Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20161018

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father of the to your old shot. on sunday. >> indications show that it tends to be an accidental shooting that had been with his the immense tower. -- the man's toddle >> reporter: shooting _ the real and credible threat that police officers face these days. >> someone wearing body armor and caring a second weapon plus the assault gun had the advantage over the officers. we would never know what could have happened. >> reporter: lee say that they have not had a chance to talk to the individual. he remains in the hospital. terisa estacio, kron4news >> catherine:tonight the toddler remains in critical oakland children's hospital.we first told you about the shooting through a pushyou can stay connected on breaking news. by downloading the kron four mobile app. and getting alerts straight to your phone. >> catherine:it's free to download for devices. >> grant:we're now learning the suspected of shooting a san francisco police officer in the head. 26-year-old nicholas mc- wherter. of pacifica. died from his own injuries yesterday. officers shot mc-wherter during a pursuit friday nght in the sunset district. after mc-wherther allegedly shot an officer in the head. >> grant:that officer is listed in critical but stable condition at san francisco general hospital. we've learned that officer has been partially paralyzed on one side of his body. police will hold a town hall meeting thursday to give residents more information about the shooting. >> grant:police say an employee at a bay area seafood warehouse was killed today by a man driving a light blue pick-up truck. >> catherine:investigators say the victim apparently died while trying to prevent a theft at his work place. >> grant:kron four's haaziq madyun reports. >> reporter:a violent altercation ends with a homicide in the parking lot behind the true world foods in san leandro >>"we do know is there was a man who was run over by a vehicle and the driver of that vehicle left the scene" >> reporter:san leandro police invetigators confirm the victim was an employee here at true world foods. here you see co-workers gathering around trying to make sense leandro police lt. robert mcmanus the incident occurred shortly after a light colored pick- up truck pulled into this parking lot around 11:45am monday morning >>"the light colored truck employee area of the true world foods on williams street, there was some sort of an altercation, we are not sure if it was between the driver of the pick-up truck and an employee of the business here" >> reporter:on the ground you see motive >>"now there have been some reports that this was an interrupted theft of empty wooden pallets, it does occur quite often, sometimes parking lots like this" >> reporter:surveilance cameras are on the property. the question homicide occurred in with camera view? >>"yeah in this case there is exterior video surveillance, we will be reviewing that trying to figure all of this out" >> reporter:in san leandro haaziq madyun kron4news. >> catherine:now to an update on a story we first brought to you friday on kron fours at five. a man injured in a shooting in a los altos home is accused of being an armed stalker who had forced his way into the house. >> catherine:police say 43- year-old william brady of georgia opened fire inside the home on oak knoll circle, before being shot by a resident. a woman in the home called 9-1-1 and said the man had been stalking her and was inside the house. >> catherine:when officers arrived - brady was taken to a hospital. he had surgery and is recovering. he's since been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder. >> grant:in the south bay. jury selection is underway in the trial of man accused of murdering 15 year old sierra lamar. antolin garcia torres could face the death penalty if convicted. >> grant:but that is a long ways away. 12-hundred prospective jurors will be screened first and that will take several months. kron 4's dan kerman is live outside the hall of justice in san jose with more on the case and the what happened today in court. >> grant: dan? >> reporter: lamar was last seen leaving her home in morgan hill headed for school in 2012 of march 16th. her deep--d and eight was linked to her to his car. >> will see the defense starts to suggest that this is a missing persons case. and the last thing that we want to do is execute someone and the case where she may still be found alive. >> reporter: there are also three attempts to kidnap three different women during a carjacking prior to her disappearance the fact that these cases are being joined will benefit prosecutors. >> he was seeing that he met lamar and it was an innocent encounter they could connect him with three other kidnappings. and he was successful with the lamar case. >> reporter: jury will be brought an end and to fill out a 32 page document to see what they have learned about the case. >> reporter: by that time we should know if california voters have put an end to the death penalty as it will be after the election. they may be able to get a jury within one month but if the death penalty remains on the table it could face several months before they can see 12 jurors. dan kerman, kron4news >> catherine:it's been another banner day in the ongoing raiders-to-las-vegas saga. the governor of nevada has officially signed a bill that green-lights a new 65- thousand seat stadium for the raiders. >> catherine:the silver and black are now a step closer to setting up shop in sin city. to use a football analogy, the raiders have crossed the 50-yard line. >> catherine:and to get to the end zone, they'll have to get past the nfl owners. mark carpenter has been tracking this story. >> grant:and joins us with the latest. >> grant: mark? >> reporter:the actual signing of the bill was merely a formality, but it means that the idea of the raiders moving away is becoming more of anow that nevada has signed off, the decision to approve relocation rests in the hands of mark davis' colleagues. >> reporter:three-fourths of the league's owners still must vote to support the move, but those in las vegas sound pretty confident that this is a done deal. >>brian sandoval- nevada governor "thanks to our legislature, now everyone knows what we all know that las vegas is the perfect place for an nfl team called the las vegas raiders." >> reporter:a proclamation that's music to some and an ear sore to headquarters for raider nation is now signed into law. >> reporter:and mark davis.welcomes the change with open arms. >>mark davis-raiders owner "i think it's located where everyone can come in. our fans travel tremendously, so don't know. we are doing studies and all these excited about the >>potential. >> reporter:davis and nevada have everything in place for their 1-point-9 billion dollar stadium, but no nfl gives its stamp of approval. 