, for your health and independence. Good morning, usher hey did you know bees communicate through dance . Me too. Were practically twins time ever, a spacecraft has landed onto a speeding come ck, im ken now at 6 30, success in space. For the first time ever, a spacecraft has launched a probe on to a speeding comet. Welcome back, im ken bastida. Im veronica de la cruz. It was a Dramatic Mission by the European Space agency with support from nasa. In the past, spacecraft have landed on planets and moons but never on a comet. Until today. Celebration. This spacecraft landed on a comet traveling at 41,000 Miles Per Hour 317 million miles away. This is a big step. Reporter this touchdown has been a long time in the making. For 10 years it traveled 4 billion miles fixed to the side of the rosetta this morning the philae was released from the mothership seen here after separating in freefall for a dramatic 7 hour descent toward the comet. It is very rare that you have a moment where something built by people has landed on something completely new and alien and this is one of those moments. Reporter the philae is small, only about the size of a washing machine. But it is smart. This is going to be the first time that we can directly sample the materials of a comet and test it right there in the laboratory in the little washing machine that we have been talking about. Reporter the new information will help scientists look back in time as comes carry what scientists believe are organic compounds that may explain how life on earth began. Were going to see a lot of things by watching that we would never see before. Reporter the orbiter will stay attached to the comet for the next year. There was one mishap in the process. The anchoring harpoons didnt fire correctly so the lander bounced once before touching down for good. Chabot space and Science Center opened its doors bright and early for a Live Viewing Party for the comet landing. Its not easy even to just send a spacecraft to another space in the solar system, let alone land a small probe on a comet. The event was streamed directly from the European Space Operations Center and bay area space enthusiasts didnt want to miss watching history in the making. The ntsb says the copilot in Virgin Galactics spaceship did not follow protocol before it broke apart in midair. The copilot prematurely unlocked the braking system and he was supposed to tell the pilot. The unscripted move may have been part of the reason the spacecraft tore apart over the desert. The system is not supposed to be engaged until the craft reaches a speed about 1,000 Miles Per Hour. Ntsb says in flight video shows copilot mike alsbury unlocking the brakes before this speed. Alsbury did not survive the crash. Bog had recognize had rescuers accomplished a rescue outside the 68th floor of a skyscraper in new york city. Two window washers were dangle on scaffolding outside the world trade center. A cable snapped sending it almost vertical. Your worst nightmare. Rescuers made a number of attempts to bring the workers to safety. It didnt work. 90 minutes into the ordeal, crews were finally able to cut through three layers of thick glass in the building. Window washers were pulled to safety through essentially a glass window. The building just opened for business last week. Amazing. Wall street ended the day mostly lower breaking a five day streak of record high closes. The dow was down 3 points. The nasdaq gained 14. The s p was down a point. Oaklandbased clorox saw a big jump in sales because of the ebola scare and flu season. The company says sales of disinfectant wipes were up 20 last month. Clorox says about half of u. S. Homes use clorox wipes and sales will probably remain strong as flu season runs from october through april. You would think with all the massive data breaches that we have seen over the past year, people would be more concerned about their personal data. Well a survey says while shoppers know about them, they have done very little to change their habits. According to the Information Technology security association, only about 45 of consumers changed their passwords or p. I. N. Numbers. Just 15 cut back on purchases made with mobile devices. A Bay Area Company helps people make extra cash buying looking them up with odd jobs for an app. As julie watts shows us its working to change the Way Companies hire. Load up the camera. Reporter he is snapping photos of the sunscreen display and sending them back to the company. Its a onetime gig through the virtual employment app gig walk which he uses to make a little extra cash when he tags along with his wife to the mall. Ill check the phone and come out while she is spending money im earning money. Reporter but it goes beyond connecting workers with odd jobs in their area. Gig walk has developed an algorithm that essentially replaces interviewing somebody for work. Reporter cto matt says instead of relying on self declared skills it used hiring based on stats. Submitting a resume