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Investigation. However some people are bothered because police are not releasing information on the investigation. Theres a man running around that did this to this child, its sick. I think they should release some information so it can get out to the public. Reporter its been days since the body of conway was found in this park. So far police have not released in the manner that she was killed. The young girl was reported missing by her family. On friday morning her body was found by a person walking through the park. The family says they are getting all their information through the media which they dont like. However thats the only way the police can solve this case its okay with them. If theyre doing an investigation and they have to keep whatever they know to themselves to find whoever did this to her im fine with that. As long as they keep it out there and are looking and they find who did this. Reporter that was the victims great aunt. Coming up, we will bring you the latest. And heres a memorial for the girl, they will be having a candle lit vigil. Ill have more information on that coming up at 6 00. Ktvus David Stevenson live here in the city where the fate of some dispensaries may hang in the balance. David. Reporter thats right, pot came to the usf campus today in a Court Hearing that could change how many californians get their medical marijuana. The anniversary of San Francisco today hosted californias highest court as seven state Supreme Court justices heard arguments on whether cities and counties can ban medical marijuana dispensaries. The core of this case to me is really land use legislation. Zoning, ordnances and the authority that has historyically been vested in the municipalities. Reporter the city has been fighting the standing. If the legislature wanted to include institutions it would have said so. But it has been very clear on the individual possession and cultivation. The Legislature Knows how to say thou shall not ban dispensaries. They did not say that. Their court has never permitted local municipalities to ban what state law permits. That would be unprecedented if they did that. Reporter the case comes after years of pressure from federal agencies. I dont really see the tide turning necessarily. This has kind of been a stalemate. Nonaction. Nothing really lapping. Unfortunately we closed down a lot nothing really happening. Unfortunately theyve closed down a lot of dispensaries. Reporter they expect to release their findings in about 90 days. David stevenson, ktvu channel 2 news. Three suspects in a freeway shooting led police on a child chase. Police released report on a shooting on highway 580 right near keller avenue. While officers pulled the car over on Church Street and arrested one person but then the car raced off again. Police finally stopped it on foothill and 68th avenue thats when they arrested two more people. Theres a footnote here. This is the second time that same audi had been stolen from an oakland dealership. When the car was recovered the first time the keys and remote were missing so the thieves were able to return and steal it again. A pittsburg man is facing felony hitandrun charges after a crash that injured a woman and two young children. The accident happened last night at the delta teanza regional trail. Police say a woman was pushing a 2yearold boy in a stroller while a 7yearold girl was riding her bike. The three were crossing the street at the crosswalk when the car ran right into them. Officers tracked down and arrested 24yearold noah delgado. People be aware that they need to shroeu slow down around this corner. I live at the corner and walk this trail myself. Police say they do not believe alcohol was involved in the crash. Seven homes were burglarized in the past two weeks. One breakin was even caught on surveillance video. You can see two women here knocking on the door. When theres no answer they return to a waiting car and watch what happens here, two men leave the car then come in and kick in the front door. Police say the homeowner had installed an alarm and Security Camera after being burglarized earlier. When the alarm went off, police say the thieves ran out the back door. And near by Moraga Police say two homes there were broken into this week. Thieves mostly made off with jewelry. So far no one has been arrested in any of these breakins. California is one of two states joining the federal government in suing the von rainey agency s p. Tom vacar talks to us about a school where teachers pensions were hard hit. Reporter it all boils down can you trust to business analysts who once say trust them. And when it went back they say it was just free speech opinion. The near total failure of mortgage back securities a few years ago led to the worse recession since the great depression. Pension plans left billions much of which had to be made good by uncle sam. Today we have identified more than 5 billion in such losses results from cdos that were rated by s p between march and october 2007. California says state Pension Plans lost almost a billion dollars on Pension Plans flawed systems itself. S p was very invested in the outcome. Reporter former golden gate analyst says s ps best defense are free speech