24 of the league's 32- owners. must greenlight the relocation and a vote won't happen until the raiders can january. >> reporter: news this afternoon, oakland mayor libby schaaf reinforced that today's bill signing is not a done deal. and she remains in contact with the team and nfl on finding a solution to keep the raiders from leaving. >> reporter:she said quote-- "i believe the raiders and oakland have a shared identity and destiny, and where they were born and raised has immeasurable value to the fans, the team, the league and the city. that's why i will continue to work to provide the raiders and other nfl owners a viable, responsible stadium option to consider in oakland, regardless of >> reporter:even if the nfl give the go-ahead and votes yes to vegas, davis has said a move will not happen overnight. and he will keep the team in oakland for the 2017-and 18 seasons while his new stadium gets built. >>"i believe that if we stay in oakland for at least the next two seasons after this else a chance to acclimate and find a place to live and it doesn't disrupt a family functions." >> reporter:a tiny consolation for a fanbase.that's already been through enough ups and downs. >> reporter:davis will be in houston this week for the nfl's fall meetings. no vote will take place, but davis will update the other owners on the progress of the las vegas plan. and we also could get some indication on where some of the executives stand on the relocation. >> grant:clown masks--- no longer for sale at one major retails store. this after a series of creepy clown sightings. coming up after the break. >> catherine:we'll tell you who is pulling the masks off of store shelves. >> catherine:plus. >> catherine:melania trump speaking out tonight. talking about the tape in which her husband, donald trump, made lewd comments about woman. >> catherine:hear from her--- at 5:30. >> catherine:and next. c'mon in, pop pop! happy birthday! i survived a heart attack. i'm doing all i can to keep from having another one. and i'm taking brilinta. for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin. no more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. or dying from one. it worked better than plavix. >>don't stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. >>talk to your doctor about brilinta. i'm doing all i can. that includes brilinta. if you can't afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help. >> grant:today marks the 27th anniversary of the devastating loma prieta earthquake. >> catherine:63 people were killed. and 38-hundred were injured. >> catherine:the 6-point-9 quake wrecked buildings and collapsed freeways from watsonville, to the marina district and the cypress structure in west oakland. >> grant:it also caused a 10-day delay in the world series between the a''s and giants. >> reporter: 4 minutes past five. in major steps up to that. --up to bat >> reporter: destruction comes through throughout the bay area. >> one of the bridges collapsed. >> grant: local residents are trying to help san francisco drivers trapped and the concrete destruction. across >> grant: the bay, san francisco is helping others. during this magnitude that an earthquake leaves behind. >> we need food and we need water and we do not have any toilet facilities. >> grant: the city is without power. >> grant:this thursday marks international shake-out day.that's when schools, businesses and local and state government agencies hold earthquake drills. you can also visit our website kron four dot com. >> grant:we've also posted information on earthquake preparedness. to get you ready for when the next big one strikes. there's also a special section dedicated to the loma priata earthquake.including more images from that destructive day. >> grant:it's all on kron four >> catherine:the sierra got some fresh snow this the bay area was being hit by a big storm. this is video from the squaw valley ski resort in lake tahoe--- taken this morning. >> catherine:chain controls were required all weekend for those traveling on i-80. that order has since been lifted. >> grant: >> diane: here is a closer look >> diane: we were still seen a nice amount of snowfall earlier this morning. 3.61 in. of rainfall. and over an inch for san francisco for saturday and sunday. about 4 in. in some places and santa cruz spirit 11 1/2 inches of rainfall. so, pretty impressive storm and are still billing was unstable weather. --we are still dealing with unstable >> reporter: same thing at 9:00. temperatures will drop into the high fees for other locations the '60s. our attempt to continue to warm up at 72 degrees which is the hyper antioch, 73 for concord and vallejo. san francisco back to 70 degrees. >> diane: in normal weather on the way i will have more details in my forecast in about 10 minutes. >> catherine: thank you, brittney! >> catherine:happening now. millbrae police are searching for a driver. accused of hitting and killing a 73-year-old woman. >> catherine:the victim has been identified as lillian garcia of san mateo county. police say the crash happened around 7-pm saturday night. at the intersection of rollins road and adrian road. >> catherine:the sheriff's office has released two surveillance photos.showing possible witnesses to the hit-and-run. >> catherine:the first shows a white chevy pick-up truck with a camper shell. there are also business markings on the tailgate. the second ---- a white toyota pick-up truck with a black bed liner. >> catherine:investigators believe that there were 5 cars in the area when the woman was hit and killed--- they're asking anyone with information to come forward. >> grant:in the east bay. a man remains in critical condition after he was shot over the weekend in berkeley. and the shooter is stilll on the loose. >> grant:police received several calls saturday night shortly before midnight. of shots fired near dana and haste streets. that's just south of the u-c berkeley campus. officers found the 35-year- old victim laying in the middle of the street. >> grant:police say the shooting does not appear to be random.and the victim does not appear to be affiliated with the university. berkeley police have yet to release a description of the shooter. >> catherine:target is pulling at least some of its clown masks -- both in stores and online. a statement says they're removing "a variety" of clown masks.leaving it unclear whether that means all of them. the reason of course - the seemingly endless reports of clown threats across the country. >> catherine:home depot took a similar step last month when it pulled a decoration called the "scary peeper creeper" from its stores in canada. >> catherine:and mcdonalds is limiting community appearances made by ronald mcdonald until the craze is under control. >> catherine:target talks about the 'current environment' -- reference to the fact there have been clown-related threats in an least 20 states. many turn out to be hoaxes - but it's still considered troublesome and annoying. they prey on our children, spending billions. addicting 17,000 california kids each year. eventually killing one-third of them. now tobacco companies are spending millions to... defeat prop 56. because in every state that's raised tobacco taxes, smoking rates go down. so who are you going to trust? pediatricians, cancer groups and the califronia pta who all... support prop 56. or the tobacco companies trying to kill it. vote yes on 56. >> catherine:we're just a few weeks away from election day. and the get-out-the-vote effort is in full swing. >> grant:today the coalition of those supporting the legalization of recreational marijuana came together to make a push for that proposition. >> catherine:kron 4's maureen kelly reports that supporters say this is not simply about letting consenting adults get high -- it's being framed as a criminal justice issue. >>the war on drugs as been an expensive and devestatiing failure. >> reporter:state senator mark leno made his arguments for the passage of prop 64 from inside the