Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 11 20170504

Card image cap (pam) happening (pam) (pam) happening tomorrow. . . republican leaders are expected to vote on the new healthcare bill. . . .which was on the brink of collapse.. . . they would like to have it on the congressional floor by tomorrow. . .but only if they believe it will updates. . . try to target the heart of republican unease about removing price protections for individuals with pre-existing conditions. the deal adds $8 billion to an existing $130 billion fund. . . . to finance state risk pools designed to push down premiums for individuals with pre-existing conditions. . . . in states that opt-out of obamacare's pricing regulations.some key republicans who were firmly against the latest gop repeal and replance plan. . . are now firmly on board after changes were negotiated with the white house. rep. billy long, (r) missouri: "the president said, 'billy, really need you. we need you, man.' i said, 'you don't have me.' i said fred upton and i have been working on some language that if we could get in there would get us both in the position where we need to be on pre-existing conditions to make sure those people are covered, cause they need to be covered. period."rep. nancy pelosi, (d) minority leader "they are not legitimate they have put this forth to make it look like oh we've improved the bill. no. it doesn't improve the bill. and don't let this - this is an insult to the intelligence of the american people. " a previous g-o-p bill collapsed in march, partly because of opposition from freedom caucus republicans. that group is now on board with the new bill...but other republicans say its fate is still uncertain. (steve) it has been five long years... and now, the sierra lamar murder trial wil soon be in the hands of the jury ... and deliberations could begin by the end of this week. the defense is expected to resume and wrap up its closing arguments tomorrow. and the biggest question now being asked .... "is antolin garcia-torres .. the wrong man on trial in the murder of sierra lamar?" lead defense attorney al lopez began his closing arguments by asserting to the jury, there is little evidence garcia- torres killed sierra lamar... lopez attacked evidence and says, investigators failed to look into reports of another car in the area, suggesting... they arrested the wrong suspect. legal analyst steven clark calls this.... a brilliant strategy .. steven clark/legal analyst "anytime you as a defense attorney can point to someone else as the person who may have committed the crime, that's something you have to do and that could resonate with this jury when they decide, one, is she really dead and two, did garcia torres killer her...."(steve) with no body, no crime scene and no witnesses, the jury must decide whether or not to convict garcia- torres based on d-n-a and other forensic evidence. (pam) an east bay community in mourning... after a teen was hit and killed by a train in san lorenzo. and tonight we are learning more about the young victim who was a student at kipp king collegiate high school kron4's j-r stone has the latest details. (jr stone)friends of his tell me terrence liu is the high school junior who was hit and killed by a train as he was crossing a small bridge of in the distance behind me.sot everyone right now is in a state of shock right now of course some did cry but a majority are devastated just trying to take it all in. classmates of high school junior terrence liu reacting to news that he was hit and killed by a train wednesday morning. liu was a student at kipp king collegian high school in san lorenzo.sot he's a very quiet kid but he's actually a very very smart kid. sot i was like oh gosh one of my classmates. everyone was dead silent when that was mentioned at the gymliu was crossing this bridge when he was hit. those with union pacific say he was either walking or riding his bike across. wednesday night was the first time our crews saw a train come through this area and by the time we turned on the camera and started recording, the train was already here. those who live nearby say it's that quick in the daytime too.sot wasn't surprised because i've gone across the bridge and i try not to go across the bridge. a bit concerned that if i get halfway out there i could possibly be in a bad situation. those with union pacific and local emergency crews won't say if liu had his headphones on but there is a fear in the community that he did.sot headphones on? well according to my mom because she actually heard about the incident as well i think he did have headphones on.sot i stay off the bridge because you can't hear anything on either side of the bridge.i spoke with a woman who knew terrence and said it's gotta me tough when this happens to a pretty good kid. she said he wasn't just a pretty good kid. he was an amazing young man. in san lorenzo, j.r. stone kron 4 news. (steve) a major development tonight in the possible federal case against two louisiana police officers - in the july killing of alton sterling... (5 sec nat) (steve) alton sterling was selling c-d's outside a store in baton rouge last year when police responded to a report of a man with a gun... two officers wrestled with sterling...and after someone yelled that he had a gun.... sterling was shot several times - and killed. police say that a loaded gun was later found in his pocket. tonight authorities say there's not enough evidence to prove that either officer violated the federal criminal civil rights law. meaning - no federal charges against those officers. (sot) corey amundson: "all of the prosecutors and agents involved in this case have come to the conclusion that insufficient evidence exists to charge either officer with a federal crime in connection with this incident."chris stewart/family attorney: "we learned that officer salamoni walked up to alton sterling, put a gun to his head and said, 'i'll kill you báááh'. (steve) the family's attorney says they've now learned that the white officer who later shot sterling had pointed a gun at the back of his head ... and threatened to shoot him before they struggled. sterling's family is now demanding a state criminal investigation.... (charles clifford) (haaziq madyun)here in castro valley, the reward for a stolen german shepherd named murfee has just been increased to $10-thousand-dollars. the dog's owner says bring him back safe and the money is questions asked left through the front door. we don't care. we just want murfee back hopefully somebody will realize that a hunk of change is a whole lot better than murfee"> .hot conditions today as ridge apex shifts inland. tomorrow will be another hot today as the ridge begins to exit into the great basin. a modest cooling trend will start on thursday as coastal stratus returns. cooling trend continues friday into saturday when a slight chance of showers is forecast as an upper low approaches the region. locally windy conditions can also be expected over the weekend. i was boozing too much. >> brad pitt's shocking revelations about his split with angelina jolie. >> then under fire, the famous beauties caught smoking in the ladies room. >> should anyone be smoke in a museum that housings priceless works of art. >> the bathroom really was where all the cool kids were hanging out. >> and more jimmy kimmel drama. >> no parent should ever have to decide if they can afford to save their child's life. >> it moved carol burnett to tears. >> to bare his soul like that, it was just -- i'm tearing up right now. >> then killer umbrellas. >> oh, my god. >> umbrellas taking off

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