Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20160713

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sonoma county sheriff's department says 911 dispatch received reports of an armed robbery in front of the chase bank at lakewood shopping center in windsor. callers reported seeing a loomis armored truck pull up in front of the bank and that another vehicle pulled up behind it. two masked men got out armed with long guns, robbed and shot the guard and fled in a blue suburban. the injured guard was transported to the hospital. a glass door on the bank was shattered by gunfire. an alert with the vehicle description went out to law enforcement that it had fled in the direction of calistoga. later, a police officer spotted the blue suburban about 20 miles away in calistoga on mitzie drive. >> one suspect jumped out and engaged an officer by shooting a couple rams. >> reporter: out of the car? >> out of his vehicle and shot rounds at the officer. >> reporter: the captain says the officer then used his patrol car to hit the suspect and the airbag deployed. that suspect was arrested. the second suspect a man described as hispanic with long hair wearing dark clothes ran from the suburban. this led to a massive manhunt by law enforcement. they went door-to-door. >> yeah. they come to my home and were inside. you know? inside my home. they look outside, inside, outside, all over. >> reporter: between six and 7:00, sheriff's department says the suspect was found hiding in a creek bed in the rancho day calistoga trailer park. the officer was shot at went to the scene where the suspect was found and positively identified him. i just got word from the napa county sheriff's department, really good news. that loomis guard that was robbed and shot, he has been released from the hospital. and authorities are not releasing any further details about him, they say to protect his privacy. julie? >> have you learned anything more about the suspect, possibly their identities or where they're from? >> reporter: when i spoke with the napa police captain or sergeant, he told me that the two suspects have now been identified, one is sergey got some, 24 of antelope, just outside of roseville and the second suspect is 23-year-old ivan morales of lakeport, california which is in lake county. julie? >> amber lee live in calistoga, thank you. dallas now, president obama offered passionate and emotional words today at a memorial service for the five police officers who were gunned down during a protest last thursday. law enforcement officers from all over the country attended the memorial. casey stegall tells us the president honored their work and also asked americans to quote, worry less about which side has done wrong and instead join sides to do right. >> we know that suffering produces perseverance. >> words of comfort from president barack obama in dallas. mr. obama accompanied by vice president joe and jill biden and the first lady telling the crowd of nearly 2000 how the american people stand with texans in this dark time. >> the pain we feel may not soon pass. but my faith tells me that they did not die in vain. i believe our sorrow can make us a better country. i believe our right to anger can be transformed into more justice and more peace. >> reporter: the president arrived in dallas joined by senator ted cruz aboard air force one. as his motorcade made its way from the airport to the memorial site, dozens of onlookers lined the streets. snapping photos and waving. it was a standing room only at the meyerson symphony center. the only empty seat? these five. draped in police uniforms representing each of the llen officers. dallas police chief david brown and dart police chief james spiller. they received a standing ovation's from the crowd. >> with their deaths, we have lost so much. we are grief stricken, heartbroken, and forever grateful. >> reporter: george w. bush and first lady laura were among the long list of dignitaries in attendance and in a powerful moved to show solidarity, law enforcement agencies from around the state made the drive here to say goodbye. the memorial site is less than one mile from where the shots rang out thursday night during a black lives matter protest on the streets of downtown. today as the president spoke, the fbi and atf agents continued processing that 20 square block crime scene. officials say they've collected dozens of shell casings and at least two weapons used by the shooter. one of the biggest mysteries with the investigation so far is how the killer was able to stockpile weapons and ammo at his mother's home where he lived without anyone noticing. >> some of the questions we might not the -- we might continue to ask ourselves the tough questions to make sure we don't leave anything on investigate. >> reporter: unlike most of the speeches that are written for him, the white house says president barack obama was up late last night, consulting scripture to prepare for his remarks here. in dallas, casey stegall, fox news. >> president obama