san francisco office of the aclu.alongside members of the naacp.and lt governor gavin newsom. they say bringing the recreational marijuana market out of the shadows and into the glaring light of state regulation.will bring in possibly as much as a billion dollars in tax revenue. >> reporter:but they claim the state will save tens of millions of dollars annually. but not having to prosecute as many pot related offenses.which they say disportionally affects communties of color. >>it is overwhelming the disproportiate nature of the enforcement as it relates to marijuana disporportiate in terms of the african american community nationwide 3-point73 more likely to be arrested for non violent marijuana related offenses that their white counterparts in california you see areas in this state where latino arrest rates are even higher. >> reporter:one of the speakers at of law enforcement who sees another upside to prop 64 >>if we are going to begin to heal the relationship between police and the communtiies they serve we could do every well by ending the foolish and destructive war on marijuana. >> reporter:but not all cops are on board making pot legal.emeryville police chief jennifer tejada is with the california police cheifs assocation that's against the passage of prop 64. she say the personal use of marijuana has already pretty much been decriminalized in this state., >>anyone who is serving time for marijuana related offenses are probably big time drug dealers who's connected to organized crime because nobody is going to jail in today's world for personal possession of marijuana. >> reporter:the yes on prop 64 sides says over the last ten years nearly half a million californians have been arrested for non violent pot related crimes maureen kelly kron4 news ---------------------------- (male announcer): this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> this just in to the kron 4 newsroom. >> grant: in the east bay. we are in oakland. this incident is connected to a homicide investigation that happened earlier today in san leandro. that is when an employee on williams street in selling andrew was killed in a parking lot of the store. it hit by a vehicle. it is to the dump truck there which is not connected to this incident. at the bottom of the screen, and the seat is connected. the police has made a stop. they have made a connection but not in the rest at this time. --arrest >> catherine: they say that a big market for recycling stolen pellets might have been in a confrontation with the suspect in this business. for stilling the pellets. >> grant: there was an altercation pertaining to the officers. kron 4 mets lead ibm is headed to the same. -- hadziq madyun is headed to the scene of the accident and we will keep you updated on this story. >>i think he was leed on egg on by the host >> reporter:you feel that he was egged >>yes >> catherine:melania trump saying her husband's obscene comments on women caught on tape were not entirely his fault. >> catherine:blaming someone else -- is becoming the core message of the trump campaign. steve aveson is here to show us the state of the white house race, with just three weeks to go before election day. >> reporter: lee bush is not going to make it for. he has been fired from nbc. however not feel sorry for him. he will still receive the remaining of his contract and he is able to go work for another network right away. -- billy bush >> reporter:the voting has already started here in california, where mail=in ballots have already gone out. and look at this line in georgia, people lined up to cast theur ballots today, if you believe donald trump, many of those votes will never be counted. return to >> reporter:billy bush, the man caught on tape reacting to trump's obscenities has just been fired from the today show. he was suspended after the tape's release te days ago. >>"it's rigged" medley >> reporter:in the last days of a sputtering campaign, donald trumpp is painting himself as a victim of a global conspiracy to deny him the presidency. the forces against him ranging from international bankers, fbi administrators and most of all. >>corrupt media all made up lies lies, total lies. >> reporter:onnce again he takes on criticis in his own party, calling them naive for denying the danger of voter fraud. at trump tower in new york, democrats had a different message. >>"this election will not be rigged. this election will demonstrate the power of women." >> reporter:hillary clinton enjoys a 20 percent margin among female voters in the polls, although the relase of the access hollywood tapes did not move the numbers much. when it comes to the battleground states, trump is ahead in ohio and is a virtual three way tie in utah, just one point ahead of a local conservative independent. >> reporter:clinton has comfortable margins in pennsylvania and colorado and leads in north carolina, florida and nevada. she was off the campaign trail today, preparing for wednesday's debate in las vegas. trump's latest attempt to discredit her is to call for a drug test, >>'cause i don't now what's going on with her. >> reporter:the white house reacted with scorn. >>"so you're telling me that the candidate who snorted his way thru the first two debates is accusing the other candidate of taking drugs?" >> reporter:those swing states getting a lot of attention from the candidates. donald trump is in wisconsin tonight. mike pence was in ohio, >> reporter:clinton surrogates bernie sanders, elizabeth warren and chelsea clinton are heading to arizona tomorrow.and bill clinton was in new hampshire. return to index >> grant:and keep it here on kron4 news for the third and final presidential debate before the november election. it's two days from now.wednesday night. at the univeristy of nevada in las vegas. we'll be streaming the debate live on our website. and on our mobile where ever you may can watch it as it happens. >> grant:we'll also have complete coverage right here on kron4 news and online at kron4 >> reporter: we will have partially building. our warning track has already started for this evening as we are already up 7 degrees. up to and sampras is goal and three in san jose, and half moon bay. >> reporter: are around the region is still mild below average so it will take just a few days for us to get back to average. and then, eventually above average. >> reporter: 67 in san francisco is the high, 73 and concord and livermore. mountain view at 70 degrees. i will track your 7 day forecast. and i will have more details on how next weekend is shaping up. >> grant:another big story we're tracking.a man. shot and killed by police in santa cruz. officers say they opened fire after the man attacked them with a metal rake. this happened early sunday morning on chace streetsouth of u-c santa cruz campus. somebody called police to say a man was at their door threatening to kill people inside. >> grant:when officers tried to take the man into custody he attacked them with a metal rake. at first, officers tried to use a taser, but were not able to stop him. police say that is when one of the officers shot and killed him. >> grant:the identities of the man and the officer who fired have not been released. >> grant:a navy petty officer is facing dui and vehicular manslaughter charges.after his truck plunged off a san diego bridge.killing four people and injuring nine. police say 24-year-old richard sepolio lost control of his truck. and it fell 60-feet from the