Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 5pm 20161215

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montana was located giving a private lesson that was not associated with the club. >> reporter: as authorities began to investigate, new allegations began to surface about an incident involving a young girl. >> there was a second victim. we are reaching out to see if there are other potential victims or witnesses to help with the investigation. >> reporter: the tennis club is reviewing their procedures. parents are worried as well. >> i am horrified that this could happen, especially in a learning and teaching organization, it's hor firing that this happened to the kids. >> my children are involved in sports. i have not looked into their coaches. as parents, we need to be doing that. >> reporter: montana was arraigned in superior court today. anyone with information is asked to call the police. in the past two weeks, two bay area teachers were invested on charges involving students. trudy hill was accused of having sex with a student, and another teacher is also accused of having a relationship with a male student. she was a swimming instructor at washington high school in fremont. a man who threatened to carry out a bombing is in custody tonight. he first threatened to jump in front of a train then he threatened to carry out a suicide bombing. the january, jonathan keim -- the man, jonathan keim has been arrested. >> we were stopping buses and trains and patrols got information on the suspect's background so we knew where he lived. >> he was arrested at learn 30:00 this morning. authorities said he did not have weapons or explosives with him or at his home. a who's who of tech executives went to new york city to meet with president- elect donald trump and mike pence, the trump team called it a tech summit aimed at finding ways to bring jobs to america. >> this is an amazing group of people. i will tell you about the hundreds of calls we had asking to come to this meeting. yahoo has revealed a cyber attack on their systems. hackers stole data in 2013. the information includes names, e-mail addresses and other information. they do not think that bank account information was effected. this is separate from a hack in 2014. a lute shower has been falling on the bay area all day. the showers are just a taste of what is to come as a stronger system is expected to arrive tomorrow. bill is tracking it for us, already we have concerns about flooding. >> definitely, it's going to rain a lot. it's going to be a warm storm. look where it's starting from, the high -- hawaiian islands. this system is driving the moisture, then this system over here will trigger the massive rain we are seeing tomorrow. so tonight, scattered showers, then the systems combine over the bay area. we could see maybe four or 5 inches of rain in parts of the hills. whipped gusts can go to 50 miles per hour. you have flood watches in the central valley and in the truckie river, you are going to see rain instead of snow at first and that will cause problems. we have a lot of rain over the last few weeks but we are not had an event like this where we have such aggressive overnight rainfall totals. it's going to be wreak havoc on the commute. >> stay tuned to ktvu fox news and to our mobile app for the latest on the weather. the investment group led by the 49ers to build the stadium is still talking. >> the thing that is new, as we know from a statement from the nfl commissioner, is that the nfl is scheduling meetings today in texas. the plan is to devote $350 millions of land value to help to keep the raiders in la. the chargers are in the same situation and have a chance to move to los angeles. roger goodell spoke about keeping the teams. >> there is not a stadium proposal often the table that addresses the long term issues of the clubs and the communities. we need to continue to work at it. we want to keep our teams where we are, relocations are painful. if they cannot make it work in oakland, that window is open when the regular season is over on february 15th. february 15th the league said they would prefer for the team to stay put. as we said with the raiders yesterday, there are too many moving parts to draw any conclusions at this time. today lott was wearing the hat of a former fort niners great. -- 49ers great. they were at an event for the golden heart fund. it's a foundation to help players after they stop playing. >> it said a lot about the 49ers that we had 15 guys here. they did not need to come. i think that they understood that this will be their legacy, that they are helping out teammates. we cannot run it forever. >> i am not sure that the nfl does not want to support it. they have a lot of people to look after. when we put this together. we thought about making it a league thing but then we said, lets do it for the 49ers and then other teams will say, we need to do this for our guys too. >> it was conceived by lott but it's been embraced by current 49er management. they are 100% behind the project. >> that's something. that's pretty special. >> the thing that makes that significant is, those guys said, this is not a league wide thing, this is to help anyone that is a former 49er, it's open to all generations. it could be someone that played in the 1950s too now. >> you can -- to now. >> you can see how important it is for the players. >> obviously when you have all of those people in the room, you have the attention of the younger players. they