and cover letter toker work is outdated. We have much better ways of doing that. Reporter gig walker first offers simple jobs paying a few dollars for a few minutes work. Our first gig is snapping photos of a drugstore product display. We have about one hour to complete it and its about one hour away. Meanwhile, gig walk is analyzing every aspect of my performance. So the fact that were running late might hurt me but it also takes into account how well, i followed detailed instructions. How efficiently i complete my task. It even analyzes my personality to determine if im an extra vet or better suited working alone. And depending on my performance i may start getting higher paying more complex gigs or be destined for simple tasks. So how did i do . We can see where you were, what time you took the photo and also that you didnt show up on time. Reporter he explains, each of the 650,000 gig walkers are graded on a curve. 52 seems like a failing grade. Its better than average. Its great. Reporter but more important than the score, employers can custom pick gig walkers based on strength, relevant to specific jobs. Do you see this someday being used by fortune 500 companies . Is Mark Zuckerberg going to hire his next ceo using gig walk . Not there yet. Reporter he says for now its limited to simple second paycheck kinds of gigs although the algorithm does get smarter with every gig it fills so could you someday find ceos snapping aisle displays. Julie watts, kpix 5. Still ahead knowing your rights if youre stopped by Law Enforcement. How this weeks jefferson award winner is teaching young people what to do and what to avoid. And moving day for a mansion. What it took to take this 1,000ton building just down the block. ,,,,,, at kaiser permanente, everything you need is under one roof. Another way care and coverage together makes life easier. Okay, a little easier. Become a member of kaiser permanente. Because together, we thrive. Imagine having to tackle th ers in chicago are you moved last year. I did. You thought it was a headache . It was. Check this out. Imagine this. Engineers in chicago moving this entire mansion down prairie avenue to preserve it. Nearby Depaw University needed the space for a new arena so this 1,000 ton historic home was placed on a special cart and slowly pushed one block over. It was then sent back into its new location with just inches to spare. I had no idea could you do that. No windows were cracked, no bricks lost. Perfect. Still ahead, life lessons for those just about to become adults. How this weeks jefferson award winner is teaching youth about their rights in difficult situations. Great news here. We have some rain on the radar and thankfully its heading in our direction. Kpix 5 highdef Doppler Radar tracking that rain getting more intense as it approaches the bay area. But its not this storm. Its the next one and the timing change on it, that will grab your attention in the sevenday forecast. Coming up. And im dennis odonnell. Coming up, jim harbaugh goes on the offense for the defense. I felt a little defensive for michael. Just a little defense is what cal could use to get usc. A lot of people want to beat usc more than stanford. The raiders just want to beat anyone. We gave ourself a chance to win once. Why cant we win it again . Well, moses parted the red sea, right . Sports is straight ahead. It means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight. Because they went to sleep trains ticket to tempurpedic event. Choose from a huge selection of tempurpedic models, including the new tempurchoice, with headtotoe customization. Plus, get 36 months interestfree financing, two free pillows, and free sameday delivery. Are you next . Make sleep train your ticket to tempurpedic. Your ticket to a better nights sleep the Principals Office when youre a kid. Could land u in jail as an adult. Sharon chin explains how th weeks jefferson award winns behavior that sends you to the Principals Office could send you to jail as an adult. Sharon chin explains how this weeks jefferson award winner explains the rights and duties to teens. Reporter what if Police Stopped you for questioning . Teenagers amaris canada and earl moseby are learning what to do. Be respectful and always keep my head on straight. Stop and ask questions to the police instead of just panicking and running like you did something wrong. Discuss the various topics. Reporter more than a dozen students attended a recent symposium at Castlemont High School in oakland. Administrative law judge Demetrius Shelton planned it after police shot an 18year old in ferguson, missouri. Not knowing your rights when dealing with Law Enforcement can be a matter of life and death. Reporter he began volunteer to coordinate similar workshops nationwide four years ago as president of the national Bar Association. The countrys largest Bar Association for attorneys and judges of color. For example, students discover police can ask them for id but the students have the