bridge. landing smack dab in the middle of a biker festival. >> grant:sepolio is currently in the hospital suffering from serious injuries. he's expected to face his charges.upon his release from medical care. return to >> catherine:after a delay caused by hurricane matthew, testimony continued today against a georgia man accused of intentionally leaving his little boy in a hot s-u-v tothe trial of justin harris resumed.with an alabama teenager testifying that she'd exchanged sexually explicit messages and photos in the weeks before the death of his son cooper. >> catherine:prosecutors say harris was texting with 'several' women the day he left his son to die. the teenager on the stand today says harris also talked about having sexual relations with a man he met on v acation. >> catherine:harris left his 2-year-old son in the back seat of his car when he went to work at a home depot near june of 2014. prosecutors say he'd researched how long it takes for someone to die when left in a hot car. they argue he wanted to be rid of his child so he could pursue the kind of life he was already leading in secret. >> catherine:the defense says the boy's death was a tragic accident. >> grant:still ahead. pepsico says it plans to calories in dozens of its products. we'll tell you when you can expect to see those changes after the break. >> catherine:also - natalie portman is talking about her role as jackie kennedy. what the actress is saying about playing the iconic first lady. >> grant:stocks closed modestly lower on wall street today, with some of the biggest declines coming in oil and gas companies as energy prices turn lower. the dow fell 51 points. >> grant:the nasdaq. dropped 14 points. and the s&p. lost 6. return when mexico sends its people... they're bringing crime, they're rapists. are you going to have a massive deportation force? you're going to have a deportation force. we're rounding 'em up in a very humane way, in a very nice way. we're going to build a wall. that's not america. we're all californians. i'm tom steyer. it's time to speak out. please, register. and vote. vote. nextgen california action committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> grant:apple is gambling that its to steal iphones from its retail stores. they are removing the teathers from the display models. >> grant:apple says they are trying improve the overall shopping experience. leaders at apple admit they are decreaing security but say stealing a display model would be pointless. first an alarm will sound- then if the theif manages to get away- a store manager will be able to "brick" the device remotely. >> grant:"bricking" makes the phone unusable- basically turning it into a brick. the changes are being unvealed at the apple flagship store in london before hitting stores worldwide. >> catherine:president obama is among those saying the future of our nation.seems to be in good hands. he's citing a study showing that more u.s. students are graduating from high school. >> catherine:the white house report says that the high school graduation rate now tops 83-percent.which is a new record. it's also a four percent increase since the 2010- 2011 school year. >> catherine:the new rates reportedly include all groups of students.including black. hispanic. and native american students.who have continued to narrow the gap between their graduation rates and those of white students. >> catherine:attention soda lovers. get ready to see a lot less sugar in your pepsi drinks. >> catherine:the pepsico company is promising to aggressively cut sugar and calories in dozens of products. saying that at least two- thirds of ots drinks will have 100 calories or less by 20-25. >> catherine:the global food conglomerate. also plans to reduce saturated fat and sodium levels in many of its other products, like fritos. >> catherine:the changes come after overall pressure from public advocates.also new guidelines from the world health organization return >> grant:still ahead. it was a painful loss for san francisco fans yesterday. as the niners were crushed by the bills. but it was a familiar face starting at quarterback for the niners. after the break. hear from san francisco's head coach chip kelly and the future of kaepernick as the starting q-b. >> catherine:also - regardless of the fact michael jackson has been dead for nearly 8 years -- he's still a top earning celebrity. we'll explain - later in the show. tobacco companies knew that smoking kills. and they lied about it for decades. now they're lying about prop 56. if you don't use tobacco, you don't pay. smokers pay - their fair share of the 3 billion in health care costs all taxpayers are paying now. and there's one more thing: our kids. every state that's significantly raised tobacco taxes has reduced youth smoking. please. vote yes on 56. if we can save even a few lives, it's worth it. >> catherine:after four years and several delays. the sierra lamar murder trial finally gets underway. pam moore is in the newsroom with what we are working on for kron 4 news at six. >> pam:catherine. the sierra lamar murder case has seen after delay after delay. the 15 year-old was kidnapped and murdered four years ago as she was heading to school in morgan hill. today jury selection began for the man accused of kidnapping and killing her. >> pam:antolin garcia-torres could face the death penalty if he's convicted. but that could be a long way aways. tonight we'll explain why it could still be months before a jury hears opening statements. >> pam:we will have that story and much more on kron 4 news at six. catherine now back to you. after months of talk about kaepernick's football of conversation. kaepernick. >> grant:made his first start of the year yesterday against the bills and while he didn't enough to stay on top of the depth chart. >> catherine: the latest from santa clara. >> catherine:mark? >> reporter:considering the fact he hadn't started a game since week 8 of last season, solid performance. and head coach chip kelly said this morning that he will remain the starting quarterback. >> reporter:for the most part, you can be.when your team loses by nearly 30- points. his first big highlight came in the 2nd quarter.on a 53-yard touchdown pass to torrey smith. and he also showed he still has the ability to escape and keep plays alive. >> reporter:kaep ended the day as the niners leading rusher with his 187-yards through the air. another key stat is he didn't turn the ball over. kelly.confident in kaepernick's ability to keep improving. >> in sure as he watched the tape tomorrow he will see some things that will make him get a little bit better. >> reporter: situation, a much more 49ers run defense. san francisco allowed four franchise's highest total 1958. >> reporter:they've surrendered nearly 1,000- rushing yards over the last five weeks combined. >> reporter:the niners are currently riding a 5-game losingwe'll see if they can put host the tampa bay buccaneers this sunday. as for the raiders, they're rough loss to the chiefs.when they visit the jacksonville jaguars. return >> grant: brittney shipp, glad to have you back from vacation. >> reporter: i missed all of the fun. (laughter) >> reporter: 63 degrees and half moon bay and currently 63 degrees and step francisco. ...