Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20160820

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santa clara tonight. sot kaylie collins/usc soccer player 4,000 foot loma prieta is just visible looking across the valley and a kind of blanket of haze settling into the neighborhoods below. this cyclist thinking maybe today wasn't such a good day to tackle the ride up mt. hamilton. sot cyclist >>: i can feel let it takes a lot more effort yet to breathe harder. >> reporter: the breeziness building some of us are completely out this hayeses going to be with us for awhile. lawrence, will the air quality >> reporter: another fresno bakersfield any problems bringing it all but sure you take extreme care is if you don't exercise in this, their quality. and we suffered a tear in the bay area's marat begins: that. wildfires burning across california. efforts to control the blue cut fire are still underway tonight. right now the fire is 37- thousand acres. and 26-percent contained. and putting out the fire is not the only issue for authorities kron 4's justine waldman is here. with this side of the >> reporter:these three were arrested for looting. san bernardino county sheriff's department says they were trying to get away with a flatbed truck. and it is this behavior. entering evacuation zones. that is putting lives at risk. because authorities are patrolling for looters. in dangerous fire conditions. along with flames. still eating away at the cajon pass. the devestation is clear.abandoned cars, construction equipment and scrap metal. also, some evacuation orders have been lifted for people living near wildfire. "i didn't want to leave cause i didn't want to sit in that little valley with all of that smoke around it. it was like we we trapped."' 82-thousand mpeople who were forced from their homes have been told they can go home. there are more than 26-hundred fire personnel. on scene. its day 6 for some evacuees. forced out of their homes by the clayton fire in lake county. lower lake evacuation orders were lifted today. but those who have no home to go back still rely on evacuation shelters. some of the folks housed by the red cross at the kelseyville high school evacuation center say.spirits are dwindling as the days go on. but if you're looking for silver lingings.many say the comradery is growing as time drags on. daniel hayden, evacuee "everybody is ready to go, they want something to happen. and i don't know the house i got is a nice piece of property i might put something together for those homeless." denis quinn "we're all helping each other, sometimes monetary with money, sometimes it's just a hug." there are 12 evacuees remaining at the kelseyville high school red cross shelter. that facility will close its doors tomorrow and move them to the twin pine casino in middletown. classes at kelseyville high school will start tuesday september 6th as scheduled. >> grant:calfire says more californians are ignoring evacuation orders during this wildfire season. state fire officials say only about half of more than 45 hundred residents of wrightwood followed evacuation orders this week. the surrounding area was scorched by the blue cut fire. the fire east of los angeles burned nearly 50 square miles. fire officials say more homeowners are staying put and dialing 911 for help. however crews are not always able to reach them. our coverage of the devastating fires continues online. >> vicki:we have more information on the suspect who was arrested, as well as a video slideshow of the fire, and a complete list of school closures in the surrounding area. it's all on kron-four-dot-com. now to what has become a big international story. u-s swimmer ryan lochte went on instagram.and issued an apology of sorts for the scandal that's overshadowed the last several days of the summer games. >> grant:it's a three paragraph says in part. 'i want to apologize for my behavior last weekend - for not being more careful and candid in how i described events." meanwhile, the u-s olympic committee is also expressing remorse. from our partners at hutcherson has more. ogizing for the behavior of four u-s swimmers. *and for the distraction from the olympic games. the move -- necessary, according to sports analyst christine brennan: >>:"the nation's looking at this and saying you know what, you're representing us and in a country, brazil, where the crime issue was so important, to tell any tall tale, a lie, whatever it might be that ryan lochte and the others told is something that just seems so wrong, especially at these games, representing the united states" >> reporter:according to a facebook post from brazilian civil police, jack conger and gunnar bentz - who were interviewed thursday -- denied having been victims of a robbery and said ryan lochte's version of events was not true. meanwhile, lochte's attorney says brazilian authorities have not asked again for assistance. but officials in brazil say they are working with the u-s to interview lochte again. even though it's likely no criminal charges will be filed, this incident could still cause trouble for the athletes. "standards are higher for olympic athletes than any other athletes. / olympic athletes are still role models and still have to play by a different set of rules. u.s. olympic committee instills that thought. there's a code of conduct everyone has to sign. / this is no joke. i'm kim hutcherson reporting >> vicki:a newark woman is accused of cyberstalking reality star kris jenner. 