spoke for 40 minutes this afternoon and at 10:30, more from the president and how he undressed racial tension in this country. in the bay area there was a call to action coupled with a call for healing today. in san jose the african- american community service agency responded to recent police killings and the ambush on police officers in dallas. san jose police chief eddie garcia was front and center at the event. he says his department has been making a lot of changes including special training for officers on dealing with biases and procedural justice. >> it's important for us to have difficult conversations in community meetings and talk to the community about what their fears are but equally important for them to understand what our fears are. >> we have children and our children are going to have children and this has to stop. it has to stop with us. >> the african-american community service agency is planning a community forum at the mexican heritage center in san jose. it is scheduled for thursday night at 6:00. new at 10:00, uc berkeley chancellor nicholas dirks is in -- being investigated for improper use of public money. the l.a. times reports a whistleblower claims that dirks received free personal training from the campus sports facility. the former director of the facility told the times that he didn't think it was a violation of campus policy policy. the report also cites allegations of public funds being used for dirks wife to travel on nonuniversity business. dirks said he would not comment on all this until the investigation wraps up. the berkeley city council approved a resolution tonight to oppose plans to close all to- based medical center. nurses gathered at of tonight's meeting to speak out against the closure of the only acute- care hospital. >> when communities lose access to care, the nonprofits, -- wins and communities lose. >> sutter health officials say they want to close the facility because it's not up to seismic safety standards but nurses say berkeley residents could suffer life-threatening delays trying to get through traffic to other hospitals. council members say they want to work with severe health to find ways to retrofit the hospital and keep it open. happening now westbound traffic on the san mateo bridge is down to one lane to accommodate road repairs. this live pictures shows traffic moving smoothly at the toll plaza. the westbound direction is on the right side of the screen. the traffic does slow at midspan where two of three lanes right now are closed for roadwork. expected to be that way every night from now through sunday. caltrans is warning drivers about delays even backups on other bridges like the dunbarton or the bay bridge. ktvu's jana katsuyama is at the toll plaza to explain why caltrans says these repairs are so important. jana? >> reporter: the problem is there is a whole in the deck of the bridge that goes all the way through. you can see as you mentioned the traffic is moving but the test is what comes up now, they closed one lane at 7:00. the second lane at 10:00. across the roadway you can see they have the sign roadwork ahead and the problem is in the middle lane. that's where the whole is towards the elevated section of the bridge where you noticed traffic is slowing down and that means that people going west, this entire week, will be down to a single file one lane. get used to this. from now through sunday, the orange cones and warning signs will stretch across the san mateo bridge. caltrans plan to close two westbound lanes every night for a critical repair on the bridge, a hole that has been opened since june 15. >> when we first went in there and saw the damage, this was a good-sized hole, you can see all the way through the bridge. >> reporter: cruz covered the hole with a metal plate but six days later, the bolts and the plate popped off. >> it came loose, the wear and tear and vibrations of the vehicles. >> reporter: cruise plan to work till 5:00 a.m. every night hoping to complete the work by 9:00 sunday morning. >> commuters such as this man worry about delays. >> i'm always on the bridge. i was -- have a project -- >> reporter: drivers might not see the caltrans crews because most of the preparation work will be under the road. >> working underneath the bridge. the underside so they can actually do the work up on top. >> reporter: bob hall says inspectors do not know why the hole opened up. he says the bridge is 49 years old. >> structure like this, once you get around the 50-year mark, then you have two start doing a lot more serious maintenance on them. so it's not unusual to have a problem like this. >> i remember when they built that. >> reporter: drivers hope the repairs will last. >> got to drive across the bridge. you don't want to be worrying about it. >> reporter: given the age of the bridge, i did ask caltrans a spokesperson about the safety. he tells me after they discovered the whole, the head inspectors go the answer -- the entire span. they found no other holes or other structural