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Opportunity to defeat donald trump, were going to have to defeat secretary clinton. Bernie sanders vows to fight on. Keeping up the pressure on Hillary Clinton in a nailbiter in kentucky. Have you made any mistakes in this campaign . To look back and say gee whiz, this and that, in a certain way i dont think thats healthy. He called women crazy, crooked, even used the word bimbo. Its important that women are treated equally. He treats women and men equal. Flooding in the south from texas to Floridas Atlantic coast. Winds powerful enough to damage buildings. Got louder and louder. All of a sudden me and my dog jumped in the bathtub. U. S. Senate confirming secretary of Army Eric Fanning is now the first openly gay secretary. Tsa help at chicago airport to cut security wait time. You fear youre not going to make it. Tens of thousands of commuters were stranded after a fire broke out in the Metro North Railroad track. The rescue of a man trapped inside a burning suv. I thought i was literally going to die. All that what is kobey. You dont have to raise your hand every time. And all that matters. You would be amazed at the ones i dont retweet. Bimbo. That was a retweet. Did i say that . Many times. Okay. Excuse me. On cbs this morning. Thousands are missing their flights right now. A lot of stranded passengers out there. So anyone watching this at the airport right now, id like to help you through at this time. Commandeer near an electric outlet. He who controls the charging station is lord of terminal c. Bow before me. This mornings eyeopener is presented by toyota, lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning as republicans begin to unify. Democrats show new signs they are not ready to come together. Bernie sanders and Hillary Clinton split tuesdays primaries. He won in oregon, 5446 . She is the likely winner in kentucky edging out sanders 47 to 46 . The results leave clinton just 90 delegates short of clinching the democratic nomination. But the fight for delegates is causing a new battle between Party Officials and the Sanders Campaign. Nancy cordes is covering the democratic race. Nancy, good morning. Good morning. This is striking because the party has been kind of treating sanders with kid gloves lately, wary of alienating his millions of supporters. Those gloves have come off after an ugly incident incident nevada they say his campaign could have prevented. They are worried there could be more to come. I am getting to like the west coast. Reporter as sanders revels in his oregon win, the clinton camp celebrated a photo finish. Thanks to everyone that turned out, clinton tweeted. We are always stronger united. But that unity is being tested over growing dispute over the democratic convention. It was disrupted for hours by sanders supporters who were angry about the delegate rules, which they felt favored clinton. In a blistering letter state Party Officials accused the Sanders Campaign of inciting disruption and, yes, violence by an irrational minority. They started rushing the stage. Roberta lang is the state party chair. They stood in front of me, yelling vile things at me, calling me names. We had chairs thrown at the stage. The abuse didnt end there. Officials say sanders supporters posted her cell phone and home address online. Shes gotten hundreds of threatening messages. I hope you burn for this. I would pack your bags right now because this [ bleep ] storm is coming. Democratic leader who representatives nevada says sanders needs to vocally condemn those tactics. Im hopeful and very confident senator sanders will do the right thing. But a defiant sanders faulted nevadas Party Leadership saying it used its power to prevent a fair and transparent process. Officials quickly called that a lie. I say to the leadership of the Democratic Party, open the door. Let the people in. The chair of the Democratic National Committee Said last night sanders is adding fuel to the fire when he could be putting the fire out. Very rare to hear her criticize one of her own candidates. He picked up just a few more delegates than clinton last night, and she now has about 3 million more votes than he does. Norah. All right, nancy. Thank you so much. Donald trump picked up an estimated 17 more delegates in oregon taking him closer to 1237, the number needed to clinch the republican nomination. While his comments and alleged behavior toward women brought new scrutiny in recent days, one powerful woman is standing up we talked to her at trump tower where she pushed back against the latest accusations. I want to ask you about the New York Times, they ran a front page article about your father and the treatment of women. Did you read it . I did. I found it to be pretty disturbing based on the fact that i know them, i very much know them, both in the capacity of a daughter and in the capacity as an executive who has worked alongside of him at this company for over a decade. So i was bothered by it. But its largely been discredited since most of the time when stories are inaccurate, they are not discredited. I will be frustrated by that. But in this case, i think they went so far. They had such a strong thesis and created facts to reinforce it. You know, i think that narrative has been playing out now and theres backlash in that regard. I do want to read you from part of the article. It says, many of the women interviewed, quote, reveal unwelcome romantic advances, unending commentary on the female form, a shrewd reliance on ambitious women and unsettling workplace conduct. Is there unending commentary on the female form . No. No. Again, this is an article that is widely being discredited. The lead person who was interviewed for the story and that the story opens up with was all over the news yesterday saying they manipulated what she said. I dont find it necessary to comment on the story. The facts speak for themselves. Youve worked closely with your dad. Theres another woman in the article that said donald trump groped her at a meeting, a business meeting. Well, look, im not in every interaction my father has. Hes not a groper. Thats not who he is. Ive known my father my whole life and he has total respect for women. He was promoting women in development and construction at a time when it was unheard of. There was no trend towards equality in the real estate and Construction Industry back in the 1980s, and he was doing it because he believes ultimately in merit. Hes running against a woman, and he has said that hes already using gender as a way to run against her. Well, is he using gender or is she using gender . I think shes using gender as well. Im not going to advocate for a female leader who im voting for solely on the basis of gender, and i think a lot of people feel that way. You supported Hillary Clinton in the past financially, voted for her. Yes. Do you think bringing up her husbands past infidelities, this discussion is worthy of a president ial campaign. You would have to ask my father that im not my role isnt politics. My role is running our business. But i do want to get your take. Youre a very successful businesswoman and youre a mother. The discourse in this campaign and the tone in this campaign. Your dad loves to tweet. He has called women crazy. Hes called them crooked. Thats what he calls Hillary Clinton, he even uses the word, bimbo. Do you look at those tweets and say, dad, tone it down a bit. Ive certainly thought certain things should be toned down but not necessarily in relation to that. When i think about myself as a feminist, its important women are treated equally. He treats women and men equally. Polls show he has 69 unfavorable rating among women. How does he change that . You would have to ask him. I think that hes running his campaign. I think that people are just starting to see who he is. The race is different now. I think people will be able to see the softer side of him. Hes going to be attacked in a different way. But its different when youre being attacked by one person as opposed to 16. I think she represents her father very well. She clearly is his daughter, makes a point she disagrees with whats being said about him. She raises a point about how the New York Times article, a lot of women a few women are coming forward saying they were misrepresented. The