36 year-old christina bankston faced several charges today in federal court. kron4's maureen kelly talked to bankston's father who says his daughter has suffered from mental problems for years. >> reporter:i'm outside the home where christina bankston had been living with her parents. according to neighbors fbi agents came to arrest the nursing assistant thursday morning. this is the indictment which lays out the 15 counts she faces. it says that over a six month period in 2014 bankston targeted the keeping up with the kardasian's star kris well as kaitlyn jenner.two of her assistants and other unnamed members of jenner's family. it's alleged that bankston hacked into the victims personal accounts.made multiple phone calls in which she allegedly impersonated kris jenner and made false that jenner had cancer and needed help. bankston also allegedly sent threatening and often lewd text messages under several male aliases.claiming she was tracking the star and.and that she had a sex tape of kris jenner that she threatened to sell. her father was home today.but didn't want to come out or appear on camera.but he did want to apologize to the jenner family.for the hell they went thru. he says he and his family have been thru the same hell for 25 years. we had trouble with my daughter since she was 11 years old. she would just leave the house with no shoes on and just walk all thru newark and then when she went to junior high she set a fire and they threw her out of school and she was stalking these people by phone, you know our friends. she ended up in juvenile hall eventually and she was diagnosed with scarring of her brain and the doctor told us you are always going to have trouble with this girl. her father says this is the first time since she was underage that bankston has been in trouble with the law. bankston been released on 20- thousand bail, and is due back in federal court monday. maureen kelly kron4 news. the naked donald trump statue is no longer standing in the castro district. coming up. what happened to it. and where the statue could end up next. plus. another statue has popped up in san francisco. but this one has a whole different meaning. how the city. is paying tribute to legend who gave us."i left my heart in san francisco." and police in the east bay. are investigating a deadly shooting. >> grant:how the city of berkeley is handling its first murder of the year. in the east bay. >> reporter: and the killer was long gone game-high just. press conference today to defend >> will: will get any details what they think that the metal still alive when paramedics rushed him to a hospital injuries are too much. at this point it'll have a solid description of the shooter either don't know or not saying i had the murder. >> vicki:the advocacy group is concerned that ramero is being set up to be dismissed and that the video will support her case. >> vicki:the naked trump statue which popped up in san francisco's castro district is looking for a new home. it was removed early in the morning because the city deemed it a public safety hazard. however, the statue may still hang around - there is a movement to keep it in the city. kron four's terisa estacio reports on where the statue is now, and where it might end up. >> reporter:tes: i am standing where the trump statue used to be - as you can see, the only sign of the statue left is a mark on the ground it is a far cry - from this - this is what it looked like a day before - people crowding the plaza to take a picture of the naked donald - the elaborate life size statue was one of 5 erected in cities across the country thursday. entitled the emperor has no balls, a group called indecline - put up the statues - sot/tc: 29 carlos manfredi/sfpd spokesperson dpw took it down at 3am - for two reasons, way to many peoeple takign pictures. this is san francisco police spokesperson carlos manfredi he says the other reason it had to come down sot/tc; no permit. sot/tc: 1:10 scott wiener/sf supervisor we want to bring it here to lefty's sott/c: 1:16 nick bovis/owner lefty o'doul's while the statue is gone, it may not be gone for good sf supervisor scott weiner and restaurant bar owner lefty o'doul's want to put it on display. but that will take some doning. sot/tc; the owner has to come claim it, pay a 4k fine, then have a court date. in the castro friday, several people showed up to check out the naked trump - sot/tc: 1:40 kelly ciotti/tourist yeah, i was disapoointed. if lefty's does it get it will reportedly go here - next to marilyn monore, and this - a very small statue of hillary clinton fully clothed. it's tony bennett day in san francisco that declaration from the mayor today. as a bronze statue of the singer was unveiled. at the fairmont hotel. to celebrate his 90th birthday. festivities continue tonight at the giants game. >> vicki:and that's where kron 4's dan kerman is. as he joins us live with more. >> reporter: as you are morris forspent done yet for a today. sining singing >> reporter: at the celebrated. but for a man on the ground war that it is the first performed in december 1961. and he is still growing 90 and still making it . . >> reporter: as you know of a brilliant idea and cure it pirate. >> reporter: 3 concord and 7161 in san francisco, now here's some good news it should begin to prove and a stronger seabury's film permit those quarter the bay area assess " it's heading in their direction. so it will remain hazy in the bay area in the next five to seven days see lie pollutants out there as well. san francisco's starting off with clouds of parts of coastal clearing in oakland as the afternoon and as well in a couple patches of morning fog tablatures in the '80s and then along the coastline and looking out the next few days at sunday monday decade or more toward the next week. fifth lot of kids in the bay area are heading back to class on monday. and there is a weekend rush to get thousands of students vaccinated. kron four's averi harper is at a free clinic in san leandro with what you need to know. >> reporter: because the new state water requirements every student must have of vaccines uglified school district says for thousands tunes still approve of the get vaccines are they could become the classroom because of the new requirements parents can no longer claim personally for exemptions for children parents need to confirm the pipets several vaccines including ones and hepatitis c. half of its students without confirm vaccinations as school district are directing parents and hospitals for assistance but time is running out. but davis street they say it won't turn anyone away. there are >>: a lot of calls for a vaccination. it's really hard we like to accommodate as many as we can. and on our website we have an entire list of all the places you can take your kids to get vaccinated today and this weekend. it's under the ready for school tab on kron-four-dot-com. the c-d-c now advising pregnant women to avoid popular tourist