--san fran sisco--francisco we all >> reporter: still dealing with clout and we will see the clouds build up later in this evening. and two tomorrow morning we should see if you little light showers. out near santa rosa but apart from that we will continue to dry out as we go into the rest of the week. >> reporter: 62 in daly city, 60 and pacifica and san mateo. we are back to this the 70's for most of the north bay and east bay. will be a few degrees below average and then starts to warm up a little bit more above average near its end of the week. tomorrow morning, at 9:00 a.m. we would start off in the '50s. so you may want a light jacket with you tomorrow morning. we stay on route average then take a look at wednesday, thursday and friday we are back into the '80s. closer to the bay we will stay in the '70s. and at the coast we will see in the week woman out. you noticed a drive forecast is on the way for the next few days or so. >> catherine: viral sensation. >> grant:michael jackson tops forbes' annual list of top earning dead celebrities -- the king of pop actually earned the most of any entertainer in 2016-- living or dead -- with 825-million- dollars. most of that came from the sale of his half of the beatles publishing catalogue-- >> grant:it sold to sony in march for 750-million dollars. rounding out the top five hightest-earning dead celebs. >> grant:catherine? >> catherine:there's some early award-show buzz for natalie portman's portrayal of jackie kennedy in the movie "jackie". the insider's michael yo joins us from hollywood with more on this story. michael? >> reporter:that's right. natalie telling our debbie matenopoulos she didn't have to get too personal when embodying an american icon. >>detectors:/1 playing a public figure in general is already so much pressure, because you have to get it right, butplaying somone as iconic as jackie kennedy, you? >>np/it was scary because people know who she was/they way she talked, the way she walked so i wanted to be able to approximate that realityum, just to be beleivable just so you can go into more of sort of the emotioanl nuance of who the person was. >>sot up clip 1:00:55 for one brief moment, there was a camelot. >> i am a mother of the two year old. was it ross seemed that or shooting that scene? -- was it rough shooting that scene? >> i try not to mix my personal life with my acting career. >> reporter: we will have more on that story at 7 on the insider. >> catherine:that wraps up kron 4 news at 5. >> grant:steve aveson and pam moore are here with kron 4 news at six! ------------------------ >> pam: kron4 news s six is next. (male announcer): this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> this just in to the kron 4 newsroom. >> steve: as we told you there was a killing and said leandro. >> pam: have a reporter at the scene and we will be bringing you an update on that story later in this newscast. >> pam:jury selection is finally underway for the man accused in the high -profile kidnapping and murder of a south bay teenager. good evening everyone i'm pam moore. this is video from our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. >> steve:and i'm steve aveson. sierra lamar disappeared 4 years ago and her body has never been found but prosecutors allege antolin garcia torres killed her during a kidnapping and now he faces murder charges and the death penalty. >> steve:kron 4's dan kerman joins us from the hall of justice in prospective jurors found out they could be deciding this case. >> reporter: this trial could last six months. and they also learned that this was a lamar case. >> reporter: 15 year old lamar was last seen as she left her home and morgan hill headed for school. she was never found but this man garcia torres, was arrested for murder. monday, the first of 12 jurors were brought in and told they could be deciding garcia torres date. --fate >> the other one to get people who are coming in with an open mind and not based on all the media attention. >> reporter: legal analysts say it would be proven difficult to regards to the lamar case and three other women that supposedly was assaulted during the time garcia did a carjacking. >> reporter: prosecutors may also have their hands full. although, the dna was a link to garcia taurus car. kerr body was never found. >> asking for a death penalty, which the jurors could have a lingering doubt about her being alive. >> reporter: the drones will have to complete a 32 page document in regards to this case. >> reporter: by this time we should know if california voters have put an end to the death penalty. it the death penalty is still on the table it takes several months to get a juror. -- jury >> reporter: dan kerman, kron4news >> pam: haadiq madyun joins us one the phinone from the scene >> reporter: it is believed that this may have been the man involved with the fatal hit-and-run. right next to me, is a police officer lieutenant robert spirit will tell us what happened here. >> from the surveillance camera, information was given to oakland police officers this at the noon in a briefing. a couple of officers were driving in the area on east 12th street. the card quickly pulled over to the curb and men got out and tried to the bay police officers he was later found hiding. they are waiting witnesses for both the pickup truck and the driver contained by officers this afternoon. >> pam: is there more from your witness there... the police officer? >> reporter: no, we do not have any more information here. >> reporter: right now i try to see if the individual that was hiding under the truck is the one responsible for today's hit and run. >> steve: thank you, so much. of course; and we will stay on top of this story. >> pam:new details tonight - in the grisly and violent officer involved shooting in vallejo. take a look at this surveillance video obtained by kron four news. it reportedly shows. 41 year old adam powell walking into a starbucks in vallejo last night around 9-pm. >> pam:he is not in frame, but police say, as he rounds the corner, another surveillance video shows him aiming at two officers inside the starbucks. using an assault- style weapon that had a magazine of nearly 70 -rounds. police say, his gun malfunctioned, and the officers were able to give chase - eventually they shot him and he was taken to the hospital. >> pam:we are also learning. powell is the father of a boy who afternoon, in suisun city. police say. the facts gathered so far reveal, powell targeted the officers in the coffee shop. >>andrew bidou/vallejo police chief -- powell is a convicted felon. police say, he lives in suisun city but has ties to vallejo. he was shot 3 times and is in the hospital. >> keep in mind these are two officers on a break. this man has serious firepower. and body armor. and also a set handgun. someone wearing body armor and the second weapon having extreme advantage over our officers. especially, by surprise. we will never know what could have happened. >> pam: >> steve:we're now learning the identity of the man suspected of shooting a san francisco police officer. 