New York Times, on the other hand, is saying we stand by our story. She said New York Times created a thesis and created facts to support that thesis. There will be more on the story. I was interested the way you pushed her on the notion of attacking secretary clinton because of her husbands activities. It will be the first woman nominee of the party so gender is going to continue to be a topic. More ivanka trump in the next hour including what happens to the trump empire if her father moves to the white house. He says he plans to repair with women voters. In last nights interviews, he said the mistakes he made worked out in his favor. Absolutely i have regrets. I dont want to discuss what the regrets are. Absolutely i could have done things differently. I could have maybe used different language in a couple of instances. But overall i have to be very happy with the outcome. I think if i didnt conduct myself in the way ive done it, i dont think i would have been successful. Do you regret any of those comments . Yes. Received millions more votes than any candidate in the history of the republican party. He says hes confident that will Carry Forward into the general election. The United States is coping this morning with onslaught of weather, dangerous hail slammed the city. A tornado along eastern coast damaged homes. More drenching storms forecast today. In vero beach, florida, david, good morning. Good morning. The flooding started 15 hours ago and still ankle deep this morning. Its been raining off and on. It let up right now. They got 11 inches of rain in vero beach yesterday. They have never had this much in one day. It was record setting. They checked records as far back as 70 years ago. Never 11 inches in 24 hours. Overnight flooded roads are what plagued the south. In st. Lucie, florida, tornadoes ripped through homes and scattered belongings tuesday afternoon. Parts of katherine richardsons roof were torn clean off. I run back on the other side of the house. Everything was just destroyed. It was just destroyed. The skies opened up over vero beach, flooding streets and damaging property. The nearly 10 inches of rain clogged roads all along the beach town. At one point the u. S. Highway 1 was under water in some areas. The downpour forced one man to get creative, floating down the street in a canoe. Thunderstorms and baseballsized hail smashed southwest texas overnight, and the storm left about 10,000 people without power. Lightning lit up the san antonio sky where at one point more than 500 bolts were recorded in five minutes. Back in florida, this time in the city of jacksonville, one lightning bolt was enough to engulf a house in flames. No one was home at the time. Further north in savannah, georgia, this is what it was like to drive through floodwater there. One mans car became stuck in kneedeep water. Those affected by the storm are just grateful to be safe this morning. Its still very scary and theres going to be a business mess tomorrow. Back here in vero beach, florida, eastern side of the state, water is ankle deep. Rain is expected for the next five days. The reality is, floridas socalled rainy season has begun. David, thanks. Security wait time could ease soon at the nations busiest airports. Take a look at the lines at ohare international. Passengers are still dealing with excessive delays. A new report predicts u. S. Airports could become even more crowded. More than 231 Million People are expected to fly in the summer months, and that is up 4 from the record high just last year. It adds more than 90,000 extra travelers a day. Dean reynolds is tracking those lines at ohare and around the country. Dean, good morning. Reporter good morning. Well, security lines here at ohare are lengthening once again at this hour. Federal and local officials are stressing help is on the way. Flying is stressful enough without the march through security turning into a lengthy journey all by itself. Thats what folks in chicago have been dealing with all week. What is maddening and frustrating is it was all predictable and could be dealt with months ago. Reporter chicago is home to two of the busiest airports but mayor rahm emanuel says waiting in line for hours is unacceptable. We had a significant challenge in chicago yesterday. Tsa administer peter neffi neffinger. Says speed up by memorial day or resign. I want to tell people i dont apologize for doing our job well but i do apologize for the people who found themselves stranded in chicago yesterday. Reporter simple arithmetic, not enough tsa agents, add to that an uptick in passenger volume and thats where you get the headache. Unacceptable. Really a meltdown in airport security. Some of the youtube videos that showed long lines at ohare are evidence that this system needs to be changed and quickly. Tsa says change is coming to chicago in the form of more than 300 new officers. 100 staffers will shift from parttime to fulltime and authorized overtime will be tripled. Not a game changer but an improvement. Well take what we can get. Those 300 new officers we mentioned wont all be on the job until mid august. With even more travelers expected this summer, gayle, that might just be a problem. Oh, boy. Nobody is looking forward to that. Thank you, dean. A group of influential conservatives will gather today at facebooks Silicon Valley headquarters. The highly anticipated meeting with Ceo Mark Zuckerberg follows allegations that facebook suppressed political stories from its trending topics. Jan crawford is here at the table. So happy to be there. You have news on who will be there and who will not be there. Good morning. Mark zuckerberg said he wants this to be a direct conversation about what facebook stands for and how to keep the platform as open as possible. Those planning to attend the meeting, they say they want a better understanding of how facebook decides what news story its 1. 6 billion users see as trending. Mark zuckerberg will have to answer to leading conservatives as he tries to bat down allegations of anticonservative bias within his social media empire. Among the expected attendees senior trump adviser barry bennett, jim demint, tv and radio host glenn beck. I just want to listen. I want to look Mark Zuckerberg in the eye and get a gauge of him as a man and see, is he telling the truth. That was one of the topics facebook reportedly censored in trending news section according to website giz moda, a facebook staffer told outlet facebook employees manipulated user data to routinely suppress news stories of interest to conservative readers. I dont think it is a situation where all of facebook is in on some plan. I dont think that. Some are ready to listen to what zuckerberg has to say, not everyone has rsvped yet. I think this is a pr ploy. I think i would have just been a prop in a meeting. Chairman of american conservative union. What we want is transparency and fairness in how they report and how their formulas work on the news. Thats all we want. How to know whats trending. Facebook says it has no evidence of any political bias and is conducting a full investigation. Facebook needs this crisis to go away. If they can get conservatives to come out to menlo park, make nice with them, have them post and say, you know what, we trust Mark Zuckerberg, that is a win for facebook. Now facebook is also facing scrutiny on capitol hill. A u. S. Senate committee opened an inquiry into the companys practices. An interesting meeting. They didnt have to have a meeting at all. Call it pr or not, its interesting, come on out an here what we have to say. Jan, great to have you at the table. Let us know when you want to come back. Appreciate that. Every day. More than section decades over brown v. Board of, calalf that some visitotorsrs t thohougught they savivingng f frorom ththe cold. war drums beating fight heartburn fast. 