problems. they do advise people at -- if it does get backed up to take the dunbarton bridge or the bay bridge where they can suspend some of the work if it looks like the traffic patterns get too congested on that avenue. reporting live from the san mateo bridge tonight, jana katsuyama, ktvu fox 2 news. >> thank you. coming up, northbay family clinging to hope tonight as a desperate plea to find his mother after she was kidnapped for ransom. a life cut short, the investigation into a brutal killing in contra costa county. the what -- the young woman being remembered by those who knew her best. new at 10:00, a controversial adult store set to open in san jose. it's already stirring controversy. hustler hollywood plans to open its first northern california location in a shopping center on south bascom avenue and west san carlos. that's where we find ktvu's azenith smith. the city of san jose says it can't stop the business from moving in despite concerns from neighbors. >> reporter: yes, julie. city spokeswoman tells me the business has every right to be at this vacant building here given it meets all city regulations, still some neighbors say it's not the right fit. to some people it's been an eyesore for years, what used to be an old bank of the west is set to be home to a hustler hollywood star selling lingerie, bondage and sex toys. according to the website a san jose location is coming soon. >> i don't -- i don't think this is the clientele for it. >> i don't shop there. my wife doesn't show up there. so i wouldn't know what to say or what to expect. >> reporter: the company has more than a dozen locations throughout the country. hustler hollywood spokeswoman calls san jose great market with high readership for hustler magazine. the spokesman also said larry flynt is a big fan of the city. >> very surprised. gold wheelchair. >> reporter: bart hendrix says he checked out the site himself two months ago. he thinks the store will provide foot traffic. >> probably bring in a lot more business around here too. you know? because pretty slow around here. >> more people which is always good for the establishments establishments around it. >> reporter: some residents worry families may be turned off. >> because you have restrooms over here, you have shoe stores there, and then you have the dollar tree there and then the next thing, you have hustler lingerie store there? it doesn't mix. >> reporter: the city of san jose says the adult store meets all zoning requirements. it's 500 feet away from a school and 200 feet away from a residential neighborhood and existing adult business. >> it's a retail use, selling legal products, it has the right to be located within that area. >> reporter: the store is set to open in october, the company plans to hire about a dozen people. on the website there are job postings up for assistant store manager and store manager for this location. >> what is the company saying about the neighbors concerns? >> reporter: i brought that up to the company spokesman and he said, well, he tells the neighbors, check it out for themselves. that's what he said. it's a victoria's secret with an edge and a small portion of the store carries adult products. >> thank you, azenith. autopsy has confirmed a palo alto woman found dead in her home was in fact the victim of a homicide. the coroner says 65-year-old jenny lind was stabbed to death at her home on creekside drive and investigators think she may have known her killer. lynn was a trained acupuncturist with seven bay area clinics. she was also an angel investor. police are investigating a number of associates related to business ventures but they have not identified a suspect. in contra costa county, police are investigating a mysterious death of a 27-year- old woman who was brutalized and found on a beach near rodeo. crime reporter henry lee tells us the young woman had a tough life and had lost both of her parents. >> reporter: derek cohen had moved to the rodeo area in january. she loved to hang out at lonetree port along san pablo bay with breathtaking views. seems like everybody knew her. >> she loved people. she liked to make people feel good. that's what kills my heart. as a community we want this solved. >> reporter: this scenic outlook where she sought peace and happiness is where she took her last breath. on july 2nd, a family on a fishing trip found her partially clothed body on the beach at the bottom of a cliff. sources say she was raped and strangled. >> i don't know what kind of animal would do that. i mean, the fact she was tiny and 98 pounds and -- >> reporter: the east bay regional park district police are trying to piece together her last known whereabouts of. >> anyone who knew her or had come across her or was aware of her actions or whereabouts in the months leading up to this horrible tragedy, we would like to talk to. >> reporter: friends say tune had endured hardships in her life, she lost both her parents and was known to frequent homeless encampment. nothing justifies being attacked and killed. >> my heart aches. you know? makes me scared. to have heard that her life had ended so soon. it is so sad. >> reporter: investigators are trying to homeless people and other witnesses in hopes of trying to find her killer. in rodeo, henry lee, ktvu fox 2 news. warming up out there, your bay area wednesday is going to be treated with a spare the air day tomorrow. because it's going to heat up, air quality especially in the inland bay valley not so great. the weather system to the north of us pretty much leave us alone, high pressure builds in. tomorrow is a warmer day. fog reforming at the coast but doesn't get very far inland. 