26-year-old nicholas mcwherter of pacifica died from his own injuries yesterday. officers shot mcwherter during a pursuit in the sunset neighborhood after he allegedly shot an officer in the head. >> steve:that officer is listed in critical but stable general hospital. we've learned that officer has been partially paralyzed on one side of his body. police will hold a town hall meeting on thursday to give residents more information about the shooting. >> steve:new at 6 we now know the name of the man injured in a shooting at an los altos home on friday.officers say 43-year- old william brady of georgia was an armed stalker who forced his way inside the residence. >> steve:brady opened fire inside the home on oak knoll circle, by someone who lived there. a woman in the home called 9-1-1 and told dispatchers that a man who had been house. when officers arrived-.brady was transported to a hospital, where he underwent surgery and is nowhe has since been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder. >> pam: it is still hazy, cloudy? what is it? >> brittney: temperatures will continue to dry out. and warm up. isolated showers to the north of our region. high pressure system will return and we will continue to warm up. current temperatures are 61 degrees and said francisco. --san francisco >> brittney: an even split what temperatures and will continue to climb as we go into tuesday. we are in the mid '60s for walnut creek, 65 for paul alto, and san jose at 66 degrees. >> brittney: 68 and san mateo, and 70 in mountain view. coastal's average for tomorrow. well above average toward the end of the work week and i will track all the details in an next-best and the next 10 minutes. >> pam:we have put up a special section this week. for the annivesary of the loma prieta earthquake. reports on the quake in this section, as well as a link to a real time earthquake map. it is at kron 4 dot com. look for it at the top of our home page. >> pam:another significant development today in the ongoing raiders to las vegas discussion. the governor of nevada has signed a bill that greenlights 750-million dollars in public funding for an nfl stadium. >> pam:now that the entire state is backing the project, all the silver and black needs to move to las vegas. is the backing of 75- percent of the n-f-l's owners. >> pam:mark carpenter has been >> steve: another significant development. today in the ongoing raiders to las vegas discussion. the governor of nevada has signed a bill that green lights $750 million in public conference for and national football league stadium. >> pam: now that the entire state is backing the project, all the silver and black needs to move to las vegas is the backing of 75 percent of the national football league's owners. >> reporter:once the legislature approved the use of taxpayer money, the actual signing of the bill was merely a formality. however, it means that the idea of the raiders moving away is becoming more of a reality. since nevada is all aboard, the decision to approve relocation rests in the hands of mark davis' colleagues. >> reporter:here's some footage from brian sandoval signed the bill into law. this basically guarantees that the 1-point-9 billion dollar project.has a fully laid out financial plan. while davis and nevada are all set, no building goes up until 24 of the league's 32- owners give their approval.. >> reporter:and a vote won't happen until the raiders officially file for relocation in january. after today's signing, davis talked about his potential new home. >>mark davis-raiders owner "i think it's located where everyone can come in. our fans travel tremendously, so it's gonna be exciting. we don't know. we are doing studies and all these things, but we are just excited about the potential." >>brian sandoval- nevada governor "thanks to our legislature, now everyone knows what we all know that las vegas is the perfect place for an nfl team called the las vegas raiders." >> reporter:in a statement sent to kron4 news this afternoon, oakland reinforced that today's bill signing is not a done deal. and she remains in contact with the team and the nfl on finding a solution. >> reporter: >> reporter:she said quote-- "i believe the raiders and oakland have a shared identity and destiny, and keeping the team in oakland where they were born and raised has immeasurable value to the fans, the team, the league and the city. that's why i will continue to work to provide the raiders and other nfl owners a viable, responsible stadium option to consider in oakland, regardless of nevada lawmakers' decision." >> reporter:davis also re- iterated that even if his fellow owners sign off on a move, he won't just pick up and leave. the plan is to stay in oakland for the 2017 and 18 seasons while his new stadium is built. >> reporter: so, that is a tiny constellations for fans in the bay area. >> reporter:it's obvious that davis wants to move on, but where do you see the nfl owners leaning on this topic? a story has just come into the kron 4 newsroom involving a well- known bay area athlete. it involves former cal standout and n-f-l star. marshawn lynch. 101st and macarthur. >> steve:fallout tonight from the lewd donald trump tape. and the explanation from trump's wife about the vulgar conversation. it could be a decisive moment in the fight against isis. the fight underway right now. to push the terror group out of one of its last strongholds. >> grant: no, not the ideal role model behavior. known as the smoke the way this very successful football season. now that he is retired we are learning that he likes watching cars running wild at side shows. and you were sent as a couple of pictures from this saturday in oakland. -- known as beastmode >> grant: lynch is the guy with the bargaining jacket, had and dreadlocks. and what this tells us this was 101st and copper. here is another picture of him at the side show. this was part of an even called l 82 the day. --"la to the bay" >> grant: it is where drivers drive up and down the staple of these dangerous stunts and sometimes taking over freeways and other busy streets. of course there is nothing illegal about watching a show but please will tell you it can be dangerous especially in one of the cars spins out of control. it is well known that marsala lynch has the talks to oakland and apparently he is enjoying some of the city's notorious street traditions in retirement. >> grant:--marshawn lynch >> grant: pam and steve? >> reporter:it is a big decision. which bring a lot of tax dollars to state coffers. but as kron 4's maureen kelly reports. opponents worry about the impact of legalization on children. >>this is a game changer >> reporter: >> reporter:lt governor gavin newsom is behind the passage of proposition that would legalize pot in california. in addition to possibly bringing in as much as could also save the state money. >> reporter:prop 64 will save california tens of millions annually because there will no longer be need to arrest prosecute and jail folks for marijuana crime. supporter say communities of targeted by the war on drugs. >> reporter:but the opponents say we are swapping out a criminal justice problem for a public health problem.especially concerning kids. >>how is that going to impact me as a parent, now i have another thing to worry about which is a drug that impairs judgement and it's something that's generally smoked which impairs their health so i think we are taking a step back in california >> reporter:the proponants of prop 64 don't card. and their 62 page legislation goes to great lenghts to protect kids. >> reporter:imposing rules including prohibiting adverstising the drug to kids. >>i don't want to send a message kids that you should just go out and smoke as much marijuana as you like it's not healthy for young folks, we aren't here condoning it's use or condoning it's abuse quite the contrary >> reporter:60 percent of the revenue raised from prop 64 would go to public heath and on youth. maureen kelly kron4 news >> steve:melania trump is speaking out about the leaked audio