were looking at those guys saying, if these guys are doing this, it's something i have to consider in my later years. >> that response from roger goodell did not seem like a proposal for the stadium. >> he said that they do not like relocations. teams are always able too file for a relocation. but there is going tock a great deal of research before a vote comes about and the financial concerns will be investigated before there is a vote. >> what are you supposed to think. this has been going on for so long, what is a raider fan to think? >> do not lose sleep over what is happening. enjoy the product that is on the field. you are waited a long long time for this. they are not going to be breaking ground tomorrow. it's years away. that's a whole cycle for an nfl team, so enjoy what you have going on at the oakland coliseum because they have a good thing going right now. >> as we mentioned a moment ago, president-elect donald trump met with silicon valley tech leaders, they were trying to thaw an icy relationship from the campaign. we have more on the meeting. >> reporter: if politics makes strange bed fellows, so too does the world of business. today offered a chance to make a deal. this afternoon in new york, the midtown sit down hosted by president-elect donald trump. leaders from silicon valley put aside their differences to share space with president- elect donald trump. >> it's good that we have this meeting before the inauguration. >> reporter: part of the team include titans from apple, microsoft and tesla and facebook. they said sitting together in good faith is a good way to bulled a relationship. >> this is an opportunity to have an initial conversation about the policy priorities for silicon valley. >> they talked about jobs, job kreution and repartition of assets -- creation and repartition of assets. >> he wants technology built in the united states by united states companies. not largely sent out to other firms. >> reporter: what may have been forgiven during the campaign may not be forgotten. they signed a pledge during the campaign not to help him create a muslim database. >> regardless of who the president is, silicon valley needs stob at the table, helping to set the policy goals and guidelines. >> reporter: part of those guidelines are trying to figure out the best ways to bring jobs back to home soil and possibly logan the cost of manufacturing. thank you jesse. the city of hayward is looking for a new police chief after announcing diane stuart will retire. coming up, what this means for the department as her husband speaks to ktvu fox news. we saw reaction when a neighbor asked artists to put safety first. now they are apologizing. >> i am sorry for misinternetting your intentions -- misinterpreting your intentions. >> we have more coming up on ktvu news after the break (my hero zero by lemonheads) zero really can be a hero. get zero down, zero deposit, zero due at signing, and zero first month's payment on select volkswagen models. right now at the volkswagen sign then drive event. of reach for far too long:s have health insurance.that's been out how? they enrolled through covered california. it's the health insurance marketplace where you'll find a range of plans from leading health insurance companies that offer you the best combination of quality, rates, and benefits. and, through covered california, you may get financial help to pay for coverage. to have health insurance starting january 1st, you need to enroll by december 15th. visit today. >> we have more coming up on ktvu news after the break ews after the break . there are new developments in the crisis in syria, a tentative new cease fire in aleppo is supposed to begin tonight to allow people to escape the fighting. rebel fighters were also supposed to be allowed to leave, but shelling of the city has continued with civil rights groups saying that civilians are being killed if. in the days after the oakland fire, an argument began between a neighbor and another artist's collective. but they have decided to work together. >> reporter: a week ago, this woman pleaded with a warehouse to bring up their safety codes. >> we think that you are going about it wrong. >> you should try to work with other people. >> reporter: as a result, the owners saw hate filled comments on facebook, but on wednesday, the tension was gone and everyone made amends. they said that emotions were raw. >> one of the first things i would like to say is to apologize for missperpting your intentions -- misinterpreting your intentions. >> reporter: now everyone is on the same page and they promised to work together. later in the day, the fire department stopped by for an inspection. king, who used to live in a warehouse said she had the safety of the artists in mind. >> we have been getting to know each other and we want to see how we can work with each other and support each other. >> she said she will help to open doors for affordable housing. she said she was devastated by the racist comments she was getting and she filled out a police report. >> i do not know how to fill out such a report. it was emotional and angry. >> reporter: they said they want to work together with safety as the common goal. ghost ship fire women michela gregory was remembered today. people gathered to share stories about the 20 year old honor student. she was majoring in childhood vems and she was a member of the metro college success program. her and her boyfriend, alex vega were among the 36 people that died