opinions they were legally required opinions. In order to bring these issues you had to have a rating. Reporter theres a huge conflict on how raters make their money. They werent going to get paid unless they rated these things in a way that assured their marketability. Reporter business folks we met in redwood city today said this. Its a built in conflict of interest right. If theyre getting people paid the people theyre rating and they want to get another contract from them they will get the right rating to get paid again. If they were paid by certain corporations to sway one way then i think that that they should pay. But however if the opinion was given in a total unbias situation then thats a different story. Did they know they were rating a fig on a stick here . Reporter reporting live, tom vacar, ktvu news. On wall street today markets bounced back after yesterdays big sell off. Nasdaq was up almost 41 points. The s p500 finished this day up about 15 points. In alabama, bomb technicians are sweeping the property of a man killed during a raid to free a 5yearold hostage from an underground bunker. Fbi agents are collecting evidence from jimmy lee dyke is property and are planning an autopsy to determine how he died. He kidnapped a boy a week ago after fatally shooting the bus driver. The boy is fine, his sixth birthday is tomorrow and a celebration is being planned as well as a memorial for the bus driver. The trial is set to begin on june 10. Zimmerman claims he shot martin in selfdefense after the teen attacked him. Before todays proceedings family and friends sang happy birthday outside of the courthouse to commemorate what would have been Trayvon Martins 18th birthday. In Southern California two High School Students are recovering from surgery to reattach their fingers that were torn off during a game of tug of war. A boy and girl underwent surgery after the lunchtime accident. The children have not been identified but you saw a get well sign addressed to e at to edith and pablo. The rope snapped and the students fingers got tangled in the rope that snapped and yanked. We will review with personnel come up with guidelines and find out what to do or say we will not do in the future. Reporter the two children are in stable condition but theres no word yet on the outcome of the surgery. Its also not clear how many fingers they each lost and had reattached. President obama is scheduled to visit israel in the spring marking his first visit to the nation since becoming president. The trip was announced just today. According to the white house, the president and israeli president arranged the trip last month. Hes attracted criticism for not returning the president has atracked criticism for not returning. In an initial vote today, Britains Parliament backed Prime Minister cameron to back samesex marriage. The law would also allow civil partners to convert their partnerships into marriage. Samesex partners of military members may soon get benefits. U. S. Officials say defense secretary leon panetta is poised to extend some benefits. No final decision has been made on which benefits will be included. But the pentagon is likely to allow samesex partners to have access to health and wellness programs. The change would come 16 months after the pentagon repealed its ban on openly gay service members. There was a bit of drama today on capitol hill during a hearing on immigration reform. Protesters stood in the back of the hearing room and you just heard them there shouting undocumented and unafraid. Capital police then led them outside. Lawmakers then debated strengthening Border Security and whether to offer citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants in the u. S. But some members warned against rushing legislation without fixing the problem. The representatives of san jose is a member of the committee that met today. As jaquelin fell reported, he has been leading secret meetings on immigration reform. This is a story you will see only on 2. Reporter san jose congresswoman lofgrin has plenty to say publicly about immigration. Its a mess from top to bottom. Reporter but ktvu has learned shes leading critical private meetings about legislation. Mel watt tells us lafgrin is among a few meeting in secret. Shes leading our effort on the side and gutierrez is involved in that. Theres republicans involved in it. Thats the group thats been meeting. Theyve been meeting for a long period of time. Reporter the congresswoman wont talk about it. Are you meeting with other . I am not going to comment on any private discussions were having. I will say im a Ranking Member of the immigration sub committee. I have been involved in this and will continue to be involved. Reporter Luis Gutierrez is looking for lafgrin to pen new legislation. And just when could we see the result of the private discussions. Im very hopeful. Reporter any idea when . I cant say. Reporter the media would second guess and disrupt any compromise in the works the 49ers came back to their santa clara complex for the last time today. Well tell you what team members had to say about the end of the season as they look back and look ahead. A bit cooler out there today. The sun came out but changes are on their way. Ill let you know when they get here and