68 in fairfield, these are the current numbers. temperatures running about where they were last night. tomorrow will be as much sunshine but warmer. ultimately warmer, there's the fog coming in now. working its way across the bay. the fog forecast for the morning hours, some patches of it for wednesday morning. and then as we look at the afternoon highs, the reds, the 90s and even low 100s working their way into the inland bay valley. so tomorrow, the hot spots, mid- 90s and upper 90s around the bay. 70s and 80s and at the coast, mid-60s on the high-end. that's the warmup but it continues to warm up as we head into thursday and friday. we'll talk about that next time i see you. a show of party solidarity after a long primary season, bernie sanders announces he is now on team clinton. the giants johnny cueto got the start in the all-star game and ended up playing a key role. a woman from vallejo is missing after police say she was kidnapped for ransom. and her son spoke out for the first time. 57-year-old elvira babb was was last seen on june 29 at seafood city market on sonoma. the next day her son john babb received a text message demanding $60,000 for a safe return. when she went -- when he went to her mother's apartment, there was no sign of them. over the weekend police arrested four suspects in connection with the kidnapping but they still have not located the victim herself. >> i'm hoping and praying that she's held somewhere and that we are going to find her at least or they are looking for the right time to let her go. >> a financial motive in the case is unclear. john babb says he works as a maintenance supervisor and that his mother was barely making ends meet. three of the four suspects have been formally charged with kidnapper ransom including the primary suspect emmanuel espinoza. neighbors tell ktvu that espinosa used to live in the same building as elvira babb. now to a 94-year-old park ranger ready to reclaim her life, she returned to work two weeks after an attack during a home invasion robbery. ktvu's paul chambers broke the story of the robbery and today he was there as betty soskin resumed giving tours at rosie the riveter memorial park. >> [ applause ] >> reporter: all lined up with arms open wide. welcoming their coworker 94- year-old betty soskin back as a park ranger at the rosie the riveter trust in richmond. >> this is something i wanted for the last several days. i've had a hard time marking time and -- until i could be in this building. >> reporter: soskin has been at home recovering from a beating she received from a man who broke into her second story apartment. when we talked to soskin two days after the crime she didn't want to show her face. >> i didn't want to be seen bruised and battered. partly vanity. partly, because i didn't want to look like a victim. because i survived. >> reporter: now all the bruising is gone. soskin the survivor says once again she feels like herself. one of the first things she wanted to do was return to work. she did just that by giving me a tour. >> proud of your strength and your character and courage. >> thank you. >> reporter: i've fallen in love with you. >> [ laughter ] i can use all the love i can get. >> reporter: she report -- received outpouring of love from around the country but one thing she has not received was this coin which was stolen from her. back in december, president obama presented soskin with the coin. when we talked to her last month -- >> i want the original returned. >> reporter: but now it's no longer about the coin but about the experience. when the president secretly placed it into her hand. >> i know that the coin in itself is a very little value, but it was the experience that no one can ever take from me because that's embedded in my soul. >> reporter: the man who stole the coin is on the loose. for that reason, soskin says it's tough for her at home. she sleeps with the lights on. >> that space has been invaded and i have to work to reclaim it. and i'm doing that. but here, that's not true. >> reporter: now that betty is back at work, she plans to come back here to tell her story. >> she arrived in the bay area -- >> reporter: three to five days a week. paul chambers, ktvu fox 2 news. coming up, a close encounter with a big great white shark. tonight hear from a local man who says the shark took a bite out of his boat and lifted part of it