in the deadly oakland warehouse fire. we are getting ready for some significant rainfall. here's how the lay out goes. this system here has been bringing us the moisture all day, then this system here is the trigger mechanism. you can see the heaviest rain and snow in northern california. the commute is messy, i have been talking to people on the roads. it's slick out there but it's not raining that hard. there is going to be a lot of wind because we have cooler air to the north and warmer air to the south. so the winds will be howling tomorrow afternoon and this moisture plume will be slamming on to the shore. we could get a half of a foot of rain in some places. up in lake tahoe, the snow levels are high. they are going to get 3 feet, but it's up above eight -- 8,000 feet. there is going to be a lot of water rising on the rivers and creeks in the foothills and the coastal hills. the whipped gusts will be at about 50 miles per hour tomorrow. it's going to be blowing in the afternoon hours. this is the good part of the storm, it's a one and done. if we had two of these, it would hurt. some of the rainfall rates will cause urban flooding. do not forget the king tides. then add 3 inches of rain and you will see significant water rices on the bike paths near mill valley. i think that we are in the thick of it here in san francisco. it's happening noon thursday. thursday afternoon, as you are getting ready to go home, you should try to avoid the afternoon commute if you can. it's going to be a wet and windy day. but, one and done. we are going to get a lot of rain, sadly, it's going to be runoff. it's actually going to melt the snow in the mountains. there is already concerns about flooding on some of the creeks in the fort bragg area. >> if we get a full day of rain, how possible is it that we see flooding? >> there will be flooding, not massive flooding. it will cause problems. for our rivers, like the napa river, we are watching those. i think that they will be fine. they can go 12 inches of rain without flooding. it's definitely going to be an interesting day tomorrow but you can count on one thing action nasty commute tomorrow afternoon. up next. passionate comments about climate change. >> new at 6:00, authorities looking for a suspect accused of beating his neighbor with a baseball bat. >> amazon make it's first ever drone delivery. >> we have more coming up on ktvu news after the break the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. . president-elect donald trump made it official today. former texas governor rick perry is his new energy secretary. in a statement today, a spokesman said perry will unleash an energy revolution and push back job killing regulations. governor brown is ready to have california fight alone for climate change if it has to. >> reporter: this morning jerry brown got standing ovations during remarks to thousands of environmental scientists. >> you never know what the factors are living in a post fact world. >> reporter: it was a challenge to the incoming trump administration. >> we know what is happening in the world. despite the deniers, the temperatures are rising. habitats are under stress. >> reporter: he sounded like a man that still has his sights on the white house. >> the future of the world depends on you and on the elected officials. >> reporter: he said that the government is filled with people that deny that climate change is real. >> it's absurd. everyone sees the absurd path. by the time we get there, we are ready to go back to sustain ibilityd and truth -- sustainability and truth. we have the laws and the political will and we will set the stage, we will set the example and what ever washington things that they are doing, california is the future. >> reporter: to rick perry. >> we have more sun than you have oil. we are going to use it. >> reporter: as to reports that the new administration might turn off climate monitoring satellites. >> if he turns them off california will launch their own satellite. >> reporter: although president- elect donald trump won the election, most people in california voted for hillary clinton. we have been trying to speak with the governor about the deadly oakland warehouse fire. so far he has been unavailable for interviews. we want to know if he thinks that the housing crisis played a role and how he feels about the fire. we will continue to reach out to the governor to get those questions answered for you. up next, a judge called it a wine ponzi scheme. today a former wine entrepreneur in the bay area learned how long he will spend in federal prison. >> add hayward to the lister of cities looking for a new police chief. what happened to diane stuart. we have an interview with her husband. >> we have more coming up on ktvu news after the break . the hayward police chief announced today that she's retiring after five years on the job. that announcement comes after she was put on paid administrative leave, she was on leave after questions about work her husband had done for the city. >> reporter: we wanted to know the results of the inquiry but we could not get them. during the summer, an anonymous letter implied that there was eye conflict of interest. he is speaking out to us. >> i have worked with every department head in the city of hayward. >> reporter: do you think that you did anything wrong in terms of conflict of interest? >> absolutely not, no question. >> reporter: was it looked atly the previous city manager. >> yes. the city manager looked into