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The first is in san jose at 1 00 this afternoon at the Santa Clara County fairgrounds. A second rally is seconded for 7 30 tonight at Waterfront Park tonight in vallejo. The sharks have momentum as they bring the stanley cup play offs back to san jose tomorrow. They shut out the blues in st. Louis last night 40. The western conference finals series is now tied at one game apiece. Game 3 is tomorrow at the shark tank at 6 p. M. In the next halfhour of cbs this morning, controversy after a baby bison is euthanized at Yellowstone National park. Stay with us. Traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,, good morning. Northbound 280 in the south bay word of an accidents blocking the left lane located near 11th street so it is a bit of a snag as you work your way out of downtown san jose. Slow out of the south bay. You have pockets of slowing coming away from 85 northbound 101 all the way to 237. Looking upwards of 30 minutes for your drive time. Thats from 280 680 connector north of there. 280 slow as well as guadalupe parkway. Bay bridge metering lights are on. Heres roberta. Good morning, everyone. Our live weather camera is queued up this morning looking due east. A little bit of sea haze there but we do have the return of the marine layer along the coast. Temperatures now in the 50s. Its slow to cool in redwood city at 63. Going up to a high there today in the mid80s. [ music ] 60s and cooler at the beaches. Still warm inland in the low 90s. Additional meltdown in the temperatures on thursday and friday. ,, before earning enough cash back from bank of america to buy a new gym bag. Before earning 1 cash back everywhere, every time and 2 back at the Grocery Store. Even before he got 3 back on gas. Kenny used his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to join the wednesday night league. Because he loves to play hoops. Not jump through them. Thats the excitement of rewarding connections. Apply online or at a bank of america near you. According to a new study, the average person spends 117 days of their life having sex and 30 seconds lying on surveys. Thats right. A new study says the average person spends 117 days of their life having sex, which means at my current rate im going to live to be 200. [ laughter ] 117 days sounds very low, in your lifetime i could see if they were saying a year. A year. Do share. Not talking about myself, just saying. Do share. We think thats low here at this table. Welcome back we think sex is a good thing. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour, two mississippi schools defied a federal order to desegregate. Black students make up most of the student body. The School District explains why it believes mixing races in the classroom could have a negative impact. And dr. David agus will look at the impact of a new scientific report about the Health Effects of genetically engineered crops. Ahead, why one state is getting ready to launch mandatory labeling. Time for the headlines. The New York Times reports on the Labor Department issuing a new rule on overtime pay. It would make millions more workers eligible. Most salaried workers earning up to nearly 47,500 a year would receive the pay after working 40 hours a week. The previous cutoff was nearly 24,000. The rule takes effect december 1st. Politico reports on the senate approving a 1. 1 billion will to fight the bill to fight the zika virus as the summer approaches. The house will vote on a 622 million plan. The white house has threatened to call the bill calling it inadequate. The wall street journal reports that bombings by isis are another crisis for iraqs shaky government. Explosions killed at least 70 people yesterday in and near baghdad. Nearly 200 people have died in the past week. The u. S. Backed government is under pressure to tighten security. Americas top middle east commander says the militants are changing tactics because of battlefield losses. One more person frightening. The New York Daily News reports on the aftermath of a fire that is slowing commuters this morning. It erupted during the evening rush hour yesterday under elevated tracks in harlem. The cause is under investigation. Thousands of riders were stranded when three rail lines were halted. Train speeds and schedules are reduced today. And a Washington Post report on evidence schools in the United States are resegregating. Federal data show schools with a High Percentage of poor, black, and hispanic students climbed from 9 to 16 between 2000 and 2014. The numbers were released on the anniversary of brown vs. The board of education. 62 years after the decision, cleveland, mississippi, faces a new federal court order to integrate. Michelle miller is in cleveland with why the School District may appeal. Michelle, good morning. Reporter good morning. Well, cleveland School District officials contend theyve made big strides since they were ordered to desegregate schools here back in 1969. A federal judge says it wasnt enough. In fact, the school behind me was built in 1956. Nearly all of the fulltime students who walk through its doors have been africanamerican. Cleveland, mississippi, is little real a town divided by old railroad tracks. Most white students live on the west side, while many africanamerican students call the east side home. Deshambra fields and her brother attend East Side High School, a wellregarded school where the student body is 100 black. You think they should not be segregate not desegregate the schools . No, maam. Reporter why . Its this side of the highway verse us that side of the highway. Its been a rival for a long time. Reporter under the desegregation plan ordered by a judge last week, East Side High School will be merged with cleveland high school, where 45 of the students are white, and 47 are black. A nearly allblack middle school would also be combined with a racially mixed one. Less than onethird of the students at the new schools will be white in a district where nearly half of residents are. We have kids learning side by side each other of different races. Reporter jamie jacks, the School District attorney, fears the plan will spur a white flight out of public schools. Unfortunately, when you do a mandatory reassignment plan, the results statistically tell us its not good in terms of maintaining diversity. This is not a country that in 2016 want to be perceived as having deeply segregated communities anymore. Reporter vinita gupta heads the Civil Rights Division at the u. S. Department of justice which formulated the desegregation plan. Children deserve to be educated in the kinds of environments that we as adults face which are mixed race, mixed religion. Reporter even though brown vs. The board of education has been the law of the land since 1954, the Justice Department still has 177 open desegregation cases. Almost half are in just two states ballpaalabama and mississippi. [ bleep ] reporter the magnolia state has a painful history with desegregation. A deadly riot broke out in 1962 when James Meredith tried to become the first black student enrolled at ole miss. Margaret schwartzbagers kids go to cleveland high. Edward duval goes to East Side High School. If the parents would step aside and let the kids feel their way through, it the kids will deal with it better than the parents will. Reporter where do you go from here . The kids, whether black or white, are our leaders for tomorrow. We need to invest in them. It can work it we want it to. Reporter the School District says that they believe this ruling will limit options of choice for both parents and students. They also vow to look at all options for appeal. In the meantime, a have has given both sides a judge has given both sides 21 days to come up with a new plan for this integration. I didnt even know this was possible in 2016. Very troubling. Im glad theyre looking at the quality of the education the students are getting. Let the kids let the kids work it out. It ts not its not the real world the way theyre living in 2016. Thank you very much. Sweeping new report on genetically engineered crops could take the argument over the food they create to a whole new level. The National Academies of sciences, engineering, and medicine finds no substantiated evidence that foods from gmo crops were less safe thands from nonge crops. David agus is in los angeles to sort this out. Good morning. Are they saying that gmos are safe . Yeah. This was two years in the making. The National Academies met and looked at all of the studies, over 900 studies. Looking for an association with health issues, in areas that had gos and didnt that had gmos and didnt, and there was no difference. The people against gmos are happy because it said the crops didnt increase yields, the premise of doing them. And obviously the gmo companies say, listen, theyre not harming health. Both sides are claiming victory. In the end, we need to start to look at the data. And the conclusion in the report which i love is look at the product, not the process. Interesting. What kinds of foods are genetically engineered . Most of what we eat. From corn to soybean, et cetera. 