for feet out of the water. hillary clinton gets a critical endorsement with more speculation on who donald trump may choose as his running mate. at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world full of possibilities. connecting with family, friends and the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. if a member of your household is a snap participant, you may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more. senator bernie sanders returned to the site of one of his biggest victories today but in this case, it was to endorse his former rival. and to say that he will work hard now to make sure that hillary clinton is elected as our next president. fox news reporter jennifer griffin tonight on sanders praise for clinton and the new name being mentioned as her possible running mate. >> reporter: this is not how the revolution was supposed to end. it took bernie sanders five weeks but he finally endorsed hillary clinton in new hampshire. >> i have come here to make it as clear as possible as to why i am endorsing hillary clinton -- >> [ cheers and applause ] >> and why she must become our next president. >> [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: bernie had vowed to campaign all the way to the convention threatening to contest the outcome. he claimed the system was rigged. his tone very different today. >> i don't think that you are qualified if you get $15 million from wall street through your super pac. >> i know her and all of you know her as one of the most intelligent people that we have ever met. >> reporter: in case any of his 13 million supporters didn't hear him loud and clear, he put it this way and was greeted with both cheers and boos. >> secretary clinton has won the democratic nominating process. and i congratulate her for that. and i intend to do everything i can to make certain she will be the next president of the united states. >> i can't help but reflect how much more enjoyable this election is going to be now that we are on the same side! >> reporter: moments after sanders endorsed clinton, we confirmed elizabeth warren will be speaking on the first night of the democratic convention. some say that means she's no longer on the v.p. short list. others in the campaign say she is still in the mix. we've also confirmed that admiral james us every these, the former supreme allied commander of nato, is being vetted by the clinton campaign as a possible v.p. he served as donald rumsfeld senior military advisor during the iraq war. in new hampshire, jennifer griffin, fox news. >> reporter: loretta lynch was grilled on capitol hill today over the hillary clinton fbi investigation. republicans on the house judiciary committee blasted lynch for accepting a recommendation against -- from the head of the fbi not to charge clinton with any crime. at times lynch would refuse to answer questions referring lawmaker to the fbi. that made some lawmakers on the committee furious. >> you -- your refusal to answer questions regarding one of the most important investigations of someone who seeks to serve in the highest office in this land is an application of your responsibility. >> lynch also defended her impromptu meeting at the phoenix airport last month with bill clinton saying they did not speak about the fbi investigation. donald trump stirred more speculation tonight that he may pick indiana's governor as his running mate. trump campaigned with governor mike pentz at a rally in the hoosier state this evening, told the wall street journal pence is one of three names on his list for like -- vice president along with chris christie and newt gingrich. trump told the paper he wants an attack dog for a v.p. who can go after his critics. in the meantime donald trump is demanding that supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg step down from the bench. he put out a tweet saying just -- justice ginsburg has embarrassed all by making very dumb statements about me. her mind is shot. resign. on monday, justice ginsburg called trump a faker and said that he will say whatever comes into his head. back to president obama's emotional speech at today's memorial service for the five dallas police officers killed in an ambush. while he honored the memory of those fallen officers, he also addressed the deep racial tensions that surfaced over the past week. >> i know that americans are struggling right now with what we've witnessed over the past week. first, the shootings in minnesota and baton rouge. the protests. then the targeting of police by the shooter here. an act not just of demented violence but of racial hatred. all amidst -- all of this left us wounded and angry. and hurt. this is the deepest fault lines of our democracy suddenly exposed, perhaps even widened. and although we know that such divisions are not new, though they've surely been worse and even recent past, that offers us little comfort. faced with this violence, we wonder if the divides of race in america can ever be breached. we wonder if an african- american