the matter. she did some interviews, asked questions, we identified some stopgap measure to make sure that nothing inappropriate was being done. >> reporter: we posed that question to the new city manager of a ward who put the chief on administrative leave. was the investigation necessary? >> as the city manager, it's my job to do the investigation. >> reporter: was it necessary to put her on leave while the investigation was going. we were told that there was an investigation by the prior city manager. >> each city manager has to make their own decision. the city has severed all business ties and relationships with chief stewart's husband. >> reporter: if you certified the ties, does that mean something was wrong. >> i am not implying anything. >> reporter: ties have also been severed with her. do you think that the damaged her reputation? >> she is retiring from the city in good standing. i have spoken out about the positive contributions she made to the community. >> reporter: at this point it's not clear if the deals of the investigation will be released. we were told that they were put in her personnel file. we asked what they cost taxpayers. a four month investigation. the city manager said we may get the numbers by weeks end. >> do we know if it will effect her pension? >> no but she's leaving the city in good standing. there is nothing that says that she did anything wrong. >> it's such a strange thing. one city manager said, it's okay. the next one says, it's not. >> reporter: that's what her husband was saying, he said he called this a witch hunt. in terms of his business, a consulting business, he said he was damaged. he was waiting for the end of the investigation, he is feeling upset that he did not get a resolution at the end of the investigation. now to oakland where quick thinking on the part of an alert neighbor possibly saved lives. she saw frames coming from a home near the bart station. fortunately firefighters were able to rescue of one person still in the house. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. we have an update on the case of a former wine entrepreneur who was found guilty of charging people for wine they never received. >> reporter: john fox prided himself on the place to go for high end wine but the judge called his business a pons yu scheme. cameras why not allowed in court as he was -- ponzi scheme. cameras were not allowed in court as he was sentenced. he admitted to stiffing throws of wine lovers around the world. in court he said he wished he could go back in time to undo what he did. >> i read about them, i saw that they were under investigation. i was like, i am not going to get my wine. >> reporter: he admitted to use the money people gave him for wine to buy things for himself and his family. he spent a lot of money on dates with women he met online. one of the women blackmailed him. fox's attorney said his client is his or her yoi -- sorry for what he did. >> he lost money, his business is no more. his wife left him. he destroyed not only the victim's lives but his own life and the lives of people that loved him. >> reporter: john fox and his company filed for bankruptcy this year. customers can expect to get only a fraction of their money back. uber started to pickup passengers in driveless vehicles but then the state of california put the rides to a halt >> we have more coming up on ktvu news after the break afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. zero really can be a hero.ds) get zero down, zero deposit, zero due at signing, and zero first month's payment on select volkswagen models. right now at the volkswagen sign then drive event. . a 5.0 earthquake hit sonoma county this morning. no reports of injuries or damage, people in the area said the quake lasted for about 40 seconds. it was the largest in that area in three years and it lit up social media. here's what a few people had to say. one woman said, my car rocked like someone was bouncingon it. power poles swayed. another -- bouncing on it. power poles swayed. another said, south santa rosa did not feel a thing, neither did my cat or dog. finally this one says, i feel so alive after the earthquake. california love. so again, no reports of any injuries or damage. police in san diego are investigating suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of the founder of core power yoga. he was found dead at his home. police were called to his home to do a welfare check. his cause of death has not been released. core power is one of the largest chains of yoga studios in the country. it's the season of giving, refurbished cars were the gifts of today. >> we let you know how much rain to expect in your back yard >> we have more coming up on ktvu news after the break over 1,000,000 californians have gotten something that's been out of reach for far too long: health insurance. how? they enrolled through covered california. it's the health insurance marketplace where you'll find a range of plans from leading health insurance companies that offer you the best combination of quality, rates, and benefits. and, through covered california, you may get financial help to pay for coverage. to have health insurance starting january 1st, you need to enroll by december 15th. visit today. . uts a holiday tradition that we have been telling you about for years and it aims to improve the lives of people in need. today, mike's auto body handed over keys to new used cars. >> reporter: it's as if santa and his elves made a pit