Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 430am 20160803

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. that will wake you up. >> it's a very good solid. >> i think it's what you listen to on your way home him. dust. >> --. >> let's get to this. it will be about the same as yesterday. there is not as much fog and, it will be in the 60s and 70s around the bay. and if you are far enough inland, temperatures are starting off on the cool side. 60 san jose, a good friend here. 50 santa rosa, and east bay temperatures yes, we are having a problem. some of this data is missing. there is not as much of a breeze. temperatures in the system, and another one will be stronger. that will bring a cooler pattern. it looks sunny for everybody. maybe around noon or later. it will be hot. and it is cooler tomorrow. we had in accident in the south bay a but for the most part the bay area is looking pretty good. the roadways are moving quite nicely. if you are heading out of the door you will be doing well. if you're coming out of vacaville or fairfield that is the super commuters it looks very good if you're going down through vallejo and heading towards walnut creek he will be doing okay. also in emeryville, this is what you'll see. traffic is beginning to build. but, some flashing lights on the side of the road. and, in the berkeley area, also hear the san mateo bridge. you can see that is moving along pretty nice. the traffic on the right-hand side moving towards the peninsula and it will also give you a heads up, highway 9 into the saratoga area, shut down in both directions still at big basin way as the chp investigates a deadly accident. so if your travels take you through that area, it is shut down. enqueue. in just a few hours, hundreds of people who work for the court system will go on strike. we are talking about how this move could severely impacts court operations all day long. >> reporter: good morning, if you are planning to come to the main courthouse here in san jose, or really any courthouse you may want to rethink that. there will be long lines, and hearings may be canceled. the union representing more than 300 court clerks and legal researchers will be going on strike at 7 am in front of the hall of justice. these people are demanding better pay raises, they haven't received a raise in eight years. court officials scrambled all yesterday to get a contingency plan in place. managers will fill in to do clerical work but there is going to be limited staffing and services. >> there is a little bit of uneasiness about what will happen. everybody is trying to support each other. >> this will affect all the courts which spanned from palo alto to morgan hill. they are saying that their cases may not be heard that they could be delayed. they have also been told that arraignments, they'll hearings in anything dealing with the criminal justice will take priority. court officials say that they are going to have to evaluate this morning. court proceeding start at 9 am so they need to see how many people will actually strike. that happens at 7 am. then they will be able to know what they are dealing with. the union will be speaking to us in the next hour. so you will hear from them and also, we will tell you more about this impact on people who plan on showing up. >> it will be great to get that. thank you. $130,000 settlement it has been reached in a lawsuit filed by four women over unsanitary conditions at the santa rita jail. they were arrested during a protest in oakland in 2014. when they were taken to jail they said they were shocked by the conditions. they claimed they had to go through humiliating strip searches found overflow toilets, and overcrowded shells -- cells . >> there was species on the wall. in one corner there was bloody clothes. and in the other corner there was sandwiches. it was -- the stench was remarkable. >> as part of the settlement the have agreed to regular cleanings as well as garbage bags and sanitary pads for female inmates and a privacy curtain during strip searches. turning to developing news, it killed five people and injured 16 others it is a story that we followed yesterday. the transportation board is sending a team to investigate what happened. the bus was coming from mexico it had stopped in los angeles when it drifted off of the road and slammed into a steel pole near the city of livingston. there are about 30 people on board the bus which was heading to washington state. authorities are trying to figure out why it slammed full speed into the pole of a highway exit sign. it basically sheared the front of the bus and went to third steep. one of the survivors is a 12- year-old girl traveling. she was trapped for hours. >> i woke up and i was on the floor. we crashed into a pole in it opened up the bus. i was scratched and it hurt a lot. >> that's scary. some passengers say was trying to pass a car on the freeway but the car did not allow the bus into the lane and may have ended up running it off of the road. it seriously injured passengers who were rushed by air. one of the injured is a 57-year- old driver mario vasquez. investigators are not saying much except that he had a valid license. our team and covered -- our team uncovered safety information. auto buses has been cited for 44 vehicle maintenance violations in the past two years. that's according to the federal motor safety administration. the bus involved was last inspected in april and was cited for three violations including one for not having a working brake warning device. and back in 2015 the same bus was cited for other violations including one for the driver driving the bus with a