80 of the products in your Grocery Store have some genetically modified component. The definition is you put in a new gene from another species. The ability to edit dna, its not a new food. Thats a new area to look into when you can change things. Consumer groups are still calling for labeling. In light of the report, do you think that thats necessary . Yes. Transparency is key. All of us have a right to eat whatever we want. We could say whatever comes on this earth, thats what i want to eat. You should have that right. At the same time, if were going to learn from it and say what food affects me, i need to know whats in it. I cannot even understand people who say there shouldnt be labeling. It makes no sense to me. As you know, monsanto which makes genetically modified seeds, this had to say after 30 years of research and assessments, the science and safety behind g. E. Crops has been supported and well established by the scientific community. Does this mean the case against man santo is closed . No. The premise of monsanto using the genetic engineered crops is that it would increase yield dramatically and help with food issues around the world. We havent seen that data yet. With the new science happening, i think well see a big advance in crops. Certainly doesnt merit whats going on now. This is going to further the debate on this issue. Something. Glad to have you this morning. Dr. David agus, thank you. The National Park service fights outrage over the death of a bison vice for your business, legalzoom has your back. Our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. Visit legalzoom today. The legal help you can count on. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. This is shes a planner. E. This is my sister, annie. She goes with the flow. Gracies always trying to get me to eat green things. Annies always trying to get me to try new things. Weve both been on weight watchers. And now theyve totally changed it up. I like that this new plan encourages me to eat healthier. I like that it lets me eat my favorite foods. Smartpoints has really helped me. Im now down 37 pounds. Its helped me too im down 40 pounds. Just sayin. All new smartpoints. Join for free. Hurry offer ends may 30th. Wheall i can think abouthit, is getting relief. Only nicorette mini has a patented fastdissolving formula. 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I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. Gotta get those bs in. Oh, kale. Yes, kale. Kale, kale kale. Carrots mm. Beta carotene. Yes, i like it. Listo. Mmmm. Mmmm. Mmmm. I feel healthier already. Me too. Fitness in real life. Now thats the good stuff. Yellowstone National Park is defending its decision to euthanize a baby bison. Tourist last week put the calf in the back of an suv and told rangers it looked cold and abandoned. Officials say the action caused the bison to become a danger to visitors. The National Parks service is using this as a lesson for all visitors. Mark strassman is inside yellowstone at the mammoth hot springs. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Every visitor driving into yellowstone gets a map or park newspaper and safety guidance against getting too close to wildlife. Someone apparently forgot to read these. With bison, park visitors are told to stay at least 25 yards away. Mature bulls can weigh more than a ton and stand sixfeet tall. A 69yearold canadian tourist thought this calf looked cold and apparently abandoned, picked it up, and turned it over to park rangers. Once you have the smell of the humans on that calf, you certainly raise the risk that they will not be able to be successfully reunited with their parent. Reporter dan wank is the park superintendent. He told us bison herds rejected the calf, and it began to approach people in cars and become a traffic hazard. Ultimately that resulted in the destruction of that calf. Th. Bison gored five visitors last year. A grizzly killed another visitor. Yellowstone has a p. R. Challenge with the killing of the bison calf which they defend as necessary but has churned outrage on social media. Yellowstone explained that in order to ship the calf out of the park, it would have had to go through months of quarantine. In the end, the illadvised rescue attempt became a death sentence for the calf. A reminder to all to respect wildlife space. Yellowstone National Park is their home. They understand how to live and to succeed and to thrive in this environment. Reporter the canadian tourist was given a citation for getting too close to wildlife and fined 110. Officials say their investigation is continuing, and more charge are pending. Gayle . Thank you. Its such a sad story all the way around. I hear the explanation and get it. The tourists were wrong despite being well meaning. Seems even going through quarantine, so many people would have wanted to take that baby. Per a petting zoo or for a petting zoo or zoo in the area. I agree. Leave them alone. Let the buffalo roam. As gayle said earlier, let the buffalo roam. Im sorry the story ended this way. Thank you, mark. To honor americas achievements in space, an incredible journey across land and sea. Ahead, the massive piece of shuttle history thats going on display. 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When pain tries to stop you, motrin works fast to stop pain. Make it happen with motrin® liquid gels. Also try motrin pm to relieve pain and help you sleep. Hcalluses and bunions ymake them unbearable . S, introducing dr. Scholls cushions with advanced duragel technology. They provide a thin, flexible layer between your shoes and foot pain. So you can move with confidence. New dr. Scholls cushions. Charity. She chose the committee to protect journalists. Good for her. Way to go. Were cheering you on you. Look whos here, hey, bob. Hey. What you want to talk about . Laura logan. And maybe politics. To run the race for retirement. So we asked them. Are you completely prepared for retirement . Okay, mostly prepared . Could you save 1 more of your income . It doesnt sound like much, but saving an additional 1 now, could make a big difference over time. Im going to be even better about saving. You can do it, it helps in the long run. Prudential bring your challenges ladies, why just dream of worrim linda,hts . And like millions of women worldwide i trust tena. And with new tena overnight underwear i can now sleep worry free all night. The unique secure barrier system gives me triple protection from leaks, odor and moisture so i can keep being a sweet dreamer. Tena overnight underwear and pads. Only tena lets you be you. Ive been fortunate enough to win on golfs biggest stages. But when joint pain and stiffness from Psoriatic Arthritis hit. Even the smallest things became difficult. So i talked to my rheumatologist. And he prescribed enbrel. To help relieve joint pain and help stop further joint damage. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis. Lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. Tell your doctor if youve been someplace where fungal infections are common. Or if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. Dont start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Get back to the things that matter most. Ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. Enbrel, the number one rheumatologistprescribed biologic. Werthers is making sugar free caramels, classic hard and deliciously chewy. That are so smooth, rich and creamy you wont believe theyre sugar free. Discover werthers original sugar free. Introduces new, easytoswallow tablets. So now, there are more ways, for more people. To experience. Complete protection from frequent heartburn. Nexium 24hr. The easytoswallow tablet is here. Moon bay. Trucks will bring thousand chinook salmon te p four good morning. Today baby salmon are heading to Half Moon Bay. Trucks will bring 150,000 chinook salmon to the pillar point harbor. The 4 salmon will spend a week getting acclimated before going to the ocean. Gilroy garlic fries were such a hit at local mcdonalds that ingredients ran out quickly at every chain testing them. But the fries are now back at four restaurants in san jose and santa clara. Coming up on cbs this morning, dr. Holly phillips talks pollen and how to find relief from allergies. Stay with us. Traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,, good morning. Delays on 880 this morning as you work your way near 238. We have reports of an accident northbound so busy both directions. A lot of red on our sensors indicating speeds 25 miles an hour in some spots. Southbound 34 minutes to go from 238 to 84. Thats as you work your way into fremont. Also, southbound 880 near 16th embarcadero, we have reports of an accident. Its over to the right shoulder. We have brake lights northbound from the coliseum into downtown oakland. Good morning. 7 58 its the return of the marine layer but it is so thin in fact its thinning out as the morning progresses. But nonetheless the cooler air Mass Associated with it will cool down the coast today and the bay. But look how mild it is outside right now. 62 in santa rosa. Its in the mid60s around the bay going up to a high today of 73 degrees in oakland. 80 san rafael. 92 degrees in fairfield. Barely any difference inland. It will be unseasonably warm there. Cooling thursday and friday, rain saturday. ,,,,. Whats wrong with being confident . Good morning to our viewers here on this may 18th, 2016. More real news ahead including our interview with ivanka trump. Her role in her Fathers Company and building her own brand. The party has been treating sanders with kids gloves, but that is over. She represents her father well. I thought it was interesting how you questioned attacking her husband. The first woman nominee of the party. 11 inches of rain was record setting. They checked the record back 70 years, never 11 inches. Federal and local officials are stressing the health is on the way. Those planning to attend the meeting want to understand what facebook users see as their trending stories. A federal judge in 1969 says it wasnt enough. The safety guidelines against getting too close to wild life. Someone apparently forgot to read these. Kentucky and oregon held their primary aelections today. Hillary clinton said how many dumb states are there. This is dumb and it should be over now. Im charlie rose with gayle king and norah odonnell. Hillary clinton is moving closer to the democratic president ial nomination. Bernie sanders is holding on. He won last night in oregon 54 to 46 . And clinton is the likely winner kentucky edging out sanders by about 2,000 votes. Bernie delivered a message last night to nearly 11,000 voters. The Democratic Party will have to make a very, very profound and important decision. It can do the right thing and open its doors and welcome into the party people prepared to fight for real economic and social change. Nevadas Democratic Campaign says sanders insighted violence at a campaign stop. Party Officials Say sanders supporters left hundreds of threatening messages for the state party chairwoman. Sander who is accused donald trump of insighting violence at trump rallies is not apologizing. Nevada Officials Say the claim is a lie. The Washington Post says that sanders is now running against the Democratic Party. Trump is giving voters a look at his net worth. Trump says he is worth more than 10 billion. His campaign shows his disclosure shows a tremendous cash flow. His income in 2015 and 2016 is in excess of 557 million. Clintons campaign criticized trump. It said to be transparent, trump needs to release his tax returns. Donald trump shed light on how he might handle a foreign relationship. He said he would have no problem speaking directly with kim jongun about his nuclear program. We have Bob Schieffer here, the more people you talk to do they think it will be a tight race . Yes, yes i do. After what we saw in the weekend in las vegas with Bernie Sanders people, still turning out by the thousands as they did yesterday in california, i am beginning to wonder is he going to mount a third party run if he doesnt get the nomination. I think Hillary Clinton will get the nomination. She is about 90 delegates short, but he still has a narrow path there. But i wonder now is there going to be a Movement Among his people to say hey, were not giving up and were going to find another way to do this . She not a democrat. This is the first time he ever sought office as a democrat. But you think he has no shot whatsoever . He is still winning, people are still showing up. I think he has a very narrow shot, but i think he does have a shot. And i think, you know the Clinton Campaign is going to find some way to generate the kind of enthusiasm that he is that he is generated and excitement of that campaign. And so far, they just have not. It is just kind of a slow moving Old Fashioned kind of campaign. And i think that is one of the things that is hard. I think the race has narrowed certainly on the republican side. Trump yesterday saying he would be willing to meet with the north korean dictator. I think that is disturbing news. I would feel better if donald trump, once he gets the nomination, he will start getting classified briefings. I think he needs to get a classified briefing before he starts commenting on how he will deal with north korea. This is a very, very dangerous part of the world. Very good point. He also talked about china and the relationship it has. But barack obama, nine years ago in the Campaign Leading up to the nomination in 2008, said that he, too, would be prepared to meet the north Korean Leader at the time, kim jongil, face to face. But that is a different time. You should always be willing to meet with people, but this is a very dangerous situation there. And there will some things more important than just making a statement in the campaign. I wish he would dial back. One of the interesting things, could trump win this thing . Politico did an analysis that while the 2016 race has attracted new voters, the majority of them voted in past elections. The suggestion is that he is not expanding the g. O. P. Electorate as so many people think. Does that suggest problems if he is just turning out a group of people that already looks to the republican party. I am beginning to think that trump could conceivably win. Im not saying i think he will, but i do think it is possible that he could win. Is that because of his strength, or her weakness . A little of both. She is having a very, very difficult time. Bernie sanders says with her message. Her message, and bernie says if there is a match up between her and donald trump he is the better candidate to beat trump. That is what several polls suggested. Trumps problem is it is very difficult for anybody with a demographics of the electorate as it is today to win when you basically appeal to white people. There are not enough white people to do that any more. I dont know, i see white people everywhere. Im looking around, its just me, dana, and britney in the room right now. Everywhere i see, everywhere i go. And i like white people, bob, but when you say there is not enough to win really . Here is the deal, you know, we made this point before that mitt romney got a larger percentage of the white vote last time. He has to find a way to broaden his appeal. But i think it is possible pip think he might actually i didnt think it was possible before, now i do. A lot of people come around to that. Thank you, bob. Always interesting. Always great to have you here. I like you gayle. I like you too, mr. White man, i like you too. And tomorrow, Vice President joe biden has an emotional note to his younger self. Dear, joe. Youre only 12. Your stutter is debilitating. It embarrasses you and your bullies are vicious. But listen to your mom when she say bravery resides in the heart and yours is fierce and clear. He also reflects on serving with the first africanamerican president. One final note for a, if youre allergic to if youre allergic to ragweed, you should avoid bananas, true or false . I would say false. Ahead, take our pollen quiz and learn how to protect yourse yourself. The tempurbreeze makes me, not cold, but not hot. Its amazing ah, its like a Summer Breeze cracked window. Its that perfect cooling effect when you sleep. 