how long they will last. Were following breaking news out of sonoma. A live scene over the scene of what were told is a triple shooting in forestville and there is some new information. Well have it right after the break. [ engine revs ] [ female announcer ] small. [ engine revs ] wicked. And now. Topless. The fiat 500 abarth cabrio. Yuhhuh. We have a wireless receiver. Listen. Back in my day, there was no uverse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. We can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. Why would you want a tv in the closet . [ both laugh ] [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. [ female announcer ] the wireless receiver. Get uverse tv for just 19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. Rethink possible. Breaking news right now. We have more information about the triple shooting that we had at the top of the newscast. These are live pictures now from news chopper 2. The Santa Rosa Press is now reporting that all three of those people were killed. The shooting happened on douglas lane in forestville. Police are there invest baiting. We are working to get investigating. We are working to get more information. As soon as we do we will bring it to you. The headline at this hour, three people shot and killed at a home in forestville. When we get more information well have it for you. Ravens. Its a little hard for 49er fans to watch but that was baltimores major Stephanie Blake helping thousands of raven fans welcome that team home to celebrate their super bowl win over the 49ers. The victory parade started with a ceremony at city hall. Along with the lombardy trophy, they were carried on military vehicles and trucks to a celebration at the ravens stadium. At that very same time. The San Francisco 49ers were cleaning out their lockers and looking forward to next year. Ktvus robert handa live in santa clara. You really sensed a change in attitude in the players today. Reporter yeah, though it is tough to get over a loss, it made it easier with the stadium being built so quickly. There were mixed feelings as players, coaches and Team Personnel cleared out their lockers today. Its tough, weve been through a lot together. Were here with each other all the time. Its like leaving your family. Reporter a common but not particularly popular topic was the super bowl. But there was a noticeable difference in attitude. Immediately after the game, many players were upset over some of the referee calls and no calls in the locker room today. It was not time. Last year you looked we made some progression from where we were. This year we went a step the next step. So its all about progression. Reporter head coach jim harbaugh said essentially is same thing as he conducted his final news conference. He praised the ravens, his own coaches and players and pointed out that most teams that get behind 22 points usually lose by 40. Our team clawed and competed almost all the way back and didnt lose their faith. Reporter and the 49er faithful outside the complex today agreed. Many said they havent forgotten what the team was like before harbaugh arrived. Were very happy. We went through all the years when they were losing. We still watched the games. They were still exciting but now its really exciting. Reporter it is a team that has a lot to look forward to. Coming up at 6 00, more with the players and coaches on whats ahead for the future. Including who will still be here and who will come. Remember that budweiser clydesdale commercial, the 3 weekold horse used in that commercial now has a name. Anheuser busch held a social Media Contest to name the horse born in missouri. After more than 60,000 tweets, Facebook Comments and other messages the name hope was chosen. That 60 second spot showed the horse being raised by his trainer and then showed their reunion years later after the horse was all grown up. Superdome officials are still investigating the cause of the super bowl black out. Even as documents show they began worrying months ago about losing power during the big game. The authorities warned in an october memo that tests showed decay and chance of failure. Subsequently 600,000 has been spent to upgrade the electric feeder cable system that work was done in december. At this point superdome officials have hired outside experts to pinpoint the cause of the 30 minute failure. The stadiums Management Company and entergy have been unable to come to a conclusion. They expect it to take days to determine the cause. Two former officials for a Helicopter Company from oregon could get 30 years in prison because of a deadly Fire Fighting accident in northern california. You may recall back in 2008 the crash of a helicopter that killed seven firefighters and two crew members in trinity county. Last week a federal grand jury in oregon indicted the former Vice President and the former maintenance chief of carson helicopter for allegedly falsifying information about the helicopters. The chopper was so heavy with the firefighters on board that it crashed into some trees just after lift off and caught fire. We have been so dry for so long but according to our chief meteorologist we are getting a little bit closer to some rain. Were getting a little closer to some rain. The systems dont