suspended license. some lawmakers say that this latest crash is an example of why they need a new law tightening safety regulations for two or buses. the senate bill to 47 requires the fire resistant bus seats, a data recorder, and aisles during emergencies. they oppose the legislation thing the cost to drive companies out of business. they said it would cost $117 million to retrofit the buses. the focus of a search for a college student will expand into new territory. last wednesday riley went for what was planned as an overnight trip into mount jefferson wilderness area. just southeast of portland oregon. he took food and water for four days. family and friends got worried when he didn't return on saturday. he is a senior at the lewis and clark college he graduated from high school three years ago. they say he is experienced but not familiar with the area where he was going. his parents are in oregon as dozens of searchers as well as search planes are looking for him. they say they are concerned but they are not worried yet. >> he has always been adventurous pick >> he spends all of his money at rdi. he has good gear he is a sensible kid. besides music this is his favorite thing. >> search teams have been intercepting hikers coming out of the area where he said he would be. one of them to take a photo a few days ago of a man by a tent that has raised hopes that it could be riley but the sheriff's office says the photo is too blurry to be sure. the search will expand into the nearby pacific coast trail. the marion county sheriff says an investigation into a spike trip -- strip is wrapped up. it was found in the whitehill open space preserve. it was posted by a biker. it says the biker was one of two bikers who found the strip with its spikes fastened to the ground. now they say, the investigation is over but they are not releasing any other information about a suspect or a motive. in the past, hikers and bikers have disagreed on how the trail area is used. police released surveillance photo of a woman who robbed a bank it happened at about 10:20 am. at the star one credit union near page mill road. they say that the woman waited in line and gave a teller a note demanding money. she is described as heavyset, and in her 20s or 30s with long dark hair. there is a warning from police after a string of threats. they say in one of those cases the thieves raided a construction site and stole $6000 worth of equipment. in another instance someone broke into a home and took jewelry. there were six other similar to that's since july 21. it is 4:41 am. it has been more it's been 10 years that highly publicized fight over fajitas happened between three san francisco police officers. now one of those officers is back behind the new training. but first, the destination for tourists can track your every step. the roadways are looking good for the most part we have two pockets that are slowing. i will also tell you about a bit of an issue that we are tracking on the east shore freeway that might slow you down . starbucks is recalling stainless steel straws because they could be dangerous for children. they came in two sizes and were sold in packages of three. they also came with stainless steel drinking cups. they said it received four reports from people in the united states and canada about children cutting their mouths on the straws. most 3 million were sold. they said parents should not allow the children to use them. the federal administration is giving google. alpha company the green light to test delivery drones. project wing will fly at the largest test the commercial drones so far. it was launched several years ago with the hope that it's drones will be able to deliver packages faster than any other method. it comes shortly after amazon was given the go-ahead to test its jones in the uk. disney is receiving a patent forefoot recognition technology. yes. it allows disney to track the themepark gas by photographing their shoes. the company can gather a photo trail of where their shoes go by using cameras at strategic locations. when people visited last year, about 18 million visited disneyland in anaheim in 2015. >> i wonder if i would replace a turnstile. >> i'm guessing that's why they want to track it. >> may be. we will see. >> traffic flow. >> speaking of that. 4:46 am is the time. >> yes. sometimes it feels like a traffic jam. >> no kidding. >> you have to be very strategic. and, a fast track. >> yes. they should do traffic reports. >> they should. we are tracking one issue here. and, we have some sort of construction work going on. you can see, you have the two left lanes that are close on westbound 80. this is between university avenue and ashby avenue as you are heading towards the maze. and you can see here, you have a pretty significant backup and this is interstate 80 heading towards the maze you are going to encounter a bit of a slowdown. and, you do not know what kind of construction is going to go on. you have the crews here on the side of this freeway. and they have to left lanes closed. and this is between university and ashby avenue. give yourself a little extra time if you're heading to the area. now, he will say that traffic is building on highway 4 out of antioch and pittsburgh. in this is the scene right there in bay point. and we have no accidents or anything like that in a particular area you can see the traffic is beginning to build early on wednesday morning. now, i will show you the tracy super commuters on the map is getting a little busier over the altamont pass. but it is still a good time to make that ride through the livermore valley. alex, you are more familiar with monsoon