spot in florida. after the break. we'll tell you where. and what the state of california is doing to prevent an outbreak. >> vicki:and, just when you thought. you'd never have to hear about hillary clinton's emails, again. the former secretary of state. is back in the spotlight over her use of primate emails. private emails. i had some body aches and pains but that's again maybe i slept wrong. everything had an excuse and then i had conjunctivitis in both eyes. pink eye and that's when they raised the question. so i saw a doctor and they tested me for it." >> vicki:a possible zika victim in san diego. where mosquito spraying began today. state health officials also issuing a warning that travelers returning from the rio olympics should take precautions. they include using insect repellent to prevent spreading the virus to local mosquitoes. and refraining from unprotected sex. >> grant:just a couple of weeks ago, the state of florida reported its first locally transmitted zika cases here in the wynwood neighborhood of miami. >> reporter:now zika=carrying mosquitos have crossed biscayne bay and infected both tourists and local residents. >> reporter: south beach draws thousands of tourists with rent at restaurants and hotels and not attract it the mosquito that carries the zika virus. cdc notice recommends testing for any pregnant women who spent time in miami since july 14th because of its high rise buildings and windy weather aerial spraying is not affected. the mayor says the city is doing everything it in and its power. according to the governor five confirmed cases include to people who live there. three tourists. >> vicki: their release the attack at also touring flooded louisiana and as campaign chairman resigned we have the details. >> reporter: the trump campaigns having quit the day at running mate traveled to examine flood damage in had the speed with residents. to speak with the residence. in the first ad that will cycle and several battleground states and stream of line. all this as a major shakeup continues to make headlines trumpet elevated news leaders and gop strategists kelly to leadership positions now campaign has resigned he was involved and the firing of trump's last campaign manager. the list on the fighting quickly and the november election draws ever closer. >> grant: long-running public press records lost in an ad judicial watch. it decisions apart and one to question democratic presidents nominee in bursa of. judicial watch is among several groups that have sued the government over access to the records. >> vicki:still ahead. north carolina's controversial bathroom law. pushed out the 2017 n-b-a all star game. we'll tell you where the game will now take place. coming up. >> grant:plus. new video captures the scary moments. a suspect in police custody. is ejected from the car. details ahead. on wallstreet. the stock market is ending a quiet week of trading. stocks took small losses today. the dow shed 45 points. the nasdaq lost two points. and the s&p fell 3 points. the n-b-a has decided to change the location for next year's all-star game.amid controversy at its former spot. now the game will move from charlotte, north new orleans. this decision came due to a north carolina law banning transgender people from using the bathroom connected to their identified genders. the 20-17 all-star game will be played on february 19th at the smoothie king center.home of the new orleans pelicans. this will be the third time new orleans has hosted the game. the n-b-a also announced it will provide financial and other assistance to the state as it recovers from the devestating floods. >> vicki:twitter has announced some new settings to help control what you see and who you interact with. in a twitter blog post the company says it has modified the settings to include the ability to only see notifications from people you follow. it is also introducing a "quality filter" they say this can improve the the quality of the tweets you see and block out dublicate tweets or content that appears to be automated. the announcement of these filters comes one month after the company was publicly called on to do more to decrease harassment on the site. >> grant:a police officer is hurt and a suspect is in jail after the officer's patrol car crashed and flipped, sending the suspect flying out the back window. youre looking at video taken right before the crash. you can see 19-year-old logan younger managed to partially loosen himself from his handcuffs and kick the police car door ahead of the crash. he also sparked a lighter and tried to burn the car at one point. right after that- the car is hit and the suspect goes flying out the back windshield. he ran away before being caught and arrested. the officer had to be cut out of the car, and was flown to the hospital. the suspect was treated at a hospital and sent to jail. no word on what caused the crash. >> vicki:scientists study the link between an unhealthy pregnancy diet and a-d-h-d in children. find out the results. after the break. >> grant:we first told you about wallet thieves targeting diners in walnut creek. now we have learned another victim has come forward. steve aveson is in the newsroom with what we are working on for kron 4 news at six. grant. >> steve: the restaurant scene in walnut creek is booming. but it's not just foodies flocking to the new restaurants. so are pick pockets. they are targeting unsuspecting dinners. while they are enjoying their meals. tonight. we are learning more on how these thieves operate. and details of a new reward being offered. we will have that story and much more tonight at six. grant now back to you. a bad diet during pregnancy could affect the health of your child. a new study finds pregnant women who eat foods high in fat and sugar increased their chances of their baby developing a-d-h-d. researchers in london looked at the d-n-a of more than 150 children who showed symptoms of conduct disorder along with the diets of their mothers. the study found poor pre-natal nutrition influenced a specific gene that potentially leads to a-d-h-d. experts say more studies need to be done to confirm the link but it does emphasize the importance of a healthy diet for moms and their