right to record the traffic stop on their phones. Use sound judgment. The ultimate goal for interacting with the police we often tell them just walk away safely. If anything was done wrong, well fix it later. Reporter in addition to the symposium, Demetrius Shelton led the team that developed this booklet how the law treats you differently when your turn 18. It describes the rights and freedoms of adults like the ability to vote, sign contracts, use credit, arent a home, buy a car. He even presented First Lady Michelle Obama a copy of the publication. At the workshop, students break into groups and explore each of the freedoms described in the booklet. Dimitrius recruits several volunteers to lead the talk including a friend since College Attorney greg holden. He has always been a leader. Its his nature. Reporter so for empowering young blacks with knowledge about their rights this weeks jefferson award in the bay area goes to Demetrius Shelton. Sharon chin, kpix 5. You can read how the law treats you differently online using the link at kpix. Com hero. And you will find it in our story about Demetrius Shelton. Paul deanno is here. Were talking about the rain being delayed just a little bit. A big system arrives next week. Its like Mother Nature is dangling the carrot. Dont tease me, bro. [ laughter ] about the rain tonight . No, its coming. The rain for next week we have been talking about . Same storm different timing so might be Mother Nature teasing us a bit. Well take a look at a great shot of the city from 1 00 to 5 00. You can see the clouds thickening and increasing. The rain not far behind in San Francisco tomorrow morning it will be raining at 5, 6, 7 00 in the morning. Heading to the beach over the next couple of days watch out for the rip currents and sneaker waves. Extreme caution going into the water. Watch the kids if they are going in the water. Absolutely. For the remainder of the week thats for every coastal location in the bay area. Lets talk rain. First time this month. Here it comes. Just a few spotty showers up toward vallejo, american canyon, toward benicia, martinez, this is all the this little appetizer before the main event gets here overnight tonight. Lets set the stage for you. We have a strong area of low pressure which is hitting a wall in the atmosphere and we are just getting a very wimpy cold front coming through. So im going to call this another not so strong weather system moving in. But nonetheless, it does have rain. Well take every, single drop that we can get and well get some overnight tonight and tomorrow morning as that weak front moves through. Got to talk about this interconnection with the weather right now because that will directly impact our weather next week. Low pressure will pipe in some tropical moisture coming up from the south. That has not changed. We still have this super cold air 26 below zero in casper, wyoming today coldest november morning ever. That doesnt want to change. And thats critical for us. Because right in between those two areas of low pressure, we have a ridge. We want the ridge to move. But the cold has to leave the east coast first all indications are right now the latest information we are getting it doesnt want to leave which means the ridge cant move which means the rain cant get here. So we wanted it to warm up in chicago, minneapolis and casper, wyoming. Until that happens, we are not going to get the rainfall here. That soaker that were looking at for next week. Lets talk about this tiny rain chance if you will tonight. Midnight here come the showers. Morning commute tomorrow. More showers. Clearing out in the afternoon. Rainwise. When it comes to cloud cover it will be pretty cloudy throughout the day. What to expect . Clouds thick already rain approaching overnight tonight it will be wet for the morning commute tomorrow with lingering onandoff showers throughout the day tomorrow. Tomorrows highs again in the 60s. San jose 68 degrees. One degree below average. Redwood city 67. Hayward 66. San ramon pittsburg antioch showers for you tomorrow morning upper 60s. Alameda Berkeley Sonoma showers for you with highs in the upper 60s. And the biggest rainfall the highest rainfall totals up in north Sonoma County cloverdale 67 degrees. Extended forecast, heres the change because the timing has been pushed back for that next round of rain. Yes, we have the rain tomorrow morning but were dry over the weekend and dry on monday. No soaker until next wednesday. To get your weather on the go, get the cbs bay area weather app 20 check conditions in your area realtime radar which you would love tonight. Search kpix and download the cbs bay area weather app. Well be right back. , First Impressions are important. Youve got to make every second count. Banking designed for the way you live your life. So you can welcome your family home. For the first time. Chase. So you can. Crabtree and jim harbaugh, o initially blamed two reports for inci right now at my blog at the kpix. Com with the