stop at mice's auto body. he donated five cars to needy families. they had been totaled but mechanics put them together in their free time and they wept to those that needed them. >> i never thought i would get a car. >> reporter: rose got the keys to a handa. she -- honda. >> at my age and being a grandmother, i think of safety pictures. >> reporter: she's raising a nine year old boy by herself. >> i can go places with my grandmother and i can go to the park. >> reporter: insurance is being paid for the first year. mike has been doing this for 16 years, they have given out more than 60 cars to needy families. >> it's a great feeling to give back to these people that we have become friends with now. >> reporter: community action oakland is an organization that gives out minivans to help veterans get to hospital appointments. this woman's son needs to get to doctors. >> this is a miracle for my family. thank you. we are getting ready for some rain around here. we have been talking about it. you can see the clouds off the coast. that whole area is moving in and it's going to bring suggest rain to the region. look at the rainfall as we go into tomorrow. we are talking about the heaviest rain around lunch time. we are going to see accumulations that can go to three or 4 inches. lets look outside. the commute is going okay but we are talking about light scattered showers out there that are slowing things slightly but not compared to tomorrow night. tomorrow we are going to see significant rainfall. lets took at what we have on the satellite loop. here with the two systems. they phase together in the north bay about 9:00 in the morning. here goes the computer model smght you can see -- model, you can see light scattered showers tomorrow morning for the morning commute. around lunch time, it's going to rain hard. san francisco, you see it's going to be raining almost all day. rainfall estimates, just to give i an idea. this is one storm, we have three to 4 inches in the santa cruz mountains. 2 inches in the bay. it depends how fast the storm moves out. i have seen these things stall before. it this stalls out in the north bay you will have problems. so at lunch time it starts to rotate. it's heavy rain throughout the bay area in the afternoon commute. that's going to be dropping a lot of rain. we are going too saturday and sunday, things dry out and cool off but tomorrow is going to be a wet one for sure. it's going to be wet, it's going to be windy. we have wind advisories and urban small stream flood advisories. we are going to be here all day watching the weather. we will have cutinning in the afternoon to keep you updated. an uber ride in a driverless car. pickups started today in san francisco but coming up, why the state of california ordered the rides to stop. >> the future is now, amazon makes it's first ever drone delivery. we tell you where and show you how it works. >> we have more coming up on ktvu news after the break . self-driving cars are expected to be the wave of the future and today driverless cars started to pickup cars in san francisco. within hours of the move, a taxi dash cam saw one of the cars running a red light. by the afternoon, state regulators had ordered uber to halt the san francisco driving service. >> reporter: it was a head turner, self-driving uber suvs. they stopped pedestrians in their tracks. >> it will not get sleepy or drunk. >> it's fascinating. >> reporter: but while the roll out of the new technology impressed many, others had doubts. >> i am not comfortable yet. >> reporter: within hours of the launch, a dash cam caught this video of a self-driven uber running through a red light. this a statement, a spokesperson for uber said this is due to human error. vehicle was not -- this vehicle was not part of the pilot. for the past few hours, we have not noticed the cars picking up many passengers but this uber picked up a woman. >> i requested a ride and the next thing you know, it's the self-driving car. >> reporter: she said the backup driver and the uber engineer were present but for the most part, the car drove itself. experts said uber was treading a fine line because they did not get an autonomous testing permit. by the afternoon, state regulators put the brakes on the launch. but people are still excited about self-driving cars. >> this is the city to to it in, we like innovation. ktvu fox news at 6:00 starts now. dark clouds and rain, tonight another storm system is making it's way to the bay area. the heavy rain is expected to start tomorrow morning in the north bay and then move south. it's the latest in a series of december storms. we are looking at the conditions at the bay bridge. you can see the san francisco sky line, it's clear now but earlier we saw drizzle and a lot of dark clouds. >> the wet weather is already making a mess in the north bay, check this out. this truck making a coca-colaa delivery turned over. our chief meteorologist is tracking the rain. >> there is heavy rain on the way. as we head into the bay area tomorrow, it's going to be wet. it gets going by about noon or 1:00 in the bay area. it's going to be later, mid morning, early afternoon and through that. it's raining all day thursday. we have wind and rain, the snow levels are going to be significantly high. i think we will have urban and small stream flood advisories by 3:00 in the afternoon. the atmosphere is being primed. the drizzle out there now is making the drive

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