children. how to live longer.if you're in relative good health.why not. but a new study. is providing insight into why or how you may be able to live longer. jeremy roth explains. >> reporter: also children with water left parents have lower incidence of heart disease struck hypertension anemia high cholesterol compared to those to parents died on and the reasons unknown could be based on genetics or behavioral tendencies. most likely pass on healthy lifestyle to their child. it hires will holes and physical activity also, among those with longer live parents which means the development of the patrol. even though studies show there is a link between parental age offspring's longevity but a balanced lifestyle will almost always leave it to longer happy life. >> grant:the olympics wrapping up this weekend. and you have the chance to meet up with a former bay area olympic athlete. >> vicki:that's right, brian boitano. is cooking up something good. take a look. merlon pick that serve home the gold and getting that the performance in the kitchen. but he's not just kidding on his past as olympian colt what would briny and make. they're making meals. carrots the recipe is a crowd pleasers. what would he makesthe event kicks off tonight at 8. at the credo restaurant. i'll be heading over there later this evening. we've posted info on our website. if you would like to attend tonight's event. lots >> reporter: of sunshine tomorrow hazy in the afternoon expecting to start off with patchy fog early on and warming up as little the we could write that down moore's zero court the end of the week. high pressure and that's kind of down where we're seeing a hazy sky. pushing it into the bay even as some the and serial of the ballet's this little bit and gain of about 930 or so most of that will be inside debate toward the senate where rally and to san francisco and then with that in mind as allstate cool toward the coast about 66 in daly city partial afternoon clearing '70s toward sematech out at a cool 60 degrees. a lot of eighties there and 84 in saratoga each day temperatures 89 livermore 88 unconquered and then load '90s for an auction brentwood. cooling off your weekend i think air quality will improve just a little bit even more improvement as we head into then the week. next. olympic swimmer ryan lochte has apologized. but will it accomplish anything for his reputation? >> grant:rapper and designer kanye west has 21 pop-up stores launching around the world today.and one can be found here in san francisco. for those dying to get their hands on "the life of pablo" clothing can head over to china town where fans are already lining up. the three-day sale begins today. the address is 45 wentworth place. this past march.west had a pop up store in new york which reportedly brought in 1-million- dollars just over three days. rio rocked by what some are calling ryan lochte's lie about being robbed. as we told you earlier at 5. he has issued an apology. but does it mean anything? the insider's keltie knight is in los angeles with more >> reporter:but does ryan's mea culpa carry any weight? tonight we go inside the power of ryan's apology. sat_intv ny_joseph anthony_re ry an_lochte 9:26:57 a: on a scale of 1-10, i rate ryan lochte's apology at unfortunately a four. vo#1 phase one of operation crisis cleanup- complete. and lochte's three paragraph social media mea culpa is being called everything from "half-hearted" to "lame", reading in part quote vo#2 it's traumatic to be out late with your friends in a foreign country. and have a stranger point a gun at you and demand money to let you leave, but regardless of the behavior of anyone else. i accept responsibility for my role in this happening." vo#3 our pr insider, crisis manager joseph anthony explains why this apology did not accomplish its intent sat_intv ny_joseph anthony_re ry an_lochte 9:27:10 he's still framing it as if he's the victim. / 9:28:15 he seemed to omit the whole part where him and his friends were just acting in a belligerent manor / 9:28:38 it doesn't come across in a very genuine way. it seems like it's really kind of a pr type of thing vo#4 and in the wake of being caught lying- or as lochte said not being quote 'candid' enough about his rio armed robbery - the insider has confirmed the olympian has hired this man: famed crisis fixer, matthew hiltzik webclip_matthew hiltzik_representing biggest_med ia_names rzt 00:01:05 mh: in general you need to / understand their preferred method of communicating in how they do things on a day to day basis / 00:01:26 what are the stories or angles which are going to be the most upsetting to them we'll have so much more on this story tonight at 7 on the insider, for kron 4 news, i'm keltie knight back to you that wraps up kron 4 news at 5. steve aveson and pam moore are here with kron 4 news at six. a health alert tonight. several fires burning across california are sending smoke to the bay area. the latest on those fires and how long the smoke will be hanging in the air is next at six. and theives targeting diners in the east bay. tonight. we are learning new details on how these thieves operate. kron 4 news at six is next. now on kron 4 news at six. firefighters making progress on major wildfires all over california. here in the northern part of the state. the clayton fire. which has devastated lower lake. it is now 65- percent contained. and late this afternoon. the evacuation ordered was lifted, the blue cut fire that erupted in san bernardino county is now 26-percent contained. it has burned 37-thousand acres since tuesday. but today we learned the flames have wiped out near 100 homes. another fire we are following is in kern county. the 'cedar fire' is 6- percent contained. it has charred 95- hundred acres. and forced hundreds of people to evacuate from their homes. good evening i'm pam moore. >> steve:the vast devestation in southern california. is becoming clear tonight. and i'm steve aveson. we learned today. almost 100 homes and 200 other buildings have been destroyed by the blue cut fire. with some of the evacuation orders lifted today. people are coming back to nothing. kron 4's justine waldman is here. with the other problem facing fire fighters tonight. >> reporter: all the music of bela standings colors have us them. the fire and sambar idea county fire have may significant cross profit firefighters have made significant progress. arrested these 3 people for looting. they are accused of trying to and patrolling for looters in fire zones. is extremely dangerous and putting lives of fire fighters, police and even all the smoke from the wildfires >> reporter: trolling for looters and the fires on this extremely dangerous split lives at risk. but even the firefighters are share of the public officials or police but also elected fees and the areas the are not allowed to be in there. . >> steve: another angle on this story that's been affecting us all weekend long of smoke from the fires in the bay area >> pam:if you have been out at all. you have probably noticed a haze. this is a live look from our camera on the san mateo bridge. you can see how smoky the skies are right now. meteorologist lawrence karnow is tracking this haze. and whether it is going to hang around for the weekend. >> reporter: phillips like the garage and saw those qualifiers they continue to burn and add more salt outside that is causing issues of air quality. his see the fires burning on the state now all the way down the southern california where we see a lot of problems with their quality and to the central valley. it really is starting to suffer quality lawyer expected to continue to monday and mixing in the hemisphere. and if have trouble breathing of any type make sure you stay indoors. locally things little bit better not so good specially in the valleys will be improving and then toward the next few days a stronger seabury's and then not as bad as we have seen. >> steve:an evening breeze will bring more low clouds and fog to the bay. the weekend will be mostly sunny and cooler by sunday. air quality across the bay area is suffering and so are many of those who are breathing that air. >> pam:as kron four's rob fladeboe reports now from san jose, smoke from wildfires is getting much of the blame. >> reporter: small sell borden to the bay area from the plane fired lake county and many of the homegrown smog. the recipe for some very bad air. how bad as you can just barely make out downtown san jose from the east foothills and don't think the folks going about their business down there and the middle of that haven't noticed. and the bad air is hard and very old and those with other respiratory problems. friday is the other spare that 8 per day plus as many as last summer and end decades ... we crossed paths and ask if there was a factor with the bad air in their match with senate clarice night. >>: at practice some girls were talking the how was hard to breathe. a bit of a breeze taking up this evening that is helping some it looks like we will be breathing any easier to lows fires are out or there is a major change in the weather. >> pam:we first brought you this story yesterday on kron 4 news. theives snatching wallets from customers at busy east bay restaurants. now we are hearing of additional cases. walnut creek police tell kron 4. a 4th victim has now come forward. and we have learned. the owner of one of restaurants where the robberies happened, is offering a reward tonight. as for how the suspected thieves operate. an employee of one of the restaurants walked kron 4's haaziq madyun through what happened. >> reporter:this is the video of two women suspected of stealing a wallet from a customer who placed her purse on the floor of the rooftop restaurant in walnut creek >>:"the two girls were sitting right here and the family was sitting at these two tables pushed together" >> reporter:breanne morgan is a hostess here at rooftop. she recalls that the two women decided to seat themselves.which is unusual at this restaurant >>:"yeah it was a little bit weird because the entire restaurant was pretty much empty and they specifically chose that table right there, after they told me they were just going to look around, they told me that they weren't going to eat here, then they sat down, and i asked them what was going on? and they said, yay, we can seat ourselves right? i said you told me you were just looking around but you can sit there if you want to" "the suspects did come in and pretty much cased out the table that they wanted" >> reporter:walnut creek police investigators say that over a 3 week period ending on august 5th the two suspects stole 3 wallets from purses at 3 different restaurants. after each theft two women were caught on surveillance videos committing credit card fraud. investigators say after this video went public police a 4th victim came forward. the ownership of rooftop is now offering a $,1000 reward for someone to come forward with information leading to the arrests of the two suspects >>:"yeah, our ownership is just upset that this has happening in our area of downtown walnut creek and they'd like to offer up a $1000 reward, you know, to help find these two women and set an example that you can't come into walnut creek and steal peoples personal belongings, we're watching you on cameras, we're glad we have the footage and we hope someone turns in some information on these two" in walnut creek haaziq madyun kron4news daly city police are asking for the publics help in identifying a cell phone thief. >> steve:yesterday a customer left their gold colored i-phone on the counter at a daly city business. it was then stolen by the suspect you see here. servaillance cameras caught the man leaving the serramonte shopping center in a maroon sedan. anyone with information is being asked to call police. picture is in the today folder police have identified two persons of interest. in a fatal pedestrian hit-and-run last week in vallejo. this is video from the august 11th crash. where 47-year- old mattew bennett was killed. after being hit while walking on sonoma boulevard. police found the suspects car abandoned more than 12 blocks away. officers arrested the owner of the vehicle, who they think was directly involved in the accident. he has since been released. we have video of the crash. fullscreen should have the two guys' names investigators are now looking for these two men.who they believe have more information on the incident. 