community that feels unfairly targeted by police and police department that feel unfairly maligned for doing their jobs can ever understand each other's experience. i know we'll make it because of what i've experienced in my own life. what i've seen of this country and its people, their goodness and decency as president of the united states. and i know it because of what we've seen here in dallas. how all of you out of great suffering have shown us the meaning of perseverance and character. and hope. >> the president also talked about how sad it is that he's had to attend so many of these memorials during his presidency. >> the 40 minute speech. and he wrote it himself and was up late last night working on it. i thought one of the best lines when he said, worry less about which side has done wrong. instead, join sides and do write. coming up next, new details of the sexual assault punishment of former stanford swimmer brock turner. we'll tell you about the additional requirement tacked onto his probation term. people love my portobello mushroom buttery jack, made with portobello mushrooms, grilled onions, and garlic herb butter. ever wonder how i came up with it? well... actually, i came up with it at the water cooler. but i thought you'd like this cowboy story better. the portobello mushroom buttery jack is back. part of the buttery jack family. taste it before it's gone. records show that ex- stanford student will be drug tested during his probation. the testing requirements were added to brock turner's probation terms. officials say turner denied using illegal drugs during an interview last month but later admitted he was actually lying and said he did use drugs and he drank in high school. turner was convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman on the stanford campus, he is expected to be released from jail on september 2nd. a fishermen off the coast of santa cruz county suddenly felt like bait when a great white started to attack his boat. ktvu's cristina rendon has more on this up close encounter. >> there was a radius mark here, actually from here down to here. >> reporter: commercial fisherman mark davis is talking about a great white shark attacking his boat and he's got the bite marks to prove it. >> this was the upper jaw and he just kind of raked it back. >> reporter: davis was fishing for bait two miles off the coast of capitola when the encounter happened. >> all of a sudden i felt this huge clunk and the bow of the boat went up in the air about four feet. >> reporter: davis was sitting in the boat which prevented him from falling overboard. he says he has seen sharks before but this one was on a mission. >> he was all fired up and aggressive. he came at about three more times. i had to move it because he kept coming at it. >> reporter: based on the teeth marks. >> also see north of here. >> reporter: the circ research foundation says that the great white was about 15 feet long the same size as davis' boat. >> not uncommon. we had events like that 2014, 2012, 2011. that happens. >> reporter: the conservation expert says the number of juvenile sharks they've seen off the northern california coast for the past two summers, people shouldn't be worried but they should be careful. >> they are not menacing in terms of frequently attacking people. they -- it's like bears and yosemite. they are part of the environment. we are the new addition to it. >> reporter: davis now has a souvenir to show off. >> this is just a chip off one side of one tooth. >> reporter: and a story to tell. >> i didn't have time to be scared. happened so fast. but after i thought about it afterwards, that was a pretty intense encounter i just hat. >> reporter: don't have any plans to put up warning signs on any of the area beaches so again the warning here, be careful. reporting in capitola, cristina rendon, ktvu fox 2 news. coming up here, a decades- old eyesore now a place for families. the change coming to an abandoned reservoir in san francisco and who's helping to pay for the project. and bill martin will have the bay area forecast. hi. is the internet still out? yes! come on. work together. work together. do you have anything? no i don't have anything. please come back internet. i love you. i love you so much. just come back. please. please. he's streaming a cat video. (family laughs) and the whole party is looking... can i take a look? mitch come on! get high speed internet from at&t with 99.9% reliability at an everyday price with no extra fees. keep calm, your internet's on. ♪ ♪ you live life your way. we can help you retire your way, too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. a motorcyclist who was struck by a firefighter a few years of back will receive nearly $5 million from the city. this is a surveillance video of that accident from june of 2013 at fifth and howard. motorcyclist jack fraser suffered major injuries. firefighter who was driving the rig was arrested for dui but charges were later dropped. it's been an eyesore for 60 years but now