look that juicy or that powerful but its something. Because heck weve been so dry. That means pretty dry for the rest of us as well. We need some rain. You look at the live Storm Tracker 2. You can see some activity in the pacific. We had a little weak system. That brought a little drizzle to places. Heres the system were tracking right here. This system is going to work its way and move into the bay area as we get into the next 48 hours or so. Its a nice looking system but it doesnt have a lot of moisture tied into it. Thats a concern. As we look at the close up here you can see a few clouds over head. It was foggy this morning when you woke up. I suspect we will see more of that tomorrow. More sunshine tomorrow. These are the current temperatures. Its 50 in nevato so thats pretty cool. We can go offshore a little bit and check out the buoys. The winds are supposed to pick up in the next 48 hours or so. Its not going to get giant but the swell is coming up. So if you have any business offshore you will see 10foot swells. These are the forecast overnight lows. Kind of chilly but not that frosty. You will find some frost. The frost the thing im most concerned about. Visibilities are variable. Some areas had some okay visibility. Tomorrow morning is the same thing. Wednesday morning like this morning. Clouds tomorrow morning. Then a burn off we should see plenty of sunshine tomorrow afternoon. And temperatures you know 50s, upper 50s kind of a thing. Wednesday looks like a very nice day. Nicer than today. More sunshine. And temperatures just maybe a degree or two warmer in some places. The cool showers show up as we get into thursday. It is a cooler system. And i always tell you that. You get a cooler weather system and they hold less water. Its just a higher latitude storm. That means lower snow levels but as far as precipitation and major rainfall and major snowfall not really in the works. Heres the computer model. Im going to run it through as we come back here over the next 48 hours so you can see exactly when the rain starts and when it comes through. Why a huge company with stores all across the country is now rationing the sale of ammunition. Its called smilecon but it has nothing to do with smiling. How this conference is helping Law Enforcement fight crime. Some consider it a Million Dollar bundle. What is in the works for facebooks ipo. Parting ways with the pledge of allegiance. A Bay Area City Council member tells me why he wants to drop the practice. My motivation is not about being anti patriotic. Facebook fatigue. Why the majority of people say they are taking a break from the site. And paul has come a long way and is looking for a new home. Why he can turn your next vacation into a rescue mission. Hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. Thats true. But you still have to go to the gym. The one and only, cheerios. And now. You [ giggles ] the one and only, cheerios so you no doubt have heard of comiccon. Now theres smilecon. We has a suspect wanted for robbery. We posted that suspect on our website we got feed back that led to his arrest. Reporter Fremont Police are among 25 area Law Enforcement agencies that are taking part of the program. Fremont police use something called nixel to send a video to the news media. If camera caught a woman stealing a ups package from somebodys home. Sunny vale police also say they are using social media to investigate crime. Oftentimes the suspect is not necessarily tweeting or posting something on facebook but a friend of that person is. If we can start making connections to relationships thats oftentimes how we come to the key suspect in an incident. Reporter officers attending smilecon are also using this opportunity to network with other agencies to see which social Media Methods work best for Law Enforcement. The Worlds Largest retailer is now rationing its supply of ammunition because of growing demand. According to a state from wal mart customers are now being limited to three boxes per day. Experts say the demand for ammunition across america jumped when the president was reelected and picked up again after the tragedy at the newtown connecticut shooting. Nasdaq executives are in preliminary talks with regulators other potential settlements on the botched ipo. The day that facebook went public, the nasdaq got stalled in a loop. Confirmation orders were stalled for three hours. The delay cost brokers and investors 5 million. The two are discussing a fine of 5 million. In recent weeks the cost of driving has gone up. How high above 5 a gallon might gas prices go . And we continue to follow a developing story out of the north bay. Where three people have reportedly been shot and killed in forestville. A reporter is now on the way to that scene. Want a better relationship . Bay Area Researchers say you can have a more satisfied marriage in just 21 minutes a year. . n we are getting new information about the Police Activity going on in forestville it is a developing situation that weve been covering throughout this newscast. Were now getting information that three men were found dead inside of a home there. The incident began just after 3 00 p. M. At a home on ross station road near highway 116. Thats right between forestville and grayton. The Santa Rosa