21-year-old taylor gallon. and 25 year old dominic smith. anyone with information about the men is asked to call vallejo police. a newark woman is being accused of cyber- stalking. reality tv star kris jenner. she appeared in federal court on 15 different counts related to the alleged harrassment this morning. kron4's maureen kelly spoke with the suspect's father who says his daughter has done things like this before. >> reporter:here's the federal indictment that lays out the charges. they include stalking, hacking, extortion and identity theft. the feds say 36 year old christina bankston targetted kris jenner, two of her assistants, kaitlyn jenner and some unnamed family members for six month back in 2014. bankston allegedly impersonated jenner and made up stories, send numerous and often lewd text messages, suggested she was tracking the star and claimed she had a sex tape of kris jenner that she threatened to sell. bankston's father was home today.he didn't want to appear on camera.or come outside but he talked to me by phone. because he had something to say to the jenner family. >>:i apologize because at least i apologize to them because nobody has no opportunity to apologize to us to what we going through. i want to make sure they are okay. i spent thousands of dollars on that daughter trying to keep her straight she's medically unstable she needs to be on medication >> reporter: >> gabe:bankston's father says his daughter was in and out of juvenile hall as a child for stalking.usually men. she apparently was diagnosed by a doctor as having scarring on her brain. her dad says the doctor told him they would always have trouble with her. her father says she was prescribed medication for her condition, but it's hard getting her to take it. bankston did not enter a plea today.and is now is out of jail on 20-thousand dollars bail. she's due back in federal court monday. maureen kelly kron4 >> steve:new at six: california has become the first state to legalize the practice of lane-splitting. the governor signed off on legislation today. it will allow the california highway patrol to craft guidelines. lane-splitting is where motorcyclists drive between two lanes of vehicles. it has always been a gray area in the state. police have permitted the practice. but it has never been declared legal or illegal. lawmakers are touting it as a huge victory for roadway safety. >> steve:ryan lochte is offering up an apology for his late-night run in at a rio de janeiro gas station. the olympic swimmer had said it was a robbery. but after surveillance video surfaced yesterday, brazilian police said. that was not the case. >> pam:in fact, they said lochte and the swimmers he was with, vandalized a restroom in rio. grant lodes is here with the latest twist to this story. grant >> grant:lochte maintains that some one did point a gun at him. demanding money. brazilian police says lochte the group were confronted by armed security guards. the mayor and organizers are accepting the apology. lochte apologized for his behavor and says he learned some valuable lessons. two of the swimmers that were with lochte in this video are now back in the u-s after talking to investigators. a third made a deal with a judge and paid nearly 11- thousand dollars and was allowed to leave. lochte has been back in the u-s since this story started unfolding. lochte posted a lengthy apology on his instagram acccount this morning. it reads in part, quote "it's traumatic to be out late with your friends in a foreign county with a language barrier. and have a stranger point a gun at you and demand money to let you leave. but regardless of the behavior of anyone else that night, i should have been much more responsible in how i handled myself." >> grant:he also apologized for taking the focus away from other olympic athletes. lochte and the other swimmers involved could be punished by u- s-a swimming. that includes fines or suspension from the team. steve and pam? >> steve:alarming new details on the spread of the zika virus. the popular tourist spot in the united states where it has been discovered. >> pam:and we have an update on that naked donald trump statue., we told you about yesterday. it is gone. for now. but we'll tell where it may be popping up next. >> steve:plus a little different statue is unveiled today in san francisco. we'll took the city's tribute to legendary singer, tony bennett. a new part of south florida has been identified as an area for zika transmission. new cases have been discovered in south beach. the c-d-c says. crews cannot spray the area by plane, because of the high rise condos and hotels along the coastline. there are now 36 recorded zika transmissions.which have taken place on u-s soil. " we are requesting additional support from the cdc, we've already begun increased spraying, we'll do everything we can to help pregnant women all across our state so that we have a safe state and we're going to keep it that way. " officials are urging residents in the area to spray their bodies and their clothes with mosquito repellant. new at six: a warning tonight for seafood >> pam:it wanted to question the democratic presidential nominee in person. and under oath. judicial watch is among several groups which have sued the government over access to the records. and tonight we are watching another major shakeup in donald trump's presidential campaign. paul manafort - trump's campaign chairman is stepping down. the question now - will the change be enough to raise trump's poll numbers? >> steve:kron 4's national correspondent mark meredith is in washington with a look at where things stand in the race for the white house. >> reporter:another one bites the dust. this weekend donald trump's campaign team is once again changing captains - paul manafort - the campaign's controversial chairman is out. it's a shakeup happening just 80 days before november's election. the news broke as trump and his runningmate mike pence arrived in baton rouge louisiana to tour the devestating flood damage. the campaign had almost no choice but to make changes - after polls in almost every battleround state showed hillary clinton with a strong lead. today trump putting out a statement saying in part quote: "this