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A massive attack on the internet. Who did it . It doesnt look like a kid in a basement with a laptop. It looks more sophisticated than. Foreign hackers claim responsibility for crippling the internet nationwide and around the world. Paypal and amazon and netflix a few of the names hit. It began with the east coast and spread to the western united states. We have a bunch of babies running our country, folks. We have a bunch of losers. They are losers they are babies anger is not a plan. Attack the city of kirkuk in northern iraq. Firefights erupted as Security Forces try to gain control of buildings and streets. Incredibly nothing to do happening across massachusetts. Worcester county hardest hit. The cars are trying to drive through a big body of water. A huge fire is burning in a recycling center in los angeles. Like a scene from hell. Beautiful and amazing and rare images of the longest living Marine Mammal in the world. Bowhead whales near the Arctic Circle where the water is nearly transparent. A protest at the miami heat game. This woman taking a knee while singing the National Anthem. And all that matters. Nyquist. Score and its 42. On cbs this morning saturday. We talked about detroit. A lot of people have begun to wonder what trump will do in the likely scenario he will lose the election and the unlikely scenario that he admits it. Now reports are that trump is thinking about starting a donald trump tv network. Im excited i cant wait until he introduces his other programming like the hourlong crime drama bad hombres chew chew chew chew welcome to the weekend, everyone. Im jeff glor along with jamie y y yuccas. 70 years in south dakota one mans vision has been slowly carved into the mountain and see how the mountain of work is in the hands of his children and grandchildren. Later this morning, we will have a rare tour of the popes summer residence as it opens to the public. He was a Founding Member of the grateful dead but now bob weir is playing music that changed his life years before forming that band. He talks to Anthony Mason about the inspiration and youll hear him perform in our saturday session. First, the top story. Investigators are trying to to determine who was responsible for a string of sophisticated Cyber Attacks that caused major outages for some of the largest websites in the u. S. The rolling attacks began friday. The sites are up and running again. The disruptions happened in the wake of recent breaches that targeted organizations and election agencies. Marlie hall is here with more. Reporter good morning. Overnight a Foreign Group called new world hackers claimed responsibility for the cyber attack but the american web company at the core of the attack hasnt been able to confirm that. Meanwhile, cyberexperts winner hacks like this are becoming the new normal. The first wave began early friday, taking down websites including twitter, netflix, amazon and spotify, among others. Around noon, a second one hit which also apparently affected the fbi. The cyberattacks continued throughout the day. At this point, i dont have any information to share about who may be responsible for that malicious activity. Reporter the attacks focused on a website called dyn inc. It has a switchboard for major website. Dan ackerman who writes for cnet says they are known as denial of Service Attacks. That is when a lot of computers around the world who have been previously hijacked send dummy data to a target and prevents it from showing the websites you want to see. Reporter still unclear who is responsible but late friday wikileaks who has been releasing hacked emails from democratic officials, tweeted to its supporters, stop taking down the u. S. Interpret. You proved your point. Cbs news Homeland Security Security Consultant Fran Townsend turned to russia as a possible instigator. A pushback pitch from the russians saying we should be careful engaging these cyber activity with them because they are very capable. The fbi and the department of Homeland Security told cbs news they are investigating all potential causes, but they have not gone as far as to say that this was a statesponsored attack. Fascinating. Marlie hall, thank you very much. For more on this we are joined by james norton of play action strategies. A Cybersecurity Firm and in boston for us this morning. James, good morning to you. Good morning. Thanks for having me. Lets go ahead, talk about, first, how this happened. You know, look. Denial of Service Attack is essentially the flooding of traffic. If you think about a traffic jam on, you know, i93 here in boston, youre essentially flooding the highway, in this case, the internet, with the number of pieces of data. And so distributed denial of Service Attack which is essentially using the internet of things, other devices, such as dvrs, other things connected to the internet that might not have standard security will be brought together to essentially, again, flood the internet, so if youre a user and youre at home and logging on and trying to experience a website, you know, look something up, do some work, you essentially will get a blank screen and because the internet has been jammed with traffic. As you mjentioned, this is cameras and cable boxes, whatever else they are using. Can you talk a little bit about new world hackers . Who they are and what they are trying to do . Sure. I mean, i think you need to think about this in the sense of, you know, following 9 11, the country took a lot of streps to secure our infrastructure. A lot of steps to secure bridges and roadways essentially for the reasons of having that backup and, you know, Personnel Services not being able to get to people that might be of need. You have to think about this hacking group, if, in fact, it is them in the same limelight in the fact they are looking to jam up our services and how we run our lives every day. So, you know, certainly theres some success there. There was some, you know, disruption in our daily lives and that is essentially what they are trying to do. But, james, in part, they say they are doing this because they are pointing out flaws. They say they are trying to help, in part. Sure. And, you know, certainly, you know, the internet is essentially the name came from connected networks and so the internet is a broad, fast, collection of pieces and parts. So certainly if you look at the recent hackings that occurred in the federal government of the office of personnel management, at target, at home depot, you know, there were flaws in those security and the for the most part we didnt have our defenses up. It wasnt anything certainly overly done in a certain way. So i think that essentially, they could be just pointing out that there are some flaws and we have to get our defenses up. It is october and that is cybersecurity month and everybody should understand the internet is a place that need to be secured and looked at as an area we are vulnerable. Is there anything that consumers can do . Youre talking about netflix, spotify, services that people use every day. Absolutely. Consumers can update their passwords and have multifactor identification. Id say once a month so they are uptospeed in terms of what their passwords are. Always monitoring their services and looking at their credit reports. There is two types of attacks. Certainly there is the hacks like there was at home depot and target where, you know, they are getting peoples Social Security numbers and credit cards and one yesterday which is slowing down the internet and something we have become very independent on. Both things could have a major impact and consumers should be vigilant in terms of updating their Information Online and changing that type of information. James norton, thank you. Thank you for having me. Donald trump will try to take a page from Abraham Lincoln today when he makes a gettysburg address in pennsylvania. Trumps campaign described his speech as trumps closing arguments which is his plan to restore the economy and outline of priorities for first 100 days in office. That speech is supposed to be positive but the recent days on the trail have anything but for donald trump. Craig boswell has more. Reporter donald trump came under fire again this week for reusing to commit himself to respecting the results of novembers election. Yesterday, in pennsylvania, trump picked up that drum beat once again complaining about an election that is stacked against him. We are living in a rigged system. Remember, folks, its a rigged system. Just remember it. We are in a rigged system. And a