tape tonight. she is putting the blame on billy bush. n-b-c just fired him a short time ago for his role. >>.dirty and bad stuff >> steve:the video surfaced ten days presidential debate. it caused numerous republicans to pull their support for trump. return to >> steve:there are just 22- days ballot box, but with donald trump's sagging poll numbers, he's trying a new tactic-- arguing the election is rigged. >> pam:hillary clinton is facing challenges as well. newly released emails from both the f-b-i and wikileaks campaign. dianne galllagher, with our partners at c-n-n. has today's developments. return >>the election is being rigged" >> reporter:donald trump ramping up his claims that the 2016 election is a scam. >>"the whole process is being rigged." >> reporter:it appears, at least to the g-o-p nominee, the only explanation for any dip in conspiracy to rig the results. >> reporter: any evidence, trump continues to float the theory- >>"remember this. it's a rigged election." >> reporter:in tweets. chastising fellow republicans for not taking his claims seriously- which has some republicans pushing back. >>john husted/-r- ohio secretary of state "the system is not rigged." >> reporter:and even his runningmate mike pence is trying to temper the "stolen election" rants. >>mike pence/-r- vice presidential nominee "we will absolutely accept the results of the election." meanwhile >>"wikileaks." >> reporter:emails are once again causing concern for hillary clinton's campaign- the f-b-i dropping new documents monday from its investigation into her state department private server, and wikileaks releasing thousands more of what it says are campaign chairman john podesta's emails- including more transcripts from clinton's paid speeches to goldman sachs- the clinton camp hasn't confirmed or denied the authenticity of the messages - >> reporter:and instead, is focusing on blaming the russian government the hack: >>tim kaine/-d- vice presidential nominee "there does need to be a consequence when a foreign government tries to destablized an election." >> reporter:new polls still have trump keeping it close in battleground states but cnn's poll of polls shows clinton with an 8 point lead nationally going into wednesday's debate. in washington, dianne when gallagher. -- gallagher >> brittney: partly cloudy skies as we go into tamara with mostly sunny skies at warmer temperatures. at this week at the to purchase will continue to warm up with a lot of sunshine and ellen temperatures should reach the '80s. -- inland temps >> brittney: 63 degrees and 7 fell--san rafael >> brittney: deconditions are expected for the rest of this evening. --breezy conditions >> brittney: there is a system that is more unstable stain north to our region. apart from that, tomorrow and the rest of the work week was the dry temperatures. with a high- pressure rebuild back from the west. we will merely say conditions in the high 60s and 70. as we head into winston, that is when you will notice the warmer temperatures. popping back up and that eighties and now but and antioch. close to 80 degrees and concord. -- popping back up and that eighties and and but and antioch and close to 80 degrees and concord. >> brittney: temperatures are closer than in the '70s at san ramon. --of mergers are closer in the '70s at san ramon and alcohol more details and a few minutes. >> pam: to mike on kron 4 news at 8. their remote from target stores throughout the country. they have almost sold out of creek the clown costumes and other retailers. they prey on our children, spending billions. addicting 17,000 california kids each year. eventually killing one-third of them. now tobacco companies are spending millions to... defeat prop 56. because in every state that's raised tobacco taxes, smoking rates go down. so who are you going to trust? pediatricians, cancer groups and the califronia pta who all... support prop 56. or the tobacco companies trying to kill it. vote yes on 56. c'mohappy birthday! i survived a heart attack. i'm doing all i can to keep from having another one. and i'm taking brilinta. for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin. no more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. brilinta reduced the 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maintains the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians. man: so those who can most afford it continue paying their fair share... woman: prevent new education cuts... man: ...and keep improving california's schools. woman: vote yes on prop 55 to help our children thrive. >> steve:with the backing of u-s led coalition forces, iraq's kurdish fighters are trying to retake the city of mosul from islamic extremists. >> pam:catherine heenan is here with the latest on the initial assault. return to >> catherine:this is considered the new front- line in the battle to defeat isis. iraqi kurdish forces have reportedly retaken about 80 square miles today. but it's a struggle tt could last for weeks.if not months. >> catherine:kurdish leaders say it's a turning point in the war against terror.although others point out that some of the villages taken today consist of only a few dozen homes. they're ultimately trying to liberate the city of mosul. >> catherine:the pentagon wants to emphasize that iraqi forces are leading the charge.but admit that u.s. troops are in the thick of things. there are roughly 200 u.s. special forces helping the kurds.and it's not clear yet whether they'll eventually enter the city. >> catherine: steve and pam? >> steve: thanks, so much catherine. all of this with the global warming and the - a lot of it's a hoax. it's a hoax. it'll get cooler. it'll get warmer. it's called weather. we need some global warming! we need leaders who get it. so that we can move away from coal and oil to clean energy. i'm tom steyer. if you want to do something about climate change, you can. please. register and vote. nextgen california action committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> brittney: we missed everything! >> brittney: you saw it all, right? >> pam: yes! i did. (laughter) >> brittney: we are pretty much done with the rainfall. we had a cool evening out that as we go into tomorrow and the day after, and the day after as we continue to warm up the temperatures. >> brittney: mope low sixties for the coast for the next few hours with clear conditions at mid '50s. taking a look at a few changes headed into to stay with sunny skies. and then, for our in what locations we are back at that '80s meant to high eighties and by friday. >> brittney: closer to the bay we are at the 70 degree temps. >> brittney: we will cool down a little bit headed into sunday and into next week >> steve: thanks, brittney! >> steve: the plane landed on a grassy area near the runway. but they had to toll the plane off of the field. because the bricks were completely gone. and they were afraid of a fire starting on the field. >> steve:a wildfire burning near lake contained. the emerald fire is 100% contained. the fire burned over 175 acres. >> steve:debris continues to impact the roadway due to the high winds and rains. crews are still working to customers. the cause of this fire is under investigation. return >> steve:crews responded to an airplane's emergancy landing at the hayward executive airport this afternoon. this is video of the scene.from our helicopter officers say a swearingen sa227 had to make an abrupt the aircraft locking up. >> steve:the