morning paul manafort offered, and i accepted, his resignation from the campaign. i am very appreciative for his great work in helping to get us where we are today, and in particular his work guiding us through the delegate and convention process." while manafort's performance was controversial - he did play a key role in making sure there were no major challenges to trump's nomination at the r-n-c in clevland. manafort's resignation comes the same day trump launched his first general election ad - focusing on security and immigration. the campaign is spending nearly five million dollars to air this ad in battleground states like ohio, pennylvania, north carolina and florida. speaking of battlergound states - this weekend trump is campaigning in virginia before heading to ohio on monday. clinton's runninmate tim kaine will head to las vegas and clinton herself is heading to massachusetts for a fundraiser with a special guest: award winning singer cher. reporting in washington, i'm mark meredith. the white house announced president obama will visit baton rouge on tuesday. he has been waiting for local officials to give him the all clear to come to louisiana. the naked donald trump statue. which popped up in san francisco's castro district yesterday gone today, but it may not be gone for good. this is all that is left of the statue - just a mark on the ground where public works crews pulled it up. san francisco police say, they were forced to take it out, because people were standing in the street. and creating a public safety risk in the area. >> pam: the lifesize statue is now in police custody as evidence. it was erected by - indecline - an activist group. there were 5 statues set up around the country. now, san francisco supervisor scott weiner and lefty o'doul's restaurnant are working to put it on display. but the police department says that might take some extra work. statue here - next to marilyn >> reporter: some video what happened earlier today this was at the fairmont hotel in 1961 and it is here and then failed very dramatically by knut 8 ft. bronze statue of 20 bennett. to welcome visitors this is created by barry. the bay area variety of dignitaries also here's what some had to say. >>: it has raised her forever that you for being so wonderful of all they're free to stay think he very very much. the sun was it's everyone is the international artist but pitcher early as an ambassador for us. . >>: been doing it for logotype his passionate love for this season yorker is of as well. they sang to amend the parent lot hotel by keep continuing 40 but it still singing at a big talent which for its money for the charity. >> reporter: topped bar all the smoke and the atmosphere improved little bit over the weekend still hazy with that right out right now. i think we're going to see the fog beginning is to make its way and a starting out a hazy afternoon sunshine with a slightly improved air quality on the coastline. so out all over. 65 degrees is staffers discuss 78 san jose 87 and barrymore's livermore. and 76 degrees and santa rosa. a to conquer and 77 degrees and a lot out and dependable but in the afternoon and not to mix out this'll labatt and prepare a quality. high-pressure over had hazy conditions on top of a week and and for the better part of the sweet numerous of fires from the central valley several ballets on the coastline in the afternoon hours keep that mine lots of sunshine san jose hazy and at temperatures up to and the low 80 sampras's apart for afternoon clearing's starting out " clause in fog early on he sunshine in the afternoon of clemson mccloud said temperatures '70s from the bay '80s and the valley and 60s along the coastline next couple days we called on temperatures just a little bit and then warmed up on tuesday wednesday state officials say california's unemployment rate rose slightly in july. >> steve:the employment department said today it increased one-tenth of a percent. to 5-point-5 california's unemploymetn rate is still hgher than the national rate which is at 4-point-9 percent. more than 2 million jobs have been added since the economy's recovery began six years ago.but more than one million people remain unemployed. sacramento, calif. - state officials say california's unemployment rate rose slightly in july as more people entered the workforce. >> reporter: in the neighborhood of mabel m. burnett witnesses say they heard alley's the gunshot so and that cult of the berlin police officers rushed at the scene one >> gabe: of three restaurants are offered are cash reward for leading to a rest of thieves. >>: island house in dollar read offering a 1,000 $ lead for the arrest of thieves at this res restaurant. >> reporter: time is running out. . >> reporter: ancaster bell emotions are running high for evacuees to and displace frost one week because of the fire lower leg the back which method but 12 of attlee's but the red cross shelter in days gone spirits are dwindling. clownery closes. also from the severinus fire that couple was with a homer on exhaust from tens of thousands of cars was like this will be with us for a while. until then follow health experts are advising any physical exertion and outdoors. >> reporter: >> pam: problem ready to make a week and plans a urologist here to tell us what we can expect from a the weekend meteorologist. >> reporter: bullet very hazy out there. this is no from the fires across our skies at this hour. it looks like this week and the sea breeze will kick in some what air quality cop or but in the moderate categories that some improvement from what we see today heading to the central valley be impaired air quality is very bad in the central valley. still warm and livermore 82 in conference 71 center rose up. desolate and the as into sunday we see a stronger sea breeze. >> reporter: supposed however for public providers differently. and a terrifying attack. as to which one was hit and it was very funny. >> pam: the otter attacks are rare the no vote least one other incident and a 17 year-old girl was attacked and set to thousand what one and needed 40 stitches for her wounds. >> steve: not like much but these serious problem hundred the student university place. bitten at the time." freshman