plans are underway to transform an abandoned reservoir in san francisco into a 4.5-acre park. the board of supervisors passed an ordinance today giving the city parks department the go- ahead to work with conservationists on the project. plans call for the park and the city's -- to include a children's playground and a dog park. >> you don't get an opportunity in san francisco to build a brand-new 4.5-acre park anywhere let alone in a dense part of our city. so that's why this is so exciting. >> the estimated cost to build the park is $25 million. and a nonprofit called the francisco park conservancy is helping to pay for the project with support from neighbors. we are heading for a warming trend around here now, temperatures up to -- tomorrow wednesday, spare the air day, carpool if you can, stay away from the two-stroke engines. and i suspect based on the weather patterns for thursday, we'll see another spare the air day as well. windsor out there right now, some pretty strong winds up in the oakland airport area out by sfo. fog right now, showing up at half moon bay along the avenues of san francisco. not picking up on the satellite but tomorrow morning, fog right at the coast, right around the bay and maybe a little squeaking into livermore valley. but that's it. and then the sun comes out early like today. and then rapid warming, inland valleys mid-90s, upper 90s around the bay, mid-70s to some low 80s and at the coast, foggy and cool. we step outside at the top of the transamerica pyramid. you can see hazy out there, that's the fog working its way into the city, tomorrow all about cool coast, warm to hot inland. welcome to summer, very much what you would expect for this time of year. as we head into your wednesday, thursday and friday, warmup is underway, spare the air day tomorrow and 90s, mid-90s and upper 90s in the inland bay valleys. sacramento valley, out towards sacramento, marysville, modesto, potential 100. 89 tomorrow in napa, 97 in antioch. 98 in brentwood. spare the air day tomorrow, worst air quality typically is away from the sea breeze, right in the livermore valley out towards concord and antioch. these areas are going to have the worst, the poorest air quality out towards livermore as well. even south towards morgan hill and gilroy. spare the air day tomorrow with high temperatures as warm as they've been on a couple days, a warming continue right into your bay area thursday with that being the warmest day. we could see the 100 and lead. around the bay, this is the middle area here. mid-80s, which is pretty warm, downtown san jose, 83, it's going to feel warmer than that with the concrete. 87 for your bay area sunday, one of the cooler days but a nice-looking forecast exactly what you expect in july. exactly what you expect, fog at the coast, constant player. >> a lot of air-conditioners. >> you can hear them clicking on now. the man known as the jazz professor to a lot of students across the bay area and the nation, marked a milestone tonight. >> [ music ] >> bill bell celebrated his 80th birthday in oakland as fellow musicians and former students paid tribute to him. over his long career, bell taught thousands of students inspiring many to go on to successful music careers. bell spent 25 years as chairman of the music department at the college of alameda. he also worked with the stanford jazz program and taught at uc berkeley. >> how about that? >> happy birthday, mr. bell. mark is here with sports. big sports night. we are going to hear from the warriors new center. also draymond green talks about his arrest. mark is here now. all the stars were out tonight. >> in san diego. what better place? watching this game was -- what struck me about the all-star game, all the players seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves. a lot of laughs, good-natured banter back and forth. which is as it should be after all, just an exhibition game. only problem is, it's an exhibition game who decides who gets home-field advantage in the world series. that is the biggest laugh of all. otherwise great event for baseball. started off with the late, great tony gwynn honored in san diego. with his family prior to the game. and then the first inning off chris sale of the white sox, crosstown rival, kris bryant of the cubs going deep. 1-0. a couple of the best lefties, kershaw and madison bumgarner. johnny cueto proceeds to give it up to his former kansas city teammate, eric hosmer who would win the mvp, long ball ties it up 1-1. hosmer 2-3, couple rbis. and that ain't all. with a man on, later in the inning it is salvador perez. former battery made in kansas city taking him deep. 3-1 lead. all the fun and games continue. carlos gonzalez and jose altuve a, and then big papi is honored after a walk, he leaves to a thunderous ovation at 40 years old, he is retiring after this season. highly respected and well loved. in the fourth inning, national league down 4-1 marcell ozuna with a base hit, buster who had walked scored, he was 0-1 4-2. bases loaded for the