thunderstorms than i am. because you are there at one time or >> yes. and i heard what happened yesterday. >> they have been waiting for a while. that monsoon moisture kicks in july and august but torrential rain can hit and when it hits it is kind of spooky. last friday we were on the restaurant and everybody's phone lift up with best lit up. >> -- lit up. >> you know about this, alex. it goes from one end of the horizon to the other. but it is the rain that is the key. >> it catches you off guard. >> yes, and you see these and you say, why is this there? and when it hits you know why. so this was a big deal. i was there last week it wasn't happening. it cools them off. that's really the key. and they ask one is a monsoon kicking in. it's been in tucson. it has not made it to the next. and, the reason why mention this, is because there hasn't been any monsoon moisture since july. i tried to do a quick little update. and, 64, 73% humidity. and, it's going to be hot today. i just couldn't get any observations from there. and, also winters. there are some weather underground sites near there. we will keep an eye on that. it looks like a pretty warm day better. for us, fog is there. and, it went down. half-moon bay 56, monterey went down 10. so as this drop-down, 50s and 60s on your temperatures. and, at 50. there's not much of a breeze south that now five n. concord airport. it's all over the map. statewide we are looking for truckee, and santa barbara is 63. and a lot of that morning -- monsoon moisture. and even up into the sierra. and the first of a couple little things. a stronger one is poised to move down the coast. and this will give us a big cooling trend. it looks very sunny here for everybody. and it usually does burn off. and then, also 90s on the temperatures. we will take you into friday. temperatures below to near average. >> look at this video. >> it's not as much rain as usual. >> they are below normal. they have been below normal since january. and, you can see these coming from miles away. >> when you get these. >> yes, and it just looks like armageddon sometimes. you can see them on the horizon. it can sweep across the desert. >> there was a guy, i was told, he came across 10, they were going five or 10 miles per hour because once you get out in the middle, you can't see a thing. >> i'm with you. i've been to arizona many times and drought in the middle of the desert and you see these huge washes. and like what is that. >> and they fill up very fast. >> they do. >> thank you. 4:52 am. cracking down on crime with surveillance cameras. not, the measure that a north bay neighborhood hopes to get on the november ballot. and the effects it would have on taxpayers. many residents say they are having trouble with insurance companies. welcome back. a lesson this morning for anyone who owns a home and worries about fire, flood, earthquake insurance. they say they are not getting all the money they are entitled to. they are accusing insurance companies of not paying up. william and susan dawson's home burned to the ground in middletown. they say that their insurance company, state farm is paying them 70% of what they were insud four. they have hired a claims adjuster to fight for everything that they have been insured four. >> we had enough coverage to more than cover what the estimate is to rebuild and my personal property in a different category, we had more than enough insurance. and we are fighting for every penny that we get. >> state farm has issued a written statement regarding the claim saying, it is committed to processing claims promptly, courteously, and efficiently. large losses may take longer to process than smaller claims due to the complexities involved. that again, coming from state farm. california's conserved less water. there was a 21.1%, compared with june 2014. but in june of last year they cut consumption by 27.5%. the water board says some relaxation is appropriate but they do not want people to abandon it altogether. >> we don't need everyone taking a two minute shower not flushing the toilet every time. but we need them to continue to not overwater their lawns and vegetation. into continue to be efficient with their water usage inside of the house. >> water officials say that with near-normal rain and snowfall over the winter it was expected that people would ease up on the conservation. the bay area volleyball olympian carry walls jennings is looking to win. and, she now hopes to once again come out on top with teammate april ross. she would -- her first match was -- is saturday. >> let's see how they do. coming up, a jet filled with 300 passengers that had to crash land. it burst into flames. coming up, the flames and smoke are caught on camera. good morning. we have developing news to tell you about another wildfire is burning in northern california. the crews working on it, and the evacuations are underway. the current president in the republican nominee both claim that the other is unfit to be president. we will have that story coming up. good morning. thank you for joining us. if you're just waking up it is wednesday, august 3. >> let's talk about weather.

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Altamont Pass , California , United States , Middletown , Canada , Mount Jefferson , Oregon , Saratoga , Livermore Valley , Oakland , Washington , San Francisco , Mexico , Bay Point , Arizona , Berkeley , Emeryville , Anaheim , Monterey , Marion County , Morgan Hill , Clark College , Brian Flores , Pam Cook , Santa Rita , Los Angeles , April Ross , Santa Barbara , Mario Vasquez , Susan Dawson ,

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