Press said someone called 911 from the home to report the discovery of three bodies. What were showing you here are live pictures from the scene coming from news chopper 2. Early reports indicate that all three men were shot. At this point there are no details yet on when the men were shot or exactly what happened inside this home. We are sending a reporter ken wayne to this scene. If ken gets more information from there on the ground we will bring it to you right here. In just a month. Gas prices have jumped way up and were approaching 4 a gallon on average. Ktvus Ken Pritchett live in berkeley with the factors that could be pushing gas prices so high and just how high they could go. Reporter anyone who commutes has seen it in the last couple of months and they could see it approach closer to 5 in the next coming months. It might just be easier to stare as the nozzle than look at the numbers coming up on the pump. I dont like it. Reporter with some bay area stations 1 penny shy of 4. I dont understand why they keep going up and down. Every part of the country is seeing gas prices go up. Not too many of them are seeing prices go up as aggressively as weve seen in california. Reporter ken lescoski is with gas buddy. Com which tracks gas prices station by station across the country and theyre trending up. The current average for a gallon of regular is 3. 93 according to gas buddy. Com. It was 3. 66 one month ago a jump of 27cents. In san jose regular is 3. 86 a gallon compared to 3. 58 a month ago up 28cents. Refineries are trying to reduce their inventory of winter blend gas as they switch to a summer blend. That means the refineries are producing less gas, this creates a tighter supply. Reporter crude oil prices have increased and a weak dollar is sending prices up. In short the explanations are many. For those paying those prices. I think thats a bunch of malarky also. It keeps going up, thats the only thing that seems to be consistent. Reporter gas prices will peak in april as high as 4. 60 a gallon in april. In berkeley, Ken Pritchett. It turns out that a bigger chunk of our paycheck is going straight into the gas pump. We pumped about 5 of our incomes into the tank last year. Theres almost 3,000 a year. In some areas drivers are shelling out more than 5 a gallon. The National Average price for a gallon of gas is now 3. 63. Thats up 17cents from just one week ago. The San Francisco oakland area now shares a dubious distinction with los angeles. A new traffic study lists them as tied for the second most congested urban area in the country. Drivers in both areas spend an extra 61 hours a year dealing with traffic. Washington, d. C. Took the top spot for worse traffic. The south bay ranked 29th. The study was done by the texas transportation institute. Two california lawmakers today proposed that gun owners be required to have liability insurance. The proposed law would force gun owners to have insurance to cover any damages or injuries resulting from the use of their firearms. Assemblyman ping of San Francisco who coauthored the bill say its similar to requiring car owners to document their cars. You now have another option when booking a flight. Delta airlines is adding service to san jose starting on june 10. This will be the first time delta has flown out of san jose since 2008. This also comes one day after Virgin America announced that it is also starting nonstop service from san jose to l. A. X. 21 minutes a year. Bay Area Research essay thats all it takes if you researchers say thats all it takes if you want to have a better marriage. John fowler tell us how it works and what you have to do here. Reporter just in time for valentines day. Couples no matter how long theyve been together can Stay Together longer if they do this one brief exercise together. Couple satisfaction naturally declines with time. I am trying to improve our relationship although we have a very good relationship. Reporter theyve now found a way to maintain couples satisfaction. Its not magic. Its very important people understand its not magic. Reporter walton says its one seven minute session every four months. Thinking and writing objectively about spousal conflict and ways to reduce it. You reflect that back to me. Now its an easier situation. Together we can be a more functional couple. I probably could have done more of that in my own marriage. Yeah i think it can be helpful. Reporter walton says he was surprised at the magnitude and durability of this effect that these brief interventions seem to work not just for married couples but also with struggling students. Bullying kids and others in stressful situations. The psychological intervention can be brief and impactful because they really get people to engage in the key psychological issues that continues through that that trajectory over time. A lot of relationships dont have good communication. I would think thats not enough time. Sometimes they are just disagreements and its not going to help. Reporter taking an objective third party point of view helped people focus more clearly. They did not share this with that spouse. Since satisfaction and happiness tie closely with help 21 minutes a year privately reappraising your conflicts. Reconstructing a king. After discovering the royal