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Your total is. 20 cents. both noo way. I can afford that 23 cents. Do you have a quarter . Hahaha the all new 2016 chevy malibu hybrid. Its just so smart. In our morning rounds, were testing your knowledge of pollen. Also known as hayfever, affects 25 million americans every year. Dr. Holly phillips has a pollen pop quiz that could help you find relief. Good morning. Good morning. First, true or false if youre allergic to rag wed, you should avoid ragweed, you should avoid pa unanimou bana . True. If youre allergic to pollen, a lot of fruits and vegetables have proteins that are similar to the aspect of pollen that causes allergies. You can get a cross reaction called oral allergy syndrome. If youre allergic to pollen and you eat these foods, you can get tingling, numbness in your mouth, and itchiness. For a couple of examples if youre allergic toragweed, about man that as, cucumbers, melon, if youre alargic to grass, melon. Pollen is only produced by flowering plants . That is false. Heres why any plant that has seeds by definition, also produces pollen. One of the most something thing is the plants that are the most plain looking weeds, grasses tend to cause more allergy symptoms than the big, beautiful flowers. Thats because the grasses and weeds have light, dry polythan goes in the air pollen that goes into the air. Daffodils and roses have heavy, sticky polythan gets transmilt pollen that gets transmitted by bees. Pollen is only available in spring and install. Allergic rhinitis, the medical term for hayfever, is all the time. In the summer, trees, summer grasses, fall, weeds, even in the winter cedar tracey can put out poly trees can put out polyfriend december through february. Pollen is lowest in the evening . True. The exact time where pollen peaks depends on what pollen is circulating at that period of time. Generally, late evening we see some of the lowest numbers. Really interesting information, dr. Holly phillips. Thank you very much. Great to be here. No bananas, got it. Ahead, we continue our conversation with ivanka trump. What she learn good learned about business and herself glowing up with the Presumptive Republican nominee. If youve gone to extremes to escape your nasal allergies. Try clarispray. New, from the makers of claritin. With the 1 prescribed ingredient. And nothing is more effective at relieving your sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion. Return to the world with clarispray. Bounce back like. D. It used to . Neutrogena® hydro boost water gel. Instantly quenches skin to keep it. Supple and hydrated. Day. After day. With hydrating hyaluronic acid, which retains up to 1000 times its weight. In water. This refreshing water gel. Plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. For supple, hydrated skin that bounces back. Hydro boost. From neutrogena®. See whats possible. Think fixing your windshield is a big hassle . Not with safelite. This family needed their windshield replaced, but theyre daughters heart was set on going to the zoo. So we said if you need safelite to come to the zoo well come to the zoo only safelite can fix your windshield anywhere in the us. With our exclusive mobileglassshops. And our one of a kind trueseal technology, for a reliable bond. Service that fits your schedule. Thats another safelite advantage. Safelite repair, safelite replace. ,,,, hey pal . You ready . Can you pick me up at 6 30 . Ah. boy im here im here cop too late. I was gone for five minutes ugh move it. Youre killing me. You know what, dad . Im good. dad it may be quite a while before hes ready, but our Subaru Legacy will be waiting for him. vo the longestlasting midsize sedan in its class. The twentysixteen Subaru Legacy. Its not just a sedan. Its a subaru. Here, well, its been quite the trip. Lift off reporter every Space Shuttle mission was propelled by a massive workhorse. A 66,000pound fuel tank that blasted the shuttle into orbit. And separation from the external tank. Reporter it would then break off and disintegrate. When the Shuttle Program ended, a single fuel tank remained never having flown. The surviving shuttles all went to museums. Endeavour is park ted California Science Center in l. A. An amazing machine. We wanted to show the whole thing and help explain how challenging it is to go to orbit. Reporter its one thing to want a fuel tank. Its quite another to get it delivered. E. T. 94 was housed at a nasa warehouse in new orleans. An 1,800mile drive to los angeles. This is a little too big to go a road. Its too large to go under any bridges or overpasses. Reporter instead, the giant fuel tank was loaded on it a barge, sailing through the gulf of mexico and the caribbean sea. Through the panama canal, up the Pacific Coast by san diego, and now just outside of l. A. The sixweek, 5,000mile journey costs 3 million. Now, just 16 miles remain. The toughest 16 miles from the marina to the museum. Its a familiar path. One that captivated Southern Californians 3. 5 years ago when endeavour made one last flyby, then a slow victory lap. [ cheers ] reporter navigating space may have been easier than navigating l. A. Streets. The fuel tank will soon get a similar escort. Thats not the ultimate mission. Its material stimulate the next generation of scientists an notorious traffic. Gayle . Nobody likes getting stuck in traffic. Thank you very much, ben. Guess whos in our green room. You meet the nicest people. Roccos mom is here, also known morning are set to resume t search in good morning. Its 8 25. Time for news headlines. Crews this morning are set to resume their search in the sierra for a missing hiker and his dog. Placer county sheriffs investigators say cody michael of rockland was hiking in the loch leven area. His family hasnt heard from him since he sent a text message month. The warriors hope to rebound this evening in game 2 of the western conference finals. They lost game one to the Oklahoma City thunder in oakland monday night. Tonights another home game. Tipoff is at 6 00. In the next halfhour of cbs this morning, more of Norah Odonnells oneonone interview with ivanka trump. But first traffic and weather when we come back. ,,,,, good morning. Still busy as you work your way out and about. Delays toward the bay bridge past the toll plaza. Multivehicle accident cleared out of lanes over to the shoulder but about a 4 to 5 cars involved in the wreck. So it is causing some slowing through there. Busy anyway across the upper deck into san francisco. Before that, metering lights are still on with all approaches seeing delays through the maze. Northbound 880 stopandgo conditions as you work your way from 238 to the maze. It will take you 40 minutes now this morning. Southbound okay through that portion. But it gets busy around 238. Dont forget you have a day game for oakland. The as are taking on the rangers at 12 35 at the coliseum. Tonight tipoff at 6 00 for the warriors and thunder. So busy along 880 all day long. Roberta . It is. We are going for sweep, right, for the as . Yeah and go warriors. Hi, everybody. Looking out towards san jose. Home of our san jose sharks. We have a little bit of a haze out there, otherwise lots of blue skies. It was 89 degrees in san jose yesterday. Now 68 degrees. Yes very mild out the door. A little bit of a cooldown at the coast and the bay. Inland highs still in the 90s. 62 pacifica. 92 degrees in the fairfield area. It will be 93 degrees in brentwood and discovery bay. 70s around the bay. 80s peninsula. Meanwhile, additional cooling takes place on thursday, friday. Rain on saturday. ,,,,. ,,,, look at this sweet shot by jordan spieth. During a golf clinic, spieth showed off his short game, he hit a marshmallow in the air and then caught it in his mouth. Wow go, jordan. Yeah. Hes a man of many talents, isnthe . Thats right. Later in this half hour, char e charlie, gayle, myself will also try there trick. Yurt golfers. Ill let do you. That. Thats pretty impressive. We like him. We like everything about jordan spieth. We hope he recovered from his masters disaster. And now we know that he catches marsh mamallows in his mouth. Welcome lack to cbs this morning. Coming up, ivanka trump is keeping very busy not because of her dads whus bid, she talks about building her own brand and how she wants to help other plus, the decision that she and her brothers made about their future. And actress rose burn is in our greenroom. Ahead, well look at her new comedy, neighbors 2 and her commitment to closing hollywoods gender gap. The New York Daily News reports on some of o. J. Simpsons first words after being acquitted of a double murder in 1995. Attorney Robert Schapiro was on his defense team. He told meg yin kelly that simpson leaned in and whispered, you told me had this would be the result from the beginning. You were right. Simpson who is serving a prison sentence still owes him money. The wall street journal says businesses are paying consultants big bucks to learn how to keep millennial workers happy. Some consultants charge 20,000 an hour. Millennials make up the single largest generation is that right . 