latest saga. It involves crabtree and harbaugh who blamed reporters for inciting discontent. I heard two reporters asking you dont seem like youre getting ball as much, youre not part of the offense, you drop some balls. It again, i didnt see the whole thing so but, um, i felt a little defensive for michael. Harbaughs version is a little different from the transcripts posted by the mercury news. Crabtree is quoted as raising of the issue on his own volition being relegated to third receiver status. Today harbaugh back pedaled. I had multiple disclaimers because i wasnt i didnt hear everything. I wasnt there the entire times. You know, i was going off what my perception my view of it was. And i you know, take me to task over that, but, um, i dont know how more ons i could be about what i saw. Now, meanwhile, Colin Kaepernick has a feud of his own with the media. Following sundays win, the kapper took to instagram with a not so subtle message for crit yikes what was the motivation for the instra gram . [ indiscernible ] silence. Who are you trying to silence . Everyone. Who do you feel is critical of your play . Half of yall right here. So you would think with an 0 9 record it would be the raiders pointing fingers. But with just 7 games left to dodge history you have to wonder what al davis is thinking right about now. Just win, baby. The winless raiders will head to san diego this weekend. And the teams first meeting, oaklands upset day came up shot following a late interception from derek carr. We gave ourself a chance to win once. Why cant we win it again . All right . And you know, in their place, they are coming off of a bye, but, you know, those arent excuses. I mean, we get a chance to play em again. And see whether or not we can get it right. Ken bastida just predicted it raider win. Raiders by a field goal. Oh. Yeah. I wish i could live in the 60s. The cal bears can relate to the raiders sort of. They have not beaten usc since the w administration. This week, the bears are hoping to put an end to its losing streak against usc. Cal has not beaten the men of troy since 2003. Aaron rodgers was the quarter. Also at steak tomorrow night, cal needs just one more win to be bowl eligible. Everybody has a lot of hype about usc and going down there and i know thats a huge gamble. A lot of people here want to beat usc more than stan for the. Its a huge game because we need this, you know . Every game here on is is putting us in a bowl of opportunity. And everybody is trying to go bowling this year. Giants cant win em all, folks. Clayton kershaw won his third can year young cy young award. Madison baumgarner finished fourth but is probably content with world series mvp and title. Cory clover was named the cy young winner in the american league. The spurs gave the warriors a reminder last night at oracle that the road to the nba chimp still runs through san antonio. So much for the old guy slowing down, right . The big three duncan, parker, ginobili combined for 57 points. I retired 12 years ago. And the same three top players and the same coach are still over there i mean, its insane. I mean, you know, 2003, you know, i hung em up and duncan, parker, ginobili and pop are still here. I wish they would just go away. Theyre good. Silver and black will be back of the dont give up the faith. Good night. Captions by caption colorado comments captioncolorado. Com nah, nah, nah, discount. My names flo, you want to go out with me . No. Uhhuhhuh [ female announcer ] get your taste of the season, at raleys, bel air, and nob hill. Announcer its time to play family feud [family feud theme playing] give it up for steve harvey [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve how yall . Hows everybody . I appreciate you now. Thank you very much. Thank you. Well, welcome to family feud, everybody. Im your man, steve harvey. We got a good one for you today. Returning for their second day, from right here in atlanta, georgia, its the wilkerson family audience [cheering] steve and from san diego, california, its the pabelico family audience [cheering] steve everybodys here trying to win their self a lot of cash and the possibility driving out of here in a brandnew, headturning ford fusion hybrid, everybody. Audience [cheering] steve lets play feud. Give me gail, give me kobie. [family feud theme playing] l right, guys, here we go. Top 7 answers on the board. Fill in the blank. A man might warn a woman that hes got what . Kobie. Lots of money. [buzzer] steve lots of money. Audience [applauding] [buzzer] steve gail . Can you repeat the question . No. Um. [buzzer] steve ashlye. Children . Steve children. Audience [cheering] steve victor. Um, ill go with disease. [buzzer] steve youll go with what . Disease. Audience [laughing] steve hey, look, id like to Say Something to you, but. Courtesy. I have a disease. Audience [cheering] steve pass or play . Were playing. Steve theyre going to play. Audience [cheering]

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