were talking to move and whether new dorm partners are going the stop living in our rooms of from the '60s the state says the they have hired professional movers of the holliston's transfer over once it is completed and x see the deal also giving out free such shares. and hundred $50 credit. >> reporter:another chapter in the ryan lochte situation, but certainly not the last. after days of being in the center of the scandal of these games, the olympian took a step in the right direction. and has said sorry for his actions. lochte posted a lengthy mea culpa via social media this morning. apologizing for the fact he wasn't more 'careful and candi'' in his description of the events.and for taking the focus away from the other athletes at the olympics.' the sincerity of this post has been called into question.and a big reason is the following line. he said quote -- 'it's traumatic to be out late with your friends in a foreign country -- with a language barrier -- and have a stranger point a gun at you and demand money to let you leave. but regardless of the behavior of anyone else that night, i should have been much more responsible in how i handled myself." brazilian authorities have said that a robbery did not take place and excessive force was not used by the armed guards at the gas station. instead-- lochte's group was questioned by the guards and staff after they were seen vandalizing a bathroom. all swimmers have left brazil. most recently, jimmy feigen who made a deal with a judge to pay nearly 11-thousand dollars in order to return to the u-s. >> reporter:now to some baseball-- the a's have lost 6 of their last 7 games. hopefully they can turn that around this weekend in chicago. oakland opening a 3-game set with the sox. as for the giants, last night's win over the mets not only snapped a four-game skid. it also was a milestone victory for manager bruce bochy. with win number 1,769-- he is now tied with jim leyland at 15th.on the all-time wins list. bochy has won the most games among active managers. he can go for another won tonight as san francisco faces new york. after three days of practicing together, the 49ers get to face the broncos tomorrow. and it couldn't come at a better time. on their first day together-- both teams had to be separated multiple times. so it's a good thing they finally get to meet because they are probably sick of each other. for the 2nd week in a row, blaine gabbert will be the first quarterback walking out for the niners. newly signed backup christian ponder will most likely be the 2nd man running the offense. colin kaepernick.won't be suiting up as he continues to take care of a sore shoulder. chip kelly says he expects kaep to return full-time next week. turning to the silver and black-- the raiders back in the bay area.after a rough trip to green bay. oakland suffered a 20-12 loss at lambeau last night, but thankfully it doesn't count. in a full first-half of action-- derek carr went 9-of-13 with an interception. khalil mack.gave us a preview of what's to come in the regular he put up a sack. jack del rio talked about his young qb's performance. it's that time.another heaping serving of olympic news coming your way. so if you do not want to know the results from today, now is the time to look away from your screen. starting with the us men's basketball team-- it wasn't the prettiest game, but america is still moving on to the finals. the usa squeaked past spain, 92- advance to a 3rd-straight gold medal game. klay thompson dropped 22- points.while kevin durant chipped in 14. they can complete the quest for a title sunday against serbia. finally, when several warriors are most likely selected for the 2017 all-star game. they'll be spending their weekend in new orleans. the city.officially named the new sight of the next season's all-star festivities. last month-- the nba pulled the game from charlotte. due to north carolina's controversial lgbt law. this is the 3rd-time new orleans has been selected to host the game. >>: the was a bright spot. and part of the learning process and making good decisions. ♪ ♪ you live life your way. we can help you retire your way, too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. >> gabe: coming up on kron 4 news at 8 with the big carriers are. coming are >> pam: companies say they're coming together to stop broke colic and how. new muckers of comcast and dozens of companies put in a rowboat call strike force, and washington d.c. a group of that head of the ftc providing customers or control over incoming calls. "the insider" tracking the biggest stories making news today. [ cheers and applause ] number one -- ryan lochte apologizes. but do his words carry much power? >> he's still framing it as if he's the victim. >> inside the clean-up strategy to repair lochte's rio crisis. >> any truth to the allegations? >> could the fixer, who has helped bieber and baldwin, be the answer? then amy schumer's empowering message to victims of sexual assault. >> i was sexually assaulted. i am encourage women to come out. >> her stern message to predators. >> i want men to hear what happens so there's no confusion. number three, our summer box office showdown. >> don't forget. we're the bad guys. >> but can will and his reigning "suicide squad" hang on as "ben hur" and the "war dogs" plan to battle? >> don't worry, i have to go first, i'm american. and our "insider" bonus, dolly parton is back with new music. >> i've written about 3,000 songs and about three really good ones. >> still dominating charts, she is as sassy as she wants to be. >> i do whatever i damn please. >> dolly! all hail queen dolly! >> it's "the insider" together with yahoo. hello and welcome to "the insider." we are tracking the biggest stories in hollywood today. louis is off and keltie knight is filling in. we're getting started with the number one story that everyone is talking about. >> on a scale of 1-10, i would rate ryan lochte's apology at unfortunately a 4. >> phase 1 of operation crisis clean-up complete. and lochte's three-paragraph social media mea culpa is being called everything from half-hearted to lame. reading in part quote it's traumatic to be out late with

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