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Pam also tonight. A major election protest in San Francisco. We have a live picture from city hall. Where protesters are now. Reporter dump trump. Messages we have been hearing over and over at the protest. At the height of this process we are talking about more than 6000 people. And this is only in the last hour or so. This see some of the fire that was lit industry. In the last 45 minutes that is when police have lee moved in with your glasstier got gas. Reporter have seen vandalism in the form of broken windows, spray paint and firewood in some of those buildings. Small fires that had been put out. The rams at 880 were closed. As protesters tried to get on to the interested but that was not successful. The has been a backandforth within the last hour with police. The majority of the people are nonviolent. But i have seen people throwing bottles from the pictures that you are looking at. At police. In regards to how many are rest have been made. We do not know. At the very least. There has been detainment tonight. And very likely at a high number of our rest. Reporter we have seen the not my president. When trump says go back we say fight back. And yes we can in spanish. Racism, sexism and Immigration Rights are some of the things that protesters have talked about. This is much difference from just a couple of hours ago. Steve at camp we will continue to monitor to this and bring you updates. Steve there was a protest at las angeles city hall and the protesters have shut down a freeway there and continue to protest. We will bring you updates from there as well. Steve take a look kron4s Hermela Aregawi was on the ground with protestors as they marched across the city. Reporter tonight thousands of people in San Francisco is protest the americas next president as they set out not my president. We spoke of people who explained why this protest is important to them and what they fear about a donald trump presidency. We really as a nation needs to come together and form of immigration and inclusion and i am concerned about civil rights. Are so many of the loss. Landmark laws that we cannot risk of being repealed i am afraid. After the election i just started crying. Because i am generally so scared. Reporter others say they appreciate the efforts of the protest would not think much will come from the results. Everyone is mad and now there is nothing we can do about it because voting was the only thing we could do. I think people did not like hillary or trump and so they did not vote at all. Steve we mentioned the national protests. Lets show you video from pam new york. Pam an antitrump rally at union square in new york city. Protestors marched and chanted in the streets against trump being the elected president. And this is how it looked in chicago. Protestors marched onto a major highway and blocked traffic for hours. In the video, you can see some passengers getting out of their cars and joining the protest. Steve in pennsylvania. An anti trump rally grew near city hall in philadelphia. You can see thousands of protestors marching down theand in portland. You can see aerials showing crowds gathering in streets. Steve you can see People Holding up signs, marching and blocking traffic on a major highway as drivers are trying to get to their destinations. Steve seattle. A Facebook Group had called for the protests. In it, they blasted the Democratic Party for failing to defeat trump. And say its time to build a new party. Pam tomorrow president elect donald trump and president barack obama will meet at the white house. President obama says, the white house will cooperate with the incoming adminstration. Pam today, as mary maloney reports. Both democrats and republicans talked about about putting aside their Work Together following a hard fought campaign. This is not the outcome we wanted to work so hard for. And, i am sorry that we did not win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our country. Never stop believing that fighting for what is right is that were worth it. Reporter former president george w. Bush says congratulations to donald trump and wish him well as he died the country for. His parentsto his family is an hour prayers. Trump says he wants peace. It is time for us to come together as one united people. Reporter that sentiment echoed by president obama. As he looked for to a peaceful transition from a Obama Presidency to a trump presidency. Reporter mary moline, kron 4 news. Pam new at ten. Pam a woman robbed. Right in front of her own home in san jose. The victim says the masked robber followed her to her house. Steve kron4s Lydia Pantazes talked to the homeowner about the violent robbery. Reporter and 71 year old woman attacked right outside of her own home. Happening just before noon on track to the floor and her money stolen. Suspect was pulling her by her wrist and harm. To look like he is trying to pull her arm out of her socket. She will have to deal with the bruising. Believes she was followed home. And we believe there was a driver and passenger in the vehicle. Reporter to this see a man walking toward her with the dark hood and pants and a mask. 