20,000 an hour . Okay. I think we should double check that. They make up the single largest Generational Group in the workforce. It is correct. Okay. Thank you, john. 20,000 an hour. Wow. Im doing something wrong here. Some advice experts suggest giving workers friday afternoons off and moving town Hall Meetings to a comedy club. Okay. Pingpong tables, too. , too, apparently. Right. Fortune shows us the five books bill gates thinks you should read this summer. Gates, the richest person in the world, said he simply loved seven eaves which is one of the few scifi novels that hes read in the last decade. Another, how not to be wrong, about math. The vital question explores how energy creates l. And the power to compete, a father son discussion on japans economy. And sapiens a brief history of m mankind, which i heard is good. And the Spartanburg Herald reports on a 100meter dash by a 100yearold women also no brownsed woman. Only one there also pronounced woman. Only one there. You see she stumble ted start yesterday. But shes okay. She tried again after bandaging her chin. She put a band aid on and kept moving. She finished in about 46. 8 seconds. More than 29 seconds faster than the previous best by a woman her age. She says this, you cant let the setbacks keep you down. Shes been running since she was a little girl and loves it to this day. Key to longevity. Exercise. In an Election Year when claims of sexism dominate the white house, Donald Trumps daughter ivanka works to stay out of the political spotlight. In her conversation, we explore the gender issue and what it means to be a working woman. Even away from the campaign trail, her family is putting its own stamp on washington with the launch of the Trump International hotel. We are actually a year ahead of schedule, over a year. And under budget. I think its a first for pennsylvania avenue. Were very proud of that. And its going to be just a magnificent property. You mean under budget because its just a few block before the u. S. Cap policy . Not a lot of d. C. Comes in ahead of schedule and under budget. Were feeling good that, especially given the economicsits of developing complexities of developing a historic building. Look at how perfectly the flaps match reporter this fall will be a busy time for the trump family. You guys have made good progress. Reporter one of ivanka trumps top projects, the Old Post Office transformation look at that view reporter set to open in september. While working on the hotels renovations, she gave birth to her third child. America is going to be strong again. Reporter and her fathers become the Presumptive Republican nominee for president. That n that role, he would no longer run the Trump Organization. Would you like to be a successor . Its not something i prioritize. You know, my brothers and i early on, we said to one another that as a collective we could do far more than any of us could do individually. I really believe that. I am, for me, title is largely irrelevant. I want to show up at work and love what i do and be able to work on projects that im passionate about. Reporter this is your office shes especially passionate about curating her own lifestyle brand, featured most prominently on ivankatrump. Com. We wanted to create the ultimate work bag. Reporter with everything from style have a setup reporter to parenting advice for the working woman. For me, one of my lifes missions is to disrupt these dated concepts of what it looks like and means to be a working woman. The expression working man is never heard in conjunction, but people still talk about this sort of working woman, and theres negativity to that connotation. I think really celebrating the many different ways women are working at their lives and architecting lives that they want to live. It sounds like you want to be in the middle of that disruption. I do. I would be so proud if i could play even a small change in defining that narrative. Changing the narrative seems synonymous with trump these days. While her Fathers Campaign for president has been marked by political frenzy and controversy and the drouds match, ivank the crowds to match, ivankas brands in social media are devoid of politics. Im not focused on politics. Im focused on my business. Reporter a business she was raised to run. Did you go to the office when you were a kid . All the time. All the time. After school, i would go, i would come up and sit on the floor of my Fathers Office and just play. Reporter the woman brought up inside the halls of trump tower knows of no glass ceilings. The way my father raised me was really informative of how i think about my role as a female and how i view myself in a professional and personal capacity. So he encouraged me to set the bar very high for myself, to set great deals for myself. He also celebrates the fact im a mother of three children, his grandchildren. And wife to my husband. Is something that i feel very blessed about. He believes that its for me to choose ultimately what my life should look like and to architect a life that i want for myself and that will make me happy. The Trump Organization is a private company. Its run by the family. And ivanka and i talked about this yesterday. A lot of Family Businesses dont go very well. You know, siblings fight, they fight with their parents. They seem to be able to run this very well together. And she is a walking, talking advertisement. Ivanka trump, head to toemp i loved the head to toe. I loved the dress she had. And she is always carrying an ivanka trump bag. The conservative radio guys say shes one of the biggest weapons donald trump has. If you listen to her, it does go against the grain of the perception it women. No matter what you think of him politically, theres no doubt that both donald trump and ivana raised wonderful kids. Nobody can dispute that. They should put her front and center all the time. You asked tough but fair questions, and she navigates everything very, very well. Go, ivanka trump no one says working man. They always say working woman. I love that, too. Working man. Thank you working man. And youre a hardworking man. Thats right. Charlie rose is a hardworking man. Ivanka trump, you go. The Hollywood Reporter calls her the calls her the most indemand supporting actress for comedies. Rose byrne is her name. Shes in studio 57. Coming up next, how she made the move from drama, plus her role on screen. Shes got a new b thats what friends are for if good times and bad times ill be on your side forever more thats what friends are foror [ applause ] sounds like me and norah. I know. Thats bad, rose. Rose byrne making her comedic name with kristin wiig in bridesmaids. Before that, byrnes breakouts role in damages earned her emmy and golden globe nominations. She went on to star in blockbusters like the internship and spy alongside melidicalliissa mccarthy. And now shies starring in neighbors 2 with seth rogen. A couples home sale is in jeopardy after a rowdy sorority moves in next door. I cannot shut down a sorority thats flying to become independent. Why thats trying to become independent. Why not . Its a p. R. Nightmare. A nightmare . For example, sexist female dean shut down sorority. That is reverse sexism, which is in and of itself tough do. There is no such thing. If they get three strikes, they have to shut down, right . As far as im concerned they have infinite strikes. I see were playing outside the rules of the system. Why dont we go to plan b. Heres