national league, last threat and with two outs, will harris strikes out. the cardinals, aledmys diaz who was selected over brandon crawford, there is hosmer winning the mvp. stephen vogt did not get into the game. whether or not it is starting to sink in for real for draymond green or not, time is going to tell on that one. there's no denying a pattern starting to develop and the trouble is starting to follow him everywhere. today draymond had a previously scheduled appearance sponsored by fortune magazine. it was called a brainstorm tech conference. obviously everyone there had heard of his arrest over the weekend. and the tech guys wasted no time putting him on the spot. >> i got to start with you. what happened? >> [ laughter ] >> well, you know, i think when things happen, you know, i think you meet them head-on. my legal team is handling it. it will be resolved really quickly. and the as a public figure, i just can't put myself in certain situations. you know? it's something i learned from and just move on. >> meanwhile making it quite obvious they had a well-thought- out premeditated plan predicated on signing kevin durant, warriors swiftly signing valuable veterans david west and zaza pachulia. they don't fill out their talent loaded roster, today they formally introduced the new center, is a , best year of his 13 career with dallas in 2015-16. he is feisty, 6'11". recognized history does repeat itself but opportunities do not. >> it's a great opportunity. and this opportunity doesn't come that often. once you stare at it, you've you've got to take advantage of it. especially looking at the team and knowing my abilities, what i can do or i can bring for this team, it's a perfect fit. >> all right. everybody heard about the retirement of the great tim duncan yesterday. the soon to be hall of famer for the san antonio spurs held his farewell press conference today. duncan felt he did all his talking on the court throughout his 19-year career. doesn't like talking about himself anyway. he wasn't there but gregg popovich spoke of a conversation he had once with duncan's dad before he died. >> he is the same person as far as his values and opinions of himself as the day he came in. i can still remember before his father passed away looking at me in the eye and saying that -- i'm going to hold you responsible to make sure that when he's done, he's the same person he is now. and in that respect, he is. >> tim duncan obviously touched a lot of people and will continue to do so no doubt after his playing career. sounds like the good folks down in las vegas are learning what many of the good folks in oakland already know. getting a new stadium belt and that easy. the committee in nevada hoping to bring an nfl team to vegas, i.e., the raiders, go public today to announce their original estimate to get a new facility built was $1.4 billion. that price is now ballooning to 2.1 billion. they've asked for aa two-month extension to get a new plan together. the chairman of the committee, steve slack, went public today. >> if the building of the stadium could spur those developments, not only generating revenue, you're going to create thousands of jobs and billions of dollars worth of investment in the community. that's extremely important. something we need to look into in terms of evaluating it. sounds like a familiar story, right? >> cost overrun. >> sorry. the raiders belong in oakland. they are the oakland raiders. >> the scariest thing to me was part of the committee that asked the raiders if they would be opposed or rather the city of las vegas if they would be opposed to bring 18 there but changing the logo and the team colors? >> oh, no. >> and the name of the raiders. i mean, that would -- >> that would be ridiculous. >> exactly. >> that's the story that seems to get weirder. >> thank you. thank you for joining us tonight. have a great night everyone. see you again tomorrow. >> good night. ed dvds that haven't paid for them? claire... um, yeah. i guess i could stop by on my way to school. really, really important. um, uh, cheryl, can i call you back? okay. great. bye. yes? what? hey, yeah... i was going through your drawer in the bathroom looking for some lip stuff because my... lips were dry. god, you know me. phil... remember the spa certificates we got at the children's hospital auction? mm-hmm. well, look at this-- they expire tomorrow. oh, wow. what are you gonna do? claire, i don't think you're grasping the magnitude of this package, valued at over $250. sweetie... if you don't use them, then all our money just goes to charity. and so what am i supposed to do? somewhere between dropping off alex at orchestra and picking up luke from practice-- oh, and burning a bunch of dvds of the talent show, i'm gonna, what, pop in for a quick salt scrub? i thought cheryl was doing the dvds. well, she's supposed to, but somehow she's got me doing it. here's what you do. say, "cheryl, no can do today. need a little 'me time.'"

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