33 im not sure this is one of the clown incidents to it that people have been seeing in the news. There are a lot of children and this is very disconcerting. Reporter the family is bringing a 5,000 reward if you have any information. Brittney with a closer look at tomorrows forecast prepared by 9 00 a. M. Partly cloudy skies. Low sixties for the inland locations. Close to 70 degrees for the coast. By 3 00, mostly sunny skies and the analyst spot closest to 80 degrees and should be another beautiful day. Pam thank you, brittney pam new at ten. Police are on the hunt for a in los altos it was all caught on surveillance video. Pam it happened at a home near and miramonte avenue just before noon on friday. Police and a k9 unit people to stay indoors. Schools in the area were under lockdown during the search. Steve coming up it is people behaving badly before. Stanley roberts hits the streets with a chp officer equipped with a police body camera. Steve but first. Suspected thieves accused of preying on the most vulnerable only on kron4 how police say a cancer patient was targetted in the hospital. Only on kron4 pam only on kron the4 pam an elderly couple became while in the hospital. It happened at john muir kron4s alecia reid tells us how police say it happened. Steve police have identified two more bodies found on todd kohlhepps South Carolina property. Reporter officers identified the two other bodies. As 25 year old Meagan Leigh Mccraw coxie. And her husband 29yearold johnny joe coxie. Preliminary tests suggest, hence reporter and forcefully this is a case where someone had criminal activity on their mind. Unfortunate language they noticed their identities have been stolen what credit cards started calling about fraudulent purposes. Purchases technical difficulties decision 2016. male announcer this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. Steve supporters of legalizing marijuana can claim victory tonight in california. Proposition 64 passed with 56percent saying yes to Recreational Marijuana. Midnight. Steve kron4s rob fladeboe has a closer look at the new rules. Reporter atif and when communities like san jose decide to allow the sales of Recreational Marijuana under prop 64, it might look Something Like this. Like the existing 16 Medicinal Marijuana dispensaries already doing business. Sean kalirai is a consultant for the industry. Reporter under prop 64, people over 21 can possess an ounce of you cant smoke it in public or near schools or youth centers. For now, recreational users cant buy marijuana from medicinal dispensaries but that could change as communities implement their own rules, Wellness Center consumers now and 2008 detained it will be safe for their consumption. And two dozen 18 it will be safe for their consumption. 2018 reporter through licensing and taxation, which will be much higher for recreational pot, prop 64 might generate a billion dollars annually. In the interest of preventing a proliferation of new despensaries, communities might consider a hybrid system with separate reporter entrances and transactions. From prop 64 may be the decriminalization aspects of the new law. Reporter other california propositions on the ballot last night. Voters defeated prop 62 a measure to repeal the state Death Penalty. Reporter it would have replaced executions with life in prison. California has the nations largest death row population. More than 700 felons. The state has executed only 13 prisoners since the Death Penalty was enacted. Pam a rival measure. Prop 66 did pass it is designed to speed up the appeals process for executions. Pam and voters have expanded some of the nations toughest gun control measures. Prop 63 bans large capacity requires background checks for ammunition sales. It would also speed up the process to take away guns from people no longer allowed to own them. Pam and our decision 2016 coverage continues online. You can check results on will kron4dotcom. We have a special election section. With the big national and local races. Haul brittney another bidder for debt on tet for us tomorrow. 62 degrees to, still above average. More and senate for us tomorrow. Slightly cooler as we approached the weekend. Satellite radar showing us clear skies and that will continue into tomorrow shot that will bring the sunny skies. We are checking another week servantsdesk disturbance. That could bring showers are around two to 3 00 in the morning. Brittney tracking dense f o g for your morning commute. 