remains in a parking lot, were getting an idea tonight of what king richard might have looked like in real life. A court confrontation. What a woman said and did during a Court Appearance that angered a judge and landed her in jail for 30 days. President obama is pushing congress to take action in a new warning about the fiscal cliff. He said today that automatic spending cuts dont have to happen if lawmakers can agree on a short term reduction package. They were postponed with a previous short term fix in december while Congress Works on a long term plan. But those cuts are now scheduled to kick in on march 1st. Our economy right now is headed in the right direction. And it will stay that way as long as there are no self inflicted wounds coming out of washington. The cuts will reduce federal spending by 8,500 split eventually between military and domestic programs. We told you at 5 00 that the remains of richard the iii had been found. Well tonight were getting an idea of what he looked like when he was alive and here he is. This sculpture is based on the remains of its skull. The 15th century english king was known as an evil hunch back. Britain is now preparing to rebury the mononarc. A young woman is spending the next month in a florida jail because of something she said and did in court. Did you say [ bleep ] to me. Actually i did. Did you say that . Yes, sir i did. Oh you did say that. I found you in direct criminal content. 30 days in criminal jail. 18yearold Penelope Soto had just flipped off the judge. The judge ordered soto to be held on 5,000 bond to which she laughed and said adios. Its a familiar scene in the child friendly skies, babies and children under two flying for free on an adults lap. Who wants that option taken away from parents. Back here in just a few minutes were going to talk about that rain that is headed our way and well see you back here. Parting ways with the pledge of allegiance, a bay area city lawmaker wants to drop the tradition. My decision is not about trying to be antipatriotic. And facebook fatigue. Why some people are taking a break. And paul could be turning your next vacation into a rescue mission. Tonight at 6 00. Lets go ravens. The streets of San Francisco were filled with pudding today. Delo delivered pudding as a consolation for the loss. The pudding was delivered to five locations throughout the morning. One give away included an appearance by ronny lott. Look at him. One of the nicest persons ive ever met. I guess were tracking changing weather. We had a major earthquake up by indonesia. It was an 8. 0. Lets take a look at the map and show you an idea where the earthquake was. Live Storm Tracker 2. They call it the Santa Cruz Islands they had a major 8. 0 quake. What were looking at the tsunami Weather Center is decides on whether to issue an alert for the hawaii islands. The island is the big concern right now. As i get more from the tsunami Weather Center ill let you know. We could have something issued in the next couple of hours or in the next few minutes. Heres what we have. We have some clouds over head. We have some patchy coastal fog and inland fog this morning. Most of that activity has died down in terms of going away. Were seeing sunshine out there now. There will be fog again tomorrow morning. We had a dose of it this morning. But thats a dry pattern for tomorrow. The rain gets in here on thursday. This system as it pushes in will bring showers. It is not a strong system as all. Its a cooler system or colder system. Doesnt hold a lot of water. So as it gets here we will see rainfall accumulations of you know. 1 of an inch would be really good for us. Computer model then, here we go tomorrow morning, some fog in the valley. Therell be fog around here wednesday morning. Wednesday afternoon, looks like a really good day. Here comes thursday and thats where the shot of rain is. Here we are thursday morning, right. That looks like a thursday morning commute. That looks wet to me. Your thursday morning commute looks showery. Here we are thursday afternoon. Therell be some widely scattered showers after that. Right now the timing of that looks as if thursday morning has the best bet for showers. Maybe some scattered showers into friday morning. Ill be tracking that for you. And even into friday afternoon. This is the kind of thing you may get a thundershower out of this. Fog along the coast tomorrow morning. Tomorrow a day much like we had today. A little bit warmer because there will be more sunshine and thursday things change around. Rainfall accumulations. I mean if we go. 25 were talking a lot. These are the forecast highs for tomorrow. 60 in antioch. Slightly warmer than it was today. San jose 58, 59 in morgan hill. So were staying on the tsunami thing. Again nothing has been issued but an 8. 0 is a major quake. Its a position where if it shoots across the pacific the hawaii islands could be impacted. The founder and ceo of Dell Computer is taking their company public. Martin dell is partnering with silver lake. It will give them 50. 