big part of the rigging are these dishonest people in the media. Big part. Reporter donald trump continued to insist friday that the election and journalists covering are in a league against him. The media, the special interests, wall street, the career politicians, the system is rigged and ive been saying it for a long time. Reporter an argued this election is a struggle for survival. Either we win this election or we lose the country. And, believe me, this is the last time we are going to have a chance to win. Reporter in North Carolina, trump directed his fire at two of Hillary Clintons most effective surrogates, the president and the first lady. They are losers. They are babies. We have a president. All he wants to do is campaign. His wife, all she wants to do is campaign. Reporter expressing frustration that Michelle Obama is now depicted as a big supporter of clinton, trump recalled a time when she was anything but. If you cant run your own house, you certainly cant run the white house. Where is that . I dont hear that. I dont hear that. Shes the one that started that, i said, we cant say that. Its too vicious. Reporter later in pennsylvania, trump also amped up his attack on the man in the white house. The world hates our president. The world hates us. Reporter and with just over two weeks until election day, trump dismissed poor showing in recent polls as proof he is bringing new voters into the political process. They say we cant poll this thing. People that we have never seen before, great people that have never voted before because they have never felt like voting and they have never had the confidence in the people that are running. Reporter trump trails clinton in recent polls of both pennsylvania and North Carolina. Later today, hell deliver his third speech in two days in pennsylvania where he is behind by nearly double digits and hasnt led a poll since early summer. Craig boswell in washington for us, thanks. Another key state in the president ial election is ohio and where Hillary Clinton was on friday after a nineday absence from the campaign trail. The push there comes with a new attack ad being rolled out and some important surrogates hitting the trump. Nancy cordes is with the campaign. We know in our country the difference between leadership and dictatorship, right . Reporter in cleveland, clinton called trump a threat to democracy and releasing a new ad in ohio and six other states. He saved everyone in his unit. Reporter the ad features gold star father khan who bashed for days after khan spoke out after his stance on muslims. I want to ask mr. Trump would my son have a place in your america. Reporter in wilkes bury, pennsylvania i take it behind the gym. Reporter there was more blunt talk from oprah winfrey. People say i dont know if i like her. She not coming over to your house you dont have to like her. Reporter that is not exactly the ringing endorsement candidates dream of, but it reflect how many clinton backers feel. Oprah went on to describe the race as a choice between democracy and a demagogue. For cbs this morning saturday, im nancy cordes, in cleveland, ohio. For more on the twists and turns of campaign 2016, we are joined by the Washington Post Political Columnist philip bump. Good morning. Good morning. Donald trump is not changing his strategy, is he, at this point . Doesnt seem to be. He is quadrupling down . Let donald be donald . Yeah. He has been pushing for sometime what we call a base play. He has a core basis support. He is trying to energize them and get them to turn out. The problem we see repeatedly in these polls, which, by the way, are very good at tracking what is going on, contrary to what we just saw him say, these polls suggest that he is about 40 and that he has not figured out how to get past that ceiling. You have to look at, though, after the third debate and also the Al Smith Dinner that happened, there has been so Much Negative talk. When im talking to people on the road, they are saying im just staying home. Do you think this is going to affect voter turnout . I think it will, right . These are two historically unpopular candidates. I shouldnt say no one but most people who are voting for donald trump, for example, are doing so because they dont like Hillary Clinton. A lot of people who are voting for Hillary Clinton because they dont like donald trump. I think this is advantageous to some extent to the democrats because democrats generally turn out less any way so the democrats have built good machines for getting people to go to the polls. Interesting. The democrats deal with the drips from the wikileaks. Sure. And do those continue to come out up until election day from what we have seen or your statute of limitations . It seems that way. Im not sure if its going to make any difference. What we are seeing nowadays minor revelations of different people who work on staff with the campaign. Im not sure we see any bombshell and if weekyleaks had a bombshell they would release it. The time is sort of now. The calculated things that go on inside a campaign is frightening at times and interesting to see. I want to talk about some of these states their, one would think, bigtime red states that the clinton campaign, i think is going after and we have seen some of that in these emails as well and including arizona. Exactly right. Michelle obama, for example, is in arizona. Arizona is a state that, you know, for the past 64 years only once has voted for a democrat. Incidental that time was 1996 when they voted for bill clinton. What campaigns do is throw resources into the opponents territory just to make the opponent have to defend there. This seems like legitimately because the demographics say a lot of hispanics there they might have a shot at winning it. Because he is not defending there . Well, in part, because he is doing so poorly nationally, right . He is losing by about six points nationally. Thats a wide margin. If youre doing that badly nationally that tend to on suggest even in states that you should be able to win youre going to do worse than the people before you. Early voting started there. How is turnout . Turnout is kind of mediocre. What is interesting democrats are doing better as a percentage of the return ballots in arizona and North Carolina than we saw four years ago. Philip bump, thank you so much. Thank you. Tomorrow morning on face the nation, john dickersons guests include Reince Priebus chairman of the Republican National committee. Deadly storms overnight. One person killed after 7 inches of rain fell on central and western pennsylvania. Fridays storm flooded several roads and triggered mudslides. Officials are monitoring the water supply fearing the possibility that thousands of gallons of gasoline could pour in from a ruptured pipe. Eastern and Central Massachusetts is drying out this morning after a torrential rain storm there. Hardest is worcester which got 5 inches of rain and dozens of motorists were stranded on flooded streets as you see there. They actually had to be rescued. There were no reported injuries. At least 85 people in atchison, kansas, are recovering from respiratory problems after a Chemical Spill at a distilling plant lisaed a cloud. You can see firefighters neutralized it with foam. A courthouse and three schools were evacuated and the air was shrer cleared a few hours later. In baghdad, iraqs second largest city and isis stronghold in northern iraq. Jeven finnan was the first america to be killed in the offensive which began this week. Yesterday, isis launched a counterattack on kirkuk, carry out deadly terror attacks. We were with this local s. W. A. T. Team as they fought a gun battle with isis. The surprise attack started with multiple suicide bombings before the extremists holed up inside buildings, including this house under construction. We know there are between six to eight isis men over there inside that building. Reporter six to eight inside that building over there . Yes. Reporter on the streets below, the body of dead isis extremists. Security force said they were 50 behind the assault. The s. W. A. T. Team began firing tear gas canisters throwing up a smoke screen before sending a team into the building. So they have been shooting at the building and also firing tear gas canisters and now the assault team is about to go in. But as they approached, they came under fire and one of them was hit. One of the s. W. A. T. Team was injured. They had to pull back and now they are trying to pin the isis gunman down inside the building. Commander Louie Mohammed is from kirkuk and told us hell fight isis until every last one of the extremists is dead. Whats in their heads . Revenge, he said, for the mosul offensive. The fighting continued in kirkuk overnight. This may have been retribution for the mosul offensive but its also a foretaste of what that battle will look like. Gun fighting in a densely packed city. Holly williams in northern iraq, thank you. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. The miami herald said the protest during the National Anthem that started at nfl games have worked their way to the nba. Singer denaja lawrence took to her knee as she sang the spar spanni starspangled banner last night. The heat said it had no advance knowledge of lawrences plans. The minneapolis star trib e tribune. The chief says the officers did not violate the departments force of use policy when a man was shot in the head during a confrontation last year. The officers were cleared of criminal or civil violations. The New York Times reports the nfl is catching new heat over its approach to domestic violence. That follows the initial suspension of new york giants kicker josh brown for just one game after brown said he had abused his wife. The game created a sixgameing years ago. Brown is now suspended with pay indefinitely. A top aide to Chris Christie testified that christie knew in advance of a plan to cause a massive traffic jam in 2013 for political retribution. Bridget anne kelley and another christie aid are charged. Christie was dogged in his once bid for the presidency. Christie said he says it is sti what happens. Time to look at your weekend weather. Coming up, Trucking Companies are trying to solve their Driver Shortage by recruiting retirees. Do older drivers mean more danger on the road . Donald trump keeps saying the election is rigged against him. Is that true . We will take a look at the fact. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. ,,,,, he was one of the most revered native american chiefs. Coming up a monument to honor crazy horse is in its 70th year will it be completed . Find out the bold project that is planned after its done. Then one of the worlds great photographers is auctioning off some of his most famous pictures. We will find out why. We will be right back. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. ,,,, what is it like for you that many men, grown men say i used to watch her and what she went meant to me at the time . If they are teenagers, i go, blah, blah, blah, i dont want to hear it you hear that a lot. Go ahead. What i like most are women, say, oh, my husband just loved you, because they know that i was never predatory. My character was for women and not against men. I just think that wonder woman, herself, has got an attitude that is they were joking a lot in the studio that a lot of fathers watched with their kids back in the day. Yes. Tell us what does this honorary ambassadorship mean to you . Wonder woman has been around 75 years. It was more than 40 years ago when i first more than 40 year ago when i first did this part. And the stories that ive heard over the years have been one of inspiration. She, over these years, has become something that lives in women and is visceral to us all. And she has been an inspiration. So what is that . The she has become a we. And what we can do together as an inspiration. It is this it is this community of us. It is this strength, the strength that lives within us, that we can do anything. And we are stronger together. We are stronger together. Its true. And that we can do whatever we dont have to be any one thing. They prey on our children, spending billions. Addicting 17,000 California Kids each year. Eventually killing onethird of them. Now Tobacco Companies are spending millions to. Defeat prop 56. Because in every state thats raised tobacco taxes, smoking rates go down. So who are you going to trust . Pediatricians, cancer groups and the califronia pta who all. Support prop 56. Or the Tobacco Companies trying to kill it. Top story this half hour. America truckers shortage. 48,000 drivers are needed and companies are aggressively recruiting retirees. 3. 5 million commercial drivers in this country are now over 65. A fivemonth cbs news investigation examined how this increase in older bigrig drivers translates to potential danger on the highway. Kris van cleave has more on that. They come here and we finally going to see me do Something Real positive in life. Reporter it was supposed to be a celebration for the hooks family, driving from Oklahoma City to st. Louis in the summer of 2009 to see ronnie become an elder at his church. But on i44, near the state line, traffic slowed to a crawl. I was on the phone with him. When it happened on that day and the phone just went dead. Reporter the semi driven by 76yearold donald creed did not. It rolled on top of three cars, killing ten, including hooks parents and two brothers. Just this summer, in newark, new jersey, a bus was tboned by another new Jersey Transit bus driven by a 70yearold. Two died. Days later, a truck hauling stones driven by a 74yearold slammed into traffic in a Construction Zone in binghamton, new york, ten were hurt. A cbs News Analysis of crash data reveals 19 increase in accidents involving commercial truck and bus drivers in their 70s, 80s, and even 90s in just the last three years. From 2012 to 2015, there were more than 6,500 accidents involving older drivers in 12 states alone. This Highway Patrol investigated the collision that tore apart the hooks family. Do you think his age played into that at all . I do. Reporter he has noticed an increasing number of crashes involving older commercial drivers. The industry is looking for truckdrivers. There is a shortage in truckdrivers so they are not going to selfregulate. The only way that could be done is on on the federal level. Reporter Rose Mcmurray was a senior director at nhtsa in the 90s when the agency recognizing reaction time and stamina become compromised with age considered skills tests for older drivers. It clearly can result in a lot of political backlash so State Governments have grappled with and so take ha the federal government because the age Discrimination Laws really intervene. Reporter the initiative was shelled. Trucking schools are now actively recruiting seniors promising good benefits and money to supplement retirement. Is there an age limit or anything on this . There is not. Reporter we hired a 70yearold former texas state trooper and with a hidden camera rolling, sent him to road master, a school recruiting retirees. Trucking is just its a different kind of industry and environment. They like women, any age, men of any age. As long as you are physically able to get behind that wheel and drive that truck. We had two ladies, they were probably in their 80s. Reporter the company defended its policy. Dusty kashard is a director of their pennsylvania school. He says fmcsa regularing the trucking business does not prohibit training older drivers and against federal law to discriminate against age. I follow the guidelines. No age on it. They passed a physical and everything and they want to drive. Reporter fmcsa deputy administrator Daphne Jefferson acknowledges the intrefs crease older drivers and her agency is studying the trend. We are not at the point to say one way or another if there needs to be a change in the driver rules for safe drivers over 65. Reporter but washingtons deliberations come too late for the hooks family. We have all had to learn how to deal with it and deal with it with the reoccurring memories and the pain of not having them. Reporter the driver of the truck that killed the hooks family pleaded guilty to several counts of misdemeanor negligent homicide. The Airline Industry is also facing a shortage of pilots but it has a mandatory retirement age of 65. An association representing independent truckdrivers say while there are more commercial drivers over 70, the greater majority of truckrelated crashes are not caused by truckers but, instead, caused by other drivers. Kris van cleave in washington, thank you very much. Donald trump continues to claim the president ial race is corrupt. Coming up, we will go stepbystep with how difficult that would be, a rigged election to pull off. First, a look at your weekend weather. Everything that kills me makes me feel alive hey, there ive been dreaming about the things that we could be hey, there ive been thinking hard up next, medical news in our morning round, including how much time should your kids spend watching tv and using social media. We will have the new guidelines. Doctors jon lapook and tara narula the tasmanian devil may help fight the flu bug. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Its about moving forward not back. Its looking up not down. Its feeling up thinking up living up. Its being in motion. In body in spirit in the now. Boost. Its not just nutrition, its intelligent nutrition. With 26 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. All in 3 delicious flavors. Its choosing to go in one direction. Up. Boost. Be up for it. 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We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum time for morning rounds. Chief medical correspondent dr. Jon lapook and dr. Tara narula. Breast cancer. October is National Best Cancer Awareness month and it remains, especially Metastatic Breast Cancer meaning it has migrated to other parts of the body. The fiveyear relatively survival rate is 26 . Much lower percentage than earlier stages of Breast Cancer when are highly treatable. Common sites of spreading include the brain, liver, lungs and bones. Jon took a closer look at this. Going to have you face with dad. Reporter when miriam sloan was diagnosed with stage four or Metastatic Breast Cancer two years ago, it had spread to her bone march marrow. I needed to start to prepare my family for the unthinkable. We are making good progress. Again, if we can prevent them from spreading, wouldnt that be better . Reporter this doctor at new york presbyterian and cornell medicine. We understand how tumors grow. We understand how they spread. We have a lot of things to make people feel better at the end of the day, still Breast Cancer still killing them. How do you have hope with reality . I always tell people stage four Breast Cancer is not curable it is a highly treatable disease. This was before there and this is is their after. Reporter not enough treatments exist but dodd is working on a way to alter the environment in the area where the cancer cells may spread. She is testing a drug that reduces the bodys level of copper an element the tumors need to flourish. Basically, your therapy makes it inhospitable . It cant grow there. Exactly right. Reporter sloan is on a different drug that inhibits tumor growth for certain types of Metastatic Breast Cancer and right now no detectable level of cancer. I think things are starting to change but its way early in the game. I want to live to see the word remission and cure apply to me right now. Reporter and right now . It doesnt. The bottom line women with Metastatic Breast Cancer dont have enough Treatment Options and its great that researchers like dr. Dodd are exploring new options but we need a lot more research and a lot more funding. Moving on to another topic. A lot of people talking about children and media. Always a big one. Communication technology constantly evolves and with it more ways to consume content p. M. This week, some of the statistics highlighted by the economy children eight and over watch two hours of tv a day and mobile devices 3 out of 4 teenagers or 75 own smartphones. Estimated 25 see themselves as constantly connected to the internet. So i have to ask what are the recommendations here . Because we all have not only smartphones now but tablets, the tv is on. What do we do . This is a big problem and big topic in my house of discussion. The recommendations are if a child is less than 18 months old and they shouldnt be exposed to any sort of media, unless its face timing or skyping or video chatting with relatives. Older they can be introduced to media but as long as its high quality media and we mean by that sesame street and pbs kids. They touch a great topics like obesity or prevention own Common Sense Media is an organization that will review and rate things like apps and games for parent. If a child from 2 to 5 they should be consuming less than within ho one hour a day of media. We check in for our son who is 6 and our daughter is about 18 months so something we are talking about all of the time. What else are we doto do, jon . A lot of great recommendations. People should go to our website for the whole report. My mother used to call television the thief of time. I know she would be saying the same thing about all of these devices. A bunch of good suggestions. One is have media freetime. Like dinner. You take the devices and put them in a bowl and you cannot have them at the table. Avoid exposure to the screen, the blue light at bedtime. Inhibits melatonin. They are saying an hour before, at least. Maybe even more put it away. Do more physical activity. Dont be sitting in front of the television or with your screens eating. That is like mindless eating. The worst possible thing they didnt say this. Have a conversation about safety. That is age appropriate but you have to talk to them about the dangers out there. Finally something not in the report but that you and i talked about, walking down the street while texting. Do not do that high slap stick potential its the worst i have two phones. I dont know what i can do about this. Jamie is walking like this in the hallway. Tasmanian devils versus the super bug. Looney toons character may come to mine but may play a role in the fight against drug resistants bacteria. A report found milk produced by tasmanian devils contains antimicrobial peptides. Six were found to have bacteria killing qualities including the ability to kill the often resistant bacteria known as mrsa. We know antimicrobials in breast milk. Who knew we would find them in the tasmanian devil some of all places. Different places, right . If we dont, we will have these super bugs and no way to treat it. We need as much help as we can get. Tasmanian devil, it is. Thank you both very much. Up next here, donald trump keeps saying the november election is rigged against him. Is that even possible . We will examine the facts. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. I recommend nature made fish oil. Because i trust their quality. They were the first to have a product verified by usp. An independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. Nature made. The number one pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. How do they make starburst taste so juicy . 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Nutella spread the happy they even want to try and rig the election at the polling bojs where so maboj booths. This week, donald trump made waves by complaining the president ial election is rigged. Majority that you had it was bizarre and some have concerned concerned. How hard would it be to rig an election . We are going to ask wendy r. Wiser from the nyu school of law. Good morning. Good morning. Welcome. First of all, when we talk about voter fraud, different types. What are they . Absolutely. Voter fraud is any kind of deceptive attempt to interfere with the election and could take many forms. It could be voter intimidation or ballot box stuffing or it could be what was just insinuated ineligible person trying to impersonate at the polls. How often does this actually happen . The kind of voter fraud of ineligible people showing up and voting in the name of another its small, isnt it . It is very rare. Very widespread study found them looking at those casts from 2000 to 2014 out of 1 billion votes cast only 31 instances of that voter fraud. This is something that certainly unacceptable and something that should be punished, if it happens, is not something a real threat to our election. Is there any confidence shaken this year at all by some because of outside influence in other areas . I mean, does hacking present any sort of a problem when it comes to counting votes . The real risk of the hacking news and stories and Election Officials are worried about this is the shaking of voter confidence. Experts do not think that there is any real credible threat to the integrity of our elections from hacking. While there were attempts to interfere with Voter Registration and to hack into and get information from Voter Registration databases, unlike Voter Registration laws, Voting Machines should not be connected to the internet at any point so you cant worry about someone in a basement in moscow trying to access the Voting Machines. Just hearing that cant that shake voter confidence and say i dont know if i want to participate . That is the concern out of this kind of activity, that voter confidence will depress participation. People should know that and know that the most patriotic thing that they can do is actually go up, show support for their democracy and go and vote on election day. On election night, the losing candidate, whoever that is, does not actually legally have to concede in any way. Absolutely not. In fact, at no point is there a required concession. This is an important ritual of our democracy of showing that we come together and believe in our democracy and accept the legitimacy of our results. And sometimes, the Election Results wont be fully known at the end of election day, but when all is said and done and the final results are certified, we accept the outcomes and we move forward with our new leaders. A few weeks to go until election day 2016. Wendy wiser, thank you. One of the great sports photographers ever is putting some of the most valuable pictures in his collection up for auction. This time, not all of the photographs are his. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Cant see it. Cant taste it. But theres so much more to it. Heres how benefiber® works. Inside us are trillions of good microflora that support digestive health. The prebiotic fiber in benefiber® nourishes them. And what helps them, helps you. Clear, tastefree, benefiber®. And what helps them, helps you. 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Other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, changes in urination, high potassium, increases in cholesterol, risk of bone fracture, or urinary tract infections, possibly serious. Serious side effects may include ketoacidosis, which can be life threatening. Stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms. Or if you experience symptoms of allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. Do not take invokana® if you have severe liver or kidney problems or are on dialysis. Tell your doctor about any medical conditions and medications you take. Using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Its time to turn things around. Lower your blood sugar with invokana®. Imagine loving your numbers. Theres only one invokana®. Ask your doctor about it by name. They are some of the most memorable images in sports history. The winning touchdown in the 1958 nfl championship game. S secretariats triumph and muhammad alis knockout and seen allow neil lifer. Now most of his famous works are going up for auction but not all. He is auctioning off some of his personal collection of famed 20th century photographs as well and many signed by the original photographer, including Steve Mccurrys portrait of an afghan girl that once graced the cover of national geographic. And this picture of a tiananmen protest standing against a column of tanks and this image of u. S. Marines raising the u. S. Flag at iwo jima. The auction is the first week of december. Neil says he will keep about 60 to 70 pictures but he needed to downsize and wants others to enjoy the photos. The chicago cubs are one win away from their first pennant since 1945. We will look ahead to the series with a former major league allstar. Your local news is next. I felt very much so that i was living a dream. That i was so scared of messing the dream up. That i think i took a lot of the fun out of it. What was the dream you were afraid of messing up . Just, i was the guy on the stage. They my the words to my song. I had a record deal. I had the chain around my neck. Like it was me, you know . That was the dream. Every day in a way reporter but while living the dream, the hits stopped coming. Suddenly, the adjectives that i liked to describe myself no longer applied to me. Like what . Like popular. Like cool. Like the man. I was slowly going just falling back to being a normal guy. Sunset boulevard got all my credit cards i had the car and the house in the hollywood hills. And i wanted to see if i could be happy without my crap. Reporter were you . And i had a lot of it. It started to weigh me down. And so, i bought this kind of creepy dodge conversion van. And i put the clothes in it that fit in it. Put in my guitar and little keyboard and i just drove away. What i found was it was like, it was some of the best times of my life, you know . Reporter posner never stopped working during what he calls his ice cold period. In fact, his songs were still making it on to the charts, though they were written for other people. ,,,, welcome back to cbs this morning saturday. Im jeff glor. Im jamie yuccas. This half hour, coming up, he is a towering figure in the history and a monument to map. We will take you to the crazy horse memorial and hear the incredible story from dream to reality. A look at the papacy. Under lock and key for centuries the opening of the popes summer r residence. Anthony mason will talk to bob weir about his life and bob will perform in our saturday session. The fbi and department of Homeland Security are trying to confirm who might pulled off a complex cyberattacks targeting some of the popular websites in the u. S. The first series of hacks started friday morning. Twitter and netflix and spokesive were knocked offline for some users. A Foreign Group called new world hackers claimed responsibility for the cyberattack about the american web company at the core of the attack has not been able to confirm that. 17 days to go now before the president ial election and the candidates are making their closing arguments in swing states. Today in gettysburg, pennsylvania, donald trump is expected to outline what his priorities would be in his first 100 days in office, if elected. On friday, trump took a swipe at first lady Michelle Obama for criticisms she made about Hillary Clinton during a 2008 democratic primary. Wasnt she the one that originally started the statement, if you cant take care of your home, right . You cant take care of the white house or the country. Where is that . I dont hear that. Cliin cleveland on friday, clinton said trump is threatening democracy saying he may not concede the election if he lose. Chicago is the place to be for baseball fans. If the cubs can beat the Los Angeles Dodgers tonight they will win their First National League Pennant since 1945. I feel like i cant say it because i might jinx it. Cub fans camped out outside of Wrigley Field on the chance some tickets might go on sale this morning. Youre a twins fan but you root for chicago . I am. My parents are from chicago. Bill murray in the White House Briefing room on friday. He met with president obama who did not approve of murrays attire. He was wearing a cubs jacket, which for white sox fans is a little troubling. Murray is in washington to receive the mark twain prize for american humor on sunday. That is when a potential game seven would be played. For a preview of tonights game and more, we are joined by mlb analyst and former major leaguer harold reynolds. Pleasure. Thank you for having me. The last time the cubs in this position game six was 2003. They blew it she sounds like a real cubs fan. They are the most nervous fans ever. There are dodgers fans out there as well. That was the bartram when ste interfered with the flyball. Kyle hendrix may be the best pitcher in baseball this year, certainly one of them. But the dodgers have clayton kershaw. Well, that is the thing. Clayton kershaw going today. The dodgers plan kershaw to kenley jensen. I feel the cubs are on a good roll. They turned things around the last couple of days and playing pretty good ball. It could be interesting and chicago will be crazy like our person sitting over here like jamie. The cubs fans are nuts you want to see them break the curse, dont you . Well, you do but, you know, the dodgers havent been there since 88. That is not that long ago the dodgers have an extraordinary legacy as well. These are great franchises. If the cubs win, they have to go on to play cleveland. Cleveland did very well against the toronto blue jays. So what do we think would happen there . I think a great matchup. Whoever cleveland plays against. They are a little bit different than everybody else in the fact Andrews Miller has been like the best player right now. The pitcher they have been using fourth inning and fifth inning and ninth inning. He is an amazing weapon so neither club has that weapon. I think also what cleveland has done is athletically running bases and putting pressure on people and not seen that from the other clubs so they would be dynamic in that fashion. Cleveland have had some big injuries at the end season season and persevered and have a chance to reset their proceedin rotation no matter who they play. They may get salazar back, one of the top pitchers hurt during the season. Remember the bloody pi yy pinki trevor bauer. He said i think ill be fine. See how that goes. Their pitching might be a little better than we anticipated. Jamie was fixing some drones, thankful, uninjured before the show this morning. Harold, thank you. Enjoy the game tonight. Should be a lot of fun. Catch harold on mlb network. Now a look at the weekend weather. Next visit the. Up next visit the crazy hoarse monument and decades long construction. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Tomorrows the day well play something besides video games. Every day is a gift especially for people with Heart Failure. But today theres entresto® a breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first hook. In the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto® was proven to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto®. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto® with an ace inhibitor or or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto®. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low Blood Pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, im gonna step out with my favorite girl. Ask your heart doctor about entresto®. And help make the gift of tomorrow possible. [ rock music playing ] have fun with your replaced windows. Run away [ grunts ] leave him leave him [ music continues ] brick and mortar, what . [ music continues ] [ tires screech ] [ laughs ] [ doorbell rings ] when you bundle home and Auto Insurance with progressive, you get more than a big discount. Thats what you get for bundling home and auto jamie you get sneakygood coverage. Thanks. Were gonna live forever you get sneakygood coverage. Thanks. We asked woman to smell two body washethey both smell good. Rite. I like b better. I prefer b. B. I would like to smell like this every day. But what was body wash a . Ohhhh i love bath and bodyworks. I have this in my bathroom. And what was the one they preferred . Ohhhh. This is suave. Really . Thats quite a bit of smelling good. Suave three fragrances preferred over bath and body works. A towering monument to one of the most revered figures in native American History is slowly taking shape in south dakota. Not far from another giant memorial, mt. Rushmore. Crazy horse was among the leaders of the dakota su who attacked an Army Regiment in 1876 and twoday battle went down in history as custers last stand. The sculpture may take more than a century to complete and started it in 1987. Mark albert is here to show us why. Reporter soaring over the dense woods of the black hills is a monument to a native American Legend and to a dream deferred. Here crews are carving the history of their fearless warrior crazy horse. They were pushed out of these lands once but granite is much harder to banish. For nearly 70 years now workers have worked on this mountain. This ladys father was the first. What year did construction begin here . June 3rd, 1948. Reporter and it is 2016. Reporter youre still going seven decades later. We are. Reporter why is it taking so long . Its a big mountain. Reporter the weight of forming into an icon is heavy, indeed. Her father was still bending the mountain to his will at 69 at morley safer found when he visited in 1977. He started carving when he was 32. Tell me, mister, how can i ask you to believe i can carve that mountain if i dont believe in myself first . Of course, im egotistical. I believe i can do it. I know i can do it. All my life, i wanted to do something so much graeater thani could ever possibly be. Reporter he helped etch rushmore and a chief invited him to build a memorial to american indians. He said my fellow chiefs and i would like the white man to know the red man had reporter but he volunteered to serve in world war ii and landed on omaha beach. It would steal him for the fights to come. After the allies won he turned down offers to build War Memorials in europe and, instead, construct one to another leader in battle. Crazy horse. His wife told safer its all consuming. It has to come first or he would be another person selling insurance or cars or Something Like that. I said never forget. It comes first. You come second. Reporter and she agreed . She said, its all right, my dear. Uhhuh. Now the children know that. They know that. Reporter what it like to be told that you were third, that the mountain was your dads First Priority . Coming third in my world was first in most other kidss lives. So the love that i got was more than most other kids got. Lives. So the love that i got was more than most other kids got. Reporter youre very fortunate. Yeah. Reporter you never looked at it if you were third place . No. Watch out fire in the hole reporter in seven decade, crews have blasted and hauled millions of tons of rock from the site. The mountain was shaped kind of like the shape of a pigs back. Reporter in a 1977 jeep with her childhood hard hat in the back seed, she took us up the road to the top. This is crazy arms we are here now. Reporter her fathers vision peers out over the hills. The carving is more than 64 stories tall. Crazy horses eyes are 17 feet wide. And all four of mt. Rushmores president s will be able to fit under the native american leaders arm when its finished. The hands are being drilled and removed with feathers and wedges and they pick it up and carry it away. Reporter how close are we to seeing the outstretched hand . I would say five, seven years. Reporter its still a family affair. Three of moniques siblings also work on the project, along with four of their grandchildren. Drill a lot of holes. Reporter including 32yearold caleb, the third generation. Hopefully, a thousand years from now, people will still see it. Its just kind of grounds you to, i dont know, a deeper story of america that people just werent maybe wont be aware of. Reporter dreams dont come cheap, though. How much money do you get from the federal government for this project . None. Reporter how much do you get from the State Government . None. Reporter how do you pay the bills . Admission fees and donations. Reporter so far its brought in 33 million from families like this family from illinois who set up chairs and blanket after labor day to watch two ceremonial night blasts in the chilly air. We have to come back for this. We better not miss it. Reporter this blast sever september 6th honors crazy horses death and gorechocks birth. A member of the tribe performs here. There is really a harsh history of how our people have been taken. So im fortunate that the monument here, that the mountain here gives us, you know, natives an opportunity to educate the general public about our culture and about proper respect when they in comoo oe into our land. Reporter and its just beginning. It includes Northern University of north america and museum. The mountain is part of the whole project. The mountain is a wonderful thing, but it isnt what really will help people. Its the knowledge. The knowledge comes from learning so that university and the museum here, those are the most important things. To me, this is a work of art reporter gorechock never took a day of sculpting lessons and when he died in 1982 at the age of 74, he still wouldnt leave. Orphaned as a child, he had found his home. His youngest daughter took us where her father is buried at the base the mountain. He rests behind his final carving, an epitaph he cut out of steel, it reads story teller in stone. He wanted us to know he is part of living, it is dying. And when he did die, we would be prepared to carry on. They said he couldnt carve the mountain from the grave. Reporter the sculptor and tower of a native american sharing a mountain and dedication for these lands for eterni eternity. For cbs this morning saturday, mark alternabert in black hills of south dakota. Its the only way people to remember crazy horse. He was never photographed and where he was buried, they deliberately made it so its not marked so people cant go to the site. I heard will this monument before and seeing at this level and the old footage. Right. Incredible. Its amazing to watch. Just amazing. 70 years and going. Yes. Up next, the dish. He is one of the worlds leading pizza chefs and tony has brought us a taste of his Award Winning cooking all the way from San Francisco stay with us. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Announcer this portioned sponsored by toyta. Lets go places own me dont try to change me in any way oh dont tell me what to do just let me be myself thats all i ask of you the new 2017 corolla with Toyota Safety sense standard. You dont own me toyota. Lets go places. I want my blood sugar i to stay in control. Ck. So i asked about tresiba®. Tresiba® ready tresiba® is a oncedaily, longacting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. I want to trim my a1c. Tresiba® ready tresiba® provides powerful a1c reduction. Releases slow and steady. Works like your bodys insulin. When my schedule changes. I want something that delivers. Tresiba® ready i can take tresiba® any time of day. So if i miss or delay a dose, i take it when i remember, as long as theres at least 8 hours between doses. Once in use, it lasts 8 weeks without refrigeration. Twice as long as lantus®, which lasts 4 weeks. Tresiba® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. Check your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. Injection site reactions may occur. Tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. Taking tzds with insulins, like tresiba®, may cause serious side effects like Heart Failure. Your insulin dose shouldnt be changed without asking your doctor. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing. Fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. Ask your doctor if youre tresiba® ready. Tresiba® ready no ones surprised tender pieces and crunchy bites ended up together. Thats just what happens when cats call the shots. New friskies tender and crunchy combo. Tasty textures cats gotta have. Friskies. For cats. By cats. To being extremely yellow leading would probably gross me out my dentist recommended pronamel. It can help protect enamel from acid erosion. Pronamel is all about your enamel. Chef tony was born and raised in the San Francisco bay area and his special is arguably americas favorite food. Pizza pizza. He started in the early 90s at his brothers p pizzeria. These days he is the chef and owner of a pizza empire with 16 locations including his flagship restaurant tonys pizza in San Francisco. He is a celebrity chef with frequent appearances on network tv and the food network. Chef tony, welcome to the dish. Thank you for being here. Thanks for having me. Chef, take us through everything we are seeing here starting in what is front of you. Tierramisau. It is whipped with rum. I like that youre starting with dessert, by the way. You having for it. Step to the grandma pizza. Old style pizza from long island. You see it going across west. We are one of the few that have grandma pizza in all of california. Little thinner and fries on the bottom and this pan from a great place . Jersey. Its really all about that pan. Buccotina and that sauce goes down the route of my moms because she made the best spaghetti sauce. When you look at buccotini is spicier than moms. Old school pizza. Its all about the sauce. You have romono and last but not least, cocktails are here. Cheers you care about ingredients because you grew up on a farm. Yeah. With appear rricots and cherrie i farmed until i was about 18. If we ran out of basil, we go out to the farm, not to the store. How do you go from apricot and cherry farming to pizza restaurant . I traveled all across the world. I won a number of world titles in acrobatics when i was younger and in cooking. When i was younger i traveled to places from fargo to florida to naples to oregon and i started to learn regional style pizza. St. Louis style pizzas are in this book. The pizza bible. Different regional cheeses that go on these pizzas and roman style and neapolitan style pizzas and so many regional style pizzas that are so different. I got back from ole forge and i was just on a road trip. I was blown away. The lady was great. She says take about 35 minutes to make my pizza still cook it at 350 degrees. Really . People cook it at 500. I cook it like i do at home. The industry is amazing and ive been lucky. Can we talk about the acrobatics a little bit . I find this so fascinating. First american champion i won in acrobatics back in the day. I won a number of world titles. Now he has to take a drink i have to down a drink which im okay, still and talk about that one later. A lady saw me on stage back in the day. I was tossing a pizza. It was 105 degrees out and at the Alameda County fair and hot and tired and on my 30th show of doing acrobatics on the show. This lady said can i tell you something . You should really work on your food. Why . What is up . She said i dont think anyone wants to see a 50yearold on stage tossing a pizza i thought that was a little bit of a jab but, at the same time, i said, okay, maybe this lady is telling me something. At the time, i was working on my first cookbook. I thought i should focus on food, focus on food food food and i guess you could say a pinnacle moment in my career was food Network Winning the gold medal in 05 and then winning a gold medal, the cup in naples like you said earlier. 2007 world pizza cup. I ended up winning and that was the rest is history. Now you have 16 restaurants . Going on 17. Ashbury, San Francisco is number 17. If you could have and share this meal with anyone past or present, who would it be and why as we have you sign this for us. Yeah. It would be to my grandfather. He wasnt around when i started in the pizza business really to see this. So to be able to share this with him would be awesome. Very great. Thanks so much for being here. We appreciate it. We will let you sign that. Im ready to eat. I dont know about you. Go for it. For more on chef tony and the dish head to our website cbs this morning. Com. Up next, a grand opening like we have never seen. We will give you a tour of the summer retreat used by the popes for centuries and now open for the first time. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Prior to the pilot, my wife was a stay at home mom for 13 years and in the pilot, the youngest of our three kid is now in kindergarten fulltime so she wants to go back to work. Prior to that, ive been daddy fun times. I was only there after i got home from work and the kids were all sort of cleaned up from school and on their best behavior when dad gets home. Now i get to see sort of behind the curtain, like you will. Like the wizard of oz you see what its like behind the curtain how awful it is to be a parent sometimes. Matthew perry, do you see him around a lot . I do in the morning and stuff. They are a tuesday night show nights, and we shoot on friday nights so the schedules are exact opposite. Our long days are his short days and vice versa. Any guest appearances in the works . Not that i know of just yet, but if uncle moonves asks. Why was friends so successful . We got not much time. Gosh. I think friends was a show, there were six individuals that represented six very different types of people, so everyone could sort of identify with people would say, oh, my mother is just like phoebe or that is like me or my brother is like that. You know . So it gave you which is ironic because they say the birds of a feather flock together and it was birds of absolutely not the same feather on that show. I think that gave us a very broad demographic and it was funny and it had heart. Sitcoms that have heart and are funny tend to be, in my opinion, the more favorite ones. Its now streaming on netflix . Yes. Thats true. Still going. Yes. Do people call you joey ever . All the time. That role continues to define you . Thats okay by me. ,,,, pope francis is trying to make the Roman Catholic church more transparent and accessible to the people. Its part of the reason why today is the first full day tourists are being allowed to visit the most private rooms of the popes summer residence just outside rome. Seth doane got to see the rooms before it was open to the public. Reporter popes have looked at this view for september ris but this is the first time the rest of us could look back in. But pope francis is the peoples pope. This is the office of the socalled personal valet, sort of butler to the pope. This is the office for the popes secretary. And then in this grand room is the popes office and his desk. Perched above lake albano has a bigger footprint an the vatican and used as a summer escape but francis never spent the night here. In 2014 he opened some rooms to the public but his private apartment had remained off limits explains san dro. Were you surprised when the pope said open up these rooms . Translator yes, very surprised, he admitted. I knew the public part of this palace well but i promise you each i never entered the private apartments. It was always under lock and key and the keys were kept in rome. Reporter come take a look at this. The most private of rooms here. The popes bedroom and the popes bed. Remarkably simple for a pope. Some of the rooms, in particular, the popes bedroom, seems quite modest, quite small. Yes, its very small, barbdalo said and very modest. We are, after all talking about a priest. During world war ii a previous pope opened it as a shelter for those displaced by the fighting. This modern day pontiff has tried to bring the church closer to the people, now letting them right into his bedroom. For cbs this morning saturday, seth doane. Here is a look at the weather. Up next, our saturday session with one of the original members of the grateful dead, bob weir. He tells Anthony Mason about the new inspiration for his first album in over 30 years and hell perform in a special concert that is just ahead. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Is depression more than sadness . Its a tangle of multiple symptoms. Trintellix vortioxetine is a prescription medicine for depression. Trintellix may start to untangle or help improve the multiple symptoms of depression. For me, trintellix made a difference. Tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. Antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. Trintellix has not been studied in children. Do not take with maois. Tell your healthcare professional about your medications, including migraine, psychiatric and depression medications to avoid a potentially lifethreatening condition. 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Doctor poses. Learn your key health numbers, and take control today. We have an outstanding saturday session for you this morning. Starring bob weir. A Founding Member of the grateful dead, weir has been a long strange trip his entire life. It started in his teens when he left california for life on a ranch. Weir has gone back to those times for his album Blue Mountain. Youll see him perform at the kings theater in a moment but, first, here is Anthony Masons conversation with him. Reporter bob weirs new album of cowboy songs is his first solo record of original material in 30 years. But the roots of his new music go back even further, before his time as a Founding Member of the grateful dead to the early 1960s when weir had a teenage dream of finding a home on the range. I thought it would be a terribly romantic thing to do to run away and be a cowboy and which di. Reporter you were 15 . I found my way to wyoming and living on a ranch out there and living in a bunk house. I was the kid on the ranch so i got to shovel a lot of stalls. Reporter the nights, he says, were long and quiet. There wasnt wasnt much to do but tell stories and sing songs. And that is what we did. I was the kid with the guitar. Reporter that is how he was introduced to a whole new song book. I wont say i learned those songs, but halfway learned them. And ive been back in that area for years, that whole aesthetic. Reporter how would you describe that aesthetic . Lonesome. All along during the grateful dead years aev, every now and ti would sing a cowboyesque tune because i could. It would be a huge thing to let that aesthetic evaporate. Reporter what is it about that sound you like . Like the lonesome. Its blues but not exactly blues. Reporter weir wrote the songs with josh ritter and josh kofman who came up with the idea for the album after performing with weir some years back. When they proposed a cowboy album, did they have any idea you had this in the back of your mind . No. I think we all expected it would be like Marty Robbins ballads and stuff like that, tv western asthet tick asthetices but it emerged as we took it on. Reporter he turned 69 this week and spent the year with three of the four surviving members of the grateful dead and john mayer. Are you going back to that . That is the plan. Im not supposed to talk about that. We are trying to stay open for that. Reporter meanwhile, weir is also working on an orchestra piece and producing a tv show. And a book that im writing. So, you know, if i get bored, i dont know how that is going to happen. Now from his new album Blue Mountain here is bob weir backed by josh coffman and members of the band the nationals. This is only a river. I was born up in the mountains raised up in a desert town and i never saw the ocean till i was close to your age now oh shenandoah i long to see you hey, hey, hey you Rolling River oh shenandoah i long to see you hey, hey, hey, only a river gonna make things right only a river gonna make things right only a river gonna make things right im going back to san angelo the ground is hard and the countys dry but im gonna get my fill somehow rivers of corn wheat and rye oh shenandoah i long to see you hey hey hey you Rolling River oh shenandoah i long to see you hey hey hey only a river gonna only a river make things right only a river gonna make things right oh red red river valley will she remember all the things we said do you think shell remember and our nights in the river bed oh shenandoah i long to see you hey hey hey you Rolling River oh shenandoah i long to see you hey hey hey only a river gonna make things right only a river gonna make things right oh shenandoah i long to see you hey hey hey Rolling River oh shenandoah i long to see you hey hey hey only a river gonna make things right only a river gonna make things right only a river gonna make things right only a river gonna make things right only a river gonna make things right only a river gonna make things right stick around. We will be right back with more music from bob weir. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Announcer saturday sessions are sponsored by blue buffalo. You love your pets like family so feed them like family with blue. Youve thought about it, dreamt about it, maybe you should just go ahead and do it. Were legalzoom, and weve helped over a Million People just like you start their own businesses. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. My ancestor, lady eleanor, made it big in textiles. My greatgrandfather bernard wrote existential poetry. And uncle john was an explorer. I inherited their cando spirit. And their double chin. Now, im going to do something about it. Kybella® is the first of its kind injectable treatment that destroys fat under the chin, leaving an improved profile. Kybella® is an fdaapproved nonsurgical treatment for adults with a moderate amount of fullness. Or a bit more. Dont receive kybella® if you have an infection in the treatment area. 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No wonder its the only one cats ask for by name. That is who is playing next week. Its great. Have a great weekend, everybody. We leave you with more music from bob weir. This is ghost towns. Broken windows dark and sad wheres the light that they once had wheres the light that they once showed wide awake and all alone i built my dreams and hopes so high and watched as love moved down the line i watched it go till it was gone and then i found i could not move on i know what the ghost towns know love comes and goes love comes and goes now people pass and shake their heads the way the living blame the dead laugh at all the things that show but they dont know the things i know i know what the ghost towns know love comes and goes love comes then goes cemeterys choked with weeds broken churchbells toll the breeze broken churchbells pray for rain the soul has flown the bones remain broken churchbells toll the breeze broken churchbells pray for rain the soul has flown the bones remain i know what the ghost towns know love comes and goes love comes then goes and so you all good night good night turn your lamp lights high and bright and out across the prairies i will dream about when love was mine for those you still bus, we have more music from bob weir. Here is cottonwood lullaby. And the daylight is leaving the work is nearly done in the quiet of the evening theres a song goodnight all you cowboys well, youre plainspun and rough but the angels appeared one time to folks such as us and goodnight to all you cowgirls until we next all meet you will sweeten our memories and dreams while we sleep and goodnight wide wyoming if thats still where we are but if weve wandered into heaven jackson holes just not that far ,,,,, narrator today on lucky dog, its a tale of two underdogs. A middleaged lab mix facing discrimination and an empty nester looking to spread her own wings. Karen i spent a lot of years raising kids and i really feel like now is the time for me to just rejoin the world. Narrator but if ollie wants a shot at a new life hell need to put the shackles of his old life behind him. Brandon you got a lot of scar tissue on the neck there. Ollie most likely was tied up by a chain for most of his life. A couple dog days in your past, huh . Dont worry, its all over. Im Brandon Mcmillan and ive dedicated my life to

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