73 would be the high. Temperatures in san mateo at 77, los 70s for daly city, closer to 80 degrees in pittsburg and antioch. If you are closer to hayward, at 77 degrees. Wouldnt brittney expect temperatures at 80 degrees in san jose. Brittney and your three de plata shows more of the same for thursday and friday. And your three day planner shows when we brittney i am also trekking and slight chance for showers in the 7 day forecast and i will have beckham for you it just coming up in a few minutes. Pam i was just about to ask about that brittany. laughter pam still ahead. The east bay. Staged a major protest today against the election of donald trump. Steve and next youve heard of brexit how about calexit . The new movement that wants california to leave the california to leave the california to leave the we live in a pick and choose world. Love or like . Naughty or nice . Calm or bright . But at bedtime why settle for this . Enter sleep number. Dont miss the semiannual sale, going on now. Sleepiq technology tells you how you slept and what adjustments you can make. She likes the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. So your sleep goes from good to great to wow give the gift of amazing sleep. Only at a sleep number store, right now save 500 on the queen cse mattress with sleepiq technology. Learn more at sleepnumber. Com know better sleep with sleep number. This just in to the kron 4 newsroom. Steve this is to submit to earlier. A disease fighters were set. And thousands of protesters were out. You can see five years or sat. Pam thousands of students in the today. Demonstrating their disspaointment over the results of the president ial election. Pam in this video from our abc7 news. You can see students from Berkeley High school marching down the street. Reporter in oakland students also decided to protest the election results. To kron4s Haaziq Madyun about their motivations for walking out of school. Reporter it is the day after donald trump won the president ial election and hundreds of Technical High School walked out of class to protest for a variety of reasons reporter you take part in the walk out . Yeah i did why . Because i dont feel like represented. Reporter you have latino background . Yeah reporter you got folks that are concerned if he is the president . What are they saying to you . That im not going to be able to see them because they dont live in america reporter why did you walk out of class today . I walked out of class and did represent somebody thats not for us reporter this is the school principal. As you can see the walkout reporter so this was a peaceful protest . Yes it was, yes it was, oakland tech has a legacy of students being heard and pushing the world to think differently reporter after walking out the class and finished out the school day. In oakland Haaziq Madyun kron 4 news steve similar protests at other high schools. In el cerrito video shows a steady stream of students staging a walkout. De steve the group was estimated toand in alameda students at Encinal High School also walked out. male announcer now, heres Stanley Roberts who found some people behaving badly. Stanley coming up hey im stopping you because the load that you have strapped on here is not very secure stanley the california Highway Patrol is testing out a new and in oakland kron 4 gets an exclusive look ill have that in the next edition of people behaving badly. Pam and next. Pam new tonight at 10. An explosive side to the marijuana business. Makeshift labs designed to extract the oils that make you high. The dangers of pot. That you might not realize could be lurking next door. Pam we go indepth pam we go indepth tonight on hash oil. Tonight on hash oil. This is the new comfort food. And it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. California grown with no antibiotics ever. Lets get comfortable with our food again. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. male announcer this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. Pam borden news tonight a protest against president let donald trump. President elect donald trump reporter are taking a live look right now to see how willis on the streets. We are still seeing a thousand people on the street but not nearly what it was a couple hours ago where it was more than 6000 people. There has been destruction and there has been damaged. One of the number of fires that were set inside buildings and the middle of the street. Reporter they are burning what appears to be a pinata of donald trump. Reporter and the last hour or so the police has moved dan using tear gas to break up the Largest Group of protesters causing trouble and the downtown oakland area. We are talking about things like dump truck, phrases that were repeated over and over. Dump trump reporter when trump says, go back we say, fight back reporter as to our rest numbers we now have official are rest numbers right now but we do know there was a number of people in the tank. We do want to go to las angeles because there were thousands of people protesting in the streets as well as a loss angeles. Highway 101 is shut down in both locations. Because they have made their way on to that highway. We have seattle, n. Y. , chicago with a major backups. As protesters state and sit on highway 101. As we receive more details we will update you. Now back to you. Steve wouldthank you. What steve steve the vote over legalizing Recreational Marijuana in this state is done. But now about a new form of the drugits Butane Honey Oil and the process used to make it dangerous. Pam an in depth look at this explosive new trend. We have to warn you some of the images in this report. Are disturbing. Reporter the ignitions happen in an instantand without warning. By the gas used to crank out a highly potent form of marijuana. Reporter but while the explosions happen fastthe dam age to property can