a Little Something to change your mind. Rose byrne, welcome back to the table. Thats a great scene with lisa kudrow. Thank you. Lets talk about neighbors 1. It earned i couldnt believe it 270 million. I know. It was a big hit. We were all very delighted, obviously. And yeah, i think the characters, people took a shining to them. We thought, lets do it again. I think people like silly stuff. Yeah. I think so. Neighbors opened without being indelicate. You and seth are blinking. Opens with you vomiting all over him. I thought, thats an interesting way to start the movie. Right. I know. We packed a punch for the first scene. Lets get them in. Set the tone early. What were going to be doing here. It was a shout out to the first one. Those things are easier when its a comedy because its silly and stupid and funny. Its a less intimate experience. Tell us about the premise. So we have a daughter whos now 3, and im pregnant with our second child. A sorority moves in next door. Were also trying to sell our house. We get concerned with the fact these girls are rowdy and actually worse than the fraternity. We have this young daughter and another on the way. Were like, is our little girl going to turn out like these young women. Theyre selling weed. Doing everything under the sun. Its a confronting experience for them. Are they good parents, bad parents. And continuing on the indelicate theme. I guess a scene included a grease greasy meet with your shirtless costar zac efron. In the film, theyre trying to distract the sorority. There was this piece of meat that was seasoned in like thyme and rosemary. And they injected it with baby oil. Thats important. It was really disgusting. It took me a few hours to try and get it off my hands. Poor zac. What is the audience for the film . I think you know charlie rose. Youll see it over the weekend . Ill be there. I can tell. [ laughter ] no. I think its for the young kids. You know, its funny. We havent done our job if were not leaving laughing. Yeah. Yep. You dont allow yourself to be a nagging wife. No. You know, unfortunately, sometimes in these comedies, the wife is traditionally the becausekill, like dont go out buzzkill, like dont go out. I said, lets make her as irresponsible and stupid as him. Lets reverse it for the stereotypes thats been ingrain ingrained. Lets talk about you. You started a Production Company to make sure that there are more femaleoriented films. Is it hard to make those films . Is it hard to get them sold, to produce them . Yeah. I always want to play the guy role. Thats the role id rather play. Youre always waiting for the guy to be cast. I was like, lets try and make, you know, material that i can develop with like much more femaledriven projects. What about the debate about equal pay for women . I understand that robin wright who, of course, starred in house of cards, a television series, last night was at an event in which she said that she had recently demanded to be paid the same as kevin spacey. Is that something that youve worked on in your career . Do you say, i want to be paid the same as my male conascar. As much as i can. Its great costar . As much as i can. Its great that its coming to light. These things are buried for so long. Theres a quiet tolerance for the behavior and treatment of women. It shouldnt be the case obviously. Your significant was here recently. He was beaming about the birth of rocco, your son. Now your favorite son. How do you like this thing called parenting, rose byrne . Its cool, isnt it . Its fun. I relate to the movie. It takes an hour and 45 minutes to leave the house. Its a lot of fun. Yeah, im a little tired, but a lot of fun. Congratulations. Youre sweet. Congratulations. Neighbors 2. It gets easier. Yes tell only take an hour to leave the house. Rose byrne, thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much. And the naireeighbors 2 op friday. A Fathers House struggle motivates his son to pull for a world record. The incredible feat of strength and endurance. That story next here on cbs this morning. ,,,,,,,,, how would you like to be on the beach this morning . I would. Look at the sunrise from atlantic beach, florida. Our instagram followers from around the country are sharing their sunrise shots. Heres a beautiful view of the chicago skyline. Gorgeous. And lots of color in the sky in new york. Post your sunrise shots with the hash tag sunrise thismorning. If you cant be here i want to be here. I knew that. A virginia teenager inspired by his fathers cancer fight shattered three records for pullups. [ cheers ] one, two, three, four Andrew Shapiro says this weekend he completed listen to this number 7,306 pullups in 24 hours. He also beat records for 6 and 12 hours. The pullup marathon raised money for cancer research. His dad is clear of the disease, by the way. You if. , hey pal . You ready . Can you pick me up at 6 30 . Ah. boy im here im here cop too late. I was gone for five minutes ugh move it. Youre killing me. You know what, dad . Im good. dad it may be quite a while before hes ready, but our Subaru Legacy will be waiting for him. vo the longestlasting midsize sedan in its class. The twentysixteen Subaru Legacy. Its not just a sedan. Its a subaru. Your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. Good morning, its 8 55. Time for some news headlines. In san jose, a construction worker who was beaten by three Police Officers is now suing the department. Paulo says they used excessive force. Cops say he was combative. After shootings on 4, Pittsburg Police and the chp are now boosting patrols along the roadway. They are also installing ten more surveillance cameras on the highway. Gilroy garlic fries were such a hit at local mcdonalds that ingredients ran out. But the fries are back at four restaurants in san jose and santa clara. Roberta, im hungry. I know. Every time we do this story i get more and more hungry road trip to san jose we are featuring the east bay this morning looking towards mount diablo with lots of blue skies. Boy, barely cooled down in the overnight hours. Check out concord at 68 degrees. Much of the east bay in the mid to high 60s. Its now 66 in mountain view. 50s around the bay. Later today cooldown at the coast and bayside. Otherwise mid80s at the peninsula and into the low 90s in our inland areas. So barely any cooling there. The winds will be variable at 10 to 20 miles an hour. If you are heading out to the as game today at 12 35, sweep, 74 degrees cooling thursday but quite seasonal. And then we begin to cloudy friday, chance of thunderstorms on saturday. Gianna has the commute next. Good morning. We have delays along 101 in and out of the peninsula. First off, northbound slowand go 92 to the 80 split. Southbound look out for an accident blocking lanes around candlestick north at 280. Busy also from 380 to the james lick freeway and you will see delays out of Half Moon Bay and again san mateo. 280 to 101, about 9 minutes. Bay bridge metering lights are on, busy out of oakland into san francisco. Oakland northbound nimitz freeway also a lot of slowand go conditions there. Before earning enough cash back from bank of america to buy a new gym bag. Before earning 1 cash back everywhere, every time and 2 back at the Grocery Store. Even before he got 3 back on gas. Kenny used his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to join the wednesday night league. Because he loves to play hoops. Not jump through them. Thats the excitement of rewarding connections. Apply online or at a bank of america near you. Wayne who wants to look fancy . Go big or go home. Wayne youve got the big deal. But you know what im good at . Giving stuff away. Jonathan its a new living room. You won zonk bobbleheads. That has to be the biggest deal of forever. Jonathan its time for lets make a deal. Now heres tvs big dealer, wayne brady wayne hey, everybody, welcome to lets make a deal. Lets make a deal. Im wayne brady. I need a couple right now. You two, you must be a couple or its coincidence. Come on. Everybody else, have a seat for me. Hey, emily and matthew. Emily, matthew. How long have you guys been a couple . muffled its been a year and four months. Wayne yeah, you might need to take that off. imitates muffled sounds so its been a year and four months

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