60. Men who watch a lot of tv may actually be lowering their sperm count. Harvard researchers asked 200 men between the ages of 50 to 62 about their tv watching and exercise habits. Those who sat in front of the tv for 20 or more hours a week had sperm counts 44 lower than the others. While researchers found a link they did not prove that tv caused it. Findings appear online in the british journals of medicine. Heres something for dieters to take into consideration. Diet drinks as mixers made alcohol more potent. Those who drank with diet soda got more intoxicated faster. They were 20 more intoxicated than those who mixed regular soda with their liquor. Sugar in your mixed drink actually slows down the effect of alcohol. Lawmakers in at least 11 states including california are looking at plans to restrict the use of drones over their skies. This amidst concerns the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles could be used to spy on americans. It was a topic of conversation on capitol hill today. Sometimes we use remotely piloted aircrafts to conduct targeted strikes against specific alqaida terrorists. States with active legislation to restrict the use of drones include california, oregon and texas. There is a battle brewing in the skies. One that could affect how your young child flies. The National Transportation safety board is recommending children under the age of 2 fly in child safety seats. But the faa is not on board. Though it happened 24 years ago this crash stays with jan brown lore always. She was the lead Flight Attendant on flight 232 when it crashed in sue city iowa in 1989. She was unconscious during these moments but remembers trying to stop a distraught mother from going back into the wreckage for her son. I just had to close my eyes. I can still have a visual imagine of him. Reporter she is getting behind a proposal that would require all children under two to be strapped into a safety seat. Essentially a car seat while on the airplane. Right now those under two can fly free on an adults lap. We found many parents who support the change. To me i was always nervous at take off and landing because if anything happened it didnt seem like you could hold your little guy close enough to you. It would seem that safety seats are safer than holding them on your lap. Reporter but almost all of them had the concern about the cost. I think for our families that cost comes into play when we plan a trip. I understand the reasoning behind it but quite frankly if we have to buy a seat, it might limit the number of trips we can take. Reporter this is what the faa is getting from parents and safety groups. Emails we uncovered through the freedom of information act reading in part, we secure children in cars why not in the air. Saying the faa is totally remiss ignoring the needs for child safety seats and shame on you and your predecessors for not fixing this. At least one Flight Attendant says its common sense. The only thing that i am not required to ensure is towed or ensured or stowed away is a child under the age of 2. Thats inconsistent. Reporter if its safer theyll find a way to make it work. I think its just the cost to fly with baby you just kind of have to bite it. It sucks but i think thats kind of the cause. One concern about a safety seat requirement is that it will force those families who cant afford another airplane ticket to drive to their destinations and statistically driving is more dangerous than flying. Its only been two days since the super bowl but already the 49ers were back in competition today against the San Francisco giants. Where they were facing off. Right after the break. Hello . The words are going this waytheres no way. Oh, the lights came on. Isnt technology supposed to make life easier . At chase were pioneering innovations that make banking simple. Deposit a check with a photo. Pay someone with an email. And bank seamlessly with our awardwinning mobile app. Take a step forward. And chase what matters. The Fourth Annual chevron shoot out tournament teed off this afternoon in pebble beach. The event pits current and former star players from both the San Francisco giants and the 49ers against each other. It was a great opportunity for fans to get out and see some of their favorite athletes and if theyre lucky as you saw there get some photographs too. One of three Design Options to revamp San Franciscos Market Street would also affect mission street. The plan would ban buses on mission and move them one block north to Market Street. Officials say the change would create better commute for riders and improve safety for bicyclists. Its set to cost 150,000. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2017. We are continuing to follow developing news from sonoma county. Sheriff deputy have swarmed a home and there are reports of three bodies inside. We are gathering more information we will update you in just two minutes. And new at 6 00, a battle over the pledge of allegiance. The one east bay city considering striking it from city council meetings. Well, well, well. Growing up, we didnt have uverse. We couldnt record four shows at the same time. In my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. And if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, thats all we watched. And we liked it todays kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get uverse tv for just 19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet

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