be catastophic. Reporter and the injury to people. Can be devestating. And even fatal. What deits not only the person making the butane thats making the Butane Honey Oil they are often other famiy members, children infants toddlers in the house that are being burned or seriously injured reporter the drug is called Butane Honey Oil, hash oilor simply bho but it also goes by shatter smoking it is called dabbing. Its essentially thc, pot in its most concerntrated form. More intesnse, its a new drug really reporter but what makes it dangerousits the explosions associated with making the cannabis extract. Me that a 300 milileader can has enough refined butane that if ignited its vapors could fill a 1400 square foot home. Investigators have approximently the same size as bbq propane tanks inside illegal home labs. Which if exploded could take out a neighborhood block. But because the butane gas is clear and odorless. Innocent bystanders would have no idea of the danger they were in. Until its too late. Its so popular that i would community in the bay area that doesnt have somone making bho at any given time reporter seeing an dramatic increase in patients from bho lab about that part of the story as well the first hand account of from a victim of her injuries tomorrow. Worlds will and always reporter Maureen Kelly kron4 news. Steve you can watch part two of this series on Butane Honey Oil explosions tomorrow night at 10. There is a new development in the criminal case involving this walnut creek Butane Honey Oil explosion from two years ago. Steve charged with arson and drug manufacturuing was aquited by a jury. A second man took a plea deal in the case in exchange for a three year prison sentence. Both men were severely burned and have not fully recovered from those injuries. So i got your test results back and it does show an allergy to cat dander. There are options, but the most effective course of action would be to remove the source of the allergens. Hes got a name. Its herbert. As long as you live with herbert, youre going to have the respiratory symptoms. And ill have the joy that only a kitty cat can bring. Okay, well there are some things we can do to minimize the impact. Allergy shots, a nasal steroid. Does that sound doable . Im in. At john muir health, we know how big the Little Things can be. John muir health. Be heard. Gary sports coming up next later in this broadcast brittney glass all over all the details in my full forecasti will go over all of the details steve steve than our very own Stanley Roberts. Pam however there are new cameras recording your every move and with those. You cant opt out and the catch is. They will mostly record people when they are caught. Behaving badly. Stanley the driver in the red car is about to be pulled over, im out with officers welkinfeld of the Oakland Area Office the california patrol and he is testing a new Pilot Program at the light go straight, straight at the light go straight stanley apparently right is the new straight but at least he pulled over morning, i stopped you for not wearing your seatbelt do you have you drivers license and registrations so while this stop is going on it is being recorded upfront and personal we are getting an exclusive look at new body cams being worn by the california Highway Patrol so why arent you wearing your seatbelt you didnt feel like it stanley you see officers from Oakland Area Office and Stockton Area Office are the only two chp offices that are participating in this Pilot Program stanley let see what the driver thought of this. First the seatbelt issue supposedly data shows that that its just as likely cause you to die in an accident as it is to make you live so stanley and what about the body camera stanley with all the stuff thats going on it keeps them accountable a lot of times civilians or the people that weer stopping realize they are being filmed and it changes their behavior this is citation for not wearing your seatbelt but i need you to sign down on the red box stanley so with all the traffic stops like this truck with a unsecured load that going to be a lot of video you have to wonder where does the video go the Oakland Office is storing all of its data on the cloud stockton which is the other chp office doing this Pilot Program is storing them on servers at the office so its two different styles so we can figure out which works best for our department the camera record everything from the moment they are activated good morning, im stopping you because the load you strapped on here is not very secure stanley so as the officer inspects the truck everything recorded is considered evidence. And after all the video is captured its downloaded and saved and can be played back on a computer or on the state issued ipod stanley so now you dont have to worry about my camera recording you anymore now the california highway has their own body cams and they will be watching everything you do in oakland Stanley Roberts kron 4 news. Pam california was solidly behind Henry Clinton and it is not clear how serious these people are and if they have any longterm direction and exiling from the United States because of their disapproval with the election. Brittney tomorrow, we will seek a nice start to the morning. We are not dealing with a lot of f that means the dry conditions and a lot of sunshine about average. Not a whole lot of cloudiness. But again. Comfortable conditions. Bringing us a few sprinkles over the weekend. This is what it looks like with klaus increasing by friday. Right or wrong to to 3 00 in the morning and 545 with the latest model we conceivably light showers. Temperatures recovering sunday. Dropping the tree five to six degrees. Dropping between brittney we should reach the 80s for cupertino and milpitas. And if you are closer to the east bank sunny skies are expected. With concord as 79 tomorrow creekbe a pretty warm day in certain spots like petaluma. 