plane landed on a grass area near the runway. but airport officials had to quickly tow the plane off brakes were extrememly hotand they were concered that a fire would start. luckily no flames erupted and no one was injured. firefighters remain at the scene as a precaution. >> pam:stunning remarks today. from the head of the international association of chiefs of police. terrence cunningham at the annual conference in san diego, apologized for quote mistreatment of communties of color." >> reporter:he went on to add. that past injustices have created a divide between communites and police. he says the group acknowledges those actions. as you can see from this picture. cunningham is white. >> reporter:he is currently the police chief in wellesley, massachusetts. return to >> reporter:a florida man who fired at george zimmerman's car during a road-rage confrontration has been sentenced. zimmerman is the former neighborhood volunteer acquitted of second degree murder after shooting and 2012. >> reporter:catherine heenan is here with more on why he was testifying in court today. >> catherine:zimmerman was talking about this man --- matthew apperson. who got a 20 year prison sentence today. apperson was convicted of shooting at him in a road rage incident in may of last year. >> catherine:zimmerman says apperson followed him, flashed his lights and honked his horn.before pulling up and shooting at him. the bullet missed but zimmerman was cut by broken glass. >> catherine:at today's sentencing hearing - he says apperson showed no regard for human life. return to index of >> catherine:apperson also got a 15-year concurrent sentence for aggravated assault stemming from the same incident. zimmerman became a controversial figure in 2012 after shooting an unarmed teenager. >> catherine:trayvon martin's death prompted national debates about race.and the use of guns in self-defense. >> steve:macy's is making headlines for what it is doing on thanksgiving. the change it is making that goes against the trend we have been seen from other major retail chains. return >> steve: the growing list of stories that will not be open on thanskgiving. macy's is bucking the trend and says it is actucally earlier. >> pam:plans call for stores to open up a 5-pm on the holiday and to close at 2 a- m. they then re-open at 5 a-m for black friday. >> pam:macy's says an increasing thanksgiving is the reason for its decision. the department store chain employees before coming to the conclusion. >> reporter:the 49ers stampeded in the 2nd half yesterday in buffalo >> gary:colin kaepernick showed yesterday. for the most part, he was as solid as considering the team lost by nearly 30-points. >> gary:his first big highlight came in the 2nd quarter.on a 53- torrey smith. >> gary:kaep also ended the day as the niners leading rusher with 66-yards. that in addition to his 187-yards through the air and no turnovers >> gary: head coach chip kelly has already said kaep will get his 2nd start next sunday at home against tampa bay >> gary:outside of the quarterback situation, a much more concerning issue is thethey allowed 312 yards on the ground the franchise's rushing touchdowns >> gary:the defensove problems turned what was a 17-13 game at haltime into a 45-16 rourtte. >> gary: why don't the raiders state and send a forty-niners to nevada. >> gary: just in from the garden! madison square. >> gary: i remember the first time i went. i thought it was really something. >> gary: it is 5-4 and the sharks are back! >> gary: the rangers! they are not doing--they are not going away. the sharks have run out of steam. >> pam:thank you, gary. >> steve: thank you >> steve: thank you when legalizing safe, responsible adult use of marijuana, the most important question is how? by voting yes on prop 64: adults 21 and over could only purchase marijuana at licensed marijuana businesses. and prop 64 bans advertising directed at kids... requires strict product labeling... child-proof packaging... and bans edibles that appeal to children. smart provisions to safeguard our families. learn more about the safeguards at >> steve: this we have an update from san jose creek police have found the individual and make an arrest from the hit and run that happened earlier today. >> reporter: oakland police department found the suspect. the suspect got out and try to run. police stopped him and they talk to witnesses and make a positive id. in this case suspect is in custody. live in oakland. stay with kron4 news for the latest. >> pam: now that britain is that what is going on with the weather?--brittney >> brittney: you will start to see a warming trend heading into tuesday. and by wednesday, thursday and friday temperatures are back in the '80s. >> steve: that does it for now. we will be back at kennecott--we will be back at 8 and 10:00. at 8 and 10:00. are you going to have a massive deportation force? you're going to have a deportation force. we're rounding 'em up in a very humane way, in a very nice way. we're going to build a wall. that's not america. we're all californians. i'm tom steyer. it's time to speak out. please, register. and vote. vote. nextgen california action committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. and they lied about it thatfor now they're lying about prop 56. if you don't use tobacco, you don't pay. smokers pay - their fair share of the 3 billion in health care costs all taxpayers are paying now. and there's one more thing: our kids. every state that's significantly raised tobacco taxes has reduced youth smoking. please. vote yes on 56. if we can save even a few lives, it's worth it. whmy doctor.houldn't hamy dentist.veryday? definitely my wife. wait, i know what i want. make sparkling water at home. and drink 43% more water every day. sodastream. love your water. was she expecting to find ther perfect designer boots at such an amazing price? no. but that's the beauty of a store full of surprises. you never know what you're gonna find, but you know you're gonna love it. "the insider" tracking the biggest stories making news today. constantly poking fun at you. >> anderson, i love the kids, okay. i love them so much i marry them. >> number one, trump goes to war with "saturday night live." as their ratings rise, the donald wants them cancelled. >> when you run for president, you better have thick skin. >> did the late night show go too far? then, tom cruise takes over new orleans. >> tom's behind the scenes stories from his nearly 40-year career. >> that night i'll never forget. >> and number three. kim kardashian's first l.a. sighting since the robbery. as we countdown the top three kardashian moments making news today. >> plus, your "insider" bonus. before taraji p. henson ruled an empire, she struggled through a difficult childhood. >> you and your mother were mugged at gunpoint? >> inside her frightening confrontation. >> today we may not be alive to talk about it. >> now, "the insider" tracking hollywood from the inside out. donald trump wants "saturday night live" fired. yes, fired. >> a new day, a new battle. >> you are not kidding. yo joining me now, because louie is in new orleans hanging out with one of the biggest movie stars in the world. >> that's right, debbie, i'm coming to you at the red carpet premiere of tom cruise's jack reacher squel. that's where i got his reaction to his movie milestone. >> can't wait for that. right now, back to the donald.

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