78 degrees and fairfield. And quite coolly tram for the we can with some showers. male announcer its now time for gary radnich with sports gary good evening pam gary s here is here. Gary dallas just walking through it. Gary Klay Thompson went off with eight great shots. 28 points and 10 rebounds, durant gets down. Gary Harrison Burns added 25 points and eight rebounds. Gary warriors are 6 and 2. Warriors will be in denver tomorrow night. Gary you take a day off for a couple of days off and you will come back in gas would you are hit with spirit talking about don trump as the president elect. There will be a coach sometimes that you like and there will be a coach sometimes that you do not like. If you want to be successful and dominate you have to come together as a people. We have a new leader in place and he will lay out his vision but it is up to us at the end of the day. Gary kapernick did not even a vote. He says it did not matter to him who went in there. Because the system remains intact towards the people of color. Gary evans said hes casting a wide net. Chapman is one of the giants top three options. The other two closers are dodgers Kenley Jansen and nationals mark melancon. In the gm meeting they were reporting that chapman could be seeking a deal worth around 100million dollars. Gary for the second week in a row khalil mack wins a fc defensive player of the week. In their 3020 win over the broncos last sunday night. The allpro pass rusher had two sacks. Forced and recovered a fumble. Gary so far this season mack has seven sacks. Six that have come over the last four games. Last season mack finished the year with 15 sacks. Pam thanks gary. Heres whats next. Gabe i met startups today who are worried about a truck presidency. Trump presidency not getting your best sleep . Could be youve got the wrong bed. Enter sleep number. She likes the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. You can both adjust the bed for the best sleep of your life. Right now save 500 on the queen cse mattress with sleepiq technology. Know better sleep with sleep number. Pam Silicon Valley is bracing for the impact of a trump presidency. Steve kron 4s tech reporter gabe slate met with investors and start ups who say its going to be harder to grow and secure funding now. Aleda and Jonathon Schaffer uhleaduh i couldnt sleep last night freaked out etc gabe uh lead uh and her husband Jonathan Schaffer have a startup based in burlingame called ah say ah their first product they are developing is called the delta glove gabe a wearable Strength Training smart glove that automatically detects and tracks weight lifted, reps, sets, and all exercise you perform. Via bluetooth you get instant feedback to your phone or tablet to improve your workout and make sure you are lifting safely without injuring yourself. Gabe their device is getting a lot buzz around the valley and they have a lot of investor interest. But they are worried president elect trump could slow things down for them and other startups they know. Its no secret. The financial markets. The banks. The lenders. The money people they like things stable when they drop Big Investments on Tech Companies large and small as an entrepreneur and founder you want to be able to plan your business and future with stability with trump that adds more uncertainty also hes been speaking a lot about his plans gabe trumps plans to punish companies for overseas influence startups and investors and how their Business Models and what happens to Health Insurance affects startups a great deal i need to know what will happen with obama care before i can hire people. I need to know if i can offer and afford insurance for new employees. There is a lot of uncertainty coming with trump. Gabe uh lead ah says good startups are resilient and can work through hard times you have to accept what is happening as painful as it is and move on, stay focused, entrepreneurs are optimistic you cant get lost in that barrel of sorrow. You have to work harder to prove your product will have a Customer Base and really iron out your Business Model before going to investors. Wytrgs this just in to the kron 4 newsroom. Sincealso tonight a major election protest in San Francisco. Kron4s Hermela Aregawi was on the ground with protestors as they marched across the city. Return to steve protests happening nationwide. Steve i am steve aveson. Pam and, i am

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